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Created February 9, 2016 17:05
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
·! RPCS3 v0.0.0.6-4129-303a109
·! Stopping emulator...
·! LDR: Loading 'F:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/rpcs3-v0.0.0.6-460-g303a109-win_x64/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/BLJM60055/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/BOOT.BIN'...
·! LDR:
·! LDR: Mount info:
·! LDR: /dev_usb000/ -> F:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/rpcs3-v0.0.0.6-460-g303a109-win_x64/rpcs3/dev_usb000/
·! LDR: /dev_flash/ -> F:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/rpcs3-v0.0.0.6-460-g303a109-win_x64/rpcs3/dev_flash/
·! LDR: /host_root/ ->
·! LDR: /dev_hdd0/ -> F:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/rpcs3-v0.0.0.6-460-g303a109-win_x64/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/
·! LDR: /dev_hdd1/ -> F:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/rpcs3-v0.0.0.6-460-g303a109-win_x64/rpcs3/dev_hdd1/
·! LDR: /dev_bdvd/ -> F:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/rpcs3-v0.0.0.6-460-g303a109-win_x64/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/BLJM60055/
·! LDR: /dev_usb/ -> F:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/rpcs3-v0.0.0.6-460-g303a109-win_x64/rpcs3/dev_usb000/
·! LDR:
·! LDR: Title: InitialD EXTREME STAGE
·! LDR: Serial: BLJM60055
·! LDR: Used configuration: 'F:/Emulatory I Gry/PS3/rpcs3-v0.0.0.6-460-g303a109-win_x64/rpcs3/'
·! LDR:
·! LDR: [lle]
main_frame_aui=layout2|name~Pane_0;caption~Game List;state~4196348;dir~5;layer~0;row~0;pos~0;prop~100000;bestw~300;besth~279;minw~-1;minh~-1;maxw~-1;maxh~-1;floatx~-1;floaty~-1;floatw~-1;floath~-1|name~Pane_1;caption~Log;state~4196348;dir~3;layer~0;row~0;pos~0;prop~100000;bestw~600;besth~300;minw~-1;minh~-1;maxw~-1;maxh~-1;floatx~-1;floaty~-1;floatw~-1;floath~-1|name~Pane_2;caption~Debugger;state~4196348;dir~2;layer~0;row~0;pos~0;prop~100000;bestw~400;besth~300;minw~-1;minh~-1;maxw~-1;maxh~-1;floatx~-1;floaty~-1;floatw~-1;floath~-1|dock_size(5,0,0)~265|dock_size(3,0,0)~162|dock_size(2,0,0)~265|
PPU Decoder=interpreter2
Load liblv2.sprx=false
Hook static functions=false
SPU Decoder=recompiler_asmjit
Aspect ratio=16x9
Frame limit=Auto
Log shader programs=false
3D Monitor=false
Enable instruction ADDI=true
Compiled blocks exclusion=false
Enable instruction MULLI=true
Excluded block range min=200
Enable instruction LFS=true
Enable instruction RLWINM=true
Enable instruction CMPI=true
Enable instruction CREQV=true
Enable instruction CMPLI=true
Excluded block range max=250
Enable instruction OR=true
Compilation threshold=1000
Enable instruction SUBF=true
Enable instruction CROR=true
Enable instruction TWI=true
Enable instruction DIVW=true
Enable instruction LBZ=true
Enable instruction SUBFIC=true
Enable instruction DIVWU=true
Enable instruction ADDIC=true
Enable instruction ORI=true
Enable instruction ADDIC_=true
Enable instruction ADDIS=true
Enable instruction LD=true
Enable instruction RLWIMI=true
Enable instruction LWARX=true
Enable instruction RLDC_LR=true
Enable instruction RLDIC=true
Enable instruction RLWNM=true
Enable instruction AND=true
Enable instruction ORIS=true
Enable instruction RLDICR=true
Enable instruction STFS=true
Enable instruction XORI=true
Enable instruction LWZ=true
Enable instruction XORIS=true
Enable instruction ANDI_=true
Enable instruction CRXOR=true
Enable instruction ANDIS_=true
Enable instruction STW=true
Enable instruction LHZ=true
Enable instruction MCRF=true
Enable instruction SRAWI=true
Enable instruction CMP=true
Enable instruction CRNOR=true
Enable instruction MULLW=true
Enable instruction CRANDC=true
Enable instruction CRNAND=true
Enable instruction EXTSB=true
Enable instruction CRAND=true
Enable instruction STD=true
Enable instruction CRORC=true
Enable instruction RLDICL=true
Enable instruction RLDIMI=true
Enable instruction MFOCRF=true
Enable instruction CMPL=true
Enable instruction NEG=true
Enable instruction MTOCRF=true
Enable instruction STWCX_=true
Enable instruction ADD=true
Enable instruction EXTSW=true
Enable instruction STDU=true
Emulation dir path=
Use path below as EmulationDir=false
Write Color Buffers=false
Write Depth Buffer=false
Read Color Buffers=false
Read Depth Buffer=false
D3D Adaptater=0
Debug Output=false
Debug overlay=false
Pad Handler=windows
Camera type=PlayStationEye
Mouse Handler=null
Keyboard Handler=null
Audio Out=XAudio2
Dump to file=false
Convert to 16 bit=false
Left Analog Stick Left=314
Left Analog Stick Down=317
Left Analog Stick Right=316
Right Analog Stick Right=312
Right Analog Stick Down=367
Left Analog Stick Up=315
Right Analog Stick Up=366
Right Analog Stick Left=313
Exit RPCS3 when process finishes=false
Always start after boot=true
Use default configuration=true
RSX Logging=false
Log Level=Success
Connection status=IPObtained
Network adapter=0
Auto Pause at System Call=false
Auto Pause at Function Call=false
App version_position=4
App version_width=55
App version_shown=true
·! LDR: Elf path: /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/BOOT.BIN
·! LDR:
·! LDR: loader::init() failed: Broken file
·W LDR: Loading LLE library 'cellFiber_Library'
·W LDR: segment addr=0xf82000, initial addr = 0x0
·W LDR: cellFiber_Library (rtoc=0xf98a80):
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000002 - 0x9002f - 0x0
·W LDR: **** : [0xBC9A0086] -> 0xea68
·W LDR: **** : [0xAB779874] -> 0xea70
·W LDR: **** : [0x3AB9A95E] -> 0xea70
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellFiber
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x2c000001
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextReturnToThread] -> 0xe838
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextRunScheduler] -> 0xe828
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextEnterScheduler] -> 0xe808
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuYield] -> 0xe930
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuRunFibers] -> 0xe918
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlRunFibers] -> 0xea00
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [_cellFiberPpuContextAttributeInitialize] -> 0xe850
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlInitialize] -> 0xea38
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextSelf] -> 0xe870
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSchedulerTraceFinalize] -> 0xe980
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlSetPollingMode] -> 0xea20
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlJoinFiber] -> 0xe9f0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlDisconnectEventQueue] -> 0xe9e8
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [_cellFiberPpuInitialize] -> 0xe958
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlSendSignal] -> 0xea18
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSelf] -> 0xe910
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlConnectEventQueueToSpurs] -> 0xe9e0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [_cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlAttributeInitialize] -> 0xea40
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuWaitSignal] -> 0xe948
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextInitialize] -> 0xe848
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuCreateFiber] -> 0xe908
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSendSignal] -> 0xe8b0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuFinalizeScheduler] -> 0xe920
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [_cellFiberPpuSchedulerAttributeInitialize] -> 0xe8d0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlFinalize] -> 0xea50
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuWaitFlag] -> 0xe950
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuJoinFiber] -> 0xe940
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextRun] -> 0xe820
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSchedulerTraceStart] -> 0xe9a0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuGetScheduler] -> 0xe898
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextFinalize] -> 0xe858
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextCheckStackLimit] -> 0xe868
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlWakeup] -> 0xea08
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSchedulerTraceInitialize] -> 0xe9b0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlCreateFiber] -> 0xe9f8
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlShutdown] -> 0xea48
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [_cellFiberPpuAttributeInitialize] -> 0xe8d8
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuContextSwitch] -> 0xe830
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuHasRunnableFiber] -> 0xe890
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSchedulerTraceStop] -> 0xe990
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlCheckFlags] -> 0xea10
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuInitializeScheduler] -> 0xe8e0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuUtilWorkerControlInitializeWithAttribute] -> 0xea30
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuCheckStackLimit] -> 0xe8f8
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuCheckFlags] -> 0xe888
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuExit] -> 0xe8c0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSetPriority] -> 0xe900
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellLibprof
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellLibprof: [cellUserTraceRegister] -> 0x5c88
·W LDR: **** cellLibprof: [cellUserTraceUnregister] -> 0x5ca8
·W LDR: **** Imported: sysPrxForUser
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_ppu_thread_get_id] -> 0x5cc8
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memset] -> 0x5ce8
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memcpy] -> 0x5d08
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_printf] -> 0x5d28
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [0x9FB6228E] -> 0x5d48
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncpy] -> 0x5d68
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name] -> 0x5d88
·W LDR: segment addr=0xf92000, initial addr = 0x6560
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xf87c8e <- 0xf9
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xf87c92 <- 0x0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xf87cae <- 0xf9
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xf87cb2 <- 0x4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xf87cce <- 0xf9
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xf87cd2 <- 0x8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xf87cee <- 0xf9
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xf87cf2 <- 0xc
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xf87d0e <- 0xf9
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xf87d12 <- 0x10
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xf87d2e <- 0xf9
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xf87d32 <- 0x14
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xf87d4e <- 0xf9
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xf87d52 <- 0x18
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xf87d6e <- 0xf9
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xf87d72 <- 0x1c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xf87d8e <- 0xf9
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xf87d92 <- 0x20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87dc8 <- 0xf87ea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87dcc <- 0xf87ebc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87de0 <- 0xf87ed0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87de4 <- 0xf87edc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87de8 <- 0xf87fb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87e04 <- 0xf87e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87e30 <- 0xf87e98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87e08 <- 0xf88074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87e0c <- 0xf92000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87e34 <- 0xf8807c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87e38 <- 0xf92008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87e74 <- 0xf87db4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87e78 <- 0xf87dec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87e7c <- 0xf87df4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87e80 <- 0xf87e4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87e70 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87ebc <- 0xf9a508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87ec0 <- 0xf9a510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87ec4 <- 0xf9a510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87ec8 <- 0xf87e50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87ecc <- 0xf9a25c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87fb8 <- 0xf9a2d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87fbc <- 0xf9a2c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87fc0 <- 0xf9a2a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87fc4 <- 0xf9a3d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87fc8 <- 0xf9a3b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87fcc <- 0xf9a4a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87fd0 <- 0xf9a2f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87fd4 <- 0xf9a4d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87fd8 <- 0xf9a310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87fdc <- 0xf9a420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87fe0 <- 0xf9a4c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87fe4 <- 0xf9a490
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87fe8 <- 0xf9a488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87fec <- 0xf9a3f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87ff0 <- 0xf9a4b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87ff4 <- 0xf9a3b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87ff8 <- 0xf9a480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf87ffc <- 0xf9a4e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88000 <- 0xf9a3e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88004 <- 0xf9a2e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88008 <- 0xf9a3a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf8800c <- 0xf9a350
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88010 <- 0xf9a3c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88014 <- 0xf9a370
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88018 <- 0xf9a4f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf8801c <- 0xf9a3f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88020 <- 0xf9a3e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88024 <- 0xf9a2c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88028 <- 0xf9a440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf8802c <- 0xf9a338
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88030 <- 0xf9a2f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88034 <- 0xf9a308
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88038 <- 0xf9a4a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf8803c <- 0xf9a450
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88040 <- 0xf9a498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88044 <- 0xf9a4e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88048 <- 0xf9a378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf8804c <- 0xf9a2d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88050 <- 0xf9a330
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88054 <- 0xf9a430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88058 <- 0xf9a4b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf8805c <- 0xf9a380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88060 <- 0xf9a4d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88064 <- 0xf9a398
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88068 <- 0xf9a328
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf8806c <- 0xf9a360
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf88070 <- 0xf9a3a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf92000 <- 0xf87c88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf92004 <- 0xf87ca8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf92008 <- 0xf87cc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9200c <- 0xf87ce8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf92010 <- 0xf87d08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf92014 <- 0xf87d28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf92018 <- 0xf87d48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9201c <- 0xf87d68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf92020 <- 0xf87d88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a260 <- 0xf82000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a264 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a268 <- 0xf82008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a26c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a270 <- 0xf82128
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a274 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a278 <- 0xf822e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a27c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a280 <- 0xf82378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a284 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a288 <- 0xf823d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a28c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a290 <- 0xf82514
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a294 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a298 <- 0xf8270c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a29c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2a0 <- 0xf82714
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2a4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2a8 <- 0xf82748
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2ac <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2b0 <- 0xf828a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2b4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2b8 <- 0xf8293c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2bc <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2c0 <- 0xf82b18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2c4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2c8 <- 0xf82bac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2cc <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2d0 <- 0xf82c00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2d4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2d8 <- 0xf82e0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2dc <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2e0 <- 0xf82ef8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2e4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2e8 <- 0xf83030
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2ec <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2f0 <- 0xf830f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2f4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2f8 <- 0xf831b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a2fc <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a300 <- 0xf832a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a304 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a308 <- 0xf833b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a30c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a310 <- 0xf83430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a314 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a318 <- 0xf83464
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a31c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a320 <- 0xf8348c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a324 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a328 <- 0xf8350c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a32c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a330 <- 0xf836bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a334 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a338 <- 0xf83720
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a33c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a340 <- 0xf83768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a344 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a348 <- 0xf837d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a34c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a350 <- 0xf838b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a354 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a358 <- 0xf83954
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a35c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a360 <- 0xf83a30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a364 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a368 <- 0xf83b04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a36c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a370 <- 0xf83b50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a374 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a378 <- 0xf83be4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a37c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a380 <- 0xf83ca4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a384 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a388 <- 0xf84000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a38c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a390 <- 0xf8406c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a394 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a398 <- 0xf840dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a39c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3a0 <- 0xf8415c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3a4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3a8 <- 0xf841cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3ac <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3b0 <- 0xf84514
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3b4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3b8 <- 0xf8454c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3bc <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3c0 <- 0xf8476c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3c4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3c8 <- 0xf84b10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3cc <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3d0 <- 0xf853dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3d4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3d8 <- 0xf854a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3dc <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3e0 <- 0xf85574
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3e4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3e8 <- 0xf85b84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3ec <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3f0 <- 0xf85be0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3f4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3f8 <- 0xf85d18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a3fc <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a400 <- 0xf85d2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a404 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a408 <- 0xf85df4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a40c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a410 <- 0xf85fb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a414 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a418 <- 0xf86014
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a41c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a420 <- 0xf861b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a424 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a428 <- 0xf862e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a42c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a430 <- 0xf862ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a434 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a438 <- 0xf86410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a43c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a440 <- 0xf86418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a444 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a448 <- 0xf8653c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a44c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a450 <- 0xf86544
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a454 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a458 <- 0xf866f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a45c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a460 <- 0xf86710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a464 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a468 <- 0xf868a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a46c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a470 <- 0xf869d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a474 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a478 <- 0xf86b44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a47c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a480 <- 0xf86c80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a484 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a488 <- 0xf86c8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a48c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a490 <- 0xf86c98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a494 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a498 <- 0xf86cc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a49c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4a0 <- 0xf86dcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4a4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4a8 <- 0xf87260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4ac <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4b0 <- 0xf87380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4b4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4b8 <- 0xf8744c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4bc <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4c0 <- 0xf874c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4c4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4c8 <- 0xf8761c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4cc <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4d0 <- 0xf8779c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4d4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4d8 <- 0xf877a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4dc <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4e0 <- 0xf877a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4e4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4e8 <- 0xf87848
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4ec <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4f0 <- 0xf879b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4f4 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4f8 <- 0xf87ad8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a4fc <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a500 <- 0xf87be0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a504 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a508 <- 0xf87c78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a50c <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a510 <- 0xf87c80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a514 <- 0xfa2520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a520 <- 0xf88400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a524 <- 0xf92028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a528 <- 0xf88408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a52c <- 0xf88418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a530 <- 0xf88098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a534 <- 0xf88430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a538 <- 0xf92190
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a53c <- 0xf9a300
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a540 <- 0xf92080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a544 <- 0xf88440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a548 <- 0xf88450
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a54c <- 0xf880d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a550 <- 0xf88468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a554 <- 0xf88478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a558 <- 0xf92190
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a55c <- 0xf9a3c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a560 <- 0xf92138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a564 <- 0xf88488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a568 <- 0xf88498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a56c <- 0xf88148
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a570 <- 0xf884a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a574 <- 0xf884b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a578 <- 0xf9a368
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a57c <- 0xf84b9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a580 <- 0xf9a388
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a584 <- 0xf9a390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a588 <- 0xf884c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a58c <- 0xf88200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a590 <- 0xf92190
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a594 <- 0xf92198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a598 <- 0xf884d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a59c <- 0xf884e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5a0 <- 0xf88218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5a4 <- 0xf884e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5a8 <- 0xf884f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5ac <- 0xf9a458
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5b0 <- 0xf9a428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5b4 <- 0xf9a448
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5b8 <- 0xf9a438
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5bc <- 0xf9a460
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5c0 <- 0xf9a468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5c4 <- 0xf9a470
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5c8 <- 0xf9a478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5cc <- 0xf921f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5d0 <- 0xf88508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5d4 <- 0xf88518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5d8 <- 0xf88348
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5dc <- 0xf88538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5e0 <- 0xf88548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5e4 <- 0xf88550
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5e8 <- 0xf92248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xf9a5ec <- 0xf9a254
·E LDR: Unknown module 'cellLibprof' in 'cellFiber_Library' library
·E LDR: Unknown function 'cellUserTraceRegister' (0xf87c88)
·E LDR: Unknown function 'cellUserTraceUnregister' (0xf87ca8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_get_id' (0xf87cc8)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncpy' (0xf87d68)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memset' (0xf87ce8)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memcpy' (0xf87d08)
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x9FB6228E' (0xf87d48)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_printf' (0xf87d28)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name' (0xf87d88)
·W LDR: Loading LLE library 'cellPngDec_Library'
·W LDR: segment addr=0xf9b000, initial addr = 0x0
·W LDR: cellPngDec_Library (rtoc=0xfe4710):
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000001 - 0x9001d - 0x0
·W LDR: **** : [0xBC9A0086] -> 0x40da0
·W LDR: **** : [0xAB779874] -> 0x40da8
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellPngDec
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x2c000001
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecExtOpen] -> 0x40f10
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecCreate] -> 0x40ec8
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecDecodeData] -> 0x40f30
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGetoFFs] -> 0x40e38
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGetsBIT] -> 0x40e68
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGettIME] -> 0x40e50
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGetpHYs] -> 0x40e30
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecExtCreate] -> 0x40ed0
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecClose] -> 0x40e10
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGetUnknownChunks] -> 0x40e08
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecExtDecodeData] -> 0x40f28
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGetbKGD] -> 0x40e48
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGetcHRM] -> 0x40e20
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecDestroy] -> 0x40ea0
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecExtReadHeader] -> 0x40ef8
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecReadHeader] -> 0x40f00
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecExtSetParameter] -> 0x40ee0
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGetsPLT] -> 0x40e40
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGetgAMA] -> 0x40e80
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGetTextChunk] -> 0x40e90
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGetpCAL] -> 0x40e18
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGethIST] -> 0x40e58
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGettRNS] -> 0x40e60
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGetsCAL] -> 0x40e28
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecOpen] -> 0x40f18
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGetPLTE] -> 0x40e88
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGetsRGB] -> 0x40e78
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecSetParameter] -> 0x40ee8
·W LDR: **** cellPngDec: [cellPngDecGetiCCP] -> 0x40e70
·W LDR: **** Imported: sysPrxForUser
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_snprintf] -> 0x1e6cc
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strlen] -> 0x1e6ec
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [0x3EF17F8C] -> 0x1e70c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memset] -> 0x1e72c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memcpy] -> 0x1e74c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strcpy] -> 0x1e76c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncpy] -> 0x1e78c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memcmp] -> 0x1e7ac
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellSpurs
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueDetachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x1e7cc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAttributeSetNamePrefix] -> 0x1e7ec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursQueueInitialize] -> 0x1e80c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursTasksetAttributeInitialize] -> 0x1e82c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTasksetAttributeSetName] -> 0x1e84c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskGetReadOnlyAreaPattern] -> 0x1e86c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskGetContextSaveAreaSize] -> 0x1e88c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueuePopBody] -> 0x1e8ac
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueuePushBody] -> 0x1e8cc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursAttributeInitialize] -> 0x1e8ec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJoinTaskset] -> 0x1e90c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursShutdownTaskset] -> 0x1e92c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute] -> 0x1e94c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTask] -> 0x1e96c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTasksetWithAttribute] -> 0x1e98c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursFinalize] -> 0x1e9ac
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueAttachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x1e9cc
·W LDR: **** Imported: sys_fs
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsClose] -> 0x1e9ec
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsRead] -> 0x1ea0c
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsOpen] -> 0x1ea2c
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsLseek] -> 0x1ea4c
·W LDR: segment addr=0xfeb000, initial addr = 0x40a00
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb96d2 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb96d6 <- 0x44
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb96f2 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb96f6 <- 0x48
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9712 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9716 <- 0x4c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9732 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9736 <- 0x50
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9752 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9756 <- 0x54
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9772 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9776 <- 0x58
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9792 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9796 <- 0x5c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb97b2 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb97b6 <- 0x60
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb97d2 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb97d6 <- 0x0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb97f2 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb97f6 <- 0x4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9812 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9816 <- 0x8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9832 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9836 <- 0xc
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9852 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9856 <- 0x10
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9872 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9876 <- 0x14
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9892 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9896 <- 0x18
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb98b2 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb98b6 <- 0x1c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb98d2 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb98d6 <- 0x20
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb98f2 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb98f6 <- 0x24
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9912 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9916 <- 0x28
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9932 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9936 <- 0x2c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9952 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9956 <- 0x30
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9972 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9976 <- 0x34
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9992 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9996 <- 0x38
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb99b2 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb99b6 <- 0x3c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb99d2 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb99d6 <- 0x40
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb99f2 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb99f6 <- 0x64
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9a12 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9a16 <- 0x68
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9a32 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9a36 <- 0x6c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0xfb9a52 <- 0xfe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0xfb9a56 <- 0x70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9a88 <- 0xfb9ba0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9a8c <- 0xfb9bb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9aa0 <- 0xfb9bc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9aa4 <- 0xfb9bcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9aa8 <- 0xfb9c60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9ac4 <- 0xfb9b74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9af0 <- 0xfb9b88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9b1c <- 0xfb9b98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9ac8 <- 0xfb9cd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9acc <- 0xfeb044
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9af4 <- 0xfb9cf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9af8 <- 0xfeb000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9b20 <- 0xfb9d38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9b24 <- 0xfeb064
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9b60 <- 0xfb9a74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9b64 <- 0xfb9aac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9b68 <- 0xfb9ab4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9b6c <- 0xfb9b38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9b5c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9bb0 <- 0xfeb3a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9bb4 <- 0xfeb3a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9bb8 <- 0xfb9b3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9bbc <- 0xfeb078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c60 <- 0xfeb510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c64 <- 0xfeb4c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c68 <- 0xfeb530
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c6c <- 0xfeb438
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c70 <- 0xfeb468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c74 <- 0xfeb450
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c78 <- 0xfeb430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c7c <- 0xfeb4d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c80 <- 0xfeb410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c84 <- 0xfeb408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c88 <- 0xfeb528
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c8c <- 0xfeb448
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c90 <- 0xfeb420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c94 <- 0xfeb4a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c98 <- 0xfeb4f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9c9c <- 0xfeb500
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9ca0 <- 0xfeb4e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9ca4 <- 0xfeb440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9ca8 <- 0xfeb480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9cac <- 0xfeb490
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9cb0 <- 0xfeb418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9cb4 <- 0xfeb458
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9cb8 <- 0xfeb460
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9cbc <- 0xfeb428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9cc0 <- 0xfeb518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9cc4 <- 0xfeb488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9cc8 <- 0xfeb478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9ccc <- 0xfeb4e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfb9cd0 <- 0xfeb470
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb000 <- 0xfb97cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb004 <- 0xfb97ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb008 <- 0xfb980c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb00c <- 0xfb982c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb010 <- 0xfb984c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb014 <- 0xfb986c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb018 <- 0xfb988c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb01c <- 0xfb98ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb020 <- 0xfb98cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb024 <- 0xfb98ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb028 <- 0xfb990c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb02c <- 0xfb992c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb030 <- 0xfb994c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb034 <- 0xfb996c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb038 <- 0xfb998c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb03c <- 0xfb99ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb040 <- 0xfb99cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb044 <- 0xfb96cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb048 <- 0xfb96ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb04c <- 0xfb970c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb050 <- 0xfb972c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb054 <- 0xfb974c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb058 <- 0xfb976c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb05c <- 0xfb978c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb060 <- 0xfb97ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb064 <- 0xfb99ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb068 <- 0xfb9a0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb06c <- 0xfb9a2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb070 <- 0xfb9a4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3a0 <- 0xf9b000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3a4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3a8 <- 0xf9b028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3ac <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3b0 <- 0xf9b050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3b4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3b8 <- 0xf9b098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3bc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3c0 <- 0xf9b0dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3c4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3c8 <- 0xf9b124
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3cc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3d0 <- 0xf9b168
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3d4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3d8 <- 0xf9b1e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3dc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3e0 <- 0xf9b1ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3e4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3e8 <- 0xf9b1f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3ec <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3f0 <- 0xf9b210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3f4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3f8 <- 0xf9b24c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb3fc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb400 <- 0xf9b288
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb404 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb408 <- 0xf9b3ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb40c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb410 <- 0xf9b66c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb414 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb418 <- 0xf9b730
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb41c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb420 <- 0xf9b894
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb424 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb428 <- 0xf9b9ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb42c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb430 <- 0xf9bb14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb434 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb438 <- 0xf9bc58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb43c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb440 <- 0xf9bd9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb444 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb448 <- 0xf9bed0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb44c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb450 <- 0xf9c024
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb454 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb458 <- 0xf9c16c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb45c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb460 <- 0xf9c2a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb464 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb468 <- 0xf9c420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb46c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb470 <- 0xf9c574
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb474 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb478 <- 0xf9c6b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb47c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb480 <- 0xf9c7cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb484 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb488 <- 0xf9c8e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb48c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb490 <- 0xf9c9fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb494 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb498 <- 0xf9cc98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb49c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4a0 <- 0xf9ce6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4a4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4a8 <- 0xf9cf88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4ac <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4b0 <- 0xf9d050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4b4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4b8 <- 0xf9d1f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4bc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4c0 <- 0xf9d298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4c4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4c8 <- 0xf9d95c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4cc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4d0 <- 0xf9d96c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4d4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4d8 <- 0xf9d974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4dc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4e0 <- 0xf9e3ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4e4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4e8 <- 0xf9e3f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4ec <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4f0 <- 0xf9e404
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4f4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4f8 <- 0xf9ea34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb4fc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb500 <- 0xf9ea3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb504 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb508 <- 0xf9ea48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb50c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb510 <- 0xf9ef34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb514 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb518 <- 0xf9ef3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb51c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb520 <- 0xf9ef4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb524 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb528 <- 0xfa0d38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb52c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb530 <- 0xfa0d40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb534 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb538 <- 0xfa0d50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb53c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb540 <- 0xfa0d58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb544 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb548 <- 0xfa0d7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb54c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb550 <- 0xfa0da0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb554 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb558 <- 0xfa0dc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb55c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb560 <- 0xfa0de8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb564 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb568 <- 0xfa0df0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb56c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb570 <- 0xfa0df8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb574 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb578 <- 0xfa0ecc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb57c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb580 <- 0xfa0f64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb584 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb588 <- 0xfa0fa4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb58c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb590 <- 0xfa0fc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb594 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb598 <- 0xfa1628
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb59c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5a0 <- 0xfa16ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5a4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5a8 <- 0xfa1710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5ac <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5b0 <- 0xfa1788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5b4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5b8 <- 0xfa17b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5bc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5c0 <- 0xfa1830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5c4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5c8 <- 0xfa1894
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5cc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5d0 <- 0xfa1918
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5d4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5d8 <- 0xfa1958
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5dc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5e0 <- 0xfa19f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5e4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5e8 <- 0xfa1a50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5ec <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5f0 <- 0xfa1a60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5f4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5f8 <- 0xfa1a68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb5fc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb600 <- 0xfa1a88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb604 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb608 <- 0xfa1c20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb60c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb610 <- 0xfa1d00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb614 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb618 <- 0xfa1d50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb61c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb620 <- 0xfa1e9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb624 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb628 <- 0xfa1eec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb62c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb630 <- 0xfa1f18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb634 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb638 <- 0xfa1f38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb63c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb640 <- 0xfa1f60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb644 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb648 <- 0xfa1f80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb64c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb650 <- 0xfa1fa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb654 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb658 <- 0xfa1fc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb65c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb660 <- 0xfa1fe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb664 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb668 <- 0xfa2000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb66c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb670 <- 0xfa2020
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb674 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb678 <- 0xfa2040
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb67c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb680 <- 0xfa2084
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb684 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb688 <- 0xfa20c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb68c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb690 <- 0xfa2118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb694 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb698 <- 0xfa2178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb69c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6a0 <- 0xfa21bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6a4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6a8 <- 0xfa2200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6ac <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6b0 <- 0xfa223c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6b4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6b8 <- 0xfa2278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6bc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6c0 <- 0xfa2298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6c4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6c8 <- 0xfa22c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6cc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6d0 <- 0xfa2308
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6d4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6d8 <- 0xfa2428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6dc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6e0 <- 0xfa2548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6e4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6e8 <- 0xfa2590
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6ec <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6f0 <- 0xfa25d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6f4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6f8 <- 0xfa2620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb6fc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb700 <- 0xfa2690
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb704 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb708 <- 0xfa26b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb70c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb710 <- 0xfa2700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb714 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb718 <- 0xfa2768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb71c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb720 <- 0xfa2854
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb724 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb728 <- 0xfa28a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb72c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb730 <- 0xfa2920
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb734 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb738 <- 0xfa2970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb73c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb740 <- 0xfa29b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb744 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb748 <- 0xfa2a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb74c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb750 <- 0xfa2a64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb754 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb758 <- 0xfa2b20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb75c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb760 <- 0xfa2b48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb764 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb768 <- 0xfa2b60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb76c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb770 <- 0xfa2b78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb774 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb778 <- 0xfa2b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb77c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb780 <- 0xfa2ba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb784 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb788 <- 0xfa2bc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb78c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb790 <- 0xfa2e28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb794 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb798 <- 0xfa2e30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb79c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7a0 <- 0xfa2e34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7a4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7a8 <- 0xfa2e44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7ac <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7b0 <- 0xfa2e4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7b4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7b8 <- 0xfa2ed0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7bc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7c0 <- 0xfa2f98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7c4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7c8 <- 0xfa2fe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7cc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7d0 <- 0xfa3054
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7d4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7d8 <- 0xfa3060
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7dc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7e0 <- 0xfa3094
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7e4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7e8 <- 0xfa314c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7ec <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7f0 <- 0xfa3158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7f4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7f8 <- 0xfa318c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb7fc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb800 <- 0xfa3194
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb804 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb808 <- 0xfa354c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb80c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb810 <- 0xfa36c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb814 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb818 <- 0xfa3dd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb81c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb820 <- 0xfa3e10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb824 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb828 <- 0xfa4448
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb82c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb830 <- 0xfa4510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb834 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb838 <- 0xfa4664
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb83c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb840 <- 0xfa46f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb844 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb848 <- 0xfa4f84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb84c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb850 <- 0xfa52c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb854 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb858 <- 0xfa5514
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb85c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb860 <- 0xfa55b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb864 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb868 <- 0xfa55c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb86c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb870 <- 0xfa591c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb874 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb878 <- 0xfa592c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb87c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb880 <- 0xfa599c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb884 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb888 <- 0xfa5a0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb88c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb890 <- 0xfa5a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb894 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb898 <- 0xfa5a2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb89c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8a0 <- 0xfa5a88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8a4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8a8 <- 0xfa5a98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8ac <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8b0 <- 0xfa5aa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8b4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8b8 <- 0xfa5ab8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8bc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8c0 <- 0xfa5ac8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8c4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8c8 <- 0xfa5ad8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8cc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8d0 <- 0xfa5aec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8d4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8d8 <- 0xfa5e48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8dc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8e0 <- 0xfa5fd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8e4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8e8 <- 0xfa624c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8ec <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8f0 <- 0xfa62b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8f4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8f8 <- 0xfa6534
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb8fc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb900 <- 0xfa667c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb904 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb908 <- 0xfa6c5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb90c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb910 <- 0xfa6f28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb914 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb918 <- 0xfa771c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb91c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb920 <- 0xfa77bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb924 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb928 <- 0xfa7e18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb92c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb930 <- 0xfa81c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb934 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb938 <- 0xfa8838
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb93c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb940 <- 0xfa89a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb944 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb948 <- 0xfa8b2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb94c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb950 <- 0xfa93e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb954 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb958 <- 0xfaa178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb95c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb960 <- 0xfab72c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb964 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb968 <- 0xfab890
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb96c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb970 <- 0xfab8d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb974 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb978 <- 0xfab9f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb97c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb980 <- 0xfabb64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb984 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb988 <- 0xfac220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb98c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb990 <- 0xfacd08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb994 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb998 <- 0xfacd38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb99c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9a0 <- 0xfacd68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9a4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9a8 <- 0xfacd84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9ac <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9b0 <- 0xfacdf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9b4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9b8 <- 0xfad148
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9bc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9c0 <- 0xfad220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9c4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9c8 <- 0xfad4c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9cc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9d0 <- 0xfad974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9d4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9d8 <- 0xfadd8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9dc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9e0 <- 0xfade4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9e4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9e8 <- 0xfae330
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9ec <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9f0 <- 0xfae38c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9f4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9f8 <- 0xfae4cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeb9fc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba00 <- 0xfae8a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba04 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba08 <- 0xfaeb00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba0c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba10 <- 0xfaeeb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba14 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba18 <- 0xfaf194
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba1c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba20 <- 0xfaf3d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba24 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba28 <- 0xfaf578
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba2c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba30 <- 0xfaf970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba34 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba38 <- 0xfafae4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba3c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba40 <- 0xfafc58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba44 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba48 <- 0xfafe48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba4c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba50 <- 0xfb012c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba54 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba58 <- 0xfb0424
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba5c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba60 <- 0xfb07a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba64 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba68 <- 0xfb0b10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba6c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba70 <- 0xfb0d8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba74 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba78 <- 0xfb1274
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba7c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba80 <- 0xfb14ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba84 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba88 <- 0xfb16c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba8c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba90 <- 0xfb1758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba94 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba98 <- 0xfb1a44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfeba9c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebaa0 <- 0xfb1c34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebaa4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebaa8 <- 0xfb205c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebaac <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebab0 <- 0xfb2aa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebab4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebab8 <- 0xfb2ad4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebabc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebac0 <- 0xfb2b00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebac4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebac8 <- 0xfb2b2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebacc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebad0 <- 0xfb2b50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebad4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebad8 <- 0xfb2b94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebadc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebae0 <- 0xfb2bb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebae4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebae8 <- 0xfb2be0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebaec <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebaf0 <- 0xfb2bec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebaf4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebaf8 <- 0xfb2c0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebafc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb00 <- 0xfb2c18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb04 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb08 <- 0xfb2c9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb0c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb10 <- 0xfb2d24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb14 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb18 <- 0xfb2f3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb1c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb20 <- 0xfb2fc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb24 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb28 <- 0xfb301c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb2c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb30 <- 0xfb3078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb34 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb38 <- 0xfb32ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb3c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb40 <- 0xfb345c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb44 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb48 <- 0xfb359c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb4c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb50 <- 0xfb3660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb54 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb58 <- 0xfb3748
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb5c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb60 <- 0xfb399c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb64 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb68 <- 0xfb3bb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb6c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb70 <- 0xfb3c98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb74 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb78 <- 0xfb3f00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb7c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb80 <- 0xfb43fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb84 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb88 <- 0xfb4440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb8c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb90 <- 0xfb4844
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb94 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb98 <- 0xfb4a08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebb9c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebba0 <- 0xfb4af8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebba4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebba8 <- 0xfb4e00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbac <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbb0 <- 0xfb4e10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbb4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbb8 <- 0xfb4e2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbbc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbc0 <- 0xfb4e50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbc4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbc8 <- 0xfb4e6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbcc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbd0 <- 0xfb4ea4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbd4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbd8 <- 0xfb4ecc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbdc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbe0 <- 0xfb4f44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbe4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbe8 <- 0xfb4f7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbec <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbf0 <- 0xfb4f8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbf4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbf8 <- 0xfb4f9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebbfc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc00 <- 0xfb4fac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc04 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc08 <- 0xfb5094
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc0c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc10 <- 0xfb50e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc14 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc18 <- 0xfb5180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc1c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc20 <- 0xfb54b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc24 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc28 <- 0xfb5610
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc2c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc30 <- 0xfb5620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc34 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc38 <- 0xfb5628
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc3c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc40 <- 0xfb574c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc44 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc48 <- 0xfb5878
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc4c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc50 <- 0xfb5880
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc54 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc58 <- 0xfb617c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc5c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc60 <- 0xfb61b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc64 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc68 <- 0xfb622c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc6c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc70 <- 0xfb6374
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc74 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc78 <- 0xfb6400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc7c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc80 <- 0xfb6468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc84 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc88 <- 0xfb65b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc8c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc90 <- 0xfb65c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc94 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc98 <- 0xfb6688
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebc9c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebca0 <- 0xfb66d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebca4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebca8 <- 0xfb6774
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcac <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcb0 <- 0xfb68f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcb4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcb8 <- 0xfb6938
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcbc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcc0 <- 0xfb6b50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcc4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcc8 <- 0xfb6d98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebccc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcd0 <- 0xfb6f1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcd4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcd8 <- 0xfb8350
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcdc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebce0 <- 0xfb8a08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebce4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebce8 <- 0xfb8dc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcec <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcf0 <- 0xfb8e90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcf4 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcf8 <- 0xfb9524
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebcfc <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd00 <- 0xfb9560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd04 <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd08 <- 0xfb95ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd0c <- 0xff3d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd10 <- 0xfbc9f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd14 <- 0xfbca08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd18 <- 0xfbca20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd1c <- 0xfb9d48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd20 <- 0xfbca50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd24 <- 0xfbe980
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd28 <- 0xf9db68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd2c <- 0xf9de58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd30 <- 0xfbca58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd34 <- 0xfeb3d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd38 <- 0xfeb3e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd3c <- 0xfeb4a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd40 <- 0xfeb4b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd44 <- 0xfeb4b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd48 <- 0xfbca60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd4c <- 0xf9e894
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd50 <- 0xfbca98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd54 <- 0xfbcaa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd58 <- 0xfa03f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd5c <- 0xfbcad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd60 <- 0xfbcb98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd64 <- 0xfbcba0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd68 <- 0xfbcba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd6c <- 0xfb9d78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd70 <- 0xfbcbe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd74 <- 0xfbcc10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd78 <- 0xfbcc38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd7c <- 0xfb9d80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd84 <- 0xfbcc60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd88 <- 0xfbcc78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd8c <- 0xfbcc90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd90 <- 0xfbcca8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd94 <- 0xfbccc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd98 <- 0xfbccf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebd9c <- 0xfbcd10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebda0 <- 0xfbcd28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebda4 <- 0xfbcd38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebda8 <- 0xfbcd50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdac <- 0xfb9d90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdb0 <- 0xfbcd68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdb4 <- 0xfa42f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdb8 <- 0xfbcd80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdbc <- 0xfbcda8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdc0 <- 0xfbcdc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdc4 <- 0xfbcdd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdc8 <- 0xfb9e58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdcc <- 0xfbcdf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdd0 <- 0xfbce40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdd4 <- 0xfbce50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdd8 <- 0xfbce78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebddc <- 0xfbce98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebde0 <- 0xfbceb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebde4 <- 0xfbcef0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebde8 <- 0xfeb5d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdec <- 0xfeb588
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdf0 <- 0xfbcf40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdf4 <- 0xfbcf48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdf8 <- 0xfbcf58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebdfc <- 0xfbcf68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe00 <- 0xfbcf80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe04 <- 0xfbcfc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe08 <- 0xfbd010
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe0c <- 0xfbd028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe10 <- 0xfbd060
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe14 <- 0xfbd078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe18 <- 0xfbd090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe1c <- 0xfbd0d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe20 <- 0xfbd110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe50 <- 0xfb9f28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe5c <- 0xfa9b40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe68 <- 0xfaa7c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe6c <- 0xfbd130
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe74 <- 0xfbd160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe78 <- 0xfbd198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe7c <- 0xfbd1c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe80 <- 0xfbd1d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe84 <- 0xfbd200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe88 <- 0xfbd228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe8c <- 0xfb9f48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe90 <- 0xfbd250
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe94 <- 0xfad260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe98 <- 0xfbd280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebe9c <- 0xfbd2a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebea0 <- 0xfeb080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebea4 <- 0xfbd2c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebea8 <- 0xfbd2e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebeac <- 0xfbd310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebeb0 <- 0xfbd338
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebeb4 <- 0xfbd378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebeb8 <- 0xfbd398
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebebc <- 0xfbd3b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebec0 <- 0xfbd3c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebec4 <- 0xfbd3e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebec8 <- 0xfbd3f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebecc <- 0xfbd410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebed0 <- 0xfbd430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebed4 <- 0xfba010
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebed8 <- 0xfbd450
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebedc <- 0xfbd468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebee0 <- 0xfbd488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebee4 <- 0xfbd4b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebee8 <- 0xfbd4c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebeec <- 0xfbd4e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebef0 <- 0xfbd510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebef4 <- 0xfbd540
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebef8 <- 0xfbd560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebefc <- 0xfbd588
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf00 <- 0xfbd5a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf04 <- 0xfbd5c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf08 <- 0xfbd5f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf0c <- 0xfbd628
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf10 <- 0xfbd648
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf14 <- 0xfbd670
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf18 <- 0xfbd6a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf1c <- 0xfbd6d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf20 <- 0xfbd6e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf24 <- 0xfbd700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf28 <- 0xfbd720
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf2c <- 0xfbd740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf30 <- 0xfbd758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf34 <- 0xfbd770
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf38 <- 0xfbd790
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf3c <- 0xfbd7a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf40 <- 0xfbd7d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf44 <- 0xfbd808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf48 <- 0xfbd828
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf4c <- 0xfbd848
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf50 <- 0xfbd860
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf54 <- 0xfbd878
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf58 <- 0xfbd898
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf5c <- 0xfbd8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf60 <- 0xfbd8d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf64 <- 0xfbd8e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf68 <- 0xfbd908
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf6c <- 0xfbd928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf70 <- 0xfbd940
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf74 <- 0xfbd960
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf78 <- 0xfbd978
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf7c <- 0xfbd998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf80 <- 0xfbd9b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf84 <- 0xfbd9d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf88 <- 0xfbd9f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf8c <- 0xfbda08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf90 <- 0xfbda28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf94 <- 0xfbda50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf98 <- 0xfbda70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebf9c <- 0xfbda88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfa0 <- 0xfbdaa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfa4 <- 0xfbdac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfa8 <- 0xfbdae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfac <- 0xfbdaf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfb0 <- 0xfbdb28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfb4 <- 0xfbdb48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfb8 <- 0xfbdb60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfbc <- 0xfbdb78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfc0 <- 0xfbdb98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfc4 <- 0xfbdbb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfc8 <- 0xfbdbd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfcc <- 0xfbdbf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfd0 <- 0xfbdc10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfd4 <- 0xfbdc28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfd8 <- 0xfbdc40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfdc <- 0xfbdc58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfe0 <- 0xfbdc88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfe4 <- 0xfbdcb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfe8 <- 0xfbdce0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebfec <- 0xfbdd00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebff0 <- 0xfbdd18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebff4 <- 0xfbdd30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebff8 <- 0xfbdd48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfebffc <- 0xfbdd68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec000 <- 0xfbdd80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec004 <- 0xfbddb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec008 <- 0xfbddf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec00c <- 0xfbde10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec010 <- 0xfbde28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec014 <- 0xfbde48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec018 <- 0xfbde60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec01c <- 0xfbde80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec020 <- 0xfbdea0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec024 <- 0xfbdeb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec028 <- 0xfbded8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec030 <- 0xfbdef0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec034 <- 0xfbdf10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec038 <- 0xfbdf28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec03c <- 0xfbdf40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec040 <- 0xfbdf58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec044 <- 0xfbdf78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec048 <- 0xfbdf98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec04c <- 0xfbdfb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec050 <- 0xfbdfc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec054 <- 0xfbdfe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec058 <- 0xfbe000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec05c <- 0xfbe028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec060 <- 0xfbe040
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec064 <- 0xfbe060
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec068 <- 0xfbe080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec06c <- 0xfbe098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec070 <- 0xfbe0b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec074 <- 0xfbe0d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec078 <- 0xfbe0f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec07c <- 0xfbe118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec080 <- 0xfbe148
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec084 <- 0xfbe160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec088 <- 0xfb1b48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec094 <- 0xfbe178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec098 <- 0xfbe198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec09c <- 0xfbe1b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec0a0 <- 0xfbe1c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec0a4 <- 0xfbe1f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec0a8 <- 0xfbe220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec0ac <- 0xfbe238
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec0b8 <- 0xfbe260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec0c0 <- 0xfbe278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec0c4 <- 0xfbe2a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec0c8 <- 0xfbe2e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec0cc <- 0xfbe310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec0d0 <- 0xfbe340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec0d8 <- 0xfbe360
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec0e8 <- 0xfbe370
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec100 <- 0xfbe390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec110 <- 0xfbe3c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec138 <- 0xfbe408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec13c <- 0xfbe428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec140 <- 0xfbe458
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec144 <- 0xfbe480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec148 <- 0xfbe4a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec14c <- 0xfbe4d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec150 <- 0xfbe4f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec154 <- 0xfbe520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec158 <- 0xfbe540
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec15c <- 0xfbe560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec160 <- 0xfbe598
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec164 <- 0xfbe5c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec168 <- 0xfbe5e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec16c <- 0xfbe620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec170 <- 0xfbe640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec174 <- 0xfbe660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec178 <- 0xfbe690
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec17c <- 0xfbe6c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec180 <- 0xfbe6e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec184 <- 0xfbe710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec188 <- 0xfbe738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec190 <- 0xfeb0a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec194 <- 0xfba020
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec198 <- 0xfb7060
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec19c <- 0xfbe760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1a0 <- 0xfbe778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1a4 <- 0xfbe798
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1a8 <- 0xfbc020
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1ac <- 0xfbe7b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1b0 <- 0xfbe7c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1b4 <- 0xfbe7e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1b8 <- 0xfbe810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1bc <- 0xfbe830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1c0 <- 0xfbe850
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1c4 <- 0xfbe870
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1c8 <- 0xfbe888
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1cc <- 0xfbe8a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1d0 <- 0xfbe8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1d4 <- 0xfbe8e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1d8 <- 0xfbc8c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1dc <- 0xfbe8f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1e0 <- 0xfbe918
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0xfec1e4 <- 0xfbe930
·E LDR: start func found in 'cellPngDec_Library' library (0xf9b000)
·E LDR: stop func found in 'cellPngDec_Library' library (0xf9b028)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsClose' (0xfb99ec)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsRead' (0xfb9a0c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsOpen' (0xfb9a2c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsLseek' (0xfb9a4c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncpy' (0xfb978c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memset' (0xfb972c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_snprintf' (0xfb96cc)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memcmp' (0xfb97ac)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strlen' (0xfb96ec)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memcpy' (0xfb974c)
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x3EF17F8C' (0xfb970c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strcpy' (0xfb976c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursAttributeSetNamePrefix' (0xfb97ec)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursTaskGetContextSaveAreaSize' (0xfb988c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_cellSpursTasksetAttributeInitialize' (0xfb982c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursQueueDetachLv2EventQueue' (0xfb97cc)
·! LDR: Imported function '_cellSpursQueueInitialize' (0xfb980c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursTasksetAttributeSetName' (0xfb984c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursTaskGetReadOnlyAreaPattern' (0xfb986c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursQueuePopBody' (0xfb98ac)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursQueuePushBody' (0xfb98cc)
·! LDR: Imported function '_cellSpursAttributeInitialize' (0xfb98ec)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute' (0xfb994c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursJoinTaskset' (0xfb990c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursShutdownTaskset' (0xfb992c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursCreateTask' (0xfb996c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursCreateTasksetWithAttribute' (0xfb998c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursFinalize' (0xfb99ac)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursQueueAttachLv2EventQueue' (0xfb99cc)
·W LDR: Loading LLE library 'cellSail_Library'
·W LDR: segment addr=0xfed000, initial addr = 0x0
·W LDR: cellSail_Library (rtoc=0x101bc40):
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000001 - 0x90089 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** : [0xBC9A0086] -> 0x25ce4
·W LDR: **** : [0xAB779874] -> 0x25cdc
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellSail
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x2c000001
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterGetFrame2] -> 0x26244
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterGetFrame] -> 0x2624c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerUnregisterSource] -> 0x26614
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailRendererAudioFinalize] -> 0x26004
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerCloseEsVideo] -> 0x26414
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerIsEsAudioMuted] -> 0x2669c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailDescriptorCreateDatabase] -> 0x263cc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailFutureReset] -> 0x25f1c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0x0CCD506A] -> 0x25e34
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailDescriptorSetEs] -> 0x25e74
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailAviMovieGetHeader] -> 0x25e54
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerSetSoundAdapter] -> 0x2635c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerOpenEsAudio] -> 0x26434
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailDescriptorClose] -> 0x264a4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerInitialize] -> 0x26634
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerGetRegisteredProtocols] -> 0x263c4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterPtsToTimePosition] -> 0x2621c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerFinalize] -> 0x26624
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerSetGraphicsAdapter] -> 0x26364
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0x197EE602] -> 0x25dd4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterInitialize] -> 0x26274
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailSoundAdapterSetPreferredFormat] -> 0x261bc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerInitialize2] -> 0x2663c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerNext] -> 0x263dc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0x2692816B] -> 0x25e14
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailDescriptorIsAutoSelection] -> 0x25d5c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailDescriptorDestroyDatabase] -> 0x26394
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterSetPreferredFormat] -> 0x26264
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0x320887CC] -> 0x25e2c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailRendererAudioNotifyOutputEos] -> 0x2607c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailMemAllocatorInitialize] -> 0x25ecc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerOpenStream] -> 0x26444
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerGetRepeatMode] -> 0x26674
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailAuReceiverGet] -> 0x262c4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailFutureGet] -> 0x25f04
