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Created May 13, 2016 10:29
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·! RPCS3 v0.0.0.9-5-0a9e523
·! LDR: Path: E:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/RPCS3/dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30577/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/BOOT.BIN
·! LDR: Elf path: /host_root/E:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/RPCS3/dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30577/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/BOOT.BIN
·! LDR: Title: Bakugan™: Defenders of the Core
·! LDR: Serial: BLUS30577
·! LDR:
·! LDR: Used configuration:
Convert to 16 bit: false
Dump to file: false
Renderer: XAudio2
Hook static functions: false
Load liblv2.sprx only: false
Load libraries:
- libl10n.prx
- libsail.prx
- libsre.prx
PPU Decoder: Interpreter (fast)
SPU Decoder: Recompiler (ASMJIT)
Camera: Null
Camera type: Unknown
Keyboard: Null
Mouse: Null
Pad: Keyboard
cellAdec: Notice
cellAtrac: Notice
cellAtracMulti: Notice
cellAudio: Notice
cellAvconfExt: Notice
cellBGDL: Notice
cellCamera: Notice
cellCelp8Enc: Notice
cellCelpEnc: Notice
cellDaisy: Notice
cellDmux: Notice
cellFiber: Notice
cellFont: Notice
cellFontFT: Notice
cellFs: Notice
cellGame: Notice
cellGameExec: Notice
cellGcmSys: Notice
cellGem: Notice
cellGifDec: Notice
cellHttp: Notice
cellHttpUtil: Notice
cellImeJp: Notice
cellJpgDec: Notice
cellJpgEnc: Notice
cellKey2char: Notice
cellL10n: Notice
cellMic: Notice
cellMusic: Notice
cellMusicDecode: Notice
cellMusicExport: Notice
cellNetCtl: Notice
cellOskDialog: Notice
cellOvis: Notice
cellPamf: Notice
cellPhotoDecode: Notice
cellPhotoExport: Notice
cellPhotoImportUtil: Notice
cellPngDec: Notice
cellPngEnc: Notice
cellPrint: Notice
cellRec: Notice
cellRemotePlay: Notice
cellResc: Notice
cellRtc: Notice
cellRudp: Notice
cellSail: Notice
cellSailRec: Notice
cellSaveData: Notice
cellScreenshot: Notice
cellSearch: Notice
cellSheap: Notice
cellSpudll: Notice
cellSpurs: Notice
cellSpursJq: Notice
cellSsl: Notice
cellSubdisplay: Notice
cellSync: Notice
cellSync2: Notice
cellSysconf: Notice
cellSysmodule: Notice
cellSysutil: Notice
cellSysutilAp: Notice
cellSysutilAvc: Notice
cellSysutilAvc2: Notice
cellSysutilMisc: Notice
cellUsbPspcm: Notice
cellUsbd: Notice
cellUserInfo: Notice
cellVdec: Notice
cellVideoExport: Notice
cellVideoUpload: Notice
cellVoice: Notice
cellVpost: Notice
libmixer: Notice
libnet: Notice
libsnd3: Notice
libsynth2: Notice
sceAppMgr: Notice
sceAppUtil: Notice
sceAudio: Notice
sceAudioIn: Notice
sceAudiodec: Notice
sceAudioenc: Notice
sceCamera: Notice
sceCodecEngine: Notice
sceCommonDialog: Notice
sceCtrl: Notice
sceDbg: Notice
sceDeci4p: Notice
sceDeflt: Notice
sceDisplay: Notice
sceFiber: Notice
sceFios: Notice
sceFpu: Notice
sceGxm: Notice
sceHttp: Notice
sceIme: Notice
sceJpeg: Notice
sceJpegEnc: Notice
sceLibKernel: Notice
sceLibXml: Notice
sceLibc: Notice
sceLibm: Notice
sceLibstdcxx: Notice
sceLiveArea: Notice
sceLocation: Notice
sceMd5: Notice
sceMotion: Notice
sceMt19937: Notice
sceNet: Notice
sceNetCtl: Notice
sceNgs: Notice
sceNp: Notice
sceNp2: Notice
sceNpBasic: Notice
sceNpClans: Notice
sceNpCommerce2: Notice
sceNpCommon: Notice
sceNpManager: Notice
sceNpMatching: Notice
sceNpScore: Notice
sceNpSns: Notice
sceNpTrophy: Notice
sceNpTus: Notice
sceNpUtil: Notice
sceNpUtility: Notice
scePerf: Notice
scePgf: Notice
scePhotoExport: Notice
sceRazorCapture: Notice
sceRtc: Notice
sceSas: Notice
sceScreenShot: Notice
sceSfmt: Notice
sceSha: Notice
sceSqlite: Notice
sceSsl: Notice
sceSulpha: Notice
sceSysmodule: Notice
sceSystemGesture: Notice
sceTouch: Notice
sceUlt: Notice
sceVideodec: Notice
sceVoice: Notice
sceVoiceQoS: Notice
sysPrxForUser: Notice
sys_cond: Notice
sys_dbg: Notice
sys_event: Notice
sys_event_flag: Notice
sys_fs: Notice
sys_interrupt: Notice
sys_io: Notice
sys_libc: Notice
sys_lv2dbg: Notice
sys_lwcond: Notice
sys_lwmutex: Notice
sys_memory: Notice
sys_mmapper: Notice
sys_mutex: Notice
sys_ppu_thread: Notice
sys_process: Notice
sys_prx: Notice
sys_rsx: Notice
sys_rwlock: Notice
sys_semaphore: Notice
sys_spu: Notice
sys_time: Notice
sys_timer: Notice
sys_trace: Notice
sys_tty: Notice
sys_vm: Notice
Always start after boot: false
Auto Pause at Function Call: false
Auto Pause at System Call: false
Exit RPCS3 when process finishes: false
Connection status: Disconnected
IP address:
Language: Japanese
$(EmulatorDir): ""
/app_home/: ""
/dev_bdvd/: ""
/dev_flash/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_flash/
/dev_hdd0/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_hdd0/
/dev_hdd1/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_hdd1/
/dev_usb000/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_usb000/
Enable /host_root/: true
3D Monitor: false
Aspect ratio: 16x9
Adapter: "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti "
Debug output: false
Debug overlay: false
Frame limit: Off
Log shader programs: false
Read Color Buffers: false
Read Depth Buffer: false
Renderer: DX12
Resolution: 1280x720
VSync: false
Write Color Buffers: false
Write Depth Buffer: false
·! LDR: Mount info:
·! LDR: /dev_hdd0/ -> $(EmulatorDir)dev_hdd0/
·! LDR: /dev_hdd1/ -> $(EmulatorDir)dev_hdd1/
·! LDR: /dev_flash/ -> $(EmulatorDir)dev_flash/
·! LDR: /dev_usb/ -> $(EmulatorDir)dev_usb000/
·! LDR: /dev_usb000/ -> $(EmulatorDir)dev_usb000/
·! LDR: /dev_bdvd/ -> E:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/RPCS3/dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30577/
·! LDR: /app_home/ -> E:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/RPCS3/dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30577/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/
·! LDR: /host_root/ -> .
·! LDR:
·! LDR: *** TLS segment addr: 0x00aea09c
·! LDR: *** TLS segment size: 0x00000004
·! LDR: *** TLS memory size: 0x00000110
·! LDR: *** sdk version: 0x330001
·! LDR: *** primary prio: 500
·! LDR: *** primary stacksize: 0x80000
·! LDR: *** malloc pagesize: 0x100000
·! LDR: *** ppc seg: 0x0
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellSheap' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellSheap import: [cellSheapInitialize] -> 0x83a500
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellL10n' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellL10n import: [SJISstoUTF8s] -> 0x83a520
·! LDR: **** cellL10n import: [l10n_convert_str] -> 0x83a540
·! LDR: **** cellL10n import: [l10n_get_converter] -> 0x83a560
·! LDR: **** cellL10n import: [UTF8stoSJISs] -> 0x83a580
·! LDR: **** cellL10n import: [UTF16stoUTF8s] -> 0x83a5a0
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellAudio' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellAudio import: [cellAudioInit] -> 0x83a5c0
·! LDR: **** cellAudio import: [cellAudioSetNotifyEventQueue] -> 0x83a5e0
·! LDR: **** cellAudio import: [cellAudioGetPortTimestamp] -> 0x83a600
·! LDR: **** cellAudio import: [cellAudioPortClose] -> 0x83a620
·! LDR: **** cellAudio import: [cellAudioPortStop] -> 0x83a640
·! LDR: **** cellAudio import: [cellAudioGetPortConfig] -> 0x83a660
·! LDR: **** cellAudio import: [cellAudioPortStart] -> 0x83a680
·! LDR: **** cellAudio import: [cellAudioPortOpen] -> 0x83a6a0
·! LDR: **** cellAudio import: [cellAudioGetPortBlockTag] -> 0x83a6c0
·! LDR: **** cellAudio import: [cellAudioRemoveNotifyEventQueue] -> 0x83a6e0
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'sys_fs' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsReadWithOffset] -> 0x83a700
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsStReadGetCurrentAddr] -> 0x83a720
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsStReadInit] -> 0x83a740
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsRmdir] -> 0x83a760
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsClose] -> 0x83a780
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsOpendir] -> 0x83a7a0
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsRead] -> 0x83a7c0
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsReaddir] -> 0x83a7e0
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsOpen] -> 0x83a800
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsStat] -> 0x83a820
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsUnlink] -> 0x83a840
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsStReadPutCurrentAddr] -> 0x83a860
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsWriteWithOffset] -> 0x83a880
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsStReadStart] -> 0x83a8a0
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsStReadWait] -> 0x83a8c0
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsLseek] -> 0x83a8e0
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsMkdir] -> 0x83a900
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsStReadFinish] -> 0x83a920
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsWrite] -> 0x83a940
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsFstat] -> 0x83a960
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsRename] -> 0x83a980
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsStReadStop] -> 0x83a9a0
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsClosedir] -> 0x83a9c0
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'sys_io' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** sys_io import: [cellPadInit] -> 0x83a9e0
·! LDR: **** sys_io import: [cellPadEnd] -> 0x83aa00
·! LDR: **** sys_io import: [cellPadSetPortSetting] -> 0x83aa20
·! LDR: **** sys_io import: [cellPadGetData] -> 0x83aa40
·! LDR: **** sys_io import: [cellPadSetActDirect] -> 0x83aa60
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellSysutil' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellSysutilUnregisterCallback] -> 0x83aa80
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellVideoOutConfigure] -> 0x83aaa0
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellSaveDataUserListSave] -> 0x83aac0
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellSysutilCheckCallback] -> 0x83aae0
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellSysCacheMount] -> 0x83ab00
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellMsgDialogClose] -> 0x83ab20
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellSaveDataListAutoLoad] -> 0x83ab40
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellSaveDataUserListLoad] -> 0x83ab60
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellOskDialogUnloadAsync] -> 0x83ab80
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellMsgDialogOpenErrorCode] -> 0x83aba0
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt] -> 0x83abc0
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellAudioOutConfigure] -> 0x83abe0
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellSaveDataUserAutoSave] -> 0x83ac00
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellSysCacheClear] -> 0x83ac20
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellMsgDialogOpen2] -> 0x83ac40
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellOskDialogLoadAsync] -> 0x83ac60
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellVideoOutGetState] -> 0x83ac80
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellMsgDialogProgressBarInc] -> 0x83aca0
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellMsgDialogProgressBarSetMsg] -> 0x83acc0
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellSysutilRegisterCallback] -> 0x83ace0
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellOskDialogSetKeyLayoutOption] -> 0x83ad00
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability] -> 0x83ad20
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellSaveDataUserAutoLoad] -> 0x83ad40
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellVideoOutGetResolution] -> 0x83ad60
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellAudioOutGetNumberOfDevice] -> 0x83ad80
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellSaveDataDelete2] -> 0x83ada0
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellOskDialogSetLayoutMode] -> 0x83adc0
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellAudioOutGetState] -> 0x83ade0
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellAudioOutGetDeviceInfo] -> 0x83bf00
·! LDR: **** cellSysutil import: [cellAudioOutGetConfiguration] -> 0x83bf20
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellGame' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellGame import: [cellGameCreateGameData] -> 0x83ae00
·! LDR: **** cellGame import: [cellGameContentPermit] -> 0x83ae20
·! LDR: **** cellGame import: [cellGameContentErrorDialog] -> 0x83ae40
·! LDR: **** cellGame import: [cellGameDataCheck] -> 0x83ae60
·! LDR: **** cellGame import: [cellGameBootCheck] -> 0x83ae80
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellSysmodule' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellSysmodule import: [cellSysmoduleUnloadModule] -> 0x83aea0
·! LDR: **** cellSysmodule import: [cellSysmoduleLoadModule] -> 0x83aec0
·! LDR: **** cellSysmodule import: [cellSysmoduleIsLoaded] -> 0x83aee0
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellGcmSys' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmGetTiledPitchSize] -> 0x83af00
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmSetPrepareFlip] -> 0x83af20
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [_cellGcmInitBody] -> 0x83af40
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmAddressToOffset] -> 0x83af60
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmSortRemapEaIoAddress] -> 0x83af80
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [_cellGcmFunc15] -> 0x83afa0
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmBindTile] -> 0x83afc0
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmSetFlipMode] -> 0x83afe0
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmGetDefaultCommandWordSize] -> 0x83b000
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmGetLastFlipTime] -> 0x83b020
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmGetDefaultSegmentWordSize] -> 0x83b040
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmGetReport] -> 0x83b060
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmSetDefaultFifoSize] -> 0x83b080
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmBindZcull] -> 0x83b0a0
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmMapMainMemory] -> 0x83b0c0
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmSetDisplayBuffer] -> 0x83b0e0
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmGetControlRegister] -> 0x83b100
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmUnbindZcull] -> 0x83b120
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmSetVBlankHandler] -> 0x83b140
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmSetFlipImmediate] -> 0x83b160
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmSetTileInfo] -> 0x83b180
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmUnbindTile] -> 0x83b1a0
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmGetConfiguration] -> 0x83b1c0
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmUnmapEaIoAddress] -> 0x83b1e0
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmGetLabelAddress] -> 0x83b200
·! LDR: **** cellGcmSys import: [cellGcmSetVBlankFrequency] -> 0x83b220
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellSail' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterGetFrame] -> 0x83b240
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailDescriptorCreateDatabase] -> 0x83b260
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerSetSoundAdapter] -> 0x83b280
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterPtsToTimePosition] -> 0x83b2a0
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerFinalize] -> 0x83b2c0
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerSetGraphicsAdapter] -> 0x83b2e0
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterInitialize] -> 0x83b300
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerInitialize2] -> 0x83b320
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailDescriptorDestroyDatabase] -> 0x83b340
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterSetPreferredFormat] -> 0x83b360
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailMemAllocatorInitialize] -> 0x83b380
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerOpenStream] -> 0x83b3a0
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailFutureGet] -> 0x83b3c0
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailSoundAdapterInitialize] -> 0x83b3e0
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterUpdateAvSync] -> 0x83b400
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerReplaceEventHandler] -> 0x83b420
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailSoundAdapterPtsToTimePosition] -> 0x83b440
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailFutureInitialize] -> 0x83b460
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailSourceNotifyInputEos] -> 0x83b480
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterFinalize] -> 0x83b4a0
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailSourceNotifyCallCompleted] -> 0x83b4c0
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerAddDescriptor] -> 0x83b4e0
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailSoundAdapterGetFrame] -> 0x83b500
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerCloseStream] -> 0x83b520
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailFutureFinalize] -> 0x83b540
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailSourceNotifyStreamOut] -> 0x83b560
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailSourceInitialize] -> 0x83b580
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailFutureSet] -> 0x83b5a0
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerBoot] -> 0x83b5c0
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerRegisterSource] -> 0x83b5e0
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailSoundAdapterFinalize] -> 0x83b600
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerSetPaused] -> 0x83b620
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerCreateDescriptor] -> 0x83b640
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerStart] -> 0x83b660
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerStop] -> 0x83b680
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailSourceFinalize] -> 0x83b6a0
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailSoundAdapterUpdateAvSync] -> 0x83b6c0
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailSoundAdapterGetFormat] -> 0x83b6e0
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerSetRepeatMode] -> 0x83b700
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailPlayerDestroyDescriptor] -> 0x83b720
·! LDR: **** cellSail import: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterGetFormat] -> 0x83b740
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellRtc' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellRtc import: [cellRtcGetCurrentClockLocalTime] -> 0x83b760
·! LDR: **** cellRtc import: [cellRtcSetTick] -> 0x83b780
·! LDR: **** cellRtc import: [cellRtcGetCurrentTick] -> 0x83b7a0
·! LDR: **** cellRtc import: [cellRtcGetDayOfWeek] -> 0x83b7c0
·! LDR: **** cellRtc import: [cellRtcConvertUtcToLocalTime] -> 0x83b7e0
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellSpurs' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursAttributeSetNamePrefix] -> 0x83b800
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursAttributeEnableSpuPrintfIfAvailable] -> 0x83b820
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursCreateJobChainWithAttribute] -> 0x83b840
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [_cellSpursJobChainAttributeInitialize] -> 0x83b860
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursAttributeSetMemoryContainerForSpuThread] -> 0x83b880
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [_cellSpursAttributeInitialize] -> 0x83b8a0
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursJoinJobChain] -> 0x83b8c0
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute] -> 0x83b8e0
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursFinalize] -> 0x83b900
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursRunJobChain] -> 0x83b920
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursEventFlagDetachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x83bf40
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursEventFlagWait] -> 0x83bf60
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursDetachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x83bf80
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursCreateTaskset] -> 0x83bfa0
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [_cellSpursEventFlagInitialize] -> 0x83bfc0
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursEventFlagAttachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x83bfe0
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursJoinTaskset] -> 0x83c000
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursShutdownTaskset] -> 0x83c020
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursAttachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x83c040
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursCreateTask] -> 0x83c060
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [_cellSpursSendSignal] -> 0x83c080
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'sceNp' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** sceNp import: [sceNpScoreGetRankingByRangeAsync] -> 0x83b940
·! LDR: **** sceNp import: [sceNpScoreDestroyTitleCtx] -> 0x83b960
·! LDR: **** sceNp import: [sceNpScoreInit] -> 0x83b980
·! LDR: **** sceNp import: [sceNpScoreCreateTransactionCtx] -> 0x83b9a0
·! LDR: **** sceNp import: [sceNpScoreTerm] -> 0x83b9c0
·! LDR: **** sceNp import: [sceNpScorePollAsync] -> 0x83b9e0
·! LDR: **** sceNp import: [sceNpInit] -> 0x83ba00
·! LDR: **** sceNp import: [sceNpScoreDestroyTransactionCtx] -> 0x83ba20
·! LDR: **** sceNp import: [sceNpScoreRecordScoreAsync] -> 0x83ba40
·! LDR: **** sceNp import: [sceNpManagerGetNpId] -> 0x83ba60
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'sceNp2' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** sceNp2 import: [sceNp2Term] -> 0x83ba80
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'sceNpTrophy' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** sceNpTrophy import: [sceNpTrophyRegisterContext] -> 0x83baa0
