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Created January 23, 2013 07:30
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--- binary/ Sun Apr 01 17:09:10 2012
+++ binary/pack.scm Wed Jan 23 16:18:05 2013
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
;;;; binary.pack -- packing and unpacking binary data
;;; Author: Alex Shinn <>
+;;; Modified by SAITO Atsushi for Sagittarius scheme
;; It is really insupportable that every hen lays an egg of a different
;; size! What symmetry can there be on the breakfast table? At least
@@ -14,22 +16,237 @@
;; an @ following a variable length template, without which all the
;; "vlp" references would be gone.
-(define-module binary.pack
- (use srfi-1)
- (use srfi-11) ;; let-values
- (use srfi-13) ;; string library
- (use srfi-14) ;; char-set library
- (use util.list) ;; list library (srfi-1+)
- (use text.parse)
- (use gauche.uvector)
- (use gauche.parameter)
- (use
- (export pack unpack unpack-skip make-packer))
-(select-module binary.pack)
+(library (binary pack)
+ (export pack unpack unpack-skip make-packer)
+ (import (except (rnrs) when)
+ (rnrs bytevectors (6))
+ (rnrs io ports (6))
+ (rnrs hashtables (6))
+ (rnrs arithmetic bitwise (6))
+ (rnrs r5rs (6))
+ (srfi :1 lists)
+ (srfi :13 strings)
+ (srfi :14 char-set)
+ (srfi :26 cut)
+ (srfi :29 format)
+ (srfi :39 parameters)
+ (sagittarius control)
+ (sagittarius io)
+ (sagittarius object)
+ (text parse))
;; general io utilities
+(define-syntax push!
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ var val)
+ (set! var (cons val var)))))
+(define-syntax pop!
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ var)
+ (let ((tmp (car var)))
+ (set! var (cdr var))
+ tmp))))
+(define-syntax while
+ (syntax-rules (=>)
+ ((_ expr guard => var b1 ...)
+ (let loop ()
+ (let ((var expr))
+ (when (guard var) b1 ... (loop)))))
+ ((_ pred b1 ...)
+ (let loop () (when pred b1 ... (loop))))
+ ))
+(define-syntax when
+ (syntax-rules (=>)
+ ((_ expr guard => var b1 ...)
+ (let ((var expr))
+ (if (guard var) (begin b1 ...))))
+ ((_ pred b1 ...)
+ (if pred (begin b1 ...)))))
+(define-syntax until
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ pred b1 ...)
+ (while (not pred) b1 ...))))
+(define (string-incomplete->complete! _) #f)
+(define copy-bit-field bitwise-copy-bit-field)
+(define x->number ->number)
+(define (copy-bit index n bit)
+ (bitwise-copy-bit n index (if bit 1 0)))
+(define (open-output-buffered-port flusher size)
+ (make-custom-textual-output-port "buffered"
+ (lambda(str start count)
+ (flusher (substring str start (+ start count))))
+ #f
+ #f
+ #f))
+(define (logbit? index n)
+ (bitwise-bit-set? n index))
+(define (ash n count)
+ (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left n count))
+(define logand bitwise-and)
+(define string-size string-length)
+(define (port-seek port n)
+ (set-port-position! port (+ (port-position port) n)))
+(define (read-block n . opt)
+ (let-optionals* opt ((port (current-input-port)))
+ (get-bytevector-n port n)))
+(define (compose-chunks chunks)
+ (let* ((size (fold-left (lambda(a e) (+ a (bytevector-length e))) 0 chunks))
+ (vec (make-bytevector size))
+ (chunks (reverse! chunks)))
+ (do ((chunks chunks (cdr chunks))
+ (i 0 (+ i (bytevector-length (car chunks)))))
+ ((null? chunks) vec)
+ (bytevector-copy! (car chunks) 0 vec i
+ (bytevector-length (car chunks))))))
+(define (call-with-output-binary proc)
+ (let ((chunks '()))
+ (proc
+ (make-custom-binary-output-port "binary-output-port"
+ (lambda(vec start count)
+ (let ((cp (make-bytevector count)))
+ (bytevector-copy! vec start cp 0 count)
+ (push! chunks cp))
+ count)
+ #f #f #f))
