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Created March 6, 2016 17:22
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·! RPCS3 v0.0.0.6-6-dd233c9
·! Stopping emulator...
·! LDR: Loading 'E:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/RPCS3.rsx.26-02-16/dev_hdd0/game/BLES00574/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/BOOT.BIN'...
·! LDR:
·! LDR: Mount info:
·! LDR: /dev_usb000/ -> E:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/RPCS3.rsx.26-02-16/dev_usb000/
·! LDR: /dev_flash/ -> E:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/RPCS3.rsx.26-02-16/dev_flash/
·! LDR: /host_root/ ->
·! LDR: /dev_hdd0/ -> E:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/RPCS3.rsx.26-02-16/dev_hdd0/
·! LDR: /dev_hdd1/ -> E:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/RPCS3.rsx.26-02-16/dev_hdd1/
·! LDR: /dev_bdvd/ -> E:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/RPCS3.rsx.26-02-16/dev_hdd0/game/BLES00574/
·! LDR: /dev_usb/ -> E:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/RPCS3.rsx.26-02-16/dev_usb000/
·! LDR:
·! LDR: Title: G-Force
·! LDR: Serial: BLES00574
·! LDR: Used configuration: 'E:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/RPCS3.rsx.26-02-16/'
·! LDR:
·! LDR: [lle]
main_frame_aui=layout2|name~Pane_0;caption~Game List;state~4196348;dir~5;layer~0;row~0;pos~0;prop~100000;bestw~283;besth~279;minw~-1;minh~-1;maxw~-1;maxh~-1;floatx~-1;floaty~-1;floatw~-1;floath~-1|name~Pane_1;caption~Log;state~4196348;dir~3;layer~0;row~0;pos~0;prop~100000;bestw~600;besth~300;minw~-1;minh~-1;maxw~-1;maxh~-1;floatx~-1;floaty~-1;floatw~-1;floath~-1|name~Pane_2;caption~Debugger;state~4196348;dir~2;layer~0;row~0;pos~0;prop~100000;bestw~400;besth~300;minw~-1;minh~-1;maxw~-1;maxh~-1;floatx~-1;floaty~-1;floatw~-1;floath~-1|dock_size(5,0,0)~265|dock_size(3,0,0)~162|dock_size(2,0,0)~265|
PPU Decoder=interpreter2
Load liblv2.sprx=false
Hook static functions=false
SPU Decoder=recompiler_asmjit
Aspect ratio=16x9
Frame limit=Off
Log shader programs=false
3D Monitor=false
Enable instruction ADDI=true
Compiled blocks exclusion=false
Enable instruction MULLI=true
Excluded block range min=200
Enable instruction LFS=true
Enable instruction RLWINM=true
Enable instruction CMPI=true
Enable instruction CREQV=true
Enable instruction CMPLI=true
Excluded block range max=250
Enable instruction OR=true
Compilation threshold=1000
Enable instruction SUBF=true
Enable instruction CROR=true
Enable instruction TWI=true
Enable instruction DIVW=true
Enable instruction LBZ=true
Enable instruction SUBFIC=true
Enable instruction DIVWU=true
Enable instruction ADDIC=true
Enable instruction ORI=true
Enable instruction ADDIC_=true
Enable instruction ADDIS=true
Enable instruction LD=true
Enable instruction RLWIMI=true
Enable instruction LWARX=true
Enable instruction RLDC_LR=true
Enable instruction RLDIC=true
Enable instruction RLWNM=true
Enable instruction AND=true
Enable instruction ORIS=true
Enable instruction RLDICR=true
Enable instruction STFS=true
Enable instruction XORI=true
Enable instruction LWZ=true
Enable instruction XORIS=true
Enable instruction ANDI_=true
Enable instruction CRXOR=true
Enable instruction ANDIS_=true
Enable instruction STW=true
Enable instruction LHZ=true
Enable instruction MCRF=true
Enable instruction SRAWI=true
Enable instruction CMP=true
Enable instruction CRNOR=true
Enable instruction MULLW=true
Enable instruction CRANDC=true
Enable instruction CRNAND=true
Enable instruction EXTSB=true
Enable instruction CRAND=true
Enable instruction STD=true
Enable instruction CRORC=true
Enable instruction RLDICL=true
Enable instruction RLDIMI=true
Enable instruction MFOCRF=true
Enable instruction CMPL=true
Enable instruction NEG=true
Enable instruction MTOCRF=true
Enable instruction STWCX_=true
Enable instruction ADD=true
Enable instruction EXTSW=true
Enable instruction STDU=true
Emulation dir path=
Use path below as EmulationDir=false
Write Color Buffers=false
Write Depth Buffer=false
Read Color Buffers=false
Read Depth Buffer=false
D3D Adaptater=0
Debug Output=false
Debug overlay=false
Pad Handler=windows
Camera type=PlayStationEye
Mouse Handler=null
Keyboard Handler=null
Audio Out=OpenAL
Dump to file=false
Convert to 16 bit=false
Left Analog Stick Left=314
Left Analog Stick Down=317
Left Analog Stick Right=316
Right Analog Stick Right=312
Right Analog Stick Down=367
Left Analog Stick Up=315
Right Analog Stick Up=366
Right Analog Stick Left=313
Exit RPCS3 when process finishes=false
Always start after boot=true
Use default configuration=true
RSX Logging=false
Log Level=Success
Connection status=IPObtained
Network adapter=0
Auto Pause at System Call=false
Auto Pause at Function Call=false
App version_position=4
App version_width=55
App version_shown=true
·! LDR: Elf path: /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/BOOT.BIN
·! LDR:
·! LDR: loader::init() failed: Broken file
·W LDR: Loading LLE library 'cellFiber_Library'
·W LDR: segment addr=0x6ac000, initial addr = 0x0
·W LDR: cellFiber_Library (rtoc=0x6c2a80):
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000002 - 0x9002f - 0x0
·W LDR: **** : [0xBC9A0086] -> 0xea68
·W LDR: **** : [0xAB779874] -> 0xea70
·W LDR: **** : [0x3AB9A95E] -> 0xea70
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellFiber
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x2c000001
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextReturnToThread] -> 0xe838
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextRunScheduler] -> 0xe828
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextEnterScheduler] -> 0xe808
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuYield] -> 0xe930
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuRunFibers] -> 0xe918
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlRunFibers] -> 0xea00
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [_cellFiberPpuContextAttributeInitialize] -> 0xe850
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlInitialize] -> 0xea38
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextSelf] -> 0xe870
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSchedulerTraceFinalize] -> 0xe980
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlSetPollingMode] -> 0xea20
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlJoinFiber] -> 0xe9f0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlDisconnectEventQueue] -> 0xe9e8
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [_cellFiberPpuInitialize] -> 0xe958
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlSendSignal] -> 0xea18
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSelf] -> 0xe910
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlConnectEventQueueToSpurs] -> 0xe9e0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [_cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlAttributeInitialize] -> 0xea40
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuWaitSignal] -> 0xe948
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextInitialize] -> 0xe848
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuCreateFiber] -> 0xe908
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSendSignal] -> 0xe8b0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuFinalizeScheduler] -> 0xe920
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [_cellFiberPpuSchedulerAttributeInitialize] -> 0xe8d0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlFinalize] -> 0xea50
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuWaitFlag] -> 0xe950
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuJoinFiber] -> 0xe940
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextRun] -> 0xe820
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSchedulerTraceStart] -> 0xe9a0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuGetScheduler] -> 0xe898
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextFinalize] -> 0xe858
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextCheckStackLimit] -> 0xe868
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlWakeup] -> 0xea08
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSchedulerTraceInitialize] -> 0xe9b0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlCreateFiber] -> 0xe9f8
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlShutdown] -> 0xea48
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [_cellFiberPpuAttributeInitialize] -> 0xe8d8
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextSwitch] -> 0xe830
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuHasRunnableFiber] -> 0xe890
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSchedulerTraceStop] -> 0xe990
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlCheckFlags] -> 0xea10
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuInitializeScheduler] -> 0xe8e0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlInitializeWithAttribute] -> 0xea30
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuCheckStackLimit] -> 0xe8f8
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuCheckFlags] -> 0xe888
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuExit] -> 0xe8c0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSetPriority] -> 0xe900
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellLibprof
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellLibprof: [cellUserTraceRegister] -> 0x5c88
·W LDR: **** cellLibprof: [cellUserTraceUnregister] -> 0x5ca8
·W LDR: **** Imported: sysPrxForUser
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_ppu_thread_get_id] -> 0x5cc8
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memset] -> 0x5ce8
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memcpy] -> 0x5d08
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_printf] -> 0x5d28
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [0x9FB6228E] -> 0x5d48
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncpy] -> 0x5d68
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name] -> 0x5d88
·W LDR: segment addr=0x6bc000, initial addr = 0x6560
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x6b1c8e <- 0x6b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x6b1c92 <- 0x0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x6b1cae <- 0x6b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x6b1cb2 <- 0x4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x6b1cce <- 0x6b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x6b1cd2 <- 0x8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x6b1cee <- 0x6b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x6b1cf2 <- 0xc
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x6b1d0e <- 0x6b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x6b1d12 <- 0x10
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x6b1d2e <- 0x6b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x6b1d32 <- 0x14
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x6b1d4e <- 0x6b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x6b1d52 <- 0x18
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x6b1d6e <- 0x6b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x6b1d72 <- 0x1c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x6b1d8e <- 0x6b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x6b1d92 <- 0x20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1dc8 <- 0x6b1ea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1dcc <- 0x6b1ebc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1de0 <- 0x6b1ed0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1de4 <- 0x6b1edc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1de8 <- 0x6b1fb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1e04 <- 0x6b1e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1e30 <- 0x6b1e98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1e08 <- 0x6b2074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1e0c <- 0x6bc000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1e34 <- 0x6b207c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1e38 <- 0x6bc008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1e74 <- 0x6b1db4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1e78 <- 0x6b1dec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1e7c <- 0x6b1df4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1e80 <- 0x6b1e4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1e70 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1ebc <- 0x6c4508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1ec0 <- 0x6c4510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1ec4 <- 0x6c4510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1ec8 <- 0x6b1e50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1ecc <- 0x6c425c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1fb8 <- 0x6c42d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1fbc <- 0x6c42c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1fc0 <- 0x6c42a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1fc4 <- 0x6c43d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1fc8 <- 0x6c43b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1fcc <- 0x6c44a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1fd0 <- 0x6c42f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1fd4 <- 0x6c44d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1fd8 <- 0x6c4310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1fdc <- 0x6c4420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1fe0 <- 0x6c44c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1fe4 <- 0x6c4490
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1fe8 <- 0x6c4488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1fec <- 0x6c43f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1ff0 <- 0x6c44b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1ff4 <- 0x6c43b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1ff8 <- 0x6c4480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b1ffc <- 0x6c44e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2000 <- 0x6c43e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2004 <- 0x6c42e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2008 <- 0x6c43a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b200c <- 0x6c4350
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2010 <- 0x6c43c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2014 <- 0x6c4370
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2018 <- 0x6c44f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b201c <- 0x6c43f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2020 <- 0x6c43e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2024 <- 0x6c42c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2028 <- 0x6c4440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b202c <- 0x6c4338
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2030 <- 0x6c42f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2034 <- 0x6c4308
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2038 <- 0x6c44a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b203c <- 0x6c4450
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2040 <- 0x6c4498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2044 <- 0x6c44e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2048 <- 0x6c4378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b204c <- 0x6c42d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2050 <- 0x6c4330
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2054 <- 0x6c4430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2058 <- 0x6c44b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b205c <- 0x6c4380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2060 <- 0x6c44d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2064 <- 0x6c4398
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2068 <- 0x6c4328
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b206c <- 0x6c4360
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6b2070 <- 0x6c43a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6bc000 <- 0x6b1c88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6bc004 <- 0x6b1ca8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6bc008 <- 0x6b1cc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6bc00c <- 0x6b1ce8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6bc010 <- 0x6b1d08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6bc014 <- 0x6b1d28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6bc018 <- 0x6b1d48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6bc01c <- 0x6b1d68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6bc020 <- 0x6b1d88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4260 <- 0x6ac000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4264 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4268 <- 0x6ac008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c426c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4270 <- 0x6ac128
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4274 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4278 <- 0x6ac2e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c427c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4280 <- 0x6ac378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4284 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4288 <- 0x6ac3d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c428c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4290 <- 0x6ac514
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4294 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4298 <- 0x6ac70c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c429c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42a0 <- 0x6ac714
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42a4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42a8 <- 0x6ac748
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42ac <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42b0 <- 0x6ac8a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42b4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42b8 <- 0x6ac93c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42bc <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42c0 <- 0x6acb18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42c4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42c8 <- 0x6acbac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42cc <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42d0 <- 0x6acc00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42d4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42d8 <- 0x6ace0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42dc <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42e0 <- 0x6acef8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42e4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42e8 <- 0x6ad030
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42ec <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42f0 <- 0x6ad0f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42f4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42f8 <- 0x6ad1b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c42fc <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4300 <- 0x6ad2a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4304 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4308 <- 0x6ad3b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c430c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4310 <- 0x6ad430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4314 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4318 <- 0x6ad464
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c431c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4320 <- 0x6ad48c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4324 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4328 <- 0x6ad50c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c432c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4330 <- 0x6ad6bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4334 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4338 <- 0x6ad720
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c433c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4340 <- 0x6ad768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4344 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4348 <- 0x6ad7d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c434c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4350 <- 0x6ad8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4354 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4358 <- 0x6ad954
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c435c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4360 <- 0x6ada30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4364 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4368 <- 0x6adb04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c436c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4370 <- 0x6adb50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4374 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4378 <- 0x6adbe4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c437c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4380 <- 0x6adca4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4384 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4388 <- 0x6ae000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c438c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4390 <- 0x6ae06c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4394 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4398 <- 0x6ae0dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c439c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43a0 <- 0x6ae15c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43a4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43a8 <- 0x6ae1cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43ac <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43b0 <- 0x6ae514
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43b4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43b8 <- 0x6ae54c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43bc <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43c0 <- 0x6ae76c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43c4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43c8 <- 0x6aeb10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43cc <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43d0 <- 0x6af3dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43d4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43d8 <- 0x6af4a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43dc <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43e0 <- 0x6af574
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43e4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43e8 <- 0x6afb84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43ec <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43f0 <- 0x6afbe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43f4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43f8 <- 0x6afd18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c43fc <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4400 <- 0x6afd2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4404 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4408 <- 0x6afdf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c440c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4410 <- 0x6affb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4414 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4418 <- 0x6b0014
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c441c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4420 <- 0x6b01b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4424 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4428 <- 0x6b02e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c442c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4430 <- 0x6b02ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4434 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4438 <- 0x6b0410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c443c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4440 <- 0x6b0418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4444 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4448 <- 0x6b053c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c444c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4450 <- 0x6b0544
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4454 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4458 <- 0x6b06f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c445c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4460 <- 0x6b0710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4464 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4468 <- 0x6b08a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c446c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4470 <- 0x6b09d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4474 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4478 <- 0x6b0b44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c447c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4480 <- 0x6b0c80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4484 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4488 <- 0x6b0c8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c448c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4490 <- 0x6b0c98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4494 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4498 <- 0x6b0cc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c449c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44a0 <- 0x6b0dcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44a4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44a8 <- 0x6b1260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44ac <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44b0 <- 0x6b1380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44b4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44b8 <- 0x6b144c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44bc <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44c0 <- 0x6b14c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44c4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44c8 <- 0x6b161c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44cc <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44d0 <- 0x6b179c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44d4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44d8 <- 0x6b17a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44dc <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44e0 <- 0x6b17a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44e4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44e8 <- 0x6b1848
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44ec <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44f0 <- 0x6b19b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44f4 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44f8 <- 0x6b1ad8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c44fc <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4500 <- 0x6b1be0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4504 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4508 <- 0x6b1c78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c450c <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4510 <- 0x6b1c80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4514 <- 0x6cc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4520 <- 0x6b2400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4524 <- 0x6bc028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4528 <- 0x6b2408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c452c <- 0x6b2418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4530 <- 0x6b2098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4534 <- 0x6b2430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4538 <- 0x6bc190
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c453c <- 0x6c4300
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4540 <- 0x6bc080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4544 <- 0x6b2440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4548 <- 0x6b2450
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c454c <- 0x6b20d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4550 <- 0x6b2468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4554 <- 0x6b2478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4558 <- 0x6bc190
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c455c <- 0x6c43c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4560 <- 0x6bc138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4564 <- 0x6b2488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4568 <- 0x6b2498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c456c <- 0x6b2148
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4570 <- 0x6b24a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4574 <- 0x6b24b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4578 <- 0x6c4368
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c457c <- 0x6aeb9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4580 <- 0x6c4388
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4584 <- 0x6c4390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4588 <- 0x6b24c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c458c <- 0x6b2200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4590 <- 0x6bc190
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4594 <- 0x6bc198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c4598 <- 0x6b24d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c459c <- 0x6b24e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45a0 <- 0x6b2218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45a4 <- 0x6b24e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45a8 <- 0x6b24f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45ac <- 0x6c4458
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45b0 <- 0x6c4428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45b4 <- 0x6c4448
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45b8 <- 0x6c4438
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45bc <- 0x6c4460
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45c0 <- 0x6c4468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45c4 <- 0x6c4470
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45c8 <- 0x6c4478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45cc <- 0x6bc1f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45d0 <- 0x6b2508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45d4 <- 0x6b2518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45d8 <- 0x6b2348
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45dc <- 0x6b2538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45e0 <- 0x6b2548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45e4 <- 0x6b2550
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45e8 <- 0x6bc248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6c45ec <- 0x6c4254
·E LDR: Unknown module 'cellLibprof' in 'cellFiber_Library' library
·E LDR: Unknown function 'cellUserTraceRegister' (0x6b1c88)
·E LDR: Unknown function 'cellUserTraceUnregister' (0x6b1ca8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_get_id' (0x6b1cc8)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncpy' (0x6b1d68)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memset' (0x6b1ce8)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memcpy' (0x6b1d08)
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x9FB6228E' (0x6b1d48)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_printf' (0x6b1d28)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name' (0x6b1d88)
·W LDR: Loading LLE library 'CELL_L10N_PRX_MODULE_NAME'
·W LDR: segment addr=0x6c5000, initial addr = 0x0
·W LDR: CELL_L10N_PRX_MODULE_NAME (rtoc=0x7058a0):
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000001 - 0x900a5 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellL10n
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2toEUCJP] -> 0x385d4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [l10n_convert] -> 0x3832c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2toUTF32] -> 0x38624
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [jis2kuten] -> 0x387cc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8toGB18030] -> 0x38764
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [JISstoUTF8s] -> 0x384a4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [SjisZen2Han] -> 0x38534
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [ToSjisLower] -> 0x38874
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2toGB18030] -> 0x385e4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [HZstoUCS2s] -> 0x3847c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoHZs] -> 0x38574
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoSJISs] -> 0x38594
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [kuten2eucjp] -> 0x387fc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [sjis2jis] -> 0x3881c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCKRstoUCS2s] -> 0x383fc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UHCstoEUCKRs] -> 0x38634
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [jis2sjis] -> 0x387d4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [jstrnchk] -> 0x3833c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [L10nConvert] -> 0x38314
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCCNstoUTF8s] -> 0x383a4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [GBKstoUCS2s] -> 0x3844c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [eucjphan2zen] -> 0x3882c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [ToSjisHira] -> 0x38854
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [GBKtoUCS2] -> 0x3845c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [eucjp2jis] -> 0x387ac
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF32stoUTF8s] -> 0x386a4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [sjishan2zen] -> 0x38844
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2toSBCS] -> 0x38604
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoGBKs] -> 0x386f4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8toUCS2] -> 0x3878c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoUTF8s] -> 0x385b4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCKRstoUTF8s] -> 0x3840c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF16stoUTF32s] -> 0x3866c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8toEUCKR] -> 0x3875c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF16toUTF8] -> 0x3868c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [ARIBstoUTF8s] -> 0x38374
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [SJISstoUTF8s] -> 0x384fc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [sjiszen2han] -> 0x3883c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [ToEucJpLower] -> 0x3886c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [MSJIStoUTF8] -> 0x384c4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoMSJISs] -> 0x38584
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCJPtoUTF8] -> 0x383f4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [eucjp2sjis] -> 0x387bc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [ToEucJpHira] -> 0x3884c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UHCstoUCS2s] -> 0x3863c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [ToEucJpKata] -> 0x3885c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [HZstoUTF8s] -> 0x38484
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8toMSJIS] -> 0x38774
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [BIG5toUTF8] -> 0x38394
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCJPstoSJISs] -> 0x383dc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoBIG5s] -> 0x386cc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF16stoUCS2s] -> 0x38664
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoGB18030s] -> 0x38564
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCJPtoSJIS] -> 0x383e4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCJPtoUCS2] -> 0x383ec
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoGBKs] -> 0x3856c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCKRtoUHC] -> 0x3841c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2toSJIS] -> 0x3860c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [MSJISstoUTF8s] -> 0x384b4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCJPstoUTF8s] -> 0x383cc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2toBIG5] -> 0x385c4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoEUCKRs] -> 0x386e4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UHCstoUTF8s] -> 0x38644
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [GB18030stoUCS2s] -> 0x3843c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [SJIStoUTF8] -> 0x38524
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [JISstoSJISs] -> 0x38494
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8toUTF16] -> 0x3879c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoMSJISs] -> 0x3870c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCKRtoUTF8] -> 0x38424
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [SjisHan2Zen] -> 0x3852c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2toUTF16] -> 0x3861c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2toMSJIS] -> 0x385fc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [sjis2kuten] -> 0x38824
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2toUHC] -> 0x38614
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF32toUCS2] -> 0x386ac
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [ToSjisUpper] -> 0x38884
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8toEUCJP] -> 0x38754
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoEUCJPs] -> 0x38554
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF16toUCS2] -> 0x3867c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoUTF16s] -> 0x385a4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoEUCCNs] -> 0x3854c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [SBCSstoUTF8s] -> 0x384d4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [SJISstoJISs] -> 0x384ec
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [SBCStoUTF8] -> 0x384e4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8toUTF32] -> 0x387a4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [jstrchk] -> 0x38344
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UHCtoEUCKR] -> 0x3864c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [kuten2jis] -> 0x38804
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8toEUCCN] -> 0x3874c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCCNtoUTF8] -> 0x383b4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EucJpZen2Han] -> 0x38434
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF32stoUTF16s] -> 0x3869c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [GBKtoUTF8] -> 0x38464
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [ToEucJpUpper] -> 0x3887c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoJISs] -> 0x3857c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoGB18030s] -> 0x386ec
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCKRstoUHCs] -> 0x38404
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoUTF32s] -> 0x3873c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoEUCCNs] -> 0x386d4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCJPstoUCS2s] -> 0x383c4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UHCtoUCS2] -> 0x38654
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [L10nConvertStr] -> 0x3831c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [GBKstoUTF8s] -> 0x38454
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8toUHC] -> 0x38794
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF32toUTF8] -> 0x386bc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [sjis2eucjp] -> 0x38814
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2toEUCCN] -> 0x385cc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoUHCs] -> 0x3872c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCKRtoUCS2] -> 0x38414
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF32toUTF16] -> 0x386b4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCCNstoUCS2s] -> 0x3839c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [SBCSstoUCS2s] -> 0x384cc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoJISs] -> 0x38704
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [ToSjisKata] -> 0x38864
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [jis2eucjp] -> 0x387c4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [BIG5toUCS2] -> 0x3838c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2toGBK] -> 0x385ec
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF16toUTF32] -> 0x38684
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [l10n_convert_str] -> 0x38334
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCJPstoJISs] -> 0x383bc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoARIBs] -> 0x386c4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [JISstoEUCJPs] -> 0x3848c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EucJpHan2Zen] -> 0x3842c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [isEucJpKigou] -> 0x387dc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2toUTF8] -> 0x3862c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [GB18030toUCS2] -> 0x3846c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UHCtoUTF8] -> 0x3865c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [MSJIStoUCS2] -> 0x384bc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8toGBK] -> 0x3876c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [kuten2sjis] -> 0x3880c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8toSBCS] -> 0x3877c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [SJIStoUCS2] -> 0x3851c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [eucjpzen2han] -> 0x38834
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoARIBs] -> 0x3853c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [isSjisKigou] -> 0x387e4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoEUCJPs] -> 0x386dc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2toEUCKR] -> 0x385dc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [SBCStoUCS2] -> 0x384dc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [MSJISstoUCS2s] -> 0x384ac
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [l10n_get_converter] -> 0x38324
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [GB18030stoUTF8s] -> 0x38444
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [SJISstoEUCJPs] -> 0x3850c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF32stoUCS2s] -> 0x38694
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [BIG5stoUTF8s] -> 0x38384
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [EUCCNtoUCS2] -> 0x383ac
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoSBCSs] -> 0x38714
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoEUCKRs] -> 0x3855c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoSJISs] -> 0x3871c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoHZs] -> 0x386fc
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [eucjp2kuten] -> 0x387b4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8toBIG5] -> 0x38744
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF16stoUTF8s] -> 0x38674
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [JISstoUCS2s] -> 0x3849c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [GB18030toUTF8] -> 0x38474
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8toSJIS] -> 0x38784
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [ARIBstoUCS2s] -> 0x38364
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoUTF32s] -> 0x385ac
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoSBCSs] -> 0x3858c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoBIG5s] -> 0x38544
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UCS2stoUHCs] -> 0x3859c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [SJIStoEUCJP] -> 0x38514
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoUTF16s] -> 0x38734
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [SJISstoUCS2s] -> 0x384f4
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [BIG5stoUCS2s] -> 0x3837c
·W LDR: **** cellL10n: [UTF8stoUCS2s] -> 0x38724
·W LDR: segment addr=0x46f000, initial addr = 0x38240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7738 <- 0x6d779c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d773c <- 0x6d77a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7750 <- 0x6d77ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7754 <- 0x6d77b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7758 <- 0x6d7acc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d778c <- 0x6d7724
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7790 <- 0x6d775c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7794 <- 0x6d7764
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7798 <- 0x6d7764
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7788 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d77a4 <- 0x6d7768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d77a8 <- 0x46f000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7acc <- 0x46f394
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ad0 <- 0x46f0ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ad4 <- 0x46f3e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ad8 <- 0x46f58c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7adc <- 0x46f524
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ae0 <- 0x46f264
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ae4 <- 0x46f2f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ae8 <- 0x46f634
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7aec <- 0x46f3a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7af0 <- 0x46f23c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7af4 <- 0x46f334
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7af8 <- 0x46f354
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7afc <- 0x46f5bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b00 <- 0x46f5dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b04 <- 0x46f1bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b08 <- 0x46f3f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b0c <- 0x46f594
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b10 <- 0x46f0fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b14 <- 0x46f0d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b18 <- 0x46f164
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b1c <- 0x46f20c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b20 <- 0x46f5ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b24 <- 0x46f614
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b28 <- 0x46f21c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b2c <- 0x46f56c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b30 <- 0x46f464
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b34 <- 0x46f604
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b38 <- 0x46f3c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b3c <- 0x46f4b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b40 <- 0x46f54c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b44 <- 0x46f374
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b48 <- 0x46f1cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b4c <- 0x46f42c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b50 <- 0x46f51c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b54 <- 0x46f44c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b58 <- 0x46f134
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b5c <- 0x46f2bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b60 <- 0x46f5fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b64 <- 0x46f62c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b68 <- 0x46f284
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b6c <- 0x46f344
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b70 <- 0x46f1b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b74 <- 0x46f57c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b78 <- 0x46f60c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b7c <- 0x46f3fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b80 <- 0x46f61c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b84 <- 0x46f244
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b88 <- 0x46f534
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b8c <- 0x46f154
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b90 <- 0x46f19c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b94 <- 0x46f48c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b98 <- 0x46f424
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7b9c <- 0x46f324
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ba0 <- 0x46f1a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ba4 <- 0x46f1ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ba8 <- 0x46f32c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bac <- 0x46f1dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bb0 <- 0x46f3cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bb4 <- 0x46f274
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bb8 <- 0x46f18c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bbc <- 0x46f384
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bc0 <- 0x46f4a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bc4 <- 0x46f404
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bc8 <- 0x46f1fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bcc <- 0x46f2e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bd0 <- 0x46f254
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bd4 <- 0x46f55c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bd8 <- 0x46f4cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bdc <- 0x46f1e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7be0 <- 0x46f2ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7be4 <- 0x46f3dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7be8 <- 0x46f3bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bec <- 0x46f5e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bf0 <- 0x46f3d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bf4 <- 0x46f46c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bf8 <- 0x46f644
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7bfc <- 0x46f514
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c00 <- 0x46f314
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c04 <- 0x46f43c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c08 <- 0x46f364
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c0c <- 0x46f30c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c10 <- 0x46f294
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c14 <- 0x46f2ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c18 <- 0x46f2a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c1c <- 0x46f564
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c20 <- 0x46f104
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c24 <- 0x46f40c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c28 <- 0x46f5c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c2c <- 0x46f50c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c30 <- 0x46f174
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c34 <- 0x46f1f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c38 <- 0x46f45c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c3c <- 0x46f224
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c40 <- 0x46f63c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c44 <- 0x46f33c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c48 <- 0x46f4ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c4c <- 0x46f1c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c50 <- 0x46f4fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c54 <- 0x46f494
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c58 <- 0x46f184
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c5c <- 0x46f414
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c60 <- 0x46f0dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c64 <- 0x46f214
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c68 <- 0x46f554
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c6c <- 0x46f47c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c70 <- 0x46f5d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c74 <- 0x46f38c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c78 <- 0x46f4ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c7c <- 0x46f1d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c80 <- 0x46f474
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c84 <- 0x46f15c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c88 <- 0x46f28c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c8c <- 0x46f4c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c90 <- 0x46f624
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c94 <- 0x46f584
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c98 <- 0x46f14c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7c9c <- 0x46f3ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ca0 <- 0x46f444
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ca4 <- 0x46f0f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ca8 <- 0x46f17c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cac <- 0x46f484
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cb0 <- 0x46f24c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cb4 <- 0x46f1ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cb8 <- 0x46f59c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cbc <- 0x46f3ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cc0 <- 0x46f22c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cc4 <- 0x46f41c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cc8 <- 0x46f27c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ccc <- 0x46f52c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cd0 <- 0x46f5cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cd4 <- 0x46f53c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cd8 <- 0x46f2dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cdc <- 0x46f5f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ce0 <- 0x46f2fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ce4 <- 0x46f5a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7ce8 <- 0x46f49c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cec <- 0x46f39c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cf0 <- 0x46f29c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cf4 <- 0x46f26c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cf8 <- 0x46f0e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7cfc <- 0x46f204
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d00 <- 0x46f2cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d04 <- 0x46f454
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d08 <- 0x46f144
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d0c <- 0x46f16c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d10 <- 0x46f4d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d14 <- 0x46f31c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d18 <- 0x46f4dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d1c <- 0x46f4bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d20 <- 0x46f574
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d24 <- 0x46f504
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d28 <- 0x46f434
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d2c <- 0x46f25c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d30 <- 0x46f234
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d34 <- 0x46f544
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d38 <- 0x46f124
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d3c <- 0x46f36c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d40 <- 0x46f34c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d44 <- 0x46f304
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d48 <- 0x46f35c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d4c <- 0x46f2d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d50 <- 0x46f4f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d54 <- 0x46f2b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d58 <- 0x46f13c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x6d7d5c <- 0x46f4e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f018 <- 0x6ec99c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f01c <- 0x6eca9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f020 <- 0x6ecb9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f024 <- 0x6ecc9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f028 <- 0x6ecd9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f02c <- 0x6ece9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f030 <- 0x6ecf9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f034 <- 0x6ed09c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f038 <- 0x6ed19c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f03c <- 0x6ed29c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f040 <- 0x6ed39c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f044 <- 0x6ed49c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f048 <- 0x6ed59c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f04c <- 0x6ed69c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f050 <- 0x6ed79c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f054 <- 0x6dfe74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f058 <- 0x6e0174
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f05c <- 0x6e0874
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f060 <- 0x6e0a74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f074 <- 0x6e0d74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f078 <- 0x6e0e74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f09c <- 0x6e0274
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0a0 <- 0x6e0c74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0a4 <- 0x6dff74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0a8 <- 0x6e0f74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0ac <- 0x6e0474
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0b0 <- 0x6e1074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0b4 <- 0x6e0074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0b8 <- 0x6e1174
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0bc <- 0x6e0374
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0c0 <- 0x6e0574
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0c4 <- 0x6e0674
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0c8 <- 0x6e0774
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0cc <- 0x6e0974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0d0 <- 0x6e0b74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0d4 <- 0x6c5000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0d8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0dc <- 0x6c5078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0e0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0e4 <- 0x6c5100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0e8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0ec <- 0x6c5144
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0f0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0f4 <- 0x6c5870
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0f8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f0fc <- 0x6c61f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f100 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f104 <- 0x6c66a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f108 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f10c <- 0x6c66c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f110 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f114 <- 0x6c6808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f118 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f11c <- 0x6c6958
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f120 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f124 <- 0x6c6a64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f128 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f12c <- 0x6c7408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f130 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f134 <- 0x6c7514
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f138 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f13c <- 0x6c7ff4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f140 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f144 <- 0x6c8168
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f148 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f14c <- 0x6c836c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f150 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f154 <- 0x6c8454
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f158 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f15c <- 0x6c84c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f160 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f164 <- 0x6c8634
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f168 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f16c <- 0x6c8838
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f170 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f174 <- 0x6c8928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f178 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f17c <- 0x6c8994
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f180 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f184 <- 0x6c8cd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f188 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f18c <- 0x6c8e44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f190 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f194 <- 0x6c9048
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f198 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f19c <- 0x6c9158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1a0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1a4 <- 0x6c9318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1a8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1ac <- 0x6c93a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1b0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1b4 <- 0x6c9614
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1b8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1bc <- 0x6c9680
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1c0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1c4 <- 0x6c97f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1c8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1cc <- 0x6c99c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1d0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1d4 <- 0x6c9bc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1d8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1dc <- 0x6c9cf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1e0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1e4 <- 0x6c9d68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1e8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1ec <- 0x6c9dd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1f0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1f4 <- 0x6ca10c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1f8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f1fc <- 0x6ca4b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f200 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f204 <- 0x6ca62c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f208 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f20c <- 0x6ca830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f210 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f214 <- 0x6ca9a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f218 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f21c <- 0x6caba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f220 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f224 <- 0x6cadc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f228 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f22c <- 0x6cae34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f230 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f234 <- 0x6cb21c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f238 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f23c <- 0x6cb288
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f240 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f244 <- 0x6cb520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f248 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f24c <- 0x6cb868
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f250 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f254 <- 0x6cbc4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f258 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f25c <- 0x6cbf58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f260 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f264 <- 0x6cc430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f268 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f26c <- 0x6cca04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f270 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f274 <- 0x6ccb5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f278 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f27c <- 0x6ccd10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f280 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f284 <- 0x6cce38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f288 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f28c <- 0x6cce8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f290 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f294 <- 0x6ccfa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f298 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f29c <- 0x6cd1f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2a0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2a4 <- 0x6cd26c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2a8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2ac <- 0x6cd348
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2b0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2b4 <- 0x6cd68c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2b8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2bc <- 0x6cd800
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2c0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2c4 <- 0x6cda04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2c8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2cc <- 0x6cdb44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2d0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2d4 <- 0x6cdd04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2d8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2dc <- 0x6cdd90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2e0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2e4 <- 0x6cdf44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2e8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2ec <- 0x6cdfb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2f0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2f4 <- 0x6ce210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2f8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f2fc <- 0x6ce4f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f300 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f304 <- 0x6ce8ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f308 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f30c <- 0x6cea54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f310 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f314 <- 0x6cebfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f318 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f31c <- 0x6cef0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f320 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f324 <- 0x6cf0b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f328 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f32c <- 0x6cf25c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f330 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f334 <- 0x6cf404
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f338 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f33c <- 0x6cf614
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f340 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f344 <- 0x6cfa70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f348 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f34c <- 0x6cfbc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f350 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f354 <- 0x6cfd04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f358 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f35c <- 0x6d0040
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f360 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f364 <- 0x6d01e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f368 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f36c <- 0x6d02a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f370 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f374 <- 0x6d0368
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f378 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f37c <- 0x6d0510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f380 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f384 <- 0x6d074c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f388 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f38c <- 0x6d0818
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f390 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f394 <- 0x6d08e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f398 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f39c <- 0x6d0b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3a0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3a4 <- 0x6d0c50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3a8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3ac <- 0x6d107c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3b0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3b4 <- 0x6d12d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3b8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3bc <- 0x6d1390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3c0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3c4 <- 0x6d14d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3c8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3cc <- 0x6d1568
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3d0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3d4 <- 0x6d1760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3d8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3dc <- 0x6d1928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3e0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3e4 <- 0x6d1954
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3e8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3ec <- 0x6d1980
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3f0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3f4 <- 0x6d1a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3f8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f3fc <- 0x6d1bec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f400 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f404 <- 0x6d1d60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f408 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f40c <- 0x6d1f64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f410 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f414 <- 0x6d1fdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f418 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f41c <- 0x6d225c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f420 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f424 <- 0x6d22c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f428 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f42c <- 0x6d2388
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f430 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f434 <- 0x6d24f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f438 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f43c <- 0x6d26dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f440 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f444 <- 0x6d2708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f448 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f44c <- 0x6d2780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f450 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f454 <- 0x6d28f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f458 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f45c <- 0x6d29c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f460 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f464 <- 0x6d2b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f468 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f46c <- 0x6d2d18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f470 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f474 <- 0x6d2d44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f478 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f47c <- 0x6d2db0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f480 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f484 <- 0x6d2ea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f488 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f48c <- 0x6d32b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f490 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f494 <- 0x6d3480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f498 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f49c <- 0x6d3650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4a0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4a4 <- 0x6d3948
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4a8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4ac <- 0x6d3b18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4b0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4b4 <- 0x6d3ce8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4b8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4bc <- 0x6d3eb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4c0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4c4 <- 0x6d4110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4c8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4cc <- 0x6d45c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4d0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4d4 <- 0x6d4734
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4d8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4dc <- 0x6d4900
