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Miscellaneous Windows Computer Questions & Answers

Miscellaneous Windows Computer Questions & Answers

I wrote these notes earlier and I decided to keep them, so I formatted them in the Markdown format. They basically try to answer how to do certain things on the Windows 10/11 platform and serve as a guide for me as well.

Revised: 2021-10-28

This document is subject to change.



How to force a BSOD (blue screen of death) on Win10?

Read this article: . And, you can find my .reg file for doing that here: .

How to change the resolution for the game 'Evolva'?

Run the 'Registry Editor' Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER Click on 'Software', find the software's folder and change where it says 'DisplayModeWidth' and 'DisplayModeWidth' to the desired resolution, and change 'DisplayModeBPP' to 32 from 16 for 32-bit color.

How to run the game 'Riverworld'?
  1. Install.
  2. Keep the cd mounted or there is a graphics problem.
  3. Install nGlide or there is a graphics problem.
  4. right click WWORLD.EXE and choose compatibility mode WinXP SP 2 and "run as administrator".
  5. Optionally, slow the game down with slo'mo. Runs a bit fast.

How to install Far Cry and get the best out of it?

Install Far Cry Install the 1.4 cumulative patch. Install the AMD ECU patch. Install the FCAM mod. Put the contents of "Skipintro" into the correct folder to get rid of the intro movies. (optional) Put -DEVMODE at the end of the FarCry.exe shortcut Open Devmode.lua, put the following at the very end of the text

Input:BindCommandToKey("#Game:Save('Quicksave')","f5",1); Input:BindCommandToKey("#Game:Load('Quicksave')","f7",1);

Open system.cfg and change e_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio = "1.000000" to "100.000000" create SystemCfgOverride.cfg in the Far Cry folder to force certain settings

How to enable DEVMODE:

I found a way to increase the view distance. (1) Remove level1.pak and level2.pak if it exists from the level folder, make sure you backup the level folder first. (2)Open the level in the editor. (3)Click on the green terrain tab on the rollup bar on the right. (4)Hit the environment button and under fog change "ViewDistance" to 2048 and hit the apply button. (5)Hit the vegetation button, clicking on an object will select all of them in the list or you can double click to expand if you want to change them individually. Set the "MaxViewDistanceRatio" to something like 7 or above. (6)In the file menu select Save and the Export to engine and you set.

NOTE: I have had trouble with setting the view distance on grass and smaller plants higher, I believe it causes a bug with the engine but larger trees and shrubs appear fine.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a bug in Windows Vista and above operating systems where landmass reflections are completely missing on water. No fix known.

How to display hidden files on Win10?

Go to control panel, click on "File Explorer Options", click on "View", check "Show hidden files, folders, and drives". IMPORTANT NOTE: Some hidden files and folders are necessary for the proper functioning of the computer.

How to turn Windows features on and off?

Go to control panel, click on Programs and Features Click on "Turn Windows features on or off".

How to setup the program DC++?

The ports should be forwarded automatically by the program.

Click on the "Settings" tab (cog-wheel) to open the settings window. Click on "Personal information" and check "Add timestamp to the end of away messages" and make sure you have a nickname, also add an away message. Go to notifications and set these as desired. Click on Appearance and make sure to check: "Sort all downloads first" "Minimize to tray" "Always display tray icon" "Show timestamps in chat by default" "View status messages in chat" "Show joins / parts in chat by default (may spam the chat box if too many users)" "Sort favorite users first" "Use system icons when browsing files (slows browsing down a bit) "Guess user country from IP" and uncheck "Filter spam messages"

You can change the way the program appears by clicking on "Styles", "Tabs" and "Windows", performance-wise, some of these are faster than others. Click on "Sharing" and make sure you have a shared folder. Everything in this folder can be seen and downloaded by other peers. Click on "Queue" and check: "Don't download files already in share", "Keep finished files in the queue", "Don't download files already in the queue", "Skip zero-byte files".

To check if the ports have been forwarded properly by the program, click on connectivity in the settings window. It will say "Port mapping: Successfully created port mappings" and make sure "Let DC++ determine the best connectivity settings' is checked. In the settings window, click on "Downloads" and set a default download directory. This is the folders where downloads will go unless otherwise specified. There are also options for automatically dropping connections that are too slow. IMPORTANT NOTE: The slow connection may be the only peer who has that specific file.

Click on "History" and increase the "Recent file lists" to "100".

Click on "Advanced" and make sure the following is checked : "Enable segmented downloads", "Use Coral network for HTTP downloads", "Don't delete file lists when exiting Uncheck "Register with Windows to handle magnet, because uTorrent should handle magnets.

DirectConnect++ should be set as such that it will automatically try to connect users that have the file that is in the download queue, and will keep retrying, depending on the uploaders internet connection and the amount of upload slots that are open a connection may not be possible. "No slots available" will be shown for that peer.

How to know if a program is on the 32 bit or the 64 bit platform?

On a 64 bit computer:

METHOD 1: Launch the program, launch "Windows Task Manager" (by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESC) Click on "Processes", find the programs name, if it is 32 bit, it will say (32 bit) next to it.

Anything that doesn't say 32 bit you can assume is 64 bit.

How to create virtual discs with Daemon Tools?