+ (compose-chunks chunks)))
+(define (open-binary-input-port src)
+ (let ((i 0)
+ (len (bytevector-length src)))
+ (make-custom-binary-input-port "binary-input-port"
+ (lambda(vec start count)
+ (let ((copy-size (min count (- len i))))
+ (bytevector-copy! src i vec start copy-size)
+ copy-size))
+ (lambda() i)
+ (lambda(x) (set! i x))
+ #f)))
+(define (endian-convert x)
+ (case x
+ ((big-endian big) (endianness big))
+ ((little-endian little) (endianness little))))
+(define-syntax define-read-procedure
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ name size accessor)
+ (define name
+ (let ((vec (make-bytevector size)))
+ (lambda arg
+ (let-optionals* arg ((port (current-input-port))
+ (endian (native-endianness)))
+ (unless port (set! port (current-input-port)))
+ (get-bytevector-n! port vec 0 size)
+ (accessor vec 0 (endian-convert endian)))))))))
+(define-syntax define-read-procedure*
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ name size accessor)
+ (define name
+ (let ((vec (make-bytevector size)))
+ (lambda arg
+ (let-optionals* arg ((port (current-input-port)))
+ (unless port (set! port (current-input-port)))
+ (get-bytevector-n! port vec 0 size)
+ (accessor vec 0))))))))
+(define-read-procedure* read-binary-uint8 1 bytevector-u8-ref)
+(define-read-procedure* read-binary-sint8 1 bytevector-s8-ref)
+(define-read-procedure read-binary-uint16 2 bytevector-u16-ref)
+(define-read-procedure read-binary-sint16 2 bytevector-s16-ref)
+(define-read-procedure read-binary-short 2 bytevector-s16-ref)
+(define-read-procedure read-binary-uint32 4 bytevector-u32-ref)
+(define-read-procedure read-binary-sint32 4 bytevector-s32-ref)
+(define-read-procedure read-binary-uint64 8 bytevector-u64-ref)
+(define-read-procedure read-binary-sint64 8 bytevector-s64-ref)
+(define-read-procedure read-binary-double 8 bytevector-ieee-double-ref)
+(define-read-procedure read-binary-float 4 bytevector-ieee-single-ref)
+(define-syntax define-write-procedure
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ name size setter)
+ (define name
+ (let ((vec (make-bytevector size)))
+ (lambda (val . opt)
+ (let-optionals* opt ((port (current-output-port))
+ (endian (native-endianness)))
+ (unless port (set! port (current-output-port)))
+ (setter vec 0 val (endian-convert endian))
+ (put-bytevector port vec 0 size))))))))
+(define-syntax define-write-procedure*
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ name size setter)
+ (define name
+ (let ((vec (make-bytevector size)))
+ (lambda (val . opt)
+ (let-optionals* opt ((port (current-output-port)))
+ (unless port (set! port (current-output-port)))
+ (setter vec 0 val)
+ (put-bytevector port vec 0 size))))))))
+(define-write-procedure* write-binary-uint8 1 bytevector-u8-set!)
+(define-write-procedure* write-binary-sint8 1 bytevector-s8-set!)
+(define-write-procedure write-binary-uint16 2 bytevector-u16-set!)
+(define-write-procedure write-binary-sint16 2 bytevector-s16-set!)
+(define-write-procedure write-binary-uint32 4 bytevector-u32-set!)
+(define-write-procedure write-binary-sint32 4 bytevector-s32-set!)
+(define-write-procedure write-binary-uint64 8 bytevector-u64-set!)
+(define-write-procedure write-binary-sint64 8 bytevector-s64-set!)
+(define-write-procedure write-binary-double 8 bytevector-ieee-double-set!)
+(define-write-procedure write-binary-float 4 bytevector-ieee-single-set!)
+(define (split-at* lis k . opt)
+ (let-optionals* opt ((fill? #f) (filler #f))
+ (when (or (not (integer? k)) (negative? k))
+ (error "index must be non-negative integer" k))
+ (let loop ((i 0)
+ (lis lis)
+ (r '()))
+ (cond [(= i k) (values (reverse! r) lis)]
+ [(null? lis)
+ (values (if fill?