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4e0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4e4 <- 0x6d4c24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4e8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4ec <- 0x6d4d98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4f0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4f4 <- 0x6d4f68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4f8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f4fc <- 0x6d5138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f500 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f504 <- 0x6d52a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f508 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f50c <- 0x6d535c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f510 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f514 <- 0x6d5414
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f518 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f51c <- 0x6d54cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f520 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f524 <- 0x6d5584
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f528 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f52c <- 0x6d563c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f530 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f534 <- 0x6d56f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f538 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f53c <- 0x6d5764
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f540 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f544 <- 0x6d5804
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f548 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f54c <- 0x6d58bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f550 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f554 <- 0x6d5998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f558 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f55c <- 0x6d5a50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f560 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f564 <- 0x6d5c00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f568 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f56c <- 0x6d5d48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f570 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f574 <- 0x6d5d84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f578 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f57c <- 0x6d5dbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f580 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f584 <- 0x6d5e18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f588 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f58c <- 0x6d5e50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f590 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f594 <- 0x6d5e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f598 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f59c <- 0x6d5f30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5a0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5a4 <- 0x6d5fa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5a8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5ac <- 0x6d6010
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5b0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5b4 <- 0x6d605c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5b8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5bc <- 0x6d60a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5c0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5c4 <- 0x6d60e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5c8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5cc <- 0x6d6128
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5d0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5d4 <- 0x6d61d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5d8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5dc <- 0x6d6288
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5e0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5e4 <- 0x6d6334
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5e8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5ec <- 0x6d63e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5f0 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5f4 <- 0x6d6444
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5f8 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f5fc <- 0x6d649c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f600 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f604 <- 0x6d6560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f608 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f60c <- 0x6d65f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f610 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f614 <- 0x6d691c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f618 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f61c <- 0x6d6c30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f620 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f624 <- 0x6d6eac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f628 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f62c <- 0x6d711c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f630 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f634 <- 0x6d72a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f638 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f63c <- 0x6d73f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f640 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f644 <- 0x6d757c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f648 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f64c <- 0x6d76c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f650 <- 0x477660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f660 <- 0x6d7d60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f664 <- 0x6d7d60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f668 <- 0x6c51d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f66c <- 0x6d7d60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f670 <- 0x6c58e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f674 <- 0x6c6984
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f678 <- 0x6c6b18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f67c <- 0x6c6d7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f680 <- 0x6c6ba4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f684 <- 0x6d8af6
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f688 <- 0x6ed89c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f68c <- 0x6d8d22
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f690 <- 0x6d8dde
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f694 <- 0x6d8e9a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f698 <- 0x6c7434
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f69c <- 0x6c75d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6a0 <- 0x6c7838
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6a4 <- 0x6c765c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6a8 <- 0x6d8af6
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6ac <- 0x6ed89c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6b0 <- 0x6d8d22
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6b4 <- 0x6d8dde
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6b8 <- 0x6d8e9a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6bc <- 0x6d93be
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6c0 <- 0x6e1bcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6c4 <- 0x46f860
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6c8 <- 0x6fc87a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6cc <- 0x6ed89c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6d0 <- 0x6fc936
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6d4 <- 0x6f96c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6d8 <- 0x6f1078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6dc <- 0x6e5748
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6e0 <- 0x6e1bcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6e4 <- 0x6e597c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6e8 <- 0x6e88fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6ec <- 0x6e1274
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6f0 <- 0x6e1798
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6f4 <- 0x6e1bcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6f8 <- 0x6e1854
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f6fc <- 0x6e19d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f700 <- 0x6e597c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f704 <- 0x6e88fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f708 <- 0x6e1a94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f70c <- 0x6e1bcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f710 <- 0x6e1bcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f714 <- 0x6d8800
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f718 <- 0x6d87f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f71c <- 0x6d8800
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f720 <- 0x6d87f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f724 <- 0x6d8800
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f728 <- 0x6d87f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f72c <- 0x6fc87a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f730 <- 0x6ed89c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f734 <- 0x6fc936
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f738 <- 0x6f96c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f73c <- 0x6d8800
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f740 <- 0x6d87f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f744 <- 0x6fc87a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f748 <- 0x6ed89c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f74c <- 0x6fc936
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f750 <- 0x6f96c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f754 <- 0x6ed89c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f758 <- 0x46f004
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f75c <- 0x46f004
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f760 <- 0x46f004
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f764 <- 0x46f004
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f768 <- 0x46f860
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f76c <- 0x6fcf32
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f770 <- 0x6fcf32
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f774 <- 0x6fcc28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f778 <- 0x6fc936
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f77c <- 0x6ce590
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f780 <- 0x6ce650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f784 <- 0x6d8910
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f788 <- 0x6d8910
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f78c <- 0x46f860
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f790 <- 0x46f004
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f794 <- 0x6d8964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f798 <- 0x6d8e9a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f79c <- 0x6edc48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7a0 <- 0x6d8af6
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7a4 <- 0x6d8dde
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7a8 <- 0x6d8d22
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7ac <- 0x6d93be
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7b0 <- 0x6e1bcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7b4 <- 0x6f96c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7b8 <- 0x6fc938
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7bc <- 0x6fc87a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7c0 <- 0x6ed89c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7c4 <- 0x6fc936
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7c8 <- 0x6f1078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7cc <- 0x6e1bcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7d0 <- 0x6e8a7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7d4 <- 0x6e597c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7d8 <- 0x6e19d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7dc <- 0x6e1854
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7e0 <- 0x6e1798
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7e4 <- 0x6e1274
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7e8 <- 0x6e1a94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7ec <- 0x6e1bcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7f0 <- 0x6e88fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7f4 <- 0x6e597c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7f8 <- 0x6e5748
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f7fc <- 0x6e1bcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f800 <- 0x6ed89c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f804 <- 0x46f004
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f808 <- 0x6fcc2a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f80c <- 0x6fc87c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f810 <- 0x6fc87a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f814 <- 0x6fcc28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f818 <- 0x6f7e54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f81c <- 0x6f51d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f820 <- 0x6f1078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f824 <- 0x6f1078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f828 <- 0x6f7e54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f82c <- 0x6f51d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f830 <- 0x6d2f74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f834 <- 0x6d303c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f838 <- 0x6d8910
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f83c <- 0x6d8910
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f840 <- 0x46f860
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f844 <- 0x46f004
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f848 <- 0x6d8964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f84c <- 0x6d8850
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f850 <- 0x6d8910
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f854 <- 0x6d8964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x46f858 <- 0x6d89b8
·W LDR: Loading LLE library 'cellPamf_Library'
·W LDR: segment addr=0x6fe000, initial addr = 0x0
·W LDR: cellPamf_Library (rtoc=0x709eb0):
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000001 - 0x90019 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellPamf
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x2c000001
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfStreamTypeToEsFilterId] -> 0x3c90
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderSetStreamWithTypeAndChannel] -> 0x3cb0
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetStreamIndex] -> 0x3cc0
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfEpIteratorGetEp] -> 0x3d28
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderSetStreamWithTypeAndIndex] -> 0x3cb8
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetNumberOfStreams] -> 0x3c70
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetEpIteratorWithTimeStamp] -> 0x3d18
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfGetStreamOffsetAndSize] -> 0x3d38
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderSetStreamWithIndex] -> 0x3c78
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetPresentationStartTime] -> 0x3d88
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfEpIteratorMove] -> 0x3d30
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetStreamInfo] -> 0x3ce8
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetEsFilterId] -> 0x3cd0
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [0x7AF9E578] -> 0x3d68
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfGetHeaderSize2] -> 0x3d48
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetStreamTypeAndChannel] -> 0x3cc8
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderInitialize] -> 0x3d58
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfGetHeaderSize] -> 0x3d40
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetNumberOfSpecificStreams] -> 0x3ca8
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfVerify] -> 0x3d60
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetNumberOfEp] -> 0x3cf0
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetMuxRateBound] -> 0x3d80
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetEpIteratorWithIndex] -> 0x3d78
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetPresentationEndTime] -> 0x3d90
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [0xFBE551D3] -> 0x3d70
·W LDR: **** Imported: sysPrxForUser
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memset] -> 0x39f0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memcpy] -> 0x3a10
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memcmp] -> 0x3a30
·W LDR: segment addr=0x702000, initial addr = 0x3c40
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7019f6 <- 0x70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7019fa <- 0x0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x701a16 <- 0x70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x701a1a <- 0x4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x701a36 <- 0x70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x701a3a <- 0x8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701a68 <- 0x701b0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701a6c <- 0x701b14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701a80 <- 0x701b1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701a84 <- 0x701b28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701a88 <- 0x701bac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701aa4 <- 0x701afc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701aa8 <- 0x701c10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701aac <- 0x702000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701ae8 <- 0x701a54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701aec <- 0x701a8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701af0 <- 0x701a94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701af4 <- 0x701ac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701ae4 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701b14 <- 0x701ac4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701b18 <- 0x70200c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bac <- 0x702050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bb0 <- 0x702070
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bb4 <- 0x702080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bb8 <- 0x7020e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bbc <- 0x702078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bc0 <- 0x702030
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bc4 <- 0x7020d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bc8 <- 0x7020f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bcc <- 0x702038
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bd0 <- 0x702148
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bd4 <- 0x7020f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bd8 <- 0x7020a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bdc <- 0x702090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701be0 <- 0x702128
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701be4 <- 0x702108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701be8 <- 0x702088
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bec <- 0x702118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bf0 <- 0x702100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bf4 <- 0x702068
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bf8 <- 0x702120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701bfc <- 0x7020b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701c00 <- 0x702140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701c04 <- 0x702138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701c08 <- 0x702150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x701c0c <- 0x702130
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702000 <- 0x7019f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702004 <- 0x701a10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702008 <- 0x701a30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702010 <- 0x6fe000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702014 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702018 <- 0x6fe00c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70201c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702020 <- 0x6fe018
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702024 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702028 <- 0x6fe020
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70202c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702030 <- 0x6fe028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702034 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702038 <- 0x6fe034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70203c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702040 <- 0x6fe09c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702044 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702048 <- 0x6fe114
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70204c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702050 <- 0x6fe23c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702054 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702058 <- 0x6fe2cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70205c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702060 <- 0x6fe2d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702064 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702068 <- 0x6fe3e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70206c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702070 <- 0x6fe4f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702074 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702078 <- 0x6fe664
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70207c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702080 <- 0x6fe840
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702084 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702088 <- 0x6fe84c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70208c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702090 <- 0x6fe8d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702094 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702098 <- 0x6fe944
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70209c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020a0 <- 0x6fe970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020a4 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020a8 <- 0x6fe998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020ac <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020b0 <- 0x6fee94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020b4 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020b8 <- 0x6fef20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020bc <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020c0 <- 0x6fefcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020c4 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020c8 <- 0x6ff068
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020cc <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020d0 <- 0x6ff1a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020d4 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020d8 <- 0x6ff2c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020dc <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020e0 <- 0x6ff440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020e4 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020e8 <- 0x6ff444
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020ec <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020f0 <- 0x6ff4a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020f4 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020f8 <- 0x6ff584
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7020fc <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702100 <- 0x6ff698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702104 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702108 <- 0x6ff6a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70210c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702110 <- 0x6ff798
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702114 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702118 <- 0x700108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70211c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702120 <- 0x7002b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702124 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702128 <- 0x7002dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70212c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702130 <- 0x7004f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702134 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702138 <- 0x7006c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70213c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702140 <- 0x700810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702144 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702148 <- 0x70085c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70214c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702150 <- 0x7008d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702154 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702158 <- 0x700948
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70215c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702160 <- 0x70095c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702164 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702168 <- 0x700970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70216c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702170 <- 0x700980
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702174 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702178 <- 0x7009dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70217c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702180 <- 0x700a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702184 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702188 <- 0x700a48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70218c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702190 <- 0x700aa4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702194 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702198 <- 0x700aac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70219c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021a0 <- 0x700ab4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021a4 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021a8 <- 0x700abc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021ac <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021b0 <- 0x700ac4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021b4 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021b8 <- 0x700ae4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021bc <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021c0 <- 0x700b38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021c4 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021c8 <- 0x700b8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021cc <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021d0 <- 0x700bc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021d4 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021d8 <- 0x700c0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021dc <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021e0 <- 0x700c58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021e4 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021e8 <- 0x700cd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021ec <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021f0 <- 0x700d20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021f4 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021f8 <- 0x700e08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7021fc <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702200 <- 0x700e90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702204 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702208 <- 0x700f60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70220c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702210 <- 0x701028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702214 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702218 <- 0x701084
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70221c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702220 <- 0x7010e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702224 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702228 <- 0x701118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70222c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702230 <- 0x701170
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702234 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702238 <- 0x701304
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70223c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702240 <- 0x7013bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702244 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702248 <- 0x7015a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70224c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702250 <- 0x7016a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702254 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702258 <- 0x7017c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70225c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702260 <- 0x7017ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702264 <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702268 <- 0x7018bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70226c <- 0x70a270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702270 <- 0x6fe150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702274 <- 0x6fea7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702278 <- 0x6ffde4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70227c <- 0x702290
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702280 <- 0x701c20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702284 <- 0x701c28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x702288 <- 0x701c30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70228c <- 0x701c38
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memset' (0x7019f0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memcpy' (0x701a10)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memcmp' (0x701a30)
·W LDR: Loading LLE library 'cellSpursJq_Library'
·W LDR: segment addr=0x703000, initial addr = 0x0
·W LDR: cellSpursJq_Library (rtoc=0x71ad40):
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000002 - 0x9003e - 0x0
·W LDR: **** : [0xBC9A0086] -> 0xfa84
·W LDR: **** : [0xAB779874] -> 0xfa8c
·W LDR: **** : [0x3AB9A95E] -> 0xfa8c
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellSpursJq
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x2c000001
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueGetSpurs] -> 0xfb5c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetDoBusyWaiting] -> 0xfaac
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueueAllocateJobDescriptorBody] -> 0xfb44
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetSubmitWithEntryLock] -> 0xfaa4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueSetWaitingMode] -> 0xfad4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueGetSuspendedJobSize] -> 0xfb84
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetMaxSizeJobDescriptor] -> 0xfac4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortCopyPushJobBody] -> 0xfc4c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortPushJobListBody] -> 0xfbec
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushAndReleaseJobBody] -> 0xfb24
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePortFinalize] -> 0xfc3c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueClose] -> 0xfb8c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueGetError] -> 0xfb6c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushJob2Body] -> 0xfb1c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePortInitialize] -> 0xfc2c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePort2GetJobQueue] -> 0xfc64
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeInitialize] -> 0xfa94
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortCopyPushBody] -> 0xfc5c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortPushBody] -> 0xfc0c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueGetMaxSizeJobDescriptor] -> 0xfb74
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetMaxGrab] -> 0xfa9c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePortSync] -> 0xfc24
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueSemaphoreInitialize] -> 0xfbc4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueSemaphoreAcquire] -> 0xfbbc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushSync] -> 0xfb4c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetIsJobTypeMemoryCheck] -> 0xfabc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePortTrySync] -> 0xfc1c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueGetHandleCount] -> 0xfb64
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortPushJobBody] -> 0xfbfc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursShutdownJobQueue] -> 0xfadc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJoinJobQueue] -> 0xfaf4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePortGetJobQueue] -> 0xfbd4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortPushJobBody2] -> 0xfc04
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueSendSignal] -> 0xfbcc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueUnsetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0xfccc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePort2AllocateJobDescriptor] -> 0xfc9c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortPushSync] -> 0xfbdc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueSemaphoreTryAcquire] -> 0xfbb4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushJobBody2] -> 0xfb14
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursCreateJobQueueWithJobDescriptorPool] -> 0xfae4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushBody] -> 0xfb34
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueSetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0xfcc4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushJobListBody] -> 0xfb0c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePort2PushJobListBody] -> 0xfc7c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortPushFlush] -> 0xfbe4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePort2PushFlush] -> 0xfc74
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursGetJobQueueId] -> 0xfb7c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePort2CopyPushJobBody] -> 0xfcb4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushJobBody] -> 0xfb2c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePort2Destroy] -> 0xfc94
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePort2PushJobBody] -> 0xfcbc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushFlush] -> 0xfb54
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePort2PushAndReleaseJobBody] -> 0xfcac
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetGrabParameters] -> 0xfacc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortCopyPushJobBody2] -> 0xfc54
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePort2Create] -> 0xfc8c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursCreateJobQueue] -> 0xfaec
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePortInitializeWithDescriptorBuffer] -> 0xfc34
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePort2Sync] -> 0xfc84
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePort2PushSync] -> 0xfc6c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetIsHaltOnError] -> 0xfab4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueOpen] -> 0xfb94
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellSpurs
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSendWorkloadSignal] -> 0x65b8
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursWorkloadAttributeSetName] -> 0x65d8
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursRemoveWorkload] -> 0x65f8
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursWaitForWorkloadShutdown] -> 0x6618
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursWakeUp] -> 0x6638
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursShutdownWorkload] -> 0x6658
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAddWorkloadWithAttribute] -> 0x6678
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x6698
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursWorkloadAttributeInitialize] -> 0x66b8
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellFiber
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSelf] -> 0x66d8
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuWaitSignal] -> 0x66f8
·W LDR: **** Imported: sysPrxForUser
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncmp] -> 0x6718
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_snprintf] -> 0x6738
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_destroy] -> 0x6758
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_create] -> 0x6778
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memset] -> 0x6798
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_printf] -> 0x67b8
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [0x9FB6228E] -> 0x67d8
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_destroy] -> 0x67f8
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_create] -> 0x6818
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_process_get_paramsfo] -> 0x6838
·W LDR: segment addr=0x713000, initial addr = 0xeb80
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7095be <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7095c2 <- 0x8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7095de <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7095e2 <- 0xc
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7095fe <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x709602 <- 0x10
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x70961e <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x709622 <- 0x14
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x70963e <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x709642 <- 0x18
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x70965e <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x709662 <- 0x1c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x70967e <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x709682 <- 0x20
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x70969e <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7096a2 <- 0x24
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7096be <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7096c2 <- 0x28
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7096de <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7096e2 <- 0x0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7096fe <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x709702 <- 0x4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x70971e <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x709722 <- 0x2c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x70973e <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x709742 <- 0x30
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x70975e <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x709762 <- 0x34
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x70977e <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x709782 <- 0x38
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x70979e <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7097a2 <- 0x3c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7097be <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7097c2 <- 0x40
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7097de <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7097e2 <- 0x44
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7097fe <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x709802 <- 0x48
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x70981e <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x709822 <- 0x4c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x70983e <- 0x71
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x709842 <- 0x50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709878 <- 0x709994
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70987c <- 0x7099a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709890 <- 0x7099bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709894 <- 0x7099c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709898 <- 0x709ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7098b4 <- 0x709964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7098e0 <- 0x709974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70990c <- 0x709984
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7098b8 <- 0x709bd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7098bc <- 0x713008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7098e4 <- 0x709bfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7098e8 <- 0x713000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709910 <- 0x709c04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709914 <- 0x71302c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709950 <- 0x709864
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709954 <- 0x70989c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709958 <- 0x7098a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70995c <- 0x709928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x70994c <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7099a8 <- 0x713f04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7099ac <- 0x713f0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7099b0 <- 0x713f0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7099b4 <- 0x70992c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7099b8 <- 0x713058
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709ae0 <- 0x713fdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709ae4 <- 0x713f2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709ae8 <- 0x713fc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709aec <- 0x713f24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709af0 <- 0x713f54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709af4 <- 0x714004
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709af8 <- 0x713f44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709afc <- 0x7140cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b00 <- 0x71406c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b04 <- 0x713fa4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b08 <- 0x7140bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b0c <- 0x71400c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b10 <- 0x713fec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b14 <- 0x713f9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b18 <- 0x7140ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b1c <- 0x7140e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b20 <- 0x713f14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b24 <- 0x7140dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b28 <- 0x71408c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b2c <- 0x713ff4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b30 <- 0x713f1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b34 <- 0x7140a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b38 <- 0x714044
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b3c <- 0x71403c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b40 <- 0x713fcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b44 <- 0x713f3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b48 <- 0x71409c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b4c <- 0x713fe4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b50 <- 0x71407c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b54 <- 0x713f5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b58 <- 0x713f74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b5c <- 0x714054
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b60 <- 0x714084
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b64 <- 0x71404c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b68 <- 0x71414c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b6c <- 0x71411c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b70 <- 0x71405c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b74 <- 0x714034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b78 <- 0x713f94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b7c <- 0x713f64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b80 <- 0x713fb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b84 <- 0x714144
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b88 <- 0x713f8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b8c <- 0x7140fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b90 <- 0x714064
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b94 <- 0x7140f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b98 <- 0x713ffc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709b9c <- 0x714134
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709ba0 <- 0x713fac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709ba4 <- 0x714114
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709ba8 <- 0x71413c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709bac <- 0x713fd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709bb0 <- 0x71412c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709bb4 <- 0x713f4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709bb8 <- 0x7140d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709bbc <- 0x71410c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709bc0 <- 0x713f6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709bc4 <- 0x7140b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709bc8 <- 0x714104
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709bcc <- 0x7140ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709bd0 <- 0x713f34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x709bd4 <- 0x714014
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713000 <- 0x7096d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713004 <- 0x7096f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713008 <- 0x7095b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71300c <- 0x7095d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713010 <- 0x7095f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713014 <- 0x709618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713018 <- 0x709638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71301c <- 0x709658
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713020 <- 0x709678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713024 <- 0x709698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713028 <- 0x7096b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71302c <- 0x709718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713030 <- 0x709738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713034 <- 0x709758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713038 <- 0x709778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71303c <- 0x709798
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713040 <- 0x7097b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713044 <- 0x7097d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713048 <- 0x7097f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71304c <- 0x709818
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713050 <- 0x709838
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713ef0 <- 0x709fc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713ef4 <- 0x709fd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713ef8 <- 0x709fe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713efc <- 0x709ff8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f00 <- 0x70a008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f04 <- 0x703000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f08 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f0c <- 0x703008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f10 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f14 <- 0x703010
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f18 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f1c <- 0x703058
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f20 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f24 <- 0x703098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f28 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f2c <- 0x7030bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f30 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f34 <- 0x7030e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f38 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f3c <- 0x703104
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f40 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f44 <- 0x703128
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f48 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f4c <- 0x703178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f50 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f54 <- 0x7031c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f58 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f5c <- 0x7032f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f60 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f64 <- 0x7033cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f68 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f6c <- 0x703ca8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f70 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f74 <- 0x703cf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f78 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f7c <- 0x703e44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f80 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f84 <- 0x704138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f88 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f8c <- 0x704b30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f90 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f94 <- 0x704bfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f98 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713f9c <- 0x704cdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fa0 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fa4 <- 0x704dd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fa8 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fac <- 0x704ed4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fb0 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fb4 <- 0x704f9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fb8 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fbc <- 0x70504c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fc0 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fc4 <- 0x705444
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fc8 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fcc <- 0x7054a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fd0 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fd4 <- 0x705538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fd8 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fdc <- 0x7055a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fe0 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fe4 <- 0x7055d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fe8 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713fec <- 0x705610
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713ff0 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713ff4 <- 0x705678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713ff8 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x713ffc <- 0x7056b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714000 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714004 <- 0x705710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714008 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71400c <- 0x705d50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714010 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714014 <- 0x705e30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714018 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71401c <- 0x705f44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714020 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714024 <- 0x705f4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714028 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71402c <- 0x705fec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714030 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714034 <- 0x706368
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714038 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71403c <- 0x706370
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714040 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714044 <- 0x706378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714048 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71404c <- 0x7063d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714050 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714054 <- 0x706544
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714058 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71405c <- 0x70654c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714060 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714064 <- 0x7065b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714068 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71406c <- 0x70661c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714070 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714074 <- 0x70680c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714078 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71407c <- 0x706a18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714080 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714084 <- 0x706a24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714088 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71408c <- 0x706a28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714090 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714094 <- 0x706a3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714098 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71409c <- 0x706bb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140a0 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140a4 <- 0x706bc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140a8 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140ac <- 0x706bc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140b0 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140b4 <- 0x706cfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140b8 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140bc <- 0x706dc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140c0 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140c4 <- 0x706ee8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140c8 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140cc <- 0x7071ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140d0 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140d4 <- 0x7071f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140d8 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140dc <- 0x7071fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140e0 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140e4 <- 0x707210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140e8 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140ec <- 0x707218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140f0 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140f4 <- 0x70729c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140f8 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7140fc <- 0x70731c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714100 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714104 <- 0x7074d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714108 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71410c <- 0x7075e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714110 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714114 <- 0x70770c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714118 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71411c <- 0x707858
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714120 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714124 <- 0x7078e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714128 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71412c <- 0x707cb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714130 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714134 <- 0x707cf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714138 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71413c <- 0x707d2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714140 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714144 <- 0x707d68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714148 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71414c <- 0x707de0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714150 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714154 <- 0x707e40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714158 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71415c <- 0x708084
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714160 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714164 <- 0x708164
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714168 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71416c <- 0x7085a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714170 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714174 <- 0x708b8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714178 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71417c <- 0x708cd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714180 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714184 <- 0x708cf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714188 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71418c <- 0x709110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714190 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714194 <- 0x70923c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714198 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71419c <- 0x7092fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141a0 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141a4 <- 0x709404
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141a8 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141ac <- 0x709508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141b0 <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141c0 <- 0x709d80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141c4 <- 0x709c30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141cc <- 0x70a080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141d0 <- 0x709d88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141d4 <- 0x71415c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141d8 <- 0x709d98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141dc <- 0x709da8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141e0 <- 0x709db8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141e4 <- 0x709dc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141e8 <- 0x709dd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141ec <- 0x709de8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141f0 <- 0x709df8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141f4 <- 0x709e08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141f8 <- 0x709e18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7141fc <- 0x709e28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714200 <- 0x713060
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714204 <- 0x709e38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714208 <- 0x709e48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71420c <- 0x709c50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714210 <- 0x709e60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714214 <- 0x709e70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714218 <- 0x709e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71421c <- 0x709ea0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714220 <- 0x7130b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714224 <- 0x709eb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714228 <- 0x709ec0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71422c <- 0x709c78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714230 <- 0x709ed8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714234 <- 0x709ee8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714238 <- 0x713110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71423c <- 0x709f00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714240 <- 0x709f10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714244 <- 0x709cb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714248 <- 0x709f28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71424c <- 0x713168
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714250 <- 0x709f38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714254 <- 0x709f48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714258 <- 0x709cf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71425c <- 0x709f60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714260 <- 0x7131c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714264 <- 0x709f70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714268 <- 0x709f78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71426c <- 0x713268
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714270 <- 0x709f80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714274 <- 0x709f88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714278 <- 0x713ef0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71427c <- 0x709f90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714280 <- 0x709fa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714284 <- 0x7142b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714288 <- 0x709fa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71428c <- 0x709fb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714290 <- 0x7138d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714294 <- 0x709fc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x714298 <- 0x709d60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x71429c <- 0x70a018
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7142a0 <- 0x70a020
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursSendWorkloadSignal' (0x7095b8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursWorkloadAttributeSetName' (0x7095d8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursWaitForWorkloadShutdown' (0x709618)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursRemoveWorkload' (0x7095f8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursWakeUp' (0x709638)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursShutdownWorkload' (0x709658)
·! LDR: Imported function '_cellSpursWorkloadAttributeInitialize' (0x7096b8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursAddWorkloadWithAttribute' (0x709678)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursSetExceptionEventHandler' (0x709698)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFiberPpuSelf' (0x7096d8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFiberPpuWaitSignal' (0x7096f8)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncmp' (0x709718)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_create' (0x709818)
·! LDR: Imported function '0x9FB6228E' (0x7097d8)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_printf' (0x7097b8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_create' (0x709778)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memset' (0x709798)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_snprintf' (0x709738)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_destroy' (0x709758)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_destroy' (0x7097f8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_process_get_paramsfo' (0x709838)
·W LDR: Loading LLE library 'cellSre_Library'
·W LDR: segment addr=0x715000, initial addr = 0x0
·W LDR: cellSre_Library (rtoc=0x74e830):
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000002 - 0x9002a - 0x0
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellSync
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000002 - 0x90012 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncBarrierInitialize] -> 0x30d2c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncLFQueueGetEntrySize] -> 0x30e84
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncLFQueueSize] -> 0x30e1c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncMutexLock] -> 0x30d64
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncBarrierTryNotify] -> 0x30d3c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncLFQueueClear] -> 0x30e14
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueCompletePushPointer2] -> 0x30e54
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncBarrierWait] -> 0x30d44
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueueInitialize] -> 0x30d74
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueGetPopPointer2] -> 0x30e5c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueuePeek] -> 0x30dac
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueueSize] -> 0x30d9c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueuePop] -> 0x30d8c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueCompletePushPointer] -> 0x30e34
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueAttachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x30df4
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueuePush] -> 0x30d7c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueueTryPeek] -> 0x30db4
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueGetPushPointer2] -> 0x30e4c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncBarrierTryWait] -> 0x30d4c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueueTryPush] -> 0x30d84
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueGetPopPointer] -> 0x30e3c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueCompletePopPointer2] -> 0x30e64
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueDetachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x30dfc
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncMutexUnlock] -> 0x30d6c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueueClear] -> 0x30da4
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueueTryPop] -> 0x30d94
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncRwmTryRead] -> 0x30dd4
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncMutexInitialize] -> 0x30d54
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncLFQueueInitialize] -> 0x30e0c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueGetSignalAddress] -> 0x30e74
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueuePushBody] -> 0x30de4
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncRwmTryWrite] -> 0x30dc4
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncRwmRead] -> 0x30ddc
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncMutexTryLock] -> 0x30d5c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncLFQueueGetDirection] -> 0x30e7c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncLFQueueDepth] -> 0x30e24
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueuePopBody] -> 0x30dec
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueGetPushPointer] -> 0x30e2c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncRwmWrite] -> 0x30dcc
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncBarrierNotify] -> 0x30d34
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncRwmInitialize] -> 0x30dbc
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueCompletePopPointer] -> 0x30e44
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellSheap
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000002 - 0x90004 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapMutexDelete] -> 0x30f2c
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapMutexNew] -> 0x30f24
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellSheapQueryMax] -> 0x30ee4
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapBufferNew] -> 0x30f14
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellSheapAllocate] -> 0x30ed4
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellSheapFree] -> 0x30edc
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapSemaphoreNew] -> 0x30f34
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapSemaphoreDelete] -> 0x30f3c
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapQueueDelete] -> 0x30f6c
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellSheapQueryFree] -> 0x30ebc
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapQueueNew] -> 0x30f64
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapInitialize] -> 0x30ef4
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellSheapInitialize] -> 0x30ecc
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapBufferDelete] -> 0x30f1c
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapBarrierNew] -> 0x30f44
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapRwmDelete] -> 0x30f5c
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapRwmNew] -> 0x30f54
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapBarrierDelete] -> 0x30f4c
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellOvis
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000002 - 0x90094 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellOvis: [cellOvisInvalidateOverlappedSegments] -> 0x30f74
·W LDR: **** cellOvis: [cellOvisGetOverlayTableSize] -> 0x30f84
·W LDR: **** cellOvis: [cellOvisInitializeOverlayTable] -> 0x30f8c
·W LDR: **** cellOvis: [cellOvisFixSpuSegments] -> 0x30f7c
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellSpurs
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000002 - 0x90034 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobGuardReset] -> 0x3160c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursLFQueueInitialize] -> 0x315bc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueDetachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x3156c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAttributeSetNamePrefix] -> 0x30fc4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursQueueInitialize] -> 0x31564
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursWorkloadAttributeSetShutdownCompletionEventHook] -> 0x31064
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAttributeEnableSpuPrintfIfAvailable] -> 0x30fb4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskExitCodeGet] -> 0x31444
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobChainGetError] -> 0x316a4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursTasksetAttributeInitialize] -> 0x3149c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursLFQueueAttachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x315d4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAddUrgentCommand] -> 0x31624
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursRequestIdleSpu] -> 0x310d4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSendWorkloadSignal] -> 0x310a4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskGetLoadableSegmentPattern] -> 0x31474
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTaskWithAttribute] -> 0x3139c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursDestroyTaskset2] -> 0x314f4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetInfo] -> 0x31244
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueGetTasksetAddress] -> 0x315a4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagDetachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x3151c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueClear] -> 0x3157c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobChainAttributeSetJobTypeMemoryCheck] -> 0x3165c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursWorkloadFlagReceiver2] -> 0x312b4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTasksetSetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x313e4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateJobChainWithAttribute] -> 0x3166c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute2] -> 0x30fec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0x31F5196B] -> 0x312e4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEnableExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x31214
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskExitCodeInitialize] -> 0x31414
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursJobChainAttributeInitialize] -> 0x31644
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursLFQueuePopBody] -> 0x315cc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueDepth] -> 0x3158c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueGetEntrySize] -> 0x315b4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagWait] -> 0x3152c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetSpuThreadGroupId] -> 0x3101c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobChainGetSpursAddress] -> 0x316e4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursReadyCountSwap] -> 0x310cc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursWorkloadAttributeSetName] -> 0x3105c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTaskset2] -> 0x314fc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagClear] -> 0x3153c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursUnsetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x311fc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursLookUpTasksetAddress] -> 0x313fc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetJobChainInfo] -> 0x316dc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagGetClearMode] -> 0x31554