Insert the disc into the disc drive, open "DaemonTools", click on "Make Disc Image". Here, choose the drive where the disc is inserted and the reading speed. Leave the settings on "Device" and "Properties" default, but a profile can be chosen depending on the type of the disc. Click on "Image Catalog", here a name should be given for the virtual disc Choose the extension(s) for the Image disc. .mdx is ideal. Click "Start", wait for the program to complete. If successful, the virtual disc will be in the "DAEMON Tools Images" folder in the user documents folder.

How to turn off the display of previous search entries in search boxes?

By default, whenever something is searched in search bars, Windows remembers them and suggests it in a drop-down menu when the search bar is selected. To disable this feature, open "Local Group Policy Editor by running "gpedit.msc" then go to Administrative Templates, Windows Components, File Explorer, find "Turn off display of recent search entries in the Windows Explorer", then select 'Edit', select 'Enabled' and click OK.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This feature may also applies to web browsers.

How to open the Services window?

Open the services window by hitting Windows Key +R then type "services.msc".

How to open the Group Policy Editor?

Open the services window by hitting Windows Key + R then type "gpedit.msc".

How to make audio CDs?

Once the Audio CD is burnt, it will play in any CD player. All audio data must be of the following format for Audio CDs: two-channel 16-bit PCM encoding at 44.1 kHz sampling rate per channel. The audio files can be converted to this format using a third party audio conversion software. Name the tracks and burn them to a blank CD or a blank CD-RW using a 3rd party app. CD-RW can be re-written indefinitely.

How to remove hyperlinks from a Microsoft Word document?

Select the hyperlink(s), press Ctrl+Shift+F9.

How to make a complete uninstallation of graphics drivers?

Find a copy of the Display Driver Uninstaller here: . This can help get rid of more display driver files that a normal uninstallation may miss.

How to turn off the internet connection without unplugging the Ethernet cable in Win10?

Go to control panel, click on "Network and Sharing Center", click on "Change adapter settings", right click on "Ethernet" or "Local Area Network" and click "disable". To re-enable the internet, right click on the same thing and click "Enable".

If your motherboard allows dual Ethernet connections, then you may see 2 entries here, if only one is plugged, the other one will say "Network cable unplugged", so that way you can disable the correct port from here.

Also, Bluetooth devices show up here as well.

How to prevent a program from accessing the internet on Win10?

How to prevent a program from accessing the internet on Win10? Typically, this would be done through the firewall settings of Windows. But, that can be too complicated to figure out and navigate through. For that reason, you can just use this program instead: . There, we can allow or prevent individual apps from connecting to the internet and outside servers.

How to change file attributes on Win10?

On Win10, files have lots of attributes assigned to them. They can't usually be changed but there is a 3rd party program which claims that it can do that. Find the program here: .

How to disable remote assistance connections to the computer?

Press win+break to get to the system window, click "remote settings", uncheck "allow remote assistance connections to this computer" and check "don't allow connections to this computer".

How to turn off sticky keys completely?

Click on "Control Panel", click on "Ease of Access Center", check off "Always read this section aloud", and "Always scan this section", click on "Make the keyboard easier to use", check off everything, click on "Set up Mouse Keys", check off everything, click on "Set up Sticky Keys", check off everything, click on "Set up Filter Keys", check off everything, click on "Make the mouse easier to use", check off everything, click on "Make it easier to focus on tasks", check off everything, click on "Make the computer easier to see", check off everything.

Also of importance:

Below is a keyboard typing guide and a hotkey guide for Windows 10/11 version 21H2 . I can not guarantee its correctness in versions below 21H2. It may have been changed.

CTRL + LEFT SHIFT: Cycles the keyboard layouts downwards within the same language, does not switch languages. CTRL + RIGHT SHIFT: Cycles the keyboard layouts upwards within the same language, does not switch languages. (Although, the above two keys can be disabled in the Windows options, and perhaps should be because of accidental triggers.) WIN KEY + SPACE: Cycles all of the keyboard layouts, across languages as well. ALT + LEFT SHIFT: Cycles languages downwards, not the keyboard layouts. ALT + RIGHT SHIFT: Cycles languages upwards, not the keyboard layouts. WIN KEY + ; : Windows key + the semi colon key opens the emoji menu where we can type emojis, kaomojis, emoticons and also various symbols and letters from Unicode. WIN KEY + CTRL + O: Pressing this will turn on the On Screen Keyboard. This makes it so that the keyboard can be "used" using the mouse. Pressing it again will turn it off. SHIFT KEY, pressed 5 times: This will trigger a window which will ask you if you want to turn on the "sticky keys" functionality of Windows 10. RIGHT SHIFT KEY, held down for 8 seconds: This will trigger a window which will ask you if you want to turn on the "filter keys" functionality of Windows 10. If you hit yes, the "FilterKeys" icon will appear as a tray icon in the taskbar. If you want to turn it off again, you can again hold down the right shift key for 8 seconds. NUM LOCK KEY, held down for 5 seconds: This will trigger a window which will ask you if you want to turn on the "toggle keys" functionality of Windows 10. This makes it so that a sound is played by Windows when the Caps Lock, Num Lock or Scroll Lock keys are pressed. WIN KEY + V : Opens the clipboard history menu where previous copies can be pasted as well.