·! LDR: **** sceNpTrophy import: [sceNpTrophyCreateHandle] -> 0x83bac0
·! LDR: **** sceNpTrophy import: [sceNpTrophyGetRequiredDiskSpace] -> 0x83bae0
·! LDR: **** sceNpTrophy import: [sceNpTrophyDestroyContext] -> 0x83bb00
·! LDR: **** sceNpTrophy import: [sceNpTrophyInit] -> 0x83bb20
·! LDR: **** sceNpTrophy import: [sceNpTrophyGetGameInfo] -> 0x83bb40
·! LDR: **** sceNpTrophy import: [sceNpTrophyDestroyHandle] -> 0x83bb60
·! LDR: **** sceNpTrophy import: [sceNpTrophyUnlockTrophy] -> 0x83bb80
·! LDR: **** sceNpTrophy import: [sceNpTrophyTerm] -> 0x83bba0
·! LDR: **** sceNpTrophy import: [sceNpTrophyGetTrophyUnlockState] -> 0x83bbc0
·! LDR: **** sceNpTrophy import: [sceNpTrophyGetTrophyIcon] -> 0x83bbe0
·! LDR: **** sceNpTrophy import: [sceNpTrophyCreateContext] -> 0x83bc00
·! LDR: **** sceNpTrophy import: [sceNpTrophyGetTrophyInfo] -> 0x83bc20
·! LDR: **** sceNpTrophy import: [sceNpTrophyGetGameIcon] -> 0x83bc40
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellSaveData' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellSaveData import: [cellSaveDataUserListDelete] -> 0x83bc60
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellPngDec' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellPngDec import: [cellPngDecCreate] -> 0x83bc80
·! LDR: **** cellPngDec import: [cellPngDecDecodeData] -> 0x83bca0
·! LDR: **** cellPngDec import: [cellPngDecClose] -> 0x83bcc0
·! LDR: **** cellPngDec import: [cellPngDecDestroy] -> 0x83bce0
·! LDR: **** cellPngDec import: [cellPngDecReadHeader] -> 0x83bd00
·! LDR: **** cellPngDec import: [cellPngDecOpen] -> 0x83bd20
·! LDR: **** cellPngDec import: [cellPngDecSetParameter] -> 0x83bd40
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellSpursJq' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellSpursJq import: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetDoBusyWaiting] -> 0x83bd60
·! LDR: **** cellSpursJq import: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetSubmitWithEntryLock] -> 0x83bd80
·! LDR: **** cellSpursJq import: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetMaxSizeJobDescriptor] -> 0x83bda0
·! LDR: **** cellSpursJq import: [cellSpursJobQueuePortFinalize] -> 0x83bdc0
·! LDR: **** cellSpursJq import: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeInitialize] -> 0x83bde0
·! LDR: **** cellSpursJq import: [cellSpursJobQueuePortSync] -> 0x83be00
·! LDR: **** cellSpursJq import: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetIsJobTypeMemoryCheck] -> 0x83be20
·! LDR: **** cellSpursJq import: [cellSpursShutdownJobQueue] -> 0x83be40
·! LDR: **** cellSpursJq import: [cellSpursJoinJobQueue] -> 0x83be60
·! LDR: **** cellSpursJq import: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetGrabParameters] -> 0x83be80
·! LDR: **** cellSpursJq import: [_cellSpursCreateJobQueue] -> 0x83bea0
·! LDR: **** cellSpursJq import: [cellSpursJobQueuePortInitializeWithDescriptorBuffer] -> 0x83bec0
·! LDR: **** cellSpursJq import: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetIsHaltOnError] -> 0x83bee0
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'sysPrxForUser' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwmutex_lock] -> 0x83c0a0
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwmutex_unlock] -> 0x83c0c0
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwcond_destroy] -> 0x83c0e0
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_ppu_thread_create] -> 0x83c100
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwcond_wait] -> 0x83c120
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_process_atexitspawn] -> 0x83c140
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwmutex_create] -> 0x83c160
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_ppu_thread_get_id] -> 0x83c180
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_heap_malloc] -> 0x83c1a0
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_prx_register_library] -> 0x83c1c0
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_heap_memalign] -> 0x83c1e0
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_spu_printf_initialize] -> 0x83c200
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_initialize_tls] -> 0x83c220
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_time_get_system_time] -> 0x83c240
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_heap_free] -> 0x83c260
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_process_at_Exitspawn] -> 0x83c280
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_prx_exitspawn_with_level] -> 0x83c2a0
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_ppu_thread_once] -> 0x83c2c0
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwmutex_trylock] -> 0x83c2e0
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_heap_delete_heap] -> 0x83c300
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_ppu_thread_exit] -> 0x83c320
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_heap_create_heap] -> 0x83c340
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwmutex_destroy] -> 0x83c360
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwcond_create] -> 0x83c380
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_spu_printf_finalize] -> 0x83c3a0
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_spu_image_close] -> 0x83c3c0
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_process_exit] -> 0x83c3e0
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwcond_signal_all] -> 0x83c400
·W LDR: Loading library: libl10n.prx
·! LDR: ** Segment: p_type=0x1, p_vaddr=0x0, p_filesz=0x3823c, p_memsz=0x3823c, flags=0x400005
·W LDR: **** Loaded to 0xbd8000 (size=0x3823c)
·! LDR: ** Segment: p_type=0x1, p_vaddr=0x38240, p_filesz=0x85c, p_memsz=0x864, flags=0x600006
·W LDR: **** Loaded to 0xa37000 (size=0x864)
·! LDR: ** Segment: p_type=0x700000a4, p_vaddr=0x0, p_filesz=0x40c8, p_memsz=0x0, flags=0x0
·W LDR: Library CELL_L10N_PRX_MODULE_NAME (toc=0xa3f660, rtoc=0x1617660):
·! LDR: ** Special: &[0xD7F43016] at 0xbea768
·! LDR: ** Special: &[0x6D0F6CAE] at 0xa37000
·! LDR: ** Exported module 'cellL10n' (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x60101)
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2toEUCJP] at 0xa37394
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [l10n_convert] at 0xa370ec
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2toUTF32] at 0xa373e4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [jis2kuten] at 0xa3758c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8toGB18030] at 0xa37524
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [JISstoUTF8s] at 0xa37264
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [SjisZen2Han] at 0xa372f4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [ToSjisLower] at 0xa37634
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2toGB18030] at 0xa373a4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [HZstoUCS2s] at 0xa3723c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoHZs] at 0xa37334
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoSJISs] at 0xa37354
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [kuten2eucjp] at 0xa375bc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [sjis2jis] at 0xa375dc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCKRstoUCS2s] at 0xa371bc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UHCstoEUCKRs] at 0xa373f4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [jis2sjis] at 0xa37594
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [jstrnchk] at 0xa370fc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [L10nConvert] at 0xa370d4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCCNstoUTF8s] at 0xa37164
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [GBKstoUCS2s] at 0xa3720c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [eucjphan2zen] at 0xa375ec
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [ToSjisHira] at 0xa37614
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [GBKtoUCS2] at 0xa3721c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [eucjp2jis] at 0xa3756c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF32stoUTF8s] at 0xa37464
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [sjishan2zen] at 0xa37604
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2toSBCS] at 0xa373c4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoGBKs] at 0xa374b4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8toUCS2] at 0xa3754c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoUTF8s] at 0xa37374
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCKRstoUTF8s] at 0xa371cc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF16stoUTF32s] at 0xa3742c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8toEUCKR] at 0xa3751c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF16toUTF8] at 0xa3744c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [ARIBstoUTF8s] at 0xa37134
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [SJISstoUTF8s] at 0xa372bc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [sjiszen2han] at 0xa375fc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [ToEucJpLower] at 0xa3762c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [MSJIStoUTF8] at 0xa37284
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoMSJISs] at 0xa37344
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCJPtoUTF8] at 0xa371b4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [eucjp2sjis] at 0xa3757c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [ToEucJpHira] at 0xa3760c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UHCstoUCS2s] at 0xa373fc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [ToEucJpKata] at 0xa3761c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [HZstoUTF8s] at 0xa37244
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8toMSJIS] at 0xa37534
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [BIG5toUTF8] at 0xa37154
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCJPstoSJISs] at 0xa3719c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoBIG5s] at 0xa3748c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF16stoUCS2s] at 0xa37424
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoGB18030s] at 0xa37324
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCJPtoSJIS] at 0xa371a4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCJPtoUCS2] at 0xa371ac
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoGBKs] at 0xa3732c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCKRtoUHC] at 0xa371dc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2toSJIS] at 0xa373cc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [MSJISstoUTF8s] at 0xa37274
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCJPstoUTF8s] at 0xa3718c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2toBIG5] at 0xa37384
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoEUCKRs] at 0xa374a4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UHCstoUTF8s] at 0xa37404
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [GB18030stoUCS2s] at 0xa371fc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [SJIStoUTF8] at 0xa372e4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [JISstoSJISs] at 0xa37254
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8toUTF16] at 0xa3755c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoMSJISs] at 0xa374cc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCKRtoUTF8] at 0xa371e4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [SjisHan2Zen] at 0xa372ec
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2toUTF16] at 0xa373dc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2toMSJIS] at 0xa373bc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [sjis2kuten] at 0xa375e4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2toUHC] at 0xa373d4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF32toUCS2] at 0xa3746c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [ToSjisUpper] at 0xa37644
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8toEUCJP] at 0xa37514
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoEUCJPs] at 0xa37314
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF16toUCS2] at 0xa3743c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoUTF16s] at 0xa37364
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoEUCCNs] at 0xa3730c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [SBCSstoUTF8s] at 0xa37294
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [SJISstoJISs] at 0xa372ac
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [SBCStoUTF8] at 0xa372a4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8toUTF32] at 0xa37564
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [jstrchk] at 0xa37104
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UHCtoEUCKR] at 0xa3740c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [kuten2jis] at 0xa375c4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8toEUCCN] at 0xa3750c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCCNtoUTF8] at 0xa37174
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EucJpZen2Han] at 0xa371f4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF32stoUTF16s] at 0xa3745c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [GBKtoUTF8] at 0xa37224
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [ToEucJpUpper] at 0xa3763c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoJISs] at 0xa3733c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoGB18030s] at 0xa374ac
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCKRstoUHCs] at 0xa371c4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoUTF32s] at 0xa374fc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoEUCCNs] at 0xa37494
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCJPstoUCS2s] at 0xa37184
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UHCtoUCS2] at 0xa37414
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [L10nConvertStr] at 0xa370dc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [GBKstoUTF8s] at 0xa37214
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8toUHC] at 0xa37554
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF32toUTF8] at 0xa3747c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [sjis2eucjp] at 0xa375d4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2toEUCCN] at 0xa3738c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoUHCs] at 0xa374ec
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCKRtoUCS2] at 0xa371d4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF32toUTF16] at 0xa37474
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCCNstoUCS2s] at 0xa3715c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [SBCSstoUCS2s] at 0xa3728c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoJISs] at 0xa374c4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [ToSjisKata] at 0xa37624
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [jis2eucjp] at 0xa37584
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [BIG5toUCS2] at 0xa3714c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2toGBK] at 0xa373ac
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF16toUTF32] at 0xa37444
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [l10n_convert_str] at 0xa370f4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCJPstoJISs] at 0xa3717c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoARIBs] at 0xa37484
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [JISstoEUCJPs] at 0xa3724c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EucJpHan2Zen] at 0xa371ec
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [isEucJpKigou] at 0xa3759c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2toUTF8] at 0xa373ec
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [GB18030toUCS2] at 0xa3722c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UHCtoUTF8] at 0xa3741c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [MSJIStoUCS2] at 0xa3727c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8toGBK] at 0xa3752c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [kuten2sjis] at 0xa375cc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8toSBCS] at 0xa3753c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [SJIStoUCS2] at 0xa372dc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [eucjpzen2han] at 0xa375f4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoARIBs] at 0xa372fc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [isSjisKigou] at 0xa375a4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoEUCJPs] at 0xa3749c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2toEUCKR] at 0xa3739c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [SBCStoUCS2] at 0xa3729c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [MSJISstoUCS2s] at 0xa3726c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [l10n_get_converter] at 0xa370e4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [GB18030stoUTF8s] at 0xa37204
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [SJISstoEUCJPs] at 0xa372cc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF32stoUCS2s] at 0xa37454
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [BIG5stoUTF8s] at 0xa37144
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [EUCCNtoUCS2] at 0xa3716c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoSBCSs] at 0xa374d4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoEUCKRs] at 0xa3731c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoSJISs] at 0xa374dc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoHZs] at 0xa374bc
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [eucjp2kuten] at 0xa37574
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8toBIG5] at 0xa37504
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF16stoUTF8s] at 0xa37434
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [JISstoUCS2s] at 0xa3725c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [GB18030toUTF8] at 0xa37234
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8toSJIS] at 0xa37544
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [ARIBstoUCS2s] at 0xa37124
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoUTF32s] at 0xa3736c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoSBCSs] at 0xa3734c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoBIG5s] at 0xa37304
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UCS2stoUHCs] at 0xa3735c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [SJIStoEUCJP] at 0xa372d4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoUTF16s] at 0xa374f4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [SJISstoUCS2s] at 0xa372b4
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [BIG5stoUCS2s] at 0xa3713c
·! LDR: **** cellL10n export: [UTF8stoUCS2s] at 0xa374e4
·W LDR: Loading library: libsail.prx
·! LDR: ** Segment: p_type=0x1, p_vaddr=0x0, p_filesz=0x25980, p_memsz=0x30000, flags=0x400005
·W LDR: **** Loaded to 0xc11000 (size=0x30000)
·! LDR: ** Segment: p_type=0x1, p_vaddr=0x25980, p_filesz=0x16bc, p_memsz=0x1894, flags=0x600006
·W LDR: **** Loaded to 0xa38000 (size=0x1894)
·! LDR: ** Segment: p_type=0x700000a4, p_vaddr=0x0, p_filesz=0xa908, p_memsz=0x0, flags=0x0
·W LDR: Library cellSail_Library (toc=0xa41510, rtoc=0x1652510):
·! LDR: ** Special: [0xBC9A0086] at 0xa385b4
·! LDR: ** Special: [0xAB779874] at 0xa385ac
·! LDR: ** Special: &[0xD7F43016] at 0xc35f68
·! LDR: ** Special: &[0x6D0F6CAE] at 0xa38168
·! LDR: ** Exported module 'cellSail' (0x0, 0x0, 0x2c000001, 0x90001)
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterGetFrame2] at 0xa38b0c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterGetFrame] at 0xa38b14
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerUnregisterSource] at 0xa38ee4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailRendererAudioFinalize] at 0xa388d4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerCloseEsVideo] at 0xa38ce4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerIsEsAudioMuted] at 0xa38f6c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailDescriptorCreateDatabase] at 0xa38c9c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailFutureReset] at 0xa387ec
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0x0CCD506A] at 0xa38704
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailDescriptorSetEs] at 0xa38744
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailAviMovieGetHeader] at 0xa38724
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerSetSoundAdapter] at 0xa38c2c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerOpenEsAudio] at 0xa38d04
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailDescriptorClose] at 0xa38d74
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerInitialize] at 0xa38f04
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerGetRegisteredProtocols] at 0xa38c94
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterPtsToTimePosition] at 0xa38ae4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerFinalize] at 0xa38ef4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerSetGraphicsAdapter] at 0xa38c34
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0x197EE602] at 0xa386a4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterInitialize] at 0xa38b3c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailSoundAdapterSetPreferredFormat] at 0xa38a84
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerInitialize2] at 0xa38f0c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerNext] at 0xa38cac
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0x2692816B] at 0xa386e4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailDescriptorIsAutoSelection] at 0xa3862c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailDescriptorDestroyDatabase] at 0xa38c64
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterSetPreferredFormat] at 0xa38b2c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0x320887CC] at 0xa386fc
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailRendererAudioNotifyOutputEos] at 0xa3894c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailMemAllocatorInitialize] at 0xa3879c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerOpenStream] at 0xa38d14
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerGetRepeatMode] at 0xa38f44
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailAuReceiverGet] at 0xa38b8c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailFutureGet] at 0xa387d4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0x3BE9899B] at 0xa386cc
