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Last active July 19, 2023 21:28
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React global state!
import { useSyncExternalStore } from "react";
import type { ConsumerProps, FC, ReactNode } from "react";
export interface ReactAtom<T> {
readonly get: () => T;
readonly sub: (listener: () => void) => () => void;
* Hook: Use an atom value in a react component.
* @param atom The atom instance to use, created with atom or derivedAtom
export const useAtom = <T>({ sub, get }: ReactAtom<T>): T => useSyncExternalStore(sub, get);
* Hook: Use an atom value in a react component, with a selector function.
* @param atom The atom instance to use, created with atom or derivedAtom
* @param selector A function that takes the atom value and returns a derived value
* @returns The derived value
* @example
* const myAtom = atom({ x:1, y:2});
* // this component will be re-rendered only when myAtom.x changes
* export const MyComponent: FC = () => {
* const x = useAtomSelector(myAtom, (value) => value.x);
* return <div>x is: {x}</div>;
* };
export const useAtomSelector = <T, U>(atom: ReactAtom<T>, selector: (value: T) => U): U =>
useSyncExternalStore(atom.sub, () => selector(atom.get()));
export interface AtomSelectorHook<U> {
(): U;
get: () => U;
* Higher order hook: Creates a react selector hook from an atom and a selector function.
* @param atom The atom instance to use, created with atom or derivedAtom
* @param selector A function that takes the atom value and returns a derived value
* @returns A react selector hook
* @example
* const myAtom = atom({ x:1, y:2});
* const useMyAtomX = newAtomSelectorHook(myAtom, (value) => value.x);
* // this component will be re-rendered only when myAtom.x changes
* export const MyComponent: FC = () => {
* const x = useMyAtomX();
* return <div>x is: {x}</div>;
* };
export const newAtomSelectorHook = <T, U>(
{ sub, get: getter }: ReactAtom<T>,
selector: (value: T) => U,
): AtomSelectorHook<U> => {
const get = () => selector(getter());
const self = () => useSyncExternalStore(sub, get);
self.get = get;
return self;
export interface AtomConsumerProps<T> extends ConsumerProps<T> {
atom: ReactAtom<T>;
export type AtomConsumer<T> = FC<AtomConsumerProps<T>>;
* Component: Use an atom value in a react component.
* @param atom The atom instance to use, created with atom or derivedAtom
* @example
* const myCounterAtom = atom(123);
* const MyComponent: FC = () => {
* return (
* <AtomConsumer atom={myCounterAtom}>
* {(count) => <div>counter is: {count}</div>}
* </AtomConsumer>
* );
* };
* const MyWrapper: FC = () => {
* return (
* <div>
* <MyComponent />
* <button onClick={() => ++myCounterAtom.value}>count/button>
* </div>
* );
* };
export const AtomConsumer = <T>({ atom, children }: AtomConsumerProps<T>): ReactNode => children(useAtom(atom));
/** The type of a function that is called when the atom's value changes */
export type AtomListenerFn = () => void;
/** The type of a function that subscribes a listener to an atom */
export type AtomSubscribeFn = (listener: AtomListenerFn) => AtomUnsubsribeFn;
/** The type of a function that unsubscribes a listener from an atom */
export type AtomUnsubsribeFn = () => boolean;
/** The type of a function that initializes the atom's value */
export type AtomGetterFn<T> = () => T;
export interface AtomSubscribeable {
sub: AtomSubscribeFn;
/** The type of an object that can be subscribed to and has a value */
export interface ReadonlyAtom<T> extends AtomSubscribeable {
/** The current value of the atom */
get value(): T;
/** The current value of the atom */
readonly get: AtomGetterFn<T>;
/** Adds a listener to the atom */
readonly sub: AtomSubscribeFn;
export interface Atom<T> extends ReadonlyAtom<T> {
/** The current value of the atom */
get value(): T;
/** The current value of the atom */
set value(value: T);
/** The current value of the atom */
readonly set: (newState: T) => boolean;
/** Resets the current value of the atom to the initial value */
readonly reset: () => void;
const _atomInitializerSym = Symbol.for("AtomInitializer");
const _notInitialized = {};
export interface AtomInitializer<T> {
$$typeof: typeof _atomInitializerSym;
fn: (atom: Atom<T>) => T;
export const atomInitializer = <T>(initializer: (atom: Atom<T>) => T): AtomInitializer<T> => ({
$$typeof: _atomInitializerSym,
fn: initializer,
* An atom is a simple object that has a value and a list of listeners.
* When the value is changed, all listeners are notified.
* @example
* const myAtom0 = atom(0);
* const myAtom1 = atom(atomInitializer(() => { console.log('atom initialized'); return 0; }));
* const unsub0 = myAtom0.sub(() => console.log('myAtom0 changed'));
* const unsub1 = myAtom1.sub(() => console.log('myAtom1 changed'));
* console.log(myAtom0.get()); // expects 0
* console.log(myAtom1.get()); // expects 'atom initialized' and 0
* myAtom0.set(1); // expects 'myAtom0 changed'
* myAtom1.set(1); // expects 'myAtom1 changed'
* unsub0();
* unsub1();
* myAtom0.set(2); // expects nothing
* myAtom1.set(2); // expects nothing
* console.log(myAtom0.get()); // expects 2
* console.log(myAtom1.get()); // expects 2
* // This is useful especially for testing
* myAtom0.reset();
export const atom = <T>(initial: T | AtomInitializer<T>): Atom<T> => {
let state: T | typeof _notInitialized;
let self: Atom<T>;
// This implementation uses a doubly linked list for performance and memory efficiency
// sub and unsub are O(1) and performs better than using an array from the benchmarks.