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSetPreemptionVictimHints] -> 0x312d4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetWorkloadInfo] -> 0x3124c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursDetachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x31104
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobChainSetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x316c4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTaskset] -> 0x314dc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueSize] -> 0x31584
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSemaphoreGetTasksetAddress] -> 0x31604
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTraceInitialize] -> 0x3119c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursRemoveWorkload] -> 0x3109c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTasksetGetSpursAddress] -> 0x314a4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0x5C3A614C] -> 0x30fa4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursEventFlagInitialize] -> 0x3150c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursWaitForWorkloadShutdown] -> 0x31094
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateJobChain] -> 0x31674
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTasksetAttributeSetName] -> 0x31484
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobGuardInitialize] -> 0x3161c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAddWorkload] -> 0x3107c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobChainUnsetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x316cc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetSpuThreadId] -> 0x31014
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagTryWait] -> 0x31534
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetSpuGuid] -> 0x312a4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0x7025A5EC] -> 0x3131c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursShutdownJobChain] -> 0x3167c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursLFQueueDetachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x315dc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSetGlobalExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x311f4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursReadyCountAdd] -> 0x310b4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursSemaphoreInitialize] -> 0x315fc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTraceFinalize] -> 0x3116c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskGetReadOnlyAreaPattern] -> 0x3146c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursWakeUp] -> 0x31004
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursBarrierInitialize] -> 0x315ec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSetPriorities] -> 0x3102c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAttributeSetMemoryContainerForSpuThread] -> 0x30f9c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTryJoinTask2] -> 0x3137c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSetMaxContention] -> 0x31034
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursUnsetGlobalExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x311ec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetJobChainId] -> 0x3169c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagAttachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x31514
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagGetDirection] -> 0x3154c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursLFQueuePushBody] -> 0x315c4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursTaskAttribute2Initialize] -> 0x31344
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTasksetAttributeSetTasksetSize] -> 0x3148c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAddUrgentCall] -> 0x3162c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskGetContextSaveAreaSize] -> 0x3147c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0x90C82BFC] -> 0x30fe4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueuePopBody] -> 0x3159c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskGenerateLsPattern] -> 0x31464
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueuePushBody] -> 0x31594
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTasksetUnsetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x313ec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagGetTasksetAddress] -> 0x3155c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursAttributeInitialize] -> 0x30fcc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobHeaderSetJobbin2Param] -> 0x316fc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursShutdownWorkload] -> 0x3108c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursBarrierGetTasksetAddress] -> 0x315f4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAttributeEnableSystemWorkload] -> 0x312c4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJoinTaskset] -> 0x31504
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetTasksetInfo] -> 0x314ac
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobChainAttributeSetName] -> 0x3164c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskAttributeSetExitCodeContainer] -> 0x3133c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursWorkloadFlagReceiver] -> 0x312ac
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursShutdownTaskset] -> 0x314c4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJoinTask2] -> 0x3136c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJoinJobChain] -> 0x31684
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetWorkloadData] -> 0x310ac
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAttributeSetSpuThreadGroupType] -> 0x30fac
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute] -> 0x30ff4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursInitialize] -> 0x30ffc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0xB55782F9] -> 0x30fbc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursLFQueueGetTasksetAddress] -> 0x315e4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursTaskAttributeInitialize] -> 0x31354
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAttachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x310ec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0xBAC24478] -> 0x31314
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobChainAttributeSetHaltOnError] -> 0x31654
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0xBDCB78A5] -> 0x3171c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTask] -> 0x313a4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursKickJobChain] -> 0x3168c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAddWorkloadWithAttribute] -> 0x31074
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTasksetWithAttribute] -> 0x314d4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursTasksetAttribute2Initialize] -> 0x314b4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetNumSpuThread] -> 0x31024
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetWorkloadFlag] -> 0x31284
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursFinalize] -> 0x3100c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTraceStart] -> 0x3118c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x3120c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobGuardNotify] -> 0x31614
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetJobPipelineInfo] -> 0x316ec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0xD9A9C592] -> 0x312f4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTasksetAttributeEnableClearLS] -> 0x31494
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTraceStop] -> 0x3117c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursSendSignal] -> 0x313ac
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTask2] -> 0x3138c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0xE279681F] -> 0x312cc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTask2WithBinInfo] -> 0x31394
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueAttachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x31574
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskExitCodeTryGet] -> 0x3143c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobSetMaxGrab] -> 0x316f4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetTasksetId] -> 0x314ec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueGetDirection] -> 0x315ac
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursWorkloadAttributeInitialize] -> 0x31084
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0xF1BF099F] -> 0x31724
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursReadyCountCompareAndSwap] -> 0x310bc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursRunJobChain] -> 0x31694
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagSet] -> 0x31544
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursReadyCountStore] -> 0x310c4
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellDaisy
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000001 - 0x90002 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy17LFQueue2PushCloseEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPFiPvjE] -> 0x317dc
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy21LFQueue2GetPopPointerEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPij] -> 0x317c4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock15completeConsumeEj] -> 0x317ac
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy9_snprintfEPcjPKcz] -> 0x317bc
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock7popOpenEv] -> 0x3178c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy26LFQueue2CompletePopPointerEPNS0_8LFQueue2EiPFiPvjEj] -> 0x317cc
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock7releaseEv] -> 0x3174c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock7popOpenEv] -> 0x3178c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC1EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPjjh] -> 0x3175c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC1EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPjjh] -> 0x3175c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy9_snprintfEPcjPKcz] -> 0x317bc
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy29LFQueue2HasUnfinishedConsumerEPNS0_8LFQueue2Ej] -> 0x317f4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock18getNextHeadPointerEv] -> 0x3179c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock10initializeEj] -> 0x31774
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC1EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPvPFiS5_jE] -> 0x31734
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC2EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPjjh] -> 0x31754
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock15completeProduceEj] -> 0x317b4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy16LFQueue2PushOpenEPNS0_8LFQueue2E] -> 0x317d4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy16LFQueue2PopCloseEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPFiPvjE] -> 0x317ec
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock8popCloseEv] -> 0x31794
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock8popCloseEv] -> 0x31794
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockD2Ev] -> 0x31764
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy21LFQueue2GetPopPointerEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPij] -> 0x317c4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock18getNextTailPointerEv] -> 0x317a4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock8pushOpenEv] -> 0x3177c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy29LFQueue2HasUnfinishedConsumerEPNS0_8LFQueue2Ej] -> 0x317f4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock9pushCloseEv] -> 0x31784
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockD2Ev] -> 0x31764
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy15LFQueue2PopOpenEPNS0_8LFQueue2E] -> 0x317e4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC1EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPvPFiS5_jE] -> 0x31734
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockD1Ev] -> 0x3176c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock10initializeEj] -> 0x31774
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock15completeProduceEj] -> 0x317b4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy16LFQueue2PopCloseEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPFiPvjE] -> 0x317ec
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy15LFQueue2PopOpenEPNS0_8LFQueue2E] -> 0x317e4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy17LFQueue2PushCloseEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPFiPvjE] -> 0x317dc
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC2EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPvPFiS5_jE] -> 0x3172c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock21proceedSequenceNumberEv] -> 0x3173c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC2EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPvPFiS5_jE] -> 0x3172c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC2EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPjjh] -> 0x31754
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock15completeConsumeEj] -> 0x317ac
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock21proceedSequenceNumberEv] -> 0x3173c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock18getNextHeadPointerEv] -> 0x3179c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock9pushCloseEv] -> 0x31784
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy26LFQueue2CompletePopPointerEPNS0_8LFQueue2EiPFiPvjEj] -> 0x317cc
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock5probeEj] -> 0x31744
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock8pushOpenEv] -> 0x3177c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock5probeEj] -> 0x31744
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockD1Ev] -> 0x3176c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy16LFQueue2PushOpenEPNS0_8LFQueue2E] -> 0x317d4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock18getNextTailPointerEv] -> 0x317a4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock7releaseEv] -> 0x3174c
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellSpudll
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x2c000001
·W LDR: **** cellSpudll: [cellSpudllHandleConfigSetDefaultValues] -> 0x3181c
·W LDR: **** cellSpudll: [cellSpudllGetImageSize] -> 0x31814
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellLibprof
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellLibprof: [cellUserTraceRegister] -> 0x1d5e0
·W LDR: **** cellLibprof: [cellUserTraceUnregister] -> 0x1d600
·W LDR: **** Imported: sysPrxForUser
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncmp] -> 0x1d620
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strcat] -> 0x1d640
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_vsnprintf] -> 0x1d660
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_snprintf] -> 0x1d680
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_lock] -> 0x1d6a0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_unlock] -> 0x1d6c0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_destroy] -> 0x1d6e0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_ppu_thread_create] -> 0x1d700
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_wait] -> 0x1d720
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strlen] -> 0x1d740
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_create] -> 0x1d760
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_spu_printf_detach_group] -> 0x1d780
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memset] -> 0x1d7a0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memcpy] -> 0x1d7c0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncat] -> 0x1d7e0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strcpy] -> 0x1d800
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_printf] -> 0x1d820
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [0x9FB6228E] -> 0x1d840
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_ppu_thread_exit] -> 0x1d860
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_destroy] -> 0x1d880
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncpy] -> 0x1d8a0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_create] -> 0x1d8c0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_spu_printf_attach_group] -> 0x1d8e0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name] -> 0x1d900
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_spu_image_close] -> 0x1d920
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_process_get_paramsfo] -> 0x1d940
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_spu_image_import] -> 0x1d960
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_signal] -> 0x1d980
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_vprintf] -> 0x1d9a0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memcmp] -> 0x1d9c0
·W LDR: segment addr=0x745000, initial addr = 0x2dd80
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7325e6 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7325ea <- 0x0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732606 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73260a <- 0x4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732626 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73262a <- 0x8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732646 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73264a <- 0xc
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732666 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73266a <- 0x10
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732686 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73268a <- 0x14
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7326a6 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7326aa <- 0x18
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7326c6 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7326ca <- 0x1c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7326e6 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7326ea <- 0x20
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732706 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73270a <- 0x24
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732726 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73272a <- 0x28
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732746 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73274a <- 0x2c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732766 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73276a <- 0x30
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732786 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73278a <- 0x34
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7327a6 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7327aa <- 0x38
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7327c6 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7327ca <- 0x3c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7327e6 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7327ea <- 0x40
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732806 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73280a <- 0x44
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732826 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73282a <- 0x48
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732846 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73284a <- 0x4c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732866 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73286a <- 0x50
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732886 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73288a <- 0x54
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7328a6 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7328aa <- 0x58
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7328c6 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7328ca <- 0x5c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7328e6 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7328ea <- 0x60
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732906 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73290a <- 0x64
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732926 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73292a <- 0x68
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732946 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73294a <- 0x6c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732966 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73296a <- 0x70
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x732986 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x73298a <- 0x74
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7329a6 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7329aa <- 0x78
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7329c6 <- 0x74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7329ca <- 0x7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7329f8 <- 0x732b64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7329fc <- 0x732b6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a10 <- 0x732b74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a14 <- 0x732b80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a18 <- 0x732c48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a2c <- 0x732cf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a30 <- 0x732cfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a34 <- 0x732d64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a48 <- 0x732dac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a4c <- 0x732db8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a50 <- 0x732dc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a64 <- 0x732dd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a68 <- 0x732de4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a6c <- 0x7330b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a80 <- 0x733304
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a84 <- 0x733310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a88 <- 0x733400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732a9c <- 0x7334d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732aa0 <- 0x7334dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732aa4 <- 0x7334e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732ac0 <- 0x732b44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732aec <- 0x732b54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732ac4 <- 0x7334ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732ac8 <- 0x745000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732af0 <- 0x7334f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732af4 <- 0x745008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732b30 <- 0x7329e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732b34 <- 0x732aa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732b38 <- 0x732ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732b3c <- 0x732b08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732b2c <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732b6c <- 0x732b0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732b70 <- 0x745080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c48 <- 0x747fac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c4c <- 0x748104
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c50 <- 0x74809c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c54 <- 0x747fe4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c58 <- 0x747fbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c5c <- 0x748094
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c60 <- 0x7480d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c64 <- 0x747fc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c68 <- 0x747ff4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c6c <- 0x7480dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c70 <- 0x74802c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c74 <- 0x74801c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c78 <- 0x74800c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c7c <- 0x7480b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c80 <- 0x748074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c84 <- 0x747ffc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c88 <- 0x748034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c8c <- 0x7480cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c90 <- 0x747fcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c94 <- 0x748004
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c98 <- 0x7480bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732c9c <- 0x7480e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732ca0 <- 0x74807c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732ca4 <- 0x747fec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732ca8 <- 0x748024
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732cac <- 0x748014
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732cb0 <- 0x748054
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732cb4 <- 0x747fd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732cb8 <- 0x74808c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732cbc <- 0x7480f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732cc0 <- 0x748064
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732cc4 <- 0x748044
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732cc8 <- 0x74805c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732ccc <- 0x747fdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732cd0 <- 0x7480fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732cd4 <- 0x7480a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732cd8 <- 0x74806c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732cdc <- 0x7480ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732ce0 <- 0x74804c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732ce4 <- 0x747fb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732ce8 <- 0x74803c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732cec <- 0x7480c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732d64 <- 0x7481ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732d68 <- 0x7481a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732d6c <- 0x748164
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732d70 <- 0x748194
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732d74 <- 0x748154
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732d78 <- 0x74815c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732d7c <- 0x7481b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732d80 <- 0x7481bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732d84 <- 0x7481ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732d88 <- 0x74813c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732d8c <- 0x7481e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732d90 <- 0x748174
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732d94 <- 0x74814c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732d98 <- 0x74819c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732d9c <- 0x7481c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732da0 <- 0x7481dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732da4 <- 0x7481d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732da8 <- 0x7481cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732dc8 <- 0x7481f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732dcc <- 0x748204
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732dd0 <- 0x74820c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x732dd4 <- 0x7481fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330b4 <- 0x74888c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330b8 <- 0x74883c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330bc <- 0x7487ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330c0 <- 0x748244
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330c4 <- 0x7487e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330c8 <- 0x7482e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330cc <- 0x748234
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330d0 <- 0x7486c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330d4 <- 0x748924
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330d8 <- 0x74871c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330dc <- 0x748854
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330e0 <- 0x7488a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330e4 <- 0x748354
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330e8 <- 0x748324
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330ec <- 0x7486f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330f0 <- 0x74861c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330f4 <- 0x748774
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330f8 <- 0x7484c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7330fc <- 0x748824
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733100 <- 0x74879c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733104 <- 0x7487fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733108 <- 0x7488dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73310c <- 0x748534
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733110 <- 0x748664
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733114 <- 0x7488ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733118 <- 0x74826c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73311c <- 0x748564
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733120 <- 0x748494
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733124 <- 0x748694
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733128 <- 0x7488c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73312c <- 0x74884c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733130 <- 0x74880c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733134 <- 0x748834
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733138 <- 0x7487ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73313c <- 0x74829c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733140 <- 0x748964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733144 <- 0x74834c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733148 <- 0x7482dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73314c <- 0x74877c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733150 <- 0x7487bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733154 <- 0x74847c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733158 <- 0x74867c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73315c <- 0x74895c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733160 <- 0x7487d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733164 <- 0x748554
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733168 <- 0x7484cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73316c <- 0x748384
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733170 <- 0x748944
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733174 <- 0x74875c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733178 <- 0x748804
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73317c <- 0x748884
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733180 <- 0x74841c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733184 <- 0x74831c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733188 <- 0x748724
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73318c <- 0x748224
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733190 <- 0x74878c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733194 <- 0x748314
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733198 <- 0x7488f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73319c <- 0x748704
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331a0 <- 0x74889c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331a4 <- 0x7482fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331a8 <- 0x74894c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331ac <- 0x748294
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331b0 <- 0x7487b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331b4 <- 0x748524
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331b8 <- 0x74859c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331bc <- 0x7488fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331c0 <- 0x74885c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331c4 <- 0x748474
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331c8 <- 0x748334
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331cc <- 0x74887c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331d0 <- 0x7483ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331d4 <- 0x7486ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331d8 <- 0x748284
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331dc <- 0x74886c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331e0 <- 0x7482ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331e4 <- 0x74821c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331e8 <- 0x7485fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331ec <- 0x7482b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331f0 <- 0x74846c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331f4 <- 0x74891c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331f8 <- 0x748794
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7331fc <- 0x7487cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733200 <- 0x748844
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733204 <- 0x7485c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733208 <- 0x74870c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73320c <- 0x7488ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733210 <- 0x7486fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733214 <- 0x748264
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733218 <- 0x74881c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73321c <- 0x7486e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733220 <- 0x748814
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733224 <- 0x74866c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733228 <- 0x7487dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73322c <- 0x74824c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733230 <- 0x74897c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733234 <- 0x74830c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733238 <- 0x748874
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73323c <- 0x748544
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733240 <- 0x748784
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733244 <- 0x74872c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733248 <- 0x7488cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73324c <- 0x7485bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733250 <- 0x74852c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733254 <- 0x748744
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733258 <- 0x7485ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73325c <- 0x748904
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733260 <- 0x74832c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733264 <- 0x74822c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733268 <- 0x748274
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73326c <- 0x74827c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733270 <- 0x74823c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733274 <- 0x748864
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733278 <- 0x7485d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73327c <- 0x74836c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733280 <- 0x748594
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733284 <- 0x7488d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733288 <- 0x74899c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73328c <- 0x748624
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733290 <- 0x74890c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733294 <- 0x7482f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733298 <- 0x748754
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73329c <- 0x748734
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332a0 <- 0x7482a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332a4 <- 0x748504
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332a8 <- 0x74828c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332ac <- 0x74840c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332b0 <- 0x74848c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332b4 <- 0x748894
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332b8 <- 0x74896c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332bc <- 0x748574
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332c0 <- 0x748714
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332c4 <- 0x7483fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332c8 <- 0x74862c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332cc <- 0x74860c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332d0 <- 0x74854c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332d4 <- 0x748614
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332d8 <- 0x7487f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332dc <- 0x7486bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332e0 <- 0x748974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332e4 <- 0x74876c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332e8 <- 0x74882c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332ec <- 0x748304
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332f0 <- 0x7489a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332f4 <- 0x74833c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332f8 <- 0x748914
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7332fc <- 0x7487c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733300 <- 0x748344
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733400 <- 0x748a5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733404 <- 0x748a44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733408 <- 0x748a2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73340c <- 0x748a3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733410 <- 0x748a0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733414 <- 0x748a4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733418 <- 0x7489cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73341c <- 0x748a0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733420 <- 0x7489dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733424 <- 0x7489dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733428 <- 0x748a3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73342c <- 0x748a74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733430 <- 0x748a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733434 <- 0x7489f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733438 <- 0x7489b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73343c <- 0x7489d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733440 <- 0x748a34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733444 <- 0x748a54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733448 <- 0x748a6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73344c <- 0x748a14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733450 <- 0x748a14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733454 <- 0x7489e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733458 <- 0x748a44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73345c <- 0x748a24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733460 <- 0x7489fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733464 <- 0x748a74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733468 <- 0x748a04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73346c <- 0x7489e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733470 <- 0x748a64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733474 <- 0x7489b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733478 <- 0x7489ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73347c <- 0x7489f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733480 <- 0x748a34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733484 <- 0x748a6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733488 <- 0x748a64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73348c <- 0x748a5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733490 <- 0x7489ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733494 <- 0x7489bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x733498 <- 0x7489ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x73349c <- 0x7489d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7334a0 <- 0x748a2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7334a4 <- 0x7489bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7334a8 <- 0x748a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7334ac <- 0x748a04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7334b0 <- 0x748a4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7334b4 <- 0x7489c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7334b8 <- 0x7489fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7334bc <- 0x7489c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7334c0 <- 0x7489ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7334c4 <- 0x748a54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7334c8 <- 0x748a24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7334cc <- 0x7489cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7334e4 <- 0x748a9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7334e8 <- 0x748a94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745000 <- 0x7325e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745004 <- 0x732600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745008 <- 0x732620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74500c <- 0x732640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745010 <- 0x732660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745014 <- 0x732680
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745018 <- 0x7326a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74501c <- 0x7326c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745020 <- 0x7326e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745024 <- 0x732700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745028 <- 0x732720
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74502c <- 0x732740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745030 <- 0x732760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745034 <- 0x732780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745038 <- 0x7327a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74503c <- 0x7327c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745040 <- 0x7327e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745044 <- 0x732800
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745048 <- 0x732820
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74504c <- 0x732840
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745050 <- 0x732860
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745054 <- 0x732880
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745058 <- 0x7328a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74505c <- 0x7328c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745060 <- 0x7328e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745064 <- 0x732900
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745068 <- 0x732920
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74506c <- 0x732940
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745070 <- 0x732960
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745074 <- 0x732980
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x745078 <- 0x7329a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74507c <- 0x7329c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747f90 <- 0x7341b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747f94 <- 0x7341c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747f98 <- 0x7341d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747f9c <- 0x7341e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fa0 <- 0x734200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fa4 <- 0x734210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fa8 <- 0x734f00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fac <- 0x715000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fb0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fb4 <- 0x715068
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fb8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fbc <- 0x715108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fc0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fc4 <- 0x7151e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fc8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fcc <- 0x715288
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fd0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fd4 <- 0x715334
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fd8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fdc <- 0x715380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fe0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fe4 <- 0x71540c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fe8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747fec <- 0x71548c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747ff0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747ff4 <- 0x7154f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747ff8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x747ffc <- 0x715598
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748000 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748004 <- 0x715754
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748008 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74800c <- 0x715924
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748010 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748014 <- 0x715ae8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748018 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74801c <- 0x715cb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748020 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748024 <- 0x715dc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748028 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74802c <- 0x715f20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748030 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748034 <- 0x7160dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748038 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74803c <- 0x7162a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748040 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748044 <- 0x716328
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748048 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74804c <- 0x7163f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748050 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748054 <- 0x7164c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748058 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74805c <- 0x7165c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748060 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748064 <- 0x7166b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748068 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74806c <- 0x716848
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748070 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748074 <- 0x7169e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748078 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74807c <- 0x716de0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748080 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748084 <- 0x716f6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748088 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74808c <- 0x71709c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748090 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748094 <- 0x717340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748098 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74809c <- 0x717420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480a0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480a4 <- 0x7174ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480a8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480ac <- 0x7174f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480b0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480b4 <- 0x717708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480b8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480bc <- 0x717ae8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480c0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480c4 <- 0x717d04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480c8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480cc <- 0x7180b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480d0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480d4 <- 0x7185c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480d8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480dc <- 0x718a18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480e0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480e4 <- 0x718f28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480e8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480ec <- 0x71939c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480f0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480f4 <- 0x7194c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480f8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7480fc <- 0x719508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748100 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748104 <- 0x719550
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748108 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74810c <- 0x719598
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748110 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748114 <- 0x7195b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748118 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74811c <- 0x7198c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748120 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748124 <- 0x719940
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748128 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74812c <- 0x7199d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748130 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748134 <- 0x71a018
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748138 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74813c <- 0x71a334
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748140 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748144 <- 0x71a3b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748148 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74814c <- 0x71a698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748150 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748154 <- 0x71a708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748158 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74815c <- 0x71a848
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748160 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748164 <- 0x71a910
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748168 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74816c <- 0x71a98c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748170 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748174 <- 0x71a9f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748178 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74817c <- 0x71aad4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748180 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748184 <- 0x71ac88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748188 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74818c <- 0x71ad44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748190 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748194 <- 0x71adfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748198 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74819c <- 0x71af40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481a0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481a4 <- 0x71b064
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481a8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481ac <- 0x71b1c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481b0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481b4 <- 0x71b2f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481b8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481bc <- 0x71b418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481c0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481c4 <- 0x71b53c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481c8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481cc <- 0x71b6b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481d0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481d4 <- 0x71b7dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481d8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481dc <- 0x71b964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481e0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481e4 <- 0x71ba88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481e8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481ec <- 0x71bc24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481f0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481f4 <- 0x71bd48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481f8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7481fc <- 0x71be90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748200 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748204 <- 0x71bea0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748208 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74820c <- 0x71bf8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748210 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748214 <- 0x71c0ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748218 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74821c <- 0x71c0f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748220 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748224 <- 0x71c14c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748228 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74822c <- 0x71c1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748230 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748234 <- 0x71c248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748238 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74823c <- 0x71c28c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748240 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748244 <- 0x71c32c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748248 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74824c <- 0x71c3c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748250 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748254 <- 0x71c490
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748258 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74825c <- 0x71c5dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748260 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748264 <- 0x71d330
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748268 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74826c <- 0x71d3b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748270 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748274 <- 0x71d49c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748278 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74827c <- 0x71d580
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748280 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748284 <- 0x71d5d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748288 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74828c <- 0x71d668
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748290 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748294 <- 0x71db98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748298 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74829c <- 0x71dc30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482a0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482a4 <- 0x71dc78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482a8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482ac <- 0x71dcc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482b0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482b4 <- 0x71de68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482b8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482bc <- 0x71df6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482c0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482c4 <- 0x71e004
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482c8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482cc <- 0x71e118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482d0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482d4 <- 0x71e1ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482d8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482dc <- 0x71e63c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482e0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482e4 <- 0x71e67c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482e8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482ec <- 0x71e6c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482f0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482f4 <- 0x71ede8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482f8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7482fc <- 0x71eea4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748300 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748304 <- 0x71eedc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748308 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74830c <- 0x71f034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748310 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748314 <- 0x71f1e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748318 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74831c <- 0x71f3e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748320 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748324 <- 0x71f62c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748328 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74832c <- 0x71f760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748330 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748334 <- 0x71f83c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748338 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74833c <- 0x71f9a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748340 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748344 <- 0x71fb00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748348 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74834c <- 0x71fc08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748350 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748354 <- 0x71fd5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748358 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74835c <- 0x71fe08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748360 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748364 <- 0x71ffac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748368 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74836c <- 0x71ffb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748370 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748374 <- 0x71ffbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748378 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74837c <- 0x720110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748380 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748384 <- 0x720118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748388 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74838c <- 0x720120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748390 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748394 <- 0x720240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748398 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74839c <- 0x7203e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483a0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483a4 <- 0x7207c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483a8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483ac <- 0x720a44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483b0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483b4 <- 0x720b28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483b8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483bc <- 0x720dd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483c0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483c4 <- 0x720de8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483c8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483cc <- 0x720e8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483d0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483d4 <- 0x721990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483d8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483dc <- 0x721a18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483e0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483e4 <- 0x721acc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483e8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483ec <- 0x721bb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483f0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483f4 <- 0x721c2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483f8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7483fc <- 0x721cac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748400 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748404 <- 0x721cf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748408 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74840c <- 0x721d70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748410 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748414 <- 0x721db4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748418 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74841c <- 0x721f24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748420 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748424 <- 0x721fbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748428 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74842c <- 0x722020
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748430 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748434 <- 0x72205c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748438 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74843c <- 0x722098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748440 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748444 <- 0x7220c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748448 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74844c <- 0x7221e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748450 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748454 <- 0x722258
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748458 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74845c <- 0x7222f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748460 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748464 <- 0x722604
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748468 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74846c <- 0x722654
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748470 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748474 <- 0x7226b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748478 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74847c <- 0x72275c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748480 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748484 <- 0x722830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748488 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74848c <- 0x722b34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748490 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748494 <- 0x722ca0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748498 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74849c <- 0x722d70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484a0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484a4 <- 0x722e78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484a8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484ac <- 0x723074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484b0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484b4 <- 0x723158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484b8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484bc <- 0x72349c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484c0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484c4 <- 0x723520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484c8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484cc <- 0x7236ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484d0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484d4 <- 0x723944
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484d8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484dc <- 0x723950
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484e0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484e4 <- 0x723960
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484e8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484ec <- 0x723a30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484f0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484f4 <- 0x723b1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484f8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7484fc <- 0x723b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748500 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748504 <- 0x723be0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748508 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74850c <- 0x723c20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748510 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748514 <- 0x723d24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748518 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74851c <- 0x723ee0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748520 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748524 <- 0x723f90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748528 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74852c <- 0x724138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748530 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748534 <- 0x724278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748538 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74853c <- 0x7243e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748540 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748544 <- 0x7243f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748548 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74854c <- 0x72453c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748550 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748554 <- 0x724584
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748558 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74855c <- 0x72468c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748560 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748564 <- 0x72472c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748568 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74856c <- 0x724908
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748570 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748574 <- 0x724a80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748578 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74857c <- 0x724f38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748580 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748584 <- 0x72521c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748588 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74858c <- 0x725408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748590 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748594 <- 0x725780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748598 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74859c <- 0x725848
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485a0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485a4 <- 0x7258e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485a8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485ac <- 0x7259a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485b0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485b4 <- 0x7259cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485b8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485bc <- 0x725a7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485c0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485c4 <- 0x725ae4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485c8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485cc <- 0x725b44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485d0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485d4 <- 0x725c14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485d8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485dc <- 0x72600c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485e0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485e4 <- 0x726278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485e8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485ec <- 0x72635c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485f0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485f4 <- 0x7265d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485f8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7485fc <- 0x72672c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748600 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748604 <- 0x7269a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748608 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74860c <- 0x726e38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748610 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748614 <- 0x7270c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748618 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74861c <- 0x7271e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748620 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748624 <- 0x7273f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748628 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74862c <- 0x7274b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748630 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748634 <- 0x7276a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748638 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74863c <- 0x727714
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748640 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748644 <- 0x727e44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748648 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74864c <- 0x727f04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748650 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748654 <- 0x727f74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748658 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74865c <- 0x728000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748660 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748664 <- 0x728108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748668 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74866c <- 0x728178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748670 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748674 <- 0x7281d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748678 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74867c <- 0x728390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748680 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748684 <- 0x728410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748688 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74868c <- 0x728460
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748690 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748694 <- 0x728510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748698 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74869c <- 0x728570
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486a0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486a4 <- 0x72860c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486a8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486ac <- 0x7286d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486b0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486b4 <- 0x72873c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486b8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486bc <- 0x728958
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486c0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486c4 <- 0x728960
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486c8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486cc <- 0x728968
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486d0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486d4 <- 0x728a9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486d8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486dc <- 0x728ac4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486e0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486e4 <- 0x728b5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486e8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486ec <- 0x728ce0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486f0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486f4 <- 0x728eb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486f8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7486fc <- 0x729080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748700 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748704 <- 0x7291f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748708 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74870c <- 0x729238