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0x3BE9899B] -> 0x25dfc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailSoundAdapterInitialize] -> 0x261d4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailAuReceiverInitialize] -> 0x262dc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailAviMovieGetStreamByIndex] -> 0x25e44
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0x3E9B9F80] -> 0x2613c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterUpdateAvSync] -> 0x26224
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailRendererVideoFinalize] -> 0x260bc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerReplaceEventHandler] -> 0x26654
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerOpenEsVideo] -> 0x2642c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailSoundAdapterPtsToTimePosition] -> 0x261a4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0x4B5A94A5] -> 0x25dcc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailDescriptorGetUri] -> 0x25cf4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailFutureInitialize] -> 0x25efc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerReopenEsAudio] -> 0x26404
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailFutureIsDone] -> 0x25edc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0x5367B57E] -> 0x25de4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailSourceNotifyInputEos] -> 0x25fac
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailMp4MovieGetMovieInfo] -> 0x25d84
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailMp4TrackGetTrackReference] -> 0x25db4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailRendererVideoNotifyFrameDone] -> 0x26134
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerSetParameter] -> 0x2660c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0x5FAC53DD] -> 0x25e0c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailMp4MovieGetTrackByIndex] -> 0x25d8c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailRendererAudioInitialize] -> 0x260ac
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerUnsubscribeEvent] -> 0x2664c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailAviMovieGetMovieInfo] -> 0x25e3c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerSubscribeEvent] -> 0x26644
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailMp4TrackGetTrackReferenceCount] -> 0x25dac
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0x7224C0F1] -> 0x25dc4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerGetDescriptorCount] -> 0x26664
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerGetCurrentDescriptor] -> 0x2637c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterFinalize] -> 0x2626c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailSourceNotifyCallCompleted] -> 0x25fbc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailDescriptorSetAutoSelection] -> 0x25d54
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerReopenEsUser] -> 0x263f4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerAddDescriptor] -> 0x26474
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailSoundAdapterGetFrame] -> 0x261fc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailMp4MovieGetTrackById] -> 0x25d94
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerCloseStream] -> 0x2643c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0x86DE3AA7] -> 0x25ddc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailRendererVideoInitialize] -> 0x26164
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerSetEsAudioMuted] -> 0x26454
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailDescriptorInquireCapability] -> 0x25eac
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0x9279F3D9] -> 0x25dec
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerSetRendererAudio] -> 0x26344
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerCancel] -> 0x2638c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerGetParameter] -> 0x2639c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailRendererVideoNotifyCallCompleted] -> 0x26144
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailFutureFinalize] -> 0x25ed4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailSourceNotifyStreamOut] -> 0x25fb4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerRemoveDescriptor] -> 0x2646c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailSourceInitialize] -> 0x25ffc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailFutureSet] -> 0x25f24
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailMp4TrackGetTrackInfo] -> 0x25da4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0xA56F7CC5] -> 0x25e04
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerOpenEsUser] -> 0x26424
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerIsPaused] -> 0x2666c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailDescriptorGetCapabilities] -> 0x25eb4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerCloseEsUser] -> 0x2640c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailRendererAudioNotifyCallCompleted] -> 0x26094
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailMp4MovieGetBrand] -> 0x25d74
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailDescriptorGetMediaInfo] -> 0x25cfc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailSourceSetDiagHandler] -> 0x25f84
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerBoot] -> 0x2665c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerRegisterSource] -> 0x2661c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerCloseEsAudio] -> 0x2641c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0xC00A450C] -> 0x2608c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailDescriptorOpen] -> 0x264bc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailAviStreamGetMediaType] -> 0x25e5c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailMp4MovieGetTrackByTypeAndIndex] -> 0x25d9c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailAviStreamGetHeader] -> 0x25e64
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerDumpImage] -> 0x263bc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0xCF03D3BA] -> 0x25e1c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailSoundAdapterFinalize] -> 0x261cc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerSetPaused] -> 0x26464
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailMp4MovieIsCompatibleBrand] -> 0x25d7c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0xD5E100E7] -> 0x25dbc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailDescriptorGetStreamType] -> 0x25cec
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerCreateDescriptor] -> 0x2647c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0xD7D96074] -> 0x25e24
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerIsEsVideoMuted] -> 0x266a4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailAviMovieGetStreamByTypeAndIndex] -> 0x25e4c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailDescriptorClearEs] -> 0x25d6c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailRendererVideoNotifyOutputEos] -> 0x2612c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerStart] -> 0x263ec
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerStop] -> 0x263e4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [0xEC695E87] -> 0x25df4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerSetRendererVideo] -> 0x2634c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailAuReceiverFinalize] -> 0x262d4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailSourceFinalize] -> 0x25f34
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailDescriptorSetParameter] -> 0x25d04
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailSoundAdapterUpdateAvSync] -> 0x261ac
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerSetEsVideoMuted] -> 0x2644c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailSoundAdapterGetFormat] -> 0x261b4
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailSourceNotifySessionError] -> 0x25f94
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailSourceNotifyMediaStateChanged] -> 0x25f8c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerSetAuReceiver] -> 0x2636c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerReopenEsVideo] -> 0x263fc
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailRendererAudioNotifyFrameDone] -> 0x26084
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerSetRepeatMode] -> 0x2645c
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailPlayerDestroyDescriptor] -> 0x26384
·W LDR: **** cellSail: [cellSailGraphicsAdapterGetFormat] -> 0x2625c
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellMp4
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellMp4: [0x390BFF1F] -> 0x23fa4
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellSailAvi
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellSailAvi: [0x9B02DB99] -> 0x23fc4
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellPamf
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfStreamTypeToEsFilterId] -> 0x23fe4
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetStreamIndex] -> 0x24004
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfEpIteratorGetEp] -> 0x24024
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderSetStreamWithTypeAndIndex] -> 0x24044
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetEpIteratorWithTimeStamp] -> 0x24064
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfGetStreamOffsetAndSize] -> 0x24084
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderSetStreamWithIndex] -> 0x240a4
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetPresentationStartTime] -> 0x240c4
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfEpIteratorMove] -> 0x240e4
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetStreamInfo] -> 0x24104
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetStreamTypeAndChannel] -> 0x24124
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderInitialize] -> 0x24144
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetNumberOfEp] -> 0x24164
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetMuxRateBound] -> 0x24184
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetEpIteratorWithIndex] -> 0x241a4
·W LDR: **** cellPamf: [cellPamfReaderGetPresentationEndTime] -> 0x241c4
·W LDR: **** Imported: sys_fs
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsClose] -> 0x241e4
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsRead] -> 0x24204
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsOpen] -> 0x24224
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsLseek] -> 0x24244
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsFstat] -> 0x24264
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellSpurs
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAttributeSetNamePrefix] -> 0x24284
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursAttributeInitialize] -> 0x242a4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute] -> 0x242c4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursFinalize] -> 0x242e4
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellDmux
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellDmux: [cellDmuxQueryEsAttr] -> 0x24304
·W LDR: **** cellDmux: [cellDmuxSetStream] -> 0x24324
·W LDR: **** cellDmux: [cellDmuxDisableEs] -> 0x24344
·W LDR: **** cellDmux: [cellDmuxResetEs] -> 0x24364
·W LDR: **** cellDmux: [cellDmuxReleaseAu] -> 0x24384
·W LDR: **** cellDmux: [cellDmuxPeekAu] -> 0x243a4
·W LDR: **** cellDmux: [cellDmuxGetAu] -> 0x243c4
·W LDR: **** cellDmux: [cellDmuxResetStream] -> 0x243e4
·W LDR: **** cellDmux: [cellDmuxEnableEs] -> 0x24404
·W LDR: **** cellDmux: [cellDmuxClose] -> 0x24424
·W LDR: **** cellDmux: [cellDmuxQueryAttr] -> 0x24444
·W LDR: **** cellDmux: [cellDmuxOpenExt] -> 0x24464
·W LDR: **** cellDmux: [cellDmuxFlushEs] -> 0x24484
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellAdec
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellAdec: [cellAdecDecodeAu] -> 0x244a4
·W LDR: **** cellAdec: [cellAdecStartSeq] -> 0x244c4
·W LDR: **** cellAdec: [cellAdecQueryAttr] -> 0x244e4
·W LDR: **** cellAdec: [cellAdecClose] -> 0x24504
·W LDR: **** cellAdec: [cellAdecGetPcm] -> 0x24524
·W LDR: **** cellAdec: [cellAdecGetPcmItem] -> 0x24544
·W LDR: **** cellAdec: [cellAdecOpenExt] -> 0x24564
·W LDR: **** cellAdec: [cellAdecEndSeq] -> 0x24584
·W LDR: **** Imported: libvdec
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** libvdec: [cellVdecOpenEx] -> 0x245a4
·W LDR: **** libvdec: [cellVdecClose] -> 0x245c4
·W LDR: **** libvdec: [cellVdecGetPicItem] -> 0x245e4
·W LDR: **** libvdec: [cellVdecDecodeAu] -> 0x24604
·W LDR: **** libvdec: [cellVdecGetPicture] -> 0x24624
·W LDR: **** libvdec: [cellVdecEndSeq] -> 0x24644
·W LDR: **** libvdec: [cellVdecGetPictureExt] -> 0x24664
·W LDR: **** libvdec: [cellVdecStartSeq] -> 0x24684
·W LDR: **** libvdec: [cellVdecQueryAttrEx] -> 0x246a4
·W LDR: **** libvdec: [cellVdecSetFrameRate] -> 0x246c4
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellApostSrcMini
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellApostSrcMini: [0x24F4ECD3] -> 0x246e4
·W LDR: **** cellApostSrcMini: [0x752E10C4] -> 0x24704
·W LDR: **** cellApostSrcMini: [0x8A6D4227] -> 0x24724
·W LDR: **** cellApostSrcMini: [0x9AAA0039] -> 0x24744
·W LDR: **** cellApostSrcMini: [0xCF350A4C] -> 0x24764
·W LDR: **** Imported: sysPrxForUser
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncmp] -> 0x24784
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_lock] -> 0x247a4
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_unlock] -> 0x247c4
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_destroy] -> 0x247e4
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_ppu_thread_create] -> 0x24804
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_wait] -> 0x24824
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strlen] -> 0x24844
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_create] -> 0x24864
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_ppu_thread_get_id] -> 0x24884
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strcmp] -> 0x248a4
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memset] -> 0x248c4
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memcpy] -> 0x248e4
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strchr] -> 0x24904
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_printf] -> 0x24924
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_ppu_thread_exit] -> 0x24944
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_destroy] -> 0x24964
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncpy] -> 0x24984
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_create] -> 0x249a4
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_signal] -> 0x249c4
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellSysmodule
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellSysmodule: [cellSysmoduleUnloadModule] -> 0x249e4
·W LDR: **** cellSysmodule: [cellSysmoduleLoadModule] -> 0x24a04
·W LDR: **** cellSysmodule: [0xB498BF77] -> 0x24a24
·W LDR: **** cellSysmodule: [0xD9B8C0EE] -> 0x24a44
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellVpost
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellVpost: [cellVpostClose] -> 0x24a64
·W LDR: **** cellVpost: [cellVpostOpenEx] -> 0x24a84
·W LDR: **** cellVpost: [cellVpostQueryAttr] -> 0x24aa4
·W LDR: **** cellVpost: [cellVpostExec] -> 0x24ac4
·W LDR: segment addr=0x101d000, initial addr = 0x25730
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x1010faa <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1010fae <- 0x68
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x1010fca <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1010fce <- 0xac
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x1010fea <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1010fee <- 0x6c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101100a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101100e <- 0x70
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101102a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101102e <- 0x74
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101104a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101104e <- 0x78
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101106a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101106e <- 0x7c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101108a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101108e <- 0x80
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10110aa <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10110ae <- 0x84
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10110ca <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10110ce <- 0x88
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10110ea <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10110ee <- 0x8c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101110a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101110e <- 0x90
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101112a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101112e <- 0x94
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101114a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101114e <- 0x98
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101116a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101116e <- 0x9c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101118a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101118e <- 0xa0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10111aa <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10111ae <- 0xa4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10111ca <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10111ce <- 0xa8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10111ea <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10111ee <- 0x154
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101120a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101120e <- 0x158
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101122a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101122e <- 0x15c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101124a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101124e <- 0x160
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101126a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101126e <- 0x164
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101128a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101128e <- 0xb0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10112aa <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10112ae <- 0xb4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10112ca <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10112ce <- 0xb8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10112ea <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10112ee <- 0xbc
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101130a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101130e <- 0x34
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101132a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101132e <- 0x38
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101134a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101134e <- 0x3c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101136a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101136e <- 0x40
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101138a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101138e <- 0x44
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10113aa <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10113ae <- 0x48
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10113ca <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10113ce <- 0x4c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10113ea <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10113ee <- 0x50
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101140a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101140e <- 0x54
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101142a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101142e <- 0x58
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101144a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101144e <- 0x5c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101146a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101146e <- 0x60
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101148a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101148e <- 0x64
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10114aa <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10114ae <- 0x0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10114ca <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10114ce <- 0x4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10114ea <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10114ee <- 0x8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101150a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101150e <- 0xc
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101152a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101152e <- 0x10
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101154a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101154e <- 0x14
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101156a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101156e <- 0x18
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101158a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101158e <- 0x1c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10115aa <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10115ae <- 0xe0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10115ca <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10115ce <- 0xe4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10115ea <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10115ee <- 0xe8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101160a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101160e <- 0xec
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101162a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101162e <- 0xf0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101164a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101164e <- 0xf4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101166a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101166e <- 0xf8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101168a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101168e <- 0xfc
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10116aa <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10116ae <- 0x100
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10116ca <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10116ce <- 0x104
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10116ea <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10116ee <- 0x20
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101170a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101170e <- 0x24
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101172a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101172e <- 0x28
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101174a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101174e <- 0x2c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101176a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101176e <- 0x30
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101178a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101178e <- 0x108
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10117aa <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10117ae <- 0x10c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10117ca <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10117ce <- 0x110
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10117ea <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10117ee <- 0x114
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101180a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101180e <- 0x118
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101182a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101182e <- 0x11c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101184a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101184e <- 0x120
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101186a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101186e <- 0x124
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101188a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101188e <- 0x128
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10118aa <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10118ae <- 0x12c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10118ca <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10118ce <- 0x130
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10118ea <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10118ee <- 0x134
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101190a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101190e <- 0x138
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101192a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101192e <- 0x13c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101194a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101194e <- 0x140
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101196a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101196e <- 0x144
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x101198a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x101198e <- 0x148
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10119aa <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10119ae <- 0x14c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10119ca <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10119ce <- 0x150
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10119ea <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10119ee <- 0xc0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x1011a0a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1011a0e <- 0xc4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x1011a2a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1011a2e <- 0xc8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x1011a4a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1011a4e <- 0xcc
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x1011a6a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1011a6e <- 0xd0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x1011a8a <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1011a8e <- 0xd4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x1011aaa <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1011aae <- 0xd8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x1011aca <- 0x101
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1011ace <- 0xdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011b08 <- 0x1011e40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011b0c <- 0x1011e50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011b20 <- 0x1011e60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011b24 <- 0x1011e6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011b28 <- 0x1012110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011b44 <- 0x1011d80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011b70 <- 0x1011d8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011b9c <- 0x1011d9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011bc8 <- 0x1011dac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011bf4 <- 0x1011db8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011c20 <- 0x1011dc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011c4c <- 0x1011dd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011c78 <- 0x1011de8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011ca4 <- 0x1011df4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011cd0 <- 0x1011e0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011cfc <- 0x1011e20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011d28 <- 0x1011e34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011b48 <- 0x1012334
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011b4c <- 0x101d068
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011b74 <- 0x1012338
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011b78 <- 0x101d0ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011ba0 <- 0x101233c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011ba4 <- 0x101d06c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011bcc <- 0x101237c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011bd0 <- 0x101d154
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011bf8 <- 0x1012390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011bfc <- 0x101d0b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011c24 <- 0x10123a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011c28 <- 0x101d034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011c50 <- 0x10123d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011c54 <- 0x101d000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011c7c <- 0x10123f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011c80 <- 0x101d0e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011ca8 <- 0x101241c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011cac <- 0x101d020
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011cd4 <- 0x1012430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011cd8 <- 0x101d108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011d00 <- 0x101247c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011d04 <- 0x101d0c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011d2c <- 0x101248c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011d30 <- 0x101d0d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011d6c <- 0x1011af4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011d70 <- 0x1011b2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011d74 <- 0x1011b34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011d78 <- 0x1011d44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011d68 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011e50 <- 0x101d5b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011e54 <- 0x101d5ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011e58 <- 0x1011d48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1011e5c <- 0x101d168
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012110 <- 0x101db14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012114 <- 0x101db1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012118 <- 0x101dee4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101211c <- 0x101d8d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012120 <- 0x101dce4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012124 <- 0x101df6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012128 <- 0x101dc9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101212c <- 0x101d7ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012130 <- 0x101d704
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012134 <- 0x101d744
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012138 <- 0x101d724
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101213c <- 0x101dc2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012140 <- 0x101dd04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012144 <- 0x101dd74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012148 <- 0x101df04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101214c <- 0x101dc94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012150 <- 0x101daec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012154 <- 0x101def4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012158 <- 0x101dc34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101215c <- 0x101d6a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012160 <- 0x101db44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012164 <- 0x101da8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012168 <- 0x101df0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101216c <- 0x101dcac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012170 <- 0x101d6e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012174 <- 0x101d62c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012178 <- 0x101dc64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101217c <- 0x101db34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012180 <- 0x101d6fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012184 <- 0x101d94c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012188 <- 0x101d79c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101218c <- 0x101dd14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012190 <- 0x101df44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012194 <- 0x101db94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012198 <- 0x101d7d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101219c <- 0x101d6cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121a0 <- 0x101daa4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121a4 <- 0x101dbac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121a8 <- 0x101d714
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121ac <- 0x101da0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121b0 <- 0x101daf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121b4 <- 0x101d98c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121b8 <- 0x101df24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121bc <- 0x101dcfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121c0 <- 0x101da74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121c4 <- 0x101d69c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121c8 <- 0x101d5c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121cc <- 0x101d7cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121d0 <- 0x101dcd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121d4 <- 0x101d7ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121d8 <- 0x101d6b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121dc <- 0x101d87c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121e0 <- 0x101d654
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121e4 <- 0x101d684
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121e8 <- 0x101da04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121ec <- 0x101dedc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121f0 <- 0x101d6dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121f4 <- 0x101d65c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121f8 <- 0x101d97c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10121fc <- 0x101df1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012200 <- 0x101d70c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012204 <- 0x101df14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012208 <- 0x101d67c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101220c <- 0x101d694
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012210 <- 0x101df34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012214 <- 0x101dc4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012218 <- 0x101db3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101221c <- 0x101d88c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012220 <- 0x101d624
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012224 <- 0x101dcc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012228 <- 0x101dd44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101222c <- 0x101dacc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012230 <- 0x101d664
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012234 <- 0x101dd0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012238 <- 0x101d6ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101223c <- 0x101da34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012240 <- 0x101dd24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012244 <- 0x101d77c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012248 <- 0x101d6bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101224c <- 0x101dc14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012250 <- 0x101dc5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012254 <- 0x101dc6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012258 <- 0x101da14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101225c <- 0x101d7a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012260 <- 0x101d884
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012264 <- 0x101dd3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012268 <- 0x101d8cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101226c <- 0x101d7f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012270 <- 0x101d674
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012274 <- 0x101d6d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012278 <- 0x101dcf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101227c <- 0x101df3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012280 <- 0x101d784
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012284 <- 0x101dcdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012288 <- 0x101d964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101228c <- 0x101d644
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012290 <- 0x101d5cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012294 <- 0x101d854
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012298 <- 0x101df2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101229c <- 0x101deec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122a0 <- 0x101dcec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122a4 <- 0x101d95c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122a8 <- 0x101dd8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122ac <- 0x101d72c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122b0 <- 0x101d66c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122b4 <- 0x101d734
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122b8 <- 0x101dc8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122bc <- 0x101d6ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122c0 <- 0x101da9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122c4 <- 0x101dd34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122c8 <- 0x101d64c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122cc <- 0x101d68c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122d0 <- 0x101d5bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122d4 <- 0x101dd4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122d8 <- 0x101d6f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122dc <- 0x101df74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122e0 <- 0x101d71c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122e4 <- 0x101d63c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122e8 <- 0x101d9fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122ec <- 0x101dcbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122f0 <- 0x101dcb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122f4 <- 0x101d6c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122f8 <- 0x101dc1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10122fc <- 0x101dba4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012300 <- 0x101d804
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012304 <- 0x101d5d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012308 <- 0x101da7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101230c <- 0x101dd1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012310 <- 0x101da84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012314 <- 0x101d864
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012318 <- 0x101d85c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101231c <- 0x101dc3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012320 <- 0x101dccc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012324 <- 0x101d954
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012328 <- 0x101dd2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101232c <- 0x101dc54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1012330 <- 0x101db2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d000 <- 0x10114a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d004 <- 0x10114c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d008 <- 0x10114e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d00c <- 0x1011504
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d010 <- 0x1011524
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d014 <- 0x1011544
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d018 <- 0x1011564
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d01c <- 0x1011584
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d020 <- 0x10116e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d024 <- 0x1011704
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d028 <- 0x1011724
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d02c <- 0x1011744
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d030 <- 0x1011764
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d034 <- 0x1011304
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d038 <- 0x1011324
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d03c <- 0x1011344
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d040 <- 0x1011364
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d044 <- 0x1011384
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d048 <- 0x10113a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d04c <- 0x10113c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d050 <- 0x10113e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d054 <- 0x1011404
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d058 <- 0x1011424
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d05c <- 0x1011444
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d060 <- 0x1011464
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d064 <- 0x1011484
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d068 <- 0x1010fa4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d06c <- 0x1010fe4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d070 <- 0x1011004
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d074 <- 0x1011024
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d078 <- 0x1011044
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d07c <- 0x1011064
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d080 <- 0x1011084
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d084 <- 0x10110a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d088 <- 0x10110c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d08c <- 0x10110e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d090 <- 0x1011104
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d094 <- 0x1011124
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d098 <- 0x1011144
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d09c <- 0x1011164
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0a0 <- 0x1011184
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0a4 <- 0x10111a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0a8 <- 0x10111c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0ac <- 0x1010fc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0b0 <- 0x1011284
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0b4 <- 0x10112a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0b8 <- 0x10112c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0bc <- 0x10112e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0c0 <- 0x10119e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0c4 <- 0x1011a04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0c8 <- 0x1011a24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0cc <- 0x1011a44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0d0 <- 0x1011a64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0d4 <- 0x1011a84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0d8 <- 0x1011aa4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0dc <- 0x1011ac4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0e0 <- 0x10115a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0e4 <- 0x10115c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0e8 <- 0x10115e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0ec <- 0x1011604
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0f0 <- 0x1011624
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0f4 <- 0x1011644
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0f8 <- 0x1011664
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d0fc <- 0x1011684
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d100 <- 0x10116a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d104 <- 0x10116c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d108 <- 0x1011784
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d10c <- 0x10117a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d110 <- 0x10117c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d114 <- 0x10117e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d118 <- 0x1011804
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d11c <- 0x1011824
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d120 <- 0x1011844
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d124 <- 0x1011864
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d128 <- 0x1011884
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d12c <- 0x10118a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d130 <- 0x10118c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d134 <- 0x10118e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d138 <- 0x1011904
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d13c <- 0x1011924
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d140 <- 0x1011944
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d144 <- 0x1011964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d148 <- 0x1011984
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d14c <- 0x10119a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d150 <- 0x10119c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d154 <- 0x10111e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d158 <- 0x1011204
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d15c <- 0x1011224
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d160 <- 0x1011244
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d164 <- 0x1011264
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d16c <- 0x101da54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d170 <- 0x101da5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d174 <- 0x101dab4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d178 <- 0x101daac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d17c <- 0x101da94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d180 <- 0x101dabc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d184 <- 0x101da64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d188 <- 0x101da6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d18c <- 0x101dac4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d190 <- 0x101dad4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d194 <- 0x101dadc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d198 <- 0x101db54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d19c <- 0x101db4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1a0 <- 0x101db04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1a4 <- 0x101db24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1a8 <- 0x101dae4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1ac <- 0x101dafc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1b0 <- 0x101db5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1b4 <- 0x101db64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1b8 <- 0x101db6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1bc <- 0x101dbdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1c0 <- 0x101dbd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1c4 <- 0x101dbcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1c8 <- 0x101db9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1cc <- 0x101db74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1d0 <- 0x101dbc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1d4 <- 0x101dbbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1d8 <- 0xfffa70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1dc <- 0xfffa90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1e0 <- 0xfffafc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1e4 <- 0xfffb78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1e8 <- 0xfffbf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1ec <- 0xfffc90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1f0 <- 0xfffcf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1f4 <- 0xfffd1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1f8 <- 0xfffd2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d1fc <- 0xfffdb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d200 <- 0xfffdf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d204 <- 0xfffe88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d208 <- 0xfffef0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d20c <- 0xffff84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d210 <- 0x1000000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d214 <- 0x1000020
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d218 <- 0x1000064
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d21c <- 0x1000110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d220 <- 0x10001bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d224 <- 0x1000228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d228 <- 0x10002d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d22c <- 0x1000340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d230 <- 0x1000344
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d234 <- 0x1000374
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d238 <- 0x10003cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d23c <- 0x1000414
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d240 <- 0x1000418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d244 <- 0x10004cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d248 <- 0x1000714
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d24c <- 0x1000768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d250 <- 0x10006b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d254 <- 0x10006d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d258 <- 0x10006f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d25c <- 0x1000704
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d260 <- 0x1000520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d264 <- 0x1000530
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d268 <- 0x1000540
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d26c <- 0x1000550
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d270 <- 0x1000560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d274 <- 0x1000570
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d278 <- 0x1000678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d27c <- 0x1000788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d280 <- 0x100079c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d284 <- 0x10007a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d288 <- 0x10007a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d28c <- 0x10007a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d290 <- 0x10007d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d294 <- 0x10007fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d298 <- 0x1000810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d29c <- 0x1000820
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2a0 <- 0x1000834
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2a4 <- 0x1000844
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2a8 <- 0x1000858
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2ac <- 0x100086c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2b0 <- 0x1000880
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2b4 <- 0x1000894
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2b8 <- 0x10008a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2bc <- 0x10008bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2c0 <- 0x10008c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2c4 <- 0x10009b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2c8 <- 0x10009b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2cc <- 0x1000a20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2d0 <- 0x1000aec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2d4 <- 0x1000a34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2d8 <- 0x1000a88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2dc <- 0x1000b40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2e0 <- 0x1000ba0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2e4 <- 0x1000c08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2e8 <- 0x1000c80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2ec <- 0x1000d40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2f0 <- 0x1000ed8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2f4 <- 0x1000dd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2f8 <- 0x1000e58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d2fc <- 0x1000f60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d300 <- 0x1000fb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d304 <- 0x1001040
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d308 <- 0x1001044
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d30c <- 0x10012c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d310 <- 0x1001300
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d314 <- 0x100141c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d318 <- 0x100142c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d31c <- 0x1001150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d320 <- 0x1001160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d324 <- 0x1001170
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d328 <- 0x10011f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d32c <- 0x1001204
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d330 <- 0x1001214
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d334 <- 0x1001140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d338 <- 0x1001780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d33c <- 0x10016cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d340 <- 0x1001628
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d344 <- 0x1001790
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d348 <- 0x10016b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d34c <- 0x100143c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d350 <- 0x10014ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d354 <- 0x1001538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d358 <- 0x1001548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d35c <- 0x1001558
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d360 <- 0x1001568
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d364 <- 0x1001578
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d368 <- 0x10017a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d36c <- 0x10017b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d370 <- 0x10017c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d374 <- 0x1001864
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d378 <- 0x1002048
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d37c <- 0x1001874
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d380 <- 0x1001e1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d384 <- 0x1001e2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d388 <- 0x1001ebc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d38c <- 0x1001f44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d390 <- 0x1001f90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d394 <- 0x1001fc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d398 <- 0x1002038
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d39c <- 0x1001bc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3a0 <- 0x1001bd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3a4 <- 0x1001be0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3a8 <- 0x1001c90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3ac <- 0x1001d00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3b0 <- 0x1001ca0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3b4 <- 0x1001d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3b8 <- 0x1001d20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3bc <- 0x1001d30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3c0 <- 0x1001d90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3c4 <- 0x1001da0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3c8 <- 0x1001e00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3cc <- 0x1001a74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3d0 <- 0x1001af4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3d4 <- 0x1002fb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3d8 <- 0x1003070
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3dc <- 0x1002dac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3e0 <- 0x1003080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3e4 <- 0x1003050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3e8 <- 0x10022ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3ec <- 0x1003060
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3f0 <- 0x1002fc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3f4 <- 0x1002f08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3f8 <- 0x1002f18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d3fc <- 0x1002f28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d400 <- 0x1002058
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d404 <- 0x1002068
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d408 <- 0x10020f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d40c <- 0x100227c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d410 <- 0x1002e5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d414 <- 0x1002bf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d418 <- 0x10030f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d41c <- 0x100274c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d420 <- 0x1002750
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d424 <- 0x10028d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d428 <- 0x1002904
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d42c <- 0x1002944
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d430 <- 0x10029c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d434 <- 0x1002a68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d438 <- 0x1002a6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d43c <- 0x1001918
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d440 <- 0x10033d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d444 <- 0x1001948
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d448 <- 0x10019c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d44c <- 0x100323c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d450 <- 0x1003240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d454 <- 0x100332c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d458 <- 0x1003388
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d45c <- 0x1002c74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d460 <- 0x1002d58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d464 <- 0x10037c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d468 <- 0x1003810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d46c <- 0x100370c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d470 <- 0x1003768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d474 <- 0x10038fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d478 <- 0x1003998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d47c <- 0x10022ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d480 <- 0x1003670
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d484 <- 0x10035e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d488 <- 0x100362c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d48c <- 0x1003450
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d490 <- 0x10034b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d494 <- 0x1003518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d498 <- 0x100357c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d49c <- 0x1002e9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4a0 <- 0x1002ef8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4a4 <- 0x1003a04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4a8 <- 0x1003abc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4ac <- 0x10037b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4b0 <- 0x1003acc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4b4 <- 0x1003aac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4b8 <- 0x1001b40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4bc <- 0x1001ba0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4c0 <- 0x1001bb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4c4 <- 0x1002e0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4c8 <- 0x1003418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4cc <- 0x1003434
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4d0 <- 0x100273c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4d4 <- 0x10036ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4d8 <- 0x10036cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4dc <- 0x10036dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4e0 <- 0x100319c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4e4 <- 0x100322c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4e8 <- 0x10036fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4ec <- 0x1002340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4f0 <- 0x1002350
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4f4 <- 0x10023a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4f8 <- 0x10023e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d4fc <- 0x1002420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d500 <- 0x1002458
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d504 <- 0x10024b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d508 <- 0x1002504
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d50c <- 0x1002590
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d510 <- 0x10026f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d514 <- 0x1002564
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d518 <- 0x1002660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d51c <- 0x10025fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d520 <- 0x10025f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d524 <- 0x1003adc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d528 <- 0xfff99c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d530 <- 0x101e084
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d538 <- 0x101e07c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d53c <- 0x101e074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d540 <- 0x101e06c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d544 <- 0x101e064
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d548 <- 0x101e02c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d564 <- 0x101e0ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d568 <- 0x101e0e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d56c <- 0x101e0dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d570 <- 0x101e0d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d574 <- 0x101e0c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d578 <- 0x101e0bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d57c <- 0x101e034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d580 <- 0x101e0b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d584 <- 0x101e0ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d588 <- 0x101e0a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d58c <- 0x101e09c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d590 <- 0x101e03c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d594 <- 0x101e044
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d598 <- 0x101e04c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d59c <- 0x101dbfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5a0 <- 0x101dbf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5a4 <- 0x101dbe4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5a8 <- 0x101dbec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5ac <- 0xfed000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5b0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5b4 <- 0xfed008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5b8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5bc <- 0xfed144
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5c0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5c4 <- 0xfed150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5c8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5cc <- 0xfed158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5d0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5d4 <- 0xfed160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5d8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5dc <- 0xfed1d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5e0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5e4 <- 0xfed200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5e8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5ec <- 0xfed228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5f0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5f4 <- 0xfed320
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5f8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d5fc <- 0xfed3a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d600 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d604 <- 0xfed408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d608 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d60c <- 0xfed478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d610 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d614 <- 0xfed614
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d618 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d61c <- 0xfed690
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d620 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d624 <- 0xfed788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d628 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d62c <- 0xfed7b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d630 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d634 <- 0xfed7c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d638 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d63c <- 0xfed8b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d640 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d644 <- 0xfed8e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d648 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d64c <- 0xfed920
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d650 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d654 <- 0xfed960
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d658 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d65c <- 0xfed9a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d660 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d664 <- 0xfed9e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d668 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d66c <- 0xfeda20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d670 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d674 <- 0xfeda60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d678 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d67c <- 0xfedaa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d680 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d684 <- 0xfedae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d688 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d68c <- 0xfedb20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d690 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d694 <- 0xfedb28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d698 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d69c <- 0xfedb30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6a0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6a4 <- 0xfedb38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6a8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6ac <- 0xfedb40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6b0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6b4 <- 0xfedb48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6b8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6bc <- 0xfedb50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6c0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6c4 <- 0xfedb58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6c8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6cc <- 0xfedb60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6d0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6d4 <- 0xfedb68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6d8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6dc <- 0xfedb70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6e0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6e4 <- 0xfedb78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6e8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6ec <- 0xfedb80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6f0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6f4 <- 0xfedb88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6f8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d6fc <- 0xfedb90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d700 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d704 <- 0xfedb98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d708 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d70c <- 0xfedba0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d710 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d714 <- 0xfedbe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d718 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d71c <- 0xfedc20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d720 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d724 <- 0xfedc60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d728 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d72c <- 0xfedca0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d730 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d734 <- 0xfedce0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d738 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d73c <- 0xfedd20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d740 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d744 <- 0xfeec44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d748 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d74c <- 0xfeed40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d750 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d754 <- 0xfeedec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d758 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d75c <- 0xfef4a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d760 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d764 <- 0xfef7a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d768 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d76c <- 0xfefa9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d770 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d774 <- 0xfefcf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d778 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d77c <- 0xfefd84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d780 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d784 <- 0xff010c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d788 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d78c <- 0xff02ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d790 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d794 <- 0xff0318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d798 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d79c <- 0xff0384
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7a0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7a4 <- 0xff0410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7a8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7ac <- 0xff044c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7b0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7b4 <- 0xff04d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7b8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7bc <- 0xff0500
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7c0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7c4 <- 0xff0560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7c8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7cc <- 0xff05a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7d0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7d4 <- 0xff06e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7d8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7dc <- 0xff07bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7e0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7e4 <- 0xff08d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7e8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7ec <- 0xff0910
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7f0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7f4 <- 0xff09d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7f8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d7fc <- 0xff0a6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d800 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d804 <- 0xff0b7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d808 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d80c <- 0xff0b8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d810 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d814 <- 0xff0bcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d818 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d81c <- 0xff0c14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d820 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d824 <- 0xff0c70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d828 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d82c <- 0xff0cc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d830 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d834 <- 0xff0d0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d838 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d83c <- 0xff0d48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d840 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d844 <- 0xff0d68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d848 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d84c <- 0xff0d80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d850 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d854 <- 0xff0dc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d858 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d85c <- 0xff0dd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d860 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d864 <- 0xff0e58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d868 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d86c <- 0xff0ee8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d870 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d874 <- 0xff0f1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d878 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d87c <- 0xff0ff4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d880 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d884 <- 0xff1074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d888 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d88c <- 0xff1108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d890 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d894 <- 0xff11c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d898 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d89c <- 0xff12ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8a0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8a4 <- 0xff13d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8a8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8ac <- 0xff14fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8b0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8b4 <- 0xff15b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8b8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8bc <- 0xff1710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8c0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8c4 <- 0xff17bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8c8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8cc <- 0xff1878
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8d0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8d4 <- 0xff1908
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8d8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8dc <- 0xff1918
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8e0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8e4 <- 0xff1924
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8e8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8ec <- 0xff1994
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8f0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8f4 <- 0xff1a34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8f8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d8fc <- 0xff1ab4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d900 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d904 <- 0xff1b00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d908 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d90c <- 0xff1b40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d910 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d914 <- 0xff1bac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d918 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d91c <- 0xff1bc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d920 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d924 <- 0xff1c28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d928 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d92c <- 0xff1c98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d930 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d934 <- 0xff1c9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d938 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d93c <- 0xff1d48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d940 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d944 <- 0xff1db8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d948 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d94c <- 0xff1dd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d950 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d954 <- 0xff1e0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d958 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d95c <- 0xff1e40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d960 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d964 <- 0xff1e74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d968 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d96c <- 0xff1ea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d970 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d974 <- 0xff204c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d978 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d97c <- 0xff2090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d980 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d984 <- 0xff2134
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d988 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d98c <- 0xff2190
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d990 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d994 <- 0xff21a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d998 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d99c <- 0xff21ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9a0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9a4 <- 0xff221c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9a8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9ac <- 0xff22bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9b0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9b4 <- 0xff234c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9b8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9bc <- 0xff2398
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9c0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9c4 <- 0xff2420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9c8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9cc <- 0xff2460
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9d0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9d4 <- 0xff2478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9d8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9dc <- 0xff24dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9e0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9e4 <- 0xff254c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9e8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9ec <- 0xff2550
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9f0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9f4 <- 0xff25c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9f8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101d9fc <- 0xff25e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da00 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da04 <- 0xff2614
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da08 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da0c <- 0xff2648
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da10 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da14 <- 0xff267c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da18 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da1c <- 0xff26b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da20 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da24 <- 0xff2718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da28 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da2c <- 0xff28c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da30 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da34 <- 0xff290c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da38 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da3c <- 0xff29c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da40 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da44 <- 0xff2a80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da48 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da4c <- 0xff2ae4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da50 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da54 <- 0xff2b40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da58 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da5c <- 0xff2b9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da60 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da64 <- 0xff2bf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da68 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da6c <- 0xff2bf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da70 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da74 <- 0xff2c54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da78 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da7c <- 0xff2ca4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da80 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da84 <- 0xff2cdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da88 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da8c <- 0xff2d28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da90 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da94 <- 0xff2d74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da98 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101da9c <- 0xff2e54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101daa0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101daa4 <- 0xff2ef8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101daa8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101daac <- 0xff301c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dab0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dab4 <- 0xff30e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dab8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dabc <- 0xff32ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dac0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dac4 <- 0xff3480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dac8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dacc <- 0xff35bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dad0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dad4 <- 0xff3e10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dad8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dadc <- 0xff3e6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dae0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dae4 <- 0xff3ec0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dae8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101daec <- 0xff3ec4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101daf0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101daf4 <- 0xff3f14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101daf8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dafc <- 0xff3f4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db00 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db04 <- 0xff3fd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db08 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db0c <- 0xff4148
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db10 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db14 <- 0xff419c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db18 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db1c <- 0xff4be0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db20 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db24 <- 0xff4c10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db28 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db2c <- 0xff4dd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db30 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db34 <- 0xff4e10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db38 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db3c <- 0xff4e68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db40 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db44 <- 0xff4f0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db48 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db4c <- 0xff5030
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db50 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db54 <- 0xff519c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db58 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db5c <- 0xff5514
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db60 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db64 <- 0xff569c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db68 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db6c <- 0xff56f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db70 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db74 <- 0xff5744
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db78 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db7c <- 0xff578c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db80 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db84 <- 0xff57fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db88 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db8c <- 0xff5830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db90 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db94 <- 0xff588c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db98 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101db9c <- 0xff5e08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dba0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dba4 <- 0xff5f44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dba8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbac <- 0xff5fa4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbb0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbb4 <- 0xff60c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbb8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbbc <- 0xff61cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbc0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbc4 <- 0xff6200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbc8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbcc <- 0xff629c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbd0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbd4 <- 0xff6328
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbd8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbdc <- 0xff63a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbe0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbe4 <- 0xff644c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbe8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbec <- 0xff6490
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbf0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbf4 <- 0xff64d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbf8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dbfc <- 0xff65c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc00 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc04 <- 0xff66b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc08 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc0c <- 0xff67bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc10 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc14 <- 0xff67d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc18 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc1c <- 0xff6864
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc20 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc24 <- 0xff68e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc28 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc2c <- 0xff6964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc30 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc34 <- 0xff6968
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc38 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc3c <- 0xff696c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc40 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc44 <- 0xff6978
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc48 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc4c <- 0xff698c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc50 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc54 <- 0xff6994
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc58 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc5c <- 0xff69f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc60 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc64 <- 0xff6a2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc68 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc6c <- 0xff6a4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc70 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc74 <- 0xff6f20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc78 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc7c <- 0xff7244
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc80 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc84 <- 0xff7364
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc88 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc8c <- 0xff74ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc90 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc94 <- 0xff8260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc98 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dc9c <- 0xff8304
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dca0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dca4 <- 0xff845c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dca8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcac <- 0xff8518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcb0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcb4 <- 0xff8554
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcb8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcbc <- 0xff858c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcc0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcc4 <- 0xff85c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcc8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dccc <- 0xff862c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcd0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcd4 <- 0xff8690
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcd8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcdc <- 0xff86f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dce0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dce4 <- 0xff8730
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dce8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcec <- 0xff876c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcf0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcf4 <- 0xff87a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcf8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dcfc <- 0xff880c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd00 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd04 <- 0xff8870
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd08 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd0c <- 0xff88d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd10 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd14 <- 0xff890c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd18 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd1c <- 0xff8944
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd20 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd24 <- 0xff89f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd28 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd2c <- 0xff8ab4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd30 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd34 <- 0xff8af8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd38 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd3c <- 0xff8b34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd40 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd44 <- 0xff8b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd48 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd4c <- 0xff8bc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd50 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd54 <- 0xff8c38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd58 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd5c <- 0xff8c74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd60 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd64 <- 0xff8ce4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd68 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd6c <- 0xff8e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd70 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd74 <- 0xff90cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd78 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd7c <- 0xff90d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd80 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd84 <- 0xff9188
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd88 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd8c <- 0xff928c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd90 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd94 <- 0xff9700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd98 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dd9c <- 0xff97c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dda0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dda4 <- 0xff9964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dda8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddac <- 0xff9b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddb0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddb4 <- 0xff9dec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddb8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddbc <- 0xff9e80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddc0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddc4 <- 0xff9ef4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddc8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddcc <- 0xff9f50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddd0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddd4 <- 0xff9fac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddd8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dddc <- 0xffa26c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dde0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dde4 <- 0xffa428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dde8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddec <- 0xffa8bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddf0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddf4 <- 0xffaa54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddf8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ddfc <- 0xffaaec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de00 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de04 <- 0xffab30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de08 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de0c <- 0xffacfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de10 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de14 <- 0xffaf94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de18 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de1c <- 0xffb134
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de20 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de24 <- 0xffb20c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de28 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de2c <- 0xffb2e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de30 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de34 <- 0xffb398
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de38 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de3c <- 0xffb734
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de40 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de44 <- 0xffb7d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de48 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de4c <- 0xffb924
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de50 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de54 <- 0xffba70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de58 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de5c <- 0xffbb8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de60 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de64 <- 0xffbd50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de68 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de6c <- 0xffbeb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de70 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de74 <- 0xffc274
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de78 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de7c <- 0xffc520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de80 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de84 <- 0xffcee4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de88 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de8c <- 0xffcfc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de90 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de94 <- 0xffd000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de98 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101de9c <- 0xffd0cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dea0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dea4 <- 0xffd290
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dea8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101deac <- 0xffd700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101deb0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101deb4 <- 0xffdbe4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101deb8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101debc <- 0xffdc44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dec0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dec4 <- 0xffdd34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dec8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101decc <- 0xffe084
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ded0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ded4 <- 0xffe100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101ded8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dedc <- 0xffe1a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dee0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dee4 <- 0xffe738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dee8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101deec <- 0xffe830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101def0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101def4 <- 0xffe964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101def8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101defc <- 0xffeab8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df00 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df04 <- 0xfff00c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df08 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df0c <- 0xfff098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df10 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df14 <- 0xfff11c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df18 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df1c <- 0xfff1b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df20 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df24 <- 0xfff240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df28 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df2c <- 0xfff338
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df30 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df34 <- 0xfff4dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df38 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df3c <- 0xfff52c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df40 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df44 <- 0xfff584
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df48 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df4c <- 0xfff618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df50 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df54 <- 0xfff6c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df58 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df5c <- 0xfff7c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df60 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df64 <- 0x1006da8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df68 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df6c <- 0x100755c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df70 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df74 <- 0x10075fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df78 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df7c <- 0x100768c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df80 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df84 <- 0x10076cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df88 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df8c <- 0x10076e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df90 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df94 <- 0x1007748
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df98 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101df9c <- 0x10077ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfa0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfa4 <- 0x10077fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfa8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfac <- 0x100781c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfb0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfb4 <- 0x1007a08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfb8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfbc <- 0x1007bf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfc0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfc4 <- 0x1007e10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfc8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfcc <- 0x1008204
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfd0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfd4 <- 0x10086ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfd8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfdc <- 0x1008850
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfe0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfe4 <- 0x1008a20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfe8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dfec <- 0x1008aec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dff0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dff4 <- 0x1008bb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dff8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101dffc <- 0x1008c2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e000 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e004 <- 0x1008c9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e008 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e00c <- 0x1008d40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e010 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e014 <- 0x1008d70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e018 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e01c <- 0x1008ed4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e020 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e024 <- 0x1008fe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e028 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e02c <- 0x1009180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e030 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e034 <- 0x1009188
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e038 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e03c <- 0x100918c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e040 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e044 <- 0x10091ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e048 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e04c <- 0x10091bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e050 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e054 <- 0x10091ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e058 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e05c <- 0x100921c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e060 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e064 <- 0x10092f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e068 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e06c <- 0x100931c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e070 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e074 <- 0x1009344
