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Created March 15, 2019 12:16
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{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module Extension where
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat
infixr 4 _,,_
record I×_ (A : Setω) : Setω where
constructor _,,_
fst : I
snd : A
open I×_ public
record EData l : Setω where
constructor _∣_
{face} : I
type : Set l
boundary : Partial face type
I^ : Nat → Setω
I^ zero = I
I^ (suc n) = I× I^ n
FunI : Nat → ∀ l → Setω
FunI zero l = EData l
FunI (suc n) l = I → FunI n l
uncurry : ∀ {n} {l} → FunI (suc n) l → I^ n → EData l
uncurry {zero} f c = f c
uncurry {suc n} f c = uncurry {n} (f (c .fst)) (c .snd)
primExtension : ∀ {l n} → (I^ n → EData l) → Set l
Ext : ∀ {n} {l} → FunI (suc n) l → Set l
Ext f = primExtension (uncurry f)
-- The `I` in (i j : I) is needed for inferring the type as Pi rather than PathP.
bar : Set
bar = Ext \ (i j : I) → Nat ∣ \ { (i = i0) → zero; (i = i1) → suc zero }
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