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Last active April 29, 2019 14:58
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Brings Outlook reminders on top of other windows and add a traytip reminder
; ========================================================================
; Brings Outlook reminders on top of other windows
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Version: 2019.04.29
; Updated: Toby Garcia
; Source:
; Based on: v1.0.0
; Copyright (c) 2018 Kenneth Bernhard Kjeldsen
; Homepage:
; Original source of the script:
; ========================================================================
; Display an info message stating that the script is active and looking for Outlook reminders
TrayTip AutoHotKey Script, Started looking for Outlook reminder windows to put on top, , 16
SetTitleMatchMode 2 ; Match any occurence of the title pattern in the window title
loop { ; Begin an infinite loop looking for any Outlook reminder windows taht may occur
WinWait, Reminder(s) ; Wait for a reminder window to occur
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, on, Reminder(s) ; Bring the reminder window on top
WinRestore, Reminder(s) ; Restore default size of the reinder window (if minimized or maximized)
TrayTip Outlook Reminder, You have an active outlook reminder, , 16 ; Display a message
WinWaitClose, Reminder(s), ,30 ; Wait for the reminder window to be closed or 30 seconds before the next iteration of the loop
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