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e078 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e07c <- 0x100936c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e080 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e084 <- 0x1009394
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e088 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e08c <- 0x10093bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e090 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e094 <- 0x1009438
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e098 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e09c <- 0x10094cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0a0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0a4 <- 0x1009604
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0a8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0ac <- 0x1009680
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0b0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0b4 <- 0x10096fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0b8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0bc <- 0x10097c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0c0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0c4 <- 0x10098f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0c8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0cc <- 0x1009a28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0d0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0d4 <- 0x1009a7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0d8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0dc <- 0x1009ba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0e0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0e4 <- 0x1009d8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0e8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0ec <- 0x1009e98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0f0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0f4 <- 0x100a090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0f8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e0fc <- 0x100ab98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e100 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e104 <- 0x100ac04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e108 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e10c <- 0x100ac30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e110 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e114 <- 0x100ac48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e118 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e11c <- 0x100ac80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e120 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e124 <- 0x100ad18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e128 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e12c <- 0x100ad4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e130 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e134 <- 0x100ad9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e138 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e13c <- 0x100af24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e140 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e144 <- 0x100b050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e148 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e14c <- 0x100b064
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e150 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e154 <- 0x100b190
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e158 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e15c <- 0x100b234
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e160 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e164 <- 0x100b328
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e168 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e16c <- 0x100b420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e170 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e174 <- 0x100b500
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e178 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e17c <- 0x100b638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e180 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e184 <- 0x100b800
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e188 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e18c <- 0x100b9b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e190 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e194 <- 0x100ba0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e198 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e19c <- 0x100bb00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1a0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1a4 <- 0x100bb4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1a8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1ac <- 0x100bbdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1b0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1b4 <- 0x100bc8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1b8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1bc <- 0x100bcbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1c0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1c4 <- 0x100bd34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1c8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1cc <- 0x100be28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1d0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1d4 <- 0x100bfd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1d8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1dc <- 0x100c05c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1e0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1e4 <- 0x100c124
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1e8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1ec <- 0x100c2a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1f0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1f4 <- 0x100c43c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1f8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e1fc <- 0x100c69c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e200 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e204 <- 0x100c7d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e208 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e20c <- 0x100c828
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e210 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e214 <- 0x100caa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e218 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e21c <- 0x100cb10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e220 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e224 <- 0x100cd8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e228 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e22c <- 0x100ce14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e230 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e234 <- 0x100ce74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e238 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e23c <- 0x100ce78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e240 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e244 <- 0x100cea4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e248 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e24c <- 0x100cedc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e250 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e254 <- 0x100cf1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e258 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e25c <- 0x100cf8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e260 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e264 <- 0x100cfb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e268 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e26c <- 0x100d098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e270 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e274 <- 0x100d114
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e278 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e27c <- 0x100d144
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e280 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e284 <- 0x100d180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e288 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e28c <- 0x100d1b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e290 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e294 <- 0x100d228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e298 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e29c <- 0x100d2b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2a0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2a4 <- 0x100d330
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2a8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2ac <- 0x100d410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2b0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2b4 <- 0x100d56c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2b8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2bc <- 0x100d618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2c0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2c4 <- 0x100d698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2c8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2cc <- 0x100d724
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2d0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2d4 <- 0x100df48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2d8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2dc <- 0x100e00c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2e0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2e4 <- 0x100e08c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2e8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2ec <- 0x100e1d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2f0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2f4 <- 0x100e2ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2f8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e2fc <- 0x100e870
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e300 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e304 <- 0x100e918
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e308 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e30c <- 0x100e91c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e310 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e314 <- 0x100e944
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e318 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e31c <- 0x100ea04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e320 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e324 <- 0x100ea14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e328 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e32c <- 0x100ea58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e330 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e334 <- 0x100ea5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e338 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e33c <- 0x100ea94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e340 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e344 <- 0x100eb54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e348 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e34c <- 0x100ebd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e350 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e354 <- 0x100ed20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e358 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e35c <- 0x100edc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e360 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e364 <- 0x100edf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e368 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e36c <- 0x100ee2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e370 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e374 <- 0x100ef3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e378 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e37c <- 0x100ef78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e380 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e384 <- 0x100efa4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e388 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e38c <- 0x100eff0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e390 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e394 <- 0x100f120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e398 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e39c <- 0x100f1b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3a0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3a4 <- 0x100f240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3a8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3ac <- 0x100f2b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3b0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3b4 <- 0x100f3d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3b8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3bc <- 0x100f404
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3c0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3c4 <- 0x100f4d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3c8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3cc <- 0x100f580
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3d0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3d4 <- 0x100f660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3d8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3dc <- 0x100f758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3e0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3e4 <- 0x100fd8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3e8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3ec <- 0x100fe0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3f0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3f4 <- 0x100ff54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3f8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e3fc <- 0x1010788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e400 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e404 <- 0x1010798
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e408 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e40c <- 0x10107d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e410 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e414 <- 0x1010818
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e418 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e41c <- 0x101081c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e420 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e424 <- 0x1010894
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e428 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e42c <- 0x101092c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e430 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e434 <- 0x1010978
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e438 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e43c <- 0x10109c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e440 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e444 <- 0x1010a14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e448 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e44c <- 0x1010a80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e450 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e454 <- 0x1010abc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e458 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e45c <- 0x1010ac8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e460 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e464 <- 0x1010ad4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e468 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e46c <- 0x1010ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e470 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e474 <- 0x1010ae8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e478 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e47c <- 0x1010af0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e480 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e484 <- 0x1010b24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e488 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e48c <- 0x1010b58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e490 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e494 <- 0x1010b8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e498 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e49c <- 0x1010bc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4a0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4a4 <- 0x1010bf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4a8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4ac <- 0x1010c28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4b0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4b4 <- 0x1010c5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4b8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4bc <- 0x1010c94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4c0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4c4 <- 0x1010d30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4c8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4cc <- 0x1010d9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4d0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4d4 <- 0x1010dd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4d8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4dc <- 0x1010e40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4e0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4e4 <- 0x1010e84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4e8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4ec <- 0x1010ed0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4f0 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4f4 <- 0x1010efc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4f8 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e4fc <- 0x1010f38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e500 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e504 <- 0x1010f64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e508 <- 0x1026510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e510 <- 0x101e6c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e514 <- 0x101e6c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e518 <- 0x101e6c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e51c <- 0x101e6cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e520 <- 0x101e6d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e524 <- 0x101e7d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e528 <- 0xfee838
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e52c <- 0x10124a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e530 <- 0xfeea48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e544 <- 0x101e6c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e548 <- 0x101e6c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e54c <- 0x1012620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e550 <- 0xff1408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e554 <- 0xff15f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e558 <- 0xff1ef0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e55c <- 0xff2760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e560 <- 0x1012628
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e564 <- 0x101d16c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e568 <- 0x1012630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e56c <- 0x101d190
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e570 <- 0x10124b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e574 <- 0x1012638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e578 <- 0x101d1b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e57c <- 0xff6ab8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e580 <- 0xff6e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e584 <- 0xff6d3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e588 <- 0x10124c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e58c <- 0x1012640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e590 <- 0x101e6c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e594 <- 0x101e6d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e598 <- 0x101e7d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e59c <- 0x101e6c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5a0 <- 0x101e6c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5a4 <- 0x101d59c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5a8 <- 0x1012658
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5b4 <- 0x1012668
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5b8 <- 0xffe230
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5bc <- 0xffe45c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5c0 <- 0xffe378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5c4 <- 0x1012678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5c8 <- 0x1012680
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5cc <- 0xffefbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5d0 <- 0x1012688
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5d4 <- 0x101e6cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5d8 <- 0x101df64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5dc <- 0x1012698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5e0 <- 0x101d1d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5e4 <- 0x1000580
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5e8 <- 0x1001180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5ec <- 0x1001224
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5f0 <- 0x10016dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5f4 <- 0x1001638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5f8 <- 0x1001588
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e5fc <- 0x10017d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e600 <- 0x1001884
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e604 <- 0x1001e3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e608 <- 0x1001bf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e60c <- 0x1001cb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e610 <- 0x1001d40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e614 <- 0x1001db0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e618 <- 0x1003090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e61c <- 0x1002fd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e620 <- 0x1002f38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e624 <- 0x1002078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e628 <- 0x1003a14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e62c <- 0x1001b50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e630 <- 0x1002dbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e634 <- 0x10031ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e638 <- 0x10022fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e63c <- 0x1002360
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e648 <- 0x10126b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e64c <- 0x101d52c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e650 <- 0x101d564
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e654 <- 0x10126b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e658 <- 0x101e0f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e65c <- 0x10126c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e660 <- 0x101e6d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e664 <- 0x101e7d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e668 <- 0x101e11c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e66c <- 0x101e1bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e670 <- 0x100d880
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e674 <- 0x100d9a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e67c <- 0x101e2d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e680 <- 0x10126d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e684 <- 0x10126e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e688 <- 0x101e2f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e68c <- 0x10126e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e690 <- 0x100e414
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e694 <- 0x1012508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e698 <- 0x101e394
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e69c <- 0x100f8c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e6a0 <- 0x1012700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e6a4 <- 0x1012708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e6a8 <- 0x101e3f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e6ac <- 0x1012710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x101e6b0 <- 0x1010220
·E LDR: start func found in 'cellSail_Library' library (0xfed008)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAdecEndSeq' (0x1011584)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAdecDecodeAu' (0x10114a4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAdecOpenExt' (0x1011564)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAdecStartSeq' (0x10114c4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAdecQueryAttr' (0x10114e4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAdecClose' (0x1011504)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAdecGetPcm' (0x1011524)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAdecGetPcmItem' (0x1011544)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsClose' (0x10111e4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsRead' (0x1011204)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsOpen' (0x1011224)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsLseek' (0x1011244)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsFstat' (0x1011264)
·E LDR: Unknown module 'cellMp4' in 'cellSail_Library' library
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x390BFF1F' (0x1010fa4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursAttributeSetNamePrefix' (0x1011284)
·! LDR: Imported function '_cellSpursAttributeInitialize' (0x10112a4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute' (0x10112c4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursFinalize' (0x10112e4)
·E LDR: Unknown module 'cellSailAvi' in 'cellSail_Library' library
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x9B02DB99' (0x1010fc4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfStreamTypeToEsFilterId' (0x1010fe4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfGetStreamOffsetAndSize' (0x1011084)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfEpIteratorGetEp' (0x1011024)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfReaderGetStreamIndex' (0x1011004)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfEpIteratorMove' (0x10110e4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfReaderGetEpIteratorWithTimeStamp' (0x1011064)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfReaderSetStreamWithTypeAndIndex' (0x1011044)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfReaderSetStreamWithIndex' (0x10110a4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfReaderGetPresentationStartTime' (0x10110c4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfReaderGetStreamInfo' (0x1011104)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfReaderGetStreamTypeAndChannel' (0x1011124)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfReaderInitialize' (0x1011144)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfReaderGetNumberOfEp' (0x1011164)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfReaderGetMuxRateBound' (0x1011184)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfReaderGetEpIteratorWithIndex' (0x10111a4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPamfReaderGetPresentationEndTime' (0x10111c4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellDmuxQueryEsAttr' (0x1011304)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellDmuxSetStream' (0x1011324)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellDmuxDisableEs' (0x1011344)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellDmuxResetEs' (0x1011364)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellDmuxReleaseAu' (0x1011384)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellDmuxGetAu' (0x10113c4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellDmuxPeekAu' (0x10113a4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellDmuxResetStream' (0x10113e4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellDmuxEnableEs' (0x1011404)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellDmuxClose' (0x1011424)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellDmuxQueryAttr' (0x1011444)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellDmuxOpenExt' (0x1011464)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellDmuxFlushEs' (0x1011484)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVdecOpenEx' (0x10115a4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVdecStartSeq' (0x1011684)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVdecGetPictureExt' (0x1011664)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVdecClose' (0x10115c4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVdecGetPicItem' (0x10115e4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVdecGetPicture' (0x1011624)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVdecDecodeAu' (0x1011604)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVdecEndSeq' (0x1011644)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVdecQueryAttrEx' (0x10116a4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVdecSetFrameRate' (0x10116c4)
·E LDR: Unknown module 'cellApostSrcMini' in 'cellSail_Library' library
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x24F4ECD3' (0x10116e4)
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x9AAA0039' (0x1011744)
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x752E10C4' (0x1011704)
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x8A6D4227' (0x1011724)
·E LDR: Unknown function '0xCF350A4C' (0x1011764)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_create' (0x1011864)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_create' (0x10119a4)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncmp' (0x1011784)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_unlock' (0x10117c4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_lock' (0x10117a4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_destroy' (0x10117e4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_create' (0x1011804)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strlen' (0x1011844)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_signal' (0x10119c4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_wait' (0x1011824)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_get_id' (0x1011884)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strcmp' (0x10118a4)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memset' (0x10118c4)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memcpy' (0x10118e4)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strchr' (0x1011904)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_printf' (0x1011924)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_exit' (0x1011944)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_destroy' (0x1011964)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncpy' (0x1011984)
·E LDR: Unknown function '0xB498BF77' (0x1011a24)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSysmoduleUnloadModule' (0x10119e4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSysmoduleLoadModule' (0x1011a04)
·E LDR: Unknown function '0xD9B8C0EE' (0x1011a44)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVpostClose' (0x1011a64)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVpostOpenEx' (0x1011a84)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVpostQueryAttr' (0x1011aa4)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVpostExec' (0x1011ac4)
·W LDR: Loading LLE library 'cellSpursJq_Library'
·W LDR: segment addr=0x101f000, initial addr = 0x0
·W LDR: cellSpursJq_Library (rtoc=0x1036d40):
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000002 - 0x9003e - 0x0
·W LDR: **** : [0xBC9A0086] -> 0xfa84
·W LDR: **** : [0xAB779874] -> 0xfa8c
·W LDR: **** : [0x3AB9A95E] -> 0xfa8c
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellSpursJq
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x2c000001
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueGetSpurs] -> 0xfb5c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetDoBusyWaiting] -> 0xfaac
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueueAllocateJobDescriptorBody] -> 0xfb44
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetSubmitWithEntryLock] -> 0xfaa4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueSetWaitingMode] -> 0xfad4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueGetSuspendedJobSize] -> 0xfb84
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetMaxSizeJobDescriptor] -> 0xfac4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortCopyPushJobBody] -> 0xfc4c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortPushJobListBody] -> 0xfbec
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushAndReleaseJobBody] -> 0xfb24
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePortFinalize] -> 0xfc3c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueClose] -> 0xfb8c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueGetError] -> 0xfb6c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushJob2Body] -> 0xfb1c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePortInitialize] -> 0xfc2c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePort2GetJobQueue] -> 0xfc64
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeInitialize] -> 0xfa94
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortCopyPushBody] -> 0xfc5c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortPushBody] -> 0xfc0c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueGetMaxSizeJobDescriptor] -> 0xfb74
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetMaxGrab] -> 0xfa9c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePortSync] -> 0xfc24
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueSemaphoreInitialize] -> 0xfbc4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueSemaphoreAcquire] -> 0xfbbc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushSync] -> 0xfb4c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetIsJobTypeMemoryCheck] -> 0xfabc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePortTrySync] -> 0xfc1c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueGetHandleCount] -> 0xfb64
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortPushJobBody] -> 0xfbfc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursShutdownJobQueue] -> 0xfadc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJoinJobQueue] -> 0xfaf4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePortGetJobQueue] -> 0xfbd4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortPushJobBody2] -> 0xfc04
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueSendSignal] -> 0xfbcc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueUnsetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0xfccc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePort2AllocateJobDescriptor] -> 0xfc9c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortPushSync] -> 0xfbdc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueSemaphoreTryAcquire] -> 0xfbb4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushJobBody2] -> 0xfb14
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursCreateJobQueueWithJobDescriptorPool] -> 0xfae4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushBody] -> 0xfb34
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueSetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0xfcc4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushJobListBody] -> 0xfb0c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePort2PushJobListBody] -> 0xfc7c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortPushFlush] -> 0xfbe4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePort2PushFlush] -> 0xfc74
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursGetJobQueueId] -> 0xfb7c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePort2CopyPushJobBody] -> 0xfcb4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushJobBody] -> 0xfb2c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePort2Destroy] -> 0xfc94
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePort2PushJobBody] -> 0xfcbc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePushFlush] -> 0xfb54
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePort2PushAndReleaseJobBody] -> 0xfcac
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetGrabParameters] -> 0xfacc
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursJobQueuePortCopyPushJobBody2] -> 0xfc54
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePort2Create] -> 0xfc8c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [_cellSpursCreateJobQueue] -> 0xfaec
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePortInitializeWithDescriptorBuffer] -> 0xfc34
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePort2Sync] -> 0xfc84
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueuePort2PushSync] -> 0xfc6c
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueAttributeSetIsHaltOnError] -> 0xfab4
·W LDR: **** cellSpursJq: [cellSpursJobQueueOpen] -> 0xfb94
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellSpurs
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSendWorkloadSignal] -> 0x65b8
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursWorkloadAttributeSetName] -> 0x65d8
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursRemoveWorkload] -> 0x65f8
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursWaitForWorkloadShutdown] -> 0x6618
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursWakeUp] -> 0x6638
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursShutdownWorkload] -> 0x6658
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAddWorkloadWithAttribute] -> 0x6678
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x6698
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursWorkloadAttributeInitialize] -> 0x66b8
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellFiber
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuSelf] -> 0x66d8
·W LDR: **** cellFiber: [cellFiberPpuWaitSignal] -> 0x66f8
·W LDR: **** Imported: sysPrxForUser
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncmp] -> 0x6718
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_snprintf] -> 0x6738
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_destroy] -> 0x6758
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_create] -> 0x6778
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memset] -> 0x6798
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_printf] -> 0x67b8
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [0x9FB6228E] -> 0x67d8
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_destroy] -> 0x67f8
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_create] -> 0x6818
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_process_get_paramsfo] -> 0x6838
·W LDR: segment addr=0x102f000, initial addr = 0xeb80
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10255be <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10255c2 <- 0x8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10255de <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10255e2 <- 0xc
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10255fe <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1025602 <- 0x10
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x102561e <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1025622 <- 0x14
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x102563e <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1025642 <- 0x18
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x102565e <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1025662 <- 0x1c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x102567e <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1025682 <- 0x20
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x102569e <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10256a2 <- 0x24
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10256be <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10256c2 <- 0x28
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10256de <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10256e2 <- 0x0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10256fe <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1025702 <- 0x4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x102571e <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1025722 <- 0x2c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x102573e <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1025742 <- 0x30
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x102575e <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1025762 <- 0x34
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x102577e <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1025782 <- 0x38
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x102579e <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10257a2 <- 0x3c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10257be <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10257c2 <- 0x40
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10257de <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10257e2 <- 0x44
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10257fe <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1025802 <- 0x48
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x102581e <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1025822 <- 0x4c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x102583e <- 0x102
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x1025842 <- 0x50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025878 <- 0x1025994
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102587c <- 0x10259a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025890 <- 0x10259bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025894 <- 0x10259c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025898 <- 0x1025ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10258b4 <- 0x1025964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10258e0 <- 0x1025974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102590c <- 0x1025984
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10258b8 <- 0x1025bd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10258bc <- 0x102f008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10258e4 <- 0x1025bfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10258e8 <- 0x102f000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025910 <- 0x1025c04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025914 <- 0x102f02c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025950 <- 0x1025864
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025954 <- 0x102589c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025958 <- 0x10258a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102595c <- 0x1025928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102594c <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10259a8 <- 0x102ff04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10259ac <- 0x102ff0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10259b0 <- 0x102ff0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10259b4 <- 0x102592c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10259b8 <- 0x102f058
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025ae0 <- 0x102ffdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025ae4 <- 0x102ff2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025ae8 <- 0x102ffc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025aec <- 0x102ff24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025af0 <- 0x102ff54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025af4 <- 0x1030004
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025af8 <- 0x102ff44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025afc <- 0x10300cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b00 <- 0x103006c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b04 <- 0x102ffa4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b08 <- 0x10300bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b0c <- 0x103000c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b10 <- 0x102ffec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b14 <- 0x102ff9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b18 <- 0x10300ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b1c <- 0x10300e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b20 <- 0x102ff14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b24 <- 0x10300dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b28 <- 0x103008c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b2c <- 0x102fff4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b30 <- 0x102ff1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b34 <- 0x10300a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b38 <- 0x1030044
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b3c <- 0x103003c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b40 <- 0x102ffcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b44 <- 0x102ff3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b48 <- 0x103009c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b4c <- 0x102ffe4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b50 <- 0x103007c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b54 <- 0x102ff5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b58 <- 0x102ff74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b5c <- 0x1030054
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b60 <- 0x1030084
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b64 <- 0x103004c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b68 <- 0x103014c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b6c <- 0x103011c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b70 <- 0x103005c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b74 <- 0x1030034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b78 <- 0x102ff94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b7c <- 0x102ff64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b80 <- 0x102ffb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b84 <- 0x1030144
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b88 <- 0x102ff8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b8c <- 0x10300fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b90 <- 0x1030064
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b94 <- 0x10300f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b98 <- 0x102fffc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025b9c <- 0x1030134
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025ba0 <- 0x102ffac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025ba4 <- 0x1030114
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025ba8 <- 0x103013c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025bac <- 0x102ffd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025bb0 <- 0x103012c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025bb4 <- 0x102ff4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025bb8 <- 0x10300d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025bbc <- 0x103010c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025bc0 <- 0x102ff6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025bc4 <- 0x10300b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025bc8 <- 0x1030104
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025bcc <- 0x10300ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025bd0 <- 0x102ff34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1025bd4 <- 0x1030014
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f000 <- 0x10256d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f004 <- 0x10256f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f008 <- 0x10255b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f00c <- 0x10255d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f010 <- 0x10255f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f014 <- 0x1025618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f018 <- 0x1025638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f01c <- 0x1025658
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f020 <- 0x1025678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f024 <- 0x1025698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f028 <- 0x10256b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f02c <- 0x1025718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f030 <- 0x1025738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f034 <- 0x1025758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f038 <- 0x1025778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f03c <- 0x1025798
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f040 <- 0x10257b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f044 <- 0x10257d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f048 <- 0x10257f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f04c <- 0x1025818
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102f050 <- 0x1025838
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102fef0 <- 0x1025fc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102fef4 <- 0x1025fd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102fef8 <- 0x1025fe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102fefc <- 0x1025ff8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff00 <- 0x1026008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff04 <- 0x101f000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff08 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff0c <- 0x101f008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff10 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff14 <- 0x101f010
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff18 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff1c <- 0x101f058
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff20 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff24 <- 0x101f098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff28 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff2c <- 0x101f0bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff30 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff34 <- 0x101f0e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff38 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff3c <- 0x101f104
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff40 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff44 <- 0x101f128
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff48 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff4c <- 0x101f178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff50 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff54 <- 0x101f1c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff58 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff5c <- 0x101f2f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff60 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff64 <- 0x101f3cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff68 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff6c <- 0x101fca8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff70 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff74 <- 0x101fcf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff78 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff7c <- 0x101fe44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff80 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff84 <- 0x1020138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff88 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff8c <- 0x1020b30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff90 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff94 <- 0x1020bfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff98 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ff9c <- 0x1020cdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffa0 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffa4 <- 0x1020dd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffa8 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffac <- 0x1020ed4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffb0 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffb4 <- 0x1020f9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffb8 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffbc <- 0x102104c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffc0 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffc4 <- 0x1021444
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffc8 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffcc <- 0x10214a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffd0 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffd4 <- 0x1021538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffd8 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffdc <- 0x10215a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffe0 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffe4 <- 0x10215d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffe8 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102ffec <- 0x1021610
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102fff0 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102fff4 <- 0x1021678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102fff8 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x102fffc <- 0x10216b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030000 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030004 <- 0x1021710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030008 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103000c <- 0x1021d50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030010 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030014 <- 0x1021e30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030018 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103001c <- 0x1021f44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030020 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030024 <- 0x1021f4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030028 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103002c <- 0x1021fec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030030 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030034 <- 0x1022368
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030038 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103003c <- 0x1022370
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030040 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030044 <- 0x1022378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030048 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103004c <- 0x10223d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030050 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030054 <- 0x1022544
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030058 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103005c <- 0x102254c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030060 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030064 <- 0x10225b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030068 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103006c <- 0x102261c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030070 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030074 <- 0x102280c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030078 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103007c <- 0x1022a18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030080 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030084 <- 0x1022a24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030088 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103008c <- 0x1022a28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030090 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030094 <- 0x1022a3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030098 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103009c <- 0x1022bb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300a0 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300a4 <- 0x1022bc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300a8 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300ac <- 0x1022bc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300b0 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300b4 <- 0x1022cfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300b8 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300bc <- 0x1022dc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300c0 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300c4 <- 0x1022ee8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300c8 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300cc <- 0x10231ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300d0 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300d4 <- 0x10231f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300d8 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300dc <- 0x10231fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300e0 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300e4 <- 0x1023210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300e8 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300ec <- 0x1023218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300f0 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300f4 <- 0x102329c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300f8 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10300fc <- 0x102331c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030100 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030104 <- 0x10234d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030108 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103010c <- 0x10235e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030110 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030114 <- 0x102370c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030118 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103011c <- 0x1023858
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030120 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030124 <- 0x10238e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030128 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103012c <- 0x1023cb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030130 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030134 <- 0x1023cf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030138 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103013c <- 0x1023d2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030140 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030144 <- 0x1023d68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030148 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103014c <- 0x1023de0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030150 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030154 <- 0x1023e40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030158 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103015c <- 0x1024084
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030160 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030164 <- 0x1024164
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030168 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103016c <- 0x10245a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030170 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030174 <- 0x1024b8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030178 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103017c <- 0x1024cd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030180 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030184 <- 0x1024cf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030188 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103018c <- 0x1025110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030190 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030194 <- 0x102523c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030198 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103019c <- 0x10252fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301a0 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301a4 <- 0x1025404
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301a8 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301ac <- 0x1025508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301b0 <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301c0 <- 0x1025d80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301c4 <- 0x1025c30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301cc <- 0x1026080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301d0 <- 0x1025d88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301d4 <- 0x103015c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301d8 <- 0x1025d98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301dc <- 0x1025da8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301e0 <- 0x1025db8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301e4 <- 0x1025dc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301e8 <- 0x1025dd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301ec <- 0x1025de8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301f0 <- 0x1025df8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301f4 <- 0x1025e08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301f8 <- 0x1025e18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10301fc <- 0x1025e28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030200 <- 0x102f060
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030204 <- 0x1025e38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030208 <- 0x1025e48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103020c <- 0x1025c50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030210 <- 0x1025e60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030214 <- 0x1025e70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030218 <- 0x1025e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103021c <- 0x1025ea0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030220 <- 0x102f0b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030224 <- 0x1025eb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030228 <- 0x1025ec0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103022c <- 0x1025c78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030230 <- 0x1025ed8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030234 <- 0x1025ee8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030238 <- 0x102f110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103023c <- 0x1025f00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030240 <- 0x1025f10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030244 <- 0x1025cb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030248 <- 0x1025f28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103024c <- 0x102f168
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030250 <- 0x1025f38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030254 <- 0x1025f48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030258 <- 0x1025cf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103025c <- 0x1025f60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030260 <- 0x102f1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030264 <- 0x1025f70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030268 <- 0x1025f78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103026c <- 0x102f268
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030270 <- 0x1025f80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030274 <- 0x1025f88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030278 <- 0x102fef0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103027c <- 0x1025f90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030280 <- 0x1025fa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030284 <- 0x10302b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030288 <- 0x1025fa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103028c <- 0x1025fb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030290 <- 0x102f8d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030294 <- 0x1025fc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1030298 <- 0x1025d60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x103029c <- 0x1026018
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10302a0 <- 0x1026020
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursSendWorkloadSignal' (0x10255b8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursWorkloadAttributeSetName' (0x10255d8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursWaitForWorkloadShutdown' (0x1025618)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursRemoveWorkload' (0x10255f8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursWakeUp' (0x1025638)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursShutdownWorkload' (0x1025658)
·! LDR: Imported function '_cellSpursWorkloadAttributeInitialize' (0x10256b8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursAddWorkloadWithAttribute' (0x1025678)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSpursSetExceptionEventHandler' (0x1025698)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFiberPpuSelf' (0x10256d8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFiberPpuWaitSignal' (0x10256f8)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncmp' (0x1025718)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_create' (0x1025818)
·! LDR: Imported function '0x9FB6228E' (0x10257d8)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_printf' (0x10257b8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_create' (0x1025778)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memset' (0x1025798)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_snprintf' (0x1025738)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_destroy' (0x1025758)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_destroy' (0x10257f8)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_process_get_paramsfo' (0x1025838)
·W LDR: Loading LLE library 'cellSre_Library'
·W LDR: segment addr=0x1031000, initial addr = 0x0
·W LDR: cellSre_Library (rtoc=0x106a830):
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000002 - 0x9002a - 0x0
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellSync
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000002 - 0x90012 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncBarrierInitialize] -> 0x30d2c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncLFQueueGetEntrySize] -> 0x30e84
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncLFQueueSize] -> 0x30e1c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncMutexLock] -> 0x30d64
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncBarrierTryNotify] -> 0x30d3c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncLFQueueClear] -> 0x30e14
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueCompletePushPointer2] -> 0x30e54
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncBarrierWait] -> 0x30d44
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueueInitialize] -> 0x30d74
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueGetPopPointer2] -> 0x30e5c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueuePeek] -> 0x30dac
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueueSize] -> 0x30d9c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueuePop] -> 0x30d8c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueCompletePushPointer] -> 0x30e34
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueAttachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x30df4
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueuePush] -> 0x30d7c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueueTryPeek] -> 0x30db4
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueGetPushPointer2] -> 0x30e4c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncBarrierTryWait] -> 0x30d4c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueueTryPush] -> 0x30d84
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueGetPopPointer] -> 0x30e3c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueCompletePopPointer2] -> 0x30e64
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueDetachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x30dfc
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncMutexUnlock] -> 0x30d6c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueueClear] -> 0x30da4
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncQueueTryPop] -> 0x30d94
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncRwmTryRead] -> 0x30dd4
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncMutexInitialize] -> 0x30d54
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncLFQueueInitialize] -> 0x30e0c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueGetSignalAddress] -> 0x30e74
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueuePushBody] -> 0x30de4
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncRwmTryWrite] -> 0x30dc4
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncRwmRead] -> 0x30ddc
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncMutexTryLock] -> 0x30d5c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncLFQueueGetDirection] -> 0x30e7c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncLFQueueDepth] -> 0x30e24
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueuePopBody] -> 0x30dec
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueGetPushPointer] -> 0x30e2c
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncRwmWrite] -> 0x30dcc
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncBarrierNotify] -> 0x30d34
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [cellSyncRwmInitialize] -> 0x30dbc
·W LDR: **** cellSync: [_cellSyncLFQueueCompletePopPointer] -> 0x30e44
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellSheap
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000002 - 0x90004 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapMutexDelete] -> 0x30f2c
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapMutexNew] -> 0x30f24
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellSheapQueryMax] -> 0x30ee4
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapBufferNew] -> 0x30f14
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellSheapAllocate] -> 0x30ed4
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellSheapFree] -> 0x30edc
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapSemaphoreNew] -> 0x30f34
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapSemaphoreDelete] -> 0x30f3c
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapQueueDelete] -> 0x30f6c
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellSheapQueryFree] -> 0x30ebc
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapQueueNew] -> 0x30f64
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapInitialize] -> 0x30ef4
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellSheapInitialize] -> 0x30ecc
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapBufferDelete] -> 0x30f1c
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapBarrierNew] -> 0x30f44
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapRwmDelete] -> 0x30f5c
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapRwmNew] -> 0x30f54
·W LDR: **** cellSheap: [cellKeySheapBarrierDelete] -> 0x30f4c
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellOvis
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000002 - 0x90094 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellOvis: [cellOvisInvalidateOverlappedSegments] -> 0x30f74
·W LDR: **** cellOvis: [cellOvisGetOverlayTableSize] -> 0x30f84
·W LDR: **** cellOvis: [cellOvisInitializeOverlayTable] -> 0x30f8c
·W LDR: **** cellOvis: [cellOvisFixSpuSegments] -> 0x30f7c
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellSpurs
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000002 - 0x90034 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobGuardReset] -> 0x3160c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursLFQueueInitialize] -> 0x315bc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueDetachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x3156c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAttributeSetNamePrefix] -> 0x30fc4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursQueueInitialize] -> 0x31564
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursWorkloadAttributeSetShutdownCompletionEventHook] -> 0x31064
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAttributeEnableSpuPrintfIfAvailable] -> 0x30fb4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskExitCodeGet] -> 0x31444
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobChainGetError] -> 0x316a4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursTasksetAttributeInitialize] -> 0x3149c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursLFQueueAttachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x315d4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAddUrgentCommand] -> 0x31624
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursRequestIdleSpu] -> 0x310d4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSendWorkloadSignal] -> 0x310a4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskGetLoadableSegmentPattern] -> 0x31474
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTaskWithAttribute] -> 0x3139c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursDestroyTaskset2] -> 0x314f4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetInfo] -> 0x31244
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueGetTasksetAddress] -> 0x315a4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagDetachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x3151c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueClear] -> 0x3157c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobChainAttributeSetJobTypeMemoryCheck] -> 0x3165c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursWorkloadFlagReceiver2] -> 0x312b4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTasksetSetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x313e4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateJobChainWithAttribute] -> 0x3166c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute2] -> 0x30fec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0x31F5196B] -> 0x312e4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEnableExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x31214
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskExitCodeInitialize] -> 0x31414
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursJobChainAttributeInitialize] -> 0x31644
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursLFQueuePopBody] -> 0x315cc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueDepth] -> 0x3158c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueGetEntrySize] -> 0x315b4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagWait] -> 0x3152c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetSpuThreadGroupId] -> 0x3101c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobChainGetSpursAddress] -> 0x316e4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursReadyCountSwap] -> 0x310cc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursWorkloadAttributeSetName] -> 0x3105c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTaskset2] -> 0x314fc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagClear] -> 0x3153c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursUnsetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x311fc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursLookUpTasksetAddress] -> 0x313fc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetJobChainInfo] -> 0x316dc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagGetClearMode] -> 0x31554
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSetPreemptionVictimHints] -> 0x312d4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetWorkloadInfo] -> 0x3124c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursDetachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x31104
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobChainSetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x316c4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTaskset] -> 0x314dc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueSize] -> 0x31584
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSemaphoreGetTasksetAddress] -> 0x31604
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTraceInitialize] -> 0x3119c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursRemoveWorkload] -> 0x3109c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTasksetGetSpursAddress] -> 0x314a4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0x5C3A614C] -> 0x30fa4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursEventFlagInitialize] -> 0x3150c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursWaitForWorkloadShutdown] -> 0x31094
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateJobChain] -> 0x31674
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTasksetAttributeSetName] -> 0x31484
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobGuardInitialize] -> 0x3161c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAddWorkload] -> 0x3107c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobChainUnsetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x316cc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetSpuThreadId] -> 0x31014
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagTryWait] -> 0x31534
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetSpuGuid] -> 0x312a4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0x7025A5EC] -> 0x3131c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursShutdownJobChain] -> 0x3167c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursLFQueueDetachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x315dc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSetGlobalExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x311f4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursReadyCountAdd] -> 0x310b4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursSemaphoreInitialize] -> 0x315fc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTraceFinalize] -> 0x3116c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskGetReadOnlyAreaPattern] -> 0x3146c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursWakeUp] -> 0x31004
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursBarrierInitialize] -> 0x315ec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSetPriorities] -> 0x3102c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAttributeSetMemoryContainerForSpuThread] -> 0x30f9c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTryJoinTask2] -> 0x3137c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSetMaxContention] -> 0x31034
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursUnsetGlobalExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x311ec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetJobChainId] -> 0x3169c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagAttachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x31514
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagGetDirection] -> 0x3154c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursLFQueuePushBody] -> 0x315c4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursTaskAttribute2Initialize] -> 0x31344
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTasksetAttributeSetTasksetSize] -> 0x3148c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAddUrgentCall] -> 0x3162c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskGetContextSaveAreaSize] -> 0x3147c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0x90C82BFC] -> 0x30fe4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueuePopBody] -> 0x3159c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskGenerateLsPattern] -> 0x31464
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueuePushBody] -> 0x31594
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTasksetUnsetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x313ec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagGetTasksetAddress] -> 0x3155c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursAttributeInitialize] -> 0x30fcc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobHeaderSetJobbin2Param] -> 0x316fc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursShutdownWorkload] -> 0x3108c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursBarrierGetTasksetAddress] -> 0x315f4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAttributeEnableSystemWorkload] -> 0x312c4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJoinTaskset] -> 0x31504
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetTasksetInfo] -> 0x314ac
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobChainAttributeSetName] -> 0x3164c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskAttributeSetExitCodeContainer] -> 0x3133c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursWorkloadFlagReceiver] -> 0x312ac
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursShutdownTaskset] -> 0x314c4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJoinTask2] -> 0x3136c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJoinJobChain] -> 0x31684
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetWorkloadData] -> 0x310ac
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAttributeSetSpuThreadGroupType] -> 0x30fac
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute] -> 0x30ff4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursInitialize] -> 0x30ffc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0xB55782F9] -> 0x30fbc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursLFQueueGetTasksetAddress] -> 0x315e4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursTaskAttributeInitialize] -> 0x31354
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAttachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x310ec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0xBAC24478] -> 0x31314
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobChainAttributeSetHaltOnError] -> 0x31654
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0xBDCB78A5] -> 0x3171c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTask] -> 0x313a4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursKickJobChain] -> 0x3168c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursAddWorkloadWithAttribute] -> 0x31074
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTasksetWithAttribute] -> 0x314d4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursTasksetAttribute2Initialize] -> 0x314b4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetNumSpuThread] -> 0x31024
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetWorkloadFlag] -> 0x31284
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursFinalize] -> 0x3100c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTraceStart] -> 0x3118c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursSetExceptionEventHandler] -> 0x3120c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobGuardNotify] -> 0x31614
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetJobPipelineInfo] -> 0x316ec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0xD9A9C592] -> 0x312f4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTasksetAttributeEnableClearLS] -> 0x31494
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTraceStop] -> 0x3117c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursSendSignal] -> 0x313ac
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTask2] -> 0x3138c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0xE279681F] -> 0x312cc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursCreateTask2WithBinInfo] -> 0x31394
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueAttachLv2EventQueue] -> 0x31574
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursTaskExitCodeTryGet] -> 0x3143c
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursJobSetMaxGrab] -> 0x316f4
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursGetTasksetId] -> 0x314ec
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursQueueGetDirection] -> 0x315ac
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [_cellSpursWorkloadAttributeInitialize] -> 0x31084
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [0xF1BF099F] -> 0x31724
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursReadyCountCompareAndSwap] -> 0x310bc
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursRunJobChain] -> 0x31694
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursEventFlagSet] -> 0x31544
·W LDR: **** cellSpurs: [cellSpursReadyCountStore] -> 0x310c4
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellDaisy
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000001 - 0x90002 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy17LFQueue2PushCloseEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPFiPvjE] -> 0x317dc
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy21LFQueue2GetPopPointerEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPij] -> 0x317c4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock15completeConsumeEj] -> 0x317ac
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy9_snprintfEPcjPKcz] -> 0x317bc
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock7popOpenEv] -> 0x3178c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy26LFQueue2CompletePopPointerEPNS0_8LFQueue2EiPFiPvjEj] -> 0x317cc
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock7releaseEv] -> 0x3174c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock7popOpenEv] -> 0x3178c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC1EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPjjh] -> 0x3175c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC1EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPjjh] -> 0x3175c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy9_snprintfEPcjPKcz] -> 0x317bc
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy29LFQueue2HasUnfinishedConsumerEPNS0_8LFQueue2Ej] -> 0x317f4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock18getNextHeadPointerEv] -> 0x3179c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock10initializeEj] -> 0x31774
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC1EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPvPFiS5_jE] -> 0x31734
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC2EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPjjh] -> 0x31754
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock15completeProduceEj] -> 0x317b4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy16LFQueue2PushOpenEPNS0_8LFQueue2E] -> 0x317d4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy16LFQueue2PopCloseEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPFiPvjE] -> 0x317ec
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock8popCloseEv] -> 0x31794
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock8popCloseEv] -> 0x31794
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockD2Ev] -> 0x31764
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy21LFQueue2GetPopPointerEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPij] -> 0x317c4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock18getNextTailPointerEv] -> 0x317a4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock8pushOpenEv] -> 0x3177c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy29LFQueue2HasUnfinishedConsumerEPNS0_8LFQueue2Ej] -> 0x317f4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock9pushCloseEv] -> 0x31784
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockD2Ev] -> 0x31764
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy15LFQueue2PopOpenEPNS0_8LFQueue2E] -> 0x317e4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC1EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPvPFiS5_jE] -> 0x31734
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockD1Ev] -> 0x3176c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock10initializeEj] -> 0x31774
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock15completeProduceEj] -> 0x317b4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy16LFQueue2PopCloseEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPFiPvjE] -> 0x317ec
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy15LFQueue2PopOpenEPNS0_8LFQueue2E] -> 0x317e4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy17LFQueue2PushCloseEPNS0_8LFQueue2EPFiPvjE] -> 0x317dc
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC2EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPvPFiS5_jE] -> 0x3172c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock21proceedSequenceNumberEv] -> 0x3173c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC2EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPvPFiS5_jE] -> 0x3172c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockC2EPVNS0_16_AtomicInterlockEjPjjh] -> 0x31754
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy4Lock15completeConsumeEj] -> 0x317ac
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock21proceedSequenceNumberEv] -> 0x3173c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock18getNextHeadPointerEv] -> 0x3179c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock9pushCloseEv] -> 0x31784
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy26LFQueue2CompletePopPointerEPNS0_8LFQueue2EiPFiPvjEj] -> 0x317cc
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock5probeEj] -> 0x31744
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock8pushOpenEv] -> 0x3177c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock5probeEj] -> 0x31744
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlockD1Ev] -> 0x3176c
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_ZN4cell5Daisy16LFQueue2PushOpenEPNS0_8LFQueue2E] -> 0x317d4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy4Lock18getNextTailPointerEv] -> 0x317a4
·W LDR: **** cellDaisy: [_QN4cell5Daisy22ScatterGatherInterlock7releaseEv] -> 0x3174c
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellSpudll
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x2c000001
·W LDR: **** cellSpudll: [cellSpudllHandleConfigSetDefaultValues] -> 0x3181c
·W LDR: **** cellSpudll: [cellSpudllGetImageSize] -> 0x31814
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellLibprof
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellLibprof: [cellUserTraceRegister] -> 0x1d5e0
·W LDR: **** cellLibprof: [cellUserTraceUnregister] -> 0x1d600
·W LDR: **** Imported: sysPrxForUser
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncmp] -> 0x1d620
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strcat] -> 0x1d640
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_vsnprintf] -> 0x1d660
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_snprintf] -> 0x1d680
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_lock] -> 0x1d6a0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_unlock] -> 0x1d6c0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_destroy] -> 0x1d6e0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_ppu_thread_create] -> 0x1d700
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_wait] -> 0x1d720
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strlen] -> 0x1d740
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_create] -> 0x1d760
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_spu_printf_detach_group] -> 0x1d780
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memset] -> 0x1d7a0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memcpy] -> 0x1d7c0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncat] -> 0x1d7e0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strcpy] -> 0x1d800
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_printf] -> 0x1d820
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [0x9FB6228E] -> 0x1d840
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_ppu_thread_exit] -> 0x1d860
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_destroy] -> 0x1d880
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncpy] -> 0x1d8a0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_create] -> 0x1d8c0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_spu_printf_attach_group] -> 0x1d8e0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name] -> 0x1d900
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_spu_image_close] -> 0x1d920
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_process_get_paramsfo] -> 0x1d940
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_spu_image_import] -> 0x1d960
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwcond_signal] -> 0x1d980
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_vprintf] -> 0x1d9a0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memcmp] -> 0x1d9c0
·W LDR: segment addr=0x1061000, initial addr = 0x2dd80
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e5e6 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e5ea <- 0x0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e606 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e60a <- 0x4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e626 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e62a <- 0x8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e646 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e64a <- 0xc
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e666 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e66a <- 0x10
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e686 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e68a <- 0x14
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e6a6 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e6aa <- 0x18
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e6c6 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e6ca <- 0x1c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e6e6 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e6ea <- 0x20
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e706 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e70a <- 0x24
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e726 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e72a <- 0x28
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e746 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e74a <- 0x2c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e766 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e76a <- 0x30
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e786 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e78a <- 0x34
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e7a6 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e7aa <- 0x38
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e7c6 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e7ca <- 0x3c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e7e6 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e7ea <- 0x40
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e806 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e80a <- 0x44
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e826 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e82a <- 0x48
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e846 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e84a <- 0x4c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e866 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e86a <- 0x50
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e886 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e88a <- 0x54
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e8a6 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e8aa <- 0x58
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e8c6 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e8ca <- 0x5c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e8e6 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e8ea <- 0x60
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e906 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e90a <- 0x64
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e926 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e92a <- 0x68
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e946 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e94a <- 0x6c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e966 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e96a <- 0x70
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e986 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e98a <- 0x74
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e9a6 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e9aa <- 0x78
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x104e9c6 <- 0x106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x104e9ca <- 0x7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104e9f8 <- 0x104eb64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104e9fc <- 0x104eb6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea10 <- 0x104eb74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea14 <- 0x104eb80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea18 <- 0x104ec48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea2c <- 0x104ecf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea30 <- 0x104ecfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea34 <- 0x104ed64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea48 <- 0x104edac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea4c <- 0x104edb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea50 <- 0x104edc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea64 <- 0x104edd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea68 <- 0x104ede4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea6c <- 0x104f0b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea80 <- 0x104f304
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea84 <- 0x104f310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea88 <- 0x104f400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ea9c <- 0x104f4d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eaa0 <- 0x104f4dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eaa4 <- 0x104f4e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eac0 <- 0x104eb44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eaec <- 0x104eb54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eac4 <- 0x104f4ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eac8 <- 0x1061000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eaf0 <- 0x104f4f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eaf4 <- 0x1061008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eb30 <- 0x104e9e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eb34 <- 0x104eaa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eb38 <- 0x104eab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eb3c <- 0x104eb08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eb2c <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eb6c <- 0x104eb0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eb70 <- 0x1061080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec48 <- 0x1063fac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec4c <- 0x1064104
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec50 <- 0x106409c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec54 <- 0x1063fe4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec58 <- 0x1063fbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec5c <- 0x1064094
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec60 <- 0x10640d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec64 <- 0x1063fc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec68 <- 0x1063ff4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec6c <- 0x10640dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec70 <- 0x106402c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec74 <- 0x106401c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec78 <- 0x106400c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec7c <- 0x10640b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec80 <- 0x1064074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec84 <- 0x1063ffc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec88 <- 0x1064034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec8c <- 0x10640cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec90 <- 0x1063fcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec94 <- 0x1064004
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec98 <- 0x10640bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ec9c <- 0x10640e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eca0 <- 0x106407c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eca4 <- 0x1063fec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eca8 <- 0x1064024
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ecac <- 0x1064014
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ecb0 <- 0x1064054
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ecb4 <- 0x1063fd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ecb8 <- 0x106408c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ecbc <- 0x10640f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ecc0 <- 0x1064064
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ecc4 <- 0x1064044
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ecc8 <- 0x106405c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eccc <- 0x1063fdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ecd0 <- 0x10640fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ecd4 <- 0x10640a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ecd8 <- 0x106406c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ecdc <- 0x10640ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ece0 <- 0x106404c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ece4 <- 0x1063fb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ece8 <- 0x106403c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ecec <- 0x10640c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ed64 <- 0x10641ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ed68 <- 0x10641a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ed6c <- 0x1064164
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ed70 <- 0x1064194
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ed74 <- 0x1064154
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ed78 <- 0x106415c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ed7c <- 0x10641b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ed80 <- 0x10641bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ed84 <- 0x10641ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ed88 <- 0x106413c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ed8c <- 0x10641e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ed90 <- 0x1064174
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ed94 <- 0x106414c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ed98 <- 0x106419c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104ed9c <- 0x10641c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eda0 <- 0x10641dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eda4 <- 0x10641d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104eda8 <- 0x10641cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104edc8 <- 0x10641f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104edcc <- 0x1064204
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104edd0 <- 0x106420c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104edd4 <- 0x10641fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0b4 <- 0x106488c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0b8 <- 0x106483c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0bc <- 0x10647ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0c0 <- 0x1064244
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0c4 <- 0x10647e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0c8 <- 0x10642e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0cc <- 0x1064234
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0d0 <- 0x10646c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0d4 <- 0x1064924
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0d8 <- 0x106471c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0dc <- 0x1064854
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0e0 <- 0x10648a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0e4 <- 0x1064354
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0e8 <- 0x1064324
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0ec <- 0x10646f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0f0 <- 0x106461c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0f4 <- 0x1064774
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0f8 <- 0x10644c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f0fc <- 0x1064824
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f100 <- 0x106479c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f104 <- 0x10647fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f108 <- 0x10648dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f10c <- 0x1064534
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f110 <- 0x1064664
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f114 <- 0x10648ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f118 <- 0x106426c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f11c <- 0x1064564
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f120 <- 0x1064494
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f124 <- 0x1064694
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f128 <- 0x10648c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f12c <- 0x106484c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f130 <- 0x106480c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f134 <- 0x1064834
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f138 <- 0x10647ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f13c <- 0x106429c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f140 <- 0x1064964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f144 <- 0x106434c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f148 <- 0x10642dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f14c <- 0x106477c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f150 <- 0x10647bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f154 <- 0x106447c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f158 <- 0x106467c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f15c <- 0x106495c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f160 <- 0x10647d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f164 <- 0x1064554