// pub is O(n) obviously, but the performance of it is comparable to the array implementation (for 100000 subscribers, the difference is negligible).
interface PubSubNode extends AtomUnsubsribeFn {
f?: AtomListenerFn | null;
p?: PubSubNode | null | undefined;
n?: PubSubNode | null | undefined;
let head: PubSubNode | null | undefined;
let tail: PubSubNode | null | undefined;
let get: () => T;
let reset: () => void;
const sub: AtomSubscribeFn = (listener: AtomListenerFn | null | undefined | false): AtomUnsubsribeFn => {
if (!listener) {
return () => false;
const unsub: PubSubNode = (): boolean => {
const { f, p, n } = unsub;
if (!f) {
return false;
// Remove from the linked list
unsub.f = null;
if (p) {
p.n = n;
unsub.p = null;
} else {
head = n;
if (n) {
n.p = p;
unsub.n = null;
} else {
tail = p;
return true;
// Add to the linked list
unsub.f = listener;
unsub.p = tail;
unsub.n = null;
if (tail) {
tail.n = unsub;
} else {
head = unsub;
tail = unsub;
return unsub;
const set = (value: T): boolean => {
if (state === value) {
return false;
state = value;
// Loop through the linked list and call all listeners
let node = head;
while (node) {
const { f, n } = node;
if (f) {
node = n;
} else {
// List was modified while iterating, so we need to restart from the beginning
node = head;
return true;
if (initial && (initial as AtomInitializer<T>).$$typeof === _atomInitializerSym) {
const { fn } = initial as AtomInitializer<T>;
get = (): T => {
if (state === _notInitialized) {
state = fn(self);
return state as T;
reset = () => {
state = _notInitialized;
} else {
get = (): T => state as T;
reset = () => {
set(initial as T);
self = { sub, get, set, reset } satisfies Omit<Atom<T>, "value"> as Atom<T>;
Reflect.defineProperty(self, "value", { get, set });
return self;
* Resets the value of the given atoms to their initial value.
* This is useful mostly for testing.
* @param atoms The atoms to reset
export const resetAtoms = (
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
...atoms: (readonly (Atom<any> | null | undefined | false)[] | Atom<any> | null | undefined | false | 0 | "")[]
) => {
for (const a of atoms) {
if (a) {
if (Array.isArray(a)) {
} else {
(a as Atom<unknown>).reset();
export interface DerivedAtom<T> extends Atom<T> {
/** Disposes this derived atoms, unregistering it from all dependencies. */
dispose: () => boolean;
* A derived atom is an atom that is derived from other atoms.
* When any of the atoms it depends on changes, it is recomputed.
* @example
* const myAtom0 = atom(0);
* const myAtom1 = atom(1);
* const myDerivedAtom = derivedAtom((atom) => myAtom0.value + myAtom1.value, [myAtom0, myAtom1]);
* const unsub = myDerivedAtom.sub(() => console.log('myDerivedAtom changed'));
* console.log(myDerivedAtom.get()); // expects 1
* myAtom0.set(2); // expects 'myDerivedAtom changed'
* console.log(myDerivedAtom.get()); // expects 3
* unsub();
* // This unregister the derived atom from all dependencies
* myDerivedAtom.dispose();
export const derivedAtom = <T>(derive: (atom: Atom<T>) => T, deps: Iterable<AtomSubscribeable>): DerivedAtom<T> => {
const self = atom(atomInitializer(derive)) as DerivedAtom<T>;
let unsubs: AtomUnsubsribeFn[] | null = [];
const dispose = (): boolean => {
if (unsubs) {
const array = unsubs;
unsubs = null;
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
return true;
return false;
const update = () => self.set(derive(self));
for (const dep of deps) {
if (dep) {
self.dispose = dispose;
return self;
import { atom, atomInitializer } from './atom'
import { useAtom } from './atom-hooks'
export const atomMyCounter = atom(123);
export const atomIsMobile = atom(atomInitializer(({ set }) => {
const _isMobile = () => window.innerWidth < 768;
window.addEventListener("resize", () => set(_isMobile()));
return _isMobile();
const HookComponentExample: FC = () => {
const state = useAtom(atomMyCounter);
return <div>state is: {state}</div>;
const ConsumerComponentExample: FC = () => {
return (
<AtomConsumer atom={atomMyCounter}>{(state) => <div>state is: {state}</div>}</AtomConsumer>
const IsMobileComponentExample: FC = () => {
const mobile = useAtom(atomIsMobile);
return <div>isMobile is: {mobile ? "true" : "false"}</div>;
export const MyComponent: FC = () => {
return (
<HookComponentExample />
<ConsumerComponentExample />
<IsMobileComponentExample />
<button onClick={() => ++myCounterGlobalState.value}>click me</button>
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