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Created February 16, 2024 06:22
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using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using PropertyDiff = (string Path, object? ExpectedValue, object? ActualValue);
namespace Tests;
public static class ShouldlyJsonExtensions
public static void ShouldBeEquivalentTo(this JsonNode actual, JsonNode expected, string? customMessage = null)
if (JsonNode.DeepEquals(expected, actual))
var diff = GetFirstDiff(expected, actual);
if (diff is null)
throw new ShouldAssertException(new ExpectedEquivalenceShouldlyMessage(expected.ToJsonString(), actual.ToJsonString(), ["<root>"], customMessage).ToString());
throw new ShouldAssertException(
new ExpectedEquivalenceShouldlyMessage(diff.Value.ExpectedValue, diff.Value.ActualValue, diff.Value.Path.Split("."), customMessage).ToString());
private static PropertyDiff? GetFirstDiff(JsonNode expected, JsonNode actual)
if (actual.GetValueKind() != expected.GetValueKind())
return new PropertyDiff("<root>", expected, actual);
if (actual.GetValueKind() is not (JsonValueKind.Object or JsonValueKind.Array))
return Equals(actual.GetValue(), expected.GetValue()) ? null : new PropertyDiff("<root>", expected, actual);
var expectedFlattened = expected.Flatten();
var actualFlattened = actual.Flatten();
var expectedKeys = expectedFlattened.Keys.ToHashSet();
var actualKeys = actualFlattened.Keys.ToHashSet();
// get paths that are either in expected or in both
var paths = new HashSet<string>(expectedKeys);
foreach (var path in paths)
if (!Equals(actualFlattened.GetValueOrDefault(path), expectedFlattened.GetValueOrDefault(path)))
return new PropertyDiff(path, expectedFlattened.GetValueOrDefault(path), actualFlattened.GetValueOrDefault(path));
return null;
private static Dictionary<string, object?> Flatten(this JsonNode json)
return json.GetValueKind() switch
JsonValueKind.Object => json.AsObject()
.SelectMany(p => GetLeaves(null!, $".{p.Key}", p.Value))
.ToDictionary(k => k.Path, v => v.Element.AsValue().GetValue()),
JsonValueKind.Array => json.AsArray()
.SelectMany((p, idx) => GetLeaves(null!, $".[{idx}]", p))
.ToDictionary(k => k.Path, v => v.Element.AsValue().GetValue()),
_ => new Dictionary<string, object?> { ["<root>"] = json.GetValue() }
private static object? GetValue(this JsonNode element)
return element.GetValueKind() switch
JsonValueKind.True => true,
JsonValueKind.False => false,
JsonValueKind.String => element.GetValue<string>(),
JsonValueKind.Number => GetNumericValue(element),
JsonValueKind.Null or JsonValueKind.Undefined => null,
JsonValueKind.Array => element.Deserialize<IEnumerable<object>>(),
JsonValueKind.Object => element.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, object>>(),
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Unknown value kind: " + element.GetValueKind())
private static object GetNumericValue(JsonNode element)
return element.GetValue<int>();
return element.GetValue<double>();
private static IEnumerable<(string Path, JsonNode Element)> GetLeaves(string? path, string name, JsonNode? element)
if (element is null)
return [];
return element.GetValueKind() switch
JsonValueKind.Object => element
.SelectMany(child => GetLeaves(path == null ? $"{name}" : $"{path}.{name}", child.Key, child.Value)),
JsonValueKind.Array => element.AsArray()
.SelectMany((child, idx) =>
child!.GetValueKind() is JsonValueKind.Object
? child.AsObject()
.SelectMany(innerChild => GetLeaves(GetArrayPath(path, name, idx), innerChild.Key, innerChild.Value))
: new[] { (Path: GetArrayPath(path, name, idx), child) }
_ => [(Path: path == null ? $"{name}" : $"{path}.{name}", element)]
private static string GetArrayPath(string? path, string name, int idx) => path == null ? $"{name}.[{idx}]" : $"{path}.{name}.[{idx}]";
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