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f168 <- 0x10644cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f16c <- 0x1064384
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f170 <- 0x1064944
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f174 <- 0x106475c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f178 <- 0x1064804
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f17c <- 0x1064884
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f180 <- 0x106441c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f184 <- 0x106431c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f188 <- 0x1064724
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f18c <- 0x1064224
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f190 <- 0x106478c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f194 <- 0x1064314
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f198 <- 0x10648f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f19c <- 0x1064704
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1a0 <- 0x106489c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1a4 <- 0x10642fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1a8 <- 0x106494c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1ac <- 0x1064294
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1b0 <- 0x10647b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1b4 <- 0x1064524
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1b8 <- 0x106459c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1bc <- 0x10648fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1c0 <- 0x106485c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1c4 <- 0x1064474
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1c8 <- 0x1064334
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1cc <- 0x106487c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1d0 <- 0x10643ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1d4 <- 0x10646ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1d8 <- 0x1064284
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1dc <- 0x106486c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1e0 <- 0x10642ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1e4 <- 0x106421c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1e8 <- 0x10645fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1ec <- 0x10642b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1f0 <- 0x106446c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1f4 <- 0x106491c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1f8 <- 0x1064794
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f1fc <- 0x10647cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f200 <- 0x1064844
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f204 <- 0x10645c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f208 <- 0x106470c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f20c <- 0x10648ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f210 <- 0x10646fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f214 <- 0x1064264
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f218 <- 0x106481c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f21c <- 0x10646e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f220 <- 0x1064814
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f224 <- 0x106466c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f228 <- 0x10647dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f22c <- 0x106424c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f230 <- 0x106497c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f234 <- 0x106430c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f238 <- 0x1064874
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f23c <- 0x1064544
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f240 <- 0x1064784
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f244 <- 0x106472c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f248 <- 0x10648cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f24c <- 0x10645bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f250 <- 0x106452c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f254 <- 0x1064744
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f258 <- 0x10645ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f25c <- 0x1064904
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f260 <- 0x106432c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f264 <- 0x106422c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f268 <- 0x1064274
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f26c <- 0x106427c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f270 <- 0x106423c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f274 <- 0x1064864
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f278 <- 0x10645d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f27c <- 0x106436c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f280 <- 0x1064594
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f284 <- 0x10648d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f288 <- 0x106499c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f28c <- 0x1064624
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f290 <- 0x106490c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f294 <- 0x10642f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f298 <- 0x1064754
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f29c <- 0x1064734
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2a0 <- 0x10642a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2a4 <- 0x1064504
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2a8 <- 0x106428c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2ac <- 0x106440c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2b0 <- 0x106448c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2b4 <- 0x1064894
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2b8 <- 0x106496c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2bc <- 0x1064574
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2c0 <- 0x1064714
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2c4 <- 0x10643fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2c8 <- 0x106462c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2cc <- 0x106460c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2d0 <- 0x106454c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2d4 <- 0x1064614
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2d8 <- 0x10647f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2dc <- 0x10646bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2e0 <- 0x1064974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2e4 <- 0x106476c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2e8 <- 0x106482c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2ec <- 0x1064304
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2f0 <- 0x10649a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2f4 <- 0x106433c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2f8 <- 0x1064914
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f2fc <- 0x10647c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f300 <- 0x1064344
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f400 <- 0x1064a5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f404 <- 0x1064a44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f408 <- 0x1064a2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f40c <- 0x1064a3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f410 <- 0x1064a0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f414 <- 0x1064a4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f418 <- 0x10649cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f41c <- 0x1064a0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f420 <- 0x10649dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f424 <- 0x10649dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f428 <- 0x1064a3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f42c <- 0x1064a74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f430 <- 0x1064a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f434 <- 0x10649f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f438 <- 0x10649b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f43c <- 0x10649d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f440 <- 0x1064a34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f444 <- 0x1064a54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f448 <- 0x1064a6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f44c <- 0x1064a14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f450 <- 0x1064a14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f454 <- 0x10649e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f458 <- 0x1064a44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f45c <- 0x1064a24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f460 <- 0x10649fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f464 <- 0x1064a74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f468 <- 0x1064a04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f46c <- 0x10649e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f470 <- 0x1064a64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f474 <- 0x10649b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f478 <- 0x10649ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f47c <- 0x10649f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f480 <- 0x1064a34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f484 <- 0x1064a6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f488 <- 0x1064a64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f48c <- 0x1064a5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f490 <- 0x10649ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f494 <- 0x10649bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f498 <- 0x10649ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f49c <- 0x10649d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f4a0 <- 0x1064a2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f4a4 <- 0x10649bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f4a8 <- 0x1064a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f4ac <- 0x1064a04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f4b0 <- 0x1064a4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f4b4 <- 0x10649c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f4b8 <- 0x10649fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f4bc <- 0x10649c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f4c0 <- 0x10649ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f4c4 <- 0x1064a54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f4c8 <- 0x1064a24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f4cc <- 0x10649cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f4e4 <- 0x1064a9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x104f4e8 <- 0x1064a94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061000 <- 0x104e5e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061004 <- 0x104e600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061008 <- 0x104e620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106100c <- 0x104e640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061010 <- 0x104e660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061014 <- 0x104e680
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061018 <- 0x104e6a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106101c <- 0x104e6c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061020 <- 0x104e6e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061024 <- 0x104e700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061028 <- 0x104e720
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106102c <- 0x104e740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061030 <- 0x104e760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061034 <- 0x104e780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061038 <- 0x104e7a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106103c <- 0x104e7c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061040 <- 0x104e7e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061044 <- 0x104e800
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061048 <- 0x104e820
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106104c <- 0x104e840
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061050 <- 0x104e860
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061054 <- 0x104e880
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061058 <- 0x104e8a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106105c <- 0x104e8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061060 <- 0x104e8e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061064 <- 0x104e900
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061068 <- 0x104e920
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106106c <- 0x104e940
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061070 <- 0x104e960
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061074 <- 0x104e980
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1061078 <- 0x104e9a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106107c <- 0x104e9c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063f90 <- 0x10501b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063f94 <- 0x10501c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063f98 <- 0x10501d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063f9c <- 0x10501e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fa0 <- 0x1050200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fa4 <- 0x1050210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fa8 <- 0x1050f00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fac <- 0x1031000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fb0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fb4 <- 0x1031068
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fb8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fbc <- 0x1031108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fc0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fc4 <- 0x10311e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fc8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fcc <- 0x1031288
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fd0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fd4 <- 0x1031334
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fd8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fdc <- 0x1031380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fe0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fe4 <- 0x103140c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fe8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063fec <- 0x103148c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063ff0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063ff4 <- 0x10314f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063ff8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1063ffc <- 0x1031598
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064000 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064004 <- 0x1031754
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064008 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106400c <- 0x1031924
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064010 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064014 <- 0x1031ae8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064018 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106401c <- 0x1031cb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064020 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064024 <- 0x1031dc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064028 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106402c <- 0x1031f20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064030 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064034 <- 0x10320dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064038 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106403c <- 0x10322a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064040 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064044 <- 0x1032328
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064048 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106404c <- 0x10323f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064050 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064054 <- 0x10324c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064058 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106405c <- 0x10325c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064060 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064064 <- 0x10326b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064068 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106406c <- 0x1032848
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064070 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064074 <- 0x10329e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064078 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106407c <- 0x1032de0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064080 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064084 <- 0x1032f6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064088 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106408c <- 0x103309c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064090 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064094 <- 0x1033340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064098 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106409c <- 0x1033420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640a0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640a4 <- 0x10334ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640a8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640ac <- 0x10334f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640b0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640b4 <- 0x1033708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640b8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640bc <- 0x1033ae8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640c0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640c4 <- 0x1033d04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640c8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640cc <- 0x10340b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640d0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640d4 <- 0x10345c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640d8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640dc <- 0x1034a18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640e0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640e4 <- 0x1034f28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640e8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640ec <- 0x103539c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640f0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640f4 <- 0x10354c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640f8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10640fc <- 0x1035508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064100 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064104 <- 0x1035550
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064108 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106410c <- 0x1035598
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064110 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064114 <- 0x10355b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064118 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106411c <- 0x10358c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064120 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064124 <- 0x1035940
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064128 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106412c <- 0x10359d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064130 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064134 <- 0x1036018
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064138 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106413c <- 0x1036334
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064140 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064144 <- 0x10363b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064148 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106414c <- 0x1036698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064150 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064154 <- 0x1036708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064158 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106415c <- 0x1036848
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064160 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064164 <- 0x1036910
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064168 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106416c <- 0x103698c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064170 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064174 <- 0x10369f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064178 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106417c <- 0x1036ad4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064180 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064184 <- 0x1036c88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064188 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106418c <- 0x1036d44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064190 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064194 <- 0x1036dfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064198 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106419c <- 0x1036f40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641a0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641a4 <- 0x1037064
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641a8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641ac <- 0x10371c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641b0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641b4 <- 0x10372f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641b8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641bc <- 0x1037418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641c0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641c4 <- 0x103753c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641c8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641cc <- 0x10376b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641d0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641d4 <- 0x10377dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641d8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641dc <- 0x1037964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641e0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641e4 <- 0x1037a88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641e8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641ec <- 0x1037c24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641f0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641f4 <- 0x1037d48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641f8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10641fc <- 0x1037e90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064200 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064204 <- 0x1037ea0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064208 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106420c <- 0x1037f8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064210 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064214 <- 0x10380ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064218 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106421c <- 0x10380f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064220 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064224 <- 0x103814c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064228 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106422c <- 0x10381c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064230 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064234 <- 0x1038248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064238 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106423c <- 0x103828c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064240 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064244 <- 0x103832c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064248 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106424c <- 0x10383c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064250 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064254 <- 0x1038490
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064258 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106425c <- 0x10385dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064260 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064264 <- 0x1039330
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064268 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106426c <- 0x10393b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064270 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064274 <- 0x103949c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064278 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106427c <- 0x1039580
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064280 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064284 <- 0x10395d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064288 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106428c <- 0x1039668
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064290 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064294 <- 0x1039b98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064298 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106429c <- 0x1039c30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642a0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642a4 <- 0x1039c78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642a8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642ac <- 0x1039cc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642b0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642b4 <- 0x1039e68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642b8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642bc <- 0x1039f6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642c0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642c4 <- 0x103a004
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642c8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642cc <- 0x103a118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642d0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642d4 <- 0x103a1ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642d8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642dc <- 0x103a63c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642e0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642e4 <- 0x103a67c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642e8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642ec <- 0x103a6c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642f0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642f4 <- 0x103ade8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642f8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10642fc <- 0x103aea4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064300 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064304 <- 0x103aedc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064308 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106430c <- 0x103b034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064310 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064314 <- 0x103b1e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064318 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106431c <- 0x103b3e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064320 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064324 <- 0x103b62c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064328 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106432c <- 0x103b760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064330 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064334 <- 0x103b83c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064338 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106433c <- 0x103b9a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064340 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064344 <- 0x103bb00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064348 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106434c <- 0x103bc08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064350 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064354 <- 0x103bd5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064358 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106435c <- 0x103be08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064360 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064364 <- 0x103bfac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064368 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106436c <- 0x103bfb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064370 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064374 <- 0x103bfbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064378 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106437c <- 0x103c110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064380 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064384 <- 0x103c118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064388 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106438c <- 0x103c120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064390 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064394 <- 0x103c240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064398 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106439c <- 0x103c3e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643a0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643a4 <- 0x103c7c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643a8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643ac <- 0x103ca44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643b0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643b4 <- 0x103cb28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643b8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643bc <- 0x103cdd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643c0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643c4 <- 0x103cde8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643c8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643cc <- 0x103ce8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643d0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643d4 <- 0x103d990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643d8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643dc <- 0x103da18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643e0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643e4 <- 0x103dacc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643e8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643ec <- 0x103dbb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643f0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643f4 <- 0x103dc2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643f8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10643fc <- 0x103dcac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064400 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064404 <- 0x103dcf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064408 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106440c <- 0x103dd70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064410 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064414 <- 0x103ddb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064418 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106441c <- 0x103df24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064420 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064424 <- 0x103dfbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064428 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106442c <- 0x103e020
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064430 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064434 <- 0x103e05c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064438 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106443c <- 0x103e098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064440 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064444 <- 0x103e0c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064448 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106444c <- 0x103e1e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064450 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064454 <- 0x103e258
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064458 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106445c <- 0x103e2f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064460 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064464 <- 0x103e604
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064468 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106446c <- 0x103e654
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064470 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064474 <- 0x103e6b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064478 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106447c <- 0x103e75c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064480 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064484 <- 0x103e830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064488 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106448c <- 0x103eb34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064490 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064494 <- 0x103eca0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064498 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106449c <- 0x103ed70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644a0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644a4 <- 0x103ee78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644a8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644ac <- 0x103f074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644b0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644b4 <- 0x103f158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644b8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644bc <- 0x103f49c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644c0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644c4 <- 0x103f520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644c8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644cc <- 0x103f6ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644d0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644d4 <- 0x103f944
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644d8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644dc <- 0x103f950
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644e0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644e4 <- 0x103f960
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644e8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644ec <- 0x103fa30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644f0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644f4 <- 0x103fb1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644f8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10644fc <- 0x103fb70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064500 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064504 <- 0x103fbe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064508 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106450c <- 0x103fc20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064510 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064514 <- 0x103fd24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064518 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106451c <- 0x103fee0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064520 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064524 <- 0x103ff90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064528 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106452c <- 0x1040138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064530 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064534 <- 0x1040278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064538 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106453c <- 0x10403e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064540 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064544 <- 0x10403f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064548 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106454c <- 0x104053c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064550 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064554 <- 0x1040584
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064558 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106455c <- 0x104068c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064560 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064564 <- 0x104072c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064568 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106456c <- 0x1040908
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064570 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064574 <- 0x1040a80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064578 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106457c <- 0x1040f38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064580 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064584 <- 0x104121c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064588 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106458c <- 0x1041408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064590 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064594 <- 0x1041780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064598 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106459c <- 0x1041848
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645a0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645a4 <- 0x10418e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645a8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645ac <- 0x10419a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645b0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645b4 <- 0x10419cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645b8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645bc <- 0x1041a7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645c0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645c4 <- 0x1041ae4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645c8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645cc <- 0x1041b44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645d0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645d4 <- 0x1041c14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645d8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645dc <- 0x104200c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645e0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645e4 <- 0x1042278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645e8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645ec <- 0x104235c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645f0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645f4 <- 0x10425d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645f8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10645fc <- 0x104272c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064600 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064604 <- 0x10429a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064608 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106460c <- 0x1042e38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064610 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064614 <- 0x10430c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064618 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106461c <- 0x10431e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064620 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064624 <- 0x10433f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064628 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106462c <- 0x10434b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064630 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064634 <- 0x10436a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064638 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106463c <- 0x1043714
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064640 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064644 <- 0x1043e44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064648 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106464c <- 0x1043f04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064650 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064654 <- 0x1043f74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064658 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106465c <- 0x1044000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064660 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064664 <- 0x1044108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064668 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106466c <- 0x1044178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064670 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064674 <- 0x10441d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064678 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106467c <- 0x1044390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064680 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064684 <- 0x1044410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064688 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106468c <- 0x1044460
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064690 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064694 <- 0x1044510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064698 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106469c <- 0x1044570
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646a0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646a4 <- 0x104460c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646a8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646ac <- 0x10446d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646b0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646b4 <- 0x104473c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646b8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646bc <- 0x1044958
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646c0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646c4 <- 0x1044960
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646c8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646cc <- 0x1044968
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646d0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646d4 <- 0x1044a9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646d8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646dc <- 0x1044ac4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646e0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646e4 <- 0x1044b5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646e8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646ec <- 0x1044ce0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646f0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646f4 <- 0x1044eb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646f8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10646fc <- 0x1045080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064700 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064704 <- 0x10451f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064708 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106470c <- 0x1045238
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064710 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064714 <- 0x1045290
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064718 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106471c <- 0x10452e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064720 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064724 <- 0x10453ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064728 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106472c <- 0x1045440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064730 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064734 <- 0x1045730
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064738 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106473c <- 0x10457bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064740 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064744 <- 0x104584c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064748 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106474c <- 0x1045930
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064750 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064754 <- 0x1045bd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064758 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106475c <- 0x1045c9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064760 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064764 <- 0x1045cd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064768 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106476c <- 0x1045e84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064770 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064774 <- 0x1045ecc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064778 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106477c <- 0x10460ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064780 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064784 <- 0x10462dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064788 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106478c <- 0x1046630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064790 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064794 <- 0x104679c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064798 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106479c <- 0x104697c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647a0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647a4 <- 0x1046b04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647a8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647ac <- 0x1046e4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647b0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647b4 <- 0x1046e54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647b8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647bc <- 0x1046e80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647c0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647c4 <- 0x1046ee8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647c8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647cc <- 0x10472a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647d0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647d4 <- 0x10472f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647d8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647dc <- 0x1047340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647e0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647e4 <- 0x1047398
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647e8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647ec <- 0x1047508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647f0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647f4 <- 0x1047650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647f8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10647fc <- 0x1047740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064800 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064804 <- 0x10477d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064808 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106480c <- 0x1047860
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064810 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064814 <- 0x10478a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064818 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106481c <- 0x1047bd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064820 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064824 <- 0x1047f34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064828 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106482c <- 0x1047f7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064830 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064834 <- 0x1047fc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064838 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106483c <- 0x104800c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064840 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064844 <- 0x1048090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064848 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106484c <- 0x104821c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064850 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064854 <- 0x10483d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064858 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106485c <- 0x10487b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064860 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064864 <- 0x1048c18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064868 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106486c <- 0x1048cbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064870 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064874 <- 0x1048d94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064878 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106487c <- 0x1048ddc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064880 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064884 <- 0x1048efc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064888 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106488c <- 0x1048f44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064890 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064894 <- 0x1048f88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064898 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106489c <- 0x1049060
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648a0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648a4 <- 0x1049144
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648a8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648ac <- 0x1049220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648b0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648b4 <- 0x104925c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648b8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648bc <- 0x10492e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648c0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648c4 <- 0x1049440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648c8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648cc <- 0x1049600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648d0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648d4 <- 0x1049644
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648d8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648dc <- 0x1049688
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648e0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648e4 <- 0x10496cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648e8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648ec <- 0x1049970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648f0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648f4 <- 0x1049b68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648f8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10648fc <- 0x1049d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064900 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064904 <- 0x1049d94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064908 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106490c <- 0x1049e70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064910 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064914 <- 0x1049f78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064918 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106491c <- 0x104a048
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064920 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064924 <- 0x104a090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064928 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106492c <- 0x104a0e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064930 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064934 <- 0x104a938
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064938 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106493c <- 0x104adec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064940 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064944 <- 0x104b584
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064948 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106494c <- 0x104b5f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064950 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064954 <- 0x104b654
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064958 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106495c <- 0x104b784
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064960 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064964 <- 0x104b8e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064968 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106496c <- 0x104b938
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064970 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064974 <- 0x104bc6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064978 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106497c <- 0x104bd3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064980 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064984 <- 0x104bfa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064988 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106498c <- 0x104c0a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064990 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064994 <- 0x104c108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064998 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x106499c <- 0x104c358
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649a0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649a4 <- 0x104c618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649a8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649ac <- 0x104c6f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649b0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649b4 <- 0x104c718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649b8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649bc <- 0x104c73c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649c0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649c4 <- 0x104c780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649c8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649cc <- 0x104c8e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649d0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649d4 <- 0x104cb68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649d8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649dc <- 0x104ce64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649e0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649e4 <- 0x104d160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649e8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649ec <- 0x104d38c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649f0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649f4 <- 0x104d5b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649f8 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10649fc <- 0x104d628
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a00 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a04 <- 0x104d640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a08 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a0c <- 0x104d650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a10 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a14 <- 0x104d660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a18 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a1c <- 0x104d680
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a20 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a24 <- 0x104d77c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a28 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a2c <- 0x104d824
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a30 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a34 <- 0x104d8a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a38 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a3c <- 0x104d934
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a40 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a44 <- 0x104d97c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a48 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a4c <- 0x104db70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a50 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a54 <- 0x104ddbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a58 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a5c <- 0x104de34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a60 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a64 <- 0x104dff0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a68 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a6c <- 0x104e028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a70 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a74 <- 0x104e0ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a78 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a7c <- 0x104e248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a80 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a84 <- 0x104e358
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a88 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a8c <- 0x104e42c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a90 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a94 <- 0x104e4a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a98 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064a9c <- 0x104e57c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064aa0 <- 0x106cab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ab0 <- 0x1061088
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ab4 <- 0x104fd48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ab8 <- 0x104fd50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064abc <- 0x104f570
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ac0 <- 0x104fd60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ac4 <- 0x104fd70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ac8 <- 0x10610e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064acc <- 0x104fd78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ad0 <- 0x104fd80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ad4 <- 0x104f630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ad8 <- 0x104fd98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064adc <- 0x1061138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ae0 <- 0x104fda8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ae4 <- 0x104fdb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ae8 <- 0x104f650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064aec <- 0x104fdd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064af0 <- 0x1061190
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064af4 <- 0x104fde0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064af8 <- 0x104fde8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064afc <- 0x104f678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b00 <- 0x104fe00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b04 <- 0x10611e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b08 <- 0x104fe10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b0c <- 0x104fe18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b10 <- 0x104f698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b14 <- 0x104fe30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b18 <- 0x1061240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b1c <- 0x104fe40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b20 <- 0x104fe48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b24 <- 0x104f6c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b28 <- 0x104fe68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b2c <- 0x1061298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b30 <- 0x104fe78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b34 <- 0x104fe80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b38 <- 0x104f6e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b3c <- 0x104fe98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b40 <- 0x10612f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b44 <- 0x104fea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b48 <- 0x104feb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b4c <- 0x104f700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b50 <- 0x104fed0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b54 <- 0x104fee0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b58 <- 0x104f718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b5c <- 0x104f758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b60 <- 0x1061348
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b64 <- 0x104ff00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b68 <- 0x104ff10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b6c <- 0x104f778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b70 <- 0x104ff20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b74 <- 0x10613a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b78 <- 0x104ff30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b7c <- 0x104ff40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b80 <- 0x104f7a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b84 <- 0x104ff50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b88 <- 0x104ff60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b8c <- 0x10613f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b90 <- 0x104ff70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b94 <- 0x104ff80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b98 <- 0x104f7c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064b9c <- 0x104ff98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ba0 <- 0x1061450
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ba4 <- 0x104ffa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ba8 <- 0x104ffb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bac <- 0x104f7e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bb0 <- 0x104ffd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bb4 <- 0x10614a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bb8 <- 0x104ffe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bbc <- 0x104fff0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bc0 <- 0x104f810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bc4 <- 0x1050008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bc8 <- 0x1061500
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bcc <- 0x1050018
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bd0 <- 0x1050028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bd4 <- 0x104f830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bd8 <- 0x1050040
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bdc <- 0x1061558
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064be0 <- 0x1050050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064be4 <- 0x1050060
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064be8 <- 0x104f850
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bec <- 0x1050070
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bf0 <- 0x10615b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bf4 <- 0x1050080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bf8 <- 0x1050090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064bfc <- 0x104f868
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c00 <- 0x10500a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c04 <- 0x1061608
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c08 <- 0x104f880
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c0c <- 0x1052380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c14 <- 0x10500b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c18 <- 0x1051280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c1c <- 0x1051b00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c20 <- 0x10500c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c24 <- 0x10500d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c28 <- 0x10500e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c2c <- 0x1061648
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c30 <- 0x104f890
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c34 <- 0x1061668
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c38 <- 0x104f8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c3c <- 0x1061738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c40 <- 0x1061728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c44 <- 0x1061758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c48 <- 0x104f8d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c4c <- 0x10500f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c50 <- 0x10642d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c54 <- 0x1061808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c58 <- 0x104f950
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c5c <- 0x1061858
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c60 <- 0x104f980
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c64 <- 0x1061870
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c68 <- 0x104f9a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c6c <- 0x10618a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c70 <- 0x104f9c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c74 <- 0x10618b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c78 <- 0x104f9e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c7c <- 0x10618f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c80 <- 0x104fa00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c84 <- 0x1050100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c88 <- 0x1050108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c8c <- 0x106439c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c90 <- 0x1061950
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c94 <- 0x104fa30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c98 <- 0x1061970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064c9c <- 0x1065000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ca0 <- 0x10619d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ca4 <- 0x1050118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ca8 <- 0x1050150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cac <- 0x1050158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cb0 <- 0x1050160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cb4 <- 0x1050170
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cb8 <- 0x1050180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cbc <- 0x1050198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cc4 <- 0x1052380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cc8 <- 0x10501a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ccc <- 0x1063f90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cd0 <- 0x1062198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cd4 <- 0x10624d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cd8 <- 0x10625a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cdc <- 0x104fa60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ce0 <- 0x1050220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ce4 <- 0x10625b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ce8 <- 0x104fa78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cec <- 0x1064444
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cf0 <- 0x106443c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cf4 <- 0x1064434
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cf8 <- 0x106442c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064cfc <- 0x1050230
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d00 <- 0x1050248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d04 <- 0x1050288
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d08 <- 0x10502c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d0c <- 0x1050300
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d10 <- 0x1050338
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d14 <- 0x1050380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d18 <- 0x10503c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d1c <- 0x1050400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d20 <- 0x1050430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d24 <- 0x1050480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d28 <- 0x10504c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d2c <- 0x1050500
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d30 <- 0x1050538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d34 <- 0x1064464
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d38 <- 0x1050540
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d3c <- 0x1050580
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d40 <- 0x10505b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d44 <- 0x10505e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d48 <- 0x1050618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d4c <- 0x10625c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d50 <- 0x1050620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d54 <- 0x1050630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d58 <- 0x1050648
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d5c <- 0x1050660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d60 <- 0x1050678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d64 <- 0x1050698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d68 <- 0x10506b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d6c <- 0x10627d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d70 <- 0x104fa98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d74 <- 0x104fab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d78 <- 0x10506d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d7c <- 0x10506d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d80 <- 0x104fac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d84 <- 0x104fac8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d88 <- 0x10627e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d8c <- 0x104fad8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d90 <- 0x1065080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d94 <- 0x1062800
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064d98 <- 0x104faf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064da0 <- 0x1052380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064da4 <- 0x10506e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064da8 <- 0x10628a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064dac <- 0x104fb80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064db0 <- 0x10506f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064db4 <- 0x106457c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064db8 <- 0x1050710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064dbc <- 0x1062b60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064dc0 <- 0x104fc48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064dc4 <- 0x1050730
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064dc8 <- 0x1050750
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064dcc <- 0x1050778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064dd0 <- 0x10507a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064dd4 <- 0x10507c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064dd8 <- 0x1050850
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ddc <- 0x1050890
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064de0 <- 0x10508b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064de4 <- 0x10508f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064de8 <- 0x1050928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064dec <- 0x1050958
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064df0 <- 0x1050980
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064df4 <- 0x10509a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064df8 <- 0x10509e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064dfc <- 0x1062b80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e00 <- 0x1050a00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e04 <- 0x1050a08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e08 <- 0x1043a9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e0c <- 0x1050a10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e10 <- 0x1050a40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e14 <- 0x1050a80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e18 <- 0x1050a98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e1c <- 0x1063120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e20 <- 0x1056a00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e28 <- 0x1050b00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e2c <- 0x1050b38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e30 <- 0x1050b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e34 <- 0x1050b98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e38 <- 0x1050bc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e3c <- 0x10646ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e40 <- 0x1050bc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e44 <- 0x1050bf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e48 <- 0x1050c28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e4c <- 0x1063198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e50 <- 0x104fc60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e54 <- 0x1050c50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e58 <- 0x1050c80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e5c <- 0x1050cb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e60 <- 0x1050cf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e64 <- 0x1054580
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e6c <- 0x1063fa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e70 <- 0x1063218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e74 <- 0x104fc80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e78 <- 0x1064764
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e7c <- 0x1064674
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e80 <- 0x1050d40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e84 <- 0x1050d68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e88 <- 0x1050d90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e8c <- 0x1050db8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e90 <- 0x1056a00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064e98 <- 0x1056380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ea0 <- 0x1050de0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ea4 <- 0x1050df0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ea8 <- 0x1050e18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064eac <- 0x1050e38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064eb0 <- 0x1050e60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064eb4 <- 0x1050e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064eb8 <- 0x1050eb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ebc <- 0x1050ed8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ec0 <- 0x1050f08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ec4 <- 0x1050f10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ec8 <- 0x1063260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ecc <- 0x104fc98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ed0 <- 0x1050f38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ed4 <- 0x1050f58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ed8 <- 0x1050f60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064edc <- 0x1050f80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ee0 <- 0x1050fa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ee4 <- 0x1050fc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ee8 <- 0x1064634
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064eec <- 0x1064634
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ef0 <- 0x1050fe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ef4 <- 0x1050fe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064ef8 <- 0x1051010
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064efc <- 0x1051038
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f00 <- 0x1051048
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f04 <- 0x1064954
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f0c <- 0x105af80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f14 <- 0x1057180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f18 <- 0x1063270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f1c <- 0x104a248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f20 <- 0x1051058
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f24 <- 0x1051060
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f28 <- 0x1051068
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f2c <- 0x1051078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f30 <- 0x1051080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f34 <- 0x1051088
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f38 <- 0x1051090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f3c <- 0x10510a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f40 <- 0x10510a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f44 <- 0x10510b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f48 <- 0x10510b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f4c <- 0x10510c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f50 <- 0x10637b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f54 <- 0x104fcb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f58 <- 0x10510e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f5c <- 0x10510f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f60 <- 0x1051100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f64 <- 0x1051110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f68 <- 0x1051118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f6c <- 0x1051120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f70 <- 0x1051130
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f74 <- 0x1051138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f78 <- 0x1051140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f7c <- 0x1063e90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f80 <- 0x1063ec8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f84 <- 0x104fcd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f88 <- 0x1057180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f8c <- 0x105af80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f90 <- 0x1051148
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f94 <- 0x1051158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f98 <- 0x1051168
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064f9c <- 0x1051178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fa0 <- 0x1051180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fa4 <- 0x1063ee0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fa8 <- 0x1051188
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fac <- 0x1051198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fb0 <- 0x104fcf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fb4 <- 0x10511b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fb8 <- 0x10511c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fbc <- 0x104fcf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fc0 <- 0x10511e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fc4 <- 0x104fd00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fc8 <- 0x104fd18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fcc <- 0x1063f38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fd0 <- 0x10511e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fd4 <- 0x10511f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fd8 <- 0x104fd30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x1064fdc <- 0x1051210
·E LDR: Unknown module 'cellLibprof' in 'cellSre_Library' library
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUserTraceRegister' (0x104e5e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUserTraceUnregister' (0x104e600)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_create' (0x104e8c0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncmp' (0x104e620)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_unlock' (0x104e6c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_lock' (0x104e6a0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_printf' (0x104e820)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strcat' (0x104e640)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_snprintf' (0x104e680)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_vsnprintf' (0x104e660)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_destroy' (0x104e6e0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memcmp' (0x104e9c0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strlen' (0x104e740)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_create' (0x104e700)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_signal' (0x104e980)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwcond_wait' (0x104e720)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_create' (0x104e760)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_spu_printf_detach_group' (0x104e780)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memset' (0x104e7a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_spu_image_import' (0x104e960)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memcpy' (0x104e7c0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncat' (0x104e7e0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strcpy' (0x104e800)
·! LDR: Imported function '0x9FB6228E' (0x104e840)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_exit' (0x104e860)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_destroy' (0x104e880)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncpy' (0x104e8a0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_spu_printf_attach_group' (0x104e8e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name' (0x104e900)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_spu_image_close' (0x104e920)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_process_get_paramsfo' (0x104e940)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_vprintf' (0x104e9a0)
·W LDR: Loading LLE library 'cellSsl_Library'
·W LDR: segment addr=0x1066000, initial addr = 0x0
·W LDR: cellSsl_Library (rtoc=0x10c6680):
·W LDR: **** 0x1c000001 - 0x90065 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** Exported: cellSsl
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x2c000001
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x005D0928] -> 0x57a18
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetNameEntryInfo] -> 0x566b8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x01D5F161] -> 0x58408
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x0266A34C] -> 0x58498
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x02C73EB6] -> 0x56d08
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetRsaPublicKeyExponent] -> 0x566e0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x05319303] -> 0x58250
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x06BCC1DA] -> 0x575d0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x06ECEF1C] -> 0x57ad8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x07296D93] -> 0x58380
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x074CD5B5] -> 0x58140
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x0D38E130] -> 0x58168
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x0DBB3F51] -> 0x584a0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslEnd] -> 0x56738
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x186E96BC] -> 0x58488
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x19726757] -> 0x58190
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x1B6643AC] -> 0x581d0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x1BBADA6A] -> 0x56768
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x1BE16005] -> 0x57348
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x1CE88676] -> 0x57a80
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x1EA00DA8] -> 0x58150
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x203FBEA3] -> 0x568a8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetNotAfter] -> 0x566f0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x23F0FD4E] -> 0x566f8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x24510989] -> 0x571a8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x2AA1F958] -> 0x58400
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x2AFE36FF] -> 0x579d8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x2E86164D] -> 0x56758
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetNotBefore] -> 0x566d8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetSubjectName] -> 0x566d0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x33CB6159] -> 0x56728
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x365B24CE] -> 0x57ac0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x38D5898C] -> 0x58198
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x3A2A3CA5] -> 0x568a0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x3B159B19] -> 0x56d28
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x3D80F655] -> 0x581f8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x3FC3BBB1] -> 0x571b8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x404136C1] -> 0x56778
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x4345A7C1] -> 0x57ab8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x44567B8F] -> 0x57190
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x46714CE1] -> 0x58200
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x49033E54] -> 0x56d68
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x4C8B7E01] -> 0x575e8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x4EE83087] -> 0x56700
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertificateLoader] -> 0x56788
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x597BE64A] -> 0x579e8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetMd5Fingerprint] -> 0x566b0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x60315DCA] -> 0x58240
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x60ACD240] -> 0x57b60
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x6BA92C44] -> 0x584d0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x6CCAAE48] -> 0x57ad0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetNameEntryCount] -> 0x566c0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetSerialNumber] -> 0x566a8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x7CC3DFE7] -> 0x584a8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x82054D11] -> 0x56750
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x8421B9C7] -> 0x58658
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x84E8B238] -> 0x58208
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x857024E6] -> 0x581a0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x86001386] -> 0x57610
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x86C38810] -> 0x56780
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x89902D47] -> 0x57a90
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x8C69D32B] -> 0x58278
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetRsaPublicKeyModulus] -> 0x566e8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x903F66EB] -> 0x581d8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x90F2798C] -> 0x56d70
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x92A76580] -> 0x58460
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x94671B4F] -> 0x58148
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x96022EEF] -> 0x57aa8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x9ADAE986] -> 0x57a98
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x9BB876F4] -> 0x584f0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x9E48E5DD] -> 0x58638
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x9F4BEB25] -> 0x582e0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0x9FC527E3] -> 0x58660
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xA5DACF92] -> 0x57188
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xA7A0045A] -> 0x57ae8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetIssuerName] -> 0x566c8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xAF02E7DE] -> 0x56770
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xB02A43BC] -> 0x57b20
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xB4F4A829] -> 0x58670
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xB829398E] -> 0x575e0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xC0C94A6C] -> 0x58248
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xC4C600F3] -> 0x57600
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xC5B5B2F3] -> 0x56c68
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xD18B0627] -> 0x56898
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xD78744B4] -> 0x58268
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xDE8CEF62] -> 0x58630
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xE34A25C8] -> 0x58668
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xE5073959] -> 0x58188
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xE55A4804] -> 0x581e8
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xE95B6A4C] -> 0x56708
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xED5D8DD6] -> 0x56c50
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xF0B47A17] -> 0x57a88
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xF5313D34] -> 0x57180
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xF798F853] -> 0x57b18
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xF7D2C560] -> 0x58158
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslCertGetPublicKey] -> 0x566a0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xF8467DE2] -> 0x581f0
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [cellSslInit] -> 0x56740
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xFE7AEFB7] -> 0x58398
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xFF8AC661] -> 0x56d30
·W LDR: **** cellSsl: [0xFFC1A59A] -> 0x57620
·W LDR: **** Imported: cellRtc
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** cellRtc: [cellRtcGetCurrentClock] -> 0x460cc
·W LDR: **** cellRtc: [cellRtcGetTime_t] -> 0x460ec
·W LDR: **** Imported: sys_net
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sys_net: [_sys_net_errno_loc] -> 0x4610c
·W LDR: **** sys_net: [0x7608719D] -> 0x4612c
·W LDR: **** sys_net: [send] -> 0x4614c
·W LDR: **** sys_net: [recv] -> 0x4616c
·W LDR: **** Imported: sys_fs
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsClose] -> 0x4618c
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsRead] -> 0x461ac
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsOpen] -> 0x461cc
·W LDR: **** sys_fs: [cellFsFstat] -> 0x461ec
·W LDR: **** Imported: sysPrxForUser
·W LDR: **** 0x0 - 0x0 - 0x0
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncmp] -> 0x4620c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strcat] -> 0x4622c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_vsnprintf] -> 0x4624c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_lock] -> 0x4626c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_unlock] -> 0x4628c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memmove] -> 0x462ac
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strlen] -> 0x462cc
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_create] -> 0x462ec
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_heap_malloc] -> 0x4630c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strcmp] -> 0x4632c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memset] -> 0x4634c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memcpy] -> 0x4636c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_vsprintf] -> 0x4638c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_heap_free] -> 0x463ac
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strcpy] -> 0x463cc
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_heap_delete_heap] -> 0x463ec
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_heap_create_heap] -> 0x4640c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_heap_get_total_free_size] -> 0x4642c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [sys_lwmutex_destroy] -> 0x4644c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_qsort] -> 0x4646c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_heap_get_mallinfo] -> 0x4648c
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_strncpy] -> 0x464ac
·W LDR: **** sysPrxForUser: [_sys_memcmp] -> 0x464cc
·W LDR: segment addr=0x10d6000, initial addr = 0x52af0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac0d2 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac0d6 <- 0x0
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac0f2 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac0f6 <- 0x4
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac112 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac116 <- 0x74
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac132 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac136 <- 0x78
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac152 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac156 <- 0x7c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac172 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac176 <- 0x80
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac192 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac196 <- 0x64
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac1b2 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac1b6 <- 0x68
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac1d2 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac1d6 <- 0x6c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac1f2 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac1f6 <- 0x70
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac212 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac216 <- 0x8
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac232 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac236 <- 0xc
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac252 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac256 <- 0x10
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac272 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac276 <- 0x14
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac292 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac296 <- 0x18
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac2b2 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac2b6 <- 0x1c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac2d2 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac2d6 <- 0x20
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac2f2 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac2f6 <- 0x24
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac312 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac316 <- 0x28
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac332 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac336 <- 0x2c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac352 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac356 <- 0x30
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac372 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac376 <- 0x34
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac392 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac396 <- 0x38
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac3b2 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac3b6 <- 0x3c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac3d2 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac3d6 <- 0x40
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac3f2 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac3f6 <- 0x44
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac412 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac416 <- 0x48
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac432 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac436 <- 0x4c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac452 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac456 <- 0x50
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac472 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac476 <- 0x54
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac492 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac496 <- 0x58
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac4b2 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac4b6 <- 0x5c
·W LDR: **** RELOCATION(6): 0x10ac4d2 <- 0x10d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(4): 0x10ac4d6 <- 0x60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac508 <- 0x10ac654
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac50c <- 0x10ac65c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac520 <- 0x10ac664
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac524 <- 0x10ac66c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac528 <- 0x10ac880
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac544 <- 0x10ac620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac570 <- 0x10ac62c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac59c <- 0x10ac638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac5c8 <- 0x10ac644
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac548 <- 0x10aca14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac54c <- 0x10d6000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac574 <- 0x10aca1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac578 <- 0x10d6074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac5a0 <- 0x10aca2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac5a4 <- 0x10d6064
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac5cc <- 0x10aca3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac5d0 <- 0x10d6008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac60c <- 0x10ac4f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac610 <- 0x10ac52c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac614 <- 0x10ac534
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac618 <- 0x10ac5e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac608 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac65c <- 0x10ac5e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac660 <- 0x10d62dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac880 <- 0x10daf28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac884 <- 0x10d9bc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac888 <- 0x10db918
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac88c <- 0x10db9a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac890 <- 0x10da218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac894 <- 0x10d9bf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac898 <- 0x10db760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac89c <- 0x10daae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8a0 <- 0x10dafe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8a4 <- 0x10db890
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8a8 <- 0x10db650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8ac <- 0x10db678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8b0 <- 0x10db9b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8b4 <- 0x10d9c48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8b8 <- 0x10db998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8bc <- 0x10db6a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8c0 <- 0x10db6e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8c4 <- 0x10d9c78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8c8 <- 0x10da858
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8cc <- 0x10daf90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8d0 <- 0x10db660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8d4 <- 0x10d9db8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8d8 <- 0x10d9c00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8dc <- 0x10d9c08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8e0 <- 0x10da6b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8e4 <- 0x10db910
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8e8 <- 0x10daee8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8ec <- 0x10d9c68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8f0 <- 0x10d9be8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8f4 <- 0x10d9be0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8f8 <- 0x10d9c38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac8fc <- 0x10dafd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac900 <- 0x10db6a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac904 <- 0x10d9db0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac908 <- 0x10da238
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac90c <- 0x10db708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac910 <- 0x10da6c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac914 <- 0x10d9c88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac918 <- 0x10dafc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac91c <- 0x10da6a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac920 <- 0x10db710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac924 <- 0x10da278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac928 <- 0x10daaf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac92c <- 0x10d9c10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac930 <- 0x10d9c98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac934 <- 0x10daef8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac938 <- 0x10d9bc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac93c <- 0x10db750
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac940 <- 0x10db070
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac944 <- 0x10db9e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac948 <- 0x10dafe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac94c <- 0x10d9bd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac950 <- 0x10d9bb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac954 <- 0x10db9b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac958 <- 0x10d9c60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac95c <- 0x10dbb68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac960 <- 0x10db718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac964 <- 0x10db6b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac968 <- 0x10dab20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac96c <- 0x10d9c90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac970 <- 0x10dafa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac974 <- 0x10db788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac978 <- 0x10d9bf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac97c <- 0x10db6e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac980 <- 0x10da280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac984 <- 0x10db970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac988 <- 0x10db658
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac98c <- 0x10dafb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac990 <- 0x10dafa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac994 <- 0x10dba00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac998 <- 0x10dbb48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac99c <- 0x10db7f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9a0 <- 0x10dbb70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9a4 <- 0x10da698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9a8 <- 0x10daff8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9ac <- 0x10d9bd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9b0 <- 0x10d9c80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9b4 <- 0x10db030
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9b8 <- 0x10dbb80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9bc <- 0x10daaf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9c0 <- 0x10db758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9c4 <- 0x10dab10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9c8 <- 0x10da178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9cc <- 0x10d9da8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9d0 <- 0x10db778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9d4 <- 0x10dbb40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9d8 <- 0x10dbb78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9dc <- 0x10db698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9e0 <- 0x10db6f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9e4 <- 0x10d9c18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9e8 <- 0x10da160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9ec <- 0x10daf98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9f0 <- 0x10da690
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9f4 <- 0x10db028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9f8 <- 0x10db668