Personally, I would recommend that the shortcut keys for these should be turned off as they can be toggled unintentionally, which is how I learned of these shortcuts in Windows 10. It can be turned off by holding the right shift key for 8 seconds and clicking "Disable this keyboard shortcut in Ease of Access keyboard settings".

There is also the "MouseKeys" feature, which basically allow us to use the mouse through the keyboard numpad. This however, makes it so that the numpad can not be used when it is turned on.

If you have the "UnicodeInput" program running in the background, then you can type Unicode characters very easily. Also, it seems you can enable the same thing by editing the registry and enabling the hexnumpad.

ALT + Numpad+ : Enter Unicode "code" and hit enter to type that Unicode character.

How to uninstall / remove keyboard layouts?

Click on the name of the language on the language bar such as "ENG US" Then, click on "Language Preferences" There, select the language that that keyboard layout is associated with and click on "Options" There, you will see a list of keyboards that are available for that language. Just click on the keyboard layout that you want to remove, then you will get a button that says "Remove".

The keyboard layout should then be deleted immediately and you won't see it anymore in the language bar.

Also, it seems you have to restart the computer to be able to use newly installed keyboard layouts.

What does the "scroll lock" key do?

This key is used by certain programs to make it so that horizontal scrolling is triggered. A good example is the LibreOffice Calc and the Microsoft Excel programs. If scroll lock is turned on, we scroll horizontally when we hit the arrow keys on the keyboard. if it is turned off, we go to the next cells by using the arrow keys on the keyboard.

How to lock the keyboard or the mouse keys?

This free program is definitely what you are looking for:

What is a faster way to switch between keyboard layouts?

You can skip choosing a layout from the menu by directly switching to that keyboard layout by setting up a shortcut to that layout. This won't give you any visuals, but it will immediately switch to that layout upon hitting those hotkeys. It is the fastest way of going between different layouts. To set up such hotkeys, open the settings window from the start menu or by hitting WIN KEY + I and go to "Time & Language", then click on "Language" on the menu to the left. Then, click on "keyboard", then click on "Input language hot keys". There, you can see a list of all the keyboard layouts that are installed. Select a layout and click on "Change Key Sequence" and pick which key keys you want to associate with that layout. I recommend using the CTRL + ~ key for your default keyboard layout, likely the US QWERTY layout, and the CTRL + # keys for fast switching to other layouts. These seem to not interfere with other programs when pressed and yet quickly switch between keyboard layouts.

How to hide the desktop icons with a keyboard shortcut?

This script can do that:

How to install unsigned drivers? (How to boot to test mode?)

Windows 10 by default no longer allows installing any unsigned hardware drivers. I don't know if this is still the case in Windows 11.

However, there is still a way to install unsigned drivers.

To do this, you must boot into the "Test Mode" of Windows 10. The "Test Mode" basically lifts the restriction that Windows 10 imposes on the installation of unsigned drivers.

You can boot into test mode by using a batch script file:

This script will make your computer restart and boot into test mode. In test mode, you can install the unsigned driver. On next restart, the computer will start back in normal mode.

Game Resolution Hex Values?

These can be useful for hex editing the resolution of video games.

Check out these hex values here: .

How to open .hlp files in Win10?

It used to be that Windows could open .hlp files by default and these files were called "help files". However, now, Windows 10 can no longer open these files. Fret not, there is a 3ʳᵈ party software that can open these files appropriately.

Get the software here: .

How to replace protected or in-use system files with other files?

This batch script is capable of replacing protected or in-use system files: .

I can confirm it worked on Windows 10 in 2019, despite just being a .cmd file that was made for WinXP.

I think only the beta version worked and the non-beta version did not. Furthermore, the script must be ran as system. Running it as admin does not seem to work due to the nature of what this does. It is indeed, some powerful code.

I am not the author of it, however the webpage I found the script is no longer online, and I am hosting it for preservation.

How to hide the Win10 taskbar with a hotkey?

Refer to this article: .

How to enable the default admin account in Win10?

Tap on the Windows-key. This should open the start menu or bring you to the Start Screen interface depending on how Windows 10 is configured on the system. Type cmd and wait for the results to be displayed.

Right-click on the Command Prompt result and select 'Run as Administrator' from the context menu. (We need to open an admin Command Prompt.)

Run the command net user to display a list of all user accounts on the system.

To activate the inactive administrator account, run the command net user administrator /active:yes . If you want to enable the guest account as well, run the command net user guest /active:yes .

If you want to disable the now active administrator account, run the command net user administrator /active:no . If you want to disable the guest account as well, run the command net user guest /active:no .

How to Run Games that are made with the RPG Maker 2000?

Some of these games will run on their own, some of them require the Runtime Package.

Install the Runtime Packages, but the RPG Maker 2000 Runtime Package can not be installed on a system with over 2tb space because of an error with the installer. To fix this, install the RTPe.exe, rtp132.exe and RM2k_105e.exe to another computer and copy paste the ASCII folder into Program Files(x86). Then launch an RPG Maker 2000 game and go to the RegEdit key entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ASCII\RPG2000. Make a new string value called RuntimePackagePath and set it to C:\Program Files (x86)\ASCII\RPG2000\RTP . Now, RPG Maker 2000 Engine should launch. And if a game needs files from the RTP, copy the files from the ASCII folder in to the game folder and try again.