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748710 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748714 <- 0x729290
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748718 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74871c <- 0x7292e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748720 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748724 <- 0x7293ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748728 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74872c <- 0x729440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748730 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748734 <- 0x729730
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748738 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74873c <- 0x7297bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748740 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748744 <- 0x72984c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748748 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74874c <- 0x729930
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748750 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748754 <- 0x729bd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748758 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74875c <- 0x729c9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748760 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748764 <- 0x729cd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748768 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74876c <- 0x729e84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748770 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748774 <- 0x729ecc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748778 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74877c <- 0x72a0ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748780 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748784 <- 0x72a2dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748788 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74878c <- 0x72a630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748790 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748794 <- 0x72a79c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748798 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74879c <- 0x72a97c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487a0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487a4 <- 0x72ab04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487a8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487ac <- 0x72ae4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487b0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487b4 <- 0x72ae54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487b8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487bc <- 0x72ae80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487c0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487c4 <- 0x72aee8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487c8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487cc <- 0x72b2a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487d0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487d4 <- 0x72b2f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487d8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487dc <- 0x72b340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487e0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487e4 <- 0x72b398
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487e8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487ec <- 0x72b508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487f0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487f4 <- 0x72b650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487f8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7487fc <- 0x72b740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748800 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748804 <- 0x72b7d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748808 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74880c <- 0x72b860
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748810 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748814 <- 0x72b8a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748818 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74881c <- 0x72bbd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748820 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748824 <- 0x72bf34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748828 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74882c <- 0x72bf7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748830 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748834 <- 0x72bfc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748838 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74883c <- 0x72c00c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748840 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748844 <- 0x72c090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748848 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74884c <- 0x72c21c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748850 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748854 <- 0x72c3d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748858 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74885c <- 0x72c7b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748860 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748864 <- 0x72cc18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748868 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74886c <- 0x72ccbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748870 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748874 <- 0x72cd94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748878 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74887c <- 0x72cddc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748880 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748884 <- 0x72cefc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748888 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74888c <- 0x72cf44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748890 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748894 <- 0x72cf88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748898 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74889c <- 0x72d060
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488a0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488a4 <- 0x72d144
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488a8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488ac <- 0x72d220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488b0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488b4 <- 0x72d25c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488b8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488bc <- 0x72d2e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488c0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488c4 <- 0x72d440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488c8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488cc <- 0x72d600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488d0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488d4 <- 0x72d644
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488d8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488dc <- 0x72d688
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488e0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488e4 <- 0x72d6cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488e8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488ec <- 0x72d970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488f0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488f4 <- 0x72db68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488f8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7488fc <- 0x72dd10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748900 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748904 <- 0x72dd94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748908 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74890c <- 0x72de70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748910 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748914 <- 0x72df78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748918 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74891c <- 0x72e048
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748920 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748924 <- 0x72e090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748928 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74892c <- 0x72e0e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748930 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748934 <- 0x72e938
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748938 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74893c <- 0x72edec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748940 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748944 <- 0x72f584
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748948 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74894c <- 0x72f5f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748950 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748954 <- 0x72f654
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748958 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74895c <- 0x72f784
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748960 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748964 <- 0x72f8e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748968 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74896c <- 0x72f938
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748970 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748974 <- 0x72fc6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748978 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74897c <- 0x72fd3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748980 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748984 <- 0x72ffa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748988 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74898c <- 0x7300a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748990 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748994 <- 0x730108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748998 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x74899c <- 0x730358
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489a0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489a4 <- 0x730618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489a8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489ac <- 0x7306f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489b0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489b4 <- 0x730718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489b8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489bc <- 0x73073c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489c0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489c4 <- 0x730780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489c8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489cc <- 0x7308e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489d0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489d4 <- 0x730b68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489d8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489dc <- 0x730e64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489e0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489e4 <- 0x731160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489e8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489ec <- 0x73138c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489f0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489f4 <- 0x7315b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489f8 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7489fc <- 0x731628
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a00 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a04 <- 0x731640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a08 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a0c <- 0x731650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a10 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a14 <- 0x731660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a18 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a1c <- 0x731680
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a20 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a24 <- 0x73177c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a28 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a2c <- 0x731824
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a30 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a34 <- 0x7318a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a38 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a3c <- 0x731934
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a40 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a44 <- 0x73197c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a48 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a4c <- 0x731b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a50 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a54 <- 0x731dbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a58 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a5c <- 0x731e34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a60 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a64 <- 0x731ff0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a68 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a6c <- 0x732028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a70 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a74 <- 0x7320ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a78 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a7c <- 0x732248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a80 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a84 <- 0x732358
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a88 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a8c <- 0x73242c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a90 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a94 <- 0x7324a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a98 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748a9c <- 0x73257c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748aa0 <- 0x750ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ab0 <- 0x745088
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ab4 <- 0x733d48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ab8 <- 0x733d50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748abc <- 0x733570
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ac0 <- 0x733d60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ac4 <- 0x733d70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ac8 <- 0x7450e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748acc <- 0x733d78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ad0 <- 0x733d80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ad4 <- 0x733630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ad8 <- 0x733d98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748adc <- 0x745138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ae0 <- 0x733da8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ae4 <- 0x733db0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ae8 <- 0x733650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748aec <- 0x733dd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748af0 <- 0x745190
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748af4 <- 0x733de0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748af8 <- 0x733de8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748afc <- 0x733678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b00 <- 0x733e00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b04 <- 0x7451e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b08 <- 0x733e10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b0c <- 0x733e18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b10 <- 0x733698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b14 <- 0x733e30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b18 <- 0x745240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b1c <- 0x733e40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b20 <- 0x733e48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b24 <- 0x7336c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b28 <- 0x733e68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b2c <- 0x745298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b30 <- 0x733e78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b34 <- 0x733e80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b38 <- 0x7336e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b3c <- 0x733e98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b40 <- 0x7452f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b44 <- 0x733ea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b48 <- 0x733eb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b4c <- 0x733700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b50 <- 0x733ed0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b54 <- 0x733ee0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b58 <- 0x733718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b5c <- 0x733758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b60 <- 0x745348
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b64 <- 0x733f00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b68 <- 0x733f10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b6c <- 0x733778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b70 <- 0x733f20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b74 <- 0x7453a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b78 <- 0x733f30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b7c <- 0x733f40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b80 <- 0x7337a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b84 <- 0x733f50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b88 <- 0x733f60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b8c <- 0x7453f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b90 <- 0x733f70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b94 <- 0x733f80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b98 <- 0x7337c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748b9c <- 0x733f98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ba0 <- 0x745450
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ba4 <- 0x733fa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ba8 <- 0x733fb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bac <- 0x7337e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bb0 <- 0x733fd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bb4 <- 0x7454a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bb8 <- 0x733fe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bbc <- 0x733ff0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bc0 <- 0x733810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bc4 <- 0x734008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bc8 <- 0x745500
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bcc <- 0x734018
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bd0 <- 0x734028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bd4 <- 0x733830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bd8 <- 0x734040
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bdc <- 0x745558
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748be0 <- 0x734050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748be4 <- 0x734060
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748be8 <- 0x733850
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bec <- 0x734070
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bf0 <- 0x7455b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bf4 <- 0x734080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bf8 <- 0x734090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748bfc <- 0x733868
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c00 <- 0x7340a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c04 <- 0x745608
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c08 <- 0x733880
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c0c <- 0x736380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c14 <- 0x7340b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c18 <- 0x735280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c1c <- 0x735b00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c20 <- 0x7340c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c24 <- 0x7340d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c28 <- 0x7340e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c2c <- 0x745648
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c30 <- 0x733890
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c34 <- 0x745668
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c38 <- 0x7338c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c3c <- 0x745738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c40 <- 0x745728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c44 <- 0x745758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c48 <- 0x7338d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c4c <- 0x7340f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c50 <- 0x7482d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c54 <- 0x745808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c58 <- 0x733950
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c5c <- 0x745858
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c60 <- 0x733980
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c64 <- 0x745870
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c68 <- 0x7339a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c6c <- 0x7458a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c70 <- 0x7339c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c74 <- 0x7458b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c78 <- 0x7339e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c7c <- 0x7458f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c80 <- 0x733a00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c84 <- 0x734100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c88 <- 0x734108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c8c <- 0x74839c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c90 <- 0x745950
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c94 <- 0x733a30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c98 <- 0x745970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748c9c <- 0x749000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ca0 <- 0x7459d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ca4 <- 0x734118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ca8 <- 0x734150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cac <- 0x734158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cb0 <- 0x734160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cb4 <- 0x734170
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cb8 <- 0x734180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cbc <- 0x734198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cc4 <- 0x736380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cc8 <- 0x7341a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ccc <- 0x747f90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cd0 <- 0x746198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cd4 <- 0x7464d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cd8 <- 0x7465a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cdc <- 0x733a60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ce0 <- 0x734220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ce4 <- 0x7465b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ce8 <- 0x733a78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cec <- 0x748444
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cf0 <- 0x74843c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cf4 <- 0x748434
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cf8 <- 0x74842c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748cfc <- 0x734230
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d00 <- 0x734248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d04 <- 0x734288
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d08 <- 0x7342c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d0c <- 0x734300
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d10 <- 0x734338
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d14 <- 0x734380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d18 <- 0x7343c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d1c <- 0x734400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d20 <- 0x734430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d24 <- 0x734480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d28 <- 0x7344c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d2c <- 0x734500
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d30 <- 0x734538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d34 <- 0x748464
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d38 <- 0x734540
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d3c <- 0x734580
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d40 <- 0x7345b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d44 <- 0x7345e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d48 <- 0x734618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d4c <- 0x7465c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d50 <- 0x734620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d54 <- 0x734630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d58 <- 0x734648
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d5c <- 0x734660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d60 <- 0x734678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d64 <- 0x734698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d68 <- 0x7346b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d6c <- 0x7467d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d70 <- 0x733a98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d74 <- 0x733ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d78 <- 0x7346d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d7c <- 0x7346d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d80 <- 0x733ac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d84 <- 0x733ac8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d88 <- 0x7467e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d8c <- 0x733ad8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d90 <- 0x749080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d94 <- 0x746800
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748d98 <- 0x733af8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748da0 <- 0x736380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748da4 <- 0x7346e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748da8 <- 0x7468a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748dac <- 0x733b80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748db0 <- 0x7346f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748db4 <- 0x74857c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748db8 <- 0x734710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748dbc <- 0x746b60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748dc0 <- 0x733c48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748dc4 <- 0x734730
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748dc8 <- 0x734750
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748dcc <- 0x734778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748dd0 <- 0x7347a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748dd4 <- 0x7347c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748dd8 <- 0x734850
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ddc <- 0x734890
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748de0 <- 0x7348b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748de4 <- 0x7348f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748de8 <- 0x734928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748dec <- 0x734958
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748df0 <- 0x734980
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748df4 <- 0x7349a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748df8 <- 0x7349e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748dfc <- 0x746b80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e00 <- 0x734a00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e04 <- 0x734a08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e08 <- 0x727a9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e0c <- 0x734a10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e10 <- 0x734a40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e14 <- 0x734a80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e18 <- 0x734a98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e1c <- 0x747120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e20 <- 0x73aa00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e28 <- 0x734b00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e2c <- 0x734b38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e30 <- 0x734b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e34 <- 0x734b98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e38 <- 0x734bc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e3c <- 0x7486ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e40 <- 0x734bc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e44 <- 0x734bf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e48 <- 0x734c28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e4c <- 0x747198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e50 <- 0x733c60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e54 <- 0x734c50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e58 <- 0x734c80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e5c <- 0x734cb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e60 <- 0x734cf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e64 <- 0x738580
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e6c <- 0x747fa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e70 <- 0x747218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e74 <- 0x733c80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e78 <- 0x748764
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e7c <- 0x748674
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e80 <- 0x734d40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e84 <- 0x734d68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e88 <- 0x734d90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e8c <- 0x734db8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e90 <- 0x73aa00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748e98 <- 0x73a380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ea0 <- 0x734de0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ea4 <- 0x734df0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ea8 <- 0x734e18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748eac <- 0x734e38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748eb0 <- 0x734e60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748eb4 <- 0x734e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748eb8 <- 0x734eb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ebc <- 0x734ed8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ec0 <- 0x734f08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ec4 <- 0x734f10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ec8 <- 0x747260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ecc <- 0x733c98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ed0 <- 0x734f38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ed4 <- 0x734f58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ed8 <- 0x734f60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748edc <- 0x734f80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ee0 <- 0x734fa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ee4 <- 0x734fc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ee8 <- 0x748634
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748eec <- 0x748634
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ef0 <- 0x734fe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ef4 <- 0x734fe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748ef8 <- 0x735010
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748efc <- 0x735038
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f00 <- 0x735048
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f04 <- 0x748954
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f0c <- 0x73ef80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f14 <- 0x73b180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f18 <- 0x747270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f1c <- 0x72e248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f20 <- 0x735058
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f24 <- 0x735060
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f28 <- 0x735068
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f2c <- 0x735078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f30 <- 0x735080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f34 <- 0x735088
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f38 <- 0x735090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f3c <- 0x7350a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f40 <- 0x7350a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f44 <- 0x7350b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f48 <- 0x7350b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f4c <- 0x7350c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f50 <- 0x7477b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f54 <- 0x733cb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f58 <- 0x7350e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f5c <- 0x7350f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f60 <- 0x735100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f64 <- 0x735110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f68 <- 0x735118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f6c <- 0x735120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f70 <- 0x735130
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f74 <- 0x735138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f78 <- 0x735140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f7c <- 0x747e90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f80 <- 0x747ec8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f84 <- 0x733cd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f88 <- 0x73b180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f8c <- 0x73ef80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f90 <- 0x735148
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f94 <- 0x735158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f98 <- 0x735168
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748f9c <- 0x735178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fa0 <- 0x735180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fa4 <- 0x747ee0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fa8 <- 0x735188
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fac <- 0x735198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fb0 <- 0x733cf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fb4 <- 0x7351b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fb8 <- 0x7351c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fbc <- 0x733cf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fc0 <- 0x7351e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fc4 <- 0x733d00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fc8 <- 0x733d18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fcc <- 0x747f38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fd0 <- 0x7351e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fd4 <- 0x7351f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fd8 <- 0x733d30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x748fdc <- 0x735210
·E LDR: Unknown module 'cellLibprof' in 'cellSre_Library' library
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUserTraceRegister' (0x7325e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUserTraceUnregister' (0x732600)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_create' (0x7328c0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncmp' (0x732620)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_unlock' (0x7326c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_lock' (0x7326a0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_printf' (0x732820)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strcat' (0x732640)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_snprintf' (0x732680)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_vsnprintf' (0x732660)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_destroy' (0x7326e0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memcmp' (0x7329c0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strlen' (0x732740)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_create' (0x732700)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_signal' (0x732980)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_wait' (0x732720)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_create' (0x732760)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_spu_printf_detach_group' (0x732780)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memset' (0x7327a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_spu_image_import' (0x732960)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memcpy' (0x7327c0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncat' (0x7327e0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strcpy' (0x732800)
·! LDR: Imported function '0x9FB6228E' (0x732840)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_exit' (0x732860)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_destroy' (0x732880)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncpy' (0x7328a0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_spu_printf_attach_group' (0x7328e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name' (0x732900)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_spu_image_close' (0x732920)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_process_get_paramsfo' (0x732940)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_vprintf' (0x7329a0)
·W LDR: Loading LLE library 'cellSsl_Library'
·W LDR: segment addr=0x74a000, initial addr = 0x0
·W LDR: cellSsl_Library (rtoc=0x7aa680):
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000001 - 0x90065 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellSsl
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x2c000001
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x005D0928] -> 0x57a18
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetNameEntryInfo] -> 0x566b8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x01D5F161] -> 0x58408
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x0266A34C] -> 0x58498
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x02C73EB6] -> 0x56d08
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetRsaPublicKeyExponent] -> 0x566e0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x05319303] -> 0x58250
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x06BCC1DA] -> 0x575d0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x06ECEF1C] -> 0x57ad8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x07296D93] -> 0x58380
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x074CD5B5] -> 0x58140
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x0D38E130] -> 0x58168
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x0DBB3F51] -> 0x584a0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslEnd] -> 0x56738
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x186E96BC] -> 0x58488
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x19726757] -> 0x58190
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x1B6643AC] -> 0x581d0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x1BBADA6A] -> 0x56768
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x1BE16005] -> 0x57348
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x1CE88676] -> 0x57a80
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x1EA00DA8] -> 0x58150
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x203FBEA3] -> 0x568a8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetNotAfter] -> 0x566f0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x23F0FD4E] -> 0x566f8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x24510989] -> 0x571a8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x2AA1F958] -> 0x58400
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x2AFE36FF] -> 0x579d8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x2E86164D] -> 0x56758
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetNotBefore] -> 0x566d8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetSubjectName] -> 0x566d0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x33CB6159] -> 0x56728
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x365B24CE] -> 0x57ac0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x38D5898C] -> 0x58198
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x3A2A3CA5] -> 0x568a0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x3B159B19] -> 0x56d28
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x3D80F655] -> 0x581f8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x3FC3BBB1] -> 0x571b8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x404136C1] -> 0x56778
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x4345A7C1] -> 0x57ab8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x44567B8F] -> 0x57190
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x46714CE1] -> 0x58200
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x49033E54] -> 0x56d68
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x4C8B7E01] -> 0x575e8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x4EE83087] -> 0x56700
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertificateLoader] -> 0x56788
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x597BE64A] -> 0x579e8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetMd5Fingerprint] -> 0x566b0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x60315DCA] -> 0x58240
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x60ACD240] -> 0x57b60
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x6BA92C44] -> 0x584d0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x6CCAAE48] -> 0x57ad0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetNameEntryCount] -> 0x566c0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetSerialNumber] -> 0x566a8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x7CC3DFE7] -> 0x584a8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x82054D11] -> 0x56750
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x8421B9C7] -> 0x58658
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x84E8B238] -> 0x58208
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x857024E6] -> 0x581a0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x86001386] -> 0x57610
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x86C38810] -> 0x56780
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x89902D47] -> 0x57a90
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x8C69D32B] -> 0x58278
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetRsaPublicKeyModulus] -> 0x566e8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x903F66EB] -> 0x581d8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x90F2798C] -> 0x56d70
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x92A76580] -> 0x58460
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x94671B4F] -> 0x58148
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x96022EEF] -> 0x57aa8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x9ADAE986] -> 0x57a98
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x9BB876F4] -> 0x584f0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x9E48E5DD] -> 0x58638
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x9F4BEB25] -> 0x582e0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x9FC527E3] -> 0x58660
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xA5DACF92] -> 0x57188
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xA7A0045A] -> 0x57ae8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetIssuerName] -> 0x566c8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xAF02E7DE] -> 0x56770
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xB02A43BC] -> 0x57b20
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xB4F4A829] -> 0x58670
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xB829398E] -> 0x575e0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xC0C94A6C] -> 0x58248
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xC4C600F3] -> 0x57600
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xC5B5B2F3] -> 0x56c68
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xD18B0627] -> 0x56898
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xD78744B4] -> 0x58268
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xDE8CEF62] -> 0x58630
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xE34A25C8] -> 0x58668
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xE5073959] -> 0x58188
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xE55A4804] -> 0x581e8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xE95B6A4C] -> 0x56708
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xED5D8DD6] -> 0x56c50
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xF0B47A17] -> 0x57a88
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xF5313D34] -> 0x57180
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xF798F853] -> 0x57b18
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xF7D2C560] -> 0x58158
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetPublicKey] -> 0x566a0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xF8467DE2] -> 0x581f0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslInit] -> 0x56740
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xFE7AEFB7] -> 0x58398
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xFF8AC661] -> 0x56d30
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xFFC1A59A] -> 0x57620
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellRtc
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellRtc: [cellRtcGetCurrentClock] -> 0x460cc
·W LDR: **** cellRtc: [cellRtcGetTime_t] -> 0x460ec
·W LDR: **** Imported: sys_net
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sys_net: [_sys_net_errno_loc] -> 0x4610c
·W LDR: **** sys_net: [0x7608719D] -> 0x4612c
·W LDR: **** sys_net: [send] -> 0x4614c
·W LDR: **** sys_net: [recv] -> 0x4616c
·W LDR: **** Imported: sys_fs
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsClose] -> 0x4618c
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsRead] -> 0x461ac
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsOpen] -> 0x461cc
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsFstat] -> 0x461ec
·W LDR: **** Imported: sysPrxForUser
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncmp] -> 0x4620c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strcat] -> 0x4622c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_vsnprintf] -> 0x4624c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_lock] -> 0x4626c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_unlock] -> 0x4628c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memmove] -> 0x462ac
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strlen] -> 0x462cc
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_create] -> 0x462ec
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_heap_malloc] -> 0x4630c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strcmp] -> 0x4632c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memset] -> 0x4634c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memcpy] -> 0x4636c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_vsprintf] -> 0x4638c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_heap_free] -> 0x463ac
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strcpy] -> 0x463cc
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_heap_delete_heap] -> 0x463ec
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_heap_create_heap] -> 0x4640c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_heap_get_total_free_size] -> 0x4642c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_destroy] -> 0x4644c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_qsort] -> 0x4646c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_heap_get_mallinfo] -> 0x4648c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncpy] -> 0x464ac
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memcmp] -> 0x464cc
·W LDR: segment addr=0x7ba000, initial addr = 0x52af0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7900d2 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7900d6 <- 0x0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7900f2 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7900f6 <- 0x4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790112 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790116 <- 0x74
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790132 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790136 <- 0x78
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790152 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790156 <- 0x7c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790172 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790176 <- 0x80
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790192 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790196 <- 0x64
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7901b2 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7901b6 <- 0x68
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7901d2 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7901d6 <- 0x6c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7901f2 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7901f6 <- 0x70
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790212 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790216 <- 0x8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790232 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790236 <- 0xc
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790252 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790256 <- 0x10
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790272 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790276 <- 0x14
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790292 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790296 <- 0x18
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7902b2 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7902b6 <- 0x1c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7902d2 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7902d6 <- 0x20
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7902f2 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7902f6 <- 0x24
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790312 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790316 <- 0x28
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790332 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790336 <- 0x2c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790352 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790356 <- 0x30
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790372 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790376 <- 0x34
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790392 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790396 <- 0x38
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7903b2 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7903b6 <- 0x3c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7903d2 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7903d6 <- 0x40
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7903f2 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7903f6 <- 0x44
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790412 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790416 <- 0x48
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790432 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790436 <- 0x4c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790452 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790456 <- 0x50
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790472 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790476 <- 0x54
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x790492 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x790496 <- 0x58
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7904b2 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7904b6 <- 0x5c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x7904d2 <- 0x7b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x7904d6 <- 0x60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790508 <- 0x790654
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79050c <- 0x79065c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790520 <- 0x790664
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790524 <- 0x79066c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790528 <- 0x790880
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790544 <- 0x790620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790570 <- 0x79062c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79059c <- 0x790638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7905c8 <- 0x790644
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790548 <- 0x790a14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79054c <- 0x7ba000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790574 <- 0x790a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790578 <- 0x7ba074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7905a0 <- 0x790a2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7905a4 <- 0x7ba064
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7905cc <- 0x790a3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7905d0 <- 0x7ba008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79060c <- 0x7904f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790610 <- 0x79052c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790614 <- 0x790534
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790618 <- 0x7905e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790608 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79065c <- 0x7905e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790660 <- 0x7ba2dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790880 <- 0x7bef28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790884 <- 0x7bdbc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790888 <- 0x7bf918
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79088c <- 0x7bf9a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790890 <- 0x7be218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790894 <- 0x7bdbf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790898 <- 0x7bf760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79089c <- 0x7beae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908a0 <- 0x7befe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908a4 <- 0x7bf890
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908a8 <- 0x7bf650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908ac <- 0x7bf678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908b0 <- 0x7bf9b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908b4 <- 0x7bdc48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908b8 <- 0x7bf998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908bc <- 0x7bf6a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908c0 <- 0x7bf6e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908c4 <- 0x7bdc78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908c8 <- 0x7be858
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908cc <- 0x7bef90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908d0 <- 0x7bf660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908d4 <- 0x7bddb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908d8 <- 0x7bdc00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908dc <- 0x7bdc08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908e0 <- 0x7be6b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908e4 <- 0x7bf910
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908e8 <- 0x7beee8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908ec <- 0x7bdc68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908f0 <- 0x7bdbe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908f4 <- 0x7bdbe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908f8 <- 0x7bdc38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7908fc <- 0x7befd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790900 <- 0x7bf6a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790904 <- 0x7bddb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790908 <- 0x7be238
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79090c <- 0x7bf708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790910 <- 0x7be6c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790914 <- 0x7bdc88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790918 <- 0x7befc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79091c <- 0x7be6a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790920 <- 0x7bf710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790924 <- 0x7be278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790928 <- 0x7beaf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79092c <- 0x7bdc10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790930 <- 0x7bdc98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790934 <- 0x7beef8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790938 <- 0x7bdbc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79093c <- 0x7bf750
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790940 <- 0x7bf070
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790944 <- 0x7bf9e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790948 <- 0x7befe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79094c <- 0x7bdbd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790950 <- 0x7bdbb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790954 <- 0x7bf9b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790958 <- 0x7bdc60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79095c <- 0x7bfb68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790960 <- 0x7bf718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790964 <- 0x7bf6b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790968 <- 0x7beb20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79096c <- 0x7bdc90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790970 <- 0x7befa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790974 <- 0x7bf788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790978 <- 0x7bdbf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79097c <- 0x7bf6e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790980 <- 0x7be280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790984 <- 0x7bf970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790988 <- 0x7bf658
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79098c <- 0x7befb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790990 <- 0x7befa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790994 <- 0x7bfa00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790998 <- 0x7bfb48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x79099c <- 0x7bf7f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909a0 <- 0x7bfb70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909a4 <- 0x7be698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909a8 <- 0x7beff8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909ac <- 0x7bdbd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909b0 <- 0x7bdc80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909b4 <- 0x7bf030
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909b8 <- 0x7bfb80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909bc <- 0x7beaf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909c0 <- 0x7bf758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909c4 <- 0x7beb10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909c8 <- 0x7be178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909cc <- 0x7bdda8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909d0 <- 0x7bf778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909d4 <- 0x7bfb40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909d8 <- 0x7bfb78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909dc <- 0x7bf698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909e0 <- 0x7bf6f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909e4 <- 0x7bdc18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909e8 <- 0x7be160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909ec <- 0x7bef98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909f0 <- 0x7be690
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909f4 <- 0x7bf028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909f8 <- 0x7bf668
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7909fc <- 0x7bdbb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790a00 <- 0x7bf700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790a04 <- 0x7bdc50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790a08 <- 0x7bf8a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790a0c <- 0x7be240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x790a10 <- 0x7beb30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba000 <- 0x7900cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba004 <- 0x7900ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba008 <- 0x79020c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba00c <- 0x79022c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba010 <- 0x79024c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba014 <- 0x79026c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba018 <- 0x79028c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba01c <- 0x7902ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba020 <- 0x7902cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba024 <- 0x7902ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba028 <- 0x79030c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba02c <- 0x79032c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba030 <- 0x79034c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba034 <- 0x79036c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba038 <- 0x79038c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba03c <- 0x7903ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba040 <- 0x7903cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba044 <- 0x7903ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba048 <- 0x79040c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba04c <- 0x79042c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba050 <- 0x79044c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba054 <- 0x79046c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba058 <- 0x79048c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba05c <- 0x7904ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba060 <- 0x7904cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba064 <- 0x79018c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba068 <- 0x7901ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba06c <- 0x7901cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba070 <- 0x7901ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba074 <- 0x79010c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba078 <- 0x79012c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba07c <- 0x79014c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba080 <- 0x79016c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba090 <- 0x790b28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba0a0 <- 0x790b48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba0b0 <- 0x790b68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba0c0 <- 0x790b88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba0d0 <- 0x790ba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba0e0 <- 0x790bc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba0f0 <- 0x790be8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba100 <- 0x790c08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba110 <- 0x790c28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba120 <- 0x790c48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba130 <- 0x790c68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba140 <- 0x790c88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba150 <- 0x790ca8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba160 <- 0x790cc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba170 <- 0x790ce8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba180 <- 0x790d08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba190 <- 0x790d28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba1a0 <- 0x790d48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba1b0 <- 0x790d68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba1c0 <- 0x790d88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba1d0 <- 0x790da8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba1e0 <- 0x790dc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba1f0 <- 0x790de8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba200 <- 0x790e08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba210 <- 0x790e28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba220 <- 0x790e48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba230 <- 0x790e68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba240 <- 0x790e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba250 <- 0x790ea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba260 <- 0x790ec8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba270 <- 0x790ee8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba280 <- 0x790f08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba290 <- 0x790f28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba2a0 <- 0x790f48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba2b0 <- 0x790f68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba2c0 <- 0x790f88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba2d8 <- 0x79adc2
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba2e0 <- 0x7bde10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba2e4 <- 0x7bde08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba2e8 <- 0x7bde10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba2ec <- 0x7bde08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba2f4 <- 0x791248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba2f8 <- 0x7bde88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba2fc <- 0x7be0f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba300 <- 0x7be078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba304 <- 0x7bdfd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba308 <- 0x7be0f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba314 <- 0x79b114
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba328 <- 0x79b157
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba32c <- 0x79b156
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba330 <- 0x79b154
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba334 <- 0x79b150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba338 <- 0x79b148
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba33c <- 0x79b138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba340 <- 0x79b118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba344 <- 0x7be0c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba348 <- 0x7bdfe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba34c <- 0x7be200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba350 <- 0x7be0b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba354 <- 0x7be0a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba358 <- 0x7be0a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba35c <- 0x7bdf80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba364 <- 0x7913a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba368 <- 0x7be208
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba36c <- 0x7be268
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba370 <- 0x7be210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba378 <- 0x7be158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba37c <- 0x7be0d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba380 <- 0x7bdfe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba388 <- 0x7913b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba38c <- 0x7be1b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba390 <- 0x7be120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba394 <- 0x7be1b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba398 <- 0x7be270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba39c <- 0x7be0d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3a0 <- 0x7be150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3a4 <- 0x7be010
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3ac <- 0x7915d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3b0 <- 0x7be260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3b4 <- 0x7be248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3b8 <- 0x7be198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3bc <- 0x7be250
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3c0 <- 0x7be258
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3c4 <- 0x7bdff8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3c8 <- 0x7bdff0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3d0 <- 0x7be638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3d4 <- 0x7bdd18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3d8 <- 0x7be000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3dc <- 0x7be420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3e0 <- 0x7be420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3e4 <- 0x7be1d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3e8 <- 0x7be1d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3ec <- 0x7bdd38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3f0 <- 0x7be3a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3f4 <- 0x7be3b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba3fc <- 0x7be3f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba400 <- 0x7be3c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba404 <- 0x7be400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba408 <- 0x7be420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba40c <- 0x7be3d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba410 <- 0x7be628
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba414 <- 0x7be3d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba418 <- 0x7be408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba41c <- 0x7be410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba420 <- 0x7be418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba424 <- 0x7be420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba428 <- 0x7be420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba42c <- 0x7be420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba430 <- 0x7be420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba434 <- 0x7be420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba438 <- 0x7be420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba43c <- 0x7be638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba440 <- 0x7bdd18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba444 <- 0x7be000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba448 <- 0x7be138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba44c <- 0x7be130
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba450 <- 0x7be1d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba454 <- 0x7be1d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba458 <- 0x7bdd38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba45c <- 0x7be3a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba460 <- 0x7be3b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba464 <- 0x7be3b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba468 <- 0x7be3f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba46c <- 0x7be3c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba470 <- 0x7be400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba474 <- 0x7be630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba478 <- 0x7be3d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba47c <- 0x7be628
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba480 <- 0x7be3d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba484 <- 0x7be408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba488 <- 0x7be410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba48c <- 0x7be418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba490 <- 0x7be5e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba494 <- 0x7be420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba498 <- 0x7be420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba49c <- 0x7be420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba4a0 <- 0x7be420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba4a4 <- 0x7be420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba4a8 <- 0x7be398