+ (append! (reverse! r) (make-list (- k i) filler))
+ (reverse! r))
+ lis)]
+ [else (loop (+ i 1) (cdr lis) (cons (car lis) r))]))))
+(define read-byte
+ (case-lambda
+ ((port) (get-u8 port))
+ (() (get-u8 (current-input-port)))))
+(define write-byte
+ (case-lambda
+ ((byte port) (put-u8 port byte))
+ ((byte) (put-u8 (current-output-port) byte))))
+(define peek-byte
+ (case-lambda
+ ((port) (lookahead-u8 port))
+ (() (lookahead-u8 (current-input-port)))))
(define (read-number)
(let loop ((c (peek-char))
(ls '()))
@@ -40,12 +257,11 @@
(string->number (reverse-list->string ls)))))
(define (string-byte-for-each proc str)
- (with-input-from-string str
- (lambda ()
- (let loop ((i (read-byte)))
- (unless (eof-object? i)
- (proc i)
- (loop (read-byte)))))))
+ (let* ((vec (string->utf8 str))
+ (len (bytevector-length vec)))
+ (do ((i 0 (+ 1 i)))
+ ((>= i len))
+ (proc (bytevector-u8-ref vec i)))))
(define (while-input-from-string str proc)
(with-input-from-string str
@@ -69,44 +285,45 @@
(else (error "CHAR-LIST must be a char-set or a list of characters, char-sets and/or symbol '*eof*" char-list))))
;; text.parse's next-token with a limit
-(define (next-token-n prefix-char-list/pred break-char-list/pred limit
- :optional (comment "unexpected EOF") (port (current-input-port)))
- (define (bad) (errorf "~a~a" (port-position-prefix port) comment))
- (let ((c (skip-while prefix-char-list/pred port)))
- (cond
- ((procedure? break-char-list/pred)
- (with-output-to-string
- (lambda ()
- (let loop ((c c)
- (i 0))
- (cond ((break-char-list/pred c))
- ((eof-object? c) (bad))
- ((= i limit))
- (else
- (display (read-char port))
- (loop (peek-char port) (+ i 1)))))))
- )
- (else
- (receive (cs eof-ok?) (fold-char-list break-char-list/pred)
+(define (next-token-n prefix-char-list/pred break-char-list/pred limit . opt)
+ (let-optionals* opt ((comment "unexpected EOF") (port (current-input-port)))
+ (let ((bad (lambda()(errorf "~a~a" (port-position-prefix port) comment)))
+ (c (skip-while prefix-char-list/pred port)))
+ (cond
+ ((procedure? break-char-list/pred)
(lambda ()
(let loop ((c c)
(i 0))
- (cond ((eof-object? c) (unless eof-ok? (bad)))
- ((char-set-contains? cs c))
+ (cond ((break-char-list/pred c))
+ ((eof-object? c) (bad))
((= i limit))
- (else (display (read-char port))
- (loop (peek-char port) (+ i 1))))))))
- ))))
+ (else
+ (display (read-char port))
+ (loop (peek-char port) (+ i 1)))))))
+ )
+ (else
+ (receive (cs eof-ok?) (fold-char-list break-char-list/pred)
+ (with-output-to-string
+ (lambda ()
+ (let loop ((c c)
+ (i 0))
+ (cond ((eof-object? c) (unless eof-ok? (bad)))
+ ((char-set-contains? cs c))
+ ((= i limit))
+ (else (display (read-char port))
+ (loop (peek-char port) (+ i 1))))))))
+ )))))
;; same as above but consumes the break-char
-(define (next-token-n* prefix-char-list/pred break-char-list/pred limit
- :optional (comment "unexpected EOF") (port (current-input-port)))
