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Last active March 21, 2019 18:39
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  • Save Sam-Belliveau/be637c9d85900c7e66ce71ff99750e53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Sam-Belliveau/be637c9d85900c7e66ce71ff99750e53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pong With an Unbeatable Robot. The bot is ment to feel as much like a human as possible. It is also supposed to be as hard as possible. (THAT DOESNT CHEAT)
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
const static float height = 720;
const static float width = 1280;
const static float pHeight = 12;
const static float pWidth = 100;
const static float fric = 0.75;
const static float pSpeed = 4;
const static float ballSize = 12; // output Size
const static float ballSpeed = 5.5;
const static float PY = height - pHeight;
const static float BY = pHeight;
const static float ReactionTime = 0.75;
static float PX = width/2;
static float PV = 0;
static float BX = width/2;
static float BV = 0;
static float ballLand = width/2;
static sf::Vector2f ballP(width/2, height/2);
static sf::Vector2f ballV(ballSpeed/2, ballSpeed);
static sf::VertexArray output(sf::Quads, 12);
// Create the main window
static sf::RenderWindow app(sf::VideoMode((int)width, (int)height), "Pong!");
static void reset()
ballP.y = height/2;
ballP.x = width/2;
ballV.y = ballSpeed;
ballV.x = (std::rand()%256)/16.0 - 8.0;
ballLand = width/2;
PX = width/2;
BX = width/2;
PV = 0;
BV = 0;
static void calBallPos()
sf::Vector2f tempVel = ballV;
ballLand = ballP.x;
for(float tempY = ballP.y; BY + pHeight < tempY; tempY += tempVel.y)
ballLand += tempVel.x;
if(ballLand < ballSize) tempVel.x = 0 - tempVel.x;
else if (ballLand > width - ballSize) tempVel.x = 0 - tempVel.x;
static void update()
// Friction
PV *= fric; BV *= fric;
// Movement
// You
if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Left)) PV -= pSpeed;
else if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Right)) PV += pSpeed;
// output
if(BX - ballP.y/ReactionTime - pWidth/8 > ballLand) BV -= pSpeed;
else if(BX + ballP.y/ReactionTime + pWidth/8 < ballLand) BV += pSpeed;
// Movement
PX += PV; BX += BV;
ballP.x += ballV.x;
ballP.y += ballV.y;
// Edge Detection
if(PX < pWidth) { PX = pWidth; PV = 0 - PV; }
else if (PX + pWidth > width)
{ PX = width - pWidth; PV = 0 - PV; }
if(BX < pWidth) { BX = pWidth; BV = 0 - BV; }
else if (BX + pWidth > width) { BX = width - pWidth; BV = 0 - BV; }
if(ballP.x < ballSize) ballV.x = 0 - ballV.x;
else if (ballP.x > width - ballSize) ballV.x = 0 - ballV.x;
// Goals
if(ballP.y < 0) { reset(); ballV.y = 0 - ballV.y; calBallPos(); }
if (ballP.y > height) reset();
// Players Paddle
if(ballP.x > PX - pWidth && ballP.x < PX + pWidth)
if(ballP.y + ballSize > PY - pHeight)
ballP.y = PY - pHeight - ballSize;
ballV.y = 0 - ballV.y * (1.0 + std::abs(PV)/512.0);
ballV.x += PV;
ballV.x *= 5.0/8.0;
if(ballP.x > BX - pWidth && ballP.x < BX + pWidth)
if(ballP.y - ballSize < BY + pHeight)
ballP.y = BY + pHeight + ballSize;
ballV.y = 0 - ballV.y * (1.0 + std::abs(BV)/1024.0);
ballV.x += BV;
ballV.x *= 5.0/8.0;
// Drawing
output[0].position.x = ballP.x - ballSize;
output[0].position.y = ballP.y - ballSize;
output[1].position.x = ballP.x + ballSize;
output[1].position.y = ballP.y - ballSize;
output[2].position.x = ballP.x + ballSize;
output[2].position.y = ballP.y + ballSize;
output[3].position.x = ballP.x - ballSize;
output[3].position.y = ballP.y + ballSize;
output[4].position.x = PX - pWidth;
output[5].position.x = PX + pWidth;
output[6].position.x = PX + pWidth;
output[7].position.x = PX - pWidth;
output[8].position.x = BX - pWidth;
output[9].position.x = BX + pWidth;
output[10].position.x = BX + pWidth;
output[11].position.x = BX - pWidth;
int main()
output[4].position.y = PY - pHeight;
output[5].position.y = PY - pHeight;
output[6].position.y = PY + pHeight;
output[7].position.y = PY + pHeight;
output[8].position.y = BY - pHeight;
output[9].position.y = BY - pHeight;
output[10].position.y = BY + pHeight;
output[11].position.y = BY + pHeight;
output[12].position.y = BY + pHeight;
output[13].position.y = BY + pHeight;
output[14].position.y = BY + pHeight + 2*ballSize;
output[15].position.y = BY + pHeight + 2*ballSize;
output[0].color = sf::Color(255,255,255);
output[1].color = sf::Color(255,255,255);
output[2].color = sf::Color(255,255,255);
output[3].color = sf::Color(255,255,255);
output[4].color = sf::Color(255,255,255);
output[5].color = sf::Color(255,255,255);
output[6].color = sf::Color(255,255,255);
output[7].color = sf::Color(255,255,255);
output[8].color = sf::Color(255,255,255);
output[9].color = sf::Color(255,255,255);
output[10].color = sf::Color(255,255,255);
output[11].color = sf::Color(255,255,255);
// Start the game loop
while (app.isOpen())
// Process events
sf::Event event;
while (app.pollEvent(event))
// Close window : exit
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
while(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Space)) {}
sf::Event event;
while (app.pollEvent(event))
// Close window : exit
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
while(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Space)) {}
// Clear screen
// Update the window
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The bot predicts where the ball will go

It is really cool

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