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailSoundAdapterInitialize] at 0xa38a9c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailAuReceiverInitialize] at 0xa38ba4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailAviMovieGetStreamByIndex] at 0xa38714
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0x3E9B9F80] at 0xa38a14
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterUpdateAvSync] at 0xa38aec
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailRendererVideoFinalize] at 0xa3898c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerReplaceEventHandler] at 0xa38f24
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerOpenEsVideo] at 0xa38cfc
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailSoundAdapterPtsToTimePosition] at 0xa38a6c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0x4B5A94A5] at 0xa3869c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailDescriptorGetUri] at 0xa385c4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailFutureInitialize] at 0xa387cc
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerReopenEsAudio] at 0xa38cd4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailFutureIsDone] at 0xa387ac
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0x5367B57E] at 0xa386b4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailSourceNotifyInputEos] at 0xa3887c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailMp4MovieGetMovieInfo] at 0xa38654
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailMp4TrackGetTrackReference] at 0xa38684
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailRendererVideoNotifyFrameDone] at 0xa38a0c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerSetParameter] at 0xa38edc
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0x5FAC53DD] at 0xa386dc
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailMp4MovieGetTrackByIndex] at 0xa3865c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailRendererAudioInitialize] at 0xa3897c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerUnsubscribeEvent] at 0xa38f1c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailAviMovieGetMovieInfo] at 0xa3870c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerSubscribeEvent] at 0xa38f14
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailMp4TrackGetTrackReferenceCount] at 0xa3867c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0x7224C0F1] at 0xa38694
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerGetDescriptorCount] at 0xa38f34
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerGetCurrentDescriptor] at 0xa38c4c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterFinalize] at 0xa38b34
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailSourceNotifyCallCompleted] at 0xa3888c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailDescriptorSetAutoSelection] at 0xa38624
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerReopenEsUser] at 0xa38cc4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerAddDescriptor] at 0xa38d44
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailSoundAdapterGetFrame] at 0xa38ac4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailMp4MovieGetTrackById] at 0xa38664
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerCloseStream] at 0xa38d0c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0x86DE3AA7] at 0xa386ac
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailRendererVideoInitialize] at 0xa38a3c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerSetEsAudioMuted] at 0xa38d24
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailDescriptorInquireCapability] at 0xa3877c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0x9279F3D9] at 0xa386bc
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerSetRendererAudio] at 0xa38c14
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerCancel] at 0xa38c5c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerGetParameter] at 0xa38c6c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailRendererVideoNotifyCallCompleted] at 0xa38a1c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailFutureFinalize] at 0xa387a4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailSourceNotifyStreamOut] at 0xa38884
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerRemoveDescriptor] at 0xa38d3c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailSourceInitialize] at 0xa388cc
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailFutureSet] at 0xa387f4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailMp4TrackGetTrackInfo] at 0xa38674
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0xA56F7CC5] at 0xa386d4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerOpenEsUser] at 0xa38cf4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerIsPaused] at 0xa38f3c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailDescriptorGetCapabilities] at 0xa38784
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerCloseEsUser] at 0xa38cdc
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailRendererAudioNotifyCallCompleted] at 0xa38964
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailMp4MovieGetBrand] at 0xa38644
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailDescriptorGetMediaInfo] at 0xa385cc
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailSourceSetDiagHandler] at 0xa38854
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerBoot] at 0xa38f2c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerRegisterSource] at 0xa38eec
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerCloseEsAudio] at 0xa38cec
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0xC00A450C] at 0xa3895c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailDescriptorOpen] at 0xa38d8c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailAviStreamGetMediaType] at 0xa3872c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailMp4MovieGetTrackByTypeAndIndex] at 0xa3866c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailAviStreamGetHeader] at 0xa38734
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerDumpImage] at 0xa38c8c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0xCF03D3BA] at 0xa386ec
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailSoundAdapterFinalize] at 0xa38a94
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerSetPaused] at 0xa38d34
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailMp4MovieIsCompatibleBrand] at 0xa3864c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0xD5E100E7] at 0xa3868c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailDescriptorGetStreamType] at 0xa385bc
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerCreateDescriptor] at 0xa38d4c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0xD7D96074] at 0xa386f4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerIsEsVideoMuted] at 0xa38f74
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailAviMovieGetStreamByTypeAndIndex] at 0xa3871c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailDescriptorClearEs] at 0xa3863c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailRendererVideoNotifyOutputEos] at 0xa38a04
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerStart] at 0xa38cbc
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerStop] at 0xa38cb4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [0xEC695E87] at 0xa386c4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerSetRendererVideo] at 0xa38c1c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailAuReceiverFinalize] at 0xa38b9c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailSourceFinalize] at 0xa38804
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailDescriptorSetParameter] at 0xa385d4
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailSoundAdapterUpdateAvSync] at 0xa38a74
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerSetEsVideoMuted] at 0xa38d1c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailSoundAdapterGetFormat] at 0xa38a7c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailSourceNotifySessionError] at 0xa38864
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailSourceNotifyMediaStateChanged] at 0xa3885c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerSetAuReceiver] at 0xa38c3c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerReopenEsVideo] at 0xa38ccc
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailRendererAudioNotifyFrameDone] at 0xa38954
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerSetRepeatMode] at 0xa38d2c
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailPlayerDestroyDescriptor] at 0xa38c54
·! LDR: **** cellSail export: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterGetFormat] at 0xa38b24
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellMp4' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellMp4 import: [0x390BFF1F] -> 0xc351cc
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellSailAvi' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellSailAvi import: [0x9B02DB99] -> 0xc351ec
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellPamf' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfStreamTypeToEsFilterId] -> 0xc3520c
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfReaderGetStreamIndex] -> 0xc3522c
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfEpIteratorGetEp] -> 0xc3524c
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfReaderSetStreamWithTypeAndIndex] -> 0xc3526c
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfReaderGetEpIteratorWithTimeStamp] -> 0xc3528c
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfGetStreamOffsetAndSize] -> 0xc352ac
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfReaderSetStreamWithIndex] -> 0xc352cc
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfReaderGetPresentationStartTime] -> 0xc352ec
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfEpIteratorMove] -> 0xc3530c
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfReaderGetStreamInfo] -> 0xc3532c
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfReaderGetStreamTypeAndChannel] -> 0xc3534c
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfReaderInitialize] -> 0xc3536c
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfReaderGetNumberOfEp] -> 0xc3538c
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfReaderGetMuxRateBound] -> 0xc353ac
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfReaderGetEpIteratorWithIndex] -> 0xc353cc
·! LDR: **** cellPamf import: [cellPamfReaderGetPresentationEndTime] -> 0xc353ec
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'sys_fs' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsClose] -> 0xc3540c
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsRead] -> 0xc3542c
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsOpen] -> 0xc3544c
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsLseek] -> 0xc3546c
·! LDR: **** sys_fs import: [cellFsFstat] -> 0xc3548c
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellSpurs' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursAttributeSetNamePrefix] -> 0xc354ac
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [_cellSpursAttributeInitialize] -> 0xc354cc
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute] -> 0xc354ec
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs import: [cellSpursFinalize] -> 0xc3550c
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellDmux' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellDmux import: [cellDmuxQueryEsAttr] -> 0xc3552c
·! LDR: **** cellDmux import: [cellDmuxSetStream] -> 0xc3554c
·! LDR: **** cellDmux import: [cellDmuxDisableEs] -> 0xc3556c
·! LDR: **** cellDmux import: [cellDmuxResetEs] -> 0xc3558c
·! LDR: **** cellDmux import: [cellDmuxReleaseAu] -> 0xc355ac
·! LDR: **** cellDmux import: [cellDmuxPeekAu] -> 0xc355cc
·! LDR: **** cellDmux import: [cellDmuxGetAu] -> 0xc355ec
·! LDR: **** cellDmux import: [cellDmuxResetStream] -> 0xc3560c
·! LDR: **** cellDmux import: [cellDmuxEnableEs] -> 0xc3562c
·! LDR: **** cellDmux import: [cellDmuxClose] -> 0xc3564c
·! LDR: **** cellDmux import: [cellDmuxQueryAttr] -> 0xc3566c
·! LDR: **** cellDmux import: [cellDmuxOpenExt] -> 0xc3568c
·! LDR: **** cellDmux import: [cellDmuxFlushEs] -> 0xc356ac
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellAdec' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellAdec import: [cellAdecDecodeAu] -> 0xc356cc
·! LDR: **** cellAdec import: [cellAdecStartSeq] -> 0xc356ec
·! LDR: **** cellAdec import: [cellAdecQueryAttr] -> 0xc3570c
·! LDR: **** cellAdec import: [cellAdecClose] -> 0xc3572c
·! LDR: **** cellAdec import: [cellAdecGetPcm] -> 0xc3574c
·! LDR: **** cellAdec import: [cellAdecGetPcmItem] -> 0xc3576c
·! LDR: **** cellAdec import: [cellAdecOpenExt] -> 0xc3578c
·! LDR: **** cellAdec import: [cellAdecEndSeq] -> 0xc357ac
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'libvdec' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** libvdec import: [cellVdecOpenEx] -> 0xc357cc
·! LDR: **** libvdec import: [cellVdecClose] -> 0xc357ec
·! LDR: **** libvdec import: [cellVdecGetPicItem] -> 0xc3580c
·! LDR: **** libvdec import: [cellVdecDecodeAu] -> 0xc3582c
·! LDR: **** libvdec import: [cellVdecGetPicture] -> 0xc3584c
·! LDR: **** libvdec import: [cellVdecEndSeq] -> 0xc3586c
·! LDR: **** libvdec import: [cellVdecGetPictureExt] -> 0xc3588c
·! LDR: **** libvdec import: [cellVdecStartSeq] -> 0xc358ac
·! LDR: **** libvdec import: [cellVdecQueryAttrEx] -> 0xc358cc
·! LDR: **** libvdec import: [cellVdecSetFrameRate] -> 0xc358ec
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellApostSrcMini' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellApostSrcMini import: [0x24F4ECD3] -> 0xc3590c
·! LDR: **** cellApostSrcMini import: [0x752E10C4] -> 0xc3592c
·! LDR: **** cellApostSrcMini import: [0x8A6D4227] -> 0xc3594c
·! LDR: **** cellApostSrcMini import: [0x9AAA0039] -> 0xc3596c
·! LDR: **** cellApostSrcMini import: [0xCF350A4C] -> 0xc3598c
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'sysPrxForUser' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_strncmp] -> 0xc359ac
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwmutex_lock] -> 0xc359cc
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwmutex_unlock] -> 0xc359ec
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwcond_destroy] -> 0xc35a0c
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_ppu_thread_create] -> 0xc35a2c
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwcond_wait] -> 0xc35a4c
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_strlen] -> 0xc35a6c
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwmutex_create] -> 0xc35a8c
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_ppu_thread_get_id] -> 0xc35aac
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_strcmp] -> 0xc35acc
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_memset] -> 0xc35aec
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_memcpy] -> 0xc35b0c
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_strchr] -> 0xc35b2c
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_printf] -> 0xc35b4c
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_ppu_thread_exit] -> 0xc35b6c
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwmutex_destroy] -> 0xc35b8c
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_strncpy] -> 0xc35bac
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwcond_create] -> 0xc35bcc
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwcond_signal] -> 0xc35bec
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellSysmodule' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellSysmodule import: [cellSysmoduleUnloadModule] -> 0xc35c0c
·! LDR: **** cellSysmodule import: [cellSysmoduleLoadModule] -> 0xc35c2c
·! LDR: **** cellSysmodule import: [0xB498BF77] -> 0xc35c4c
·! LDR: **** cellSysmodule import: [0xD9B8C0EE] -> 0xc35c6c
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellVpost' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellVpost import: [cellVpostClose] -> 0xc35c8c
·! LDR: **** cellVpost import: [cellVpostOpenEx] -> 0xc35cac
·! LDR: **** cellVpost import: [cellVpostQueryAttr] -> 0xc35ccc
·! LDR: **** cellVpost import: [cellVpostExec] -> 0xc35cec
·W LDR: Loading library: libsre.prx
·! LDR: ** Segment: p_type=0x1, p_vaddr=0x0, p_filesz=0x2e000, p_memsz=0x30000, flags=0x400005
·W LDR: **** Loaded to 0xc41000 (size=0x30000)
·! LDR: ** Segment: p_type=0x1, p_vaddr=0x2e000, p_filesz=0x3fe0, p_memsz=0x4340, flags=0x600006
·W LDR: **** Loaded to 0xa3a000 (size=0x4340)
·! LDR: ** Segment: p_type=0x700000a4, p_vaddr=0x0, p_filesz=0x8610, p_memsz=0x0, flags=0x0
·W LDR: Library cellSre_Library (toc=0xa45ab0, rtoc=0x1686ab0):
·! LDR: ** Special: &[0xD7F43016] at 0xc5ec4c
·! LDR: ** Special: &[0x6D0F6CAE] at 0xa3a080
·! LDR: ** Exported module 'cellSync' (0x1c000002, 0x90012, 0x0, 0x2000000)
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncBarrierInitialize] at 0xa3cfac
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncLFQueueGetEntrySize] at 0xa3d104
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncLFQueueSize] at 0xa3d09c
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncMutexLock] at 0xa3cfe4
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncBarrierTryNotify] at 0xa3cfbc
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncLFQueueClear] at 0xa3d094
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [_cellSyncLFQueueCompletePushPointer2] at 0xa3d0d4
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncBarrierWait] at 0xa3cfc4
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncQueueInitialize] at 0xa3cff4
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [_cellSyncLFQueueGetPopPointer2] at 0xa3d0dc
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncQueuePeek] at 0xa3d02c
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncQueueSize] at 0xa3d01c
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncQueuePop] at 0xa3d00c
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [_cellSyncLFQueueCompletePushPointer] at 0xa3d0b4
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [_cellSyncLFQueueAttachLv2EventQueue] at 0xa3d074
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncQueuePush] at 0xa3cffc
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncQueueTryPeek] at 0xa3d034
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [_cellSyncLFQueueGetPushPointer2] at 0xa3d0cc
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncBarrierTryWait] at 0xa3cfcc
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncQueueTryPush] at 0xa3d004
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [_cellSyncLFQueueGetPopPointer] at 0xa3d0bc
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [_cellSyncLFQueueCompletePopPointer2] at 0xa3d0e4
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [_cellSyncLFQueueDetachLv2EventQueue] at 0xa3d07c
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncMutexUnlock] at 0xa3cfec
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncQueueClear] at 0xa3d024
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncQueueTryPop] at 0xa3d014
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncRwmTryRead] at 0xa3d054
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncMutexInitialize] at 0xa3cfd4
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncLFQueueInitialize] at 0xa3d08c
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [_cellSyncLFQueueGetSignalAddress] at 0xa3d0f4
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [_cellSyncLFQueuePushBody] at 0xa3d064
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncRwmTryWrite] at 0xa3d044
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncRwmRead] at 0xa3d05c
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncMutexTryLock] at 0xa3cfdc
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncLFQueueGetDirection] at 0xa3d0fc
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncLFQueueDepth] at 0xa3d0a4
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [_cellSyncLFQueuePopBody] at 0xa3d06c
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [_cellSyncLFQueueGetPushPointer] at 0xa3d0ac
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncRwmWrite] at 0xa3d04c
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncBarrierNotify] at 0xa3cfb4
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [cellSyncRwmInitialize] at 0xa3d03c
·! LDR: **** cellSync export: [_cellSyncLFQueueCompletePopPointer] at 0xa3d0c4
·! LDR: ** Exported module 'cellSheap' (0x1c000002, 0x90004, 0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellKeySheapMutexDelete] at 0xa3d1ac
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellKeySheapMutexNew] at 0xa3d1a4
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellSheapQueryMax] at 0xa3d164
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellKeySheapBufferNew] at 0xa3d194
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellSheapAllocate] at 0xa3d154
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellSheapFree] at 0xa3d15c
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellKeySheapSemaphoreNew] at 0xa3d1b4
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellKeySheapSemaphoreDelete] at 0xa3d1bc
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellKeySheapQueueDelete] at 0xa3d1ec
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellSheapQueryFree] at 0xa3d13c
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellKeySheapQueueNew] at 0xa3d1e4
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellKeySheapInitialize] at 0xa3d174
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellSheapInitialize] at 0xa3d14c
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellKeySheapBufferDelete] at 0xa3d19c
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellKeySheapBarrierNew] at 0xa3d1c4
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellKeySheapRwmDelete] at 0xa3d1dc
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellKeySheapRwmNew] at 0xa3d1d4
·! LDR: **** cellSheap export: [cellKeySheapBarrierDelete] at 0xa3d1cc
·! LDR: ** Exported module 'cellOvis' (0x1c000002, 0x90095, 0x0, 0x4000000)
·! LDR: **** cellOvis export: [cellOvisInvalidateOverlappedSegments] at 0xa3d1f4
·! LDR: **** cellOvis export: [cellOvisGetOverlayTableSize] at 0xa3d204
·! LDR: **** cellOvis export: [cellOvisInitializeOverlayTable] at 0xa3d20c
·! LDR: **** cellOvis export: [cellOvisFixSpuSegments] at 0xa3d1fc
·! LDR: ** Exported module 'cellSpurs' (0x1c000002, 0x90034, 0x0, 0x2000000)
