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Last active January 20, 2023 20:16
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from typing import Union
import asyncio
from emoji import is_emoji
from time import time
from discord import Client, Intents
from openai import Completion
'cheapest': 'text-ada-001',
'cheap': 'text-babbage-001',
'good': 'text-davinci-001',
'expensive': 'text-davinci-003',
'model': OPENAI_MODELS["good"],
'temperature': 1,
'top_p': 1,
'presence_penalty': 2,
'frequency_penalty': 2,
'n': 1,
WAIT_BEGIN_READ_SECS = 0.2 # Amount of time before the bot will begin reading
WAIT_PER_WORD_READ_SECS = 60 / 400 # How fast the robot can read a word
WAIT_PER_WORD_WRITE_SECS = 60 / 200 # How fast the robot can type a word
REACTION_TIME = 0.1 # Amount of time in between each emoji reaction
def _sleep_read_message(message: str):
return asyncio.sleep(WAIT_BEGIN_READ_SECS + WAIT_PER_WORD_READ_SECS * len(str(message).split()))
def _sleep_write_message(message: str, overhead: float = 0):
return asyncio.sleep(max(0, WAIT_PER_WORD_WRITE_SECS * len(str(message).split()) - overhead))
def _sleep_react_emoji():
return asyncio.sleep(REACTION_TIME)
def _refactor_message(msg: str) -> str:
return str(msg).replace("\n", " ").strip()
def _refactor_prompt(prompt: str) -> str:
return "\n".join(line.strip() for line in prompt.strip().splitlines())
def _openai_get_response(prompt: str, length: int) -> str:
prompt = _refactor_prompt(prompt)
choices = Completion.create(prompt=prompt, max_tokens=length, **OPENAI_CONFIG).choices
return "" if not choices else str(choices[0].text).strip()
# Socially Awkward Messenger Bot
class SAMBot(Client):
def __init__(self, name: str, prompt: str, response_length, memory_length):
super().__init__(intents=Intents(68672, messages=True, message_content=True))
self.prompt: str = _refactor_prompt(prompt) str = name
self.response_length: int = response_length
self.memory_length: int = memory_length
self._msg_id: int = 0
self._msg_id_handled: int = 0
def _get_msg_handle(self):
self._msg_id += 1
return self._msg_id
def _get_msg_invalid(self, id: int) -> bool:
return id < self._msg_id
def _get_msg_returned(self, id: int) -> None:
self._msg_id_handled = max(id + 1, self._msg_id_handled)
def get_message_emojis(self, messages: str) -> str:
prompt = f'''
Which Emojis would {} react to these messages with? (EMOJIS ONLY)
response = _openai_get_response(prompt=prompt, length=16)
return "".join((e for e in response if is_emoji(e)))
def get_messages_response(self, messages: str) -> Union[None, str]:
prompt = f'''
# Sometimes the AI likes to respond to itself, this prevents that
response = _openai_get_response(prompt=prompt, length=self.response_length)
response = '\n'.join((
line.strip() for line in response.splitlines()
if line and not (('[' in line) and (']' in line))
return None if not response else response
def log(self, id: int, level: int, message: str) -> None:
tabbing = '\t' * level
print(f"[{id}]{tabbing}- {message}", flush=True)
async def on_ready(self) -> None:
self.log(0, 0, f'{} is now running!')
async def print_config(self, channel) -> None:
await channel.send(_refactor_prompt(f'''
>>> __**<@{}>'s Current Configuration:**__
**1) Name:** `{}`
**2) Prompt:**
**3) Memory Length:** `{self.memory_length} messages`
**4) Response Length:** `{self.response_length} tokens`
**5) OpenAI Model:** `{OPENAI_CONFIG['model']}`
async def on_message(self, message) -> None:
# update the current nickname if it has changed
async def get_nickname(user) -> str:
return (await message.guild.fetch_member(
if (await get_nickname(self.user)) !=
try: await (await message.guild.fetch_member(
except Exception as _: pass
# do not respond to yourself
if == self.user: return
# use try / finally block in order to make sure every single message completes
# wait until the previous message has been completed
msg_handle = self._get_msg_handle()
while self._msg_id_handled < msg_handle:
await asyncio.sleep(REACTION_TIME)
if self.user in message.mentions:
mention = f"<@{}>"
command = str(message.content)
command = command[command.find(mention) + len(mention):] + " "
self.log(msg_handle, 0, f"{} Received Command!")
self.log(msg_handle, 1, f'"{command}"')
setname = command.lower().find("name")
setprompt = command.lower().find("prompt")
get = command.lower().find("get")
if 0 <= setname: = _refactor_message(command[setname + 4:])
await self.print_config(
if 0 <= setprompt:
self.prompt = _refactor_prompt(command[setprompt + 6:])
await self.print_config(
if 0 <= get:
await self.print_config(
>>> **{mention}'s Commands List:** `set name`, `set prompt`, `get config`
**Unknown Command:** `{command}`
self.log(msg_handle, 0, f"{} Received Message!")
# if there is a newer message, don't send a request to OpenAI
if self._get_msg_invalid(msg_handle): return
reading_start = time()
reading = _sleep_read_message(message.content)
message_history = '\n'.join(reversed([
f"[{await get_nickname(}] {_refactor_message(m.content)}"
async for m in
if not self.user in m.mentions
self.log(msg_handle, 1, f"Sending Open AI Message History:")
for line in message_history.splitlines():
self.log(msg_handle, 2, line)
emoji_reactions = self.get_message_emojis(message_history)
await reading
self.log(msg_handle, 1, f"Simulated Reading Speed [{time() - reading_start:.2f}s]")
if emoji_reactions:
self.log(msg_handle, 1, f"Received Emoji Reactions from OpenAI: [{time() - reading_start:.2f}s]")
for emoji in emoji_reactions:
self.log(msg_handle, 2, emoji)
emoji_reaction = _sleep_react_emoji()
try: await message.add_reaction(emoji)
except Exception as _: pass
await emoji_reaction
# if there is a newer message, don't send a request to OpenAI
if self._get_msg_invalid(msg_handle): return
message_start = time()
async with
response = self.get_messages_response(message_history)
self.log(msg_handle, 1, f"Received Response from OpenAI [{time() - message_start:.2f}s]")
await _sleep_write_message(response, time() - message_start)
self.log(msg_handle, 1,f"Simulated Typing Speed [{time() - message_start:.2f}s]")
# after simulated typing, if there is a new message, dont send it
# messages replying to old messages will look out of place
if self._get_msg_invalid(msg_handle): return
self.log(msg_handle, 1, "Sending Discord Response:")
if response:
self.log(msg_handle, 2, f"[{}] {response}")
self.log(msg_handle, 2, f"No Response Given")
# handle every exception
except Exception as e:
self.log(msg_handle, 1, f"Exception Caught:")
for line in str(e).splitlines():
self.log(msg_handle, 2, line)
# make sure that every message is marked as return
if self._get_msg_invalid(msg_handle):
self.log(msg_handle, 0, f"Message Interrupted By {self._msg_id - msg_handle} Newer Message(s)")
self.log(msg_handle, 0, f"Message Response Complete!")
return self._get_msg_returned(msg_handle)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from os import getenv
bot = SAMBot("SamBot", "Respond to the following messages as SAMBot",
response_length=50, memory_length=8)"DISCORD_TOKEN"))
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