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Salads/log.txt Secret

Created February 20, 2018 17:22
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[258.125] ClientGame::UpdateWorld : Error: lua/NS2Plus/GUIScripts/GUIInsight_OtherHealthbars.lua:31: attempt to index local 'other' (a nil value)
[Client] Script Error #1: lua/NS2Plus/GUIScripts/GUIInsight_OtherHealthbars.lua:31: attempt to index local 'other' (a nil value)
Call stack:
#1: Update lua/NS2Plus/GUIScripts/GUIInsight_OtherHealthbars.lua:31
self = GUIInsight_OtherHealthbars { }
deltaTime = 0.013307150453329
kAmmoColors = {axe=cdata, builder=cdata, flamethrower=cdata, grenadelauncher=cdata, hmg=cdata, mine=cdata, minigun=cdata, pistol=cdata, railgun=cdata, rifle=cdata, shotgun=cdata, welder=cdata }
(for generator) = function
(for state) = {10=2783, 11=2960, 12=3788, 13=3849, 14=4020, 15=4055, 16=3229, 17=3999, 18=820, 19=2444, 1=1947, 20=840, 21=1384, 22=3717, 23=1832, 24=289, 25=3841, 26=3700, 27=3995, 28=4075, 29=3380, 2=2498, 30=2635, 31=4, 32=2803, 33=2965, 34=1800, 35=1202, 36=3364, 37=1065, 38=1108, 39=1208, 3=2634, 40=1, 41=1872, 4=365, 5=617, 6=643, 7=2126, 8=2175, 9=2515 }
(for control) = 31
_ = 31
entId = 4
other = nil
entity = TunnelEntrance-4 {activeHealingMistId=-1, alive=true, allowDigest=true, animationGraphIndex=34, armor=200, beingUsed=false, buildFraction=1, cloakRate=3, cloakingDesired=true, clogNearMouth=false, collisionRep=0, connected=true, constructionComplete=true, desiredInfestationRadius=7, destLocationId=3563, detected=false, dragsUmbra=false, flinchIntensity=0, fullyCloaked=true, gameEffectsFlags=64, growthRate=0.25, health=1250, healthIgnored=false, hotGroupNumber=0, inCombat=false, infestationChangeTime=208.58984375, infestationRadius=0, isCatalysted=false, isMature=false, isOnFire=false, isTeleporting=false, lastTakenDamageAmount=0, lastTakenDamageOrigin=cdata, lastTakenDamageTime=572.5, lastTargetId=0, locationId=6, maxArmor=200, maxHealth=1250, modelIndex=55, ownerId=3514, physicsGroup=2, physicsGroupFilterMask=0, physicsType=4, selectionMask=0, sighted=false, skipOpenAnimation=false, teamNumber=2, techId=241, teleportDelay=0, timeBurnInit=0, timeLastExited=891.80078125, timeLastHealed=796.203125, timeLastVisuallyHealed=0, underConstruction=false, visibleClient=false }
#2: Update lua/GUIManager.lua:293
self = GUIManager { }
deltaTime = 0.013307150453329
numScripts = 31
allowedUpdatesForDefaultUpdateInterval = 10.31304160133
numDefaultsUpdated = 6
now = 974.99304199219
(for index) = 12
(for limit) = 1
(for step) = -1
s = 12
#3: lua/GUIManager.lua:387
deltaTime = 0.013307150453329
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