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba4b8 <- 0x7be480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba4bc <- 0x7be488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba4c0 <- 0x7be498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba4e8 <- 0x7be478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba500 <- 0x7be480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba504 <- 0x7be488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba508 <- 0x7be498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba50c <- 0x7bede0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba510 <- 0x7bee50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba530 <- 0x7be478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba548 <- 0x7be4a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba54c <- 0x7be468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba550 <- 0x7be470
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba590 <- 0x7be4a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba594 <- 0x7be468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba598 <- 0x7be470
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba59c <- 0x7bede0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba5a0 <- 0x7bee50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba5d8 <- 0x7be4b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba5dc <- 0x7be4f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba5e0 <- 0x7be4f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba620 <- 0x7be4b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba624 <- 0x7be4f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba628 <- 0x7be4f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba62c <- 0x7bede0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba630 <- 0x7bee50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba66c <- 0x7be9f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba670 <- 0x7be928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba69c <- 0x7be9f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba6a0 <- 0x7be928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba6cc <- 0x7bea10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba6d0 <- 0x7be930
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba6fc <- 0x7be940
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba700 <- 0x7be938
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba72c <- 0x7be948
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba730 <- 0x7be9a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba75c <- 0x7be950
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba760 <- 0x7be9a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba78c <- 0x7be760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba790 <- 0x7be920
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba7bc <- 0x7be9f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba7c0 <- 0x7be9a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba7ec <- 0x7be958
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba7f0 <- 0x7be9b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba81c <- 0x7be960
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba820 <- 0x7be9b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba84c <- 0x7be968
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba850 <- 0x7be9b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba87c <- 0x7bea00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba880 <- 0x7be9c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba8ac <- 0x7be970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba8b0 <- 0x7be9c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba8dc <- 0x7be978
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba8e0 <- 0x7be9d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba90c <- 0x7be980
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba910 <- 0x7be9d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba93c <- 0x7bea08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba940 <- 0x7be9d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba96c <- 0x7bea08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba970 <- 0x7be9d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba99c <- 0x7bea08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba9a0 <- 0x7be9d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba9cc <- 0x7be988
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba9d0 <- 0x7be9e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7ba9fc <- 0x7be990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7baa00 <- 0x7be9e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7baa2c <- 0x7be998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7baa30 <- 0x7be9e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7baa4c <- 0x7bebd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7baa60 <- 0x7baa90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7baa74 <- 0x7beb98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7baa78 <- 0x7beba0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7baa7c <- 0x7beb88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7baa80 <- 0x7baa60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb470 <- 0x7bec18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb484 <- 0x7bec18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb65c <- 0x7bedf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb660 <- 0x7bed30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb664 <- 0x7bec88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb668 <- 0x7bec88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb66c <- 0x7bec88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb670 <- 0x7bec88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb674 <- 0x7bec98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6ac <- 0x7bee48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6b0 <- 0x7bee40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6b4 <- 0x7bec10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6b8 <- 0x7bee38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6bc <- 0x7bec10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6c0 <- 0x7bec80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6c4 <- 0x7bede8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6c8 <- 0x7bb6ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6cc <- 0x7bec10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6d0 <- 0x7bec10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6d4 <- 0x7bec10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6d8 <- 0x7bec10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6dc <- 0x7bec10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6e0 <- 0x7bec10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6e4 <- 0x7bec10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6ec <- 0x7bed00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6f0 <- 0x7bec68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6f4 <- 0x7bee00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6f8 <- 0x7bec78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb6fc <- 0x794738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb700 <- 0x794740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb70c <- 0x7bb080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb714 <- 0x794750
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb718 <- 0x794750
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb724 <- 0x7bb081
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb72c <- 0x794758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb730 <- 0x794758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb73c <- 0x7bb087
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb744 <- 0x794760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb748 <- 0x794768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb754 <- 0x7bb08e
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb75c <- 0x794540
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb760 <- 0x794770
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb76c <- 0x7bb096
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb774 <- 0x794778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb778 <- 0x794780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb784 <- 0x7bb09e
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb78c <- 0x794788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb790 <- 0x794788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb79c <- 0x7bb0a6
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb7a4 <- 0x794798
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb7a8 <- 0x7947a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb7b4 <- 0x7bb0af
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb7bc <- 0x7947b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb7c0 <- 0x7947c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb7cc <- 0x7bb0b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb7d4 <- 0x7947d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb7d8 <- 0x7947d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb7e4 <- 0x7bb0c1
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb7ec <- 0x7947f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb7f0 <- 0x7947f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb7fc <- 0x7bb0ca
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb804 <- 0x794808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb808 <- 0x794808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb814 <- 0x7bb0d3
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb81c <- 0x794810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb820 <- 0x794810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb82c <- 0x7bb0d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb834 <- 0x7941e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb838 <- 0x7941d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb844 <- 0x7bb0d6
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb84c <- 0x794220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb850 <- 0x794210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb85c <- 0x7bb0d9
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb864 <- 0x794238
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb868 <- 0x794228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb874 <- 0x7bb0dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb87c <- 0x794258
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb880 <- 0x794240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb88c <- 0x7bb0df
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb894 <- 0x794278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb898 <- 0x794260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb8a4 <- 0x7bb0e2
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb8ac <- 0x794298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb8b0 <- 0x794280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb8bc <- 0x7bb0e5
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb8c4 <- 0x794818
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb8c8 <- 0x794820
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb8d4 <- 0x7bb0e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb8dc <- 0x794828
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb8e0 <- 0x794828
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb8ec <- 0x7bb0ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb8f4 <- 0x794830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb8f8 <- 0x794830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb904 <- 0x7bb0f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb90c <- 0x794840
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb910 <- 0x794840
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb91c <- 0x7bb0fd
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb924 <- 0x794858
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb928 <- 0x794858
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb934 <- 0x7bb106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb93c <- 0x794870
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb940 <- 0x794870
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb94c <- 0x7bb10f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb954 <- 0x794890
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb958 <- 0x794890
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb964 <- 0x7bb118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb96c <- 0x7948a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb970 <- 0x7948a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb97c <- 0x7bb121
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb984 <- 0x7948c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb988 <- 0x7948c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb994 <- 0x7bb12a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb99c <- 0x7948c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb9a0 <- 0x7948c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb9ac <- 0x7bb132
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb9b4 <- 0x7948d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb9b8 <- 0x7948e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb9c4 <- 0x7bb13b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb9cc <- 0x7948e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb9d0 <- 0x7948f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb9dc <- 0x7bb140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb9e4 <- 0x7948f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb9e8 <- 0x794900
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb9f4 <- 0x7bb145
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bb9fc <- 0x794908
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bba00 <- 0x794910
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bba0c <- 0x7bb14a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bba14 <- 0x794918
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bba18 <- 0x794928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bba2c <- 0x794938
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bba30 <- 0x794948
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bba44 <- 0x794958
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bba48 <- 0x794968
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bba5c <- 0x794978
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bba60 <- 0x794988
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bba74 <- 0x794998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bba78 <- 0x7949a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bba84 <- 0x7bb14f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bba8c <- 0x7949a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bba90 <- 0x7949b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbaa4 <- 0x7949b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbaa8 <- 0x7949c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbabc <- 0x7949c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbac0 <- 0x7949d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbad4 <- 0x7949d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbad8 <- 0x7949e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbae4 <- 0x7bb157
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbaec <- 0x7949e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbaf0 <- 0x7949f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbafc <- 0x7bb15c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb04 <- 0x794a08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb08 <- 0x794a18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb1c <- 0x794a28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb20 <- 0x794a38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb2c <- 0x7bb161
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb34 <- 0x794a48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb38 <- 0x794a50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb44 <- 0x7bb169
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb4c <- 0x794a58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb50 <- 0x794a68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb64 <- 0x794a78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb68 <- 0x794a78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb74 <- 0x7bb16e
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb7c <- 0x794a80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb80 <- 0x794a88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb8c <- 0x7bb176
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb94 <- 0x794a98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbb98 <- 0x794a98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbba4 <- 0x7bb17f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbbac <- 0x794ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbbb0 <- 0x794ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbbbc <- 0x7bb188
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbbc4 <- 0x794ac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbbc8 <- 0x794ac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbbd4 <- 0x7bb191
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbbdc <- 0x794ad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbbe0 <- 0x794ad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbbec <- 0x7bb19a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbbf4 <- 0x794ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbbf8 <- 0x794ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc04 <- 0x7bb1a3
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc0c <- 0x794af8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc10 <- 0x794af8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc1c <- 0x7bb1ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc24 <- 0x794b10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc28 <- 0x794b10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc34 <- 0x7bb1b5
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc3c <- 0x794b28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc40 <- 0x794b28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc4c <- 0x7bb1be
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc54 <- 0x794b48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc58 <- 0x794b58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc64 <- 0x7bb1c7
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc6c <- 0x794b78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc70 <- 0x794b88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc7c <- 0x7bb1ce
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc84 <- 0x794ba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc88 <- 0x794bb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc94 <- 0x7bb1d6
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbc9c <- 0x794bd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbca0 <- 0x794be0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbcb4 <- 0x794bf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbcb8 <- 0x794c00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbccc <- 0x794c10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbcd0 <- 0x794c20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbce4 <- 0x794c30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbce8 <- 0x794c40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbcfc <- 0x794c50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd00 <- 0x794c58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd0c <- 0x7bb1de
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd14 <- 0x794c60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd18 <- 0x794c70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd24 <- 0x7bb1e3
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd2c <- 0x794c88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd30 <- 0x794c90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd3c <- 0x7bb1ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd44 <- 0x794ca0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd48 <- 0x794ca8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd54 <- 0x7bb1f1
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd5c <- 0x794cc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd60 <- 0x794cc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd6c <- 0x7bb1f6
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd74 <- 0x794cd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd78 <- 0x794cd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd84 <- 0x7bb1ff
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd8c <- 0x794cf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd90 <- 0x794d00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbd9c <- 0x7bb208
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbda4 <- 0x794d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbda8 <- 0x794d20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbdb4 <- 0x7bb20d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbdbc <- 0x794d38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbdc0 <- 0x794d48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbdcc <- 0x7bb216
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbdd4 <- 0x794d60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbdd8 <- 0x794d70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbde4 <- 0x7bb21f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbdec <- 0x794d88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbdf0 <- 0x794da0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbdfc <- 0x7bb228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe04 <- 0x794dc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe08 <- 0x794dd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe14 <- 0x7bb231
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe1c <- 0x794de8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe20 <- 0x794df8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe2c <- 0x7bb23a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe34 <- 0x794e10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe38 <- 0x794e20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe44 <- 0x7bb243
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe4c <- 0x794e40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe50 <- 0x794e50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe5c <- 0x7bb24c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe64 <- 0x794e68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe68 <- 0x794e78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe74 <- 0x7bb255
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe7c <- 0x794e98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe80 <- 0x794ea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe94 <- 0x794eb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbe98 <- 0x794eb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbea4 <- 0x7bb25e
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbeac <- 0x794ec0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbeb0 <- 0x794ed8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbebc <- 0x7bb260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbec4 <- 0x794ef8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbec8 <- 0x794f08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbed4 <- 0x7bb263
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbedc <- 0x794f20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbee0 <- 0x794f38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbeec <- 0x7bb266
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbef4 <- 0x794f58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbef8 <- 0x794f68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf04 <- 0x7bb269
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf0c <- 0x794f88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf10 <- 0x794f98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf1c <- 0x7bb26c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf24 <- 0x794fb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf28 <- 0x794fd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf34 <- 0x7bb26f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf3c <- 0x794ff0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf40 <- 0x795000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf4c <- 0x7bb272
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf54 <- 0x795018
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf58 <- 0x795030
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf64 <- 0x7bb275
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf6c <- 0x795050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf70 <- 0x795068
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf7c <- 0x7bb278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf84 <- 0x795088
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf88 <- 0x795090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbf9c <- 0x795098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbfa0 <- 0x7950a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbfb4 <- 0x7950a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbfb8 <- 0x7950b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbfcc <- 0x7950b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbfd0 <- 0x7950c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbfe4 <- 0x7950c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbfe8 <- 0x7950d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbff4 <- 0x7bb27b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bbffc <- 0x7950d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc000 <- 0x7950e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc00c <- 0x7bb27f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc014 <- 0x7950f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc018 <- 0x795100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc02c <- 0x795108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc030 <- 0x795118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc044 <- 0x7942d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc048 <- 0x7942c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc054 <- 0x7bb283
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc05c <- 0x7941f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc060 <- 0x7941e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc06c <- 0x7bb286
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc074 <- 0x7942f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc078 <- 0x7942e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc084 <- 0x7bb289
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc08c <- 0x794310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc090 <- 0x7942f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc09c <- 0x7bb28c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc0a4 <- 0x795128
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc0a8 <- 0x795140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc0b4 <- 0x7bb28f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc0bc <- 0x795160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc0c0 <- 0x795170
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc0cc <- 0x7bb292
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc0d4 <- 0x794208
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc0d8 <- 0x7941f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc0e4 <- 0x7bb297
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc0ec <- 0x7942a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc0f0 <- 0x7942a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc0fc <- 0x7bb29a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc104 <- 0x7942c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc108 <- 0x7942b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc114 <- 0x7bb29d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc11c <- 0x795180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc120 <- 0x795190
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc12c <- 0x7bb2a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc134 <- 0x7951a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc138 <- 0x7951b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc14c <- 0x7951c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc150 <- 0x7951d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc164 <- 0x7951e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc168 <- 0x7951f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc17c <- 0x795200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc180 <- 0x795200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc18c <- 0x7bb2a9
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc194 <- 0x795218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc198 <- 0x795228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc1a4 <- 0x7bb2b2
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc1ac <- 0x795238
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc1b0 <- 0x795248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc1c4 <- 0x795258
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc1c8 <- 0x795268
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc1d4 <- 0x7bb2b9
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc1dc <- 0x795278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc1e0 <- 0x795280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc1ec <- 0x7bb2be
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc1f4 <- 0x795290
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc1f8 <- 0x7952a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc204 <- 0x7bb2c5
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc20c <- 0x7952b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc210 <- 0x7952c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc21c <- 0x7bb2ca
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc224 <- 0x7952d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc228 <- 0x7952e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc234 <- 0x7bb2d2
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc23c <- 0x7952f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc240 <- 0x795300
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc24c <- 0x7bb2d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc254 <- 0x795308
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc258 <- 0x795310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc26c <- 0x795318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc270 <- 0x795320
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc284 <- 0x795328
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc288 <- 0x795330
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc29c <- 0x795338
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc2a0 <- 0x795340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc2ac <- 0x7bb2e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc2b4 <- 0x795358
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc2b8 <- 0x795360
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc2c4 <- 0x7bb2e5
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc2cc <- 0x795378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc2d0 <- 0x795390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc2dc <- 0x7bb2ea
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc3d4 <- 0x7953b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc3d8 <- 0x7953b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc3e4 <- 0x7bb2ed
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc404 <- 0x7953d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc408 <- 0x7953e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc414 <- 0x7bb2f7
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc41c <- 0x795400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc420 <- 0x795410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc42c <- 0x7bb300
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc434 <- 0x795428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc438 <- 0x795438
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc444 <- 0x7bb308
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc44c <- 0x795448
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc450 <- 0x795458
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc45c <- 0x7bb311
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc464 <- 0x795468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc468 <- 0x795478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc474 <- 0x7bb31a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc47c <- 0x795488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc480 <- 0x795498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc48c <- 0x7bb323
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc494 <- 0x7954a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc498 <- 0x7954b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc4a4 <- 0x7bb32c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc4ac <- 0x7954c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc4b0 <- 0x7954d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc4bc <- 0x7bb335
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc4c4 <- 0x7954e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc4c8 <- 0x7954f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc4d4 <- 0x7bb33e
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc4dc <- 0x795508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc4e0 <- 0x795518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc4ec <- 0x7bb347
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc4f4 <- 0x795528
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc4f8 <- 0x795538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc504 <- 0x7bb350
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc50c <- 0x795548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc510 <- 0x795558
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc51c <- 0x7bb359
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc524 <- 0x795568
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc528 <- 0x795578
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc534 <- 0x7bb362
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc53c <- 0x795588
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc540 <- 0x795598
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc54c <- 0x7bb36b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc554 <- 0x7955a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc558 <- 0x7955b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc564 <- 0x7bb374
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc56c <- 0x7955d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc570 <- 0x7955e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc57c <- 0x7bb37d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc584 <- 0x795608
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc588 <- 0x795610
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc594 <- 0x7bb386
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc59c <- 0x795630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc5a0 <- 0x795640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc5b4 <- 0x795650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc5b8 <- 0x795660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc5cc <- 0x795670
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc5d0 <- 0x795678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc5e4 <- 0x795680
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc5e8 <- 0x795688
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc5f4 <- 0x7bb38f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc5fc <- 0x795690
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc600 <- 0x795698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc60c <- 0x7bb398
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc614 <- 0x7956a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc618 <- 0x7956a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc624 <- 0x7bb3a1
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc62c <- 0x7956b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc630 <- 0x7956b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc63c <- 0x7bb3aa
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc644 <- 0x7956c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc648 <- 0x7956c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc654 <- 0x7bb3b3
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc65c <- 0x7956d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc660 <- 0x7956d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc66c <- 0x7bb3bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc68c <- 0x7956e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc690 <- 0x7956e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc69c <- 0x7bb3c5
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc6a4 <- 0x7956f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc6a8 <- 0x7956f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc6b4 <- 0x7bb3c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc6bc <- 0x795710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc6c0 <- 0x795718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc6cc <- 0x7bb3cb
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc6d4 <- 0x795728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc6d8 <- 0x795730
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc6e4 <- 0x7bb3ce
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc6ec <- 0x795738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc6f0 <- 0x795740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc6fc <- 0x7bb3d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc704 <- 0x795750
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc708 <- 0x795760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc714 <- 0x7bb3e2
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc71c <- 0x795778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc720 <- 0x795788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc72c <- 0x7bb3e5
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc734 <- 0x7957a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc738 <- 0x7957b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc744 <- 0x7bb3e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc74c <- 0x7957d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc750 <- 0x7957f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc75c <- 0x7bb3eb
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc764 <- 0x795810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc768 <- 0x795830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc774 <- 0x7bb3ee
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc77c <- 0x795858
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc780 <- 0x795870
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc78c <- 0x7bb3f1
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc794 <- 0x795890
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc798 <- 0x7958a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc7a4 <- 0x7bb3f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc7ac <- 0x7958c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc7b0 <- 0x7958c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc7bc <- 0x7bb3f7
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc7c4 <- 0x7958e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc7c8 <- 0x7958f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc7d4 <- 0x7bb3fe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc7dc <- 0x795918
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc7e0 <- 0x795918
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc7ec <- 0x7bb405
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc7f4 <- 0x795920
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc7f8 <- 0x795930
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc804 <- 0x7bb40c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc80c <- 0x795960
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc810 <- 0x795970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc81c <- 0x7bb414
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc824 <- 0x7959a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc828 <- 0x7959b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc834 <- 0x7bb41c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc83c <- 0x7959d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc840 <- 0x7959e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc84c <- 0x7bb424
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc854 <- 0x795a10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc858 <- 0x795a20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc864 <- 0x7bb42c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc86c <- 0x795a48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc870 <- 0x795a58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc87c <- 0x7bb434
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc884 <- 0x795a80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc888 <- 0x795a90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc894 <- 0x7bb43c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc89c <- 0x795ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc8a0 <- 0x795ac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc8ac <- 0x7bb444
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc8b4 <- 0x795ae8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc8b8 <- 0x795af8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc8c4 <- 0x7bb44c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc8fc <- 0x795b18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc900 <- 0x795b20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc90c <- 0x7bb454
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc914 <- 0x795b38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc918 <- 0x795b48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc924 <- 0x7bb459
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc92c <- 0x795b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc930 <- 0x795b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc93c <- 0x7bb460
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc944 <- 0x795b88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc948 <- 0x795b88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc954 <- 0x7bb463
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc95c <- 0x795ba0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc960 <- 0x795ba0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc96c <- 0x7bb466
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc974 <- 0x795bb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc978 <- 0x795bb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc984 <- 0x7bb469
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc98c <- 0x7bebc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc990 <- 0x7bebb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc994 <- 0x7beb68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc998 <- 0x7beb70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc99c <- 0x7bec08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9a8 <- 0x7bb6fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9ac <- 0x7bb804
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9b0 <- 0x7bb81c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9b4 <- 0x7bbe94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9b8 <- 0x7bc95c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9bc <- 0x7bc92c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9c0 <- 0x7bc944
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9c4 <- 0x7bb834
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9c8 <- 0x7bc05c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9cc <- 0x7bc0d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9d0 <- 0x7bb84c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9d4 <- 0x7bb864
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9d8 <- 0x7bb87c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9dc <- 0x7bc68c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9e0 <- 0x7bb894
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9e4 <- 0x7bb8ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9e8 <- 0x7bc0ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9ec <- 0x7bc104
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9f0 <- 0x7bc044
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9f4 <- 0x7bc074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9f8 <- 0x7bc6a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bc9fc <- 0x7bc08c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca00 <- 0x7bc6bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca04 <- 0x7bbeac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca08 <- 0x7bbec4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca0c <- 0x7bbedc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca10 <- 0x7bbef4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca14 <- 0x7bbf0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca18 <- 0x7bbf24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca1c <- 0x7bbf3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca20 <- 0x7bc704
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca24 <- 0x7bc71c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca28 <- 0x7bc734
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca2c <- 0x7bc74c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca30 <- 0x7bc764
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca34 <- 0x7bc77c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca38 <- 0x7bc794
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca3c <- 0x7bc0a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca40 <- 0x7bbf54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca44 <- 0x7bbf6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca48 <- 0x7bc2cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca4c <- 0x7bb8c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca50 <- 0x7bbffc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca54 <- 0x7bbfe4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca58 <- 0x7bc29c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca5c <- 0x7bc2b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca60 <- 0x7bc0bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca64 <- 0x7bb9b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca68 <- 0x7bb9e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca6c <- 0x7bbb34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca70 <- 0x7bb9cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca74 <- 0x7bbd44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca78 <- 0x7bbd2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca7c <- 0x7bbaec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca80 <- 0x7bb9fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca84 <- 0x7bbad4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca88 <- 0x7bbcfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca8c <- 0x7bbd8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca90 <- 0x7bc1c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca94 <- 0x7bc1f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca98 <- 0x7bc8fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bca9c <- 0x7bc974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcaa0 <- 0x7bb714
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcaa4 <- 0x7bc224
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcaa8 <- 0x7bb72c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcaac <- 0x7bc1dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcab0 <- 0x7bc194
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcab4 <- 0x7bc7ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcab8 <- 0x7bc914
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcabc <- 0x7bc7c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcac0 <- 0x7bc7dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcac4 <- 0x7bbc54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcac8 <- 0x7bb984
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcacc <- 0x7bb8dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcad0 <- 0x7bbb64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcad4 <- 0x7bb744
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcad8 <- 0x7bb75c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcadc <- 0x7bba74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcae0 <- 0x7bb774
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcae4 <- 0x7bbb1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcae8 <- 0x7bc20c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcaec <- 0x7bc23c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcaf0 <- 0x7bc7f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcaf4 <- 0x7bc80c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcaf8 <- 0x7bc824
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcafc <- 0x7bc83c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb00 <- 0x7bc854
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb04 <- 0x7bc86c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb08 <- 0x7bc884
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb0c <- 0x7bc89c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb10 <- 0x7bc8b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb14 <- 0x7bc41c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb18 <- 0x7bbc6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb1c <- 0x7bbc84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb20 <- 0x7bc11c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb24 <- 0x7bc17c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb28 <- 0x7bb78c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb2c <- 0x7bb7a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb30 <- 0x7bb7bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb34 <- 0x7bbd14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb38 <- 0x7bc584
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb3c <- 0x7bc554
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb40 <- 0x7bc56c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb44 <- 0x7bb99c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb48 <- 0x7bb7d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb4c <- 0x7bb7ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb50 <- 0x7bbd5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb54 <- 0x7bbd74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb58 <- 0x7bb8f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb5c <- 0x7bb90c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb60 <- 0x7bb924
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb64 <- 0x7bb93c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb68 <- 0x7bb954
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb6c <- 0x7bb96c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb70 <- 0x7bbb7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb74 <- 0x7bbb94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb78 <- 0x7bbbac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb7c <- 0x7bbbc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb80 <- 0x7bbbdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb84 <- 0x7bbbf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb88 <- 0x7bbc0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb8c <- 0x7bbc24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb90 <- 0x7bbc3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb94 <- 0x7bc5e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb98 <- 0x7bc5fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcb9c <- 0x7bc614
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcba0 <- 0x7bc434
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcba4 <- 0x7bc44c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcba8 <- 0x7bc464
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbac <- 0x7bc47c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbb0 <- 0x7bc494
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbb4 <- 0x7bc4ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbb8 <- 0x7bc4c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbbc <- 0x7bc4dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbc0 <- 0x7bc4f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbc4 <- 0x7bc50c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbc8 <- 0x7bc524
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbcc <- 0x7bc53c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbd0 <- 0x7bc62c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbd4 <- 0x7bc644
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbd8 <- 0x7bc65c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbdc <- 0x7bbda4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbe0 <- 0x7bbdbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbe4 <- 0x7bbdd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbe8 <- 0x7bbdec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbec <- 0x7bbe04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbf0 <- 0x7bbe1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbf4 <- 0x7bbe34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbf8 <- 0x7bbe4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcbfc <- 0x7bbe64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcc00 <- 0x7bc404
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcc04 <- 0x7bc6d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcc08 <- 0x7bc6ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcc0c <- 0x7bc3d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcc20 <- 0x7bfb88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcc24 <- 0x7bfa28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcc40 <- 0x7bf8c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcc60 <- 0x7bf8b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcc80 <- 0x7bf8e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcca0 <- 0x7bf8e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bccc0 <- 0x7bf720
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcce0 <- 0x7bf728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcd00 <- 0x7bf730
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcd20 <- 0x7bf738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcd40 <- 0x7bf8d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcd60 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcd68 <- 0x7be750
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcd80 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcd88 <- 0x7be730
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcda0 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcda8 <- 0x7be780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcdc0 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcdc8 <- 0x7be700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcde0 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcde8 <- 0x7be710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bce00 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bce08 <- 0x7be708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bce20 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bce28 <- 0x7be788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bce40 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bce48 <- 0x7be790
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bce60 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bce68 <- 0x7be6f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bce80 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bce88 <- 0x7be748
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcea0 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcea8 <- 0x7be728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcec0 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcec8 <- 0x7be778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcee0 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcee8 <- 0x7be6f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcf00 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcf08 <- 0x7be740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcf20 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcf28 <- 0x7be720
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcf40 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcf48 <- 0x7be770
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcf60 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcf68 <- 0x7be6e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcf80 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcf88 <- 0x7be738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcfa0 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcfa8 <- 0x7be718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcfc0 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcfc8 <- 0x7be768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bcfe0 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd000 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd020 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd040 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd060 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd080 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd0a0 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd0c0 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd0e0 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd100 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd120 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd140 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd160 <- 0x7bf8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd180 <- 0x7bf8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd188 <- 0x7be808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd1a0 <- 0x7bf8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd1a8 <- 0x7be800
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd1c0 <- 0x7bf8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd1c8 <- 0x7be818
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd1e0 <- 0x7bf8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd1e8 <- 0x7be810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd200 <- 0x7bf8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd208 <- 0x7be820
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd220 <- 0x7bf8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd228 <- 0x7bea38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd240 <- 0x7bf8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd260 <- 0x7bf8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd280 <- 0x7bf8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd2a0 <- 0x7bf8d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd2c4 <- 0x7bec00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd2c8 <- 0x7beb58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd2e8 <- 0x7bea58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd304 <- 0x7be538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd314 <- 0x7bf9d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd318 <- 0x7bf988
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd31c <- 0x7bf9c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd320 <- 0x7bf7e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd324 <- 0x7bf7e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd328 <- 0x7bfaf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd32c <- 0x7bfb00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd330 <- 0x7bfa98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd334 <- 0x7bfb60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd338 <- 0x7bf630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd33c <- 0x7bf638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd340 <- 0x7bf990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd344 <- 0x7bfab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd348 <- 0x7bfaa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd34c <- 0x7bf620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd350 <- 0x7bf618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd354 <- 0x7bf608
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd358 <- 0x7bf610
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd35c <- 0x7bf7e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd360 <- 0x7bf770
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd364 <- 0x7bdb08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd368 <- 0x7be520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd370 <- 0x79aa08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd37c <- 0x79aa38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd394 <- 0x79aa40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd3ac <- 0x79aa48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd3c4 <- 0x79aa50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd3dc <- 0x79aa58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd3f4 <- 0x79aa60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd40c <- 0x79aa68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd424 <- 0x79aa70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd43c <- 0x79aa78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd454 <- 0x79aa80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd46c <- 0x79aa88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd484 <- 0x79aa90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd49c <- 0x79aa98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd4b4 <- 0x79aaa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd4cc <- 0x798508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd4e4 <- 0x798510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd4fc <- 0x798518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd514 <- 0x798520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd52c <- 0x798778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd544 <- 0x79aaa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd55c <- 0x79aab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd574 <- 0x79aab8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd58c <- 0x798530
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd5a4 <- 0x798528
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd5bc <- 0x79aac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd5d4 <- 0x79aac8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd5ec <- 0x7984f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd604 <- 0x79aad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd61c <- 0x79aad8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd634 <- 0x79aae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd64c <- 0x79aae8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd664 <- 0x7978c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd67c <- 0x7978e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd694 <- 0x7978d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd6ac <- 0x79aaf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd6c4 <- 0x79aaf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd6dc <- 0x79ab00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd6f8 <- 0x79ab08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd710 <- 0x79ab18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd728 <- 0x79ab28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd740 <- 0x79ab38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd758 <- 0x79ab48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd770 <- 0x79ab60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd788 <- 0x79ab70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd7a0 <- 0x79ab88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd7b8 <- 0x79ab98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd7d0 <- 0x79aba0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd7e8 <- 0x79aba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd800 <- 0x79abb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd818 <- 0x79abc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd830 <- 0x79abd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd848 <- 0x79abe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd860 <- 0x79abf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd878 <- 0x79ac10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd890 <- 0x79ac28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd8a8 <- 0x79ac40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd8c0 <- 0x79ac58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd8d8 <- 0x79ac70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd8f0 <- 0x79ac88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd908 <- 0x79aca0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd920 <- 0x79acb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd938 <- 0x79acd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd950 <- 0x79ace8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd968 <- 0x79ad00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd980 <- 0x79ad18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd998 <- 0x79ad28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd9b0 <- 0x79ad38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd9c8 <- 0x79ad48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd9e0 <- 0x79ad58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bd9f8 <- 0x79ad68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda10 <- 0x79ad78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda28 <- 0x79ad90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda40 <- 0x7bf9d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda44 <- 0x7bf980
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda48 <- 0x7bf9c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda4c <- 0x7bf7e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda50 <- 0x7bf7e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda54 <- 0x7bfaf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda58 <- 0x7bfb00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda5c <- 0x7bfa98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda60 <- 0x7bfb60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda64 <- 0x7bf630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda68 <- 0x7bf638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda6c <- 0x7bf990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda70 <- 0x7bfab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda74 <- 0x7bfaa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda78 <- 0x7bf620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda7c <- 0x7bf618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda80 <- 0x7bf608
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda84 <- 0x7bf610
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda88 <- 0x7bf7e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda8c <- 0x7bf600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda90 <- 0x7bdb5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda94 <- 0x79ada8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda98 <- 0x79adb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bda9c <- 0x79adb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb00 <- 0x7be888
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb08 <- 0x7bf7d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb0c <- 0x7bf7b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb10 <- 0x7bf9f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb14 <- 0x7bf7a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb18 <- 0x7bf808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb1c <- 0x7bf7b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb24 <- 0x7bf7c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb58 <- 0x7bf768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb5c <- 0x7bf7c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb60 <- 0x7bfa40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb64 <- 0x7bfab8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb68 <- 0x7bfa38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb6c <- 0x7bfa50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb70 <- 0x7bfac8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdb78 <- 0x7bfad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbac <- 0x7bf5f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbb0 <- 0x74a000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbb4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbb8 <- 0x74a100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbbc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbc0 <- 0x74a224
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbc4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbc8 <- 0x74a318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbcc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbd0 <- 0x74a518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbd4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbd8 <- 0x74a5e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbdc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbe0 <- 0x74a6b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbe4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbe8 <- 0x74a77c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbf0 <- 0x74a984
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbf4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbf8 <- 0x74aa9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdbfc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc00 <- 0x74abb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc04 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc08 <- 0x74adbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc0c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc10 <- 0x74adc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc14 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc18 <- 0x74adf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc1c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc20 <- 0x74adf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc24 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc28 <- 0x74af40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc2c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc30 <- 0x74af70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc34 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc38 <- 0x74b0b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc3c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc40 <- 0x74b1ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc44 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc48 <- 0x74b204
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc4c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc50 <- 0x74b298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc54 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc58 <- 0x74b50c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc5c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc60 <- 0x74b5c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc64 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc68 <- 0x74b608
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc6c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc70 <- 0x74b6f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc74 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc78 <- 0x74b718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc7c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc80 <- 0x74b754
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc84 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc88 <- 0x74b790
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc8c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc90 <- 0x74b800
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc94 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc98 <- 0x74ba38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdc9c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdca0 <- 0x74bca8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdca4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdca8 <- 0x74bcd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcb0 <- 0x74bcf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcb4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcb8 <- 0x74bd20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcbc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcc0 <- 0x74bd48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcc4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcc8 <- 0x74bd70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdccc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcd0 <- 0x74bd94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcd4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcd8 <- 0x74bde0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcdc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdce0 <- 0x74be08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdce4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdce8 <- 0x74be30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcf0 <- 0x74be58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcf4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcf8 <- 0x74be80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdcfc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd00 <- 0x74bea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd04 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd08 <- 0x74bed0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd0c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd10 <- 0x74c018
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd14 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd18 <- 0x74c17c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd1c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd20 <- 0x74c1cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd24 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd28 <- 0x74c200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd2c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd30 <- 0x74c23c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd34 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd38 <- 0x74c2bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd3c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd40 <- 0x74c400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd44 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd48 <- 0x74c44c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd4c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd50 <- 0x74c528
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd54 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd58 <- 0x74c568