What to do if the internet stops working on its own?

Press on the reset button on the modem or plug out the modem cable and wait a while then plug the cable back in. Then see if the internet is working. If it's not working, restart the computer as well. If it's still not working, call tech support.

How to disable devices without unplugging them?

Open 'Device Manager'. It can be found in the Control Panel. Find the desired hardware, right click on it and click disable.

That way, you don't have to manually take off anything.

How to disable the Windows Error Reporting Service?

Windows 10 has a harmless error reporting feature which aims to report errors that occur within the OS to Microsoft. This service runs in the background and is manually triggered and I am not sure under which conditions it would be triggered. A user may want this feature unhelpful or unnecessary and so this service can be turned off by typing services.msc in the run window. There you can find the 'Windows Error Reporting Service', right click on it and click on 'properties'. Then, you can set the 'Startup type' to 'disabled'. Likely, the next time you restart the computer the OS will not at all be able to do error reporting through this service. I don't believe disabling this will otherwise affect anything else or the normal operation of the OS.

How to check if multiple graphics cards are running Crossfire or SLI?

If you want to run 2 different graphics cards together in the same computer, it is possible to combine them both using technologies named SLI or Crossfire. However, it is possible that the 2 graphics cards are running independently, which is probably not what you want.

In this case, likely you will not get the benefits of using the Crossfire or the SLI technology. So, it is important to make sure that not only both cards are working but that both cards are linked using these technologies. This can be checked for either in the graphics card control panel or by using the third party GPU-Z program.

On GPU-Z, towards the bottom of the window you can see 'Crossfire' or 'SLI' as to whether it is enabled and disabled. And if it is enabled, how many GPUs are running together in tandem.

I believe up to 4 graphics cards can be combined in that way. But personally, I am against the practice of using more than 2, because it takes up so much electrical energy and physical space within the computer for marginal gains.

My own experience is that the framerate that is gained or the processing power that is gained by using 2 cards is perhaps a quarter more or a third more. it most certainly does not double your performance or anything like that.

Having 2 cards does not at all mean doubling your performance.

How to synchronize the OS clock with an atomic clock server repeatedly automatically?

Just like your watch, your OS clock will become off-sync. If you want to be really accurate as to always be accurate within a second or even to one tenth of a second, then, get this program called "NetTime": . This program syncs with an NTP Internet atomic clock server time provider to adjust the OS clock. The program can also do this automatically at a minimum of once per 15 minutes if desired. That way, you can be sure that your OS clock is always very very accurate. Then all your other non-atomic clocks can be set based off of the OS clock. Please understand this does not turn your computer into an atomic clock. It just makes it so that the OS clock is consistently more accurate. And if, for whatever reason the OS clock happens to go off sync, it will be corrected automatically as well.

Should you overclock your PC?

Overclocking is a feature that is allowed by some graphics cards and CPUs. These components are typically described as "unlocked". It is important to note that not all hardware is unlocked. It seems like hardware intended for servers are not unlocked for example. But, because there is a market for PC enthusiasts, there are "unlocked" PC parts. In this scenario, more electricity may be delivered to a component to try to make it run at higher clock speeds than it is set to run by the factory. I for one, think this practice can shorten the lifespan of the electronics and is also dangerous and can void the warranty of the product. I don't find it at all necessary under any circumstances to overclock hardware. My advice would be to just leave it be.

How to access BIOS (Basic Input Output System)?

BIOS is what the computer first initializes before it loads any installed operating systems. From there, it would boot into an installed operating system.

BIOS can only be accessed before the OS boot. A key such as 'Delete', 'F2' has to be pressed. Here, certain changes can be done to the core functionings of the computer and the speed of some of the hardware can be changed (overclocking).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Changing the settings of the BIOS can cause the computer not to start up or not to function. It may also cause permanent damage to the computer hardware.

Also, if things really go bad, you will find the 'CMOS battery', a coin battery located on the motherboard. Try removing this battery and put it back on to reset the BIOS into factory defaults.

How to enable hibernation?

There is a hibernation option in the power settings, but it is disabled by default.

If you want to be able to see it in the power menu (in the start menu -> Power menu), then, go to "Control Panel" and click on "power options", then click on "choose what the power buttons do". Then, click on "change settings that are currently unavailable" and checkmark the "Hibernate" option in the menu below.

How to make the screen black and white?

Press Windows + CTRL + C to switch from color to grayscale back and forth.

How to extract a multi-part archive that is ordered incorrectly, or has wrong extensions?

There is a program called "Extract now" that can do that: .

How to install and uninstall fonts?

Right click on the font file (extension .tff) and click on install. To uninstall a font, go to the "Windows\Fonts" directory. Right click on a font and click delete.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Installing too many fonts can cause the system to slow down.

How to display hidden files?

Go to Control Panel, click on "File Explorer Options", click on "View" and check "Show hidden files, folders, and drives".

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some hidden files and folders are necessary for the proper functioning of the computer and should not be altered.

How to launch all files as administrator, just like the default built-in admin account?
  • Add User To Administrators Group And Remove From Users Group:

    Log In As Administrator.

    Go To Run (WinKey + R).

    Type control userpasswords2.

    Select Your Account and click on 'Properties'.