- (let ((res (next-token-n prefix-char-list/pred
- break-char-list/pred limit comment port)))
- (if (< (string-size res) limit)
- (read-char port))
- res))
+(define (next-token-n* prefix-char-list/pred break-char-list/pred limit . opt)
+ (let-optionals* opt ((comment "unexpected EOF")
+ (port (current-input-port)))
+ (let ((res (next-token-n prefix-char-list/pred
+ break-char-list/pred limit comment port)))
+ (if (< (string-size res) limit)
+ (read-char port))
+ res)))
;; numeric utilities
@@ -124,9 +341,16 @@
(if (logbit? i int) (proc 1) (proc 0))))
(define (hex-char->number c)
- (if (< c 16)
- c
- (or (digit->integer (integer->char c) 16) 0)))
+ (or (digit->integer c 16) 0))
+(define digit->integer
+ (let ((as '((#\0 . 0) (#\1 . 1) (#\2 . 2) (#\3 . 3) (#\4 . 4) (#\5 . 5)
+ (#\6 . 6) (#\6 . 6) (#\7 . 7) (#\8 . 8) (#\9 . 9) (#\a . 10)
+ (#\b . 11) (#\c . 12) (#\d . 13) (#\e . 14) (#\f . 15))))
+ (lambda(c . opt)
+ (let-optionals* opt ((radix 10))
+ (let ((res-pair (assv c as)))
+ (if res-pair (cdr res-pair) #f))))))
(define (number-writer writer . opt-endian)
(if (pair? opt-endian)
@@ -144,7 +368,7 @@
(cut split-at* <> count #t))))
(define (read-bang)
- (and (equal? (char->integer #\!) (peek-byte)) (read-byte) #t))
+ (and (equal? (char->integer #\!) (peek-char)) (read-char) #t))
(define (read-count)
@@ -188,7 +412,7 @@
(cut string-pad-right <> count))
- identity)))))
+ values)))))
(define (make-port-byte-iterator proc count)
@@ -232,11 +456,11 @@
(let ((unpacker (n 'unpacker)))
(lambda ()
(let ((count (unpacker)))
- (or (port-seek (current-input-port) count SEEK_CUR)
+ (or (port-seek (current-input-port) count)
(read-block count))))))
(lambda ()
- (or (port-seek (current-input-port) n SEEK_CUR)
+ (or (port-seek (current-input-port) n)
(read-block n))))))
(define (char-complement ch)
@@ -250,7 +474,7 @@
(define (make-pack-token c)
(list '*token* c))
-(define the-eof-object (with-input-from-string "" read-char))
+(define the-eof-object (eof-object))
(define (skip-pack-comments)
(let loop ((c (peek-char)))
@@ -313,7 +537,7 @@
(if (null? args)
(let-optionals* args ((accessor #f)
- (mutator identity))
+ (mutator values))
(packer 'set! accessor (mutator (packer accessor)))
(apply modify-pack-dispatch packer (cddr args)))))
@@ -381,7 +605,7 @@
(concatenate (reverse res))))
(lambda ()
(let ((n (* size (get-count (unpacker)))))
- (or (port-seek (current-input-port) n SEEK_CUR)
+ (or (port-seek (current-input-port) n)
(read-block n)))))))
@@ -430,7 +654,8 @@
(lambda (values)
(with-output-to-port (make-out-filter (current-output-port))
- (lambda () (let ((v (orig-pack values))) (flush) v))))
+ (lambda () (let ((v (orig-pack values)))
+ (flush-output-port (current-output-port)) v))))
(lambda ()
(with-input-from-port (make-in-filter (current-input-port))
(lambda () (orig-unpack))))
@@ -590,7 +815,7 @@
;; a A string with arbitrary binary data, will be null padded.