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10ac9fc <- 0x10d9bb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10aca00 <- 0x10db700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10aca04 <- 0x10d9c50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10aca08 <- 0x10db8a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10aca0c <- 0x10da240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10aca10 <- 0x10dab30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6000 <- 0x10ac0cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6004 <- 0x10ac0ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6008 <- 0x10ac20c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d600c <- 0x10ac22c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6010 <- 0x10ac24c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6014 <- 0x10ac26c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6018 <- 0x10ac28c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d601c <- 0x10ac2ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6020 <- 0x10ac2cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6024 <- 0x10ac2ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6028 <- 0x10ac30c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d602c <- 0x10ac32c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6030 <- 0x10ac34c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6034 <- 0x10ac36c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6038 <- 0x10ac38c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d603c <- 0x10ac3ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6040 <- 0x10ac3cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6044 <- 0x10ac3ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6048 <- 0x10ac40c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d604c <- 0x10ac42c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6050 <- 0x10ac44c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6054 <- 0x10ac46c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6058 <- 0x10ac48c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d605c <- 0x10ac4ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6060 <- 0x10ac4cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6064 <- 0x10ac18c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6068 <- 0x10ac1ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d606c <- 0x10ac1cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6070 <- 0x10ac1ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6074 <- 0x10ac10c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6078 <- 0x10ac12c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d607c <- 0x10ac14c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6080 <- 0x10ac16c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6090 <- 0x10acb28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d60a0 <- 0x10acb48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d60b0 <- 0x10acb68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d60c0 <- 0x10acb88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d60d0 <- 0x10acba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d60e0 <- 0x10acbc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d60f0 <- 0x10acbe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6100 <- 0x10acc08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6110 <- 0x10acc28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6120 <- 0x10acc48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6130 <- 0x10acc68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6140 <- 0x10acc88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6150 <- 0x10acca8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6160 <- 0x10accc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6170 <- 0x10acce8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6180 <- 0x10acd08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6190 <- 0x10acd28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d61a0 <- 0x10acd48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d61b0 <- 0x10acd68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d61c0 <- 0x10acd88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d61d0 <- 0x10acda8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d61e0 <- 0x10acdc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d61f0 <- 0x10acde8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6200 <- 0x10ace08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6210 <- 0x10ace28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6220 <- 0x10ace48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6230 <- 0x10ace68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6240 <- 0x10ace88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6250 <- 0x10acea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6260 <- 0x10acec8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6270 <- 0x10acee8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6280 <- 0x10acf08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6290 <- 0x10acf28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d62a0 <- 0x10acf48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d62b0 <- 0x10acf68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d62c0 <- 0x10acf88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d62d8 <- 0x10b6dc2
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d62e0 <- 0x10d9e10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d62e4 <- 0x10d9e08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d62e8 <- 0x10d9e10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d62ec <- 0x10d9e08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d62f4 <- 0x10ad248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d62f8 <- 0x10d9e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d62fc <- 0x10da0f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6300 <- 0x10da078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6304 <- 0x10d9fd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6308 <- 0x10da0f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6314 <- 0x10b7114
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6328 <- 0x10b7157
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d632c <- 0x10b7156
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6330 <- 0x10b7154
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6334 <- 0x10b7150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6338 <- 0x10b7148
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d633c <- 0x10b7138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6340 <- 0x10b7118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6344 <- 0x10da0c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6348 <- 0x10d9fe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d634c <- 0x10da200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6350 <- 0x10da0b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6354 <- 0x10da0a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6358 <- 0x10da0a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d635c <- 0x10d9f80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6364 <- 0x10ad3a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6368 <- 0x10da208
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d636c <- 0x10da268
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6370 <- 0x10da210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6378 <- 0x10da158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d637c <- 0x10da0d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6380 <- 0x10d9fe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6388 <- 0x10ad3b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d638c <- 0x10da1b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6390 <- 0x10da120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6394 <- 0x10da1b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6398 <- 0x10da270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d639c <- 0x10da0d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63a0 <- 0x10da150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63a4 <- 0x10da010
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63ac <- 0x10ad5d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63b0 <- 0x10da260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63b4 <- 0x10da248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63b8 <- 0x10da198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63bc <- 0x10da250
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63c0 <- 0x10da258
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63c4 <- 0x10d9ff8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63c8 <- 0x10d9ff0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63d0 <- 0x10da638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63d4 <- 0x10d9d18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63d8 <- 0x10da000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63dc <- 0x10da420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63e0 <- 0x10da420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63e4 <- 0x10da1d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63e8 <- 0x10da1d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63ec <- 0x10d9d38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63f0 <- 0x10da3a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63f4 <- 0x10da3b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d63fc <- 0x10da3f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6400 <- 0x10da3c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6404 <- 0x10da400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6408 <- 0x10da420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d640c <- 0x10da3d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6410 <- 0x10da628
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6414 <- 0x10da3d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6418 <- 0x10da408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d641c <- 0x10da410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6420 <- 0x10da418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6424 <- 0x10da420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6428 <- 0x10da420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d642c <- 0x10da420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6430 <- 0x10da420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6434 <- 0x10da420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6438 <- 0x10da420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d643c <- 0x10da638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6440 <- 0x10d9d18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6444 <- 0x10da000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6448 <- 0x10da138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d644c <- 0x10da130
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6450 <- 0x10da1d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6454 <- 0x10da1d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6458 <- 0x10d9d38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d645c <- 0x10da3a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6460 <- 0x10da3b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6464 <- 0x10da3b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6468 <- 0x10da3f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d646c <- 0x10da3c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6470 <- 0x10da400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6474 <- 0x10da630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6478 <- 0x10da3d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d647c <- 0x10da628
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6480 <- 0x10da3d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6484 <- 0x10da408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6488 <- 0x10da410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d648c <- 0x10da418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6490 <- 0x10da5e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6494 <- 0x10da420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6498 <- 0x10da420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d649c <- 0x10da420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d64a0 <- 0x10da420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d64a4 <- 0x10da420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d64a8 <- 0x10da398
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d64b8 <- 0x10da480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d64bc <- 0x10da488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d64c0 <- 0x10da498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d64e8 <- 0x10da478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6500 <- 0x10da480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6504 <- 0x10da488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6508 <- 0x10da498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d650c <- 0x10dade0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6510 <- 0x10dae50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6530 <- 0x10da478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6548 <- 0x10da4a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d654c <- 0x10da468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6550 <- 0x10da470
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6590 <- 0x10da4a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6594 <- 0x10da468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6598 <- 0x10da470
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d659c <- 0x10dade0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d65a0 <- 0x10dae50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d65d8 <- 0x10da4b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d65dc <- 0x10da4f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d65e0 <- 0x10da4f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6620 <- 0x10da4b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6624 <- 0x10da4f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6628 <- 0x10da4f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d662c <- 0x10dade0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6630 <- 0x10dae50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d666c <- 0x10da9f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6670 <- 0x10da928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d669c <- 0x10da9f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d66a0 <- 0x10da928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d66cc <- 0x10daa10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d66d0 <- 0x10da930
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d66fc <- 0x10da940
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6700 <- 0x10da938
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d672c <- 0x10da948
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6730 <- 0x10da9a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d675c <- 0x10da950
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6760 <- 0x10da9a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d678c <- 0x10da760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6790 <- 0x10da920
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d67bc <- 0x10da9f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d67c0 <- 0x10da9a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d67ec <- 0x10da958
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d67f0 <- 0x10da9b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d681c <- 0x10da960
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6820 <- 0x10da9b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d684c <- 0x10da968
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6850 <- 0x10da9b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d687c <- 0x10daa00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6880 <- 0x10da9c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d68ac <- 0x10da970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d68b0 <- 0x10da9c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d68dc <- 0x10da978
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d68e0 <- 0x10da9d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d690c <- 0x10da980
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6910 <- 0x10da9d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d693c <- 0x10daa08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6940 <- 0x10da9d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d696c <- 0x10daa08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6970 <- 0x10da9d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d699c <- 0x10daa08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d69a0 <- 0x10da9d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d69cc <- 0x10da988
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d69d0 <- 0x10da9e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d69fc <- 0x10da990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6a00 <- 0x10da9e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6a2c <- 0x10da998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6a30 <- 0x10da9e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6a4c <- 0x10dabd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6a60 <- 0x10d6a90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6a74 <- 0x10dab98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6a78 <- 0x10daba0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6a7c <- 0x10dab88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d6a80 <- 0x10d6a60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7470 <- 0x10dac18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7484 <- 0x10dac18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d765c <- 0x10dadf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7660 <- 0x10dad30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7664 <- 0x10dac88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7668 <- 0x10dac88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d766c <- 0x10dac88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7670 <- 0x10dac88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7674 <- 0x10dac98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76ac <- 0x10dae48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76b0 <- 0x10dae40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76b4 <- 0x10dac10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76b8 <- 0x10dae38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76bc <- 0x10dac10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76c0 <- 0x10dac80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76c4 <- 0x10dade8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76c8 <- 0x10d76ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76cc <- 0x10dac10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76d0 <- 0x10dac10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76d4 <- 0x10dac10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76d8 <- 0x10dac10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76dc <- 0x10dac10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76e0 <- 0x10dac10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76e4 <- 0x10dac10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76ec <- 0x10dad00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76f0 <- 0x10dac68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76f4 <- 0x10dae00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76f8 <- 0x10dac78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d76fc <- 0x10b0738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7700 <- 0x10b0740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d770c <- 0x10d7080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7714 <- 0x10b0750
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7718 <- 0x10b0750
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7724 <- 0x10d7081
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d772c <- 0x10b0758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7730 <- 0x10b0758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d773c <- 0x10d7087
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7744 <- 0x10b0760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7748 <- 0x10b0768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7754 <- 0x10d708e
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d775c <- 0x10b0540
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7760 <- 0x10b0770
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d776c <- 0x10d7096
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7774 <- 0x10b0778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7778 <- 0x10b0780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7784 <- 0x10d709e
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d778c <- 0x10b0788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7790 <- 0x10b0788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d779c <- 0x10d70a6
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d77a4 <- 0x10b0798
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d77a8 <- 0x10b07a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d77b4 <- 0x10d70af
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d77bc <- 0x10b07b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d77c0 <- 0x10b07c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d77cc <- 0x10d70b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d77d4 <- 0x10b07d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d77d8 <- 0x10b07d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d77e4 <- 0x10d70c1
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d77ec <- 0x10b07f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d77f0 <- 0x10b07f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d77fc <- 0x10d70ca
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7804 <- 0x10b0808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7808 <- 0x10b0808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7814 <- 0x10d70d3
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d781c <- 0x10b0810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7820 <- 0x10b0810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d782c <- 0x10d70d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7834 <- 0x10b01e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7838 <- 0x10b01d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7844 <- 0x10d70d6
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d784c <- 0x10b0220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7850 <- 0x10b0210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d785c <- 0x10d70d9
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7864 <- 0x10b0238
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7868 <- 0x10b0228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7874 <- 0x10d70dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d787c <- 0x10b0258
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7880 <- 0x10b0240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d788c <- 0x10d70df
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7894 <- 0x10b0278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7898 <- 0x10b0260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d78a4 <- 0x10d70e2
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d78ac <- 0x10b0298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d78b0 <- 0x10b0280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d78bc <- 0x10d70e5
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d78c4 <- 0x10b0818
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d78c8 <- 0x10b0820
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d78d4 <- 0x10d70e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d78dc <- 0x10b0828
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d78e0 <- 0x10b0828
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d78ec <- 0x10d70ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d78f4 <- 0x10b0830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d78f8 <- 0x10b0830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7904 <- 0x10d70f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d790c <- 0x10b0840
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7910 <- 0x10b0840
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d791c <- 0x10d70fd
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7924 <- 0x10b0858
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7928 <- 0x10b0858
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7934 <- 0x10d7106
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d793c <- 0x10b0870
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7940 <- 0x10b0870
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d794c <- 0x10d710f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7954 <- 0x10b0890
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7958 <- 0x10b0890
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7964 <- 0x10d7118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d796c <- 0x10b08a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7970 <- 0x10b08a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d797c <- 0x10d7121
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7984 <- 0x10b08c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7988 <- 0x10b08c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7994 <- 0x10d712a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d799c <- 0x10b08c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d79a0 <- 0x10b08c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d79ac <- 0x10d7132
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d79b4 <- 0x10b08d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d79b8 <- 0x10b08e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d79c4 <- 0x10d713b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d79cc <- 0x10b08e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d79d0 <- 0x10b08f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d79dc <- 0x10d7140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d79e4 <- 0x10b08f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d79e8 <- 0x10b0900
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d79f4 <- 0x10d7145
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d79fc <- 0x10b0908
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7a00 <- 0x10b0910
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7a0c <- 0x10d714a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7a14 <- 0x10b0918
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7a18 <- 0x10b0928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7a2c <- 0x10b0938
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7a30 <- 0x10b0948
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7a44 <- 0x10b0958
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7a48 <- 0x10b0968
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7a5c <- 0x10b0978
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7a60 <- 0x10b0988
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7a74 <- 0x10b0998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7a78 <- 0x10b09a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7a84 <- 0x10d714f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7a8c <- 0x10b09a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7a90 <- 0x10b09b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7aa4 <- 0x10b09b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7aa8 <- 0x10b09c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7abc <- 0x10b09c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ac0 <- 0x10b09d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ad4 <- 0x10b09d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ad8 <- 0x10b09e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ae4 <- 0x10d7157
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7aec <- 0x10b09e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7af0 <- 0x10b09f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7afc <- 0x10d715c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b04 <- 0x10b0a08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b08 <- 0x10b0a18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b1c <- 0x10b0a28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b20 <- 0x10b0a38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b2c <- 0x10d7161
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b34 <- 0x10b0a48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b38 <- 0x10b0a50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b44 <- 0x10d7169
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b4c <- 0x10b0a58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b50 <- 0x10b0a68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b64 <- 0x10b0a78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b68 <- 0x10b0a78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b74 <- 0x10d716e
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b7c <- 0x10b0a80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b80 <- 0x10b0a88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b8c <- 0x10d7176
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b94 <- 0x10b0a98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7b98 <- 0x10b0a98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ba4 <- 0x10d717f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7bac <- 0x10b0ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7bb0 <- 0x10b0ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7bbc <- 0x10d7188
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7bc4 <- 0x10b0ac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7bc8 <- 0x10b0ac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7bd4 <- 0x10d7191
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7bdc <- 0x10b0ad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7be0 <- 0x10b0ad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7bec <- 0x10d719a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7bf4 <- 0x10b0ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7bf8 <- 0x10b0ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c04 <- 0x10d71a3
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c0c <- 0x10b0af8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c10 <- 0x10b0af8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c1c <- 0x10d71ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c24 <- 0x10b0b10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c28 <- 0x10b0b10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c34 <- 0x10d71b5
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c3c <- 0x10b0b28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c40 <- 0x10b0b28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c4c <- 0x10d71be
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c54 <- 0x10b0b48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c58 <- 0x10b0b58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c64 <- 0x10d71c7
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c6c <- 0x10b0b78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c70 <- 0x10b0b88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c7c <- 0x10d71ce
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c84 <- 0x10b0ba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c88 <- 0x10b0bb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c94 <- 0x10d71d6
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7c9c <- 0x10b0bd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ca0 <- 0x10b0be0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7cb4 <- 0x10b0bf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7cb8 <- 0x10b0c00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ccc <- 0x10b0c10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7cd0 <- 0x10b0c20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ce4 <- 0x10b0c30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ce8 <- 0x10b0c40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7cfc <- 0x10b0c50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d00 <- 0x10b0c58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d0c <- 0x10d71de
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d14 <- 0x10b0c60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d18 <- 0x10b0c70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d24 <- 0x10d71e3
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d2c <- 0x10b0c88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d30 <- 0x10b0c90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d3c <- 0x10d71ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d44 <- 0x10b0ca0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d48 <- 0x10b0ca8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d54 <- 0x10d71f1
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d5c <- 0x10b0cc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d60 <- 0x10b0cc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d6c <- 0x10d71f6
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d74 <- 0x10b0cd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d78 <- 0x10b0cd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d84 <- 0x10d71ff
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d8c <- 0x10b0cf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d90 <- 0x10b0d00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7d9c <- 0x10d7208
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7da4 <- 0x10b0d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7da8 <- 0x10b0d20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7db4 <- 0x10d720d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7dbc <- 0x10b0d38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7dc0 <- 0x10b0d48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7dcc <- 0x10d7216
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7dd4 <- 0x10b0d60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7dd8 <- 0x10b0d70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7de4 <- 0x10d721f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7dec <- 0x10b0d88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7df0 <- 0x10b0da0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7dfc <- 0x10d7228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e04 <- 0x10b0dc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e08 <- 0x10b0dd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e14 <- 0x10d7231
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e1c <- 0x10b0de8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e20 <- 0x10b0df8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e2c <- 0x10d723a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e34 <- 0x10b0e10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e38 <- 0x10b0e20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e44 <- 0x10d7243
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e4c <- 0x10b0e40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e50 <- 0x10b0e50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e5c <- 0x10d724c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e64 <- 0x10b0e68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e68 <- 0x10b0e78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e74 <- 0x10d7255
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e7c <- 0x10b0e98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e80 <- 0x10b0ea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e94 <- 0x10b0eb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7e98 <- 0x10b0eb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ea4 <- 0x10d725e
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7eac <- 0x10b0ec0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7eb0 <- 0x10b0ed8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ebc <- 0x10d7260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ec4 <- 0x10b0ef8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ec8 <- 0x10b0f08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ed4 <- 0x10d7263
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7edc <- 0x10b0f20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ee0 <- 0x10b0f38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7eec <- 0x10d7266
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ef4 <- 0x10b0f58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ef8 <- 0x10b0f68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f04 <- 0x10d7269
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f0c <- 0x10b0f88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f10 <- 0x10b0f98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f1c <- 0x10d726c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f24 <- 0x10b0fb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f28 <- 0x10b0fd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f34 <- 0x10d726f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f3c <- 0x10b0ff0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f40 <- 0x10b1000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f4c <- 0x10d7272
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f54 <- 0x10b1018
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f58 <- 0x10b1030
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f64 <- 0x10d7275
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f6c <- 0x10b1050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f70 <- 0x10b1068
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f7c <- 0x10d7278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f84 <- 0x10b1088
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f88 <- 0x10b1090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7f9c <- 0x10b1098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7fa0 <- 0x10b10a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7fb4 <- 0x10b10a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7fb8 <- 0x10b10b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7fcc <- 0x10b10b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7fd0 <- 0x10b10c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7fe4 <- 0x10b10c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7fe8 <- 0x10b10d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ff4 <- 0x10d727b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d7ffc <- 0x10b10d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8000 <- 0x10b10e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d800c <- 0x10d727f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8014 <- 0x10b10f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8018 <- 0x10b1100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d802c <- 0x10b1108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8030 <- 0x10b1118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8044 <- 0x10b02d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8048 <- 0x10b02c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8054 <- 0x10d7283
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d805c <- 0x10b01f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8060 <- 0x10b01e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d806c <- 0x10d7286
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8074 <- 0x10b02f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8078 <- 0x10b02e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8084 <- 0x10d7289
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d808c <- 0x10b0310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8090 <- 0x10b02f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d809c <- 0x10d728c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d80a4 <- 0x10b1128
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d80a8 <- 0x10b1140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d80b4 <- 0x10d728f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d80bc <- 0x10b1160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d80c0 <- 0x10b1170
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d80cc <- 0x10d7292
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d80d4 <- 0x10b0208
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d80d8 <- 0x10b01f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d80e4 <- 0x10d7297
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d80ec <- 0x10b02a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d80f0 <- 0x10b02a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d80fc <- 0x10d729a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8104 <- 0x10b02c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8108 <- 0x10b02b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8114 <- 0x10d729d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d811c <- 0x10b1180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8120 <- 0x10b1190
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d812c <- 0x10d72a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8134 <- 0x10b11a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8138 <- 0x10b11b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d814c <- 0x10b11c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8150 <- 0x10b11d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8164 <- 0x10b11e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8168 <- 0x10b11f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d817c <- 0x10b1200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8180 <- 0x10b1200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d818c <- 0x10d72a9
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8194 <- 0x10b1218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8198 <- 0x10b1228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d81a4 <- 0x10d72b2
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d81ac <- 0x10b1238
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d81b0 <- 0x10b1248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d81c4 <- 0x10b1258
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d81c8 <- 0x10b1268
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d81d4 <- 0x10d72b9
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d81dc <- 0x10b1278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d81e0 <- 0x10b1280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d81ec <- 0x10d72be
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d81f4 <- 0x10b1290
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d81f8 <- 0x10b12a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8204 <- 0x10d72c5
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d820c <- 0x10b12b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8210 <- 0x10b12c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d821c <- 0x10d72ca
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8224 <- 0x10b12d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8228 <- 0x10b12e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8234 <- 0x10d72d2
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d823c <- 0x10b12f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8240 <- 0x10b1300
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d824c <- 0x10d72d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8254 <- 0x10b1308
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8258 <- 0x10b1310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d826c <- 0x10b1318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8270 <- 0x10b1320
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8284 <- 0x10b1328
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8288 <- 0x10b1330
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d829c <- 0x10b1338
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d82a0 <- 0x10b1340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d82ac <- 0x10d72e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d82b4 <- 0x10b1358
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d82b8 <- 0x10b1360
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d82c4 <- 0x10d72e5
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d82cc <- 0x10b1378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d82d0 <- 0x10b1390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d82dc <- 0x10d72ea
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d83d4 <- 0x10b13b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d83d8 <- 0x10b13b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d83e4 <- 0x10d72ed
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8404 <- 0x10b13d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8408 <- 0x10b13e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8414 <- 0x10d72f7
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d841c <- 0x10b1400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8420 <- 0x10b1410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d842c <- 0x10d7300
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8434 <- 0x10b1428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8438 <- 0x10b1438
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8444 <- 0x10d7308
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d844c <- 0x10b1448
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8450 <- 0x10b1458
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d845c <- 0x10d7311
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8464 <- 0x10b1468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8468 <- 0x10b1478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8474 <- 0x10d731a
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d847c <- 0x10b1488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8480 <- 0x10b1498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d848c <- 0x10d7323
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8494 <- 0x10b14a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8498 <- 0x10b14b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d84a4 <- 0x10d732c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d84ac <- 0x10b14c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d84b0 <- 0x10b14d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d84bc <- 0x10d7335
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d84c4 <- 0x10b14e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d84c8 <- 0x10b14f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d84d4 <- 0x10d733e
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d84dc <- 0x10b1508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d84e0 <- 0x10b1518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d84ec <- 0x10d7347
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d84f4 <- 0x10b1528
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d84f8 <- 0x10b1538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8504 <- 0x10d7350
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d850c <- 0x10b1548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8510 <- 0x10b1558
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d851c <- 0x10d7359
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8524 <- 0x10b1568
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8528 <- 0x10b1578
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8534 <- 0x10d7362
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d853c <- 0x10b1588
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8540 <- 0x10b1598
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d854c <- 0x10d736b
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8554 <- 0x10b15a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8558 <- 0x10b15b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8564 <- 0x10d7374
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d856c <- 0x10b15d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8570 <- 0x10b15e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d857c <- 0x10d737d
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8584 <- 0x10b1608
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8588 <- 0x10b1610
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8594 <- 0x10d7386
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d859c <- 0x10b1630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d85a0 <- 0x10b1640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d85b4 <- 0x10b1650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d85b8 <- 0x10b1660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d85cc <- 0x10b1670
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d85d0 <- 0x10b1678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d85e4 <- 0x10b1680
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d85e8 <- 0x10b1688
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d85f4 <- 0x10d738f
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d85fc <- 0x10b1690
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8600 <- 0x10b1698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d860c <- 0x10d7398
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8614 <- 0x10b16a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8618 <- 0x10b16a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8624 <- 0x10d73a1
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d862c <- 0x10b16b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8630 <- 0x10b16b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d863c <- 0x10d73aa
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8644 <- 0x10b16c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8648 <- 0x10b16c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8654 <- 0x10d73b3
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d865c <- 0x10b16d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8660 <- 0x10b16d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d866c <- 0x10d73bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d868c <- 0x10b16e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8690 <- 0x10b16e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d869c <- 0x10d73c5
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d86a4 <- 0x10b16f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d86a8 <- 0x10b16f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d86b4 <- 0x10d73c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d86bc <- 0x10b1710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d86c0 <- 0x10b1718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d86cc <- 0x10d73cb
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d86d4 <- 0x10b1728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d86d8 <- 0x10b1730
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d86e4 <- 0x10d73ce
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d86ec <- 0x10b1738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d86f0 <- 0x10b1740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d86fc <- 0x10d73d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8704 <- 0x10b1750
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8708 <- 0x10b1760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8714 <- 0x10d73e2
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d871c <- 0x10b1778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8720 <- 0x10b1788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d872c <- 0x10d73e5
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8734 <- 0x10b17a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8738 <- 0x10b17b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8744 <- 0x10d73e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d874c <- 0x10b17d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8750 <- 0x10b17f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d875c <- 0x10d73eb
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8764 <- 0x10b1810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8768 <- 0x10b1830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8774 <- 0x10d73ee
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d877c <- 0x10b1858
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8780 <- 0x10b1870
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d878c <- 0x10d73f1
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8794 <- 0x10b1890
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8798 <- 0x10b18a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d87a4 <- 0x10d73f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d87ac <- 0x10b18c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d87b0 <- 0x10b18c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d87bc <- 0x10d73f7
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d87c4 <- 0x10b18e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d87c8 <- 0x10b18f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d87d4 <- 0x10d73fe
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d87dc <- 0x10b1918
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d87e0 <- 0x10b1918
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d87ec <- 0x10d7405
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d87f4 <- 0x10b1920
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d87f8 <- 0x10b1930
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8804 <- 0x10d740c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d880c <- 0x10b1960
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8810 <- 0x10b1970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d881c <- 0x10d7414
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8824 <- 0x10b19a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8828 <- 0x10b19b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8834 <- 0x10d741c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d883c <- 0x10b19d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8840 <- 0x10b19e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d884c <- 0x10d7424
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8854 <- 0x10b1a10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8858 <- 0x10b1a20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8864 <- 0x10d742c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d886c <- 0x10b1a48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8870 <- 0x10b1a58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d887c <- 0x10d7434
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8884 <- 0x10b1a80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8888 <- 0x10b1a90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8894 <- 0x10d743c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d889c <- 0x10b1ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d88a0 <- 0x10b1ac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d88ac <- 0x10d7444
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d88b4 <- 0x10b1ae8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d88b8 <- 0x10b1af8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d88c4 <- 0x10d744c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d88fc <- 0x10b1b18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8900 <- 0x10b1b20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d890c <- 0x10d7454
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8914 <- 0x10b1b38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8918 <- 0x10b1b48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8924 <- 0x10d7459
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d892c <- 0x10b1b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8930 <- 0x10b1b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d893c <- 0x10d7460
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8944 <- 0x10b1b88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8948 <- 0x10b1b88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8954 <- 0x10d7463
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d895c <- 0x10b1ba0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8960 <- 0x10b1ba0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d896c <- 0x10d7466
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8974 <- 0x10b1bb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8978 <- 0x10b1bb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8984 <- 0x10d7469
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d898c <- 0x10dabc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8990 <- 0x10dabb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8994 <- 0x10dab68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8998 <- 0x10dab70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d899c <- 0x10dac08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89a8 <- 0x10d76fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89ac <- 0x10d7804
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89b0 <- 0x10d781c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89b4 <- 0x10d7e94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89b8 <- 0x10d895c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89bc <- 0x10d892c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89c0 <- 0x10d8944
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89c4 <- 0x10d7834
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89c8 <- 0x10d805c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89cc <- 0x10d80d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89d0 <- 0x10d784c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89d4 <- 0x10d7864
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89d8 <- 0x10d787c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89dc <- 0x10d868c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89e0 <- 0x10d7894
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89e4 <- 0x10d78ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89e8 <- 0x10d80ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89ec <- 0x10d8104
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89f0 <- 0x10d8044
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89f4 <- 0x10d8074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89f8 <- 0x10d86a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d89fc <- 0x10d808c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a00 <- 0x10d86bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a04 <- 0x10d7eac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a08 <- 0x10d7ec4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a0c <- 0x10d7edc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a10 <- 0x10d7ef4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a14 <- 0x10d7f0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a18 <- 0x10d7f24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a1c <- 0x10d7f3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a20 <- 0x10d8704
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a24 <- 0x10d871c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a28 <- 0x10d8734
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a2c <- 0x10d874c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a30 <- 0x10d8764
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a34 <- 0x10d877c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a38 <- 0x10d8794
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a3c <- 0x10d80a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a40 <- 0x10d7f54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a44 <- 0x10d7f6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a48 <- 0x10d82cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a4c <- 0x10d78c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a50 <- 0x10d7ffc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a54 <- 0x10d7fe4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a58 <- 0x10d829c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a5c <- 0x10d82b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a60 <- 0x10d80bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a64 <- 0x10d79b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a68 <- 0x10d79e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a6c <- 0x10d7b34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a70 <- 0x10d79cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a74 <- 0x10d7d44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a78 <- 0x10d7d2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a7c <- 0x10d7aec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a80 <- 0x10d79fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a84 <- 0x10d7ad4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a88 <- 0x10d7cfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a8c <- 0x10d7d8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a90 <- 0x10d81c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a94 <- 0x10d81f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a98 <- 0x10d88fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8a9c <- 0x10d8974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8aa0 <- 0x10d7714
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8aa4 <- 0x10d8224
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8aa8 <- 0x10d772c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8aac <- 0x10d81dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ab0 <- 0x10d8194
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ab4 <- 0x10d87ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ab8 <- 0x10d8914
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8abc <- 0x10d87c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ac0 <- 0x10d87dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ac4 <- 0x10d7c54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ac8 <- 0x10d7984
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8acc <- 0x10d78dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ad0 <- 0x10d7b64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ad4 <- 0x10d7744
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ad8 <- 0x10d775c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8adc <- 0x10d7a74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ae0 <- 0x10d7774
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ae4 <- 0x10d7b1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ae8 <- 0x10d820c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8aec <- 0x10d823c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8af0 <- 0x10d87f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8af4 <- 0x10d880c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8af8 <- 0x10d8824
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8afc <- 0x10d883c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b00 <- 0x10d8854
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b04 <- 0x10d886c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b08 <- 0x10d8884
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b0c <- 0x10d889c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b10 <- 0x10d88b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b14 <- 0x10d841c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b18 <- 0x10d7c6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b1c <- 0x10d7c84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b20 <- 0x10d811c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b24 <- 0x10d817c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b28 <- 0x10d778c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b2c <- 0x10d77a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b30 <- 0x10d77bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b34 <- 0x10d7d14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b38 <- 0x10d8584
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b3c <- 0x10d8554
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b40 <- 0x10d856c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b44 <- 0x10d799c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b48 <- 0x10d77d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b4c <- 0x10d77ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b50 <- 0x10d7d5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b54 <- 0x10d7d74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b58 <- 0x10d78f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b5c <- 0x10d790c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b60 <- 0x10d7924
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b64 <- 0x10d793c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b68 <- 0x10d7954
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b6c <- 0x10d796c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b70 <- 0x10d7b7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b74 <- 0x10d7b94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b78 <- 0x10d7bac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b7c <- 0x10d7bc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b80 <- 0x10d7bdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b84 <- 0x10d7bf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b88 <- 0x10d7c0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b8c <- 0x10d7c24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b90 <- 0x10d7c3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b94 <- 0x10d85e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b98 <- 0x10d85fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8b9c <- 0x10d8614
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ba0 <- 0x10d8434
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ba4 <- 0x10d844c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ba8 <- 0x10d8464
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bac <- 0x10d847c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bb0 <- 0x10d8494
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bb4 <- 0x10d84ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bb8 <- 0x10d84c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bbc <- 0x10d84dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bc0 <- 0x10d84f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bc4 <- 0x10d850c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bc8 <- 0x10d8524
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bcc <- 0x10d853c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bd0 <- 0x10d862c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bd4 <- 0x10d8644
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bd8 <- 0x10d865c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bdc <- 0x10d7da4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8be0 <- 0x10d7dbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8be4 <- 0x10d7dd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8be8 <- 0x10d7dec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bec <- 0x10d7e04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bf0 <- 0x10d7e1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bf4 <- 0x10d7e34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bf8 <- 0x10d7e4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8bfc <- 0x10d7e64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8c00 <- 0x10d8404
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8c04 <- 0x10d86d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8c08 <- 0x10d86ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8c0c <- 0x10d83d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8c20 <- 0x10dbb88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8c24 <- 0x10dba28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8c40 <- 0x10db8c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8c60 <- 0x10db8b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8c80 <- 0x10db8e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ca0 <- 0x10db8e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8cc0 <- 0x10db720
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ce0 <- 0x10db728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8d00 <- 0x10db730
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8d20 <- 0x10db738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8d40 <- 0x10db8d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8d60 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8d68 <- 0x10da750
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8d80 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8d88 <- 0x10da730
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8da0 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8da8 <- 0x10da780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8dc0 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8dc8 <- 0x10da700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8de0 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8de8 <- 0x10da710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8e00 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8e08 <- 0x10da708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8e20 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8e28 <- 0x10da788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8e40 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8e48 <- 0x10da790
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8e60 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8e68 <- 0x10da6f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8e80 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8e88 <- 0x10da748
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ea0 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ea8 <- 0x10da728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ec0 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ec8 <- 0x10da778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ee0 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8ee8 <- 0x10da6f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8f00 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8f08 <- 0x10da740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8f20 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8f28 <- 0x10da720
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8f40 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8f48 <- 0x10da770
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8f60 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8f68 <- 0x10da6e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8f80 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8f88 <- 0x10da738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8fa0 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8fa8 <- 0x10da718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8fc0 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8fc8 <- 0x10da768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d8fe0 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9000 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9020 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9040 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9060 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9080 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d90a0 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d90c0 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d90e0 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9100 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9120 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9140 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9160 <- 0x10db8b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9180 <- 0x10db8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9188 <- 0x10da808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d91a0 <- 0x10db8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d91a8 <- 0x10da800
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d91c0 <- 0x10db8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d91c8 <- 0x10da818
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d91e0 <- 0x10db8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d91e8 <- 0x10da810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9200 <- 0x10db8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9208 <- 0x10da820
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9220 <- 0x10db8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9228 <- 0x10daa38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9240 <- 0x10db8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9260 <- 0x10db8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9280 <- 0x10db8c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d92a0 <- 0x10db8d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d92c4 <- 0x10dac00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d92c8 <- 0x10dab58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d92e8 <- 0x10daa58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9304 <- 0x10da538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9314 <- 0x10db9d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9318 <- 0x10db988
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d931c <- 0x10db9c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9320 <- 0x10db7e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9324 <- 0x10db7e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9328 <- 0x10dbaf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d932c <- 0x10dbb00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9330 <- 0x10dba98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9334 <- 0x10dbb60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9338 <- 0x10db630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d933c <- 0x10db638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9340 <- 0x10db990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9344 <- 0x10dbab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9348 <- 0x10dbaa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d934c <- 0x10db620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9350 <- 0x10db618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9354 <- 0x10db608
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9358 <- 0x10db610
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d935c <- 0x10db7e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9360 <- 0x10db770
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9364 <- 0x10d9b08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9368 <- 0x10da520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9370 <- 0x10b6a08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d937c <- 0x10b6a38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9394 <- 0x10b6a40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d93ac <- 0x10b6a48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d93c4 <- 0x10b6a50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d93dc <- 0x10b6a58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d93f4 <- 0x10b6a60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d940c <- 0x10b6a68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9424 <- 0x10b6a70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d943c <- 0x10b6a78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9454 <- 0x10b6a80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d946c <- 0x10b6a88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9484 <- 0x10b6a90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d949c <- 0x10b6a98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d94b4 <- 0x10b6aa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d94cc <- 0x10b4508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d94e4 <- 0x10b4510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d94fc <- 0x10b4518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9514 <- 0x10b4520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d952c <- 0x10b4778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9544 <- 0x10b6aa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d955c <- 0x10b6ab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9574 <- 0x10b6ab8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d958c <- 0x10b4530
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d95a4 <- 0x10b4528
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d95bc <- 0x10b6ac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d95d4 <- 0x10b6ac8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d95ec <- 0x10b44f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9604 <- 0x10b6ad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d961c <- 0x10b6ad8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9634 <- 0x10b6ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d964c <- 0x10b6ae8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9664 <- 0x10b38c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d967c <- 0x10b38e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9694 <- 0x10b38d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d96ac <- 0x10b6af0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d96c4 <- 0x10b6af8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d96dc <- 0x10b6b00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d96f8 <- 0x10b6b08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9710 <- 0x10b6b18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9728 <- 0x10b6b28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9740 <- 0x10b6b38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9758 <- 0x10b6b48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9770 <- 0x10b6b60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9788 <- 0x10b6b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d97a0 <- 0x10b6b88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d97b8 <- 0x10b6b98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d97d0 <- 0x10b6ba0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d97e8 <- 0x10b6ba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9800 <- 0x10b6bb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9818 <- 0x10b6bc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9830 <- 0x10b6bd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9848 <- 0x10b6be8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9860 <- 0x10b6bf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9878 <- 0x10b6c10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9890 <- 0x10b6c28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d98a8 <- 0x10b6c40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d98c0 <- 0x10b6c58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d98d8 <- 0x10b6c70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d98f0 <- 0x10b6c88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9908 <- 0x10b6ca0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9920 <- 0x10b6cb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9938 <- 0x10b6cd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9950 <- 0x10b6ce8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9968 <- 0x10b6d00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9980 <- 0x10b6d18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9998 <- 0x10b6d28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d99b0 <- 0x10b6d38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d99c8 <- 0x10b6d48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d99e0 <- 0x10b6d58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d99f8 <- 0x10b6d68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a10 <- 0x10b6d78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a28 <- 0x10b6d90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a40 <- 0x10db9d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a44 <- 0x10db980
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a48 <- 0x10db9c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a4c <- 0x10db7e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a50 <- 0x10db7e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a54 <- 0x10dbaf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a58 <- 0x10dbb00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a5c <- 0x10dba98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a60 <- 0x10dbb60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a64 <- 0x10db630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a68 <- 0x10db638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a6c <- 0x10db990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a70 <- 0x10dbab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a74 <- 0x10dbaa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a78 <- 0x10db620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a7c <- 0x10db618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a80 <- 0x10db608
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a84 <- 0x10db610
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a88 <- 0x10db7e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a8c <- 0x10db600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a90 <- 0x10d9b5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a94 <- 0x10b6da8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a98 <- 0x10b6db0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9a9c <- 0x10b6db8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b00 <- 0x10da888
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b08 <- 0x10db7d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b0c <- 0x10db7b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b10 <- 0x10db9f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b14 <- 0x10db7a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b18 <- 0x10db808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b1c <- 0x10db7b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b24 <- 0x10db7c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b58 <- 0x10db768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b5c <- 0x10db7c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b60 <- 0x10dba40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b64 <- 0x10dbab8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b68 <- 0x10dba38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b6c <- 0x10dba50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b70 <- 0x10dbac8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9b78 <- 0x10dbad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bac <- 0x10db5f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bb0 <- 0x1066000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bb4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bb8 <- 0x1066100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bbc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bc0 <- 0x1066224
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bc4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bc8 <- 0x1066318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bcc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bd0 <- 0x1066518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bd4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bd8 <- 0x10665e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bdc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9be0 <- 0x10666b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9be4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9be8 <- 0x106677c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bf0 <- 0x1066984
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bf4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bf8 <- 0x1066a9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9bfc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c00 <- 0x1066bb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c04 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c08 <- 0x1066dbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c0c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c10 <- 0x1066dc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c14 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c18 <- 0x1066df4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c1c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c20 <- 0x1066df8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c24 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c28 <- 0x1066f40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c2c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c30 <- 0x1066f70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c34 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c38 <- 0x10670b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c3c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c40 <- 0x10671ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c44 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c48 <- 0x1067204
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c4c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c50 <- 0x1067298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c54 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c58 <- 0x106750c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c5c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c60 <- 0x10675c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c64 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c68 <- 0x1067608
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c6c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c70 <- 0x10676f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c74 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c78 <- 0x1067718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c7c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c80 <- 0x1067754
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c84 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c88 <- 0x1067790
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c8c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c90 <- 0x1067800
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c94 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c98 <- 0x1067a38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9c9c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ca0 <- 0x1067ca8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ca4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ca8 <- 0x1067cd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cb0 <- 0x1067cf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cb4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cb8 <- 0x1067d20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cbc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cc0 <- 0x1067d48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cc4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cc8 <- 0x1067d70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ccc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cd0 <- 0x1067d94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cd4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cd8 <- 0x1067de0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cdc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ce0 <- 0x1067e08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ce4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ce8 <- 0x1067e30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cf0 <- 0x1067e58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cf4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cf8 <- 0x1067e80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9cfc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d00 <- 0x1067ea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d04 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d08 <- 0x1067ed0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d0c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d10 <- 0x1068018
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d14 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d18 <- 0x106817c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d1c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d20 <- 0x10681cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d24 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d28 <- 0x1068200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d2c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d30 <- 0x106823c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d34 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d38 <- 0x10682bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d3c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d40 <- 0x1068400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d44 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d48 <- 0x106844c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d4c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d50 <- 0x1068528
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d54 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d58 <- 0x1068568
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d5c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d60 <- 0x10685d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d64 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d68 <- 0x1068600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d6c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d70 <- 0x1068618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d74 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d78 <- 0x10686d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d7c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d80 <- 0x10686dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d84 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d88 <- 0x10686f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d8c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d90 <- 0x106870c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d94 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d98 <- 0x1068728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9d9c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9da0 <- 0x1068744
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9da4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9da8 <- 0x1068760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9dac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9db0 <- 0x1068770
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9db4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9db8 <- 0x1068788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9dbc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9dc0 <- 0x1068790
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9dc4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9dc8 <- 0x10687c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9dcc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9dd0 <- 0x10688f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9dd4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9dd8 <- 0x10689a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ddc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9de0 <- 0x1068a3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9de4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9de8 <- 0x1068b28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9dec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9df0 <- 0x1068c7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9df4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9df8 <- 0x1068c84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9dfc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e00 <- 0x1068cac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e04 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e08 <- 0x1068d64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e0c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e10 <- 0x1069bbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e14 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e18 <- 0x106a748
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e1c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e20 <- 0x106aa3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e24 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e28 <- 0x106ac58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e2c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e30 <- 0x106ae78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e34 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e38 <- 0x106aef8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e3c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e40 <- 0x106af00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e44 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e48 <- 0x106af54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e4c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e50 <- 0x106afb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e54 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e58 <- 0x106b038
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e5c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e60 <- 0x106b0e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e64 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e68 <- 0x106b178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e6c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e70 <- 0x106b264
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e74 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e78 <- 0x106b2b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e7c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e80 <- 0x106b364
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e84 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e88 <- 0x106b3c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e8c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e90 <- 0x106b3cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e94 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e98 <- 0x106b450
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9e9c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ea0 <- 0x106b494
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ea4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ea8 <- 0x106b588
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9eac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9eb0 <- 0x106b704
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9eb4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9eb8 <- 0x106b7c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ebc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ec0 <- 0x106bb68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ec4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ec8 <- 0x106be0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ecc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ed0 <- 0x106be14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ed4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ed8 <- 0x106bf74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9edc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ee0 <- 0x106bf88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ee4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ee8 <- 0x106bfec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9eec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ef0 <- 0x106c0dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ef4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ef8 <- 0x106c138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9efc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f00 <- 0x106c458
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f04 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f08 <- 0x106c4c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f0c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f10 <- 0x106c698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f14 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f18 <- 0x106c87c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f1c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f20 <- 0x106c934
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f24 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f28 <- 0x106ca8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f2c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f30 <- 0x106cbf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f34 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f38 <- 0x106ce90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f3c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f40 <- 0x106cfb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f44 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f48 <- 0x106d0c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f4c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f50 <- 0x106d248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f54 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f58 <- 0x106d2cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f5c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f60 <- 0x106d438
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f64 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f68 <- 0x106d640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f6c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f70 <- 0x106d818
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f74 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f78 <- 0x106da5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f7c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f80 <- 0x106ddb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f84 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f88 <- 0x106de2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f8c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f90 <- 0x106def8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f94 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f98 <- 0x106e02c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9f9c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fa0 <- 0x106e1b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fa4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fa8 <- 0x106e3f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fb0 <- 0x106e5b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fb4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fb8 <- 0x106e710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fbc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fc0 <- 0x106e81c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fc4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fc8 <- 0x106e890
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fcc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fd0 <- 0x106e8f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fd4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fd8 <- 0x106e964
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fdc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fe0 <- 0x106e9cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fe4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fe8 <- 0x106ea1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9fec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ff0 <- 0x106eabc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ff4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ff8 <- 0x106eb50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10d9ffc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da000 <- 0x106ec34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da004 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da008 <- 0x106ed18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da00c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da010 <- 0x106ed80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da014 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da018 <- 0x106edf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da01c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da020 <- 0x106ee64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da024 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da028 <- 0x106f088
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da02c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da030 <- 0x106f228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da034 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da038 <- 0x106f324
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da03c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da040 <- 0x106f37c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da044 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da048 <- 0x106f3cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da04c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da050 <- 0x106f438
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da054 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da058 <- 0x106f480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da05c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da060 <- 0x106f4e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da064 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da068 <- 0x106f4fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da06c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da070 <- 0x106f560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da074 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da078 <- 0x106f5c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da07c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da080 <- 0x106f668
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da084 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da088 <- 0x106fbec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da08c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da090 <- 0x106fc0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da094 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da098 <- 0x106fe3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da09c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0a0 <- 0x106ff10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0a8 <- 0x106ffc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0b0 <- 0x1070000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0b8 <- 0x107003c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0c0 <- 0x1070298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0c8 <- 0x10702fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0d0 <- 0x10703a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0d8 <- 0x1070400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0e0 <- 0x1070580
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0e8 <- 0x10706f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0f0 <- 0x107071c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0f8 <- 0x1070d30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da0fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da100 <- 0x1070e6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da104 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da108 <- 0x1070f40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da10c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da110 <- 0x1070fbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da114 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da118 <- 0x10712b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da11c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da120 <- 0x107131c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da124 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da128 <- 0x1071404
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da12c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da130 <- 0x1071578
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da134 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da138 <- 0x1071784
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da13c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da140 <- 0x1071900
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da144 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da148 <- 0x10719a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da14c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da150 <- 0x1071a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da154 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da158 <- 0x1071a74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da15c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da160 <- 0x1071dac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da164 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da168 <- 0x1071f48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da16c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da170 <- 0x1071fd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da174 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da178 <- 0x1072048
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da17c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da180 <- 0x107208c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da184 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da188 <- 0x10720bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da18c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da190 <- 0x107223c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da194 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da198 <- 0x107242c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da19c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1a0 <- 0x1072478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1a8 <- 0x1072614
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1b0 <- 0x1072700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1b8 <- 0x10727dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1c0 <- 0x1072828
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1c8 <- 0x1072a24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1d0 <- 0x1072abc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1d8 <- 0x1073248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1e0 <- 0x1073568
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1e8 <- 0x1073728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1f0 <- 0x107389c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1f8 <- 0x1073da8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da1fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da200 <- 0x1073f64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da204 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da208 <- 0x1074074
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da20c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da210 <- 0x107410c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da214 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da218 <- 0x1074158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da21c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da220 <- 0x1074280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da224 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da228 <- 0x10742e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da22c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da230 <- 0x1074400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da234 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da238 <- 0x107449c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da23c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da240 <- 0x1074548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da244 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da248 <- 0x1074784
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da24c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da250 <- 0x1074930
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da254 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da258 <- 0x1074ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da25c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da260 <- 0x1074fc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da264 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da268 <- 0x10751dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da26c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da270 <- 0x1075288
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da274 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da278 <- 0x1075350
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da27c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da280 <- 0x10753b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da284 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da288 <- 0x10753c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da28c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da290 <- 0x1075b74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da294 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da298 <- 0x1075e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da29c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2a0 <- 0x107650c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2a8 <- 0x10766e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2b0 <- 0x1076a24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2b8 <- 0x1076c00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2c0 <- 0x1076d50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2c8 <- 0x1076ed0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2d0 <- 0x1077684