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursJobGuardReset] at 0xa3d894
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursLFQueueInitialize] at 0xa3d844
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursQueueDetachLv2EventQueue] at 0xa3d7f4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursAttributeSetNamePrefix] at 0xa3d244
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursQueueInitialize] at 0xa3d7ec
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursWorkloadAttributeSetShutdownCompletionEventHook] at 0xa3d2ec
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursAttributeEnableSpuPrintfIfAvailable] at 0xa3d234
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTaskExitCodeGet] at 0xa3d6cc
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursJobChainGetError] at 0xa3d92c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursTasksetAttributeInitialize] at 0xa3d724
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursLFQueueAttachLv2EventQueue] at 0xa3d85c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursAddUrgentCommand] at 0xa3d8ac
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursRequestIdleSpu] at 0xa3d35c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursSendWorkloadSignal] at 0xa3d32c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTaskGetLoadableSegmentPattern] at 0xa3d6fc
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursCreateTaskWithAttribute] at 0xa3d624
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursDestroyTaskset2] at 0xa3d77c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursGetInfo] at 0xa3d4cc
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursQueueGetTasksetAddress] at 0xa3d82c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursEventFlagDetachLv2EventQueue] at 0xa3d7a4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursQueueClear] at 0xa3d804
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursJobChainAttributeSetJobTypeMemoryCheck] at 0xa3d8e4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursWorkloadFlagReceiver2] at 0xa3d53c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTasksetSetExceptionEventHandler] at 0xa3d66c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursCreateJobChainWithAttribute] at 0xa3d8f4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute2] at 0xa3d26c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [0x31F5196B] at 0xa3d56c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursEnableExceptionEventHandler] at 0xa3d49c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTaskExitCodeInitialize] at 0xa3d69c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursJobChainAttributeInitialize] at 0xa3d8cc
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursLFQueuePopBody] at 0xa3d854
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursQueueDepth] at 0xa3d814
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursQueueGetEntrySize] at 0xa3d83c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursEventFlagWait] at 0xa3d7b4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursGetSpuThreadGroupId] at 0xa3d29c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursJobChainGetSpursAddress] at 0xa3d96c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursReadyCountSwap] at 0xa3d354
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursWorkloadAttributeSetName] at 0xa3d2e4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursCreateTaskset2] at 0xa3d784
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursEventFlagClear] at 0xa3d7c4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursUnsetExceptionEventHandler] at 0xa3d484
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursLookUpTasksetAddress] at 0xa3d684
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursGetJobChainInfo] at 0xa3d964
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursEventFlagGetClearMode] at 0xa3d7dc
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursSetPreemptionVictimHints] at 0xa3d55c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursGetWorkloadInfo] at 0xa3d4d4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursDetachLv2EventQueue] at 0xa3d38c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursJobChainSetExceptionEventHandler] at 0xa3d94c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursCreateTaskset] at 0xa3d764
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursQueueSize] at 0xa3d80c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursSemaphoreGetTasksetAddress] at 0xa3d88c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTraceInitialize] at 0xa3d424
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursRemoveWorkload] at 0xa3d324
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTasksetGetSpursAddress] at 0xa3d72c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [0x5C3A614C] at 0xa3d224
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursEventFlagInitialize] at 0xa3d794
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursWaitForWorkloadShutdown] at 0xa3d31c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursCreateJobChain] at 0xa3d8fc
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTasksetAttributeSetName] at 0xa3d70c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursJobGuardInitialize] at 0xa3d8a4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursAddWorkload] at 0xa3d304
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursJobChainUnsetExceptionEventHandler] at 0xa3d954
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursGetSpuThreadId] at 0xa3d294
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursEventFlagTryWait] at 0xa3d7bc
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursGetSpuGuid] at 0xa3d52c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [0x7025A5EC] at 0xa3d5a4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursShutdownJobChain] at 0xa3d904
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursLFQueueDetachLv2EventQueue] at 0xa3d864
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursSetGlobalExceptionEventHandler] at 0xa3d47c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursReadyCountAdd] at 0xa3d33c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursSemaphoreInitialize] at 0xa3d884
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTraceFinalize] at 0xa3d3f4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTaskGetReadOnlyAreaPattern] at 0xa3d6f4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursWakeUp] at 0xa3d284
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursBarrierInitialize] at 0xa3d874
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursSetPriorities] at 0xa3d2ac
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursAttributeSetMemoryContainerForSpuThread] at 0xa3d21c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTryJoinTask2] at 0xa3d604
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursSetMaxContention] at 0xa3d2bc
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursUnsetGlobalExceptionEventHandler] at 0xa3d474
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursGetJobChainId] at 0xa3d924
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursEventFlagAttachLv2EventQueue] at 0xa3d79c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursEventFlagGetDirection] at 0xa3d7d4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursLFQueuePushBody] at 0xa3d84c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursTaskAttribute2Initialize] at 0xa3d5cc
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTasksetAttributeSetTasksetSize] at 0xa3d714
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursAddUrgentCall] at 0xa3d8b4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTaskGetContextSaveAreaSize] at 0xa3d704
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [0x90C82BFC] at 0xa3d264
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursQueuePopBody] at 0xa3d824
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTaskGenerateLsPattern] at 0xa3d6ec
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursQueuePushBody] at 0xa3d81c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTasksetUnsetExceptionEventHandler] at 0xa3d674
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursEventFlagGetTasksetAddress] at 0xa3d7e4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursAttributeInitialize] at 0xa3d24c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursJobHeaderSetJobbin2Param] at 0xa3d984
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursShutdownWorkload] at 0xa3d314
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursBarrierGetTasksetAddress] at 0xa3d87c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursAttributeEnableSystemWorkload] at 0xa3d54c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursJoinTaskset] at 0xa3d78c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursGetTasksetInfo] at 0xa3d734
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursJobChainAttributeSetName] at 0xa3d8d4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTaskAttributeSetExitCodeContainer] at 0xa3d5c4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursWorkloadFlagReceiver] at 0xa3d534
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursShutdownTaskset] at 0xa3d74c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursJoinTask2] at 0xa3d5f4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursJoinJobChain] at 0xa3d90c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursGetWorkloadData] at 0xa3d334
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursAttributeSetSpuThreadGroupType] at 0xa3d22c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute] at 0xa3d274
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursInitialize] at 0xa3d27c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursSetPriority] at 0xa3d2b4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [0xB55782F9] at 0xa3d23c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursLFQueueGetTasksetAddress] at 0xa3d86c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursTaskAttributeInitialize] at 0xa3d5dc
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursAttachLv2EventQueue] at 0xa3d374
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [0xBAC24478] at 0xa3d59c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursJobChainAttributeSetHaltOnError] at 0xa3d8dc
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [0xBDCB78A5] at 0xa3d9a4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursCreateTask] at 0xa3d62c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursKickJobChain] at 0xa3d914
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursAddWorkloadWithAttribute] at 0xa3d2fc
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursCreateTasksetWithAttribute] at 0xa3d75c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursTasksetAttribute2Initialize] at 0xa3d73c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursGetNumSpuThread] at 0xa3d2a4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursGetWorkloadFlag] at 0xa3d50c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursFinalize] at 0xa3d28c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTraceStart] at 0xa3d414
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursSetExceptionEventHandler] at 0xa3d494
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursJobGuardNotify] at 0xa3d89c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursGetJobPipelineInfo] at 0xa3d974
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [0xD9A9C592] at 0xa3d57c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTasksetAttributeEnableClearLS] at 0xa3d71c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTraceStop] at 0xa3d404
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursSendSignal] at 0xa3d634
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursCreateTask2] at 0xa3d614
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [0xE279681F] at 0xa3d554
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursCreateTask2WithBinInfo] at 0xa3d61c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursQueueAttachLv2EventQueue] at 0xa3d7fc
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursTaskExitCodeTryGet] at 0xa3d6c4
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursJobSetMaxGrab] at 0xa3d97c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursGetTasksetId] at 0xa3d774
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursQueueGetDirection] at 0xa3d834
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [_cellSpursWorkloadAttributeInitialize] at 0xa3d30c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [0xF1BF099F] at 0xa3d9ac
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursReadyCountCompareAndSwap] at 0xa3d344
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursRunJobChain] at 0xa3d91c
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursEventFlagSet] at 0xa3d7cc
·! LDR: **** cellSpurs export: [cellSpursReadyCountStore] at 0xa3d34c
·! LDR: ** Exported module 'cellDaisy' (0x1c000001, 0x90002, 0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy17LFQueue2PushCloseEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPFiPvjE] at 0xa3da64
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy21LFQueue2GetPopPointerEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPij] at 0xa3da4c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock15completeConsumeEj] at 0xa3da34
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy9_snprintfEPcjPKcz] at 0xa3da44
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock7popOpenEv] at 0xa3da14
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy26LFQueue2CompletePopPointerEPNS0_8LFQueue2EiPFiPvjEj] at 0xa3da54
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock7releaseEv] at 0xa3d9d4
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock7popOpenEv] at 0xa3da14
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC1EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPjjh] at 0xa3d9e4
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC1EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPjjh] at 0xa3d9e4
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy9_snprintfEPcjPKcz] at 0xa3da44
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy29LFQueue2HasUnfinishedConsumerEPNS0_8LFQueue2Ej] at 0xa3da7c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock18getNextHeadPointerEv] at 0xa3da24
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock10initializeEj] at 0xa3d9fc
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC1EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPvPFiS5_jE] at 0xa3d9bc
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC2EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPjjh] at 0xa3d9dc
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock15completeProduceEj] at 0xa3da3c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy16LFQueue2PushOpenEPNS0_8LFQueue2E] at 0xa3da5c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy16LFQueue2PopCloseEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPFiPvjE] at 0xa3da74
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock8popCloseEv] at 0xa3da1c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock8popCloseEv] at 0xa3da1c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockD2Ev] at 0xa3d9ec
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy21LFQueue2GetPopPointerEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPij] at 0xa3da4c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock18getNextTailPointerEv] at 0xa3da2c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock8pushOpenEv] at 0xa3da04
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy29LFQueue2HasUnfinishedConsumerEPNS0_8LFQueue2Ej] at 0xa3da7c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock9pushCloseEv] at 0xa3da0c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockD2Ev] at 0xa3d9ec
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy15LFQueue2PopOpenEPNS0_8LFQueue2E] at 0xa3da6c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC1EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPvPFiS5_jE] at 0xa3d9bc
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockD1Ev] at 0xa3d9f4
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock10initializeEj] at 0xa3d9fc
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock15completeProduceEj] at 0xa3da3c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy16LFQueue2PopCloseEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPFiPvjE] at 0xa3da74
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy15LFQueue2PopOpenEPNS0_8LFQueue2E] at 0xa3da6c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy17LFQueue2PushCloseEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPFiPvjE] at 0xa3da64
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC2EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPvPFiS5_jE] at 0xa3d9b4
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock21proceedSequenceNumberEv] at 0xa3d9c4
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC2EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPvPFiS5_jE] at 0xa3d9b4
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC2EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPjjh] at 0xa3d9dc
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock15completeConsumeEj] at 0xa3da34
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock21proceedSequenceNumberEv] at 0xa3d9c4
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock18getNextHeadPointerEv] at 0xa3da24
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock9pushCloseEv] at 0xa3da0c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy26LFQueue2CompletePopPointerEPNS0_8LFQueue2EiPFiPvjEj] at 0xa3da54
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock5probeEj] at 0xa3d9cc
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock8pushOpenEv] at 0xa3da04
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock5probeEj] at 0xa3d9cc
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockD1Ev] at 0xa3d9f4
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_ZN4cell5Daisy16LFQueue2PushOpenEPNS0_8LFQueue2E] at 0xa3da5c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock18getNextTailPointerEv] at 0xa3da2c
·! LDR: **** cellDaisy export: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock7releaseEv] at 0xa3d9d4
·! LDR: ** Exported module 'cellSpudll' (0x0, 0x0, 0x2c000001, 0x90002)
·! LDR: **** cellSpudll export: [cellSpudllHandleConfigSetDefaultValues] at 0xa3daa4
·! LDR: **** cellSpudll export: [cellSpudllGetImageSize] at 0xa3da9c
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'cellLibprof' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** cellLibprof import: [0x05893E7C] -> 0xc5e718
·! LDR: **** cellLibprof import: [0x6D045C2E] -> 0xc5e738
·! LDR: ** Imported module 'sysPrxForUser' (0x0, 0x0)
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_strncmp] -> 0xc5e758
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_strcat] -> 0xc5e778
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_vsnprintf] -> 0xc5e798
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_snprintf] -> 0xc5e7b8
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwmutex_lock] -> 0xc5e7d8
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwmutex_unlock] -> 0xc5e7f8
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwcond_destroy] -> 0xc5e818
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_ppu_thread_create] -> 0xc5e838
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwcond_wait] -> 0xc5e858
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_strlen] -> 0xc5e878
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwmutex_create] -> 0xc5e898
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_spu_printf_detach_group] -> 0xc5e8b8
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_memset] -> 0xc5e8d8
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_memcpy] -> 0xc5e8f8
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_strncat] -> 0xc5e918
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_strcpy] -> 0xc5e938
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_printf] -> 0xc5e958
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [0x9FB6228E] -> 0xc5e978
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_ppu_thread_exit] -> 0xc5e998
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwmutex_destroy] -> 0xc5e9b8
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_strncpy] -> 0xc5e9d8
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwcond_create] -> 0xc5e9f8
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_spu_printf_attach_group] -> 0xc5ea18
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name] -> 0xc5ea38
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_spu_image_close] -> 0xc5ea58
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_process_get_paramsfo] -> 0xc5ea78
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_spu_image_import] -> 0xc5ea98
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [sys_lwcond_signal] -> 0xc5eab8
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_vprintf] -> 0xc5ead8
·! LDR: **** sysPrxForUser import: [_sys_memcmp] -> 0xc5eaf8