    Select 'Group Membership' tab.

    Select 'Administrators'.

    Click 'OK' and 'OK'.

2 - Disable Approval Mode: Log In As Administrator. Go To Run (WinKey + R) Type 'secpol.msc'. Go To 'Local Polices' ➜ 'Security Options'. Find 'User Account Control: Switch to the secure desktop when prompting for elevation'. Open it, click 'Disable It' and click 'Ok'. Restart computer. This is important as log off doesn't work. Now every app will be run as administrator for all administrator users.

This may not be desirable however and can raise some issues and is the non-default behaviour. Alternatively, one can enable the built in admin account and just log in to that account in order to run everything as admin. I think that that is the safer option.

Where is the Windows 10 startup folder?

Location of the startup folder:

For all users: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup For specific users: C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

NOTE : Files may not startup as admin if you make the shortcut run as admin, but it may start as non-admin otherwise, even if the .exe is set as run as admin. There may be some kind of a protective system against self-elevating programs at startup. But still, there are ways to start things as admin.

How to clear the icon cache?

On Windows 8 and Windows 10, icon cache database is stored in the directory: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer.

To clear them, you must close all running applications, and run these commands in the Command Prompt. If you receive Access is Denied error when running, then one or more of the open programs is using the icon cache database. Close all programs and try again, or try clearing them after booting into Safe mode.

CD %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer DEL IconCache*.db /a EXIT

A better option possibly, is to use this batch script that I am hosting, perhaps run it as an administrator. .

How to accommodate old games compatibility?

Enable DirectPlay for older game compatibility. Right click start menu/programs and features/turn windows features on or off/Legacy Components/Direct play. Install the 3rd party program nGlide for OpenGL support. Some older games require this.

How to disable Compatibility Assistant?

Type 'gpedit.msc' and OK. The 'Group Policy Editor' window will open. Navigate from the left category folders to 'Computer Configuration' ➜ 'Administrative Templates' ➜ 'Windows Components' ➜ 'Application Compatibility' and enable the two entries (by double clicking and clicking 'Enable') 'Turn off Program Compatibility Assistant' and 'Turn off Program Compatibility Engine'.

How to disable devices without unplugging them?

Open "Device Manager". It can be found in the control panel. Find the desired hardware, right click on it and click disable.

How to change the page resolution in Paint?

Press CTRL+E, set the width and the height to desired measurements.

Lua Syntax Notes:

Use a comma to separate any different tokens within parentheses. Escape characters are written with backwards slash. CR is what \r is and LF is what \n is. It stands for 'Carriage Return' and 'Line Feed'. Variable names can only start with underscore, uppercase or lowercase letters. They can not start with digits, although they can include digits in them.,...) is the same as Apple:eat(...). @shell32.dll,-4153 (the syntax to access specific icons within shell32.dll). if you use local in the interpreter, it will nil. if you use a local in statements, it becomes local to the statement. os.execute("start") -- starts the command prompt from a Lua script. os.execute("cls") -- clears the screen. Lua uses 14 digits float precision. If it is longer than that, it rounds to the fourteenth digit. -- check code before saving, each and every time. -- indents, the parentheses, the whitespace et cetera. print(type(type(ABC))) --> string -- it’s a string because the type function returns a string, so we get a string. 5 / 3 = 3 is the denominator, 5 is the numerator. The denominator is the number that divides the numerator.

A 'nil' is a Boolean false. A 'false' is a Boolean false. 0, negative numbers and positive numbers are all Boolean true. (And I think it really should be that way, and that Lua gets it right.)

print(type(#b)) --> returns a number. math.random(1,10) does not always pick a random number. It always picks the same random number, depending on the Lua executable binary compilation. Lua's and/or operators return the value that you pass in, so they can be overloaded for ternary use. (whatever that means...) pairs() is a function, print() is a function. for loops, the increment is +1 by default. #tablename can return number of keys in the table as a number. The new menu, needs to be changed to include new files and file extensions in parenthesis. ipairs you will never have to use tbh it's the same as doing for i=1, #tab do it loops through only the number index. pairs() function loops through all indexes in a function. Highest integer possible is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 , after that, the number becomes negative. string.byte turns string to ASCII code, string.char turns ASCII code into string. s = string.byte("a") -- 97 ss = string.char(s) -- a

How to access the ClearType window in Windows 10?

Access the ClearType settings window by typing "cttune" in run.

Programming Language File Extensions:

PCI-Express Lanes Facts:

Neither SLI nor Crossfire give you more VRAM. It seems that the VRAM from only one graphics card is utilised.

Scenario 1: Your CPU supports 32 PCIE Lanes. Your MOBO supports 16 PCIE Lanes. = You get 16 PCIE Lanes only. Scenario 2: Your CPU supports 16 PCIE Lanes. Your MOBO supports 64 PCIE Lanes. = You get 16 PCIE Lanes only.

Basically, they limit one another.

Also, with some motherboards, having another card occupy one of the PCI-E lanes or having an M2 installed or having a lot of SATA drives installed will cause some of the PCI-E lanes to cut power down from x16 to x8 or from Gen4 to Gen3 et cetera. Just because they are there physically, does not mean that they will receive full maximum power when plugged in. They often have to distribute this power between all of the interfaces.