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2d8 <- 0x1077c70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2e0 <- 0x1077fc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2e8 <- 0x1078314
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2f0 <- 0x107835c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2f8 <- 0x10783d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da2fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da300 <- 0x1078728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da304 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da308 <- 0x1079228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da30c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da310 <- 0x1079c1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da314 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da318 <- 0x107a394
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da31c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da320 <- 0x107a4fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da324 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da328 <- 0x107a808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da32c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da330 <- 0x107ab50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da334 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da338 <- 0x107af7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da33c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da340 <- 0x107b02c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da344 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da348 <- 0x107b220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da34c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da350 <- 0x107b38c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da354 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da358 <- 0x107b420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da35c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da360 <- 0x107b440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da364 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da368 <- 0x107b5d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da36c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da370 <- 0x107b864
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da374 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da378 <- 0x107b8ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da37c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da380 <- 0x107b9b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da384 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da388 <- 0x107b9b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da38c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da390 <- 0x107baf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da394 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da398 <- 0x107bb70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da39c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3a0 <- 0x107bbe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3a8 <- 0x107bc80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3b0 <- 0x107bc88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3b8 <- 0x107bc9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3c0 <- 0x107bcc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3c8 <- 0x107bd50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3d0 <- 0x107c088
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3d8 <- 0x107c228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3e0 <- 0x107c454
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3e8 <- 0x107c564
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3f0 <- 0x107c650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3f8 <- 0x107c7c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da3fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da400 <- 0x107c838
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da404 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da408 <- 0x107c840
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da40c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da410 <- 0x107c98c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da414 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da418 <- 0x107cab8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da41c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da420 <- 0x107cb58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da424 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da428 <- 0x107cb60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da42c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da430 <- 0x107cbac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da434 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da438 <- 0x107cc60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da43c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da440 <- 0x107cc7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da444 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da448 <- 0x107cd18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da44c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da450 <- 0x107cd80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da454 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da458 <- 0x107cdac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da45c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da460 <- 0x107cdb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da464 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da468 <- 0x107d794
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da46c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da470 <- 0x107dd58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da474 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da478 <- 0x107e020
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da47c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da480 <- 0x107e02c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da484 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da488 <- 0x107e084
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da48c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da490 <- 0x107e688
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da494 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da498 <- 0x107f810
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da49c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4a0 <- 0x107fb54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4a8 <- 0x107fcb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4b0 <- 0x107fd30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4b8 <- 0x107fda8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4c0 <- 0x107fe00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4c8 <- 0x107feb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4d0 <- 0x107ff60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4d8 <- 0x108000c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4e0 <- 0x1080018
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4e8 <- 0x1080024
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4f0 <- 0x10802c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4f8 <- 0x10803d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da4fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da500 <- 0x10804e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da504 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da508 <- 0x10805a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da50c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da510 <- 0x1080664
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da514 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da518 <- 0x1080690
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da51c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da520 <- 0x10808d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da524 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da528 <- 0x1080974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da52c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da530 <- 0x10809c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da534 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da538 <- 0x10809f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da53c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da540 <- 0x1080a38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da544 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da548 <- 0x1080af0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da54c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da550 <- 0x1080b8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da554 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da558 <- 0x1080bb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da55c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da560 <- 0x1080c4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da564 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da568 <- 0x1080d18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da56c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da570 <- 0x1080e24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da574 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da578 <- 0x1080ee0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da57c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da580 <- 0x1081024
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da584 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da588 <- 0x108107c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da58c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da590 <- 0x10810dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da594 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da598 <- 0x1081284
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da59c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5a0 <- 0x1081318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5a8 <- 0x1081378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5b0 <- 0x1081490
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5b8 <- 0x10815fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5c0 <- 0x1081704
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5c8 <- 0x1081714
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5d0 <- 0x10817d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5d8 <- 0x1081a74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5e0 <- 0x1081b64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5e8 <- 0x1081c6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5f0 <- 0x1081de0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5f8 <- 0x1081fa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da5fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da600 <- 0x1082230
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da604 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da608 <- 0x108237c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da60c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da610 <- 0x10823c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da614 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da618 <- 0x10827b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da61c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da620 <- 0x1082a48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da624 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da628 <- 0x1082b30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da62c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da630 <- 0x1082ce4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da634 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da638 <- 0x108315c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da63c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da640 <- 0x10831d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da644 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da648 <- 0x1083954
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da64c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da650 <- 0x1083a0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da654 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da658 <- 0x1083ad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da65c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da660 <- 0x1083ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da664 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da668 <- 0x1083af4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da66c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da670 <- 0x1083ba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da674 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da678 <- 0x1083d74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da67c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da680 <- 0x1083dd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da684 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da688 <- 0x1083f24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da68c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da690 <- 0x1084080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da694 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da698 <- 0x1084098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da69c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6a0 <- 0x10840b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6a8 <- 0x10840dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6b0 <- 0x1084288
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6b8 <- 0x10843bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6c0 <- 0x108448c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6c8 <- 0x1084554
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6d0 <- 0x10846b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6d8 <- 0x108473c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6e0 <- 0x108483c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6e8 <- 0x108487c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6f0 <- 0x1084884
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6f8 <- 0x108488c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da6fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da700 <- 0x1084894
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da704 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da708 <- 0x108489c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da70c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da710 <- 0x10848a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da714 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da718 <- 0x10848ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da71c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da720 <- 0x10848b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da724 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da728 <- 0x10848bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da72c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da730 <- 0x10848c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da734 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da738 <- 0x10848cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da73c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da740 <- 0x10848d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da744 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da748 <- 0x10848dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da74c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da750 <- 0x10848e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da754 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da758 <- 0x10848ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da75c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da760 <- 0x10848f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da764 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da768 <- 0x1084904
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da76c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da770 <- 0x108490c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da774 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da778 <- 0x1084914
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da77c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da780 <- 0x108491c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da784 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da788 <- 0x1084924
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da78c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da790 <- 0x108492c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da794 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da798 <- 0x1084934
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da79c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7a0 <- 0x108497c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7a8 <- 0x1084988
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7b0 <- 0x1084990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7b8 <- 0x1084998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7c0 <- 0x10849a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7c8 <- 0x10849a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7d0 <- 0x10849b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7d8 <- 0x10849bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7e0 <- 0x10849c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7e8 <- 0x10849cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7f0 <- 0x10849d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7f8 <- 0x10849dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da7fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da800 <- 0x10849e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da804 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da808 <- 0x10849f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da80c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da810 <- 0x10849f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da814 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da818 <- 0x1084a00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da81c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da820 <- 0x1084a08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da824 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da828 <- 0x1084a10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da82c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da830 <- 0x1084a18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da834 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da838 <- 0x1084a80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da83c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da840 <- 0x1084ae4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da844 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da848 <- 0x1084afc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da84c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da850 <- 0x1084b38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da854 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da858 <- 0x1084b74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da85c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da860 <- 0x1084be4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da864 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da868 <- 0x1084cc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da86c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da870 <- 0x1084d50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da874 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da878 <- 0x1084d74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da87c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da880 <- 0x1084ddc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da884 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da888 <- 0x1084e70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da88c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da890 <- 0x1084ecc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da894 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da898 <- 0x1084f40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da89c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8a0 <- 0x1085028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8a8 <- 0x1085178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8b0 <- 0x1085420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8b8 <- 0x1085468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8c0 <- 0x10854d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8c8 <- 0x1085570
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8d0 <- 0x10855d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8d8 <- 0x10856e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8e0 <- 0x1085794
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8e8 <- 0x108584c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8f0 <- 0x1085898
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8f8 <- 0x10858e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da8fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da900 <- 0x10859bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da904 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da908 <- 0x1085b44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da90c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da910 <- 0x1085d00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da914 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da918 <- 0x1085e9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da91c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da920 <- 0x1085fd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da924 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da928 <- 0x1086014
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da92c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da930 <- 0x1086050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da934 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da938 <- 0x1086094
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da93c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da940 <- 0x10860d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da944 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da948 <- 0x1086174
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da94c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da950 <- 0x1086254
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da954 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da958 <- 0x1086338
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da95c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da960 <- 0x1086374
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da964 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da968 <- 0x10863f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da96c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da970 <- 0x1086478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da974 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da978 <- 0x1086514
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da97c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da980 <- 0x10865f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da984 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da988 <- 0x10866d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da98c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da990 <- 0x108676c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da994 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da998 <- 0x1086840
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da99c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9a0 <- 0x1086920
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9a8 <- 0x1086978
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9b0 <- 0x1086a10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9b8 <- 0x1086aa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9c0 <- 0x1086b50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9c8 <- 0x1086b98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9d0 <- 0x1086be0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9d8 <- 0x1086c40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9e0 <- 0x1086c80
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9e8 <- 0x1086cc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9f0 <- 0x1086d14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9f8 <- 0x1086dd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10da9fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa00 <- 0x1086e64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa04 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa08 <- 0x1086f54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa0c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa10 <- 0x108703c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa14 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa18 <- 0x1087140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa1c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa20 <- 0x10871a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa24 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa28 <- 0x1087208
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa2c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa30 <- 0x108725c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa34 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa38 <- 0x1087334
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa3c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa40 <- 0x108733c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa44 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa48 <- 0x1087378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa4c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa50 <- 0x1087488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa54 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa58 <- 0x1087520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa5c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa60 <- 0x1087528
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa64 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa68 <- 0x10875b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa6c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa70 <- 0x10876cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa74 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa78 <- 0x1087758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa7c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa80 <- 0x1087768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa84 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa88 <- 0x10877cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa8c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa90 <- 0x10878b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa94 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa98 <- 0x1087900
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daa9c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daaa0 <- 0x1087944
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daaa4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daaa8 <- 0x1087984
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daaac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daab0 <- 0x10879c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daab4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daab8 <- 0x1087a00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daabc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daac0 <- 0x1087a14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daac4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daac8 <- 0x1087ad8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daacc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daad0 <- 0x1087b9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daad4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daad8 <- 0x1087c5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daadc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daae0 <- 0x1087d10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daae4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daae8 <- 0x1087d68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daaec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daaf0 <- 0x1087d74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daaf4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daaf8 <- 0x1087dd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daafc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab00 <- 0x1087ddc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab04 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab08 <- 0x1087e40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab0c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab10 <- 0x1087e4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab14 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab18 <- 0x1087ea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab1c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab20 <- 0x1087eb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab24 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab28 <- 0x1087f18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab2c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab30 <- 0x1087f24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab34 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab38 <- 0x1087f88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab3c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab40 <- 0x1088014
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab44 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab48 <- 0x1088134
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab4c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab50 <- 0x1088140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab54 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab58 <- 0x1088248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab5c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab60 <- 0x1088298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab64 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab68 <- 0x1088518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab6c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab70 <- 0x10885ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab74 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab78 <- 0x1088650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab7c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab80 <- 0x10886a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab84 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab88 <- 0x10888c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab8c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab90 <- 0x1088cec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab94 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab98 <- 0x1088d54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dab9c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daba0 <- 0x1089034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daba4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daba8 <- 0x1089218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabb0 <- 0x1089340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabb4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabb8 <- 0x1089dc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabbc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabc0 <- 0x1089e44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabc4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabc8 <- 0x108a6fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabcc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabd0 <- 0x108a780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabd4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabd8 <- 0x108a8a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabdc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabe0 <- 0x108aa00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabe4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabe8 <- 0x108aa44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabf0 <- 0x108ac28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabf4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabf8 <- 0x108ad34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dabfc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac00 <- 0x108aea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac04 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac08 <- 0x108aee4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac0c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac10 <- 0x108aeec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac14 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac18 <- 0x108aef4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac1c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac20 <- 0x108aefc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac24 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac28 <- 0x108af58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac2c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac30 <- 0x108afe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac34 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac38 <- 0x108b068
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac3c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac40 <- 0x108b0f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac44 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac48 <- 0x108b178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac4c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac50 <- 0x108b1c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac54 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac58 <- 0x108b208
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac5c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac60 <- 0x108b228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac64 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac68 <- 0x108b230
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac6c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac70 <- 0x108b308
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac74 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac78 <- 0x108b3ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac7c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac80 <- 0x108b530
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac84 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac88 <- 0x108b554
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac8c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac90 <- 0x108b55c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac94 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac98 <- 0x108b564
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dac9c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daca0 <- 0x108b5a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daca4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daca8 <- 0x108b5b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacb0 <- 0x108b5bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacb4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacb8 <- 0x108b660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacbc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacc0 <- 0x108b72c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacc4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacc8 <- 0x108b778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daccc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacd0 <- 0x108b7d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacd4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacd8 <- 0x108b9bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacdc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dace0 <- 0x108ba04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dace4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dace8 <- 0x108ba6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacf0 <- 0x108ba94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacf4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacf8 <- 0x108bb9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dacfc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad00 <- 0x108bbc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad04 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad08 <- 0x108bca4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad0c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad10 <- 0x108bde0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad14 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad18 <- 0x108be7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad1c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad20 <- 0x108bed0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad24 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad28 <- 0x108bf2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad2c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad30 <- 0x108bfc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad34 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad38 <- 0x108c040
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad3c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad40 <- 0x108c0c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad44 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad48 <- 0x108c19c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad4c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad50 <- 0x108c24c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad54 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad58 <- 0x108c2fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad5c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad60 <- 0x108c3ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad64 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad68 <- 0x108c4d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad6c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad70 <- 0x108c62c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad74 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad78 <- 0x108c774
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad7c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad80 <- 0x108c81c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad84 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad88 <- 0x108c9d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad8c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad90 <- 0x108ca9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad94 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad98 <- 0x108cae4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dad9c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dada0 <- 0x108cb2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dada4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dada8 <- 0x108cc28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadb0 <- 0x108cc70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadb4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadb8 <- 0x108cd64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadbc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadc0 <- 0x108cdac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadc4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadc8 <- 0x108ce3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadcc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadd0 <- 0x108ce84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadd4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadd8 <- 0x108cf14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daddc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dade0 <- 0x108d034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dade4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dade8 <- 0x108d178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadf0 <- 0x108d260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadf4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadf8 <- 0x108dcc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dadfc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae00 <- 0x108de18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae04 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae08 <- 0x108dfc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae0c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae10 <- 0x108e270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae14 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae18 <- 0x108e394
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae1c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae20 <- 0x108e60c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae24 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae28 <- 0x108ec34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae2c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae30 <- 0x108ee00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae34 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae38 <- 0x108f0e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae3c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae40 <- 0x108f1ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae44 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae48 <- 0x108f3d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae4c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae50 <- 0x108fd34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae54 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae58 <- 0x108ffe4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae5c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae60 <- 0x1090078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae64 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae68 <- 0x109028c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae6c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae70 <- 0x10904a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae74 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae78 <- 0x10904f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae7c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae80 <- 0x1090628
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae84 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae88 <- 0x1090694
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae8c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae90 <- 0x1090804
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae94 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae98 <- 0x1090898
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dae9c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daea0 <- 0x1090928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daea4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daea8 <- 0x109096c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daeac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daeb0 <- 0x1090974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daeb4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daeb8 <- 0x1090978
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daebc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daec0 <- 0x1090a60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daec4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daec8 <- 0x1090ad8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daecc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daed0 <- 0x1090b38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daed4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daed8 <- 0x1090b98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daedc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daee0 <- 0x1090ba4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daee4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daee8 <- 0x1091194
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daeec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daef0 <- 0x109138c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daef4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daef8 <- 0x10913fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daefc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf00 <- 0x1091424
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf04 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf08 <- 0x10914a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf0c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf10 <- 0x1091524
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf14 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf18 <- 0x1091598
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf1c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf20 <- 0x1091604
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf24 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf28 <- 0x1091670
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf2c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf30 <- 0x10916ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf34 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf38 <- 0x109177c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf3c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf40 <- 0x1091808
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf44 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf48 <- 0x1091878
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf4c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf50 <- 0x1091904
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf54 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf58 <- 0x1091970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf5c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf60 <- 0x10919dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf64 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf68 <- 0x1091a5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf6c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf70 <- 0x1091acc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf74 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf78 <- 0x1091b54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf7c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf80 <- 0x1091bdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf84 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf88 <- 0x1091c48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf8c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf90 <- 0x1091cb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf94 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf98 <- 0x1091de4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daf9c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafa0 <- 0x1091e68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafa4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafa8 <- 0x1091ee4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafb0 <- 0x1091f58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafb4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafb8 <- 0x1091fdc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafbc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafc0 <- 0x1092058
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafc4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafc8 <- 0x10920c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafcc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafd0 <- 0x1092184
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafd4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafd8 <- 0x1092244
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafdc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafe0 <- 0x1092304
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafe4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafe8 <- 0x1092378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dafec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daff0 <- 0x10923ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daff4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daff8 <- 0x1092460
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10daffc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db000 <- 0x10924d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db004 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db008 <- 0x1092548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db00c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db010 <- 0x10925b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db014 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db018 <- 0x1092638
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db01c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db020 <- 0x10926b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db024 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db028 <- 0x109273c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db02c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db030 <- 0x10927b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db034 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db038 <- 0x1092824
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db03c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db040 <- 0x1092860
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db044 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db048 <- 0x10928ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db04c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db050 <- 0x1092974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db054 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db058 <- 0x10929f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db05c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db060 <- 0x1092bbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db064 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db068 <- 0x1092cb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db06c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db070 <- 0x1092d84
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db074 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db078 <- 0x1092f6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db07c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db080 <- 0x1092fec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db084 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db088 <- 0x1093070
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db08c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db090 <- 0x1093118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db094 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db098 <- 0x10931c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db09c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0a0 <- 0x109327c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0a8 <- 0x1093284
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0b0 <- 0x109331c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0b8 <- 0x109338c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0c0 <- 0x1093410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0c8 <- 0x1093560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0d0 <- 0x10935b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0d8 <- 0x1093600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0e0 <- 0x10936c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0e8 <- 0x109370c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0f0 <- 0x1093790
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0f8 <- 0x1093830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db0fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db100 <- 0x1093874
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db104 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db108 <- 0x10938c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db10c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db110 <- 0x10939ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db114 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db118 <- 0x1093a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db11c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db120 <- 0x1093b5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db124 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db128 <- 0x1093bc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db12c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db130 <- 0x1093c24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db134 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db138 <- 0x1093c88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db13c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db140 <- 0x10944c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db144 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db148 <- 0x1094564
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db14c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db150 <- 0x10945b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db154 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db158 <- 0x1094600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db15c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db160 <- 0x1094708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db164 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db168 <- 0x10948d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db16c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db170 <- 0x1094994
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db174 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db178 <- 0x1094bd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db17c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db180 <- 0x1094e74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db184 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db188 <- 0x10952b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db18c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db190 <- 0x109543c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db194 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db198 <- 0x109549c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db19c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1a0 <- 0x10956ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1a8 <- 0x10958e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1b0 <- 0x10958e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1b8 <- 0x10958f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1c0 <- 0x1095a18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1c8 <- 0x1095b2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1d0 <- 0x1095b74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1d8 <- 0x1095c50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1e0 <- 0x1095c64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1e8 <- 0x1095d40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1f0 <- 0x1095fa4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1f8 <- 0x1096028
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db1fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db200 <- 0x1096034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db204 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db208 <- 0x1096138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db20c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db210 <- 0x1096388
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db214 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db218 <- 0x109647c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db21c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db220 <- 0x1096558
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db224 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db228 <- 0x109685c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db22c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db230 <- 0x10969ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db234 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db238 <- 0x1096a90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db23c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db240 <- 0x1096ac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db244 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db248 <- 0x1096ba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db24c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db250 <- 0x1096bd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db254 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db258 <- 0x1096c34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db25c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db260 <- 0x1096d88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db264 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db268 <- 0x1096d9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db26c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db270 <- 0x1096db0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db274 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db278 <- 0x1096e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db27c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db280 <- 0x1096e90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db284 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db288 <- 0x1096ee8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db28c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db290 <- 0x1097134
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db294 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db298 <- 0x1097160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db29c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2a0 <- 0x109718c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2a8 <- 0x1097194
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2b0 <- 0x1097508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2b8 <- 0x1097860
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2c0 <- 0x1097878
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2c8 <- 0x1097914
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2d0 <- 0x1097a40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2d8 <- 0x1097ad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2e0 <- 0x1097b0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2e8 <- 0x1097b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2f0 <- 0x1097bc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2f8 <- 0x1097c54
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db2fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db300 <- 0x1097d20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db304 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db308 <- 0x1097dec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db30c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db310 <- 0x1097ef4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db314 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db318 <- 0x1098000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db31c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db320 <- 0x1098064
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db324 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db328 <- 0x109830c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db32c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db330 <- 0x1098370
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db334 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db338 <- 0x1098518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db33c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db340 <- 0x1098680
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db344 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db348 <- 0x10987dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db34c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db350 <- 0x1098a40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db354 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db358 <- 0x1098ac4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db35c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db360 <- 0x1098cf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db364 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db368 <- 0x1098f70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db36c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db370 <- 0x10992ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db374 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db378 <- 0x10993d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db37c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db380 <- 0x109977c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db384 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db388 <- 0x1099a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db38c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db390 <- 0x1099cb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db394 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db398 <- 0x1099d60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db39c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3a0 <- 0x109a024
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3a8 <- 0x109a308
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3b0 <- 0x109a63c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3b8 <- 0x109adf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3c0 <- 0x109b0dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3c8 <- 0x109b268
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3d0 <- 0x109b55c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3d8 <- 0x109b8cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3e0 <- 0x109b908
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3e8 <- 0x109b90c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3f0 <- 0x109b928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3f8 <- 0x109b968
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db3fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db400 <- 0x109b974
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db404 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db408 <- 0x109b984
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db40c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db410 <- 0x109b990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db414 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db418 <- 0x109b9a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db41c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db420 <- 0x109b9ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db424 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db428 <- 0x109b9b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db42c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db430 <- 0x109b9c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db434 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db438 <- 0x109b9d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db43c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db440 <- 0x109ba40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db444 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db448 <- 0x109bac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db44c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db450 <- 0x109bb40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db454 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db458 <- 0x109bb48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db45c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db460 <- 0x109bb50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db464 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db468 <- 0x109bb58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db46c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db470 <- 0x109bb60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db474 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db478 <- 0x109bb68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db47c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db480 <- 0x109bb74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db484 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db488 <- 0x109bbb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db48c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db490 <- 0x109bbe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db494 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db498 <- 0x109bc20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db49c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4a0 <- 0x109bc64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4a8 <- 0x109bca0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4b0 <- 0x109bcf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4b8 <- 0x109bd78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4c0 <- 0x109bdc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4c8 <- 0x109be14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4d0 <- 0x109be8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4d8 <- 0x109bf08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4e0 <- 0x109bf64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4e8 <- 0x109bf94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4f0 <- 0x109bfc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4f8 <- 0x109c034
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db4fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db500 <- 0x109c098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db504 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db508 <- 0x109c0fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db50c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db510 <- 0x109c138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db514 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db518 <- 0x109c280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db51c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db520 <- 0x109c3c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db524 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db528 <- 0x109c498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db52c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db530 <- 0x109c554
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db534 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db538 <- 0x109c590
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db53c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db540 <- 0x109c5c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db544 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db548 <- 0x109c708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db54c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db550 <- 0x109c7c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db554 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db558 <- 0x109c8bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db55c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db560 <- 0x109ca24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db564 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db568 <- 0x109ca70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db56c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db570 <- 0x109cb10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db574 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db578 <- 0x109cb2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db57c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db580 <- 0x109ccbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db584 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db588 <- 0x109cd50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db58c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db590 <- 0x109cd64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db594 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db598 <- 0x109ce14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db59c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5a0 <- 0x109ce20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5a8 <- 0x109d29c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5b0 <- 0x109d400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5b8 <- 0x109d4c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5c0 <- 0x109d50c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5c8 <- 0x109d768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5d0 <- 0x109d7e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5d8 <- 0x109e1ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5e0 <- 0x109e2b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5e8 <- 0x109e2b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5f0 <- 0x109e2e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5f8 <- 0x109e308
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db5fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db600 <- 0x109e418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db604 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db608 <- 0x109e420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db60c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db610 <- 0x109e428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db614 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db618 <- 0x109e44c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db61c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db620 <- 0x109e46c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db624 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db628 <- 0x109e4a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db62c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db630 <- 0x109e4d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db634 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db638 <- 0x109e508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db63c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db640 <- 0x109e570
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db644 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db648 <- 0x109e5ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db64c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db650 <- 0x109e620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db654 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db658 <- 0x109e63c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db65c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db660 <- 0x109e67c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db664 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db668 <- 0x109e698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db66c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db670 <- 0x109e6a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db674 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db678 <- 0x109e718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db67c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db680 <- 0x109e720
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db684 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db688 <- 0x109e728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db68c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db690 <- 0x109e730
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db694 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db698 <- 0x109e770
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db69c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6a0 <- 0x109e7e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6a8 <- 0x109e844
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6b0 <- 0x109e9f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6b8 <- 0x109ea14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6c0 <- 0x109ea48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6c8 <- 0x109ea7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6d0 <- 0x109eab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6d8 <- 0x109eb74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6e0 <- 0x109eba4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6e8 <- 0x109ebb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6f0 <- 0x109ebb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6f8 <- 0x109eca4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db6fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db700 <- 0x109ecb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db704 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db708 <- 0x109ecd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db70c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db710 <- 0x109ece0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db714 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db718 <- 0x109ece8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db71c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db720 <- 0x109ecf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db724 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db728 <- 0x109ecf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db72c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db730 <- 0x109ed00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db734 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db738 <- 0x109ed08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db73c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db740 <- 0x109ed10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db744 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db748 <- 0x109ed90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db74c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db750 <- 0x109ee24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db754 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db758 <- 0x109f2b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db75c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db760 <- 0x109f2e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db764 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db768 <- 0x109f3cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db76c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db770 <- 0x109f540
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db774 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db778 <- 0x109f548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db77c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db780 <- 0x109f5a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db784 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db788 <- 0x109f5b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db78c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db790 <- 0x109f618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db794 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db798 <- 0x109f628
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db79c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7a0 <- 0x109f8dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7a8 <- 0x109fa38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7b0 <- 0x109fb20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7b8 <- 0x109fca8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7c0 <- 0x109fe00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7c8 <- 0x109fe68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7d0 <- 0x10a002c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7d8 <- 0x10a0324
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7e0 <- 0x10a0388
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7e8 <- 0x10a03c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7f0 <- 0x10a0400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7f8 <- 0x10a048c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db7fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db800 <- 0x10a0524
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db804 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db808 <- 0x10a0598
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db80c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db810 <- 0x10a0a9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db814 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db818 <- 0x10a0b18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db81c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db820 <- 0x10a0bc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db824 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db828 <- 0x10a0c34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db82c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db830 <- 0x10a0ca4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db834 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db838 <- 0x10a0cc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db83c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db840 <- 0x10a0cec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db844 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db848 <- 0x10a0d14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db84c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db850 <- 0x10a0d3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db854 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db858 <- 0x10a0d94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db85c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db860 <- 0x10a0e28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db864 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db868 <- 0x10a0e6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db86c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db870 <- 0x10a0ea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db874 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db878 <- 0x10a0fd4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db87c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db880 <- 0x10a1098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db884 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db888 <- 0x10a10ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db88c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db890 <- 0x10a1220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db894 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db898 <- 0x10a1374
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db89c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8a0 <- 0x10a156c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8a8 <- 0x10a16d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8b0 <- 0x10a17c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8b8 <- 0x10a1804
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8c0 <- 0x10a1864
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8c8 <- 0x10a18c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8d0 <- 0x10a1900
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8d8 <- 0x10a1930
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8e0 <- 0x10a196c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8e8 <- 0x10a19a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8f0 <- 0x10a19d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8f8 <- 0x10a1a40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db8fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db900 <- 0x10a1ba8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db904 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db908 <- 0x10a1c68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db90c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db910 <- 0x10a1d8c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db914 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db918 <- 0x10a1ee8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db91c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db920 <- 0x10a207c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db924 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db928 <- 0x10a214c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db92c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db930 <- 0x10a221c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db934 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db938 <- 0x10a22c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db93c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db940 <- 0x10a2338
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db944 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db948 <- 0x10a2344
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db94c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db950 <- 0x10a24b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db954 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db958 <- 0x10a2600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db95c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db960 <- 0x10a27dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db964 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db968 <- 0x10a2950
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db96c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db970 <- 0x10a2a78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db974 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db978 <- 0x10a2bc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db97c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db980 <- 0x10a2c24
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db984 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db988 <- 0x10a2d50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db98c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db990 <- 0x10a2d88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db994 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db998 <- 0x10a2f44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db99c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9a0 <- 0x10a3014
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9a4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9a8 <- 0x10a31a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9ac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9b0 <- 0x10a31c4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9b4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9b8 <- 0x10a31cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9bc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9c0 <- 0x10a33e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9c4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9c8 <- 0x10a351c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9cc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9d0 <- 0x10a3520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9d4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9d8 <- 0x10a36a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9dc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9e0 <- 0x10a371c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9e4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9e8 <- 0x10a3a40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9ec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9f0 <- 0x10a3a74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9f4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9f8 <- 0x10a3bb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10db9fc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba00 <- 0x10a3dfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba04 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba08 <- 0x10a3ee0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba0c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba10 <- 0x10a4cc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba14 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba18 <- 0x10a4d9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba1c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba20 <- 0x10a4df4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba24 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba28 <- 0x10a4e5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba2c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba30 <- 0x10a4e88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba34 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba38 <- 0x10a4f20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba3c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba40 <- 0x10a50f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba44 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba48 <- 0x10a5300
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba4c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba50 <- 0x10a536c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba54 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba58 <- 0x10a57c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba5c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba60 <- 0x10a58dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba64 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba68 <- 0x10a5b74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba6c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba70 <- 0x10a5d44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba74 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba78 <- 0x10a5e40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba7c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba80 <- 0x10a6050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba84 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba88 <- 0x10a60d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba8c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba90 <- 0x10a6110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba94 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba98 <- 0x10a6210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dba9c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbaa0 <- 0x10a6360
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbaa4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbaa8 <- 0x10a6604
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbaac <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbab0 <- 0x10a66ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbab4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbab8 <- 0x10a693c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbabc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbac0 <- 0x10a6d7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbac4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbac8 <- 0x10a6f00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbacc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbad0 <- 0x10a6fb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbad4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbad8 <- 0x10a6fc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbadc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbae0 <- 0x10a6ff8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbae4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbae8 <- 0x10a7124
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbaec <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbaf0 <- 0x10a722c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbaf4 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbaf8 <- 0x10a813c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbafc <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb00 <- 0x10a8220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb04 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb08 <- 0x10a8304
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb0c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb10 <- 0x10a8604
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb14 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb18 <- 0x10a8cb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb1c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb20 <- 0x10a9268
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb24 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb28 <- 0x10a9390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb2c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb30 <- 0x10a986c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb34 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb38 <- 0x10a9ac4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb3c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb40 <- 0x10ab310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb44 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb48 <- 0x10ab3d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb4c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb50 <- 0x10ab444
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb54 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb58 <- 0x10ab4b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb5c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb60 <- 0x10ab52c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb64 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb68 <- 0x10ab640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb6c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb70 <- 0x10ab9b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb74 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb78 <- 0x10ab9e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb7c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb80 <- 0x10abb64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb84 <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb88 <- 0x10abe5c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb8c <- 0x10e3b90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb90 <- 0x10acab0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb94 <- 0x10acac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb98 <- 0x10acad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbb9c <- 0x10acad8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbba0 <- 0x10acae8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbba4 <- 0x10dc960
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbba8 <- 0x10dc970
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbac <- 0x10acaf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbb0 <- 0x10acb00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbb4 <- 0x10d9c30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbb8 <- 0x10d9c20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbbc <- 0x10d9c28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbc0 <- 0x10d9c40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbc4 <- 0x10d9c58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbc8 <- 0x10db340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbcc <- 0x10acb08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbd0 <- 0x10db3b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbd4 <- 0x10acb18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbd8 <- 0x10d6088
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbdc <- 0x10d63a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbe0 <- 0x10dc994
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbe4 <- 0x10d6384
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbe8 <- 0x10d6360
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbec <- 0x10d6344
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbf0 <- 0x10dc990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbf4 <- 0x10dc998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbf8 <- 0x10dc9a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbbfc <- 0x10d6328
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc00 <- 0x10d6314
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc04 <- 0x10b6fe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc08 <- 0x10d62f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc0c <- 0x10b6fcc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc30 <- 0x10b6fc4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc34 <- 0x106c7ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc38 <- 0x106d740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc3c <- 0x10d62e4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc40 <- 0x10d62e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc44 <- 0x10d62ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc48 <- 0x10d62e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc4c <- 0x10b70e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc50 <- 0x10b7100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc54 <- 0x10b70f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc58 <- 0x10b7110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc5c <- 0x10dc99c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc68 <- 0x10acfa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc6c <- 0x10acfb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc70 <- 0x10acfc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc74 <- 0x10acfd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc78 <- 0x10acfe0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc7c <- 0x10acfe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc84 <- 0x10acff8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc90 <- 0x10ad000
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc94 <- 0x10ad008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbc9c <- 0x10ad010
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbca4 <- 0x10ad038
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbca8 <- 0x10ad058
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbcac <- 0x10ad068
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbcb0 <- 0x10ad070
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbcb4 <- 0x10ad090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbcb8 <- 0x10ad0b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbcc0 <- 0x10ad0d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbcc4 <- 0x10ad0e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbcc8 <- 0x10da858
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbcd4 <- 0x10ad108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbcd8 <- 0x10ad118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbcf0 <- 0x10ad120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbcf4 <- 0x10ad128
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbcf8 <- 0x10ad130
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbcfc <- 0x10ad138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd00 <- 0x10ad140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd04 <- 0x10ad148
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd08 <- 0x10ad150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd0c <- 0x10b7158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd14 <- 0x10770fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd18 <- 0x1077538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd1c <- 0x1077894
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd20 <- 0x10dcb98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd24 <- 0x10b8218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd28 <- 0x10b8198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd2c <- 0x10b8158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd30 <- 0x10b7958
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd34 <- 0x1079e14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd38 <- 0x107a24c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd40 <- 0x10b8418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd44 <- 0x10b8318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd4c <- 0x10b8830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd50 <- 0x10da640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd54 <- 0x10d6468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd58 <- 0x10d643c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd5c <- 0x10d63fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd60 <- 0x10d63d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd64 <- 0x107bdf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd68 <- 0x107c8a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd6c <- 0x107ca00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd70 <- 0x10ad658
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd74 <- 0x10b8428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd78 <- 0x10b8429
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd7c <- 0x10da490
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd80 <- 0x10b8420
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd84 <- 0x10b8421
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd88 <- 0x10b8430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd8c <- 0x10d9ce0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd90 <- 0x10d64a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd94 <- 0x10ad668
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbd9c <- 0x1082e08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbda0 <- 0x10d63cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbda4 <- 0x10dcb9c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbda8 <- 0x108328c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbdac <- 0x10dcdf4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbdb0 <- 0x10dcdf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbdb8 <- 0x10ad728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbdd4 <- 0x10da658
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbdd8 <- 0x10da660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbddc <- 0x10dcba0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbde0 <- 0x10ad740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbde4 <- 0x10ad748
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbde8 <- 0x10dccf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbdec <- 0x10ad750
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbdf0 <- 0x10ad760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbdf4 <- 0x10ad770
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbdf8 <- 0x10ad780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbdfc <- 0x10ad788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe00 <- 0x10ad798
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe04 <- 0x10ad7a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe08 <- 0x10d6a1c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe0c <- 0x10d69ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe10 <- 0x10d69bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe18 <- 0x10d698c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe1c <- 0x10d695c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe20 <- 0x10d692c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe24 <- 0x10d68fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe28 <- 0x10d68cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe2c <- 0x10d689c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe34 <- 0x10d686c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe38 <- 0x10d683c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe3c <- 0x10d680c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe40 <- 0x10d67dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe44 <- 0x10d67ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe48 <- 0x10d677c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe4c <- 0x10d674c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe50 <- 0x10d671c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe54 <- 0x10d66ec
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe58 <- 0x10d66bc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe5c <- 0x10d668c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe60 <- 0x10d665c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe64 <- 0x10d6614
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe68 <- 0x10d65cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe6c <- 0x10d6584
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe70 <- 0x10d653c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe74 <- 0x10d64ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe78 <- 0x10adcb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe7c <- 0x10adcd0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe80 <- 0x10adcf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe84 <- 0x10add10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe88 <- 0x10add30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe98 <- 0x10d64f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbe9c <- 0x10d6a4c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbea0 <- 0x10dce08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbea8 <- 0x10b8934
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbeac <- 0x10b8928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbeb4 <- 0x10dce44
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbeb8 <- 0x10dce40
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbebc <- 0x10ae008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbec4 <- 0x10ae010
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbecc <- 0x10dce3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbed4 <- 0x10dce30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbed8 <- 0x10dce2c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbedc <- 0x10dce28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbee0 <- 0x10dce34
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbee4 <- 0x10dce38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbee8 <- 0x10ae030
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbeec <- 0x10dce0c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbef4 <- 0x10d6a74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf08 <- 0x10dce04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf0c <- 0x10dce00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf10 <- 0x10dcdfc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf14 <- 0x10dcdf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf18 <- 0x10d6a88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf1c <- 0x10dce10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf20 <- 0x10ae050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf24 <- 0x10dce14
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf2c <- 0x10dab60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf30 <- 0x10ae070
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf38 <- 0x10ae090
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf40 <- 0x10b88b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf44 <- 0x10d62d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf48 <- 0x10ae098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf4c <- 0x10ae0b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf50 <- 0x10ae0d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf54 <- 0x10ae0f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf68 <- 0x10d76cc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf6c <- 0x10dce64
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf70 <- 0x10dce48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf74 <- 0x10d76ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf78 <- 0x10d765c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf7c <- 0x10d7560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf80 <- 0x10d753c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf84 <- 0x10d74a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf88 <- 0x10d7488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf8c <- 0x10d7484
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf90 <- 0x10d7470
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf94 <- 0x10afa50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf98 <- 0x10afa60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbf9c <- 0x10afa70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbfa0 <- 0x10afa78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbfa4 <- 0x10afa88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbfa8 <- 0x10afa98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbfac <- 0x10afaa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbfc8 <- 0x10afab8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbfcc <- 0x10afac0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbfd0 <- 0x10b89a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbfd4 <- 0x10b899c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbfd8 <- 0x10d7474
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbfdc <- 0x10dad18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbfe8 <- 0x10afae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbfec <- 0x10afaf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbff0 <- 0x10afaf8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbff4 <- 0x10afb08
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbff8 <- 0x10afb10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dbffc <- 0x10afb18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc000 <- 0x10aca98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc004 <- 0x108f108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc008 <- 0x10d7688
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc00c <- 0x10d76a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc010 <- 0x10d767c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc014 <- 0x10b89f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc018 <- 0x10b8a18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc01c <- 0x10b89b4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc020 <- 0x10b89d4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc038 <- 0x10d89a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc03c <- 0x10db150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc040 <- 0x10dce7c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc044 <- 0x1090bc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc048 <- 0x10b01d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc04c <- 0x10b01e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc050 <- 0x10b01e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc054 <- 0x10b01f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc058 <- 0x10b01f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc05c <- 0x10b0208
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc060 <- 0x10b0210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc064 <- 0x10b0220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc068 <- 0x10b0228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc06c <- 0x10b0238
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc070 <- 0x10b0240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc074 <- 0x10b0258
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc078 <- 0x10b0260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc07c <- 0x10b0278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc080 <- 0x10b0280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc084 <- 0x10b0298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc088 <- 0x10b02a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc08c <- 0x10b02a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc090 <- 0x10b02b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc094 <- 0x10b02c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc098 <- 0x10b02c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc09c <- 0x10b02d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0a0 <- 0x10b02e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0a4 <- 0x10b02f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0a8 <- 0x10b02f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0ac <- 0x10b0310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0b0 <- 0x10d899c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0b4 <- 0x10d8998