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSaveDataUserListDelete' in module 'cellSaveData' (*0x83bc60)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellRtcConvertUtcToLocalTime' in module 'cellRtc' (*0x83b7e0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellRtcGetCurrentClockLocalTime' in module 'cellRtc' (*0x83b760)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellRtcSetTick' in module 'cellRtc' (*0x83b780)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellRtcGetCurrentTick' in module 'cellRtc' (*0x83b7a0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellRtcGetDayOfWeek' in module 'cellRtc' (*0x83b7c0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsStReadPutCurrentAddr' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a860)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsRead' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a7c0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsRead' in module 'sys_fs' (*0xc3542c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsReadWithOffset' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a700)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsStReadGetCurrentAddr' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a720)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsOpendir' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a7a0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsStReadInit' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a740)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsStReadFinish' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a920)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsOpen' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a800)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsOpen' in module 'sys_fs' (*0xc3544c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsRmdir' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a760)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsMkdir' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a900)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsStReadWait' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a8c0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsClose' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a780)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsClose' in module 'sys_fs' (*0xc3540c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsReaddir' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a7e0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsStat' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a820)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsUnlink' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a840)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsWriteWithOffset' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a880)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsStReadStart' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a8a0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsLseek' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a8e0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsLseek' in module 'sys_fs' (*0xc3546c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsWrite' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a940)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsFstat' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a960)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsFstat' in module 'sys_fs' (*0xc3548c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsRename' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a980)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsStReadStop' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a9a0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellFsClosedir' in module 'sys_fs' (*0x83a9c0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfStreamTypeToEsFilterId' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc3520c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfGetStreamOffsetAndSize' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc352ac)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfEpIteratorGetEp' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc3524c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfReaderGetStreamIndex' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc3522c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfEpIteratorMove' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc3530c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfReaderGetEpIteratorWithTimeStamp' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc3528c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfReaderSetStreamWithTypeAndIndex' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc3526c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfReaderSetStreamWithIndex' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc352cc)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfReaderGetPresentationStartTime' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc352ec)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfReaderGetStreamInfo' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc3532c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfReaderGetStreamTypeAndChannel' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc3534c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfReaderInitialize' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc3536c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfReaderGetNumberOfEp' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc3538c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfReaderGetMuxRateBound' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc353ac)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfReaderGetEpIteratorWithIndex' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc353cc)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPamfReaderGetPresentationEndTime' in module 'cellPamf' (*0xc353ec)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioRemoveNotifyEventQueue' in module 'cellAudio' (*0x83a6e0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioGetPortBlockTag' in module 'cellAudio' (*0x83a6c0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioInit' in module 'cellAudio' (*0x83a5c0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioSetNotifyEventQueue' in module 'cellAudio' (*0x83a5e0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioGetPortTimestamp' in module 'cellAudio' (*0x83a600)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioPortClose' in module 'cellAudio' (*0x83a620)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioGetPortConfig' in module 'cellAudio' (*0x83a660)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioPortStop' in module 'cellAudio' (*0x83a640)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioPortStart' in module 'cellAudio' (*0x83a680)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioPortOpen' in module 'cellAudio' (*0x83a6a0)
·E LDR: Unknown module 'cellLibprof'
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x05893E7C' in module 'cellLibprof' (index 2972)
·W LDR: ** Not linked at *0xa3a000
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x6D045C2E' in module 'cellLibprof' (index 2973)
·W LDR: ** Not linked at *0xa3a004
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmGetDefaultCommandWordSize' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b000)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmGetLastFlipTime' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b020)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmGetTiledPitchSize' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83af00)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmSetPrepareFlip' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83af20)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmBindTile' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83afc0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_cellGcmInitBody' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83af40)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmAddressToOffset' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83af60)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmSetVBlankFrequency' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b220)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmSetFlipMode' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83afe0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmBindZcull' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b0a0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmSortRemapEaIoAddress' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83af80)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_cellGcmFunc15' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83afa0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmGetDefaultSegmentWordSize' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b040)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmGetControlRegister' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b100)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmGetReport' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b060)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmSetDefaultFifoSize' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b080)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmMapMainMemory' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b0c0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmSetDisplayBuffer' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b0e0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmUnbindZcull' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b120)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmSetVBlankHandler' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b140)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmSetFlipImmediate' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b160)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmSetTileInfo' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b180)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmUnbindTile' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b1a0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmGetConfiguration' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b1c0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmUnmapEaIoAddress' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b1e0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGcmGetLabelAddress' in module 'cellGcmSys' (*0x83b200)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPadSetActDirect' in module 'sys_io' (*0x83aa60)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPadGetData' in module 'sys_io' (*0x83aa40)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPadInit' in module 'sys_io' (*0x83a9e0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPadEnd' in module 'sys_io' (*0x83aa00)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPadSetPortSetting' in module 'sys_io' (*0x83aa20)
·E LDR: Unknown function '0xB498BF77' in module 'cellSysmodule' (index 2974)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '0xB498BF77' in module 'cellSysmodule' (*0xc35c4c)
·W LDR: ** Not linked at *0xa380c8
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSysmoduleUnloadModule' in module 'cellSysmodule' (*0x83aea0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSysmoduleUnloadModule' in module 'cellSysmodule' (*0xc35c0c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSysmoduleLoadModule' in module 'cellSysmodule' (*0x83aec0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSysmoduleLoadModule' in module 'cellSysmodule' (*0xc35c2c)
·E LDR: Unknown function '0xD9B8C0EE' in module 'cellSysmodule' (index 2975)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '0xD9B8C0EE' in module 'cellSysmodule' (*0xc35c6c)
·W LDR: ** Not linked at *0xa380cc
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSysmoduleIsLoaded' in module 'cellSysmodule' (*0x83aee0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSysutilUnregisterCallback' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83aa80)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellOskDialogLoadAsync' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ac60)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVideoOutConfigure' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83aaa0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSysCacheMount' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ab00)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellOskDialogSetLayoutMode' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83adc0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSysutilCheckCallback' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83aae0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellOskDialogUnloadAsync' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ab80)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSaveDataListAutoLoad' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ab40)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSaveDataUserListSave' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83aac0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellMsgDialogClose' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ab20)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSaveDataUserListLoad' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ab60)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellMsgDialogOpenErrorCode' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83aba0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83abc0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioOutConfigure' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83abe0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellMsgDialogProgressBarSetMsg' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83acc0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVideoOutGetState' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ac80)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSaveDataUserAutoSave' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ac00)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellMsgDialogOpen2' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ac40)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSysCacheClear' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ac20)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellMsgDialogProgressBarInc' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83aca0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSysutilRegisterCallback' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ace0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioOutGetState' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ade0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellOskDialogSetKeyLayoutOption' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ad00)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ad20)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSaveDataUserAutoLoad' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ad40)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVideoOutGetResolution' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ad60)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioOutGetDeviceInfo' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83bf00)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioOutGetNumberOfDevice' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ad80)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSaveDataDelete2' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83ada0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAudioOutGetConfiguration' in module 'cellSysutil' (*0x83bf20)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGameBootCheck' in module 'cellGame' (*0x83ae80)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGameCreateGameData' in module 'cellGame' (*0x83ae00)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGameContentErrorDialog' in module 'cellGame' (*0x83ae40)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGameContentPermit' in module 'cellGame' (*0x83ae20)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellGameDataCheck' in module 'cellGame' (*0x83ae60)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAdecEndSeq' in module 'cellAdec' (*0xc357ac)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAdecDecodeAu' in module 'cellAdec' (*0xc356cc)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAdecOpenExt' in module 'cellAdec' (*0xc3578c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAdecStartSeq' in module 'cellAdec' (*0xc356ec)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAdecQueryAttr' in module 'cellAdec' (*0xc3570c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAdecClose' in module 'cellAdec' (*0xc3572c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAdecGetPcm' in module 'cellAdec' (*0xc3574c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellAdecGetPcmItem' in module 'cellAdec' (*0xc3576c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpScoreCreateTransactionCtx' in module 'sceNp' (*0x83b9a0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpScoreDestroyTitleCtx' in module 'sceNp' (*0x83b960)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpScoreGetRankingByRangeAsync' in module 'sceNp' (*0x83b940)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpScoreRecordScoreAsync' in module 'sceNp' (*0x83ba40)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpScoreInit' in module 'sceNp' (*0x83b980)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpScoreDestroyTransactionCtx' in module 'sceNp' (*0x83ba20)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpScoreTerm' in module 'sceNp' (*0x83b9c0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpScorePollAsync' in module 'sceNp' (*0x83b9e0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpInit' in module 'sceNp' (*0x83ba00)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpManagerGetNpId' in module 'sceNp' (*0x83ba60)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNp2Term' in module 'sceNp2' (*0x83ba80)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpTrophyGetGameInfo' in module 'sceNpTrophy' (*0x83bb40)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpTrophyRegisterContext' in module 'sceNpTrophy' (*0x83baa0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpTrophyGetTrophyUnlockState' in module 'sceNpTrophy' (*0x83bbc0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpTrophyInit' in module 'sceNpTrophy' (*0x83bb20)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpTrophyCreateHandle' in module 'sceNpTrophy' (*0x83bac0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpTrophyCreateContext' in module 'sceNpTrophy' (*0x83bc00)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpTrophyGetTrophyIcon' in module 'sceNpTrophy' (*0x83bbe0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpTrophyUnlockTrophy' in module 'sceNpTrophy' (*0x83bb80)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpTrophyGetRequiredDiskSpace' in module 'sceNpTrophy' (*0x83bae0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpTrophyTerm' in module 'sceNpTrophy' (*0x83bba0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpTrophyDestroyContext' in module 'sceNpTrophy' (*0x83bb00)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpTrophyDestroyHandle' in module 'sceNpTrophy' (*0x83bb60)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpTrophyGetTrophyInfo' in module 'sceNpTrophy' (*0x83bc20)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sceNpTrophyGetGameIcon' in module 'sceNpTrophy' (*0x83bc40)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPngDecDecodeData' in module 'cellPngDec' (*0x83bca0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPngDecCreate' in module 'cellPngDec' (*0x83bc80)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPngDecReadHeader' in module 'cellPngDec' (*0x83bd00)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPngDecClose' in module 'cellPngDec' (*0x83bcc0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPngDecDestroy' in module 'cellPngDec' (*0x83bce0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPngDecSetParameter' in module 'cellPngDec' (*0x83bd40)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellPngDecOpen' in module 'cellPngDec' (*0x83bd20)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSpursJobQueueAttributeInitialize' in module 'cellSpursJq' (*0x83bde0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetDoBusyWaiting' in module 'cellSpursJq' (*0x83bd60)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetMaxSizeJobDescriptor' in module 'cellSpursJq' (*0x83bda0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetGrabParameters' in module 'cellSpursJq' (*0x83be80)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetSubmitWithEntryLock' in module 'cellSpursJq' (*0x83bd80)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSpursJoinJobQueue' in module 'cellSpursJq' (*0x83be60)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSpursJobQueuePortSync' in module 'cellSpursJq' (*0x83be00)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSpursJobQueuePortInitializeWithDescriptorBuffer' in module 'cellSpursJq' (*0x83bec0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSpursJobQueuePortFinalize' in module 'cellSpursJq' (*0x83bdc0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetIsJobTypeMemoryCheck' in module 'cellSpursJq' (*0x83be20)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSpursShutdownJobQueue' in module 'cellSpursJq' (*0x83be40)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_cellSpursCreateJobQueue' in module 'cellSpursJq' (*0x83bea0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetIsHaltOnError' in module 'cellSpursJq' (*0x83bee0)
·W LDR: Allocated variable 'sys_prx_version' in module 'sysPrxForUser' at *0xa3f000