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd5c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd60 <- 0x74c5d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd64 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd68 <- 0x74c600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd6c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd70 <- 0x74c618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd74 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd78 <- 0x74c6d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd7c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd80 <- 0x74c6dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd84 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd88 <- 0x74c6f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd8c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd90 <- 0x74c70c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd94 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd98 <- 0x74c728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdd9c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdda0 <- 0x74c744
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdda4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdda8 <- 0x74c760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddb0 <- 0x74c770
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddb4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddb8 <- 0x74c788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddbc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddc0 <- 0x74c790
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddc4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddc8 <- 0x74c7c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddcc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddd0 <- 0x74c8f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddd4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddd8 <- 0x74c9a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdddc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdde0 <- 0x74ca3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdde4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdde8 <- 0x74cb28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddf0 <- 0x74cc7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddf4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddf8 <- 0x74cc84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bddfc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde00 <- 0x74ccac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde04 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde08 <- 0x74cd64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde0c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde10 <- 0x74dbbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde14 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde18 <- 0x74e748
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde1c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde20 <- 0x74ea3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde24 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde28 <- 0x74ec58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde2c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde30 <- 0x74ee78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde34 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde38 <- 0x74eef8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde3c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde40 <- 0x74ef00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde44 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde48 <- 0x74ef54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde4c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde50 <- 0x74efb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde54 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde58 <- 0x74f038
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde5c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde60 <- 0x74f0e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde64 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde68 <- 0x74f178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde6c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde70 <- 0x74f264
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde74 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde78 <- 0x74f2b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde7c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde80 <- 0x74f364
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde84 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde88 <- 0x74f3c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde8c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde90 <- 0x74f3cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde94 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde98 <- 0x74f450
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bde9c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdea0 <- 0x74f494
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdea4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdea8 <- 0x74f588
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdeac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdeb0 <- 0x74f704
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdeb4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdeb8 <- 0x74f7c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdebc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdec0 <- 0x74fb68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdec4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdec8 <- 0x74fe0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdecc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bded0 <- 0x74fe14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bded4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bded8 <- 0x74ff74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdedc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdee0 <- 0x74ff88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdee4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdee8 <- 0x74ffec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdeec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdef0 <- 0x7500dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdef4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdef8 <- 0x750138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdefc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf00 <- 0x750458
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf04 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf08 <- 0x7504c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf0c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf10 <- 0x750698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf14 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf18 <- 0x75087c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf1c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf20 <- 0x750934
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf24 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf28 <- 0x750a8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf2c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf30 <- 0x750bf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf34 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf38 <- 0x750e90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf3c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf40 <- 0x750fb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf44 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf48 <- 0x7510c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf4c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf50 <- 0x751248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf54 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf58 <- 0x7512cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf5c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf60 <- 0x751438
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf64 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf68 <- 0x751640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf6c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf70 <- 0x751818
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf74 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf78 <- 0x751a5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf7c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf80 <- 0x751db0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf84 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf88 <- 0x751e2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf8c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf90 <- 0x751ef8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf94 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf98 <- 0x75202c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdf9c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfa0 <- 0x7521b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfa4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfa8 <- 0x7523f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfb0 <- 0x7525b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfb4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfb8 <- 0x752710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfbc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfc0 <- 0x75281c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfc4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfc8 <- 0x752890
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfcc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfd0 <- 0x7528f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfd4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfd8 <- 0x752964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfdc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfe0 <- 0x7529cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfe4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfe8 <- 0x752a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdfec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdff0 <- 0x752abc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdff4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdff8 <- 0x752b50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bdffc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be000 <- 0x752c34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be004 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be008 <- 0x752d18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be00c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be010 <- 0x752d80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be014 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be018 <- 0x752df4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be01c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be020 <- 0x752e64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be024 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be028 <- 0x753088
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be02c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be030 <- 0x753228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be034 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be038 <- 0x753324
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be03c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be040 <- 0x75337c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be044 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be048 <- 0x7533cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be04c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be050 <- 0x753438
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be054 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be058 <- 0x753480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be05c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be060 <- 0x7534e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be064 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be068 <- 0x7534fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be06c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be070 <- 0x753560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be074 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be078 <- 0x7535c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be07c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be080 <- 0x753668
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be084 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be088 <- 0x753bec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be08c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be090 <- 0x753c0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be094 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be098 <- 0x753e3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be09c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0a0 <- 0x753f10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0a8 <- 0x753fc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0b0 <- 0x754000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0b8 <- 0x75403c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0c0 <- 0x754298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0c8 <- 0x7542fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0d0 <- 0x7543a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0d8 <- 0x754400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0e0 <- 0x754580
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0e8 <- 0x7546f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0f0 <- 0x75471c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0f8 <- 0x754d30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be0fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be100 <- 0x754e6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be104 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be108 <- 0x754f40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be10c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be110 <- 0x754fbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be114 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be118 <- 0x7552b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be11c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be120 <- 0x75531c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be124 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be128 <- 0x755404
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be12c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be130 <- 0x755578
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be134 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be138 <- 0x755784
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be13c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be140 <- 0x755900
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be144 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be148 <- 0x7559a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be14c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be150 <- 0x755a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be154 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be158 <- 0x755a74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be15c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be160 <- 0x755dac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be164 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be168 <- 0x755f48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be16c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be170 <- 0x755fd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be174 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be178 <- 0x756048
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be17c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be180 <- 0x75608c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be184 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be188 <- 0x7560bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be18c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be190 <- 0x75623c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be194 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be198 <- 0x75642c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be19c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1a0 <- 0x756478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1a8 <- 0x756614
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1b0 <- 0x756700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1b8 <- 0x7567dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1c0 <- 0x756828
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1c8 <- 0x756a24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1d0 <- 0x756abc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1d8 <- 0x757248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1e0 <- 0x757568
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1e8 <- 0x757728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1f0 <- 0x75789c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1f8 <- 0x757da8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be1fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be200 <- 0x757f64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be204 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be208 <- 0x758074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be20c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be210 <- 0x75810c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be214 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be218 <- 0x758158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be21c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be220 <- 0x758280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be224 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be228 <- 0x7582e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be22c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be230 <- 0x758400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be234 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be238 <- 0x75849c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be23c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be240 <- 0x758548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be244 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be248 <- 0x758784
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be24c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be250 <- 0x758930
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be254 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be258 <- 0x758ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be25c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be260 <- 0x758fc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be264 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be268 <- 0x7591dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be26c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be270 <- 0x759288
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be274 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be278 <- 0x759350
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be27c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be280 <- 0x7593b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be284 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be288 <- 0x7593c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be28c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be290 <- 0x759b74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be294 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be298 <- 0x759e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be29c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2a0 <- 0x75a50c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2a8 <- 0x75a6e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2b0 <- 0x75aa24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2b8 <- 0x75ac00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2c0 <- 0x75ad50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2c8 <- 0x75aed0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2d0 <- 0x75b684
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2d8 <- 0x75bc70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2e0 <- 0x75bfc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2e8 <- 0x75c314
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2f0 <- 0x75c35c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2f8 <- 0x75c3d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be2fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be300 <- 0x75c728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be304 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be308 <- 0x75d228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be30c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be310 <- 0x75dc1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be314 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be318 <- 0x75e394
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be31c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be320 <- 0x75e4fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be324 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be328 <- 0x75e808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be32c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be330 <- 0x75eb50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be334 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be338 <- 0x75ef7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be33c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be340 <- 0x75f02c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be344 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be348 <- 0x75f220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be34c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be350 <- 0x75f38c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be354 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be358 <- 0x75f420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be35c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be360 <- 0x75f440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be364 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be368 <- 0x75f5d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be36c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be370 <- 0x75f864
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be374 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be378 <- 0x75f8ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be37c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be380 <- 0x75f9b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be384 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be388 <- 0x75f9b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be38c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be390 <- 0x75faf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be394 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be398 <- 0x75fb70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be39c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3a0 <- 0x75fbe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3a8 <- 0x75fc80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3b0 <- 0x75fc88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3b8 <- 0x75fc9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3c0 <- 0x75fcc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3c8 <- 0x75fd50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3d0 <- 0x760088
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3d8 <- 0x760228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3e0 <- 0x760454
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3e8 <- 0x760564
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3f0 <- 0x760650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3f8 <- 0x7607c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be3fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be400 <- 0x760838
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be404 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be408 <- 0x760840
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be40c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be410 <- 0x76098c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be414 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be418 <- 0x760ab8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be41c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be420 <- 0x760b58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be424 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be428 <- 0x760b60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be42c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be430 <- 0x760bac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be434 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be438 <- 0x760c60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be43c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be440 <- 0x760c7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be444 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be448 <- 0x760d18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be44c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be450 <- 0x760d80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be454 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be458 <- 0x760dac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be45c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be460 <- 0x760db4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be464 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be468 <- 0x761794
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be46c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be470 <- 0x761d58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be474 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be478 <- 0x762020
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be47c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be480 <- 0x76202c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be484 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be488 <- 0x762084
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be48c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be490 <- 0x762688
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be494 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be498 <- 0x763810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be49c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4a0 <- 0x763b54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4a8 <- 0x763cb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4b0 <- 0x763d30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4b8 <- 0x763da8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4c0 <- 0x763e00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4c8 <- 0x763eb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4d0 <- 0x763f60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4d8 <- 0x76400c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4e0 <- 0x764018
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4e8 <- 0x764024
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4f0 <- 0x7642c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4f8 <- 0x7643d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be4fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be500 <- 0x7644e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be504 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be508 <- 0x7645a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be50c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be510 <- 0x764664
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be514 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be518 <- 0x764690
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be51c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be520 <- 0x7648d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be524 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be528 <- 0x764974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be52c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be530 <- 0x7649c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be534 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be538 <- 0x7649f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be53c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be540 <- 0x764a38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be544 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be548 <- 0x764af0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be54c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be550 <- 0x764b8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be554 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be558 <- 0x764bb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be55c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be560 <- 0x764c4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be564 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be568 <- 0x764d18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be56c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be570 <- 0x764e24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be574 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be578 <- 0x764ee0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be57c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be580 <- 0x765024
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be584 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be588 <- 0x76507c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be58c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be590 <- 0x7650dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be594 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be598 <- 0x765284
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be59c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5a0 <- 0x765318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5a8 <- 0x765378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5b0 <- 0x765490
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5b8 <- 0x7655fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5c0 <- 0x765704
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5c8 <- 0x765714
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5d0 <- 0x7657d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5d8 <- 0x765a74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5e0 <- 0x765b64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5e8 <- 0x765c6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5f0 <- 0x765de0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5f8 <- 0x765fa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be5fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be600 <- 0x766230
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be604 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be608 <- 0x76637c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be60c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be610 <- 0x7663c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be614 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be618 <- 0x7667b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be61c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be620 <- 0x766a48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be624 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be628 <- 0x766b30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be62c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be630 <- 0x766ce4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be634 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be638 <- 0x76715c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be63c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be640 <- 0x7671d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be644 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be648 <- 0x767954
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be64c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be650 <- 0x767a0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be654 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be658 <- 0x767ad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be65c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be660 <- 0x767ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be664 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be668 <- 0x767af4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be66c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be670 <- 0x767ba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be674 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be678 <- 0x767d74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be67c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be680 <- 0x767dd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be684 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be688 <- 0x767f24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be68c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be690 <- 0x768080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be694 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be698 <- 0x768098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be69c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6a0 <- 0x7680b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6a8 <- 0x7680dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6b0 <- 0x768288
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6b8 <- 0x7683bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6c0 <- 0x76848c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6c8 <- 0x768554
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6d0 <- 0x7686b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6d8 <- 0x76873c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6e0 <- 0x76883c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6e8 <- 0x76887c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6f0 <- 0x768884
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6f8 <- 0x76888c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be6fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be700 <- 0x768894
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be704 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be708 <- 0x76889c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be70c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be710 <- 0x7688a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be714 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be718 <- 0x7688ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be71c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be720 <- 0x7688b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be724 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be728 <- 0x7688bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be72c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be730 <- 0x7688c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be734 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be738 <- 0x7688cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be73c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be740 <- 0x7688d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be744 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be748 <- 0x7688dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be74c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be750 <- 0x7688e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be754 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be758 <- 0x7688ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be75c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be760 <- 0x7688f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be764 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be768 <- 0x768904
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be76c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be770 <- 0x76890c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be774 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be778 <- 0x768914
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be77c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be780 <- 0x76891c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be784 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be788 <- 0x768924
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be78c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be790 <- 0x76892c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be794 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be798 <- 0x768934
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be79c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7a0 <- 0x76897c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7a8 <- 0x768988
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7b0 <- 0x768990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7b8 <- 0x768998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7c0 <- 0x7689a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7c8 <- 0x7689a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7d0 <- 0x7689b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7d8 <- 0x7689bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7e0 <- 0x7689c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7e8 <- 0x7689cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7f0 <- 0x7689d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7f8 <- 0x7689dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be7fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be800 <- 0x7689e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be804 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be808 <- 0x7689f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be80c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be810 <- 0x7689f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be814 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be818 <- 0x768a00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be81c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be820 <- 0x768a08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be824 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be828 <- 0x768a10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be82c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be830 <- 0x768a18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be834 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be838 <- 0x768a80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be83c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be840 <- 0x768ae4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be844 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be848 <- 0x768afc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be84c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be850 <- 0x768b38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be854 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be858 <- 0x768b74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be85c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be860 <- 0x768be4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be864 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be868 <- 0x768cc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be86c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be870 <- 0x768d50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be874 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be878 <- 0x768d74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be87c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be880 <- 0x768ddc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be884 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be888 <- 0x768e70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be88c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be890 <- 0x768ecc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be894 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be898 <- 0x768f40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be89c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8a0 <- 0x769028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8a8 <- 0x769178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8b0 <- 0x769420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8b8 <- 0x769468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8c0 <- 0x7694d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8c8 <- 0x769570
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8d0 <- 0x7695d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8d8 <- 0x7696e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8e0 <- 0x769794
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8e8 <- 0x76984c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8f0 <- 0x769898
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8f8 <- 0x7698e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be8fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be900 <- 0x7699bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be904 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be908 <- 0x769b44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be90c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be910 <- 0x769d00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be914 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be918 <- 0x769e9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be91c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be920 <- 0x769fd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be924 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be928 <- 0x76a014
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be92c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be930 <- 0x76a050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be934 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be938 <- 0x76a094
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be93c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be940 <- 0x76a0d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be944 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be948 <- 0x76a174
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be94c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be950 <- 0x76a254
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be954 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be958 <- 0x76a338
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be95c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be960 <- 0x76a374
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be964 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be968 <- 0x76a3f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be96c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be970 <- 0x76a478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be974 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be978 <- 0x76a514
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be97c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be980 <- 0x76a5f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be984 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be988 <- 0x76a6d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be98c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be990 <- 0x76a76c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be994 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be998 <- 0x76a840
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be99c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9a0 <- 0x76a920
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9a8 <- 0x76a978
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9b0 <- 0x76aa10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9b8 <- 0x76aaa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9c0 <- 0x76ab50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9c8 <- 0x76ab98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9d0 <- 0x76abe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9d8 <- 0x76ac40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9e0 <- 0x76ac80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9e8 <- 0x76acc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9f0 <- 0x76ad14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9f8 <- 0x76add0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7be9fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea00 <- 0x76ae64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea04 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea08 <- 0x76af54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea0c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea10 <- 0x76b03c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea14 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea18 <- 0x76b140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea1c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea20 <- 0x76b1a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea24 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea28 <- 0x76b208
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea2c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea30 <- 0x76b25c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea34 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea38 <- 0x76b334
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea3c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea40 <- 0x76b33c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea44 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea48 <- 0x76b378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea4c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea50 <- 0x76b488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea54 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea58 <- 0x76b520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea5c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea60 <- 0x76b528
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea64 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea68 <- 0x76b5b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea6c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea70 <- 0x76b6cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea74 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea78 <- 0x76b758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea7c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea80 <- 0x76b768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea84 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea88 <- 0x76b7cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea8c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea90 <- 0x76b8b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea94 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea98 <- 0x76b900
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bea9c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beaa0 <- 0x76b944
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beaa4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beaa8 <- 0x76b984
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beaac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beab0 <- 0x76b9c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beab4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beab8 <- 0x76ba00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beabc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beac0 <- 0x76ba14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beac4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beac8 <- 0x76bad8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beacc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bead0 <- 0x76bb9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bead4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bead8 <- 0x76bc5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beadc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beae0 <- 0x76bd10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beae4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beae8 <- 0x76bd68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beaec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beaf0 <- 0x76bd74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beaf4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beaf8 <- 0x76bdd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beafc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb00 <- 0x76bddc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb04 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb08 <- 0x76be40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb0c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb10 <- 0x76be4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb14 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb18 <- 0x76bea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb1c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb20 <- 0x76beb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb24 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb28 <- 0x76bf18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb2c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb30 <- 0x76bf24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb34 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb38 <- 0x76bf88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb3c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb40 <- 0x76c014
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb44 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb48 <- 0x76c134
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb4c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb50 <- 0x76c140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb54 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb58 <- 0x76c248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb5c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb60 <- 0x76c298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb64 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb68 <- 0x76c518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb6c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb70 <- 0x76c5ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb74 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb78 <- 0x76c650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb7c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb80 <- 0x76c6a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb84 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb88 <- 0x76c8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb8c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb90 <- 0x76ccec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb94 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb98 <- 0x76cd54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beb9c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beba0 <- 0x76d034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beba4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beba8 <- 0x76d218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebb0 <- 0x76d340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebb4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebb8 <- 0x76ddc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebbc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebc0 <- 0x76de44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebc4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebc8 <- 0x76e6fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebcc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebd0 <- 0x76e780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebd4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebd8 <- 0x76e8a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebdc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebe0 <- 0x76ea00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebe4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebe8 <- 0x76ea44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebf0 <- 0x76ec28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebf4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebf8 <- 0x76ed34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bebfc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec00 <- 0x76eea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec04 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec08 <- 0x76eee4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec0c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec10 <- 0x76eeec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec14 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec18 <- 0x76eef4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec1c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec20 <- 0x76eefc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec24 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec28 <- 0x76ef58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec2c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec30 <- 0x76efe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec34 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec38 <- 0x76f068
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec3c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec40 <- 0x76f0f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec44 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec48 <- 0x76f178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec4c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec50 <- 0x76f1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec54 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec58 <- 0x76f208
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec5c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec60 <- 0x76f228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec64 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec68 <- 0x76f230
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec6c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec70 <- 0x76f308
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec74 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec78 <- 0x76f3ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec7c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec80 <- 0x76f530
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec84 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec88 <- 0x76f554
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec8c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec90 <- 0x76f55c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec94 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec98 <- 0x76f564
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bec9c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beca0 <- 0x76f5a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beca4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beca8 <- 0x76f5b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becb0 <- 0x76f5bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becb4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becb8 <- 0x76f660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becbc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becc0 <- 0x76f72c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becc4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becc8 <- 0x76f778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beccc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becd0 <- 0x76f7d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becd4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becd8 <- 0x76f9bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becdc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bece0 <- 0x76fa04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bece4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bece8 <- 0x76fa6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becf0 <- 0x76fa94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becf4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becf8 <- 0x76fb9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7becfc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed00 <- 0x76fbc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed04 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed08 <- 0x76fca4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed0c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed10 <- 0x76fde0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed14 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed18 <- 0x76fe7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed1c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed20 <- 0x76fed0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed24 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed28 <- 0x76ff2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed2c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed30 <- 0x76ffc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed34 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed38 <- 0x770040
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed3c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed40 <- 0x7700c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed44 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed48 <- 0x77019c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed4c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed50 <- 0x77024c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed54 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed58 <- 0x7702fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed5c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed60 <- 0x7703ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed64 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed68 <- 0x7704d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed6c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed70 <- 0x77062c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed74 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed78 <- 0x770774
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed7c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed80 <- 0x77081c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed84 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed88 <- 0x7709d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed8c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed90 <- 0x770a9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed94 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed98 <- 0x770ae4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bed9c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beda0 <- 0x770b2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beda4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beda8 <- 0x770c28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedb0 <- 0x770c70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedb4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedb8 <- 0x770d64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedbc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedc0 <- 0x770dac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedc4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedc8 <- 0x770e3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedcc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedd0 <- 0x770e84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedd4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedd8 <- 0x770f14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beddc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bede0 <- 0x771034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bede4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bede8 <- 0x771178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedf0 <- 0x771260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedf4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedf8 <- 0x771cc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bedfc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee00 <- 0x771e18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee04 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee08 <- 0x771fc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee0c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee10 <- 0x772270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee14 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee18 <- 0x772394
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee1c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee20 <- 0x77260c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee24 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee28 <- 0x772c34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee2c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee30 <- 0x772e00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee34 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee38 <- 0x7730e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee3c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee40 <- 0x7731ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee44 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee48 <- 0x7733d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee4c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee50 <- 0x773d34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee54 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee58 <- 0x773fe4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee5c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee60 <- 0x774078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee64 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee68 <- 0x77428c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee6c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee70 <- 0x7744a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee74 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee78 <- 0x7744f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee7c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee80 <- 0x774628
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee84 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee88 <- 0x774694
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee8c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee90 <- 0x774804
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee94 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee98 <- 0x774898
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bee9c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beea0 <- 0x774928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beea4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beea8 <- 0x77496c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beeac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beeb0 <- 0x774974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beeb4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beeb8 <- 0x774978
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beebc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beec0 <- 0x774a60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beec4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beec8 <- 0x774ad8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beecc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beed0 <- 0x774b38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beed4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beed8 <- 0x774b98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beedc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beee0 <- 0x774ba4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beee4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beee8 <- 0x775194
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beeec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beef0 <- 0x77538c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beef4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beef8 <- 0x7753fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beefc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef00 <- 0x775424
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef04 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef08 <- 0x7754a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef0c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef10 <- 0x775524
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef14 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef18 <- 0x775598
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef1c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef20 <- 0x775604
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef24 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef28 <- 0x775670
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef2c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef30 <- 0x7756ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef34 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef38 <- 0x77577c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef3c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef40 <- 0x775808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef44 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef48 <- 0x775878
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef4c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef50 <- 0x775904
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef54 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef58 <- 0x775970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef5c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef60 <- 0x7759dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef64 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef68 <- 0x775a5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef6c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef70 <- 0x775acc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef74 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef78 <- 0x775b54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef7c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef80 <- 0x775bdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef84 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef88 <- 0x775c48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef8c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef90 <- 0x775cb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef94 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef98 <- 0x775de4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bef9c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befa0 <- 0x775e68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befa4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befa8 <- 0x775ee4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befb0 <- 0x775f58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befb4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befb8 <- 0x775fdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befbc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befc0 <- 0x776058
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befc4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befc8 <- 0x7760c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befcc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befd0 <- 0x776184
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befd4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befd8 <- 0x776244
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befdc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befe0 <- 0x776304
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befe4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befe8 <- 0x776378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7befec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beff0 <- 0x7763ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beff4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beff8 <- 0x776460
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7beffc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf000 <- 0x7764d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf004 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf008 <- 0x776548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf00c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf010 <- 0x7765b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf014 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf018 <- 0x776638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf01c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf020 <- 0x7766b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf024 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf028 <- 0x77673c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf02c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf030 <- 0x7767b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf034 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf038 <- 0x776824
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf03c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf040 <- 0x776860
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf044 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf048 <- 0x7768ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf04c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf050 <- 0x776974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf054 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf058 <- 0x7769f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf05c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf060 <- 0x776bbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf064 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf068 <- 0x776cb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf06c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf070 <- 0x776d84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf074 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf078 <- 0x776f6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf07c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf080 <- 0x776fec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf084 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf088 <- 0x777070
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf08c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf090 <- 0x777118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf094 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf098 <- 0x7771c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf09c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0a0 <- 0x77727c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0a8 <- 0x777284
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0b0 <- 0x77731c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0b8 <- 0x77738c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0c0 <- 0x777410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0c8 <- 0x777560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0d0 <- 0x7775b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0d8 <- 0x777600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0e0 <- 0x7776c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0e8 <- 0x77770c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0f0 <- 0x777790
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0f8 <- 0x777830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf0fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf100 <- 0x777874
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf104 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf108 <- 0x7778c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf10c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf110 <- 0x7779ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf114 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf118 <- 0x777a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf11c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf120 <- 0x777b5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf124 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf128 <- 0x777bc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf12c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf130 <- 0x777c24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf134 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf138 <- 0x777c88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf13c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf140 <- 0x7784c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf144 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf148 <- 0x778564
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf14c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf150 <- 0x7785b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf154 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf158 <- 0x778600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf15c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf160 <- 0x778708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf164 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf168 <- 0x7788d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf16c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf170 <- 0x778994
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf174 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf178 <- 0x778bd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf17c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf180 <- 0x778e74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf184 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf188 <- 0x7792b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf18c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf190 <- 0x77943c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf194 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf198 <- 0x77949c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf19c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1a0 <- 0x7796ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1a8 <- 0x7798e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1b0 <- 0x7798e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1b8 <- 0x7798f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1c0 <- 0x779a18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1c8 <- 0x779b2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1d0 <- 0x779b74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1d8 <- 0x779c50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1e0 <- 0x779c64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1e8 <- 0x779d40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1f0 <- 0x779fa4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1f8 <- 0x77a028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf1fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf200 <- 0x77a034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf204 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf208 <- 0x77a138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf20c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf210 <- 0x77a388