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0b8 <- 0x10d8994
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0bc <- 0x10d8990
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0c0 <- 0x10d898c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0c4 <- 0x10b0318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0c8 <- 0x10b0330
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0cc <- 0x10d76fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0d0 <- 0x10b0348
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0d4 <- 0x10b0368
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0d8 <- 0x10b0388
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0dc <- 0x10b03a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0e0 <- 0x10b03a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0e4 <- 0x10b03c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0e8 <- 0x10b03d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0ec <- 0x10b03f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0f0 <- 0x10b0410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0f4 <- 0x10b0428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0f8 <- 0x10b0440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc0fc <- 0x10b0460
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc100 <- 0x10b0478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc104 <- 0x10b0488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc108 <- 0x10b0490
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc10c <- 0x10dce70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc11c <- 0x10d89a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc140 <- 0x10b04a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc144 <- 0x10b04c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc148 <- 0x10b04d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc14c <- 0x10b04f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc150 <- 0x10b0508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc154 <- 0x10b0520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc158 <- 0x10b8a3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc15c <- 0x10db200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc160 <- 0x10dce68
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc164 <- 0x10dce78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc168 <- 0x10db248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc16c <- 0x10dce74
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc170 <- 0x10dce6c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc174 <- 0x10db2c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc178 <- 0x10db140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc17c <- 0x10b0540
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc180 <- 0x10b0548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc184 <- 0x10b0558
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc188 <- 0x10b0568
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc18c <- 0x10b0578
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc190 <- 0x10b0588
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc194 <- 0x10b0598
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc198 <- 0x10b05a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc19c <- 0x10b05c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1a0 <- 0x10b05d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1a4 <- 0x10b05e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1ac <- 0x10db3b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1b4 <- 0x10b0600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1b8 <- 0x10db0e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1bc <- 0x10db0e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1c0 <- 0x10b0618
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1c4 <- 0x10b0630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1c8 <- 0x10b0648
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1cc <- 0x10b0660
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1d0 <- 0x10b89ac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1d4 <- 0x10b0678
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1d8 <- 0x10b0690
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1dc <- 0x10b0698
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1e0 <- 0x10b06a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1e4 <- 0x10b06a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1e8 <- 0x10b06b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1ec <- 0x10b06c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1f0 <- 0x1099480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1f4 <- 0x10b06d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1f8 <- 0x10b06f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc1fc <- 0x10db360
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc200 <- 0x10db368
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc204 <- 0x10b0708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc208 <- 0x10b0710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc20c <- 0x10b0718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc28c <- 0x10db840
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc290 <- 0x10db838
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc298 <- 0x10db830
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2ac <- 0x10daa18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2b0 <- 0x10daa20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2b4 <- 0x10db310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2b8 <- 0x10db2f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2bc <- 0x10db498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2c0 <- 0x10db480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2c4 <- 0x10db228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2c8 <- 0x10db2d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2cc <- 0x10db530
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2d0 <- 0x10db588
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2d4 <- 0x10db570
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2d8 <- 0x10db3f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2dc <- 0x10db408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2e0 <- 0x10db400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2e4 <- 0x10db410
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2e8 <- 0x10db540
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2ec <- 0x10db130
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2f0 <- 0x10db128
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2f4 <- 0x10db120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2f8 <- 0x10db300
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc2fc <- 0x10db2e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc300 <- 0x10db488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc304 <- 0x10db558
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc308 <- 0x10db578
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc30c <- 0x10db550
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc310 <- 0x10db560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc314 <- 0x10db3a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc318 <- 0x10db1e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc31c <- 0x10db1f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc320 <- 0x10db3e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc324 <- 0x10db3f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc328 <- 0x10daed0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc32c <- 0x10db5a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc330 <- 0x10db518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc334 <- 0x10db510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc338 <- 0x10daec8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc33c <- 0x10db118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc340 <- 0x10db548
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc344 <- 0x10db2b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc348 <- 0x10db490
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc34c <- 0x10db528
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc350 <- 0x10db520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc354 <- 0x10daed8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc358 <- 0x10db4d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc35c <- 0x10db4d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc360 <- 0x10db4b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc364 <- 0x10db4b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc368 <- 0x10db4f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc36c <- 0x10db4a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc370 <- 0x10db4e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc374 <- 0x10db4e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc378 <- 0x10db458
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc37c <- 0x10db460
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc380 <- 0x10db468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc384 <- 0x10db470
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc388 <- 0x10db340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc38c <- 0x10db328
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc390 <- 0x10db390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc394 <- 0x10db318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc398 <- 0x10db538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc39c <- 0x10db5d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3a0 <- 0x10daea8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3a4 <- 0x10daea0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3a8 <- 0x10db478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3ac <- 0x10db5c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3b4 <- 0x10b3080
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3b8 <- 0x10b30a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3bc <- 0x10b30d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3c0 <- 0x10b30d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3c4 <- 0x10b3100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3c8 <- 0x10b3120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3cc <- 0x10b3150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3d0 <- 0x10b3178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3d4 <- 0x10b31a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3d8 <- 0x10b31c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3dc <- 0x10b31d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3e0 <- 0x10b31f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3e4 <- 0x10b3210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3e8 <- 0x10b3228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3ec <- 0x10b3238
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3f0 <- 0x10b3268
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3f4 <- 0x10b3298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3f8 <- 0x10b32c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc3fc <- 0x10b32e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc400 <- 0x10b32f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc404 <- 0x10b3310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc408 <- 0x10b3340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc40c <- 0x10b3368
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc410 <- 0x10b3390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc414 <- 0x10b33b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc41c <- 0x10b33d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc42c <- 0x10db228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc430 <- 0x10db1e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc434 <- 0x10db360
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc438 <- 0x10db1e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc43c <- 0x10db3a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc440 <- 0x10db200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc444 <- 0x10db368
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc448 <- 0x10db310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc44c <- 0x10db3b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc450 <- 0x10db220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc454 <- 0x10dcfac
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc458 <- 0x10daab8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc45c <- 0x10dcfb0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc460 <- 0x10db2f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc464 <- 0x10b33f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc46c <- 0x10db4c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc470 <- 0x10db5b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc474 <- 0x10db5c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc478 <- 0x10b8abc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc47c <- 0x10b3408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc480 <- 0x10b3428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc484 <- 0x10db2e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc48c <- 0x10b3430
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc490 <- 0x10b3448
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc494 <- 0x10b3468
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc498 <- 0x10b8ac8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc49c <- 0x10b3478
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4a0 <- 0x10b3498
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4a4 <- 0x10b34b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4a8 <- 0x10db3e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4b0 <- 0x10d8c10
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4bc <- 0x10d9a3c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4c0 <- 0x10d96f4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4c8 <- 0x10dd020
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4cc <- 0x10b38b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4d0 <- 0x10b38b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4d4 <- 0x10b38c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4d8 <- 0x10b38d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4dc <- 0x109e874
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4e0 <- 0x10b38d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4e4 <- 0x10b38e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4e8 <- 0x10b38e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4ec <- 0x10b3908
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4f0 <- 0x10b3918
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4f4 <- 0x10b3938
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4f8 <- 0x10b3958
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc4fc <- 0x10b3978
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc500 <- 0x10b39a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc504 <- 0x10b39b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc508 <- 0x10b39d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc50c <- 0x10b39f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc510 <- 0x10b3a18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc514 <- 0x10b3a38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc518 <- 0x10b3a58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc51c <- 0x10b3a78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc520 <- 0x10b3a98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc524 <- 0x10b3ab8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc528 <- 0x10b3ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc52c <- 0x10b3b00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc530 <- 0x10b3b20
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc534 <- 0x10b3b48
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc538 <- 0x10b3b70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc53c <- 0x10b3b98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc540 <- 0x10b3bc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc544 <- 0x10b3be0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc548 <- 0x10b3c00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc54c <- 0x10b3c28
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc550 <- 0x10b3c50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc554 <- 0x10b3c78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc558 <- 0x10b3ca0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc55c <- 0x10b3cc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc560 <- 0x10b3cf0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc564 <- 0x10b3d18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc568 <- 0x10b3d30
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc56c <- 0x10b3d50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc570 <- 0x10b3d70
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc574 <- 0x10b3d88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc578 <- 0x10b3da0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc57c <- 0x10b3db8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc580 <- 0x10b3dd8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc584 <- 0x10b3df8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc588 <- 0x10b3e18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc58c <- 0x10b3e38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc590 <- 0x10b3e58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc594 <- 0x10b3e78
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc598 <- 0x10b3e98
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc59c <- 0x10b3eb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5a0 <- 0x10b3ed8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5a4 <- 0x10b3ef8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5a8 <- 0x10b3f18
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5ac <- 0x10b3f38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5b0 <- 0x10b3f60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5b4 <- 0x10b3f88
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5b8 <- 0x10b3fa8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5bc <- 0x10b3fc8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5c0 <- 0x10b3fe8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5c4 <- 0x10b4008
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5c8 <- 0x10b4030
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5cc <- 0x10b4058
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5d0 <- 0x10b4078
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5d4 <- 0x10b4088
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5d8 <- 0x10b4098
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5dc <- 0x10b40a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5e0 <- 0x10b40b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5e4 <- 0x10b40b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5e8 <- 0x10b40c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5ec <- 0x10b40c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5f0 <- 0x10b40d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5f4 <- 0x10b40d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5f8 <- 0x10b40e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc5fc <- 0x10b40e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc600 <- 0x10b40f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc604 <- 0x10b40f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc608 <- 0x10b4100
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc60c <- 0x10b4108
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc610 <- 0x10b4110
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc614 <- 0x10b4118
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc618 <- 0x10b4120
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc61c <- 0x10b4128
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc620 <- 0x10b4130
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc624 <- 0x10b4138
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc628 <- 0x10b4140
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc62c <- 0x10b4148
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc630 <- 0x10b4150
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc634 <- 0x10b4158
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc638 <- 0x10b4160
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc63c <- 0x10b4168
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc640 <- 0x10b4170
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc644 <- 0x10b4178
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc648 <- 0x10b4180
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc64c <- 0x10b4188
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc650 <- 0x10b4190
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc654 <- 0x10b4198
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc658 <- 0x10b41a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc65c <- 0x10b41a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc660 <- 0x10b41b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc664 <- 0x10b41b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc668 <- 0x10b41c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc66c <- 0x10b41c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc670 <- 0x10b41d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc674 <- 0x10b41d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc678 <- 0x10b41e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc67c <- 0x10b41e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc680 <- 0x10b41f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc684 <- 0x10b41f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc688 <- 0x10b4200
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc68c <- 0x10b4208
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc690 <- 0x10b4210
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc694 <- 0x10b4218
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc698 <- 0x10b4220
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc69c <- 0x10b4228
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6a0 <- 0x10b4230
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6a4 <- 0x10b4238
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6a8 <- 0x10b4240
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6ac <- 0x10b4248
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6b0 <- 0x10b4250
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6b4 <- 0x10b4258
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6b8 <- 0x10b4260
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6bc <- 0x10b4268
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6c0 <- 0x10b4270
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6c4 <- 0x10b4278
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6c8 <- 0x10b4280
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6cc <- 0x10b4288
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6d0 <- 0x10b4290
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6d4 <- 0x10b4298
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6d8 <- 0x10b42a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6dc <- 0x10b42a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6e0 <- 0x10b42b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6e4 <- 0x10b42b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6e8 <- 0x10b42c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6ec <- 0x10b42c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6f0 <- 0x10b42d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6f4 <- 0x10b42d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6f8 <- 0x10b42e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc6fc <- 0x10b42e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc700 <- 0x10b42f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc704 <- 0x10b4308
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc708 <- 0x10b4318
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc70c <- 0x10b4330
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc710 <- 0x10b4340
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc714 <- 0x10b4358
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc718 <- 0x10b4370
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc71c <- 0x10b4380
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc720 <- 0x10b4390
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc724 <- 0x10b43a8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc728 <- 0x10b43c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc72c <- 0x10b43d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc730 <- 0x10b43f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc734 <- 0x10b43f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc738 <- 0x10b4400
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc73c <- 0x10dd014
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc740 <- 0x10dd018
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc744 <- 0x10d9310
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc758 <- 0x10d936c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc75c <- 0x10dcfbc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc760 <- 0x10dbb38
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc764 <- 0x10db780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc774 <- 0x10d9b04
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc778 <- 0x10dd0dc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc77c <- 0x10db790
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc780 <- 0x10b4408
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc784 <- 0x10acaa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc788 <- 0x10b4418
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc78c <- 0x10b4428
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc790 <- 0x10d9368
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc794 <- 0x10b4440
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc798 <- 0x10b4458
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc79c <- 0x10b4470
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7a8 <- 0x10b4480
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7ac <- 0x10b4488
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7b4 <- 0x10b44a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7b8 <- 0x10db928
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7bc <- 0x10dd01c
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7c4 <- 0x10b44b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7c8 <- 0x10b8ae0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7cc <- 0x10dac90
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7d0 <- 0x10dac60
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7d4 <- 0x10db030
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7d8 <- 0x10dcfb8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7dc <- 0x10dafc0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7e0 <- 0x10b44c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7e4 <- 0x10dbb58
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7e8 <- 0x10dbb50
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7ec <- 0x10dcfb4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7f8 <- 0x10b44d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc7fc <- 0x10b44e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc800 <- 0x10b44f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc804 <- 0x10b44f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc808 <- 0x10b4500
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc80c <- 0x10b4508
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc810 <- 0x10b4510
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc814 <- 0x10b4518
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc818 <- 0x10b4520
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc81c <- 0x10b4528
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc820 <- 0x10b4530
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc824 <- 0x10b4538
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc828 <- 0x10b4550
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc82c <- 0x10d9370
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc830 <- 0x10b4558
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc834 <- 0x10dd048
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc838 <- 0x10dd024
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc83c <- 0x10b4560
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc840 <- 0x10d9384
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc844 <- 0x10b4570
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc848 <- 0x10b4578
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc84c <- 0x10b4588
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc850 <- 0x10b4590
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc854 <- 0x10b45c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc858 <- 0x10d9374
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc85c <- 0x10b45c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc860 <- 0x10b45d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc864 <- 0x10b45e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc868 <- 0x10db9e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc86c <- 0x10db640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc870 <- 0x10d9378
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc874 <- 0x10d96fc
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc878 <- 0x10db6b8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc87c <- 0x10d96f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc880 <- 0x10b45e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc884 <- 0x10d9a94
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc888 <- 0x10d9aa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc88c <- 0x10d9aa0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc890 <- 0x10d9ad0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc894 <- 0x10d9b00
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc898 <- 0x10b4600
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc89c <- 0x10b4610
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8a0 <- 0x10b4620
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8a4 <- 0x10dd050
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8a8 <- 0x10d89a4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8ac <- 0x10b4630
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8b0 <- 0x10b4640
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8b4 <- 0x10b4650
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8b8 <- 0x10b4658
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8bc <- 0x10b4670
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8c0 <- 0x10b4680
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8c4 <- 0x10a8ee4
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8d0 <- 0x10dbad8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8d4 <- 0x10db7e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8d8 <- 0x10db6d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8dc <- 0x10db7d8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8e0 <- 0x10b4690
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8e4 <- 0x10b46a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8e8 <- 0x10b46b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8ec <- 0x10b46c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8f0 <- 0x10b46d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8f4 <- 0x10b46e0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8f8 <- 0x10b46e8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc8fc <- 0x10b46f0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc900 <- 0x10b46f8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc904 <- 0x10b4700
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc908 <- 0x10b4708
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc90c <- 0x10b4710
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc910 <- 0x10b4718
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc914 <- 0x10b4720
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc918 <- 0x10b4728
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc91c <- 0x10b4738
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc920 <- 0x10b4740
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc924 <- 0x10b4748
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc928 <- 0x10b4758
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc92c <- 0x10b4760
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc930 <- 0x10b4768
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc934 <- 0x10b4778
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc938 <- 0x10b4780
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc93c <- 0x10b4788
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc940 <- 0x10b4790
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc944 <- 0x10b4798
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc948 <- 0x10b47a0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc94c <- 0x10b47b0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc950 <- 0x10b47c0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc954 <- 0x10b47c8
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc958 <- 0x10b47d0
·! LDR: **** RELOCATION(1): 0x10dc95c <- 0x10b47e0
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRtcGetCurrentClock' (0x10ac0cc)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRtcGetTime_t' (0x10ac0ec)
·! LDR: Imported function 'recv' (0x10ac16c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_net_errno_loc' (0x10ac10c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'send' (0x10ac14c)
·E LDR: Unknown function '0x7608719D' (0x10ac12c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_create' (0x10ac2ec)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncmp' (0x10ac20c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_unlock' (0x10ac28c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_lock' (0x10ac26c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strcat' (0x10ac22c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_vsnprintf' (0x10ac24c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memcmp' (0x10ac4cc)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memmove' (0x10ac2ac)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strlen' (0x10ac2cc)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strcmp' (0x10ac32c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_malloc' (0x10ac30c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memset' (0x10ac34c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_memcpy' (0x10ac36c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_vsprintf' (0x10ac38c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_free' (0x10ac3ac)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strcpy' (0x10ac3cc)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_delete_heap' (0x10ac3ec)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_create_heap' (0x10ac40c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_get_total_free_size' (0x10ac42c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_destroy' (0x10ac44c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_qsort' (0x10ac46c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_get_mallinfo' (0x10ac48c)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_strncpy' (0x10ac4ac)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsClose' (0x10ac18c)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsRead' (0x10ac1ac)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsOpen' (0x10ac1cc)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsFstat' (0x10ac1ec)
·! LDR: *** sdk version: 0x210001
·! LDR: *** primary prio: 1001
·! LDR: *** primary stacksize: 0x20000
·! LDR: *** malloc pagesize: 0x100000
·! LDR: *** ppc seg: 0x0
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSysutilUnregisterCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd3a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVideoOutConfigure' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd3c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSysutilCheckCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd3e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSaveDataListLoad2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd400)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellMsgDialogClose' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd420)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSaveDataListAutoLoad' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd440)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellOskDialogUnloadAsync' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd460)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellMsgDialogOpenErrorCode' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd480)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd4a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioOutConfigure' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd4c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellMsgDialogOpen2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd4e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellOskDialogLoadAsync' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd500)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVideoOutGetState' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd520)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSaveDataAutoSave2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd540)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellHddGameCheck' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd560)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSysutilRegisterCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd580)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellOskDialogSetKeyLayoutOption' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd5a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd5c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGameDataCheckCreate2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd5e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellVideoOutGetResolution' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd600)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSaveDataDelete2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd620)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellOskDialogSetLayoutMode' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd640)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioOutGetState' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd660)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSaveDataAutoLoad2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x6cd680)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSaveDataListDelete' in 'cellSaveData' module (0x6cd6a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpBasicGetFriendListEntry' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd6c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpScoreRecordGameData' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd6e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpScoreGetRankingByNpId' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd700)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpManagerGetTicket' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd720)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpSignalingGetConnectionInfo' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd740)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpScoreRecordScore' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd760)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpScoreWaitAsync' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd780)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpBasicAddBlockListEntry' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd7a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpScoreGetRankingByRangeAsync' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd7c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpScoreDestroyTitleCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd7e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatchingDestroyCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd800)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpScoreInit' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd820)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpScoreGetGameData' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd840)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpBasicRegisterContextSensitiveHandler' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd860)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpManagerUnregisterCallback' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd880)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpSignalingActivateConnection' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd8a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpBasicRecvMessageAttachmentLoad' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd8c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpScoreCreateTransactionCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd8e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpBasicGetBlockListEntryCount' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd900)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpManagerRequestTicket2' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd920)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpSignalingTerminateConnection' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd940)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpScoreTerm' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd960)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpScorePollAsync' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd980)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpManagerGetStatus' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd9a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpSignalingDestroyCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd9c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpBasicUnregisterHandler' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cd9e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpDrmIsAvailable' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cda00)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpBasicGetFriendListEntryCount' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cda20)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpManagerGetEntitlementIdList' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cda40)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpScoreCreateTitleCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cda60)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpScoreDestroyTransactionCtx' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cda80)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpSignalingGetConnectionStatus' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cdaa0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpUtilCmpNpId' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cdac0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpBasicGetEvent' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cdae0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpManagerRegisterCallback' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cdb00)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpManagerGetChatRestrictionFlag' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cdb20)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpScoreAbortTransaction' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cdb40)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpDrmIsAvailable2' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cdb60)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpBasicGetBlockListEntry' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cdb80)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpManagerGetNpId' in 'sceNp' module (0x6cdba0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2DestroyContext' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdbc0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2GetWorldInfoList' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdbe0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2SearchRoom' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdc00)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2SignalingGetConnectionStatus' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdc20)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2ContextStart' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdc40)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2LeaveRoom' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdc60)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2SetRoomDataExternal' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdc80)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2SignalingGetConnectionInfo' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdca0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2GetRoomMemberDataExternalList' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdcc0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2Term' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdce0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2GetServerInfo' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdd00)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2GetEventData' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdd20)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2Init' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdd40)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNp2Init' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdd60)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2JoinRoom' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdd80)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2KickoutRoomMember' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdda0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2SetSignalingOptParam' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cddc0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2SendRoomChatMessage' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdde0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2SetRoomDataInternal' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cde00)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2GetServerIdListLocal' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cde20)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2GrantRoomOwner' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cde40)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2CreateContext' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cde60)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2RegisterSignalingCallback' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cde80)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNp2Term' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdea0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2SetRoomMemberDataInternal' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdec0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2RegisterRoomEventCallback' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdee0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2CreateJoinRoom' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdf00)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2GetLobbyInfoList' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdf20)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2ContextStop' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdf40)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sceNpMatching2RegisterRoomMessageCallback' in 'sceNp2' module (0x6cdf60)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSysmoduleUnloadModule' in 'cellSysmodule' module (0x6cdf80)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSysmoduleLoadModule' in 'cellSysmodule' module (0x6cdfa0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellSysmoduleIsLoaded' in 'cellSysmodule' module (0x6cdfc0)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSyncMutexUnlock' in 'cellSync' module (0x6cdfe0)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSyncMutexInitialize' in 'cellSync' module (0x6ce000)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSyncMutexTryLock' in 'cellSync' module (0x6ce020)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsFtruncate' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce040)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsRmdir' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce060)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsClose' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce080)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsOpendir' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce0a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsRead' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce0c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsReaddir' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce0e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsOpen' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce100)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsStat' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce120)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsUnlink' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce140)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsFsync' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce160)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsLseek' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce180)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsGetFreeSize' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce1a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsMkdir' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce1c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsWrite' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce1e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsFstat' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce200)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsRename' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce220)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellFsClosedir' in 'sys_fs' module (0x6ce240)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadClearBuf' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce260)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadInfoPressMode' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce280)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadInit' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce2a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellKbClearBuf' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce2c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellKbGetInfo' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce2e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellMouseGetData' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce300)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadGetInfo' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce320)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadGetRawData' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce340)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellKbInit' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce360)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadEnd' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce380)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellMouseGetInfo' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce3a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadInfoSensorMode' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce3c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadGetData' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce3e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellKbSetCodeType' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce400)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadSetSensorMode' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce420)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellKbEnd' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce440)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellMouseInit' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce460)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadGetCapabilityInfo' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce480)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellKbSetReadMode' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce4a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellMouseEnd' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce4c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadSetActDirect' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce4e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadSetPressMode' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce500)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellKbRead' in 'sys_io' module (0x6ce520)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadLddRegisterController' in 'sys_io' module (0x6cf000)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadLddGetPortNo' in 'sys_io' module (0x6cf020)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadLddDataInsert' in 'sys_io' module (0x6cf040)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellPadLddUnregisterController' in 'sys_io' module (0x6cf060)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioInit' in 'cellAudio' module (0x6ce540)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioQuit' in 'cellAudio' module (0x6ce560)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioSetNotifyEventQueue' in 'cellAudio' module (0x6cf080)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioGetPortTimestamp' in 'cellAudio' module (0x6cf0a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioPortClose' in 'cellAudio' module (0x6cf0c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioPortStop' in 'cellAudio' module (0x6cf0e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioGetPortConfig' in 'cellAudio' module (0x6cf100)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioPortStart' in 'cellAudio' module (0x6cf120)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioPortOpen' in 'cellAudio' module (0x6cf140)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioGetPortBlockTag' in 'cellAudio' module (0x6cf160)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellAudioRemoveNotifyEventQueue' in 'cellAudio' module (0x6cf180)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_net_initialize_network_ex' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce580)
·! LDR: Imported function 'recvfrom' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce5a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'listen' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce5c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'socketselect' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce5e0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_net_errno_loc' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce600)
·! LDR: Imported function 'connect' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce620)
·! LDR: Imported function 'socketclose' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce640)
·! LDR: Imported function 'gethostbyname' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce660)
·! LDR: Imported function 'inet_ntoa' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce680)
·! LDR: Imported function 'setsockopt' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce6a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_net_abort_socket' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce6c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sendto' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce6e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'socket' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce700)
·! LDR: Imported function 'shutdown' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce720)
·! LDR: Imported function 'bind' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce740)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_net_finalize_network' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce760)
·! LDR: Imported function 'accept' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce780)
·! LDR: Imported function 'inet_addr' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce7a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'send' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce7c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'gethostbyaddr' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce7e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'recv' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce800)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_net_free_thread_context' in 'sys_net' module (0x6ce820)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellNetCtlNetStartDialogLoadAsync' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0x6ce840)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellNetCtlNetStartDialogUnloadAsync' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0x6ce860)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellNetCtlTerm' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0x6ce880)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellNetCtlGetInfo' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0x6ce8a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellNetCtlGetState' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0x6ce8c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellNetCtlInit' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0x6ce8e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmGetTiledPitchSize' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x6ce900)
·! LDR: Imported function '_cellGcmInitBody' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x6ce920)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmAddressToOffset' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x6ce940)
·! LDR: Imported function '_cellGcmFunc15' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x6ce960)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmSetFlipMode' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x6ce980)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmGetReport' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x6ce9a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmMapMainMemory' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x6ce9c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmGetControlRegister' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x6ce9e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmSetDefaultCommandBuffer' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x6cea00)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmSetInvalidateTile' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x6cea20)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmSetTile' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x6cea40)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmSetZcull' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x6cea60)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmGetConfiguration' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x6cea80)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellGcmGetLabelAddress' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0x6ceaa0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescGcmSurface2RescSrc' in 'cellResc' module (0x6ceac0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescSetWaitFlip' in 'cellResc' module (0x6ceae0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescSetDsts' in 'cellResc' module (0x6ceb00)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescResetFlipStatus' in 'cellResc' module (0x6ceb20)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescAdjustAspectRatio' in 'cellResc' module (0x6ceb40)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescSetDisplayMode' in 'cellResc' module (0x6ceb60)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescSetConvertAndFlip' in 'cellResc' module (0x6ceb80)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescInit' in 'cellResc' module (0x6ceba0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescGetBufferSize' in 'cellResc' module (0x6cebc0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescGetLastFlipTime' in 'cellResc' module (0x6cebe0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescSetSrc' in 'cellResc' module (0x6cec00)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescSetBufferAddress' in 'cellResc' module (0x6cec20)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescGetFlipStatus' in 'cellResc' module (0x6cec40)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescVideoOutResolutionId2RescBufferMode' in 'cellResc' module (0x6cec60)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescSetVBlankHandler' in 'cellResc' module (0x6cec80)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellRescCreateInterlaceTable' in 'cellResc' module (0x6ceca0)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function '_cellSpursLFQueueInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cecc0)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursQueueDetachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cece0)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function '_cellSpursQueueInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6ced00)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function '_cellSpursTasksetAttributeInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6ced20)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursLFQueueAttachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6ced40)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursCreateTaskWithAttribute' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6ced60)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursCreateTaskset' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6ced80)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursTasksetAttributeSetName' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6ceda0)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursLFQueueDetachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cedc0)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function '_cellSpursLFQueuePushBody' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cede0)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursQueuePopBody' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cee00)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursQueuePushBody' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cee20)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function '_cellSpursAttributeInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cee40)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursJoinTaskset' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cee60)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursShutdownTaskset' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cee80)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursInitializeWithAttribute' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6ceea0)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function '_cellSpursTaskAttributeInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6ceec0)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursCreateTask' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6ceee0)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursCreateTasksetWithAttribute' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cef00)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursFinalize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cef20)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursQueueAttachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cef40)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursEventFlagDetachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cf1a0)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursEventFlagWait' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cf1c0)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function '_cellSpursEventFlagInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cf1e0)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursEventFlagAttachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cf200)
·! LDR: Imported LLE function 'cellSpursEventFlagSet' in 'cellSpurs' module (0x6cf220)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUsbdEnd' in 'cellUsbd' module (0x6cef60)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUsbdInit' in 'cellUsbd' module (0x6cef80)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUsbdInterruptTransfer' in 'cellUsbd' module (0x6cf240)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUsbdOpenPipe' in 'cellUsbd' module (0x6cf260)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUsbdScanStaticDescriptor' in 'cellUsbd' module (0x6cf280)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUsbdGetPrivateData' in 'cellUsbd' module (0x6cf2a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUsbdSetPrivateData' in 'cellUsbd' module (0x6cf2c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUsbdUnregisterExtraLdd' in 'cellUsbd' module (0x6cf2e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUsbdClosePipe' in 'cellUsbd' module (0x6cf300)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUsbdControlTransfer' in 'cellUsbd' module (0x6cf320)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUsbdRegisterExtraLdd2' in 'cellUsbd' module (0x6cf340)
·! LDR: Imported function 'cellUsbdGetDeviceLocation' in 'cellUsbd' module (0x6cf360)
·! LDR: Imported function 'UCS2stoUTF8s' in 'cellL10n' module (0x6cefa0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'SJISstoUTF8s' in 'cellL10n' module (0x6cefc0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'UTF8stoSJISs' in 'cellL10n' module (0x6cefe0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_mempool_try_allocate_block' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf380)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_lock' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf3a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_unlock' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf3c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_create' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf3e0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_process_atexitspawn' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf400)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_create' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf420)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_get_id' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf440)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_malloc' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf460)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_memalign' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf480)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_mempool_free_block' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf4a0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_initialize_tls' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf4c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_time_get_system_time' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf4e0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_free' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf500)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_mempool_destroy' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf520)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_prx_exitspawn_with_level' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf540)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_trylock' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf560)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_delete_heap' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf580)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_exit' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf5a0)
·! LDR: Imported function '_sys_heap_create_heap' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf5c0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_destroy' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf5e0)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_mempool_create' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf600)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_spu_image_close' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf620)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_process_exit' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf640)
·! LDR: Imported function 'sys_spu_image_import' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x6cf660)
·! MEM: Thread Local Storage initialized (g_tls_start=0x10ed000, user_size=0x1d8)
*** TLS segment addr: 0x00879b44
*** TLS segment size: 0x00000004
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00fed040]} sys_process: sys_process_get_sdk_version(pid=0x1, version=*0xd001fde0)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01010f50]} HLE TODO: Unimplemented syscall 871: sys_ss_access_control_engine -> CELL_OK
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xf69cd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044effc]} sys_memory: sys_memory_get_user_memory_size(mem_info=*0xd001fc34)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xf69ca8, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xf69430, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xf69458, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xf69480, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xf69368, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xf693b8, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xf693e0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xf69408, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x100000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001f7b0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20000020, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x200000a0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20000130, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20000190, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x200001d0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20000210, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x200002d0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20000300, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20000330, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20000360, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20000390, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x200003c0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x87f120, attr=*0xd001fbb0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x88e6a8, attr=*0xd001fbb0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x88e680, attr=*0xd001fbf0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x88e658, attr=*0xd001fbf0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xed70bc, attr=*0xd001fad0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xed6ebc, attr=*0xd001fad0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xed48b4, attr=*0xd001fad0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0025fd30]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xb40280, attr=*0xd001fb40, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xb3ff94, attr=*0xd001fad0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x000e49c4]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0x8b7c68, attr=*0xd001fbe0, initial_val=1, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x8b7c54, attr=*0xd001fab0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x8b7c3c, attr=*0xd001fad0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x8af520, attr=*0xd001fbd0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cd580]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilRegisterCallback(slot=3, func=*0x83fb80, userdata=*0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfa0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x001e: CELL_SYSMODULE_L10N)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfa0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x001f: CELL_SYSMODULE_RESC)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032ba10]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xed7220, attr=*0xd001fa40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x20014f1c, attr=*0xd001f810)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x20014f8c, attr=*0xd001f630)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00328ee4]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0x20014f7c, mutex_id=0x27, attr=*0xd001f760)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x20014fd4, attr=*0xd001f7e0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00328ee4]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0x20014fc4, mutex_id=0x29, attr=*0xd001f910)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x2001503c, attr=*0xd001f720)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00328ee4]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0x2001502c, mutex_id=0x2b, attr=*0xd001f850)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x20015064, attr=*0xd001f720)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00328ee4]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0x20015054, mutex_id=0x2d, attr=*0xd001f850)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x2001508c, attr=*0xd001f720)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00328ee4]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0x2001507c, mutex_id=0x2f, attr=*0xd001f850)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x200150b4, attr=*0xd001f720)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00328ee4]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0x200150a4, mutex_id=0x31, attr=*0xd001f850)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x200150cc, attr=*0xd001f7e0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x200150ec, attr=*0xd001f750)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x2001517c, attr=*0xd001f570)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00328ee4]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0x2001516c, mutex_id=0x35, attr=*0xd001f6a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x2001513c, attr=*0xd001f7b0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00328ee4]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0x2001512c, mutex_id=0x37, attr=*0xd001f8e0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd001f928, entry=0x850fc0, arg=0x20015010, prio=1001, stacksize=0x18000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x7157f8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd001f928, param=*0xd001f8a0, arg=0x20015010, unk=0x0, prio=1001, stacksize=0x18000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x7157f8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x39)
·W {PPU Thread[0x39] (candy)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x200151cc, attr=*0xd0047990)
·W {PPU Thread[0x39] (candy)[0x00328ee4]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0x200151bc, mutex_id=0x3a, attr=*0xd0047ac0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x002a488c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_initialize(max_usable_spu=6, max_raw_spu=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfa0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0010: CELL_SYSMODULE_GCM_SYS)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x400000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001f6a0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce920]} cellGcmSys: _cellGcmInitBody(context=**0xf65638, cmdSize=0xff000, ioSize=0x100000, ioAddress=0x20100000)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce920]} cellGcmSys: *** local memory(addr=0xc0000000, size=0xf900000)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce920]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmInit(): 256MB io address space used
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9c0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmMapMainMemory(ea=0x20200000, size=0x100000, offset=*0xd001f940)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce980]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceba0]} cellResc: cellRescInit(initConfig=*0xd001f960)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceb60]} cellResc: cellRescSetDisplayMode(displayMode=4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceb60]} cellSysutil: cellVideoOutConfigure(videoOut=0, config=*0xd001f898, option=*0x0, waitForEvent=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceb60]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cebc0]} cellResc: cellRescGetBufferSize(colorBuffers=*0xd001f930, vertexArray=*0xd001f924, fragmentShader=*0xd001f928)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cec20]} cellResc: cellRescSetBufferAddress(colorBuffers=*0xc0210000, vertexArray=*0xc0200080, fragmentShader=*0xc0200200)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cec80]} cellResc: cellRescSetVBlankHandler(handler=*0x8344c0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceb40]} cellResc: cellRescAdjustAspectRatio(horizontal=1.000000, vertical=1.000000)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile(index=0, location=0, offset=9699328, size=3801088, pitch=5120, comp=7, base=1, bank=0)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile: bad compression mode! (7)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile(index=1, location=0, offset=13500416, size=3801088, pitch=5120, comp=10, base=59, bank=1)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile: bad compression mode! (10)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cd3c0]} cellSysutil: cellVideoOutConfigure(videoOut=0, config=*0xd001f950, option=*0x0, waitForEvent=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xd001f450, flags=0, fd=*0xd001f170, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/Shader/Shader.bin'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20019810, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x3c)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xd001f780, flags=0, fd=*0xd001f140, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/fix_pc_k.rfz'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x2009cc60, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x300000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001ee90)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x3d)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfa0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0017: CELL_SYSMODULE_IO)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfa0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x000e: CELL_SYSMODULE_FS)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfa0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0017: CELL_SYSMODULE_IO)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfa0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x000e: CELL_SYSMODULE_FS)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0042635c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xd001e1b0, attr=*0xd001e1b8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x200c98b0, attr=*0xd001e170)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x200c9850, entry=0x85f420, arg=0x200c985000000000, prio=0, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd001e180)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x200c9850, param=*0xd001e0e0, arg=0x200c985000000000, unk=0x0, prio=0, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd001e180)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x200c9950, attr=*0xd001e170)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x200c98f0, entry=0x85f420, arg=0x200c98f000000000, prio=0, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd001e180)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x200c98f0, param=*0xd001e0e0, arg=0x200c98f000000000, unk=0x0, prio=0, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd001e180)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x42)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x2007f490, attr=*0xd001e170)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x2007f430, entry=0x85f420, arg=0x2007f43000000000, prio=0, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd001e180)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x2007f430, param=*0xd001e0e0, arg=0x2007f43000000000, unk=0x0, prio=0, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd001e180)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x44)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x200b7030, attr=*0xd001e170)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x200b6fd0, entry=0x85f420, arg=0x200b6fd000000000, prio=0, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd001e180)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x200b6fd0, param=*0xd001e0e0, arg=0x200b6fd000000000, unk=0x0, prio=0, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd001e180)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x46)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x200b70d0, attr=*0xd001e170)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x200b7070, entry=0x85f420, arg=0x200b707000000000, prio=0, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd001e180)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x200b7070, param=*0xd001e0e0, arg=0x200b707000000000, unk=0x0, prio=0, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd001e180)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x48)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfa0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x001e: CELL_SYSMODULE_L10N)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfa0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0000: CELL_SYSMODULE_NET)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfa0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0038: CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_NP2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x8b9980, attr=*0xd001e25c)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce580]} sys_net: sys_net_initialize_network_ex(param=*0xd001e250)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce8e0]} cellNetCtl: cellNetCtlInit()
·W {PPU Thread[0x40] (200c9850)[0x00425da0]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0xd004bc40, mutex_id=0x3e, attr=*0xd004bc58)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdd60]} sceNp2: sceNp2Init(poolsize=0x20000, poolptr=*0x206c8950)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdd40]} sceNp2 TODO: sceNpMatching2Init(poolsize=0x0, priority=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cd580]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilRegisterCallback(slot=0, func=*0x7f4898, userdata=*0x0)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdb00]} sceNp TODO: sceNpManagerRegisterCallback
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cd820]} sceNp: sceNpScoreInit()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x8ddef8, entry=0x7f4cd8, arg=0x0, prio=1002, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x717f18)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x8ddef8, param=*0xd001e0b0, arg=0x0, unk=0x0, prio=1002, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x717f18)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x4b)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x8ba068, entry=0x7f46d0, arg=0x0, prio=1002, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x716c40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x8ba068, param=*0xd001e150, arg=0x0, unk=0x0, prio=1002, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x716c40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x4c)
·W {PPU Thread[0x4c] (np_gui_udpp2p)[0x006ce700]} sys_net: socket(family=2, type=6, protocol=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0042635c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xd001dfd0, attr=*0xd001dfd8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x4c] (np_gui_udpp2p)[0x006ce6a0]} sys_net: socket(s=1, level=65535, optname=4096, optval=*0xd0063dc0, optlen=4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x4c] (np_gui_udpp2p)[0x006ce600]} sys_net: _sys_net_errno_loc()
·W {PPU Thread[0x4c] (np_gui_udpp2p)[0x006ce640]} sys_net: socket(s=1)
·U {PPU Thread[0x4c] (np_gui_udpp2p)[0x006ce820]} sys_net TODO: sys_net::sys_net_free_thread_context
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce8a0]} cellNetCtl TODO: cellNetCtlGetInfo(code=0x10 (INFO_IP_ADDRESS), info=*0xd001e1f4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce7a0]} sys_net: inet_addr(cp=*0xd001e1f4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x000c1408]} sys_memory: sys_memory_container_create(cid=*0xb37678, size=0x500000)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfa0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0017: CELL_SYSMODULE_IO)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce2a0]} sys_io: cellPadInit(max_connect=7)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce360]} sys_io: cellKbInit(max_connect=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce460]} sys_io: cellMouseInit(max_connect=2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cd4a0]} cellSysutil: cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt(id=0x112(ID_ENTER_BUTTON_ASSIGN), value=*0xd001e2f0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfc0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleIsLoaded(id=0x001c: CELL_SYSMODULE_USBD)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfc0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleIsLoaded(): module not loaded (id=0x001c)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfa0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x001c: CELL_SYSMODULE_USBD)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cef80]} cellUsbd: cellUsbdInit()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf600]} sysPrxForUser: sys_mempool_create(mempool=*0xf68ef8, chunk=*0x200d09d0, chunk_size=624, block_size=584, ralignment=4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf600]} sysPrxForUser: sys_mempool_create(mempool=*0xf68ef0, chunk=*0x200d0c50, chunk_size=348, block_size=308, ralignment=4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf600]} sysPrxForUser: sys_mempool_create(mempool=*0xf68ee0, chunk=*0x200d0db0, chunk_size=1192, block_size=144, ralignment=4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf600]} sysPrxForUser: sys_mempool_create(mempool=*0xf68ee8, chunk=*0x200d1260, chunk_size=456, block_size=416, ralignment=4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00429ca8]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xf819cc, attr=*0xd001e170, initial_val=1, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00429b3c]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xf819dc, attr=*0xd001e170, initial_val=1, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00429b70]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0xf819c4, attr=*0xd001e160, event_queue_key=0x0, size=40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00429b90]} sys_event: sys_event_port_create(eport_id=*0xf819c8, port_type=1, name=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00429bb0]} sys_event: sys_event_port_connect_local(eport_id=0x56, equeue_id=0x55)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00429bc8]} sys_timer: sys_timer_create(timer_id=*0xf819c0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00429bf0]} sys_timer: sys_timer_connect_event_queue(timer_id=0x57, queue_id=0x55, name=0x0, data1=0x5, data2=0x1f40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xf68cb0, entry=0x85f5f0, arg=0x0, prio=1000, stacksize=0x5000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x750ec0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xf68cb0, param=*0xd001e0e0, arg=0x0, unk=0x0, prio=1000, stacksize=0x5000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x750ec0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x58)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf340]} cellUsbd TODO: cellUsbdRegisterExtraLdd2
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf340]} cellUsbd TODO: cellUsbdRegisterExtraLdd2
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x500000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001e040)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x200d2920, attr=*0xd001e250)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0032a63c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x200d33b4, attr=*0xd001e090)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfa0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0017: CELL_SYSMODULE_IO)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cdfa0]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x000e: CELL_SYSMODULE_FS)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6e60, attr=*0xd001df10)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003b9d7c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xee62a8, attr=*0xd001df68)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003b9db0]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0xee62ac, mutex_id=0x5c, attr=*0xd001df50)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee62b8, attr=*0xd001dec0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xee62a0, entry=0x85ae10, arg=0xee6298, prio=800, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x74cf10)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xee62a0, param=*0xd001ded0, arg=0xee6298, unk=0x0, prio=800, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x74cf10)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x5f)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xf76828, attr=*0xd001dfa0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6ce8, attr=*0xd001df20)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6e98, attr=*0xd001df20)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003b9d7c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xee6240, attr=*0xd001de78)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003b9db0]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0xee6244, mutex_id=0x63, attr=*0xd001de60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6250, attr=*0xd001ddd0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xee6238, entry=0x85ae10, arg=0xee6230, prio=800, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x74cf10)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xee6238, param=*0xd001dde0, arg=0xee6230, unk=0x0, prio=800, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x74cf10)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x66)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xf7de30, attr=*0xd001df30)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed90a8, attr=*0xd001df80)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0038fdd0]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xed9068, attr=*0xd001df58)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0038fe08]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0xed906c, mutex_id=0x69, attr=*0xd001df40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0038fdd0]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xed907c, attr=*0xd001df58)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0038fe08]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0xed9080, mutex_id=0x6b, attr=*0xd001df40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0038fdd0]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xed9090, attr=*0xd001df58)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0038fe08]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0xed9094, mutex_id=0x6d, attr=*0xd001df40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0038fdd0]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xed9054, attr=*0xd001df58)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0038fe08]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0xed9058, mutex_id=0x6f, attr=*0xd001df40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6bb0, attr=*0xd001deb0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6bd0, attr=*0xd001deb0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6bf0, attr=*0xd001deb0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6c10, attr=*0xd001deb0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6c30, attr=*0xd001deb0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6c50, attr=*0xd001deb0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6c70, attr=*0xd001deb0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6c90, attr=*0xd001deb0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed9118, attr=*0xd001dea0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed9108, entry=0x859238, arg=0xed90c8, prio=100, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xed90c8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed9108, param=*0xd001deb0, arg=0xed90c8, unk=0x0, prio=100, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xed90c8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x7a)
·! {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00449a24]} sys_tty: sys_tty_write(ch=0, buf=*0x20494480, len=91, pwritelen=*0xd001dac0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed9188, attr=*0xd001dea0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed9178, entry=0x859238, arg=0xed9138, prio=500, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xed9138)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed9178, param=*0xd001deb0, arg=0xed9138, unk=0x0, prio=500, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xed9138)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x7c)
·! {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00449a24]} sys_tty: sys_tty_write(ch=0, buf=*0x20494480, len=95, pwritelen=*0xd001dac0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed91f8, attr=*0xd001dea0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed91e8, entry=0x859238, arg=0xed91a8, prio=600, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xed91a8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed91e8, param=*0xd001deb0, arg=0xed91a8, unk=0x0, prio=600, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xed91a8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x7e)
·! {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00449a24]} sys_tty: sys_tty_write(ch=0, buf=*0x20494480, len=92, pwritelen=*0xd001dac0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed9268, attr=*0xd001dea0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed9258, entry=0x859238, arg=0xed9218, prio=1500, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xed9218)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed9258, param=*0xd001deb0, arg=0xed9218, unk=0x0, prio=1500, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xed9218)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x80)
·! {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00449a24]} sys_tty: sys_tty_write(ch=0, buf=*0x20494480, len=95, pwritelen=*0xd001dac0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xb37ae0, attr=*0xd001e050)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cd5c0]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability(audioOut=0, type=0, fs=0x4, option=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cd4c0]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutConfigure(audioOut=0, config=*0xd001e020, option=*0x0, waitForEvent=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cd660]} cellSysutil: cellAudioOutGetState(audioOut=0x0, deviceIndex=0x0, state=*0xd001e030)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce540]} cellAudio: cellAudioInit()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5c0]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_create_heap(name=*0x750d90, arg2=0x20000, arg3=0x110000, arg4=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf480]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_memalign(heap=0x82, align=0x10, size=0x1080)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x1307640, attr=*0x1307658)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf480]} sysPrxForUser: _sys_heap_memalign(heap=0x82, align=0x10, size=0x8280)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0041cbe4]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x13073e0, attr=*0x13073e8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0041cc08]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0x13073c0, mutex_id=0x84, attr=*0x13073c8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0041cc94]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x1307430, attr=*0x1307438)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0041ccb8]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0x1307414, mutex_id=0x86, attr=*0x1307418)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0041cd3c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x1307688, attr=*0x1307690)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0041cd60]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0x1307668, mutex_id=0x88, attr=*0x1307670)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x13073b0, entry=0x85f078, arg=0xf65b50, prio=402, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x750d78)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x13073b0, param=*0xd001de70, arg=0xf65b50, unk=0x0, prio=402, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x750d78)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x8a)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xf65b88, attr=*0xf65ba8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xf65b60, attr=*0xf65bb8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xf65bc8, entry=0x85f138, arg=0x0, prio=400, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x750db0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xf65bc8, param=*0xd001df20, arg=0x0, unk=0x0, prio=400, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x750db0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x8d)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xf656b0, attr=*0xf65bd4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf140]} cellAudio: cellAudioPortOpen(audioParam=*0xf65be8, portNum=*0xf65b58)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf140]} cellAudio: *** audio port opened(nChannel=8, nBlock=8, attr=0x0, level=1.000000): port = 0
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf100]} cellAudio: cellAudioGetPortConfig(portNum=0, portConfig=*0xf65c08)
·W {PPU Thread[0x8d] (_cellsurMixerMain)[0x0041ef94]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0xf65ba4, attr=*0xf66c50, event_queue_key=0x8000cafe02460300, size=2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf120]} cellAudio: cellAudioPortStart(portNum=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf080]} cellAudio: cellAudioSetNotifyEventQueue(key=0x8000cafe02460300)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x500000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001dfa0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed8c68, attr=*0xd001dc00)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed7cc0, attr=*0xd001dc00)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed7d80, attr=*0xd001da70)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed7dc8, attr=*0xd001da70)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00437998]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xed7d1c, attr=*0xd001dbe0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004379d4]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0xed7d24, mutex_id=0x94, attr=*0xd001dbc8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed7d10, entry=0x85fd70, arg=0xed7d00, prio=800, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x751238)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed7d10, param=*0xd001db40, arg=0xed7d00, unk=0x0, prio=800, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x751238)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x96)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed7e90, attr=*0xd001dc00)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed7f50, attr=*0xd001da70)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed7f98, attr=*0xd001da70)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00437998]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xed7eec, attr=*0xd001dbe0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004379d4]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0xed7ef4, mutex_id=0x9a, attr=*0xd001dbc8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed7ee0, entry=0x85fd70, arg=0xed7ed0, prio=800, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x751238)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed7ee0, param=*0xd001db40, arg=0xed7ed0, unk=0x0, prio=800, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x751238)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x9c)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed8060, attr=*0xd001dc00)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed8120, attr=*0xd001da70)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed8168, attr=*0xd001da70)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00437998]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xed80bc, attr=*0xd001dbe0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004379d4]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0xed80c4, mutex_id=0xa0, attr=*0xd001dbc8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed80b0, entry=0x85fd70, arg=0xed80a0, prio=800, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x751238)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed80b0, param=*0xd001db40, arg=0xed80a0, unk=0x0, prio=800, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x751238)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0xa2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed8230, attr=*0xd001dc00)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed82f0, attr=*0xd001da70)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed8338, attr=*0xd001da70)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00437998]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0xed828c, attr=*0xd001dbe0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004379d4]} sys_cond: sys_cond_create(cond_id=*0xed8294, mutex_id=0xa6, attr=*0xd001dbc8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed8280, entry=0x85fd70, arg=0xed8270, prio=800, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x751238)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xed8280, param=*0xd001db40, arg=0xed8270, unk=0x0, prio=800, stacksize=0x2000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0x751238)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0xa8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed7a48, attr=*0xd001dd50)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed7838, attr=*0xd001dd50)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xed7628, attr=*0xd001dd50)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6898, attr=*0xd001df30)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6ef0, attr=*0xd001def0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x2102d6d0, attr=*0xd001dd20)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x2103fb20, attr=*0xd001dd20)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21051f70, attr=*0xd001dd20)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x210643c0, attr=*0xd001dd20)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21076810, attr=*0xd001dd20)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x21088c60, attr=*0xd001dd20)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x2109b0b0, attr=*0xd001dd20)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x210ad500, attr=*0xd001dd20)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x210bf950, attr=*0xd001dd20)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x210d1da0, attr=*0xd001dd20)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x210d1dc0, attr=*0xd001de10)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20c1b348, attr=*0xd001dc90)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00372358]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_create(id=*0x20c1b274, num=1, prio=100, attr=*0xd001ddac)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf660]} sysPrxForUser: sys_spu_image_import(img=*0x20c1b278, src=0x752880, type=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf660]} LDR: m_ehdr.e_type = 0x2
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003723ec]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0x20c1b288, group=0xba, spu_num=0, img=*0x20c1b278, attr=*0xd001dda0, arg=*0xd001ddc0)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003723ec]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0037d39c]} sys_event: sys_event_port_create(eport_id=*0x20d36b20, port_type=1, name=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0037d3d4]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0x20d36b1c, attr=*0xd001dc90, event_queue_key=0x0, size=3)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0037d3ec]} sys_event: sys_event_port_connect_local(eport_id=0xbc, equeue_id=0xbd)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0037d450]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_bind_queue(id=0xbb, spuq=0xbd, spuq_num=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0037d39c]} sys_event: sys_event_port_create(eport_id=*0x20d36b34, port_type=1, name=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0037d3d4]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0x20d36b30, attr=*0xd001dc90, event_queue_key=0x0, size=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0037d3ec]} sys_event: sys_event_port_connect_local(eport_id=0xbe, equeue_id=0xbf)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0037d450]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_bind_queue(id=0xbb, spuq=0xbf, spuq_num=0x1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0037d4ec]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0x20d36b44, attr=*0xd001dca0, event_queue_key=0x0, size=3)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0037d510]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_connect_event(id=0xbb, eq=0xc0, et=1, spup=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00371d24]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0xba)
·S {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00371d24]} SPU: SPU Database initialized...