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwmutex_create' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c160)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwmutex_create' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35a8c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwmutex_create' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e898)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_strncmp' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc359ac)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_strncmp' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e758)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwcond_create' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c380)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwcond_create' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35bcc)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwcond_create' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e9f8)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwmutex_unlock' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c0c0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwmutex_unlock' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc359ec)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwmutex_unlock' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e7f8)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwmutex_lock' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c0a0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwmutex_lock' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc359cc)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwmutex_lock' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e7d8)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_spu_printf_initialize' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c200)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwcond_destroy' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c0e0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwcond_destroy' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35a0c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwcond_destroy' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e818)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_memcmp' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5eaf8)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_strlen' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35a6c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_strlen' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e878)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_ppu_thread_once' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c2c0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_ppu_thread_create' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c100)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_ppu_thread_create' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35a2c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_ppu_thread_create' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e838)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5ea38)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_process_atexitspawn' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c140)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwcond_signal' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35bec)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwcond_signal' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5eab8)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_spu_printf_finalize' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c3a0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwcond_wait' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c120)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwcond_wait' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35a4c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwcond_wait' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e858)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_ppu_thread_get_id' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c180)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_ppu_thread_get_id' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35aac)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_spu_printf_detach_group' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e8b8)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_strcmp' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35acc)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_heap_malloc' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c1a0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_prx_register_library' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c1c0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_heap_delete_heap' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c300)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_heap_memalign' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c1e0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_memset' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35aec)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_memset' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e8d8)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_initialize_tls' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c220)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_time_get_system_time' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c240)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_heap_free' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c260)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_process_at_Exitspawn' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c280)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_prx_exitspawn_with_level' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c2a0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwmutex_trylock' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c2e0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_ppu_thread_exit' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c320)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_ppu_thread_exit' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35b6c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_ppu_thread_exit' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e998)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_heap_create_heap' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c340)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwmutex_destroy' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c360)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwmutex_destroy' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35b8c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwmutex_destroy' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e9b8)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_lwcond_signal_all' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c400)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_spu_image_close' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c3c0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_spu_image_close' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5ea58)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_process_exit' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0x83c3e0)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_spu_image_import' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5ea98)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_memcpy' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35b0c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_memcpy' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e8f8)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_strchr' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35b2c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_strcat' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e778)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_printf' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35b4c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_printf' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e958)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_strncpy' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc35bac)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_strncpy' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e9d8)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_vsnprintf' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e798)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_snprintf' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e7b8)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_strncat' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e918)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_strcpy' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e938)
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x9FB6228E' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (index 2976)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '0x9FB6228E' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5e978)
·W LDR: ** Not linked at *0xa3a04c
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_spu_printf_attach_group' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5ea18)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'sys_process_get_paramsfo' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5ea78)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function '_sys_vprintf' in module 'sysPrxForUser' (*0xc5ead8)
·E LDR: Unknown module 'cellMp4'
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x390BFF1F' in module 'cellMp4' (index 2977)
·W LDR: ** Not linked at *0xa38068
·E LDR: Unknown module 'cellSailAvi'
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x9B02DB99' in module 'cellSailAvi' (index 2978)
·W LDR: ** Not linked at *0xa380ac
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellDmuxQueryEsAttr' in module 'cellDmux' (*0xc3552c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellDmuxSetStream' in module 'cellDmux' (*0xc3554c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellDmuxDisableEs' in module 'cellDmux' (*0xc3556c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellDmuxResetEs' in module 'cellDmux' (*0xc3558c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellDmuxReleaseAu' in module 'cellDmux' (*0xc355ac)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellDmuxGetAu' in module 'cellDmux' (*0xc355ec)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellDmuxPeekAu' in module 'cellDmux' (*0xc355cc)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellDmuxResetStream' in module 'cellDmux' (*0xc3560c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellDmuxEnableEs' in module 'cellDmux' (*0xc3562c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellDmuxClose' in module 'cellDmux' (*0xc3564c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellDmuxQueryAttr' in module 'cellDmux' (*0xc3566c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellDmuxOpenExt' in module 'cellDmux' (*0xc3568c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellDmuxFlushEs' in module 'cellDmux' (*0xc356ac)
·W LDR: Allocated variable '_cell_vdec_prx_ver' in module 'libvdec' at *0xc71000
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVdecOpenEx' in module 'libvdec' (*0xc357cc)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVdecStartSeq' in module 'libvdec' (*0xc358ac)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVdecGetPictureExt' in module 'libvdec' (*0xc3588c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVdecClose' in module 'libvdec' (*0xc357ec)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVdecGetPicItem' in module 'libvdec' (*0xc3580c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVdecGetPicture' in module 'libvdec' (*0xc3584c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVdecDecodeAu' in module 'libvdec' (*0xc3582c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVdecEndSeq' in module 'libvdec' (*0xc3586c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVdecQueryAttrEx' in module 'libvdec' (*0xc358cc)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVdecSetFrameRate' in module 'libvdec' (*0xc358ec)
·E LDR: Unknown module 'cellApostSrcMini'
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x24F4ECD3' in module 'cellApostSrcMini' (index 2979)
·W LDR: ** Not linked at *0xa38020
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x9AAA0039' in module 'cellApostSrcMini' (index 2980)
·W LDR: ** Not linked at *0xa3802c
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x752E10C4' in module 'cellApostSrcMini' (index 2981)
·W LDR: ** Not linked at *0xa38024
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x8A6D4227' in module 'cellApostSrcMini' (index 2982)
·W LDR: ** Not linked at *0xa38028
·E LDR: Unknown function '0xCF350A4C' in module 'cellApostSrcMini' (index 2983)
·W LDR: ** Not linked at *0xa38030
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVpostClose' in module 'cellVpost' (*0xc35c8c)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVpostOpenEx' in module 'cellVpost' (*0xc35cac)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVpostQueryAttr' in module 'cellVpost' (*0xc35ccc)
·! LDR: Injected hack for function 'cellVpostExec' in module 'cellVpost' (*0xc35cec)
·! {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c73028]} sysPrxForUser: sys_initialize_tls(thread_id=0x4, addr=*0xaea09c, size=0x4, mem_size=0x110)
·! {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c73028]} sysPrxForUser: TLS initialized (addr=0xc77000, size=0x140, max=0x408)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c11040]} sys_process: sys_process_get_sdk_version(pid=0x1, version=*0xd007fde0)
·U {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c35178]} HLE TODO: Unimplemented syscall sys_ss_access_control_engine -> CELL_OK
·! {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c224]} sysPrxForUser: sys_initialize_tls(thread_id=0x4, addr=*0xaea09c, size=0xa396cc, mem_size=0x110)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xb830c8, attr=*0x95b230)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x005ef1e4]} sys_memory: sys_memory_get_user_memory_size(mem_info=*0xd007fc04)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xb82ed0, attr=*0x95b230)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xb82220, attr=*0x95b230)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xb82248, attr=*0x95b230)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xb82270, attr=*0x95b230)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xb82158, attr=*0x95b230)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xb82180, attr=*0x95b230)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xb821a8, attr=*0x95b230)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xb821d0, attr=*0x95b230)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xb821f8, attr=*0x95b230)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xb74dd8, attr=*0xd007fb80)
·U {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c144]} sysPrxForUser TODO: _sys_process_atexitspawn()
·U {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c284]} sysPrxForUser TODO: _sys_process_at_Exitspawn
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xd007e128, attr=*0xd007d930)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00797e1c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007e140, attr=*0xd007d8b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00797e1c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007e144, attr=*0xd007d8b0, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xd007e4f0, attr=*0xd007d930)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xd007eb08, attr=*0xd007d8f8)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c384]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0xd007eb20, lwmutex=*0xd007eb08, attr=*0xd007d8f0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xd007eb58, attr=*0xd007d920)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xd007eb80, attr=*0xd007d920)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xd007ebb8, attr=*0xd007d988)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c384]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0xd007ebd0, lwmutex=*0xd007ebb8, attr=*0xd007d980)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xd007f908, attr=*0xd007d8a0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xd007f930, attr=*0xd007d8a0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xd007fae8, attr=*0xd007d9c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00798c3c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_initialize(max_usable_spu=6, max_raw_spu=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c2c4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_once(once_ctrl=*0xb826cc, init=*0xae5eb8)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xb82298, attr=*0xd007d8e0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x005e91e8]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0xb822b4, attr=*0xd007d990, event_queue_key=0x0, size=127)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x005e920c]} sys_event: sys_event_port_create(eport_id=*0xb822b8, port_type=1, name=0xffffffff0000dead)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x005e9228]} sys_event: sys_event_port_connect_local(eport_id=0x20, equeue_id=0x1f)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xb822c0, entry=0xae5eb0, arg=0x0, prio=0, stacksize=0x1000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x981348)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xb822c0, param=*0xd007d910, arg=0x0, unk=0x0, prio=0, stacksize=0x1000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x981348)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x21)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c204]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_spu_printf_initialize(agcb=*0xae5e98, dgcb=*0xae5e90, atcb=*0xae5e88, dtcb=*0xae5e80)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00798d8c]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0xab00000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd007e0e4)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00798db0]} sys_memory: sys_memory_container_create(cid=*0xd007e0ec, size=0x280000)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48710]} sys_process: sys_process_is_spu_lock_line_reservation_address(addr=0xb73b00, flags=0x2)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c489dc]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007d4a0, attr=*0xd007d4e8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c5ea9c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_spu_image_import(img=*0xb74870, src=0xc61380, type=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48c8c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_create(id=*0xd007d4a0, num=5, prio=100, attr=*0xd007d4d4)
·U {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48c8c]} sys_spu TODO: Unsupported SPU Thread Group type (0x4)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48d80]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0xb74834, group=0x34, spu_num=0, img=*0xb74870, attr=*0xd007d4b8, arg=*0xd007d508)
·E {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48d80]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48d80]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0xb74838, group=0x34, spu_num=1, img=*0xb74870, attr=*0xd007d4b8, arg=*0xd007d508)
·E {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48d80]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48d80]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0xb7483c, group=0x34, spu_num=2, img=*0xb74870, attr=*0xd007d4b8, arg=*0xd007d508)
·E {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48d80]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48d80]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0xb74840, group=0x34, spu_num=3, img=*0xb74870, attr=*0xd007d4b8, arg=*0xd007d508)
·E {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48d80]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48d80]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0xb74844, group=0x34, spu_num=4, img=*0xb74870, attr=*0xd007d4b8, arg=*0xd007d508)
·E {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c48d80]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c5ea1c]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_spu_printf_attach_group(group=0x34)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x005e8df4]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0x34, eq=0x1f, req=0x2, spup=*0xd007d3d0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c5e89c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xb748b0, attr=*0xd007d4c4)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c5e9fc]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0xb748c8, lwmutex=*0xb748b0, attr=*0xd007d4b0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c4c2ac]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0xd007d3c0, attr=*0xd007d314, event_queue_key=0x0, size=42)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c51a64]} sys_process: sys_process_get_sdk_version(pid=0x1, version=*0xd007d1d0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c4c04c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0x34, eq=0x3c, req=0xffffffffffff0000, spup=*0xd007d260)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c4c970]} sys_event: sys_event_port_create(eport_id=*0xd007d3c4, port_type=1, name=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c4c990]} sys_event: sys_event_port_connect_local(eport_id=0x3d, equeue_id=0x3c)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c5e83c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xb74828, entry=0xa3d3a4, arg=0xb73b00, prio=300, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd007d3c8)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c5e83c]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xb74828, param=*0xd007d340, arg=0xb73b00, unk=0x0, prio=300, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd007d3c8)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c5e83c]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x3e)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c5e83c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xb74820, entry=0xa3d2dc, arg=0xb73b00, prio=300, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd007d3e0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c5e83c]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xb74820, param=*0xd007d360, arg=0xb73b00, unk=0x0, prio=300, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd007d3e0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c5e83c]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x3f)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c4ee54]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event(id=0x34, eq=0x3c, et=2)
·W {PPU[0x3f] Thread (NpLibSpursSpursHdlr0) [0x00c4a470]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x34)
·U {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c5ea3c]} sys_prx TODO: sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name(name=cellLibprof, flags=0, pOpt=*0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083af44]} cellGcmSys: _cellGcmInitBody(context=**0xb7722c, cmdSize=0x80000, ioSize=0x100000, ioAddress=0x20000000)
·W {PPU[0x3f] Thread (NpLibSpursSpursHdlr0) [0x00c4a48c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x34, cause=*0xd009fda0, status=*0xd009fda4)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x00818]} SPU: SPU Database initialized...