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf214 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf218 <- 0x77a47c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf21c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf220 <- 0x77a558
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf224 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf228 <- 0x77a85c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf22c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf230 <- 0x77a9ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf234 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf238 <- 0x77aa90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf23c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf240 <- 0x77aac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf244 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf248 <- 0x77aba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf24c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf250 <- 0x77abd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf254 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf258 <- 0x77ac34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf25c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf260 <- 0x77ad88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf264 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf268 <- 0x77ad9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf26c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf270 <- 0x77adb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf274 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf278 <- 0x77ae88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf27c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf280 <- 0x77ae90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf284 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf288 <- 0x77aee8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf28c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf290 <- 0x77b134
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf294 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf298 <- 0x77b160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf29c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2a0 <- 0x77b18c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2a8 <- 0x77b194
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2b0 <- 0x77b508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2b8 <- 0x77b860
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2c0 <- 0x77b878
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2c8 <- 0x77b914
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2d0 <- 0x77ba40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2d8 <- 0x77bad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2e0 <- 0x77bb0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2e8 <- 0x77bb70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2f0 <- 0x77bbc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2f8 <- 0x77bc54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf2fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf300 <- 0x77bd20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf304 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf308 <- 0x77bdec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf30c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf310 <- 0x77bef4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf314 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf318 <- 0x77c000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf31c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf320 <- 0x77c064
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf324 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf328 <- 0x77c30c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf32c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf330 <- 0x77c370
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf334 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf338 <- 0x77c518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf33c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf340 <- 0x77c680
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf344 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf348 <- 0x77c7dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf34c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf350 <- 0x77ca40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf354 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf358 <- 0x77cac4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf35c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf360 <- 0x77ccf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf364 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf368 <- 0x77cf70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf36c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf370 <- 0x77d2ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf374 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf378 <- 0x77d3d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf37c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf380 <- 0x77d77c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf384 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf388 <- 0x77da1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf38c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf390 <- 0x77dcb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf394 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf398 <- 0x77dd60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf39c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3a0 <- 0x77e024
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3a8 <- 0x77e308
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3b0 <- 0x77e63c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3b8 <- 0x77edf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3c0 <- 0x77f0dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3c8 <- 0x77f268
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3d0 <- 0x77f55c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3d8 <- 0x77f8cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3e0 <- 0x77f908
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3e8 <- 0x77f90c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3f0 <- 0x77f928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3f8 <- 0x77f968
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf3fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf400 <- 0x77f974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf404 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf408 <- 0x77f984
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf40c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf410 <- 0x77f990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf414 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf418 <- 0x77f9a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf41c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf420 <- 0x77f9ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf424 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf428 <- 0x77f9b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf42c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf430 <- 0x77f9c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf434 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf438 <- 0x77f9d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf43c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf440 <- 0x77fa40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf444 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf448 <- 0x77fac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf44c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf450 <- 0x77fb40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf454 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf458 <- 0x77fb48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf45c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf460 <- 0x77fb50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf464 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf468 <- 0x77fb58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf46c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf470 <- 0x77fb60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf474 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf478 <- 0x77fb68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf47c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf480 <- 0x77fb74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf484 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf488 <- 0x77fbb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf48c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf490 <- 0x77fbe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf494 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf498 <- 0x77fc20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf49c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4a0 <- 0x77fc64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4a8 <- 0x77fca0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4b0 <- 0x77fcf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4b8 <- 0x77fd78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4c0 <- 0x77fdc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4c8 <- 0x77fe14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4d0 <- 0x77fe8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4d8 <- 0x77ff08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4e0 <- 0x77ff64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4e8 <- 0x77ff94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4f0 <- 0x77ffc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4f8 <- 0x780034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf4fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf500 <- 0x780098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf504 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf508 <- 0x7800fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf50c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf510 <- 0x780138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf514 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf518 <- 0x780280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf51c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf520 <- 0x7803c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf524 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf528 <- 0x780498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf52c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf530 <- 0x780554
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf534 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf538 <- 0x780590
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf53c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf540 <- 0x7805c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf544 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf548 <- 0x780708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf54c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf550 <- 0x7807c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf554 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf558 <- 0x7808bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf55c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf560 <- 0x780a24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf564 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf568 <- 0x780a70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf56c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf570 <- 0x780b10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf574 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf578 <- 0x780b2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf57c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf580 <- 0x780cbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf584 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf588 <- 0x780d50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf58c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf590 <- 0x780d64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf594 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf598 <- 0x780e14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf59c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5a0 <- 0x780e20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5a8 <- 0x78129c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5b0 <- 0x781400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5b8 <- 0x7814c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5c0 <- 0x78150c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5c8 <- 0x781768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5d0 <- 0x7817e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5d8 <- 0x7821ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5e0 <- 0x7822b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5e8 <- 0x7822b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5f0 <- 0x7822e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5f8 <- 0x782308
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf5fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf600 <- 0x782418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf604 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf608 <- 0x782420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf60c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf610 <- 0x782428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf614 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf618 <- 0x78244c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf61c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf620 <- 0x78246c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf624 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf628 <- 0x7824a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf62c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf630 <- 0x7824d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf634 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf638 <- 0x782508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf63c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf640 <- 0x782570
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf644 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf648 <- 0x7825ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf64c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf650 <- 0x782620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf654 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf658 <- 0x78263c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf65c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf660 <- 0x78267c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf664 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf668 <- 0x782698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf66c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf670 <- 0x7826a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf674 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf678 <- 0x782718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf67c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf680 <- 0x782720
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf684 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf688 <- 0x782728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf68c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf690 <- 0x782730
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf694 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf698 <- 0x782770
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf69c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6a0 <- 0x7827e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6a8 <- 0x782844
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6b0 <- 0x7829f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6b8 <- 0x782a14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6c0 <- 0x782a48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6c8 <- 0x782a7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6d0 <- 0x782ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6d8 <- 0x782b74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6e0 <- 0x782ba4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6e8 <- 0x782bb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6f0 <- 0x782bb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6f8 <- 0x782ca4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf6fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf700 <- 0x782cb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf704 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf708 <- 0x782cd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf70c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf710 <- 0x782ce0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf714 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf718 <- 0x782ce8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf71c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf720 <- 0x782cf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf724 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf728 <- 0x782cf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf72c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf730 <- 0x782d00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf734 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf738 <- 0x782d08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf73c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf740 <- 0x782d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf744 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf748 <- 0x782d90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf74c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf750 <- 0x782e24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf754 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf758 <- 0x7832b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf75c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf760 <- 0x7832e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf764 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf768 <- 0x7833cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf76c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf770 <- 0x783540
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf774 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf778 <- 0x783548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf77c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf780 <- 0x7835a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf784 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf788 <- 0x7835b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf78c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf790 <- 0x783618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf794 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf798 <- 0x783628
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf79c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7a0 <- 0x7838dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7a8 <- 0x783a38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7b0 <- 0x783b20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7b8 <- 0x783ca8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7c0 <- 0x783e00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7c8 <- 0x783e68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7d0 <- 0x78402c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7d8 <- 0x784324
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7e0 <- 0x784388
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7e8 <- 0x7843c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7f0 <- 0x784400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7f8 <- 0x78448c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf7fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf800 <- 0x784524
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf804 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf808 <- 0x784598
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf80c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf810 <- 0x784a9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf814 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf818 <- 0x784b18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf81c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf820 <- 0x784bc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf824 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf828 <- 0x784c34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf82c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf830 <- 0x784ca4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf834 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf838 <- 0x784cc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf83c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf840 <- 0x784cec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf844 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf848 <- 0x784d14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf84c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf850 <- 0x784d3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf854 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf858 <- 0x784d94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf85c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf860 <- 0x784e28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf864 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf868 <- 0x784e6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf86c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf870 <- 0x784ea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf874 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf878 <- 0x784fd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf87c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf880 <- 0x785098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf884 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf888 <- 0x7850ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf88c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf890 <- 0x785220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf894 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf898 <- 0x785374
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf89c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8a0 <- 0x78556c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8a8 <- 0x7856d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8b0 <- 0x7857c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8b8 <- 0x785804
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8c0 <- 0x785864
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8c8 <- 0x7858c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8d0 <- 0x785900
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8d8 <- 0x785930
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8e0 <- 0x78596c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8e8 <- 0x7859a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8f0 <- 0x7859d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8f8 <- 0x785a40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf8fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf900 <- 0x785ba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf904 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf908 <- 0x785c68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf90c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf910 <- 0x785d8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf914 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf918 <- 0x785ee8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf91c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf920 <- 0x78607c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf924 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf928 <- 0x78614c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf92c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf930 <- 0x78621c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf934 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf938 <- 0x7862c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf93c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf940 <- 0x786338
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf944 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf948 <- 0x786344
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf94c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf950 <- 0x7864b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf954 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf958 <- 0x786600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf95c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf960 <- 0x7867dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf964 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf968 <- 0x786950
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf96c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf970 <- 0x786a78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf974 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf978 <- 0x786bc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf97c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf980 <- 0x786c24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf984 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf988 <- 0x786d50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf98c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf990 <- 0x786d88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf994 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf998 <- 0x786f44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf99c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9a0 <- 0x787014
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9a4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9a8 <- 0x7871a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9ac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9b0 <- 0x7871c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9b4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9b8 <- 0x7871cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9bc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9c0 <- 0x7873e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9c4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9c8 <- 0x78751c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9cc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9d0 <- 0x787520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9d4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9d8 <- 0x7876a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9dc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9e0 <- 0x78771c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9e4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9e8 <- 0x787a40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9ec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9f0 <- 0x787a74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9f4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9f8 <- 0x787bb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bf9fc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa00 <- 0x787dfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa04 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa08 <- 0x787ee0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa0c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa10 <- 0x788cc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa14 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa18 <- 0x788d9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa1c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa20 <- 0x788df4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa24 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa28 <- 0x788e5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa2c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa30 <- 0x788e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa34 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa38 <- 0x788f20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa3c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa40 <- 0x7890f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa44 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa48 <- 0x789300
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa4c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa50 <- 0x78936c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa54 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa58 <- 0x7897c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa5c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa60 <- 0x7898dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa64 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa68 <- 0x789b74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa6c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa70 <- 0x789d44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa74 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa78 <- 0x789e40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa7c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa80 <- 0x78a050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa84 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa88 <- 0x78a0d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa8c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa90 <- 0x78a110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa94 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa98 <- 0x78a210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfa9c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfaa0 <- 0x78a360
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfaa4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfaa8 <- 0x78a604
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfaac <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfab0 <- 0x78a6ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfab4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfab8 <- 0x78a93c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfabc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfac0 <- 0x78ad7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfac4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfac8 <- 0x78af00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfacc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfad0 <- 0x78afb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfad4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfad8 <- 0x78afc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfadc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfae0 <- 0x78aff8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfae4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfae8 <- 0x78b124
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfaec <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfaf0 <- 0x78b22c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfaf4 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfaf8 <- 0x78c13c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfafc <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb00 <- 0x78c220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb04 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb08 <- 0x78c304
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb0c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb10 <- 0x78c604
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb14 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb18 <- 0x78ccb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb1c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb20 <- 0x78d268
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb24 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb28 <- 0x78d390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb2c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb30 <- 0x78d86c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb34 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb38 <- 0x78dac4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb3c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb40 <- 0x78f310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb44 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb48 <- 0x78f3d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb4c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb50 <- 0x78f444
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb54 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb58 <- 0x78f4b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb5c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb60 <- 0x78f52c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb64 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb68 <- 0x78f640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb6c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb70 <- 0x78f9b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb74 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb78 <- 0x78f9e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb7c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb80 <- 0x78fb64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb84 <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb88 <- 0x78fe5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb8c <- 0x7c7b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb90 <- 0x790ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb94 <- 0x790ac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb98 <- 0x790ad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfb9c <- 0x790ad8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfba0 <- 0x790ae8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfba4 <- 0x7c0960
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfba8 <- 0x7c0970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbac <- 0x790af0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbb0 <- 0x790b00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbb4 <- 0x7bdc30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbb8 <- 0x7bdc20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbbc <- 0x7bdc28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbc0 <- 0x7bdc40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbc4 <- 0x7bdc58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbc8 <- 0x7bf340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbcc <- 0x790b08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbd0 <- 0x7bf3b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbd4 <- 0x790b18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbd8 <- 0x7ba088
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbdc <- 0x7ba3a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbe0 <- 0x7c0994
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbe4 <- 0x7ba384
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbe8 <- 0x7ba360
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbec <- 0x7ba344
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbf0 <- 0x7c0990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbf4 <- 0x7c0998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbf8 <- 0x7c09a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfbfc <- 0x7ba328
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc00 <- 0x7ba314
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc04 <- 0x79afe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc08 <- 0x7ba2f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc0c <- 0x79afcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc30 <- 0x79afc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc34 <- 0x7507ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc38 <- 0x751740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc3c <- 0x7ba2e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc40 <- 0x7ba2e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc44 <- 0x7ba2ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc48 <- 0x7ba2e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc4c <- 0x79b0e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc50 <- 0x79b100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc54 <- 0x79b0f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc58 <- 0x79b110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc5c <- 0x7c099c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc68 <- 0x790fa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc6c <- 0x790fb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc70 <- 0x790fc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc74 <- 0x790fd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc78 <- 0x790fe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc7c <- 0x790fe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc84 <- 0x790ff8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc90 <- 0x791000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc94 <- 0x791008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfc9c <- 0x791010
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfca4 <- 0x791038
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfca8 <- 0x791058
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfcac <- 0x791068
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfcb0 <- 0x791070
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfcb4 <- 0x791090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfcb8 <- 0x7910b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfcc0 <- 0x7910d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfcc4 <- 0x7910e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfcc8 <- 0x7be858
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfcd4 <- 0x791108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfcd8 <- 0x791118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfcf0 <- 0x791120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfcf4 <- 0x791128
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfcf8 <- 0x791130
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfcfc <- 0x791138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd00 <- 0x791140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd04 <- 0x791148
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd08 <- 0x791150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd0c <- 0x79b158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd14 <- 0x75b0fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd18 <- 0x75b538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd1c <- 0x75b894
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd20 <- 0x7c0b98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd24 <- 0x79c218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd28 <- 0x79c198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd2c <- 0x79c158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd30 <- 0x79b958
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd34 <- 0x75de14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd38 <- 0x75e24c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd40 <- 0x79c418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd44 <- 0x79c318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd4c <- 0x79c830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd50 <- 0x7be640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd54 <- 0x7ba468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd58 <- 0x7ba43c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd5c <- 0x7ba3fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd60 <- 0x7ba3d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd64 <- 0x75fdf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd68 <- 0x7608a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd6c <- 0x760a00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd70 <- 0x791658
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd74 <- 0x79c428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd78 <- 0x79c429
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd7c <- 0x7be490
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd80 <- 0x79c420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd84 <- 0x79c421
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd88 <- 0x79c430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd8c <- 0x7bdce0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd90 <- 0x7ba4a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd94 <- 0x791668
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfd9c <- 0x766e08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfda0 <- 0x7ba3cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfda4 <- 0x7c0b9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfda8 <- 0x76728c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfdac <- 0x7c0df4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfdb0 <- 0x7c0df0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfdb8 <- 0x791728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfdd4 <- 0x7be658
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfdd8 <- 0x7be660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfddc <- 0x7c0ba0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfde0 <- 0x791740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfde4 <- 0x791748
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfde8 <- 0x7c0cf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfdec <- 0x791750
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfdf0 <- 0x791760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfdf4 <- 0x791770
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfdf8 <- 0x791780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfdfc <- 0x791788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe00 <- 0x791798
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe04 <- 0x7917a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe08 <- 0x7baa1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe0c <- 0x7ba9ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe10 <- 0x7ba9bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe18 <- 0x7ba98c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe1c <- 0x7ba95c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe20 <- 0x7ba92c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe24 <- 0x7ba8fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe28 <- 0x7ba8cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe2c <- 0x7ba89c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe34 <- 0x7ba86c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe38 <- 0x7ba83c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe3c <- 0x7ba80c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe40 <- 0x7ba7dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe44 <- 0x7ba7ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe48 <- 0x7ba77c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe4c <- 0x7ba74c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe50 <- 0x7ba71c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe54 <- 0x7ba6ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe58 <- 0x7ba6bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe5c <- 0x7ba68c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe60 <- 0x7ba65c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe64 <- 0x7ba614
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe68 <- 0x7ba5cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe6c <- 0x7ba584
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe70 <- 0x7ba53c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe74 <- 0x7ba4ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe78 <- 0x791cb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe7c <- 0x791cd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe80 <- 0x791cf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe84 <- 0x791d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe88 <- 0x791d30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe98 <- 0x7ba4f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfe9c <- 0x7baa4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfea0 <- 0x7c0e08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfea8 <- 0x79c934
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfeac <- 0x79c928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfeb4 <- 0x7c0e44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfeb8 <- 0x7c0e40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfebc <- 0x792008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfec4 <- 0x792010
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfecc <- 0x7c0e3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfed4 <- 0x7c0e30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfed8 <- 0x7c0e2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfedc <- 0x7c0e28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfee0 <- 0x7c0e34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfee4 <- 0x7c0e38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfee8 <- 0x792030
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfeec <- 0x7c0e0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfef4 <- 0x7baa74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff08 <- 0x7c0e04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff0c <- 0x7c0e00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff10 <- 0x7c0dfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff14 <- 0x7c0df8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff18 <- 0x7baa88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff1c <- 0x7c0e10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff20 <- 0x792050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff24 <- 0x7c0e14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff2c <- 0x7beb60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff30 <- 0x792070
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff38 <- 0x792090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff40 <- 0x79c8b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff44 <- 0x7ba2d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff48 <- 0x792098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff4c <- 0x7920b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff50 <- 0x7920d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff54 <- 0x7920f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff68 <- 0x7bb6cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff6c <- 0x7c0e64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff70 <- 0x7c0e48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff74 <- 0x7bb6ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff78 <- 0x7bb65c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff7c <- 0x7bb560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff80 <- 0x7bb53c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff84 <- 0x7bb4a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff88 <- 0x7bb488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff8c <- 0x7bb484
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff90 <- 0x7bb470
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff94 <- 0x793a50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff98 <- 0x793a60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bff9c <- 0x793a70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bffa0 <- 0x793a78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bffa4 <- 0x793a88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bffa8 <- 0x793a98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bffac <- 0x793aa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bffc8 <- 0x793ab8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bffcc <- 0x793ac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bffd0 <- 0x79c9a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bffd4 <- 0x79c99c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bffd8 <- 0x7bb474
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bffdc <- 0x7bed18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bffe8 <- 0x793ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bffec <- 0x793af0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfff0 <- 0x793af8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfff4 <- 0x793b08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfff8 <- 0x793b10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7bfffc <- 0x793b18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0000 <- 0x790a98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0004 <- 0x773108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0008 <- 0x7bb688
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c000c <- 0x7bb6a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0010 <- 0x7bb67c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0014 <- 0x79c9f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0018 <- 0x79ca18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c001c <- 0x79c9b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0020 <- 0x79c9d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0038 <- 0x7bc9a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c003c <- 0x7bf150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0040 <- 0x7c0e7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0044 <- 0x774bc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0048 <- 0x7941d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c004c <- 0x7941e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0050 <- 0x7941e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0054 <- 0x7941f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0058 <- 0x7941f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c005c <- 0x794208
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0060 <- 0x794210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0064 <- 0x794220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0068 <- 0x794228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c006c <- 0x794238
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0070 <- 0x794240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0074 <- 0x794258
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0078 <- 0x794260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c007c <- 0x794278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0080 <- 0x794280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0084 <- 0x794298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0088 <- 0x7942a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c008c <- 0x7942a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0090 <- 0x7942b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0094 <- 0x7942c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0098 <- 0x7942c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c009c <- 0x7942d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00a0 <- 0x7942e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00a4 <- 0x7942f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00a8 <- 0x7942f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00ac <- 0x794310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00b0 <- 0x7bc99c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00b4 <- 0x7bc998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00b8 <- 0x7bc994
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00bc <- 0x7bc990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00c0 <- 0x7bc98c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00c4 <- 0x794318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00c8 <- 0x794330
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00cc <- 0x7bb6fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00d0 <- 0x794348
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00d4 <- 0x794368
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00d8 <- 0x794388
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00dc <- 0x7943a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00e0 <- 0x7943a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00e4 <- 0x7943c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00e8 <- 0x7943d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00ec <- 0x7943f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00f0 <- 0x794410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00f4 <- 0x794428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00f8 <- 0x794440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c00fc <- 0x794460
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0100 <- 0x794478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0104 <- 0x794488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0108 <- 0x794490
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c010c <- 0x7c0e70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c011c <- 0x7bc9a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0140 <- 0x7944a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0144 <- 0x7944c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0148 <- 0x7944d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c014c <- 0x7944f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0150 <- 0x794508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0154 <- 0x794520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0158 <- 0x79ca3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c015c <- 0x7bf200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0160 <- 0x7c0e68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0164 <- 0x7c0e78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0168 <- 0x7bf248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c016c <- 0x7c0e74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0170 <- 0x7c0e6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0174 <- 0x7bf2c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0178 <- 0x7bf140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c017c <- 0x794540
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0180 <- 0x794548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0184 <- 0x794558
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0188 <- 0x794568
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c018c <- 0x794578
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0190 <- 0x794588
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0194 <- 0x794598
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0198 <- 0x7945a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c019c <- 0x7945c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01a0 <- 0x7945d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01a4 <- 0x7945e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01ac <- 0x7bf3b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01b4 <- 0x794600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01b8 <- 0x7bf0e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01bc <- 0x7bf0e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01c0 <- 0x794618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01c4 <- 0x794630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01c8 <- 0x794648
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01cc <- 0x794660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01d0 <- 0x79c9ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01d4 <- 0x794678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01d8 <- 0x794690
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01dc <- 0x794698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01e0 <- 0x7946a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01e4 <- 0x7946a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01e8 <- 0x7946b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01ec <- 0x7946c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01f0 <- 0x77d480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01f4 <- 0x7946d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01f8 <- 0x7946f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c01fc <- 0x7bf360
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0200 <- 0x7bf368
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0204 <- 0x794708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0208 <- 0x794710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c020c <- 0x794718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c028c <- 0x7bf840
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0290 <- 0x7bf838
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0298 <- 0x7bf830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02ac <- 0x7bea18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02b0 <- 0x7bea20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02b4 <- 0x7bf310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02b8 <- 0x7bf2f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02bc <- 0x7bf498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02c0 <- 0x7bf480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02c4 <- 0x7bf228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02c8 <- 0x7bf2d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02cc <- 0x7bf530
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02d0 <- 0x7bf588
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02d4 <- 0x7bf570
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02d8 <- 0x7bf3f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02dc <- 0x7bf408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02e0 <- 0x7bf400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02e4 <- 0x7bf410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02e8 <- 0x7bf540
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02ec <- 0x7bf130
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02f0 <- 0x7bf128
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02f4 <- 0x7bf120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02f8 <- 0x7bf300
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c02fc <- 0x7bf2e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0300 <- 0x7bf488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0304 <- 0x7bf558
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0308 <- 0x7bf578
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c030c <- 0x7bf550
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0310 <- 0x7bf560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0314 <- 0x7bf3a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0318 <- 0x7bf1e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c031c <- 0x7bf1f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0320 <- 0x7bf3e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0324 <- 0x7bf3f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0328 <- 0x7beed0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c032c <- 0x7bf5a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0330 <- 0x7bf518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0334 <- 0x7bf510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0338 <- 0x7beec8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c033c <- 0x7bf118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0340 <- 0x7bf548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0344 <- 0x7bf2b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0348 <- 0x7bf490
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c034c <- 0x7bf528
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0350 <- 0x7bf520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0354 <- 0x7beed8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0358 <- 0x7bf4d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c035c <- 0x7bf4d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0360 <- 0x7bf4b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0364 <- 0x7bf4b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0368 <- 0x7bf4f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c036c <- 0x7bf4a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0370 <- 0x7bf4e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0374 <- 0x7bf4e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0378 <- 0x7bf458
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c037c <- 0x7bf460
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0380 <- 0x7bf468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0384 <- 0x7bf470
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0388 <- 0x7bf340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c038c <- 0x7bf328
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0390 <- 0x7bf390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0394 <- 0x7bf318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0398 <- 0x7bf538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c039c <- 0x7bf5d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03a0 <- 0x7beea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03a4 <- 0x7beea0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03a8 <- 0x7bf478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03ac <- 0x7bf5c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03b4 <- 0x797080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03b8 <- 0x7970a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03bc <- 0x7970d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03c0 <- 0x7970d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03c4 <- 0x797100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03c8 <- 0x797120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03cc <- 0x797150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03d0 <- 0x797178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03d4 <- 0x7971a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03d8 <- 0x7971c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03dc <- 0x7971d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03e0 <- 0x7971f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03e4 <- 0x797210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03e8 <- 0x797228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03ec <- 0x797238
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03f0 <- 0x797268
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03f4 <- 0x797298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03f8 <- 0x7972c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c03fc <- 0x7972e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0400 <- 0x7972f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0404 <- 0x797310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0408 <- 0x797340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c040c <- 0x797368
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0410 <- 0x797390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0414 <- 0x7973b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c041c <- 0x7973d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c042c <- 0x7bf228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0430 <- 0x7bf1e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0434 <- 0x7bf360
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0438 <- 0x7bf1e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c043c <- 0x7bf3a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0440 <- 0x7bf200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0444 <- 0x7bf368
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0448 <- 0x7bf310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c044c <- 0x7bf3b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0450 <- 0x7bf220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0454 <- 0x7c0fac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0458 <- 0x7beab8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c045c <- 0x7c0fb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0460 <- 0x7bf2f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0464 <- 0x7973f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c046c <- 0x7bf4c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0470 <- 0x7bf5b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0474 <- 0x7bf5c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0478 <- 0x79cabc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c047c <- 0x797408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0480 <- 0x797428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0484 <- 0x7bf2e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c048c <- 0x797430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0490 <- 0x797448
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0494 <- 0x797468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0498 <- 0x79cac8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c049c <- 0x797478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04a0 <- 0x797498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04a4 <- 0x7974b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04a8 <- 0x7bf3e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04b0 <- 0x7bcc10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04bc <- 0x7bda3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04c0 <- 0x7bd6f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04c8 <- 0x7c1020
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04cc <- 0x7978b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04d0 <- 0x7978b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04d4 <- 0x7978c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04d8 <- 0x7978d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04dc <- 0x782874
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04e0 <- 0x7978d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04e4 <- 0x7978e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04e8 <- 0x7978e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04ec <- 0x797908
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04f0 <- 0x797918
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04f4 <- 0x797938
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04f8 <- 0x797958
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c04fc <- 0x797978
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0500 <- 0x7979a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0504 <- 0x7979b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0508 <- 0x7979d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c050c <- 0x7979f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0510 <- 0x797a18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0514 <- 0x797a38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0518 <- 0x797a58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c051c <- 0x797a78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0520 <- 0x797a98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0524 <- 0x797ab8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0528 <- 0x797ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c052c <- 0x797b00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0530 <- 0x797b20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0534 <- 0x797b48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0538 <- 0x797b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c053c <- 0x797b98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0540 <- 0x797bc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0544 <- 0x797be0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0548 <- 0x797c00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c054c <- 0x797c28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0550 <- 0x797c50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0554 <- 0x797c78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0558 <- 0x797ca0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c055c <- 0x797cc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0560 <- 0x797cf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0564 <- 0x797d18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0568 <- 0x797d30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c056c <- 0x797d50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0570 <- 0x797d70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0574 <- 0x797d88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0578 <- 0x797da0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c057c <- 0x797db8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0580 <- 0x797dd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0584 <- 0x797df8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0588 <- 0x797e18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c058c <- 0x797e38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0590 <- 0x797e58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0594 <- 0x797e78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0598 <- 0x797e98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c059c <- 0x797eb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05a0 <- 0x797ed8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05a4 <- 0x797ef8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05a8 <- 0x797f18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05ac <- 0x797f38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05b0 <- 0x797f60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05b4 <- 0x797f88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05b8 <- 0x797fa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05bc <- 0x797fc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05c0 <- 0x797fe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05c4 <- 0x798008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05c8 <- 0x798030
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05cc <- 0x798058
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05d0 <- 0x798078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05d4 <- 0x798088
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05d8 <- 0x798098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05dc <- 0x7980a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05e0 <- 0x7980b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05e4 <- 0x7980b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05e8 <- 0x7980c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05ec <- 0x7980c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05f0 <- 0x7980d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05f4 <- 0x7980d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05f8 <- 0x7980e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c05fc <- 0x7980e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0600 <- 0x7980f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0604 <- 0x7980f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0608 <- 0x798100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c060c <- 0x798108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0610 <- 0x798110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0614 <- 0x798118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0618 <- 0x798120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c061c <- 0x798128
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0620 <- 0x798130
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0624 <- 0x798138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0628 <- 0x798140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c062c <- 0x798148
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0630 <- 0x798150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0634 <- 0x798158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0638 <- 0x798160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c063c <- 0x798168
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0640 <- 0x798170
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0644 <- 0x798178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0648 <- 0x798180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c064c <- 0x798188
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0650 <- 0x798190
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0654 <- 0x798198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0658 <- 0x7981a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c065c <- 0x7981a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0660 <- 0x7981b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0664 <- 0x7981b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0668 <- 0x7981c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c066c <- 0x7981c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0670 <- 0x7981d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0674 <- 0x7981d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0678 <- 0x7981e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c067c <- 0x7981e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0680 <- 0x7981f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0684 <- 0x7981f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0688 <- 0x798200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c068c <- 0x798208
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0690 <- 0x798210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0694 <- 0x798218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0698 <- 0x798220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c069c <- 0x798228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06a0 <- 0x798230
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06a4 <- 0x798238
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06a8 <- 0x798240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06ac <- 0x798248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06b0 <- 0x798250
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06b4 <- 0x798258
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06b8 <- 0x798260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06bc <- 0x798268
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06c0 <- 0x798270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06c4 <- 0x798278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06c8 <- 0x798280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06cc <- 0x798288
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06d0 <- 0x798290
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06d4 <- 0x798298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06d8 <- 0x7982a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06dc <- 0x7982a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06e0 <- 0x7982b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06e4 <- 0x7982b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06e8 <- 0x7982c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06ec <- 0x7982c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06f0 <- 0x7982d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06f4 <- 0x7982d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06f8 <- 0x7982e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c06fc <- 0x7982e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0700 <- 0x7982f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0704 <- 0x798308
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0708 <- 0x798318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c070c <- 0x798330