·S {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00371d24]} SPU: SPU Recompiler (ASMJIT) created...
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x00100]} SPU: Function detected [0x00100-0x00194] (size=0x94)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x153d0]} SPU: Function detected [0x153d0-0x153e0] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x15398]} SPU: Function detected [0x15398-0x153cc] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x133c8]} SPU: Function detected [0x133c8-0x133d8] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x13390]} SPU: Function detected [0x13390-0x133c4] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x116b8]} SPU: Function detected [0x116b8-0x116c8] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x11680]} SPU: Function detected [0x11680-0x116b4] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0fd50]} SPU: Function detected [0x0fd50-0x0fd60] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0fd18]} SPU: Function detected [0x0fd18-0x0fd4c] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0f0c8]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f0c8-0x0f0d8] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0f090]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f090-0x0f0c4] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0e2f8]} SPU: Function detected [0x0e2f8-0x0e308] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0e2c0]} SPU: Function detected [0x0e2c0-0x0e2f4] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x07740]} SPU: Function detected [0x07740-0x07750] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x07708]} SPU: Function detected [0x07708-0x0773c] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x06ad8]} SPU: Function detected [0x06ad8-0x06ae8] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x06aa0]} SPU: Function detected [0x06aa0-0x06ad4] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x06580]} SPU: Function detected [0x06580-0x06590] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x06548]} SPU: Function detected [0x06548-0x0657c] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x04578]} SPU: Function detected [0x04578-0x04588] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x04540]} SPU: Function detected [0x04540-0x04574] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x04118]} SPU: Function detected [0x04118-0x04128] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x040e0]} SPU: Function detected [0x040e0-0x04114] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x01538]} SPU: Function detected [0x01538-0x01548] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x01500]} SPU: Function detected [0x01500-0x01534] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x00580]} SPU: Function detected [0x00580-0x00590] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x00548]} SPU: Function detected [0x00548-0x0057c] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x00330]} SPU: Function detected [0x00330-0x00388] (size=0x58)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x001b0]} SPU: Function detected [0x001b0-0x00330] (size=0x180)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x181e0]} SPU: Function detected [0x181e0-0x1820c] (size=0x2c)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x1d318]} SPU: Function detected [0x1d318-0x1d31c] (size=0x4)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x1d308]} SPU: Function detected [0x1d308-0x1d314] (size=0xc)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x19c20]} SPU: Function detected [0x19c20-0x19f64] (size=0x344)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x18228]} SPU: Function detected [0x18228-0x18234] (size=0xc)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x18300]} SPU: Function detected [0x18300-0x18388] (size=0x88)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x18238]} SPU: Function detected [0x18238-0x18264] (size=0x2c)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x18268]} SPU: Function detected [0x18268-0x182d0] (size=0x68)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x00b20]} SPU: Function detected [0x00b20-0x00c78] (size=0x158)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x17b70]} SPU: Function detected [0x17b70-0x17ccc] (size=0x15c)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x19190]} SPU: Function detected [0x19190-0x191d8] (size=0x48)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x19bc8]} SPU: Function detected [0x19bc8-0x19be0] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x191d8]} SPU: Function detected [0x191d8-0x19b94] (size=0x9bc)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x18428]} SPU: Function detected [0x18428-0x18474] (size=0x4c)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x183f8]} SPU: Function detected [0x183f8-0x18424] (size=0x2c)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x00498]} SPU: Function detected [0x00498-0x00540] (size=0xa8)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x00c78]} SPU: Function detected [0x00c78-0x0105c] (size=0x3e4)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x1d320]} SPU: Function detected [0x1d320-0x1d460] (size=0x140)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x00608]} SPU: Function detected [0x00608-0x006f4] (size=0xec)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x1eb80]} SPU: Function detected [0x1eb80-0x1ec3c] (size=0xbc)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x06590]} SPU: Function detected [0x06590-0x0673c] (size=0x1ac)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x06490]} SPU: Function detected [0x06490-0x06548] (size=0xb8)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x17e58]} SPU: Function detected [0x17e58-0x17e60] (size=0x8)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x17da8]} SPU: Function detected [0x17da8-0x17e54] (size=0xac)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x18010]} SPU: Function detected [0x18010-0x180ac] (size=0x9c)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x17fc8]} SPU: Function detected [0x17fc8-0x1800c] (size=0x44)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x17ec0]} SPU: Function detected [0x17ec0-0x17ed8] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0f378]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f378-0x0f4a4] (size=0x12c)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0f2a8]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f2a8-0x0f310] (size=0x68)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x012f0]} SPU: Function detected [0x012f0-0x01388] (size=0x98)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x01988]} SPU: Function detected [0x01988-0x01b38] (size=0x1b0)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0f0f8]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f0f8-0x0f2a8] (size=0x1b0)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0fbd8]} SPU: Function detected [0x0fbd8-0x0fcb4] (size=0xdc)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0ef30]} SPU: Function detected [0x0ef30-0x0efb8] (size=0x88)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0ecc0]} SPU: Function detected [0x0ecc0-0x0ee50] (size=0x190)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0fbd0]} SPU: Function detected [0x0fbd0-0x0fbd8] (size=0x8)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0eae8]} SPU: Function detected [0x0eae8-0x0eaf0] (size=0x8)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0eaf0]} SPU: Function detected [0x0eaf0-0x0eaf8] (size=0x8)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0eaf8]} SPU: Function detected [0x0eaf8-0x0eb2c] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x01578]} SPU: Function detected [0x01578-0x016c4] (size=0x14c)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0ea40]} SPU: Function detected [0x0ea40-0x0eaa8] (size=0x68)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0f6a8]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f6a8-0x0f6dc] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0f598]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f598-0x0f6a4] (size=0x10c)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0f550]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f550-0x0f594] (size=0x44)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x030b0]} SPU: Function detected [0x030b0-0x031bc] (size=0x10c)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0e9b8]} SPU: Function detected [0x0e9b8-0x0ea40] (size=0x88)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x02d50]} SPU: Function detected [0x02d50-0x02ddc] (size=0x8c)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x1cd00]} SPU: Function detected [0x1cd00-0x1cfe0] (size=0x2e0)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x1cb30]} SPU: Function detected [0x1cb30-0x1ccfc] (size=0x1cc)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x1bbd0]} SPU: Function detected [0x1bbd0-0x1bc30] (size=0x60)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x17d28]} SPU: Function detected [0x17d28-0x17d64] (size=0x3c)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x17f20]} SPU: Function detected [0x17f20-0x17f38] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x17d68]} SPU: Function detected [0x17d68-0x17da4] (size=0x3c)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x17f38]} SPU: Function detected [0x17f38-0x17f50] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x1bc30]} SPU: Function detected [0x1bc30-0x1bdfc] (size=0x1cc)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x011c8]} SPU: Function detected [0x011c8-0x01248] (size=0x80)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x152b0]} SPU: Function detected [0x152b0-0x15394] (size=0xe4)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x150f8]} SPU: Function detected [0x150f8-0x152b0] (size=0x1b8)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x04308]} SPU: Function detected [0x04308-0x04390] (size=0x88)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x13620]} SPU: Function detected [0x13620-0x13b80] (size=0x560)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x05d98]} SPU: Function detected [0x05d98-0x05e4c] (size=0xb4)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x17cd0]} SPU: Function detected [0x17cd0-0x17ce0] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x04960]} SPU: Function detected [0x04960-0x04d90] (size=0x430)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x06a48]} SPU: Function detected [0x06a48-0x06aa0] (size=0x58)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x06998]} SPU: Function detected [0x06998-0x069f0] (size=0x58)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x059a8]} SPU: Function detected [0x059a8-0x05ca8] (size=0x300)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x213e8]} SPU: Function detected [0x213e8-0x21438] (size=0x50)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x04210]} SPU: Function detected [0x04210-0x04304] (size=0xf4)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x03d48]} SPU: Function detected [0x03d48-0x03dbc] (size=0x74)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038710]} sys_process: sys_process_is_spu_lock_line_reservation_address(addr=0x200d3a80, flags=0x2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038860]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x010389e0]} sys_semaphore: sys_semaphore_create(sem_id=*0xd001db80, attr=*0xd001dbc8, initial_val=0, max_val=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0104e960]} sysPrxForUser: sys_spu_image_import(img=*0x200d47f0, src=0x1051280, type=1)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x03e80]} SPU: Function detected [0x03e80-0x03f14] (size=0x94)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0104e960]} LDR: m_ehdr.e_type = 0x2
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038c94]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_create(id=*0xd001db80, num=3, prio=200, attr=*0xd001dbb4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038d88]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0x200d47b4, group=0xd2, spu_num=0, img=*0x200d47f0, attr=*0xd001db98, arg=*0xd001dbe8)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038d88]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038d88]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0x200d47b8, group=0xd2, spu_num=1, img=*0x200d47f0, attr=*0xd001db98, arg=*0xd001dbe8)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038d88]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038d88]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_initialize(thread=*0x200d47bc, group=0xd2, spu_num=2, img=*0x200d47f0, attr=*0xd001db98, arg=*0xd001dbe8)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x01038d88]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0104e760]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x200d4830, attr=*0xd001dba4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0104e8c0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwcond_create(lwcond=*0x200d4848, lwmutex=*0x200d4830, attr=*0xd001db90)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0103c188]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0xd001daa0, attr=*0xd001d9f4, event_queue_key=0x0, size=42)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0104193c]} sys_process: sys_process_get_sdk_version(pid=0x1, version=*0xd001d8b0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0103bf28]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0xd2, eq=0xd8, req=0xffffffffffff0000, spup=*0xd001d940)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0103c84c]} sys_event: sys_event_port_create(eport_id=*0xd001daa4, port_type=1, name=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0103c86c]} sys_event: sys_event_port_connect_local(eport_id=0xd9, equeue_id=0xd8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0104e700]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x200d47a8, entry=0x106439c, arg=0x200d3a80, prio=1000, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd001daa8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0104e700]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x200d47a8, param=*0xd001da20, arg=0x200d3a80, unk=0x0, prio=1000, stacksize=0x8000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd001daa8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0104e700]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0xda)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0104e700]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x200d47a0, entry=0x10642d4, arg=0x200d3a80, prio=1000, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd001dac0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0104e700]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0x200d47a0, param=*0xd001da40, arg=0x200d3a80, unk=0x0, prio=1000, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x1, threadname=*0xd001dac0)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x00710]} SPU: Function detected [0x00710-0x00820] (size=0x110)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0104e700]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0xdb)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0103ed2c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event(id=0xd2, eq=0xd8, et=2)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0104e900]} sys_prx TODO: sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name(name=cellLibprof, flags=0, pOpt=*0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x200d4b00, attr=*0xd001dd40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x010331e0]} sys_process: sys_process_get_sdk_version(pid=0x1, version=*0xd001dca0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0103c188]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0xd001dce0, attr=*0xd001dc24, event_queue_key=0x0, size=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0103bf28]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0xd2, eq=0xdd, req=0xffffffffffff0000, spup=*0xd001db70)
·W {PPU Thread[0xdb] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0103a350]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_start(id=0xd2)
·W {PPU Thread[0xdb] (SpursHdlr0)[0x0103a36c]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=0xd2, cause=*0xd00a8da0, status=*0xd00a8da4)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x00818]} SPU: Function detected [0x00818-0x0084c] (size=0x34)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x02ad8]} SPU: Function detected [0x02ad8-0x02ce0] (size=0x208)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x006c0]} SPU: Function detected [0x006c0-0x00818] (size=0x158)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0f0e8]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f0e8-0x0f0f8] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x00a00]} SPU: Function detected [0x00a00-0x01230] (size=0x830)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x01230]} SPU: Function detected [0x01230-0x01470] (size=0x240)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x1d460]} SPU: Function detected [0x1d460-0x1d644] (size=0x1e4)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x01d88]} SPU: Function detected [0x01d88-0x0215c] (size=0x3d4)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0f728]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f728-0x0f808] (size=0xe0)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x01c00]} SPU: Function detected [0x01c00-0x01d88] (size=0x188)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0eaa8]} SPU: Function detected [0x0eaa8-0x0eabc] (size=0x14)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x02630]} SPU: Function detected [0x02630-0x0284c] (size=0x21c)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x010f0]} SPU: Function detected [0x010f0-0x01130] (size=0x40)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x028d0]} SPU: Function detected [0x028d0-0x029ac] (size=0xdc)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x01470]} SPU: Function detected [0x01470-0x01600] (size=0x190)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x01130]} SPU: Function detected [0x01130-0x01194] (size=0x64)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x01600]} SPU: Function detected [0x01600-0x01984] (size=0x384)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x02778]} SPU: Function detected [0x02778-0x02ad4] (size=0x35c)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x02868]} SPU: Function detected [0x02868-0x028cc] (size=0x64)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x01248]} SPU: Function detected [0x01248-0x01288] (size=0x40)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x00290]} SPU: Function detected [0x00290-0x006c0] (size=0x430)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x01198]} SPU: Function detected [0x01198-0x011c8] (size=0x30)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x00cc8]} SPU: Function detected [0x00cc8-0x01230] (size=0x568)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x02850]} SPU: Function detected [0x02850-0x02868] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0f808]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f808-0x0f8e8] (size=0xe0)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x00808]} SPU: Function detected [0x00808-0x00818] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x0f0d8]} SPU: Function detected [0x0f0d8-0x0f0e8] (size=0x10)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x00a00]} SPU: Function detected [0x00a00-0x00c3c] (size=0x23c)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x1d648]} SPU: Function detected [0x1d648-0x1d778] (size=0x130)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x01e90]} SPU: Function detected [0x01e90-0x01edc] (size=0x4c)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x0242c]} SPU: Function detected [0x0242c-0x02508] (size=0xdc)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x04510]} SPU: Function detected [0x04510-0x04540] (size=0x30)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x01338]} SPU: Function detected [0x01338-0x01350] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x04d90]} SPU: Function detected [0x04d90-0x054a0] (size=0x710)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x01760]} SPU: Function detected [0x01760-0x01e90] (size=0x730)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x21478]} SPU: Function detected [0x21478-0x214ec] (size=0x74)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x00e40]} SPU: Function detected [0x00e40-0x01338] (size=0x4f8)
·S {SPU[0xbb] Thread (CriSr thread)[0x13db0]} SPU: Function detected [0x13db0-0x150f8] (size=0x1348)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x02350]} SPU: Function detected [0x02350-0x0242c] (size=0xdc)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x01ee0]} SPU: Function detected [0x01ee0-0x022cc] (size=0x3ec)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x02508]} SPU: Function detected [0x02508-0x025c0] (size=0xb8)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x02204]} SPU: Function detected [0x02204-0x022cc] (size=0xc8)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x02200]} SPU: Function detected [0x02200-0x02204] (size=0x4)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x020e4]} SPU: Function detected [0x020e4-0x02200] (size=0x11c)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x02230]} SPU: Function detected [0x02230-0x022cc] (size=0x9c)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x00c40]} SPU: Function detected [0x00c40-0x00e3c] (size=0x1fc)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x03078]} SPU: Function detected [0x03078-0x0310c] (size=0x94)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x03de8]} SPU: Function detected [0x03de8-0x04040] (size=0x258)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x097b8]} SPU: Function detected [0x097b8-0x09888] (size=0xd0)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x04040]} SPU: Function detected [0x04040-0x04044] (size=0x4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee7380, attr=*0xd001dcc0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee7360, attr=*0xd001dcc0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6f40, attr=*0xd001dcc0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6f60, attr=*0xd001dcc0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6f80, attr=*0xd001dcc0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6fa0, attr=*0xd001dcc0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6fc0, attr=*0xd001dcc0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee6fe0, attr=*0xd001dcc0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee7000, attr=*0xd001dcc0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee7020, attr=*0xd001dcc0)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x095b8]} SPU: Function detected [0x095b8-0x09610] (size=0x58)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xf69190, attr=*0xd001d690)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x09408]} SPU: Function detected [0x09408-0x09410] (size=0x8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0103c188]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0xd001d774, attr=*0xd001d6c4, event_queue_key=0x0, size=1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0103bf28]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0xd2, eq=0xe9, req=0xffffffffffff0000, spup=*0xd001d610)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0103c188]} sys_event: sys_event_queue_create(equeue_id=*0xd001d774, attr=*0xd001d6c4, event_queue_key=0x0, size=1)
·S {SPU[0xd4] Thread (CellSpursKernel1)[0x02210]} SPU: Function detected [0x02210-0x02230] (size=0x20)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0103bf28]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_connect_event_all_threads(id=0xd2, eq=0xea, req=0xffffffffffff0000, spup=*0xd001d610)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x0b6c0]} SPU: Function detected [0x0b6c0-0x0b834] (size=0x174)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x0bc90]} SPU: Function detected [0x0bc90-0x0c118] (size=0x488)
·S {SPU[0xd4] Thread (CellSpursKernel1)[0x03078]} SPU: Function detected [0x03078-0x0310c] (size=0x94)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x0b8b8]} SPU: Function detected [0x0b8b8-0x0b8e4] (size=0x2c)
·S {SPU[0xd4] Thread (CellSpursKernel1)[0x03eb8]} SPU: Function detected [0x03eb8-0x041ec] (size=0x334)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x0bb58]} SPU: Function detected [0x0bb58-0x0bbe8] (size=0x90)
·S {SPU[0xd4] Thread (CellSpursKernel1)[0x26678]} SPU: Function detected [0x26678-0x26748] (size=0xd0)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x00a70]} SPU: Function detected [0x00a70-0x00c3c] (size=0x1cc)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x27c78]} SPU: Function detected [0x27c78-0x2824c] (size=0x5d4)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x01c40]} SPU: Function detected [0x01c40-0x01e90] (size=0x250)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x26290]} SPU: Function detected [0x26290-0x26474] (size=0x1e4)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x014d0]} SPU: Function detected [0x014d0-0x01760] (size=0x290)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x03730]} SPU: Function detected [0x03730-0x03eb4] (size=0x784)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x01350]} SPU: Function detected [0x01350-0x0139c] (size=0x4c)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x031e0]} SPU: Function detected [0x031e0-0x03268] (size=0x88)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x022e8]} SPU: Function detected [0x022e8-0x0234c] (size=0x64)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x21958]} SPU: Function detected [0x21958-0x219b0] (size=0x58)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x013b0]} SPU: Function detected [0x013b0-0x014d0] (size=0x120)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x217a8]} SPU: Function detected [0x217a8-0x217b0] (size=0x8)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x022d0]} SPU: Function detected [0x022d0-0x022e8] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x21688]} SPU: Function detected [0x21688-0x21690] (size=0x8)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x218c0]} SPU: Function detected [0x218c0-0x21954] (size=0x94)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x09128]} SPU: Function detected [0x09128-0x093d0] (size=0x2a8)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x094d0]} SPU: Function detected [0x094d0-0x094d8] (size=0x8)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x1ec18]} SPU: Function detected [0x1ec18-0x1ecd8] (size=0xc0)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x084e8]} SPU: Function detected [0x084e8-0x084ec] (size=0x4)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x214a8]} SPU: Function detected [0x214a8-0x2161c] (size=0x174)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x21e78]} SPU: Function detected [0x21e78-0x22004] (size=0x18c)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x04fa0]} SPU: Function detected [0x04fa0-0x04fa8] (size=0x8)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x04f38]} SPU: Function detected [0x04f38-0x04f9c] (size=0x64)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x1ef98]} SPU: Function detected [0x1ef98-0x1f10c] (size=0x174)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x08020]} SPU: Function detected [0x08020-0x084dc] (size=0x4bc)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x1f110]} SPU: Function detected [0x1f110-0x1f114] (size=0x4)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x16920]} SPU: Function detected [0x16920-0x16924] (size=0x4)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x094d8]} SPU: Function detected [0x094d8-0x16920] (size=0xd448)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x21260]} SPU: Function detected [0x21260-0x214a4] (size=0x244)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x04340]} SPU: Function detected [0x04340-0x046d8] (size=0x398)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x1f8e0]} SPU: Function detected [0x1f8e0-0x1f948] (size=0x68)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x0be60]} SPU: Function detected [0x0be60-0x0be78] (size=0x18)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x179a0]} SPU: Function detected [0x179a0-0x179c0] (size=0x20)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x048f0]} SPU: Function detected [0x048f0-0x04940] (size=0x50)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x1ffe0]} SPU: Function detected [0x1ffe0-0x202b8] (size=0x2d8)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x21250]} SPU: Function detected [0x21250-0x2125c] (size=0xc)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x09488]} SPU: Function detected [0x09488-0x0948c] (size=0x4)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x051e0]} SPU: Function detected [0x051e0-0x052a0] (size=0xc0)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x089c0]} SPU: Function detected [0x089c0-0x09104] (size=0x744)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x084f0]} SPU: Function detected [0x084f0-0x085e8] (size=0xf8)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x04d00]} SPU: Function detected [0x04d00-0x04e28] (size=0x128)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x1f948]} SPU: Function detected [0x1f948-0x1fb5c] (size=0x214)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x085e8]} SPU: Function detected [0x085e8-0x08648] (size=0x60)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x05630]} SPU: Function detected [0x05630-0x05690] (size=0x60)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x05690]} SPU: Function detected [0x05690-0x056d8] (size=0x48)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x16930]} SPU: Function detected [0x16930-0x16934] (size=0x4)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x09498]} SPU: Function detected [0x09498-0x094a0] (size=0x8)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x086a8]} SPU: Function detected [0x086a8-0x086ec] (size=0x44)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x087f0]} SPU: Function detected [0x087f0-0x08934] (size=0x144)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x094a8]} SPU: Function detected [0x094a8-0x094ac] (size=0x4)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x23178]} SPU: Function detected [0x23178-0x232f0] (size=0x178)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x252c0]} SPU: Function detected [0x252c0-0x252c4] (size=0x4)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x23078]} SPU: Function detected [0x23078-0x23148] (size=0xd0)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x252c8]} SPU: Function detected [0x252c8-0x252cc] (size=0x4)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x086f0]} SPU: Function detected [0x086f0-0x087f0] (size=0x100)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x094b0]} SPU: Function detected [0x094b0-0x094b4] (size=0x4)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x24c18]} SPU: Function detected [0x24c18-0x24d48] (size=0x130)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x24b70]} SPU: Function detected [0x24b70-0x24be8] (size=0x78)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x26478]} SPU: Function detected [0x26478-0x265a8] (size=0x130)
·S {SPU[0xd3] Thread (CellSpursKernel0)[0x28250]} SPU: Function detected [0x28250-0x28674] (size=0x424)
·S {SPU[0xd4] Thread (CellSpursKernel1)[0x28988]} SPU: Function detected [0x28988-0x289d0] (size=0x48)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee73e8, attr=*0xd001dc20)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xee84a8, attr=*0xd001dca0)
·S {SPU[0xd4] Thread (CellSpursKernel1)[0x00a58]} SPU: Function detected [0x00a58-0x00cc8] (size=0x270)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x100000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001dfe0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7316b8, flags=0, fd=*0xd001daa0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/inid4.ybo'
·S {SPU[0xd4] Thread (CellSpursKernel1)[0x01988]} SPU: Function detected [0x01988-0x01c00] (size=0x278)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x02160]} SPU: Function detected [0x02160-0x021a8] (size=0x48)
·S {SPU[0xd5] Thread (CellSpursKernel2)[0x029b0]} SPU: Function detected [0x029b0-0x029f4] (size=0x44)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x200d5220, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xed)
·W {PPU Thread[0x7e] (cri_adxm_fs_proc)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd007c670)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/inid4.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=3, sb=*0xd006cca8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xee)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001d820)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/inid4.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=3, sb=*0xd006cca8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x200000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001dff0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xef)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20d47c90, attr=*0xd001dec0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x7e] (cri_adxm_fs_proc)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd007c670)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/demo_akinako.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=3, sb=*0xd006cca8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xf1)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x7e] (cri_adxm_fs_proc)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd007c670)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/demo_myogi.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=3, sb=*0xd006cca8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xf2)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x7e] (cri_adxm_fs_proc)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd007c670)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/demo_akagi.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=3, sb=*0xd006cca8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xf3)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x7e] (cri_adxm_fs_proc)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd007c670)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/demo_akina.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=3, sb=*0xd006cca8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xf4)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x7e] (cri_adxm_fs_proc)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd007c670)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/demo_iroha.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=3, sb=*0xd006cca8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xf5)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x7e] (cri_adxm_fs_proc)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd007c670)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/demo_tsukuba.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=3, sb=*0xd006cca8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xf6)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x7e] (cri_adxm_fs_proc)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd007c670)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/demo_happou.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=3, sb=*0xd006cca8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xf7)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x7e] (cri_adxm_fs_proc)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd007c670)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/race.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=3, sb=*0xd006cca8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xf8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x7e] (cri_adxm_fs_proc)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd007c670)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/course.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=3, sb=*0xd006cca8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xf9)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x7e] (cri_adxm_fs_proc)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd007c670)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/car.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=3, sb=*0xd006cca8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xfa)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x7e] (cri_adxm_fs_proc)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd007c670)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xeda1b0, flags=0, fd=*0xeda618, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/2d.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x5f] (cri_dlg)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=3, sb=*0xd006cca8)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xfb)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce120]} cellFs: cellFsStat(path=*0xd001e074, sb=*0xd001e040) -> sys_fs_stat()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce120]} sys_fs: sys_fs_stat(path=*0xd001e074, sb=*0xd001e040)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce120]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/0flist.dir'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xd001e074, flags=0, fd=*0xd001e030, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xd001e074, flags=0, fd=*0xd001e030, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/0flist.dir'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001dda0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001dda0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/0flist.dir'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/inid4.ybo'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=3, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/inid4.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=4, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/demo_akinako.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=5, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/demo_myogi.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=6, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/demo_akagi.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=7, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/demo_akina.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=8, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/demo_iroha.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=9, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/demo_tsukuba.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=10, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/demo_happou.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=11, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/race.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=12, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/course.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=13, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/COURSE/course.cfi'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=14, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/car.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=15, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/media/2d.afs'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=16, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/AVATAR/wmn_256_fix_bis_full.avt'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=17, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/AVATAR/man_256_fix_bis_full.avt'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=18, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=19, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=20, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=21, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=22, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=23, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=24, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=25, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=26, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=27, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=28, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=29, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=30, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=31, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=32, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=33, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=34, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=35, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/DEMO/balloon.rfo'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=36, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/AE85L/AE85L_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=37, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/AE85L/AE85L_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=38, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/AE86L/AE86L_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=39, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/AE86L/AE86L_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=40, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/AE86T/AE86T_FogL_cibie_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=41, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/AE86T/AE86T_RetracL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=42, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/AE86T/AE86T_RetracL_inid_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=43, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/AE86T/AE86T_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=44, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/AP1/AP1_FBumper_spoon_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=45, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/AP1/AP1_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=46, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/AP1/AP1_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=47, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/AP1/AP1_Trunk_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=48, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/BNR32/BNR32_FBumper_dspeed_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=49, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/BNR32/BNR32_FBumper_kakimt_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=50, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/BNR32/BNR32_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=51, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/BNR32/BNR32_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=52, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/BNR34/BNR34_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=53, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/BNR34/BNR34_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=54, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/BNR34/BNR34_Trunk_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=55, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/CE9A/CE9A_FogL_mitsu_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=56, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/CE9A/CE9A_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=57, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/CE9A/CE9A_RSpoiler_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=58, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/CE9A/CE9A_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=59, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/CN9A/CN9A_FBumper_valdi_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=60, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/CN9A/CN9A_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=61, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/CN9A/CN9A_RSpoiler_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=62, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/CN9A/CN9A_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=63, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/CT9A9/CT9A9_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=64, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/CT9A9/CT9A9_InteriorFix_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=65, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/CT9A9/CT9A9_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=66, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/DC2/DC2_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=67, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/DC2/DC2_InteriorFix_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=68, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/DC2/DC2_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=69, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/EA11R/EA11R_Body_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=70, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/EA11R/EA11R_FSpoiler_suzsp_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=71, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/EA11R/EA11R_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=72, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/EA11R/EA11R_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=73, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/EG6/EG6_FBumper_varis_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=74, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/EG6/EG6_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=75, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/EG6/EG6_RFSpoiler_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=76, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/EG6/EG6_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=77, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/EK9/EK9_FBumper_mugen_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=78, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/EK9/EK9_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=79, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/EK9/EK9_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=80, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FC3S/FC3S_FBumper_amemya_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=81, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FC3S/FC3S_FBumper_amemya_02.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=82, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FC3S/FC3S_FBumper_knight_02.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=83, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FC3S/FC3S_FBumper_rmagic_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=84, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FC3S/FC3S_FogL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=85, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FC3S/FC3S_HeadL_amemya_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=86, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FC3S/FC3S_RetracL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=87, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FC3S/FC3S_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=88, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FD3S/FD3S_FBumper_knight_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=89, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FD3S/FD3S_FBumper_rmagic_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=90, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FD3S/FD3S_FogL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=91, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FD3S/FD3S_FSpoiler_amemya_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=92, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FD3S/FD3S_FSpoiler_mazsp_02.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=93, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FD3S/FD3S_HeadL_amemya_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=94, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FD3S/FD3S_RetracL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=95, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FD3S/FD3S_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=96, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/FD3S/FD3S_Trunk_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=97, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/GC8S5/GC8S5_FBumper_syms_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=98, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/GC8S5/GC8S5_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=99, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/GC8S5/GC8S5_RSpoiler_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=100, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/GC8S5/GC8S5_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=101, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/GDBF/GDBF_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=102, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/GDBF/GDBF_RSpoiler_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=103, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/GDBF/GDBF_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=104, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/NA6CE/NA6CE_CSpoiler_mazda_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=105, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/NA6CE/NA6CE_FSpoiler_amemya_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=106, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/NA6CE/NA6CE_FSpoiler_mazsp_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=107, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/NA6CE/NA6CE_RetracL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=108, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/NA6CE/NA6CE_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=109, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/NA6CE/NA6CE_Trunk_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=110, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/RPS13/RPS13_FBumper_border_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=111, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/RPS13/RPS13_FogL_nissan_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=112, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/RPS13/RPS13_RetracL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=113, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/RPS13/RPS13_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=114, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/RPS13/RPS13_Trunk_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=115, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/RPS13K/RPS13K_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=116, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/RPS13K/RPS13K_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=117, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/RPS13K/RPS13K_Trunk_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=118, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/S13K/S13K_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=119, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/S13K/S13K_HeadL_nissan_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=120, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/S13K/S13K_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=121, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/S13K/S13K_Trunk_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=122, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/S14Q/S14Q_FBumper_nissan_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=123, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/S14Q/S14Q_FBumper_varis_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=124, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/S14Q/S14Q_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=125, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/S14Q/S14Q_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=126, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/S14Q/S14Q_Trunk_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=127, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/S15/S15_FBumper_nissan_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=128, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/S15/S15_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=129, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/S15/S15_InteriorFix_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=130, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/S15/S15_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=131, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/SE3P/SE3P_FBumper_amemya_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=132, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/SE3P/SE3P_FogL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=133, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/SE3P/SE3P_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=134, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/SE3P/SE3P_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=135, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/SE3P/SE3P_Trunk_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=136, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/SW20/SW20_Body_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=137, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/SW20/SW20_RetracL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=138, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/SW20/SW20_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=139, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/SXE10/SXE10_FBumper_toyota_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=140, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/SXE10/SXE10_FBumper_varis_01.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=141, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/SXE10/SXE10_FogL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=142, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/SXE10/SXE10_HeadL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=143, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/SXE10/SXE10_InteriorFix_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=144, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/CAR/SXE10/SXE10_TailL_genuine_00.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=145, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/COURSE/COURSE_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=146, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/GAME_SETTING.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=147, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVAL_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=148, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xee6400, flags=0, fd=*0xd001de10, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=149, sb=*0xd001de14)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile(index=2, location=0, offset=19398656, size=3801088, pitch=5120, comp=0, base=117, bank=2)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea60]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetZcull(index=0, offset=0x1280000, width=1280, height=768, cullStart=0x0, zFormat=0x2, aaFormat=0x0, zCullDir=0x0, zCullFormat=0x1, sFunc=0x207, sRef=0x80, sMask=0xff)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile(index=3, location=0, offset=23199744, size=3801088, pitch=5120, comp=7, base=175, bank=2)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile: bad compression mode! (7)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile(index=4, location=0, offset=27000832, size=3801088, pitch=5120, comp=0, base=233, bank=2)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea60]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetZcull(index=1, offset=0x19c0000, width=1280, height=768, cullStart=0xf0000, zFormat=0x2, aaFormat=0x0, zCullDir=0x0, zCullFormat=0x1, sFunc=0x207, sRef=0x80, sMask=0xff)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile(index=5, location=0, offset=30801920, size=3801088, pitch=5120, comp=7, base=291, bank=2)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile: bad compression mode! (7)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea60]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetZcull(index=2, offset=0x2100000, width=256, height=256, cullStart=0x1e0000, zFormat=0x2, aaFormat=0x0, zCullDir=0x0, zCullFormat=0x1, sFunc=0x207, sRef=0x80, sMask=0xff)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile(index=6, location=0, offset=35127296, size=1048576, pitch=2048, comp=0, base=349, bank=2)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea60]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetZcull(index=3, offset=0x2180000, width=512, height=512, cullStart=0x1f0000, zFormat=0x2, aaFormat=0x0, zCullDir=0x0, zCullFormat=0x1, sFunc=0x207, sRef=0x80, sMask=0xff)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile(index=7, location=0, offset=36175872, size=1048576, pitch=2048, comp=7, base=365, bank=2)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile: bad compression mode! (7)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile(index=8, location=0, offset=37224448, size=1048576, pitch=2048, comp=0, base=381, bank=2)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea60]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetZcull(index=4, offset=0x2380000, width=512, height=512, cullStart=0x230000, zFormat=0x2, aaFormat=0x0, zCullDir=0x0, zCullFormat=0x1, sFunc=0x207, sRef=0x80, sMask=0xff)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile(index=9, location=0, offset=38273024, size=1048576, pitch=2048, comp=7, base=397, bank=2)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile: bad compression mode! (7)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile(index=10, location=0, offset=39321600, size=1048576, pitch=2048, comp=0, base=413, bank=2)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea60]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetZcull(index=5, offset=0x2580000, width=512, height=512, cullStart=0x270000, zFormat=0x2, aaFormat=0x0, zCullDir=0x0, zCullFormat=0x1, sFunc=0x207, sRef=0x80, sMask=0xff)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile(index=11, location=0, offset=40370176, size=524288, pitch=2048, comp=0, base=429, bank=2)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea60]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetZcull(index=6, offset=0x2680000, width=512, height=256, cullStart=0x2b0000, zFormat=0x2, aaFormat=0x0, zCullDir=0x0, zCullFormat=0x1, sFunc=0x207, sRef=0x80, sMask=0xff)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile(index=12, location=0, offset=40894464, size=524288, pitch=2048, comp=7, base=437, bank=2)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile: bad compression mode! (7)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile(index=13, location=0, offset=41418752, size=524288, pitch=2048, comp=7, base=445, bank=2)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile: bad compression mode! (7)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile(index=14, location=0, offset=41943040, size=524288, pitch=2048, comp=7, base=453, bank=2)
·E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea40]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTile: bad compression mode! (7)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001d5e0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xfc)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001d550)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xfd)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001d5e0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xfe)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001d5e0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0xff)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001d5e0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x100)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001d5e0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x101)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x100000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001d650)
·U {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cea60]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetZcull(index=7, offset=0x359c000, width=64, height=64, cullStart=0x2d0000, zFormat=0x2, aaFormat=0x0, zCullDir=0x0, zCullFormat=0x1, sFunc=0x207, sRef=0x80, sMask=0xff)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001d710)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x102)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x707c08, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d6e0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/COURSE/COURSE_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20322450, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x100000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001d280)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x103)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001d480)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x104)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001d7b0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x105)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x707808, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d920, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVAL_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edc70, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x100000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001d4c0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x106)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x107)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x108)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x109)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x10a)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x10b)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x10c)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x10d)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x10e)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x10f)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x110)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x111)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x112)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x113)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x114)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x115)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x116)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x117)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x118)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x119)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x11a)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x11b)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x11c)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x11d)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x11e)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x11f)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x120)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x121)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x122)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x123)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x124)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x125)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x126)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x127)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x128)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x129)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x12a)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x12b)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x12c)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x12d)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x12e)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x12f)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x130)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x131)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x132)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x133)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x134)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x135)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x136)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x137)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x138)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x139)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x13a)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x13b)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x13c)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x13d)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x13e)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x13f)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x140)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x141)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x7076f0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d860, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/RIVALSPEC_DATA.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcd0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x142)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x713c08, flags=0, fd=*0xd001d820, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/GAME/GAME_SETTING.ini'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x215edcc0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x143)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x72d178, flags=0, fd=*0xd001dec0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20325fa0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x300000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001df40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x144)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x72d1c0, flags=0, fd=*0xd001dec0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x203323c0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x145)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x72d208, flags=0, fd=*0xd001dec0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x203ccec0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x400000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001df40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x146)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x300000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001de90)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x72d250, flags=0, fd=*0xd001dec0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x203cd250, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x700000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001df40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x147)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x100000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001dfd0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x72d298, flags=0, fd=*0xd001dec0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x229426d0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x200000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001df40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x148)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0x72d2d8, flags=0, fd=*0xd001dec0, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x004496f8]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data/FONT/FiT_FONT/'
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x22aa50b0, attr=*0x700e60)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x149)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x300000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001de90)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001d690)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x14a)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001d690)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x14b)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001d720)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x14c)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001d720)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x14d)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0044d950]} sys_memory: sys_memory_allocate(size=0x5200000, flags=0x400, alloc_addr=*0xd001e1c0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: VP not found in buffer!
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: FP not found in buffer!
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 0
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 1
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: FP not found in buffer!
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 0
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 2
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: VP not found in buffer!
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: FP not found in buffer!
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 3
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 4
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: VP not found in buffer!
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: FP not found in buffer!
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 5
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 6
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: Creating RTT
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: VP not found in buffer!
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: FP not found in buffer!
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 7
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 8
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: FP not found in buffer!
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 7
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 9
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cd4e0]} cellSysutil: cellMsgDialogOpen2(type=0xa1, msgString=*0xd001f414, callback=*0x7facd8, userData=*0x0, extParam=*0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cd4e0]} cellSysutil: 本ゲームはオートセーブ機能に対応しています。
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: VP not found in buffer!
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: FP not found in buffer!
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: Add program :
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** vp id = 10
·! {rsx::thread} RSX: *** fp id = 11
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd001f630, entry=0x805868, arg=0x0, prio=1001, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x729d18)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd001f630, param=*0xd001f5b0, arg=0x0, unk=0x0, prio=1001, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x729d18)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x14e)
·W {PPU Thread[0x14e] (sdu_sample_auto_load)[0x006cd680]} cellSysutil: cellSaveDataAutoLoad2(version=0, dirName=*0xd00acd80, errDialog=0, setBuf=*0xd00acda0, funcStat=*0x8057f0, funcFile=*0x8057f8, container=0x4e, userdata=*0x3)
·W {PPU Thread[0x14e] (sdu_sample_auto_load)[0x006cd680]} cellSysutil: savedata_op(): funcStat returned < 0.
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cd4e0]} cellSysutil: cellMsgDialogOpen2(type=0xa1, msgString=*0xd001f414, callback=*0x7facd8, userData=*0x0, extParam=*0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cd4e0]} cellSysutil: “頭文字D EXTREME STAGE”をプレイするには
ハードディスクに736 KB以上の空き容量が必要です。
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sysPrxForUser: sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd001f620, entry=0x805858, arg=0x0, prio=1001, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x729d30)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_create(thread_id=*0xd001f620, param=*0xd001f5a0, arg=0x0, unk=0x0, prio=1001, stacksize=0x4000, flags=0x0, threadname=*0x729d30)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf3e0]} sys_ppu_thread: sys_ppu_thread_start(thread_id=0x14f)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x14f] (initialD_auto_save)[0x006cd540]} cellSysutil: cellSaveDataAutoSave2(version=0, dirName=*0xd00acd80, errDialog=0, setBuf=*0xd00acda0, funcStat=*0x8057e0, funcFile=*0x8057e8, container=0x4e, userdata=*0x2)
·E {PPU Thread[0x14f] (initialD_auto_save)[0x006cd540]} cellSaveData: Savedata BLJM60055SAVE considered broken
·W {PPU Thread[0x14f] (initialD_auto_save)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xd00ac07c, flags=0, fd=*0xd00abf88, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x14f] (initialD_auto_save)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xd00ac07c, flags=0, fd=*0xd00abf88, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x14f] (initialD_auto_save)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data//SAVEDATACONTENTS/ICON0.PNG'
·W {PPU Thread[0x14f] (initialD_auto_save)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=150, sb=*0xd00abf98)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x14f] (initialD_auto_save)[0x006ce100]} cellFs: cellFsOpen(path=*0xd00ac07c, flags=0, fd=*0xd00abf88, arg=*0x0, size=0x0) -> sys_fs_open()
·W {PPU Thread[0x14f] (initialD_auto_save)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(path=*0xd00ac07c, flags=0, fd=*0xd00abf88, mode=0, arg=*0x0, size=0x0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x14f] (initialD_auto_save)[0x006ce100]} sys_fs: *** path = '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/data//SAVEDATACONTENTS/PIC1.PNG'
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x14f] (initialD_auto_save)[0x006ce200]} sys_fs: sys_fs_fstat(fd=150, sb=*0xd00abf98)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001ea40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x150)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001ea40)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x151)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001ead0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x152)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001ead0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x153)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0043f5c4]} RSX: Reporting Cell writing to 0xc37a3778
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001ead0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x154)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf420]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xeda5f0, attr=*0xd001ead0)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006cf5e0]} sys_lwmutex: _sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_id=0x155)
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=3)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=4)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=5)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=6)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=7)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=8)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=9)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=10)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=11)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=0)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=1)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmGetReport(type=1, index=2)
·W {rsx::thread} RSX: NV4097_GET_REPORT: Unimplemented type 1
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ceae0]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
·W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x006ce9a0]} cellGcmSy
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