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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Yammer API Example
To get the APP-ID-CODE you have to create a new Yammer APP likes you can see in this pic:!15015&authkey=!AMmmiBkza5_idPM&v=3&ithint=photo%2c.png
Also is IMPORTANT allows javascript calls from the source origin.
To do this you have to specify the source origin on the app info:!15016&authkey=!AJ62DteVIedu_q0&v=3&ithint=photo%2c.png
<script type="text/javascript" data-app-id="APP-ID-CODE" src=""></script>
<div id='page'>
<h2>JS SDK</h2>
<button id="yammer-js-login-button">JS Login</button>
<button id="yammer-user-button">Get Current User</button>
<button id="yammer-group-button">Get Current Groups</button>
<div class="logged-in" style="display: none">
<p>User is now signed in to the app using Yammer</p>
<button id="disconnect" class="yj-btn yj-btn-alt">Log out from your Yammer account</button>
<div class="logged-in" style="display: none">
<h2>Authentication Logs</h2>
<pre id="authResult"></pre>
<div style="clear: both">&nbsp;</div>
<button id="get-messages">Get messages</button>
<div class="messages-in" style="display: none">
<pre id="messages"></pre>
<div style="clear: both">&nbsp;</div>
<input type="text" id="message" />
<button id="send-message">Send message</button>
yam.connect.embedFeed ( {
container : '#embedded-feed',
feedType : 'open-graph',
feedId : '',
config : {
use_sso : false,
header : true,
footer : true,
showOpenGraphPreview : false
objectProperties : {
url : '',
type : 'page'
} );
yam.connect.actionButton ( {
container : "#embedded-follow",
action : "follow"
} );
yam.connect.actionButton ( {
container : "#embedded-like",
action : "like"
} );
yam.config ( {
debug : true
} );
function logout ( ) {
yam.platform.getLoginStatus (
function ( response ) {
if ( response.authResponse ) {
yam.platform.logout ( function ( response ) {
toggleLoginStatus ( false );
location.reload ( );
} );
function toggleLoginStatus ( loggedIn ) {
if ( loggedIn ) {
$ ( '.not-logged-in' ).hide ( );
$ ( '.logged-in' ).show ( 'slow' );
} else {
$ ( '.not-logged-in' ).show ( 'slow' );
$ ( '.logged-in' ).hide ( );
function displayAuthResult ( authResult ) {
console.log ( "AuthResult", authResult ); //print user information to the console
$ ( '#yammer-login' ).innerHTML = 'Welcome to Yammer!';
toggleLoginStatus ( true );
$ ( '#authResult' ).html ( 'Auth Result:<br/>' );
for ( var field in authResult ) {
$ ( '#authResult' ).append ( ' ' + field + ': ' + authResult [ field ] + '<br/>' );
$ ( '#authOps' ).show ( 'slow' );
function getCurrentUser ( ) {
yam.platform.request ( {
url : "users/current.json", //this is one of many REST endpoints that are available
method : "GET",
data : { },
success : function ( user ) { //print message response information to the console
console.log ( "User request was successful." );
console.dir ( user );
toggleLoginStatus ( true );
$ ( '#authResult' ).html ( 'User Result:<br/>' );
for ( var field in user ) {
$ ( '#authResult' ).append ( ' ' + field + ': ' + escape ( user [ field ] ) + '<br/>' );
error : function ( user ) {
console.error ( "There was an error with the request." );
} );
$ ( document ).ready ( function ( ) {
$ ( '#disconnect' ).click ( function ( ) {
yam.platform.getLoginStatus (
function ( response ) {
if ( response.authResponse ) {
yam.platform.logout ( function ( response ) {
console.log ( "User was logged out" );
location.reload ( );
} );
} else {
toggleLoginStatus ( false );
} );
} );
$ ( '#yammer-js-login-button' ).click ( function ( ) {
console.log ( "Trigger LoginStatus" );
yam.platform.getLoginStatus ( function ( response ) {
if ( response.authResponse ) {
console.log ( "Logged in" );
displayAuthResult ( response.access_token );
localStorage.setItem ( 1, JSON.stringify ( response.access_token.token ).replace ( /"/g, "" ) );
} else {
console.log ( "Not logged in. Going to login now." );
yam.platform.login ( function ( response ) { //prompt user to login and authorize your app, as necessary
if ( response.authResponse ) {
displayAuthResult ( response.access_token );
localStorage.setItem ( 1, JSON.stringify ( response.access_token.token ).replace ( /"/g, "" ) );
} );
} );
} );
$ ( '#yammer-user-button' ).click ( getCurrentUser );
$ ( '#yammer-group-button' ).click ( function ( ) {
yam.platform.request ( {
url : "groups.json?mine=1",
method : "GET",
data : { },
success : function ( group ) {
$mygroup = "";
for ( $i = 0; $i < group.length; $i++ ) {
$mygroup += '<img src="' + group [ $i ].mugshot_url + '">' + " " + group [ $i ].full_name + "," + "<br>";
$ ( "#current-groups" ).html ( $mygroup );
error : function ( group ) {
console.error ( "There was an error with the request." );
} );
} );
$ ( '#send-message' ).click ( function ( ) {
yam.platform.request ( {
url : "messages.json",
method : "POST",
data : { "body" : "Message Throug app", "topic1" : "#topic1Test" },
success : function ( msg ) { alert ( "Post was Successful!: " + msg ); },
error : function ( msg ) {
console.debug ( msg );
alert ( "Post was Unsuccessful..." + msg );
} );
} );
$ ( '#get-messages' ).click ( function ( ) {
yam.platform.request ( {
url : "messages.json",
method : "GET",
success : function ( msg ) {
$ ( '.messages-in' ).hide ( 'slow' );
$ ( '#messages' ).delay( 800 ).empty ( );
for ( var i = 0; i < msg.messages.length; i++ ) {
var obj = msg.messages [ i ];
var body = obj.body.plain;
var created_at = obj.created_at;
var sender_id = obj.sender_id;
$ ( '#messages' ).append ( ' ' + body + ': ' +
created_at + ' : ' + sender_id + '<br/>===========================================================================================================<br/><br/>' );
$ ( '.messages-in' ).show ( 'slow' );
error : function ( msg ) {
alert ( "No Go" );
} );
} );
} );
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