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x00818]} SPU: Function detected [0x00818-0x0084c] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0x37] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel2) [0x00818]} SPU: SPU Recompiler (ASMJIT) created...
·S {SPU[0x37] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel2) [0x006c0]} SPU: Function detected [0x006c0-0x00818] (size=0x158)
·S {SPU[0x36] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel1) [0x00a00]} SPU: Function detected [0x00a00-0x00cc8] (size=0x2c8)
·S {SPU[0x36] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel1) [0x01230]} SPU: Function detected [0x01230-0x01470] (size=0x240)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x01d88]} SPU: Function detected [0x01d88-0x0215c] (size=0x3d4)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x01c00]} SPU: Function detected [0x01c00-0x01d88] (size=0x188)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x02630]} SPU: Function detected [0x02630-0x0284c] (size=0x21c)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x028d0]} SPU: Function detected [0x028d0-0x029ac] (size=0xdc)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x01470]} SPU: Function detected [0x01470-0x01600] (size=0x190)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x02868]} SPU: Function detected [0x02868-0x028cc] (size=0x64)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x00290]} SPU: Function detected [0x00290-0x006c0] (size=0x430)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x00cc8]} SPU: Function detected [0x00cc8-0x01230] (size=0x568)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083af44]} cellGcmSys: *** local memory(addr=0xc0000000, size=0xf900000)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083af44]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmInit(): 256MB io address space used
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xd007e0b0, attr=*0xd007d640)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20180040, attr=*0xd007d510)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083aec4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=CELL_SYSMODULE_FS)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0079a118]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007e100, attr=*0xd007d950, initial_val=0, max_val=127)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd007e0f8, entry=0xac0d20, arg=0xd007e0f0, prio=980, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x97ca98)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd007e0f8, param=*0xd007d8d0, arg=0xd007e0f0, unk=0x0, prio=980, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x97ca98)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x43)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0079a118]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007e118, attr=*0xd007d950, initial_val=0, max_val=127)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd007e110, entry=0xac0d20, arg=0xd007e108, prio=1010, stacksize=0x20000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x97caa8)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd007e110, param=*0xd007d8d0, arg=0xd007e108, unk=0x0, prio=1010, stacksize=0x20000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x97caa8)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x45)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00797e1c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007e168, attr=*0xd007d990, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083aaa4]} cellSysutil: cellVideoOutConfigure(videoOut=0, config=*0xd007e62c, option=*0x0, waitForEvent=0)
·U {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b224]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetVBlankFrequency
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afe4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=13, location=0, offset=0, size=7536640, pitch=5120, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=13)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=14, location=0, offset=7536640, size=3801088, pitch=5120, comp=0, base=0, bank=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=14)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b0a4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindZcull(index=7)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00797e1c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007ebb4, attr=*0xd007d920, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00797e1c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007ebb0, attr=*0xd007d920, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00797e1c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007ebac, attr=*0xd007d920, initial_val=1, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00797e1c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007eba8, attr=*0xd007d920, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0079a118]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007eb48, attr=*0xd007d8e0, initial_val=0, max_val=127)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd007eb40, entry=0xac0d20, arg=0xd007eb38, prio=990, stacksize=0x100000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x97cb18)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd007eb40, param=*0xd007d860, arg=0xd007eb38, unk=0x0, prio=990, stacksize=0x100000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x97cb18)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x4c)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b144]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetVBlankHandler(handler=*0xad5140)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083a9e4]} sys_io: cellPadInit(max_connect=7)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2700, attr=*0xd007d800)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083ace4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilRegisterCallback(slot=3, func=*0xadb5a0, userdata=*0x201e2630)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2860, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e28a0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e28e0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2920, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2960, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e29a0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e29e0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2a20, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2a80, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2aa8, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2b10, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2b70, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2bb0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2bf0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2c30, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2c70, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2cb0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2cf0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2d30, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2d90, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2db8, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163030, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163070, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x271630b0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x271630f0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163130, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163170, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x271631b0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x271631f0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163250, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163278, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x271632d0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163310, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163350, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163390, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x271633d0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163410, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163450, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163490, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x271634f0, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163518, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163570, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x271635b0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x271635f0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163630, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163670, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x271636b0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x271636f0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163730, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163790, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x271637b8, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163810, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163850, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163890, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x271638d0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163910, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163950, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163990, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x271639d0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163a30, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163a58, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163ab0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163af0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163b30, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163b70, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163bb0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163bf0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163c30, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163c70, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163cd0, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163cf8, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163d50, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163d90, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163dd0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163e10, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163e50, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163e90, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163ed0, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163f10, attr=*0xd007d730)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163f70, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27163f98, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2e08, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2e80, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201e2ef0, attr=*0xd007d7c0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b0c4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmMapMainMemory(ea=0x20100000, size=0xd00000, offset=*0xd007daf0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b0c4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmMapMainMemory(ea=0x20f00000, size=0x6000000, offset=*0xd007daf0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b0c4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmMapMainMemory(ea=0x26f00000, size=0x200000, offset=*0xd007daf0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b0c4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmMapMainMemory(ea=0x28200000, size=0x400000, offset=*0xd007daf0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b0c4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmMapMainMemory(ea=0x28600000, size=0x500000, offset=*0xd007daf0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20ee2018, attr=*0xd007da48)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c384]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x20ee2030, lwmutex=*0x20ee2018, attr=*0xd007da40)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=9, location=0, offset=15597568, size=4194304, pitch=4096, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=9)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=10, location=0, offset=19791872, size=4194304, pitch=4096, comp=0, base=0, bank=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=10)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b0a4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindZcull(index=4)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=1, location=0, offset=23986176, size=4194304, pitch=4096, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=9, location=0, offset=28180480, size=4194304, pitch=4096, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=9)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=10, location=0, offset=32374784, size=4194304, pitch=4096, comp=0, base=0, bank=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=10)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b0a4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindZcull(index=4)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=1, location=0, offset=36569088, size=4194304, pitch=4096, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=4, location=0, offset=40763392, size=1900544, pitch=2560, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=4)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=5, location=0, offset=42663936, size=1900544, pitch=2560, comp=0, base=0, bank=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=5)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=4, location=0, offset=44564480, size=1900544, pitch=2560, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=4)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=5, location=0, offset=46465024, size=1900544, pitch=2560, comp=0, base=0, bank=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=5)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=4, location=0, offset=48365568, size=1900544, pitch=2560, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=4)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=5, location=0, offset=50266112, size=1900544, pitch=2560, comp=0, base=0, bank=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=5)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=4, location=0, offset=52166656, size=1900544, pitch=2560, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=4)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=5, location=0, offset=54067200, size=1900544, pitch=2560, comp=0, base=0, bank=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=5)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=4, location=0, offset=55967744, size=3801088, pitch=5120, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=4)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=5, location=0, offset=59768832, size=3801088, pitch=5120, comp=0, base=0, bank=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=5)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b0a4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindZcull(index=3)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=1, location=0, offset=63569920, size=3801088, pitch=5120, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=7, location=0, offset=67371008, size=983040, pitch=2560, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=7)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=6, location=0, offset=68354048, size=262144, pitch=1280, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=6)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=8, location=0, offset=69795840, size=262144, pitch=1280, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=8)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=1, location=0, offset=70320128, size=1900544, pitch=2560, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=7, location=0, offset=72220672, size=983040, pitch=2560, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=7)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=6, location=0, offset=73203712, size=262144, pitch=1280, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=6)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=8, location=0, offset=74645504, size=262144, pitch=1280, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=8)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=1, location=0, offset=75169792, size=1900544, pitch=2560, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=7, location=0, offset=77070336, size=983040, pitch=2560, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=7)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=6, location=0, offset=78053376, size=262144, pitch=1280, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=6)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083b184]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=8, location=0, offset=79495168, size=262144, pitch=1280, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083afc4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=8)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083aec4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=CELL_SYSMODULE_NET)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083aec4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=CELL_SYSMODULE_IO)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083aec4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=CELL_SYSMODULE_USBD)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083aec4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=CELL_SYSMODULE_GCM_SYS)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083aec4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=CELL_SYSMODULE_RESC)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083aec4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_GAME)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083ae84]} cellGame: cellGameBootCheck(type=*0xd007d5d4, attributes=*0xd007d5d0, size=*0x2068f104, dirName=*0xd007d5d8)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083ae24]} cellGame: cellGameContentPermit(contentInfoPath=*0xd007d6d8, usrdirPath=*0xd007d658)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083abc4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=ID_ENTER_BUTTON_ASSIGN, value=*0xd007d990)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083abc4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=ID_ENTER_BUTTON_ASSIGN, value=*0xd007d990)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083abc4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=ID_ENTER_BUTTON_ASSIGN, value=*0xd007d990)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083abc4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=ID_ENTER_BUTTON_ASSIGN, value=*0xd007d990)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083abc4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=ID_ENTER_BUTTON_ASSIGN, value=*0xd007d990)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083abc4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=ID_ENTER_BUTTON_ASSIGN, value=*0xd007d990)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083abc4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=ID_ENTER_BUTTON_ASSIGN, value=*0xd007d990)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x206be110, attr=*0xd007da68)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c384]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x206be128, lwmutex=*0x206be110, attr=*0xd007da60)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x004dd134]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0x206bdcc0, attr=*0xd007da68, initial_val=0, max_val=127)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x206bdcb8, entry=0xac0d20, arg=0x206bdcb0, prio=1001, stacksize=0x20000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x97dc20)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x206bdcb8, param=*0xd007d9e0, arg=0x206bdcb0, unk=0x0, prio=1001, stacksize=0x20000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x97dc20)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0xa7)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20ee2150, attr=*0xd007da18)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c384]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x20ee2168, lwmutex=*0x20ee2150, attr=*0xd007da10)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x001ffb44]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0x20f65be0, attr=*0xd007da18, initial_val=0, max_val=127)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x20f65bd8, entry=0xac0d20, arg=0x20f65bd0, prio=1010, stacksize=0x10000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x20f65bd8, param=*0xd007d990, arg=0x20f65bd0, unk=0x0, prio=1010, stacksize=0x10000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0xab)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x27b63040, attr=*0xd007d650)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x005e8ec8]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_join(thread_id=0x21, vptr=*0xd007d7a0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x005e8ed4]} sys_event: sys_event_port_disconnect(eport_id=0x20)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x005e8ee0]} sys_event: sys_event_port_destroy(eport_id=0x20)
·! {PPU[0x21] Thread (_SPU_printf_server) [0x0083c328]} Thread time: 0.000522 Gc
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x005e8ef0]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_destroy(equeue_id=0x1f, mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c3a4]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_spu_printf_finalize()
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083ad24]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability(audioOut=0, type=0, fs=0x4, option=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083ad24]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability(audioOut=0, type=1, fs=0x4, option=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083ad24]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability(audioOut=0, type=6, fs=0x4, option=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083abe4]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutConfigure(audioOut=0, config=*0xd007d760, option=*0x0, waitForEvent=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083ade4]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutGetState(audioOut=0x0, deviceIndex=0x0, state=*0xd007d770)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083ad84]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutGetNumberOfDevice(audioOut=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083ad24]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability(audioOut=0, type=0, fs=0x4, option=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083ad24]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability(audioOut=0, type=1, fs=0x4, option=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083ad24]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability(audioOut=0, type=6, fs=0x4, option=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083abe4]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutConfigure(audioOut=0, config=*0xd007d840, option=*0x0, waitForEvent=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083ade4]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutGetState(audioOut=0x0, deviceIndex=0x0, state=*0xd007d860)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083a5c4]} cellAudio: cellAudioInit()