Number lengths naming conventions:

bit: 0-1 halfbyte: 0-15 byte: 0-255 word: 0-65535 dword(int): 0-4294967295 qword(int): 0-18446744073709551616

How to see the system reserved partition?

Open “Computer Management”, click on "Disk Management", right click on the system reserved partition and assign it a letter, preferably the last letter "Z".

How to run something from PowerShell?

Type .\ then type the file name.

How to check if graphics cards are running at electrical x16 and not x8?
  1. Launch NVidia inspector, and see if the cards are running at x16.
  2. Launch Nvidia Control Panel go to Help and System Information. Scroll down and Read Bus: It will say x16 or x8 Gen3

Another method is to launch GPU-Z and look at where it says "Bus Interface". Press on the blue question mark to its right and click on the "Start Render Test" button. Also, to get the correct results, you will have to run it in full screen if you have SLI or Crossfire enabled. Without performing this test, the Bus Interface may incorrectly report it as “x8 1.1” for example. Performing this test is the only definitive way.

This issue results from the fact that an x16 PCI-Express graphics card can be placed on an x16 PCI-Express slot on the motherboard, but it will only receive half of its power, and only half of the slot will be used, at least, electrically. This shouldn’t be a problem though if we use the top most, intended slot for the graphics card and if we only have one graphics card.

How to launch .bat files from the registry?

Put the string "Command" and then put the full path of the .bat or other executable and put a %1 at the end or it will error.

How to auto-start programs minimized?

Just drag the shortcut to the program into the shell:startup folder and then set the program to run minimized from there. This doesn’t work with everything though.

How to make backups of files?

Just put the .bak extension at the end of a file. It should be put right after the files own extension and it should not replace the files own extension. Don't put .old, as that one can be found when using junk files scanner. Also, you can number the .bak files as .bak1 .bak2 .bak3 et cetera to make more backup files.

How to Prevent an MS-DOS Window From Automatically Closing Itself?

Taken from:

By default, new versions of Windows, with any MS-DOS program, batch file or other similar file will automatically close the window. Unfortunately, if that MS-DOS command or program prints or displays any information that the user needs to read, they will be unable to read it because it closes too fast.

This issue can be resolved by doing any of the below recommendations.

If you are running an MS-DOS command, batch or command file or a program from within Windows (although MS-DOS programs do not work on Windows), try opening the “command prompt” and executing the command or program from there.

Change the path of the command in the shortcut.

Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP users can execute the command or file through CMD.EXE using the /K option. This will open a command prompt window and then execute the command or program; after the command or program has completed, the computer will remain at the command prompt. To do this, follow the below steps.

Create a shortcut to your MS-DOS program or command. Once a shortcut has been created, right-click the shortcut and click Properties. In the Properties window, change the Target location to contain the CMD.EXE command with the /K switch as shown in the below example.

Before "C:\My programs\test.bat"

After C:\WINNT\system32\CMD.EXE /K "C:\My programs\test.bat"

How to read mini CDs?

Disc readers also have a smaller, circular area in the middle for mini-CDs. It should be enough just to place the mini-CD in there.

Finally a fix for the games changing the color profiles!

Greetings. I am using Windows 10 (64-Bit) and 2 SLI GTX 980 Ti NVidia graphics cards. I am using the latest drivers from Nvidia which is version 372.70 as of writing this post.

I had a problem with my Nvidia graphics card driver. Upon installing the driver, my blacks became gray and the whole screen looked grayish. I went to the Nvidia control panel/change resolution and I noticed the color output range was set to limited. I set it to full and it restored the colors to the way they should be.

I guess Nvidia drivers set it to "limited" by default. You should definitely change that to "full" range.

Although that fixed the colors with Windows, it did not fix it with games because some games were "hijacking" the colors and reverting it to the default "limited". Not all games were doing this, but some games old or new, DirectX or OpenGL were doing this as long as they were in the full screen mode, the windowed mode did not have this problem.

I fixed this this problem on my computer. So, if you also have this problem, read this post. It might work for you too. We are going to be changing some settings and you need to be a system administrator to be able to make some of these changes. I don't believe these settings will harm your computer but still, you are using it at your own risk.

FIRST, go to the power options in the control panel, click on choose what the power buttons do, make sure "turn on fast startup" IS NOT CHECKED.

This is because if you have this checked, your color profiles might be skipped or not loaded during boot.

SECOND, open your Nvidia control panel and make sure the color range is set to "full" on the "change resolution" tab. Also, go through all the pages in the control panel and check all "use Nvidia settings". This doesn't actually change any colors on your system as long as you don't touch the sliders.

THIRD, open Windows control panel and go to "color management". You will see that you don't have any color profiles here. You want to add your default color profile to this list so click add, find your default color profile. For me this is the sRGB IEC profile under "ICC Profiles" which is an RBG color profile. This is the Nvidia drivers default color profile although there are other profiles. Make sure "use my settings for this device" is check-marked. Then, go to the "advanced" tab and click on "change system defaults" click advanced again and checkmark "use Windows display calibration".

Make sure that your default profile is listed in the devices tab and "use my settings for this device" is checked. Also, make sure that "Use Windows display calibration" is checked in the Advanced tab.

We did all these changes so the color profile will be preserved in games. Your color settings or color profiles are not changed here.