- (let ((pad (get-string-padder count #\null)))
+ (let ((pad (get-string-padder count #\nul)))
(if (number? count) count 0)
(not (number? count))
@@ -606,18 +831,15 @@
(str (or (string-incomplete->complete! bstr) bstr))
(size (string-size str)))
- (if (< size actual-count)
- (string-append str (make-string (- actual-count size) #\null))
- str)))))
+ bstr))))
(lambda ()
- (let* ((bstr (read-block count))
- (str (or (string-incomplete->complete! bstr) bstr))
- (size (string-size str)))
- (list
- (if (< size count)
- (string-append str (make-string (- count size) #\null))
- str)))))
+ (let* ((bstr (make-bytevector count 0))
+ (size (get-bytevector-n! (current-input-port)
+ bstr
+ 0
+ count)))
+ bstr)))
(make-skipper count)
@@ -633,19 +855,19 @@
((number? count)
- (let ((pad (get-string-padder (- count 1) #\null)))
- (lambda (v) (display (pad (pop! v))) (display #\null))))
+ (let ((pad (get-string-padder (- count 1) #\nul)))
+ (lambda (v) (display (pad (pop! v))) (display #\nul))))
- (let ((pad (get-string-padder count #\null)))
- (lambda (v) (display (pad (pop! v))) (display #\null)))))
+ (let ((pad (get-string-padder count #\nul)))
+ (lambda (v) (display (pad (pop! v))) (display #\nul)))))
((eq? count #\*)
- (cut list (next-token '() '(#\null *eof*))))
+ (cut list (next-token '() '(#\nul *eof*))))
((procedure? count)
(let ((unpacker (count 'unpacker)))
- (cut list (next-token-n* '() '(#\null *eof*) (get-count (unpacker))))))
+ (cut list (next-token-n* '() '(#\nul *eof*) (get-count (unpacker))))))
- (cut list (next-token-n* '() '(#\null *eof*) count))))
+ (cut list (next-token-n* '() '(#\nul *eof*) count))))
(make-skipper count)
@@ -696,12 +918,15 @@
(lambda (v)
(while-input-from-string (pad (pop! v))
(lambda ()
- (let* ((n1 (hex-char->number (read-byte)))
- (n2 (hex-char->number (read-byte))))
+ (let* ((n1 (hex-char->number (read-char)))
+ (n2 (hex-char->number (read-char))))
(write-byte (copy-bit-field n1 4 8 n2)))))
- (lambda (i) (format #t "~x~x" (logand i #b1111) (ash i -4))) count)
+ (lambda (i)
+ (string-append (number->string (logand i #b1111) 16)
+ (number->string (ash i -4))))
+ count)
(make-skipper count))))
;; H A hex string (high nybble first).
@@ -714,12 +939,15 @@
(lambda (v)
(while-input-from-string (pad (pop! v))
(lambda ()
- (let* ((n1 (hex-char->number (read-byte)))
- (n2 (hex-char->number (read-byte))))
+ (let* ((n1 (hex-char->number (read-char)))
+ (n2 (hex-char->number (read-char))))
(write-byte (copy-bit-field n2 4 8 n1)))))
- (lambda (i) (format #t "~x~x" (ash i -4) (logand i #b1111))) count)
+ (lambda (i)
+ (string-append (number->string (ash i -4) 16)
+ (number->string (logand i #b1111) 16)))
+ count)
(make-skipper count))))
;; c A signed char value.
@@ -883,7 +1111,7 @@
(lambda (v)
(unless (eq? count #\*)
- (display (make-string count #\null)))
+ (display (make-string count #\nul)))
;; unpack means skip but return '() to append as nothing
(lambda () (skipper) '())
@@ -901,14 +1129,14 @@
(lambda (v)
(let ((diff (- var-count (var-len-param))))
- (display (make-string diff #\null))
+ (display (make-string diff #\nul))
(var-len-param (+ (var-len-param) diff))
(lambda ()
(let ((diff (- var-count (var-len-param))))
(var-len-param (+ (var-len-param) diff))
- (or (port-seek (current-input-port) diff SEEK_CUR)
+ (or (port-seek (current-input-port) diff)
(read-block diff))
@@ -965,38 +1193,40 @@
(merge-pack-dispatch b a)))
-(define (read-packers-until-token token :optional (fixed-len 0) (var-len? #f)
- (vlp #f))
- (let ((packers (read-until-token (make-pack-token token)
- fixed-len var-len? vlp)))
- ;; update var-len fields if we have an @
- ;; with make-count-update-pack-dispatch
- (let loop ((ls packers)
- (res '()))
- (if (null? ls)
- (fold pack-merge-folder #f (reverse res))
- (let ((a (car ls))
- (rest (cdr ls)))
- (if (null? rest)
- (loop rest (cons a res))
- (let ((b (car rest)))
- (if (and (not (a 'var-len-param))
- (b 'var-len-param))
- (let ((b-vlp (b 'var-len-param)))
- (loop rest
- (list
- (modify-pack-dispatch
- (fold pack-merge-folder #f
- (reverse
- (map (lambda (p)
- (if (p 'variable-length?)