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083a6a4]} cellAudio: cellAudioPortOpen(audioParam=*0xd007d898, portNum=*0xd007f8b4)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083a664]} cellAudio: cellAudioGetPortConfig(portNum=0, portConfig=*0xd007d878)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c164]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xb94700, attr=*0xd007d650)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c4c2ac]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0xd007d6c4, attr=*0xd007d614, event_queue_key=0x0, size=1)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c4c04c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0x34, eq=0xae, req=0xffffffffffff0000, spup=*0xd007d560)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00505d5c]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0xb94480, attr=*0xd007d6c4, event_queue_key=0x0, size=8)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xb77238, entry=0xadf760, arg=0x0, prio=499, stacksize=0x10000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x97e1d8)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xb77238, param=*0xd007d640, arg=0x0, unk=0x0, prio=499, stacksize=0x10000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x97e1d8)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0xb0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00505dec]} sys_event: sys_event_port_create(eport_id=*0xb94400, port_type=1, name=0xfee1dead)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00505e04]} sys_event: sys_event_port_connect_local(eport_id=0xb1, equeue_id=0xaf)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c4c04c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0x34, eq=0xaf, req=0x2, spup=*0xd007d610)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083a804]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0x97e7f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd007d6a0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083a804]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x97e7f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd007d6a0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083a804]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_flash/sys/external/flashATRAC.pic'
·S {SPU[0x36] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel1) [0x01600]} SPU: Function detected [0x01600-0x01984] (size=0x384)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x02850]} SPU: Function detected [0x02850-0x02868] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x00808]} SPU: Function detected [0x00808-0x00818] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x00a00]} SPU: Function detected [0x00a00-0x00b60] (size=0x160)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x01ec8]} SPU: Function detected [0x01ec8-0x01f14] (size=0x4c)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x02464]} SPU: Function detected [0x02464-0x02540] (size=0xdc)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x01338]} SPU: Function detected [0x01338-0x01350] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x01778]} SPU: Function detected [0x01778-0x01c58] (size=0x4e0)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x00e40]} SPU: Function detected [0x00e40-0x01338] (size=0x4f8)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x02388]} SPU: Function detected [0x02388-0x02464] (size=0xdc)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x01f18]} SPU: Function detected [0x01f18-0x02304] (size=0x3ec)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x02540]} SPU: Function detected [0x02540-0x02600] (size=0xc0)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x0224c]} SPU: Function detected [0x0224c-0x02304] (size=0xb8)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x02238]} SPU: Function detected [0x02238-0x0224c] (size=0x14)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x0211c]} SPU: Function detected [0x0211c-0x02238] (size=0x11c)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x02268]} SPU: Function detected [0x02268-0x02304] (size=0x9c)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x00c40]} SPU: Function detected [0x00c40-0x00e3c] (size=0x1fc)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x03050]} SPU: Function detected [0x03050-0x030d8] (size=0x88)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x03010]} SPU: Function detected [0x03010-0x03040] (size=0x30)
·E {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x0f260]} SPU: [0x0f264] Branch-to-next with $LR
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x0f260]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f260-0x0f268] (size=0x8)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x06260]} SPU: Function detected [0x06260-0x07bac] (size=0x194c)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x03548]} SPU: Function detected [0x03548-0x03580] (size=0x38)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x05f70]} SPU: Function detected [0x05f70-0x06260] (size=0x2f0)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x0f290]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f290-0x0f308] (size=0x78)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x0f308]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f308-0x0f39c] (size=0x94)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x00a70]} SPU: Function detected [0x00a70-0x00b60] (size=0xf0)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x01c58]} SPU: Function detected [0x01c58-0x01ec8] (size=0x270)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x00b60]} SPU: Function detected [0x00b60-0x00c3c] (size=0xdc)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x0f2e0]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f2e0-0x0f308] (size=0x28)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x05f80]} SPU: Function detected [0x05f80-0x06260] (size=0x2e0)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x05d58]} SPU: Function detected [0x05d58-0x05f70] (size=0x218)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x0f3a0]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f3a0-0x0f7f0] (size=0x450)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x0ff88]} SPU: Function detected [0x0ff88-0x0ffd4] (size=0x4c)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x014d0]} SPU: Function detected [0x014d0-0x01778] (size=0x2a8)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x05d7c]} SPU: Function detected [0x05d7c-0x05f70] (size=0x1f4)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0079a118]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007f8a0, attr=*0xd007d770, initial_val=0, max_val=127)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd007f898, entry=0xac0d20, arg=0xd007f890, prio=0, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x97d910)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x32b90]} SPU: Function detected [0x32b90-0x32e70] (size=0x2e0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd007f898, param=*0xd007d6f0, arg=0xd007f890, unk=0x0, prio=0, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x97d910)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0xb3)
·W {PPU[0xb3] Thread (NpSndThread) [0x0083a684]} cellAudio: cellAudioPortStart(portNum=0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0079a118]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007fb18, attr=*0xd007d7e0, initial_val=0, max_val=127)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd007fb10, entry=0xac0d20, arg=0xd007fb08, prio=980, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd007fb10, param=*0xd007d760, arg=0xd007fb08, unk=0x0, prio=980, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0xb5)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x06028]} SPU: Function detected [0x06028-0x06260] (size=0x238)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x06364]} SPU: Function detected [0x06364-0x07bac] (size=0x1848)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0079a118]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007f888, attr=*0xd007d890, initial_val=0, max_val=127)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd007f880, entry=0xac0d20, arg=0xd007f878, prio=980, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd007f880, param=*0xd007d810, arg=0xd007f878, unk=0x0, prio=980, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0xb7)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083aee4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleIsLoaded(id=CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_SAVEDATA)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083abc4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=ID_PAD_RUMBLE, value=*0x20edf144)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083abc4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=ID_ENTER_BUTTON_ASSIGN, value=*0x20edf148)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0022bb74]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0x20705250, attr=*0xd007da20, initial_val=0, max_val=127)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x20705248, entry=0xac0d20, arg=0x20705240, prio=990, stacksize=0x3de, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x967288)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x20705248, param=*0xd007d9a0, arg=0x20705240, unk=0x0, prio=990, stacksize=0x3de, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x967288)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083c104]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0xb9)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083abc4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=ID_LANG, value=*0xd007dae0)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00797e78]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_destroy(sem_id=0x46)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00797e1c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007e168, attr=*0xd007d920, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x43] Thread (NpReadThread) [0x0083a804]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xd00a3a70, flags=0, fd=*0xd00a3ca0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU[0x43] Thread (NpReadThread) [0x0083a804]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xd00a3a70, flags=0, fd=*0xd00a3ca0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x43] Thread (NpReadThread) [0x0083a804]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/d03.dat'
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x00a00]} SPU: Function detected [0x00a00-0x00a30] (size=0x30)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x0634c]} SPU: Function detected [0x0634c-0x06364] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x02ae0]} SPU: Function detected [0x02ae0-0x02cb0] (size=0x1d0)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x056b0]} SPU: Function detected [0x056b0-0x057e8] (size=0x138)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04478]} SPU: Function detected [0x04478-0x04538] (size=0xc0)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x0b588]} SPU: Function detected [0x0b588-0x0cf38] (size=0x19b0)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04610]} SPU: Function detected [0x04610-0x0461c] (size=0xc)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x0a998]} SPU: Function detected [0x0a998-0x0b584] (size=0xbec)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x03d40]} SPU: Function detected [0x03d40-0x03d78] (size=0x38)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x03580]} SPU: Function detected [0x03580-0x04078] (size=0xaf8)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x03bf8]} SPU: Function detected [0x03bf8-0x03c28] (size=0x30)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x2fa98]} SPU: Function detected [0x2fa98-0x2faf8] (size=0x60)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x03e18]} SPU: Function detected [0x03e18-0x03ecc] (size=0xb4)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x2fa90]} SPU: Function detected [0x2fa90-0x2fa94] (size=0x4)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x01450]} SPU: Function detected [0x01450-0x02ae0] (size=0x1690)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x30928]} SPU: Function detected [0x30928-0x31914] (size=0xfec)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04538]} SPU: Function detected [0x04538-0x04610] (size=0xd8)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x2faf8]} SPU: Function detected [0x2faf8-0x2fdd0] (size=0x2d8)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x035b8]} SPU: Function detected [0x035b8-0x03b68] (size=0x5b0)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x2fdd0]} SPU: Function detected [0x2fdd0-0x3059c] (size=0x7cc)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x00a30]} SPU: Function detected [0x00a30-0x00b00] (size=0xd0)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x305a0]} SPU: Function detected [0x305a0-0x30928] (size=0x388)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x03418]} SPU: Function detected [0x03418-0x035b4] (size=0x19c)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x02d80]} SPU: Function detected [0x02d80-0x03418] (size=0x698)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x00b00]} SPU: Function detected [0x00b00-0x00c68] (size=0x168)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x054e0]} SPU: Function detected [0x054e0-0x056ac] (size=0x1cc)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04638]} SPU: Function detected [0x04638-0x0469c] (size=0x64)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x05408]} SPU: Function detected [0x05408-0x054e0] (size=0xd8)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04128]} SPU: Function detected [0x04128-0x04474] (size=0x34c)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x04df0]} SPU: Function detected [0x04df0-0x05224] (size=0x434)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x03c28]} SPU: Function detected [0x03c28-0x03d40] (size=0x118)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x04a70]} SPU: Function detected [0x04a70-0x04bd4] (size=0x164)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x00ef8]} SPU: Function detected [0x00ef8-0x01370] (size=0x478)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x057e8]} SPU: Function detected [0x057e8-0x05c00] (size=0x418)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04c00]} SPU: Function detected [0x04c00-0x04c48] (size=0x48)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x05228]} SPU: Function detected [0x05228-0x0533c] (size=0x114)
·E {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c20: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0xa5a5a5a5)
·E {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c24: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0xa5a5a5a5)
·E {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c28: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0xa5a5a5a5)
·E {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c2c: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0xa5a5a5a5)
·E {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c30: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0x4a4f4243)
·E {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c34: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0x52542056)
·E {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c38: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0x65723133)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04d10]} SPU: Function detected [0x04d10-0x04e20] (size=0x110)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x05c00]} SPU: Function detected [0x05c00-0x05d54] (size=0x154)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x05140]} SPU: Function detected [0x05140-0x05628] (size=0x4e8)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x01350]} SPU: Function detected [0x01350-0x0139c] (size=0x4c)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x051d4]} SPU: Function detected [0x051d4-0x05628] (size=0x454)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x02320]} SPU: Function detected [0x02320-0x02384] (size=0x64)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x051b8]} SPU: Function detected [0x051b8-0x051d4] (size=0x1c)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x013b0]} SPU: Function detected [0x013b0-0x01438] (size=0x88)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x05008]} SPU: Function detected [0x05008-0x05044] (size=0x3c)
·S {SPU[0x35] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel0) [0x02308]} SPU: Function detected [0x02308-0x02320] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04c60]} SPU: Function detected [0x04c60-0x04d10] (size=0xb0)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04e10]} SPU: Function detected [0x04e10-0x04e20] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04db0]} SPU: Function detected [0x04db0-0x04e10] (size=0x60)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04e20]} SPU: Function detected [0x04e20-0x04e30] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04f50]} SPU: Function detected [0x04f50-0x05008] (size=0xb8)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x05628]} SPU: Function detected [0x05628-0x05850] (size=0x228)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04e30]} SPU: Function detected [0x04e30-0x04ec4] (size=0x94)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x05850]} SPU: Function detected [0x05850-0x05880] (size=0x30)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x05048]} SPU: Function detected [0x05048-0x0513c] (size=0xf4)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x03ed0]} SPU: Function detected [0x03ed0-0x03fe4] (size=0x114)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x03b88]} SPU: Function detected [0x03b88-0x03bf4] (size=0x6c)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x01430]} SPU: Function detected [0x01430-0x01450] (size=0x20)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x04620]} SPU: Function detected [0x04620-0x04638] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x01b00]} SPU: Function detected [0x01b00-0x01c00] (size=0x100)
·S {SPU[0x39] Thread (NpLibSpursCellSpursKernel4) [0x02a40]} SPU: Function detected [0x02a40-0x02a98] (size=0x58)
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00797e78]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_destroy(sem_id=0xba)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00797e1c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007e168, attr=*0xd007d920, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x43] Thread (NpReadThread) [0x0083a804]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xd00a3a70, flags=0, fd=*0xd00a3ca0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU[0x43] Thread (NpReadThread) [0x0083a804]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xd00a3a70, flags=0, fd=*0xd00a3ca0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x43] Thread (NpReadThread) [0x0083a804]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/d03.dat'
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00797e78]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_destroy(sem_id=0xbb)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00797e1c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007e168, attr=*0xd007d920, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x43] Thread (NpReadThread) [0x0083a804]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xd00a3a70, flags=0, fd=*0xd00a3ca0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU[0x43] Thread (NpReadThread) [0x0083a804]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xd00a3a70, flags=0, fd=*0xd00a3ca0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x43] Thread (NpReadThread) [0x0083a804]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/d01.dat'
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083abc4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=ID_PAD_RUMBLE, value=*0x20edf144)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x0083abc4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=ID_ENTER_BUTTON_ASSIGN, value=*0x20edf148)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00797e78]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_destroy(sem_id=0xbc)
·W {PPU[0x4] Thread (main_thread) [0x00797e1c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd007e168, attr=*0xd007d920, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU[0x43] Thread (NpReadThread) [0x0083a804]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xd00a3a70, flags=0, fd=*0xd00a3ca0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU[0x43] Thread (NpReadThread) [0x0083a804]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xd00a3a70, flags=0, fd=*0xd00a3ca0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x43] Thread (NpReadThread) [0x0083a804]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/d01.dat'
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=0)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2039)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2047)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 3
·U {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(fid=0x1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b164]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sysPrxForUser: sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=*0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x00c5ea7c]} sys_process: _sys_process_get_paramsfo(buffer=0xd01c37d8)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2035)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2043)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=4, index=2036)
·W {PPU[0x4c] Thread (NpRenderThread) [0x0083b064]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=5, index=2044)