Turn off your computer (don't restart) and turn it on again by pressing the power button. Once you are booted up, launch one of your problem games and see if the blacks still appear as grays. If not, congrats to you.

If you are still having this problem after following the previous steps, you might want to go to the NVidia control panel/change resolution and set your color profile to "YCbCr444" and click apply. Now, launch one of your problem games and see if it still appears gray. If not, revert back to the RGB profile and click apply and launch the game again. See if it looks "right" like the previous color profile does. If it looks right, turn off computer, turn it on again and launch game again.

If it looks just like before, you are done here. Your color profile is no longer being "hijacked" by the game.

If the gamma is preserved only in the "YCbCr444" profile then you might have to use that profile instead. I couldn't see any differences in colors between YCbCr444 and RGB. But RGB is definitely the superior color profile and for that reason, you want to get that profile working right.

This fix does not use any external 3rd party programs that deal with color profiles. If you have any of these installed, you might want to uninstall them as they might interfere with the color profiles.

General tips for tidy coding:

Links : , .

  1. Using keyboard shortcuts with modifier keys such as shift, control, alt and tab.

  2. After every line, pressing enter to move on to the next line. Even if the next line is a blank line.

  3. Using multi-line comments to quickly swap in and swap out blocks of code for testing.

    ---[[ print("This is a test, the code is in.") --]]

    --[[ print("This is another test, the code is out.") --]]

    In the first example, the code is in. In the second example, the code is out simply by removing the initial dash. We can put the code back in by inserting the dash again.

  4. Checking the code for mistakes during coding and fixing them.

  5. Also after coding, checking the code for mistakes and fixing them before testing the program.

  6. Testing the program.

  7. Writing the closing brackets and quotation marks immediately after writing the opening brackets and quotation marks. This prevents forgetting to close them. Some text editors do this automatically as well. Also, always check to see brackets are set up correctly. Do not have any broken brackets. Some text editors can highlight broken brackets.

  8. Using a familiar and a preferred text editor.

  9. Writing the code in a legible and understandable manner for later references and for other programmers.

  10. Cleaning up the code and reducing the number of lines and characters as much as possible while keeping legibility (linting).

  11. Writing legible code for the program in the source files but using 'minifiers' and 'compilers' to reduce file size of the finished program.

  12. Making the program independent of files, libraries and other pre-requisites if possible.

  13. Writing anything that is not a part of the code commented out and on the top of the page or at the bottom of the page or to the right of code. Never to the left of the code, as this will cause the actual code to be commented out.

  14. Storing working code as later references instead of deleting them.

  15. Reading books and watching tutorial videos on computer programming languages.

  16. Practicing writing working code, whatever it may be. Obviously, code that doesn't work is not good to us.

  17. Using consistent and correct spelling throughout the code.

  18. Authoring the code with a name or a nickname at the top of the page. Or, also, dating it.

  19. Creating installers for more complicated and larger programs and or creating installer-free portable programs. This is an added step and it is targeted towards end users.

  20. Creating programs in the 32-bit (x86) architecture. For compatibility reasons, don't opt for the 64-bit architecture if you don't have to. Provide a separate 64 bit version of the program if desired. It may be that a 64-bit program may not run on a 32-bit system. But, 32-bit will work everywhere. Although, I must make note here that as of the year 2020, every area of computers is making a shift towards the 64-bit and cutting support for 32-bit.

  21. Syntaxes can have a space before and after them to improve legibility. Just make sure that your love affair with the whitespace does not make the actual code inoperative.

  22. Using tabs as the indentation (tabulation) character for all indentations as opposed to using spaces or a mixture of tabs and spaces. I know some guidelines say to use spaces for tabulation, but I do not agree with that as I believe the tab character is more fitting for this purpose. Do not use the tab character anywhere else, use the space bar character as whitespace for legibility purposes. The computer does not care either way. Comments, tabs and space bar characters do not affect the code. Even the new line characters may not affect the code. But it makes things so much more legible and neat for humans.

  23. Create a blank line between code folds. It is neater to separate chunks of code than to lump everything together.

  24. Adding an extra comment syntax character for actual comments as opposed to commented out code. This helps differentiate actual comments from commented out code. For example, using --- comment for actual comments and --code for commented out code. I myself use four of the comment syntax for any real comments.

  25. Not leaving whitespace at the end of lines. This serves absolutely no purpose. Some text editors can remove all of these with a command or on save.

LibreOffice Script for counting cells that have data in them:


Just replace the columns and numbers above "B4" and "G8" with the range of the cells that you want to count. This will count all of the cells that have anything in them and it will not count the empty cells.

How to make square cells in LibreOffice Calc?
  1. Select all of the cells by clicking on the square that is above the first row.
  2. Right click on any of the columns (A,B,C,D et cetera).
  3. Click on "Column Width" and set the width to 0.37ʺ.
  4. Right click on any of the rows (1,2,3,4 et cetera).
  5. Click on "Row Height" and set the height to 0.36ʺ.

Make sure that the width is always set to 0.01 inch longer than the height. Otherwise, you will have rectangle cells.

The cells do not need to be at this height and width to be a square. You can give it a higher number to make the cells bigger or a smaller number to make the cells smaller.

For example, the below dimensions are good for working with numbers and letters.