- (make-count-update-pack-dispatch p (b 'var-len-param))
- p))
- (cons a res))))
- 'packer (lambda (orig) (lambda (v) (b-vlp 0) (orig v)))
- 'unpacker (lambda (orig) (lambda () (b-vlp 0) (orig)))
- ))))
- (loop rest (cons a res))))))))))
+(define (read-packers-until-token token . opt)
+ (let-optionals* opt ((fixed-len 0)
+ (var-len? #f)
+ (vlp #f))
+ (let ((packers (read-until-token (make-pack-token token)
+ fixed-len var-len? vlp)))
+ ;; update var-len fields if we have an @
+ ;; with make-count-update-pack-dispatch
+ (let loop ((ls packers)
+ (res '()))
+ (if (null? ls)
+ (fold pack-merge-folder #f (reverse res))
+ (let ((a (car ls))
+ (rest (cdr ls)))
+ (if (null? rest)
+ (loop rest (cons a res))
+ (let ((b (car rest)))
+ (if (and (not (a 'var-len-param))
+ (b 'var-len-param))
+ (let ((b-vlp (b 'var-len-param)))
+ (loop rest
+ (list
+ (modify-pack-dispatch
+ (fold pack-merge-folder #f
+ (reverse
+ (map (lambda (p)
+ (if (p 'variable-length?)
+ (make-count-update-pack-dispatch p (b 'var-len-param))
+ p))
+ (cons a res))))
+ 'packer (lambda (orig) (lambda (v) (b-vlp 0) (orig v)))
+ 'unpacker (lambda (orig) (lambda () (b-vlp 0) (orig)))
+ ))))
+ (loop rest (cons a res)))))))))))
(define (read-all-packers template)
(with-input-from-string template
@@ -1009,48 +1239,49 @@
;; making a parameter for thread safety, maybe better shared between
;; threads with a mutex.
(define make-packer
- (let ((cache (make-parameter (make-hash-table 'equal?))))
+ (let ((cache (make-parameter (make-hashtable string-hash string=?))))
(lambda (template cached?)
(if cached?
- (let ((res (hash-table-get (cache) template #f)))
+ (let ((res (hashtable-ref (cache) template #f)))
(unless res
(set! res (read-all-packers template))
- (hash-table-put! (cache) template res))
+ (hashtable-set! (cache) template res))
(read-all-packers template)))))
-(define (pack template values :key (output #f) (to-string? #f) (cached? #t))
- (let ((packer (make-packer template cached?))
- (out (or output
- (and to-string? (open-output-string))
- (current-output-port))))
- (with-output-to-port out
- (lambda ()
- (let ((res (packer 'pack values)))
- (if (pair? res)
- (error "pack: extra values remaining: ~S" res)
- (if to-string?
- (get-output-string out)
- #t)))))))
+(define (pack template values . opt)
+ (let-keywords opt ((cached? #t))
+ (call-with-output-binary
+ (lambda(out)
+ (with-output-to-port out
+ (let ((packer (make-packer template cached?)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((res (packer 'pack values)))
+ (when (pair? res)
+ (error "pack: extra values remaining: ~S" res))))))))))
(define (get-input-port keys)
(let-keywords keys ((input #f)
- (from-string #f))
+ (from-string (current-input-port)))
(or input
- (and from-string (open-input-string from-string))
+ (and (string? from-string)
+ (open-binary-input-port (string->utf8 from-string)))
+ (and from-string (open-binary-input-port from-string))
-(define (unpack template :key (cached? #t) :allow-other-keys rest)
- (let ((packer (make-packer template cached?))
- (in (get-input-port rest)))
- (with-input-from-port in
- (cut packer 'unpack))))
+(define (unpack template . opt)
+ (let-keywords opt ((cached? #t) . rest)
+ (let ((packer (make-packer template cached?))
+ (in (get-input-port rest)))
+ (with-input-from-port in
+ (cut packer 'unpack)))))
;; just "skip" is too vague
-(define (unpack-skip template :key (cached? #t) :allow-other-keys rest)
- (let ((packer (make-packer template cached?))
- (in (get-input-port rest)))
- (with-input-from-port in
- (cut packer 'skip))))
+(define (unpack-skip template . opt)
+ (let-keywords opt ((cached? #t) . rest)
+ (let ((packer (make-packer template cached?))
+ (in (get-input-port rest)))
+ (with-input-from-port in
+ (cut packer 'skip)))))
\ No newline at end of file
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