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Created July 1, 2019 22:15
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<div lwc:dom="manual" class="slds-hide"></div>
/* eslint-disable @lwc/lwc/no-async-operation */
import { LightningElement, wire, api } from 'lwc';
import { loadScript } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader';
import PP from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/penpal'
import getVisualforceDomainURL from '@salesforce/apex/LC_VisualforceDomainController.getVisualforceDomainURL';
export default class Api extends LightningElement {
_penpal = {};
penpalInitialized = false;
iframeSrc = '';
@wire(getVisualforceDomainURL) wiredDomainUrl({ error, data }) {
if (data) {
this.iframeSrc = data + '/apex/LC_APIPage';
} else if (error) {
console.error('LWC_API: error getting Visualforce Domain URL', error);
this.iframeSrc = undefined;
connectedCallback() {
loadScript(this, PP)
]).then(() => { });
initializePenpal() {
let initialized = this.penpalInitialized;
var self = this;
// Since the iframe source is calculated asynchronously,
// we listen to the component's render events and each time
// check if the iframe is ready, and if so, then we initialize
// penpal to connect this component to the iframe.
// Since we only want to do this once, we also set the initialized flag.
if (!initialized) {
const container = this.template.querySelector('div');
const iframeElmt = document.createElement('iframe');
iframeElmt.src = this.iframeSrc;
if (iframeElmt != null) {
this.penpalInitialized = true;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const connection = Penpal.connectToChild({
// The iframe to which a connection should be made
iframe: iframeElmt
this._penpal.connection = connection;
Promise.all([connection]).then(function (child) {
// Cache a reference to the child so that we can
// use it in the restRequest/fetchRequest methods,
// as well as be able to destroy it when this component unrenders.
self._penpal.child = child[0];
}).catch(function (err) {
console.error('LWC_API: Error establishing connection to iframe', err);
this.penpalInitialized = false;
} // else, iframe source is empty, keep waiting
// Makes a Salesforce REST API request and returns a promise that resolves to the response.
// @param request
// JSON object with properties:
// 'url'(String, required) The Salesforce REST endpoint to call.
// 'method'(String, optional) The http method like 'get' or 'post'.Default is 'get'.
// 'body'(String, optional) The request body, varies by the endpoint you're calling.
// 'headers'(Map, optional) String key - value pairs of http headers to send.
// Default is { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' }.
// Your headers are merged with the default headers,
// overwriting any existing keys.
// Example usage:
// component.find('lcAPI').restRequest({
// 'url': '/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Account',
// 'method': 'post',
// 'body': JSON.stringify({
// 'Name': 'Salesforce',
// 'BillingStreet': '1 Market Street',
// 'BillingCity': 'San Francisco',
// 'BillingState': 'CA'
// }),
// 'headers': {
// 'Sforce-Query-Options': 'batchSize=200'
// }
// }).then($A.getCallback(function (response) {
// // handle response
// })).catch($A.getCallback(function (err) {
// // handle error
// }));
restRequest(request) {
var self = this;
var defaultRequest = {
'method': 'get'
var defaultHeaders = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
request = Object.assign({}, defaultRequest, request);
request.headers = Object.assign({}, defaultHeaders, request.headers);
return this.getPenpalChild().then(function (child) {
return self.makePenpalRequest('rest', child, request);
// return data;
// Makes a JavaScript Fetch request and returns a promise that resolves to the response.
// @param request
// JSON object with properties:
// 'url'(String, required) The url to fetch.
// 'options'(Map, optional) The init options for the request.
// Example usage:
// component.find('lcAPI').fetchRequest({
// 'url': '',
// 'options': {
// 'method': 'GET',
// 'headers': {
// 'Accepts': 'application/json'
// }
// }
// }).then($A.getCallback(function (response) {
// // handle response
// })).catch($A.getCallback(function (err) {
// // handle error
// }));
fetchRequest(request) {
return this.getPenpalChild().then(function (child) {
return this.makePenpalRequest('fetch', child, request);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
* For internal use.
* Returns a promise waiting for the parent-child postmate handshake to complete
* then resolves with reference to the postmate child for making requests.
getPenpalChild() {
var child;
var self = this;
var timerId;
var timeout = 10000; // ten seconds
var pollFrequency = 500; // half a second
var startTime = new Date().getTime();
var endTime = startTime + timeout;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
child = self._penpal.child;
if (child) {
} else {
console.log('here: setInterval');
// all time values in milliseconds
timerId = setInterval(function () {
child = this._penpal.child;
if (child) {
// parent-child postmate handshake now complete
} else {
// check if we have exceeded our timeout
let currentTime = new Date().getTime();
if (currentTime > endTime) {
reject('LWC_API: Timeout trying to establish connection to iframe');
// else, keep polling
}, pollFrequency);
* For internal use.
* Returns a promise waiting for the parent-child postmate request to complete
* then resolves with response from the child iframe.
makePenpalRequest(requestType, child, request) {
var p;
if (requestType === 'rest') {
p = child.restRequest(request);
} else if (requestType === 'fetch') {
p = child.fetchRequest(request);
} else {
p = Promise.resolve({
success: false,
data: 'LWC_API: Invalid request type: ' + requestType
return p.then(function (response) {
if (response.success) {
throw new Error(;
disconnectedCallback() { // unrender
// this.superUnrender();
// When component unrenders then cleanup penpal
// resources by destroying the connection and nulling out
// the helper's cached reference to the connection and child.
// This ensures that the helper.handleXyzRequest(..) methods
// wait appropriately for the new parent-child handshake to complete
// when this component is re-initialized and scripts are loaded.
if (this._penpal && this._penpal.connection) {
this._penpal = {};
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Hi Bob,
We are facing the below issue.

Have to receive the data using param from the exposed URL and assign the values to LWC.

we request your suggestion.


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