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0710 <- 0x798340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0714 <- 0x798358
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0718 <- 0x798370
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c071c <- 0x798380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0720 <- 0x798390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0724 <- 0x7983a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0728 <- 0x7983c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c072c <- 0x7983d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0730 <- 0x7983f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0734 <- 0x7983f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0738 <- 0x798400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c073c <- 0x7c1014
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0740 <- 0x7c1018
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0744 <- 0x7bd310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0758 <- 0x7bd36c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c075c <- 0x7c0fbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0760 <- 0x7bfb38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0764 <- 0x7bf780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0774 <- 0x7bdb04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0778 <- 0x7c10dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c077c <- 0x7bf790
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0780 <- 0x798408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0784 <- 0x790aa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0788 <- 0x798418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c078c <- 0x798428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0790 <- 0x7bd368
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0794 <- 0x798440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0798 <- 0x798458
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c079c <- 0x798470
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07a8 <- 0x798480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07ac <- 0x798488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07b4 <- 0x7984a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07b8 <- 0x7bf928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07bc <- 0x7c101c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07c4 <- 0x7984b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07c8 <- 0x79cae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07cc <- 0x7bec90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07d0 <- 0x7bec60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07d4 <- 0x7bf030
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07d8 <- 0x7c0fb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07dc <- 0x7befc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07e0 <- 0x7984c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07e4 <- 0x7bfb58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07e8 <- 0x7bfb50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07ec <- 0x7c0fb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07f8 <- 0x7984d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c07fc <- 0x7984e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0800 <- 0x7984f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0804 <- 0x7984f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0808 <- 0x798500
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c080c <- 0x798508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0810 <- 0x798510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0814 <- 0x798518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0818 <- 0x798520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c081c <- 0x798528
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0820 <- 0x798530
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0824 <- 0x798538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0828 <- 0x798550
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c082c <- 0x7bd370
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0830 <- 0x798558
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0834 <- 0x7c1048
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0838 <- 0x7c1024
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c083c <- 0x798560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0840 <- 0x7bd384
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0844 <- 0x798570
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0848 <- 0x798578
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c084c <- 0x798588
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0850 <- 0x798590
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0854 <- 0x7985c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0858 <- 0x7bd374
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c085c <- 0x7985c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0860 <- 0x7985d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0864 <- 0x7985e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0868 <- 0x7bf9e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c086c <- 0x7bf640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0870 <- 0x7bd378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0874 <- 0x7bd6fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0878 <- 0x7bf6b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c087c <- 0x7bd6f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0880 <- 0x7985e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0884 <- 0x7bda94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0888 <- 0x7bdaa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c088c <- 0x7bdaa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0890 <- 0x7bdad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0894 <- 0x7bdb00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0898 <- 0x798600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c089c <- 0x798610
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08a0 <- 0x798620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08a4 <- 0x7c1050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08a8 <- 0x7bc9a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08ac <- 0x798630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08b0 <- 0x798640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08b4 <- 0x798650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08b8 <- 0x798658
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08bc <- 0x798670
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08c0 <- 0x798680
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08c4 <- 0x78cee4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08d0 <- 0x7bfad8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08d4 <- 0x7bf7e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08d8 <- 0x7bf6d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08dc <- 0x7bf7d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08e0 <- 0x798690
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08e4 <- 0x7986a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08e8 <- 0x7986b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08ec <- 0x7986c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08f0 <- 0x7986d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08f4 <- 0x7986e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08f8 <- 0x7986e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c08fc <- 0x7986f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0900 <- 0x7986f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0904 <- 0x798700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0908 <- 0x798708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c090c <- 0x798710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0910 <- 0x798718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0914 <- 0x798720
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0918 <- 0x798728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c091c <- 0x798738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0920 <- 0x798740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0924 <- 0x798748
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0928 <- 0x798758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c092c <- 0x798760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0930 <- 0x798768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0934 <- 0x798778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0938 <- 0x798780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c093c <- 0x798788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0940 <- 0x798790
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0944 <- 0x798798
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0948 <- 0x7987a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c094c <- 0x7987b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0950 <- 0x7987c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0954 <- 0x7987c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c0958 <- 0x7987d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x7c095c <- 0x7987e0
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRtcGetCurrentClock' (0x7900cc)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRtcGetTime_t' (0x7900ec)
·! LDR: Imported function 'recv' (0x79016c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_net_errno_loc' (0x79010c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'send' (0x79014c)
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x7608719D' (0x79012c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_create' (0x7902ec)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncmp' (0x79020c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_unlock' (0x79028c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_lock' (0x79026c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strcat' (0x79022c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_vsnprintf' (0x79024c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memcmp' (0x7904cc)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memmove' (0x7902ac)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strlen' (0x7902cc)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strcmp' (0x79032c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_malloc' (0x79030c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memset' (0x79034c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memcpy' (0x79036c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_vsprintf' (0x79038c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_free' (0x7903ac)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strcpy' (0x7903cc)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_delete_heap' (0x7903ec)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_create_heap' (0x79040c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_get_total_free_size' (0x79042c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_destroy' (0x79044c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_qsort' (0x79046c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_get_mallinfo' (0x79048c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncpy' (0x7904ac)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsClose' (0x79018c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsRead' (0x7901ac)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsOpen' (0x7901cc)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsFstat' (0x7901ec)
·! LDR: *** sdk version: 0x250001
·! LDR: *** primary prio: 1001
·! LDR: *** primary stacksize: 0x10000
·! LDR: *** malloc pagesize: 0x100000
·! LDR: *** ppc seg: 0x0
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsClose' in 'sys_fs' module (0x455cf4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsRead' in 'sys_fs' module (0x455d14)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsOpen' in 'sys_fs' module (0x455d34)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsLseek' in 'sys_fs' module (0x455d54)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsMkdir' in 'sys_fs' module (0x455d74)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsFstat' in 'sys_fs' module (0x455d94)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadInit' in 'sys_io' module (0x455db4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadEnd' in 'sys_io' module (0x455dd4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadSetPortSetting' in 'sys_io' module (0x455df4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadGetData' in 'sys_io' module (0x455e14)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadGetInfo2' in 'sys_io' module (0x455e34)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadSetActDirect' in 'sys_io' module (0x455e54)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSysutilUnregisterCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x455e74)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVideoOutConfigure' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x455e94)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSysutilCheckCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x455eb4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSaveDataListLoad2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x455ed4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellMsgDialogClose' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x455ef4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSaveDataListAutoLoad' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x455f14)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSaveDataFixedLoad2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x455f34)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSaveDataFixedSave2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x455f54)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSaveDataListSave2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x455f74)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellMsgDialogOpenErrorCode' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x455f94)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x455fb4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioOutConfigure' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x455fd4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSaveDataListAutoSave' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x455ff4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellMsgDialogAbort' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x456014)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellMsgDialogOpen2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x456034)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVideoOutGetState' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x456054)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSaveDataAutoSave2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x456074)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellMsgDialogProgressBarInc' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x456094)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellMsgDialogProgressBarSetMsg' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x4560b4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSysutilRegisterCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x4560d4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVideoOutGetResolutionAvailability' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x4560f4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x456114)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVideoOutGetResolution' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x456134)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioOutGetNumberOfDevice' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x456154)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSaveDataDelete2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x456174)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellDiscGameUnregisterDiscChangeCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x456194)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSaveDataAutoLoad2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x4561b4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmGetTiledPitchSize' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x4561d4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmSetUserHandler' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x4561f4)
·! LDR: Imported function '_cellGcmInitBody' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x456214)
·! LDR: Imported function '_cellGcmSetFlipCommand' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x456234)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmAddressToOffset' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x456254)
·! LDR: Imported function '_cellGcmFunc15' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x456274)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmBindTile' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x456294)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmSetFlipMode' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x4562b4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmGetLastFlipTime' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x4562d4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmGetFlipStatus' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x4562f4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmMapMainMemory' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x456314)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmSetDisplayBuffer' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x456334)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmGetControlRegister' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x456354)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmSetVBlankHandler' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x456374)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmResetFlipStatus' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x456394)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmSetTileInfo' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x4563b4)
·! LDR: Imported function '_cellGcmSetFlipCommandWithWaitLabel' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x4563d4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmUnmapIoAddress' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x4563f4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmGetConfiguration' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x456414)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmGetLabelAddress' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x456434)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSysmoduleUnloadModule' in 'cellSysmodule' module (0x456454)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSysmoduleLoadModule' in 'cellSysmodule' module (0x456474)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioInit' in 'cellAudio' module (0x456494)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioQuit' in 'cellAudio' module (0x4564b4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioSetNotifyEventQueue' in 'cellAudio' module (0x456d34)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioGetPortTimestamp' in 'cellAudio' module (0x456d54)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioPortClose' in 'cellAudio' module (0x456d74)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioPortStop' in 'cellAudio' module (0x456d94)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioGetPortConfig' in 'cellAudio' module (0x456db4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioPortStart' in 'cellAudio' module (0x456dd4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioPortOpen' in 'cellAudio' module (0x456df4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioGetPortBlockTag' in 'cellAudio' module (0x456e14)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioRemoveNotifyEventQueue' in 'cellAudio' module (0x456e34)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursDetachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x4564d4)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursCreateTaskset' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x4564f4)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursShutdownJobChain' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x456514)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursJoinTaskset' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x456534)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursJoinJobChain' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x456554)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x456574)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursAttachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x456594)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursCreateTask' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x4565b4)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursFinalize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x4565d4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailGraphicsAdapterGetFrame' in 'cellSail' module (0x4565f4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailDescriptorCreateDatabase' in 'cellSail' module (0x456614)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailDescriptorSetEs' in 'cellSail' module (0x456634)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailPlayerSetSoundAdapter' in 'cellSail' module (0x456654)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailPlayerInitialize' in 'cellSail' module (0x456674)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailGraphicsAdapterPtsToTimePosition' in 'cellSail' module (0x456694)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailPlayerFinalize' in 'cellSail' module (0x4566b4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailPlayerSetGraphicsAdapter' in 'cellSail' module (0x4566d4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailGraphicsAdapterInitialize' in 'cellSail' module (0x4566f4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailDescriptorDestroyDatabase' in 'cellSail' module (0x456714)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailGraphicsAdapterSetPreferredFormat' in 'cellSail' module (0x456734)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailMemAllocatorInitialize' in 'cellSail' module (0x456754)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailPlayerOpenStream' in 'cellSail' module (0x456774)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailFutureGet' in 'cellSail' module (0x456794)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailSoundAdapterInitialize' in 'cellSail' module (0x4567b4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailGraphicsAdapterUpdateAvSync' in 'cellSail' module (0x4567d4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailPlayerReplaceEventHandler' in 'cellSail' module (0x4567f4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailSoundAdapterPtsToTimePosition' in 'cellSail' module (0x456814)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailFutureInitialize' in 'cellSail' module (0x456834)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailMp4MovieGetMovieInfo' in 'cellSail' module (0x456854)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailPlayerGetDescriptorCount' in 'cellSail' module (0x456874)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailGraphicsAdapterFinalize' in 'cellSail' module (0x456894)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailDescriptorSetAutoSelection' in 'cellSail' module (0x4568b4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailPlayerAddDescriptor' in 'cellSail' module (0x4568d4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailSoundAdapterGetFrame' in 'cellSail' module (0x4568f4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailFutureFinalize' in 'cellSail' module (0x456914)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailFutureSet' in 'cellSail' module (0x456934)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailPlayerBoot' in 'cellSail' module (0x456954)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailDescriptorOpen' in 'cellSail' module (0x456974)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailMp4MovieGetTrackByTypeAndIndex' in 'cellSail' module (0x456994)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailSoundAdapterFinalize' in 'cellSail' module (0x4569b4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailPlayerSetPaused' in 'cellSail' module (0x4569d4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailDescriptorGetStreamType' in 'cellSail' module (0x4569f4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailPlayerCreateDescriptor' in 'cellSail' module (0x456a14)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailAviMovieGetStreamByTypeAndIndex' in 'cellSail' module (0x456a34)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailPlayerStart' in 'cellSail' module (0x456a54)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailPlayerStop' in 'cellSail' module (0x456a74)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailSoundAdapterUpdateAvSync' in 'cellSail' module (0x456a94)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailSoundAdapterGetFormat' in 'cellSail' module (0x456ab4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailPlayerDestroyDescriptor' in 'cellSail' module (0x456ad4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSailGraphicsAdapterGetFormat' in 'cellSail' module (0x456af4)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellPamfReaderSetStreamWithTypeAndIndex' in 'cellPamf' module (0x456b14)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellPamfReaderGetNumberOfSpecificStreams' in 'cellPamf' module (0x456b34)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'UCS2stoUTF8s' in 'cellL10n' module (0x456b54)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'l10n_convert_str' in 'cellL10n' module (0x456b74)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'l10n_get_converter' in 'cellL10n' module (0x456b94)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRtcGetCurrentClockLocalTime' in 'cellRtc' module (0x456bb4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpTrophyRegisterContext' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x456bd4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpTrophyCreateHandle' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x456bf4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpTrophyDestroyContext' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x456c14)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpTrophyInit' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x456c34)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpTrophyAbortHandle' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x456c54)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpTrophyDestroyHandle' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x456c74)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpTrophyUnlockTrophy' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x456c94)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpTrophyTerm' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x456cb4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpTrophyCreateContext' in 'sceNpTrophy' module (0x456cd4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGameContentPermit' in 'cellGame' module (0x456cf4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGameBootCheck' in 'cellGame' module (0x456d14)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_lock' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x456e54)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_unlock' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x456e74)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_create' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x456e94)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_process_atexitspawn' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x456eb4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_create' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x456ed4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_get_id' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x456ef4)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_malloc' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x456f14)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_prx_register_library' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x456f34)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_memalign' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x456f54)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_initialize_tls' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x456f74)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_time_get_system_time' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x456f94)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_free' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x456fb4)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_process_at_Exitspawn' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x456fd4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_prx_exitspawn_with_level' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x456ff4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_trylock' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x457014)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_delete_heap' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x457034)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_exit' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x457054)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_create_heap' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x457074)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_destroy' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x457094)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_process_exit' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x4570b4)
·! MEM: Thread Local Storage initialized (g_tls_start=0x7d1000, user_size=0x8c)
*** TLS segment addr: 0x004e07c4
*** TLS segment size: 0x00000000
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6a7bc8, attr=*0x45dda0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003dd2b8]} sys_memory: sys_memory_get_user_memory_size(mem_info=*0xd000fc04)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6a79d0, attr=*0x45dda0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6a7158, attr=*0x45dda0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6a7180, attr=*0x45dda0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6a71a8, attr=*0x45dda0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6a7090, attr=*0x45dda0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6a70b8, attr=*0x45dda0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6a70e0, attr=*0x45dda0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6a7108, attr=*0x45dda0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6a7130, attr=*0x45dda0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6abc78, attr=*0x5f0c24)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6abd40, attr=*0x5f0c24)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6a58c8, attr=*0xd000fbf0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x61ab78, attr=*0xd000f8b0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003dbcfc]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x1600000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd000f6b0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003dbcfc]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x7e00000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd000f6b0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x63c128, attr=*0xd000fb10)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x63c628, attr=*0xd000fbc0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x2011fb38, attr=*0xd000fa30)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x201200c8, attr=*0xd000fa30)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00349400]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0x613590, attr=*0xd000fb30, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x6135a0, entry=0x4ccfd0, arg=0x613530, prio=800, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x4657f8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x6135a0, param=*0xd000fab0, arg=0x613530, unk=0x0, prio=800, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x4657f8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x16)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004560d4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilRegisterCallback(slot=0, func=*0x4ccc80, userdata=*0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456474]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0017: CELL_SYSMODULE_IO)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456474]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0010: CELL_SYSMODULE_GCM_SYS)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456474]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x000e: CELL_SYSMODULE_FS)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456474]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x003e: CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_GAME)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00343fd0]} sys_spu: sys_spu_initialize(max_usable_spu=6, max_raw_spu=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003dbcfc]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x400000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd000f9a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456214]} cellGcmSys: _cellGcmInitBody(context=**0x6a58f8, cmdSize=0x100000, ioSize=0x200000, ioAddress=0x29300000)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456214]} cellGcmSys: *** local memory(addr=0xc0000000, size=0xf900000)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456214]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmInit(): 256MB io address space used
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003dbcfc]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x1200000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd000f870)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456314]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmMapMainMemory(ea=0x29600000, size=0x1000000, offset=*0x624824)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456314]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmMapMainMemory(ea=0x20100000, size=0x1400000, offset=*0x624828)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456314]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmMapMainMemory(ea=0x21600000, size=0x7c00000, offset=*0x62482c)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004560f4]} cellSysutil: cellVideoOutGetResolutionAvailability(videoOut=0, resolutionId=0x2, aspect=0, option=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455e94]} cellSysutil: cellVideoOutConfigure(videoOut=0, config=*0xd000fad4, option=*0x0, waitForEvent=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004563b4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=0, location=0, offset=4063232, size=7864320, pitch=10240, comp=7, base=0, bank=0)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004563b4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo: bad compression mode! (7)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004563b4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=1, location=0, offset=11993088, size=7864320, pitch=10240, comp=9, base=0, bank=2)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004563b4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo: bad compression mode! (9)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004563b4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=2, location=0, offset=65536, size=3932160, pitch=5120, comp=0, base=0, bank=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004563b4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo(index=3, location=0, offset=19922944, size=3932160, pitch=5120, comp=9, base=0, bank=2)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004563b4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo: bad compression mode! (9)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456294]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456294]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456294]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456294]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmBindTile(index=3)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004562b4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456374]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetVBlankHandler(handler=*0x4cd0e0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455db4]} sys_io: cellPadInit(max_connect=4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c710]} sys_process: sys_process_is_spu_lock_line_reservation_address(addr=0x21500080, flags=0x2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071c9e0]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd000f850, attr=*0xd000f898, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00732960]} sysPrxForUser: sys_spu_image_import(img=*0x21500df0, src=0x735280, type=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00732960]} LDR: m_ehdr.e_type = 0x2
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071cc94]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_create(id=*0xd000f850, num=1, prio=250, attr=*0xd000f884)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071cd88]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0x21500db4, group=0x28, spu_num=0, img=*0x21500df0, attr=*0xd000f868, arg=*0xd000f8b8)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071cd88]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00732760]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21500e30, attr=*0xd000f874)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x007328c0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x21500e48, lwmutex=*0x21500e30, attr=*0xd000f860)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00720188]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0xd000f770, attr=*0xd000f6c4, event_queue_key=0x0, size=42)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0072593c]} sys_process: sys_process_get_sdk_version(pid=0x1, version=*0xd000f580)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071ff28]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0x28, eq=0x2c, req=0xffffffffffff0000, spup=*0xd000f610)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0072084c]} sys_event: sys_event_port_create(eport_id=*0xd000f774, port_type=1, name=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0072086c]} sys_event: sys_event_port_connect_local(eport_id=0x2d, equeue_id=0x2c)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00732700]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x21500da8, entry=0x74839c, arg=0x21500080, prio=1000, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd000f778)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00732700]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x21500da8, param=*0xd000f6f0, arg=0x21500080, unk=0x0, prio=1000, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd000f778)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00732700]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x2e)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00732700]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x21500da0, entry=0x7482d4, arg=0x21500080, prio=1000, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd000f790)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00732700]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x21500da0, param=*0xd000f710, arg=0x21500080, unk=0x0, prio=1000, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd000f790)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00732700]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x2f)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00722d2c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event(id=0x28, eq=0x2c, et=2)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00732900]} sys_prx TODO: sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name(name=cellLibprof, flags=0, pOpt=*0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0035d48c]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0x6247d0, attr=*0xd000fb64, event_queue_key=0x0, size=65)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0071ff28]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0x28, eq=0x30, req=0xffffffffffff0000, spup=*0xd000fab0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x5f33f8, entry=0x4ccd18, arg=0x0, prio=1002, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x465798)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x5f33f8, param=*0xd000fb20, arg=0x0, unk=0x0, prio=1002, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x465798)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x31)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x111(ID_LANG), value=*0xd000fb80)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004561f4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetUserHandler(handler=*0x4cce38)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004562b4]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x112(ID_ENTER_BUTTON_ASSIGN), value=*0xd000fa10)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x63a740, entry=0x4cf878, arg=0x63a738, prio=900, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x63a740, param=*0xd000f8a0, arg=0x63a738, unk=0x0, prio=900, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x32)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456114]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability(audioOut=0, type=1, fs=0x4, option=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456114]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability(audioOut=0, type=6, fs=0x4, option=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456114]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability(audioOut=0, type=0, fs=0x4, option=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fd4]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutConfigure(audioOut=0, config=*0xd000f920, option=*0x0, waitForEvent=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456494]} cellAudio: cellAudioInit()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00457074]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_create_heap(name=*0x465e40, arg2=0x20000, arg3=0x110000, arg4=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456f54]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_memalign(heap=0x33, align=0x10, size=0x1080)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xa60640, attr=*0xa60658)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456f54]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_memalign(heap=0x33, align=0x10, size=0x1c8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456f14]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_malloc(heap=0x33, size=0x8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456f14]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_malloc(heap=0x33, size=0x8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456f14]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_malloc(heap=0x33, size=0x4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456f54]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_memalign(heap=0x33, align=0x10, size=0x88)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xa66010, attr=*0xa66028)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456f14]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_malloc(heap=0x33, size=0x4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456f54]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_memalign(heap=0x33, align=0x10, size=0x60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xa68008, attr=*0xa68020)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456f54]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_memalign(heap=0x33, align=0x10, size=0x4e00)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003cda24]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xa620b0, attr=*0xa620b8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003cda48]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0xa62094, mutex_id=0x37, attr=*0xa62098)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xa620e0, entry=0x4d1b28, arg=0xa62000, prio=103, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x465f00)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xa620e0, param=*0xd000f650, arg=0xa62000, unk=0x0, prio=103, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x465f00)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x39)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xa62180, attr=*0xa62198)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456f54]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_memalign(heap=0x33, align=0x10, size=0x4e80)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456f54]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_memalign(heap=0x33, align=0x10, size=0xc380)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456f54]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_memalign(heap=0x33, align=0x10, size=0x6500)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003c5d4c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xa603e0, attr=*0xa603e8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003c5d70]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0xa603c0, mutex_id=0x3b, attr=*0xa603c8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003c5dfc]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xa60430, attr=*0xa60438)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003c5e20]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0xa60414, mutex_id=0x3d, attr=*0xa60418)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003c5ea4]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xa60688, attr=*0xa60690)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003c5ec8]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0xa60668, mutex_id=0x3f, attr=*0xa60670)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xa603b0, entry=0x4d18c0, arg=0x6a5dd0, prio=101, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x465e28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xa603b0, param=*0xd000f730, arg=0x6a5dd0, unk=0x0, prio=101, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x465e28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x41)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6a5e08, attr=*0x6a5e28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6a5de0, attr=*0x6a5e38)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x6a5e48, entry=0x4d1980, arg=0x0, prio=99, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x465e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x6a5e48, param=*0xd000f7f0, arg=0x0, unk=0x0, prio=99, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x465e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x44)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x6a5930, attr=*0x6a5e54)
·W {PPU Thread[0x44] (_cellsurMixerMain)[0x003c814c]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0x6a5e24, attr=*0x6a6ed0, event_queue_key=0x8000cafe02460300, size=2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456df4]} cellAudio: cellAudioPortOpen(audioParam=*0x6a5e68, portNum=*0x6a5dd8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456df4]} cellAudio: *** audio port opened(nChannel=8, nBlock=8, attr=0x0, level=1.000000): port = 0
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456db4]} cellAudio: cellAudioGetPortConfig(portNum=0, portConfig=*0x6a5e88)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456dd4]} cellAudio: cellAudioPortStart(portNum=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456d34]} cellAudio: cellAudioSetNotifyEventQueue(key=0x8000cafe02460300)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x63a708, entry=0x4cf878, arg=0x63a700, prio=100, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x63a708, param=*0xd000f8a0, arg=0x63a700, unk=0x0, prio=100, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x47)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003d7bd0]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xd000f500, flags=0, fd=*0xd000f2b0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003d7bd0]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/FILELIST.BIN'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215050b0, attr=*0x45dda0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00457094]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x48)
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0x2011e518, flags=0, fd=*0xd0027ac0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x2011e518, flags=0, fd=*0xd0027ac0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/FILELIST.BIN'
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·S {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} SPU: SPU Database initialized...
·S {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} SPU: SPU Recompiler (ASMJIT) created...
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x00818]} SPU: Function detected [0x00818-0x0084c] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x006c0]} SPU: Function detected [0x006c0-0x00818] (size=0x158)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003d7bd0]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xd000f500, flags=0, fd=*0xd000f2b0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003d7bd0]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/FILE_COM.BIN'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215050b0, attr=*0x45dda0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00457094]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x49)
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0x2011e664, flags=0, fd=*0xd0027ac0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x2011e664, flags=0, fd=*0xd0027ac0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/FILE_COM.BIN'
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x00a00]} SPU: Function detected [0x00a00-0x01230] (size=0x830)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x01230]} SPU: Function detected [0x01230-0x01470] (size=0x240)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x01d88]} SPU: Function detected [0x01d88-0x0215c] (size=0x3d4)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x01c00]} SPU: Function detected [0x01c00-0x01d88] (size=0x188)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x02630]} SPU: Function detected [0x02630-0x0284c] (size=0x21c)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x028d0]} SPU: Function detected [0x028d0-0x029ac] (size=0xdc)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x01470]} SPU: Function detected [0x01470-0x01600] (size=0x190)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x01600]} SPU: Function detected [0x01600-0x01984] (size=0x384)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x02868]} SPU: Function detected [0x02868-0x028cc] (size=0x64)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x00290]} SPU: Function detected [0x00290-0x006c0] (size=0x430)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x02850]} SPU: Function detected [0x02850-0x02868] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x00808]} SPU: Function detected [0x00808-0x00818] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x00a00]} SPU: Function detected [0x00a00-0x00c3c] (size=0x23c)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x01e90]} SPU: Function detected [0x01e90-0x01edc] (size=0x4c)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x0242c]} SPU: Function detected [0x0242c-0x02508] (size=0xdc)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x01338]} SPU: Function detected [0x01338-0x01350] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x01760]} SPU: Function detected [0x01760-0x01e90] (size=0x730)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x00e40]} SPU: Function detected [0x00e40-0x01338] (size=0x4f8)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x02350]} SPU: Function detected [0x02350-0x0242c] (size=0xdc)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x01ee0]} SPU: Function detected [0x01ee0-0x022cc] (size=0x3ec)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x02508]} SPU: Function detected [0x02508-0x025c0] (size=0xb8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0x2011e7b0, flags=0, fd=*0xd0027ac0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x2011e7b0, flags=0, fd=*0xd0027ac0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/FILELIST.000'
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x0220c]} SPU: Function detected [0x0220c-0x022cc] (size=0xc0)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x02200]} SPU: Function detected [0x02200-0x0220c] (size=0xc)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x020e4]} SPU: Function detected [0x020e4-0x02200] (size=0x11c)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x02230]} SPU: Function detected [0x02230-0x022cc] (size=0x9c)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x00c40]} SPU: Function detected [0x00c40-0x00e3c] (size=0x1fc)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x03070]} SPU: Function detected [0x03070-0x030b8] (size=0x48)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x03010]} SPU: Function detected [0x03010-0x03060] (size=0x50)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x03c58]} SPU: Function detected [0x03c58-0x03d18] (size=0xc0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0x201191d8, flags=0, fd=*0xd0027ac0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x201191d8, flags=0, fd=*0xd0027ac0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/FILE_COM.000'
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x03c50]} SPU: Function detected [0x03c50-0x03c58] (size=0x8)
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: VP not found in buffer!
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x03f88]} SPU: Function detected [0x03f88-0x06674] (size=0x26ec)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: FP not found in buffer!
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 0
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 1
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: VP not found in buffer!
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x06960]} SPU: Function detected [0x06960-0x06a1c] (size=0xbc)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x03d70]} SPU: Function detected [0x03d70-0x03e60] (size=0xf0)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x06708]} SPU: Function detected [0x06708-0x06720] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x06678]} SPU: Function detected [0x06678-0x06708] (size=0x90)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x06780]} SPU: Function detected [0x06780-0x0695c] (size=0x1dc)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x06720]} SPU: Function detected [0x06720-0x06780] (size=0x60)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x00a70]} SPU: Function detected [0x00a70-0x00c3c] (size=0x1cc)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x01c40]} SPU: Function detected [0x01c40-0x01e90] (size=0x250)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x01350]} SPU: Function detected [0x01350-0x0139c] (size=0x4c)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x022e8]} SPU: Function detected [0x022e8-0x0234c] (size=0x64)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x013b0]} SPU: Function detected [0x013b0-0x014d0] (size=0x120)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x022d0]} SPU: Function detected [0x022d0-0x022e8] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x01b00]} SPU: Function detected [0x01b00-0x01c00] (size=0x100)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x02a40]} SPU: Function detected [0x02a40-0x02a98] (size=0x58)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x00cc8]} SPU: Function detected [0x00cc8-0x01230] (size=0x568)
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: FP not found in buffer!
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x00a58]} SPU: Function detected [0x00a58-0x00cc8] (size=0x270)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x01988]} SPU: Function detected [0x01988-0x01b00] (size=0x178)
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 2
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 3
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: VP not found in buffer!
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x02160]} SPU: Function detected [0x02160-0x021a8] (size=0x48)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x029b0]} SPU: Function detected [0x029b0-0x029f4] (size=0x44)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: FP not found in buffer!
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 4
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 5
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x111(ID_LANG), value=*0xd000f660)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003d7bd0]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xd000f000, flags=0, fd=*0xd000edb0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003d7bd0]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/FILE_USA.BIN'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215050b0, attr=*0x45dda0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00457094]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x4a)
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0x2011ece0, flags=0, fd=*0xd0027ac0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x2011ece0, flags=0, fd=*0xd0027ac0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/FILE_USA.BIN'
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: VP not found in buffer!
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: FP not found in buffer!
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 6
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 7
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: VP not found in buffer!
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 8
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 7
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 4
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 7
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003d7bd0]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xd000f6d0, flags=0, fd=*0xd000f380, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003d7bd0]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/EV_PS3.TXT'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456ed4]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215050b0, attr=*0x45dda0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00457094]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x4b)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0x2011ee2c, flags=0, fd=*0xd0027ac0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x2011ee2c, flags=0, fd=*0xd0027ac0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x16] (FileSupport Thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/FILE_USA.000'
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456474]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x001e: CELL_SYSMODULE_L10N)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455d34]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xd000eff8, flags=0, fd=*0xd000efb0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xd000eff8, flags=0, fd=*0xd000efb0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/SYSIMAGE/ICON0.PNG'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455d94]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=6, sb=*0xd000efc0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455d34]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xd000eff8, flags=0, fd=*0xd000efb0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xd000eff8, flags=0, fd=*0xd000efb0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455d34]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/SYSIMAGE/ICON0.PNG'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455d94]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=6, sb=*0xd000efc0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456474]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0xf035: CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_NP_TROPHY)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456c34]} sceNpTrophy: sceNpTrophyInit(pool=*0x0, poolSize=0x0, containerId=0xffffffff, options=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456cd4]} sceNpTrophy: sceNpTrophyCreateContext(context=*0x624898, commId=*0x4e1384, commSign=*0x4e1390, options=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456bf4]} sceNpTrophy: sceNpTrophyCreateHandle(handle=*0x624894)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x6248c8, entry=0x4cddb0, arg=0x6248b8, prio=1002, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x465c38)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x6248c8, param=*0xd000f6d0, arg=0x6248b8, unk=0x0, prio=1002, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x465c38)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x4e)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd000f750, entry=0x4cd790, arg=0x0, prio=1001, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x4658f8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd000f750, param=*0xd000f6d0, arg=0x0, unk=0x0, prio=1001, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x4658f8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456e94]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x4f)
·W {PPU Thread[0x4f] (enginex_count_space)[0x00455ff4]} cellSysutil: cellSaveDataListAutoSave(version=0, errDialog=0, setList=*0xd0067c50, setBuf=*0xd0067c60, funcFixed=*0x4cd6f0, funcStat=*0x4cd6f8, funcFile=*0x4cd700, container=0xffffffff, userdata=*0x3)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x4f] (enginex_count_space)[0x00455ff4]} cellSysutil: cellSaveDataListAutoSave(version=0, errDialog=0, setList=*0xd0067c50, setBuf=*0xd0067c60, funcFixed=*0x4cd6f0, funcStat=*0x4cd6f8, funcFile=*0x4cd700, container=0xffffffff, userdata=*0x3)
·W {PPU Thread[0x4f] (enginex_count_space)[0x00455ff4]} cellSysutil: cellSaveDataListAutoSave(version=0, errDialog=0, setList=*0xd0067c50, setBuf=*0xd0067c60, funcFixed=*0x4cd6f0, funcStat=*0x4cd6f8, funcFile=*0x4cd700, container=0xffffffff, userdata=*0x3)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456d14]} cellGame: cellGameBootCheck(type=*0xd000f230, attributes=*0xd000f234, size=*0xd000f238, dirName=*0xd000f248)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456cf4]} cellGame: cellGameContentPermit(contentInfoPath=*0xd000f268, usrdirPath=*0xd000f2e8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456034]} cellSysutil: cellMsgDialogOpen2(type=0x81, msgString=*0xd000f1a8, callback=*0x4cd398, userData=*0x61ab90, extParam=*0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456034]} cellSysutil: G-Force saves data automatically at certain points.
Do not switch off the system when the HDD access indicator is flashing.
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·E {PPU Thread[0x4e] (EXTrophies Thread)[0x00456bd4]} sceNpTrophy: sceNpTrophyRegisterContext(context=0x4c, handle=0x4d, statusCb=*0x4cddc8, arg=*0x0, options=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455ef4]} cellSysutil: cellMsgDialogClose(delay=0.100000)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 8
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 5
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 6
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 7
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 6
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 7
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456474]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0011: CELL_SYSMODULE_AUDIO)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456474]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0012: CELL_SYSMODULE_PAMF)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456474]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x001d: CELL_SYSMODULE_SAIL)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00350c7c]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0x20376c44, attr=*0xd000f4b0, event_queue_key=0x0, size=32)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00350ca8]} sys_event: sys_event_port_create(eport_id=*0x20376c48, port_type=1, name=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00350ccc]} sys_event: sys_event_port_connect_local(eport_id=0x51, equeue_id=0x50)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456754]} cellSail: cellSailMemAllocatorInitialize(pSelf=*0x20376c4c, pCallbacks=*0xd000f480)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456674]} cellSail TODO: cellSailPlayerInitialize
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004567b4]} cellSail: cellSailSoundAdapterInitialize(pSelf=*0x20377058, pCallbacks=*0x497cac, pArg=*0x20376c30)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456654]} cellSail: cellSailPlayerSetSoundAdapter(pSelf=*0x20376c58, index=0, pAdapter=*0x20377058)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004566f4]} cellSail: cellSailGraphicsAdapterInitialize(pSelf=*0x20377158, pCallbacks=*0x497c98, pArg=*0x20376c30)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456734]} cellSail: cellSailGraphicsAdapterSetPreferredFormat(pSelf=*0x20377158, pFormat=*0xd000f488)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004566d4]} cellSail: cellSailPlayerSetGraphicsAdapter(pSelf=*0x20376c58, index=0, pAdapter=*0x20377158)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456834]} cellSail TODO: cellSailFutureInitialize(pSelf=*0xd000f4a8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456954]} cellSail: cellSailPlayerBoot(pSelf=*0x20376c58, userParam=-805243736)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456794]} cellSail TODO: cellSailFutureGet(pSelf=*0xd000f4a8, timeout=0, result=*0xd000f4a0)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456914]} cellSail TODO: cellSailFutureFinalize(pSelf=*0xd000f4a8)
·! {PPU Thread[0x2] (Callback Thread)[0x00000000]} Registers:
GPR[0] = 0x7cb000
GPR[1] = 0xd001fe00
GPR[2] = 0x0
GPR[3] = 0x5c0e8d01e
GPR[4] = 0x7db4a0
GPR[5] = 0x4
GPR[6] = 0x0
GPR[7] = 0x0
GPR[8] = 0x0
GPR[9] = 0x618480
GPR[10] = 0x0
GPR[11] = 0x0
GPR[12] = 0x0
GPR[13] = 0x7d80ec
GPR[14] = 0x0
GPR[15] = 0x0
GPR[16] = 0x0
GPR[17] = 0x0
GPR[18] = 0x0
GPR[19] = 0x0
GPR[20] = 0x0
GPR[21] = 0x0
GPR[22] = 0x0
GPR[23] = 0x0
GPR[24] = 0x0
GPR[25] = 0x0
GPR[26] = 0x0
GPR[27] = 0x0
GPR[28] = 0x0
GPR[29] = 0x0
GPR[30] = 0x0
GPR[31] = 0x0
FPR[0] = 0
FPR[1] = 0
FPR[2] = 0
FPR[3] = 0
FPR[4] = 0
FPR[5] = 0
FPR[6] = 0
FPR[7] = 0
FPR[8] = 0
FPR[9] = 0
FPR[10] = 0
FPR[11] = 0
FPR[12] = 0
FPR[13] = 0
FPR[14] = 0
FPR[15] = 0
FPR[16] = 0
FPR[17] = 0
FPR[18] = 0
FPR[19] = 0
FPR[20] = 0
FPR[21] = 0
FPR[22] = 0
FPR[23] = 0
FPR[24] = 0
FPR[25] = 0
FPR[26] = 0
FPR[27] = 0
FPR[28] = 0
FPR[29] = 0
FPR[30] = 0
FPR[31] = 0
VPR[0] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[1] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[2] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[3] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[4] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[5] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[6] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[7] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[8] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[9] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[10] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[11] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[12] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[13] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[14] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[15] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[16] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[17] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[18] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[19] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[20] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[21] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[22] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[23] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[24] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[25] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[26] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[27] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[28] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[29] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[30] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[31] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
CR = 0x22000082
LR = 0x0
CTR = 0x0
XER = 0x0 [CA=0 | OV=140698833649664 | SO=0]
FPSCR = 0x0 [RN=0 | NI=0 | XE=0 | ZE=0 | UE=0 | OE=0 | VE=0 | VXCVI=0 | VXSQRT=0 | VXSOFT=0 | FPRF=0 | FI=0 | FR=0 | VXVC=0 | VXIMZ=0 | VXZDZ=0 | VXIDI=0 | VXISI=0 | VXSNAN=0 | XX=0 | ZX=0 | UX=0 | OX=0 | VX=0 | FEX=0 | FX=0]
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004566b4]} cellSail TODO: cellSailPlayerFinalize(pSelf=*0x20376c58)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004569b4]} cellSail: cellSailSoundAdapterFinalize(pSelf=*0x20377058)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456894]} cellSail TODO: cellSailGraphicsAdapterFinalize(pSelf=*0x20377158)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00350d58]} sys_event: sys_event_port_disconnect(eport_id=0x51)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00350d80]} sys_event: sys_event_port_destroy(eport_id=0x51)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00350dac]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_destroy(equeue_id=0x50, mode=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456454]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(id=0x0011: CELL_SYSMODULE_AUDIO)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456454]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(id=0x0012: CELL_SYSMODULE_PAMF)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456454]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(id=0x001d: CELL_SYSMODULE_SAIL)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456474]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0011: CELL_SYSMODULE_AUDIO)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456474]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0012: CELL_SYSMODULE_PAMF)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456474]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x001d: CELL_SYSMODULE_SAIL)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00350c7c]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0x20376d14, attr=*0xd000f4b0, event_queue_key=0x0, size=32)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00350ca8]} sys_event: sys_event_port_create(eport_id=*0x20376d18, port_type=1, name=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00350ccc]} sys_event: sys_event_port_connect_local(eport_id=0x53, equeue_id=0x52)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456754]} cellSail: cellSailMemAllocatorInitialize(pSelf=*0x20376d1c, pCallbacks=*0xd000f480)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456674]} cellSail TODO: cellSailPlayerInitialize
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004567b4]} cellSail: cellSailSoundAdapterInitialize(pSelf=*0x20377128, pCallbacks=*0x497cac, pArg=*0x20376d00)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456654]} cellSail: cellSailPlayerSetSoundAdapter(pSelf=*0x20376d28, index=0, pAdapter=*0x20377128)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004566f4]} cellSail: cellSailGraphicsAdapterInitialize(pSelf=*0x20377228, pCallbacks=*0x497c98, pArg=*0x20376d00)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456734]} cellSail: cellSailGraphicsAdapterSetPreferredFormat(pSelf=*0x20377228, pFormat=*0xd000f488)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004566d4]} cellSail: cellSailPlayerSetGraphicsAdapter(pSelf=*0x20376d28, index=0, pAdapter=*0x20377228)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456834]} cellSail TODO: cellSailFutureInitialize(pSelf=*0xd000f4a8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456954]} cellSail: cellSailPlayerBoot(pSelf=*0x20376d28, userParam=-805243736)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456794]} cellSail TODO: cellSailFutureGet(pSelf=*0xd000f4a8, timeout=0, result=*0xd000f4a0)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456914]} cellSail TODO: cellSailFutureFinalize(pSelf=*0xd000f4a8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004566b4]} cellSail TODO: cellSailPlayerFinalize(pSelf=*0x20376d28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004569b4]} cellSail: cellSailSoundAdapterFinalize(pSelf=*0x20377128)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456894]} cellSail TODO: cellSailGraphicsAdapterFinalize(pSelf=*0x20377228)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00350d58]} sys_event: sys_event_port_disconnect(eport_id=0x53)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00350d80]} sys_event: sys_event_port_destroy(eport_id=0x53)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00350dac]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_destroy(equeue_id=0x52, mode=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456454]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(id=0x0011: CELL_SYSMODULE_AUDIO)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456454]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(id=0x0012: CELL_SYSMODULE_PAMF)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00456454]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(id=0x001d: CELL_SYSMODULE_SAIL)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·S {SPU[0x29] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x03260]} SPU: Function detected [0x03260-0x0348c] (size=0x22c)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00455fb4]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x152(ID_PAD_RUMBLE), value=*0xd000f7a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0x28, cause=*0xd0033da0, status=*0xd0033da4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x2f] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0071e350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0x28)
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