Column Width = 0.20ʺ , Row Height = 0.19ʺ

Each cell can fit a single digit or a single letter with these dimensions.

Small Square cells dimensions: Column Width = 0.20ʺ , Row Height = 0.19ʺ Medium Square cells dimensions: Column Width = 0.30ʺ , Row Height = 0.29ʺ Large Square cells dimensions: Column Width = 0.40ʺ , Row Height = 0.39ʺ

What are the versions of the Lua Programming Language used by the World of Warcraft games?

Vanilla: 5.0 TBC: 5.1 WOTLK: 5.1 Cataclysm: 5.1 Mists of Pandaria: 5.1 Warlords of Draenor: 5.1 Legion: 5.1

How to install a copy of World of Warcraft as a private server for possible addon development? .

What is a good default font for displaying Devanagari text in Windows 10?

Although there are also other good fonts, the font "Sanskrit Text" seems to be really good at displaying Devanagari text correctly and legibly. This font is included by default, although the Operating System seems to favour a font called "Mangal". However, "Sanskrit Text" is better than "Mangal" in my opinion.

Also, the font “Annapurna SIL” is one of the best fonts for displaying Devanagari text. It also has more line spacing than the font “Sanskrit Text”. .

What do the Scroll Lock, Caps Lock (Capitals Lock), Num Lock (Number Lock) and Game Lock keys do, and how to utilize them appropriately?

All four of these keys are “toggle keys”. When pressed, they trigger certain things on the keyboard. When pressed, they are set on, when pressed again, they turn off, resuming default function.

The Caps Lock key simply makes all of the small-case letters on the keyboard capital letters. Here, the same thing can be achieved by pressing shift + letter key. However, that operation is “holdable” and not toggle, upon letting go of pressing shift, we again have small case letters.

The Num Lock key converts the keys on the numpad (number pad) to other keys. Not all of the keys are affected. This websites list which keys change to which keys: . However, all of those keys already exist as separate keys on modern keyboards as “INS, HOME, PG UP, DEL, END, PG DN and the arrow keys”. This is because older keyboards did not have those keys and the numpad was serving the functions of those keys as well. Today, the Num Lock key is obsolete as those keys are already present on the keyboard. My suggestion is to never turn off Num Lock as it is useless that way, it is more useful for entering digits and using it in the calculator program. The Num Lock can be set so that it will not turn off even if you press the Num Lock key by using the program “NumLocker”, found here: .

The scroll lock key works with some programs such as Microsoft Excel to make it so that the arrow keys pad the viewing area left, right, up or down instead of moving to the next cells. This seems to be the only thing it does and it is quite useless. For this reason, I recommend using the program “NumLocker”, to again set it so that the scroll lock is always off.

The Game Lock key, also called game mode key is a special toggle key found on some keyboards, mechanical keyboards and gaming keyboards where it makes the Windows key not pop up the start menu, which is its default behaviour. This seems to be all they do, but there may be ways to customize its functions.

My recommendation is to always keep the num lock on while always keeping the scroll lock key always off. I don’t think there are any circumstances where you would have to use those lock keys. The Caps Lock key on the other hand, is useful. I have also devised a way to turn the Caps Lock key into a holdable modifier key, similar to the shift and the control keys that are already there. This makes it so that we have an extra modifier key, aside from CTRL, SHIFT and ALT keys. In my program, the toggle feature of Caps Lock is still there, except it is triggered by double pressing it, instead of single pressing it. That program can be found here: . In my opinion, this is a big enhancement and it also allows us to type alphabets where there are more letters using custom keyboard layouts. That was the reason why I developed this Caps Lock script.

Also, the font “Annapurna SIL” is one of the best fonts for displaying Devanagari text. It also has more line spacing than the font “Sanskrit Text”. .

How to convert Legacy BIOS to UEFI in Windows 10?

How to launch the command prompt as an administrator?

Press WinKey + R and type cmd.exe and then hold down left ctrl+shift and press enter to launch the command prompt as an administrator.

How to prevent Windows 11 from automatically changing System language?

There may be a little bug or an unintended consequence in Windows 11 if the user installs more than one display language, or language files for other languages.

Windows can connect to its servers to download language packages for itself. However, in this case, you may actually start seeing things in two languages such as the calculator, or the photos app, or the paint app and so on. There is however a way to lock the System Locale from the Group Policy Settings. Below are the steps to lock it.

There are also two other options there that when enabled, should prevent the display languages of Microsoft Store apps from changing to other languages.

Run -> gpedit.msc -> Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Control Panel\Regional and Language Options Enable the policy option "Restricts the UI language Windows uses for all logged users". Enable the policy option "Force selected system UI language to overwrite the user UI language".

Enable the policy option "Restrict Language Pack and Language Feature installation".

That third one, I'm not so sure, it can prevent installation of other keyboard layouts and fonts and things like that.

How to turn off Handwriting poersonalization (automatic learning)?

Run -> gpedit.msc -> Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Control Panel\Regional and Language Options\Handwriting personalization

Enable the policy option "Turn off automatic learning".

How to prevent OneDrive from automatically backing up files?

Run -> gpedit.msc -> Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\OneDrive Enable the policy option "Prevent the usage of OneDrive for file storage". Enable the policy option "Prevent the usage of OneDrive for file storage on Windows 8.1".

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