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Last active February 17, 2023 21:19
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Save Sam-Belliveau/f7179ca2a62072c7d1987f882f513112 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Queue;
public class ArmBFSField {
public interface Constraint {
public boolean isInvalid(double armDeg, double wristDeg);
public default Constraint add(Constraint next) {
return (a, w) -> this.isInvalid(a, w) || next.isInvalid(a, w);
public static final int kDegreeRange = 360;
// This value does not matter as much as long as its small.
public static final double kConstraintDistCost = (1 / 16.0);
public static final double kEpsilon = kConstraintDistCost / 2.0;
public static final int kArmNodeSpeed = 1;
public static final int kWristNodeSpeed = 2;
// Amount to downscale the field by
// kBinning = 1) 360 x 360
// kBinning = 2) 180 x 180
// kBinning = 3) 120 x 120
public static final int kBinning = 3;
private static int normalize(int degrees) {
return degrees - kDegreeRange * Math.floorDiv(degrees, kDegreeRange);
private static double normalizeZero(double degrees) {
return degrees - kDegreeRange * Math.round(degrees / kDegreeRange);
public class Node {
private final boolean mValid;
private final int mArmDeg;
private final int mWristDeg;
private double mConstraintCost;
private double mSetpointCost;
private Node mNextNode;
public Node(int armDeg, int wristDeg) {
mArmDeg = normalize(armDeg);
mWristDeg = normalize(wristDeg);
mValid = !mConstraints.isInvalid(getArmDeg(), getWristDeg());
mConstraintCost = mValid ? Double.MAX_VALUE : 0.0;
mSetpointCost = Double.MAX_VALUE;
mNextNode = this;
private double getDistanceCost(Node previous) {
final double dx = normalizeZero(this.mArmDeg - previous.mArmDeg);
final double dy = normalizeZero(this.mWristDeg - previous.mWristDeg);
return Math.hypot(dx, dy);
private Node makeSetpoint() {
if (!isValid())
throw new RuntimeException("Setpoint is within constraint!");
mNextNode = this;
mSetpointCost = 0;
return this;
private boolean expandConstraint(Node previous) {
if (this == previous) {
return false;
final double cost = this.getDistanceCost(previous) * kConstraintDistCost;
final double newConstraintCost = previous.mConstraintCost + cost;
if (newConstraintCost + kEpsilon < mConstraintCost) {
mConstraintCost = newConstraintCost;
return true;
return false;
private boolean expandSearch(Node previous) {
// do not expand searches into invalid areas
if (this == previous || this == previous.mNextNode || !this.isValid() || !previous.isValid()) {
return false;
// the difference in constraint cost between adjacent nodes is small
// so this will basically find the shortest path, but if there is an
// equidistant path that is further from the constraints, take that one instead,
final double cost = this.getDistanceCost(previous);
final double newSetpointCost = previous.mSetpointCost + cost;
final double newCost = newSetpointCost - previous.mConstraintCost;
final double oldCost = mSetpointCost - mNextNode.mConstraintCost;
if (newCost + kEpsilon < oldCost) {
mSetpointCost = newSetpointCost;
mNextNode = previous;
return true;
return false;
private boolean expandEscape(Node previous) {
// a valid node should not escape as it is valid
if (this == previous || this == previous.mNextNode || this.isValid()) {
return false;
// when escaping you only want to move one mech at a time
if (mArmDeg != previous.mArmDeg && mWristDeg != previous.mWristDeg) {
return false;
// if there is a new shorter escape path, take it
final double cost = this.getDistanceCost(previous);
final double newSetpointCost = previous.isValid() ? 0.0 : previous.mSetpointCost + cost;
if (newSetpointCost + kEpsilon < mSetpointCost) {
mSetpointCost = newSetpointCost;
mNextNode = previous;
return true;
return false;
public boolean isSetpoint() {
return this == next();
public boolean isValid() {
return mValid;
public double getArmDeg() {
return normalizeZero(mArmDeg + mArmDegOffset);
public double getWristDeg() {
return normalizeZero(mWristDeg + mWristDegOffset);
private Node getNeighbor(int dx, int dy) {
return getRawNode(mArmDeg + kBinning * dx, mWristDeg + kBinning * dy);
public Node next() {
return mNextNode;
public Node next(int depth) {
Node result = this;
while (depth-- > 0) {
result =;
return result;
public Node travel(double dist) {
Node result = this;
while (dist > 0 && !result.isSetpoint()) {
dist -= result.getDistanceCost(;
result =;
return result;
private final Constraint mConstraints;
private final double mArmDegOffset;
private final double mWristDegOffset;
private final Node[] mNodeMap;
public ArmBFSField(double targetArmDeg, double targetWristDeg, Constraint constraints) {
mConstraints = constraints;
mArmDegOffset = targetArmDeg - kBinning * Math.round(targetArmDeg / kBinning);
mWristDegOffset = targetWristDeg - kBinning * Math.round(targetWristDeg / kBinning);
mNodeMap = new Node[getIndex(kDegreeRange - 1, kDegreeRange - 1) + 1];
Queue<Node> openSet = new ArrayDeque<>(kDegreeRange);
// initialize all nodes and test to see if they fit the constraints
for (int arm = 0; arm < kDegreeRange; arm += kBinning) {
for (int wrist = 0; wrist < kDegreeRange; wrist += kBinning) {
final Node node = new Node(arm, wrist);
// if the node is a member of the constraints,
// add it to the constraint openset for later
if (!node.isValid()) {
mNodeMap[getIndex(arm, wrist)] = node;
// we want to be able to find the shortest path that also remains the
// furthest from all the constraints. doing a search will let us determine
// the distance each node is from the closest constraint.
Node next;
while ((next = openSet.poll()) != null) {
for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; ++dx) {
for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; ++dy) {
final Node node = next.getNeighbor(dx, dy);
if (node.expandConstraint(next)) {
// do a standard BFS on all of the valid nodes.
openSet.add(getNode(targetArmDeg, targetWristDeg).makeSetpoint());
while ((next = openSet.poll()) != null) {
for (int dx = -kArmNodeSpeed; dx <= kArmNodeSpeed; ++dx) {
for (int dy = -kWristNodeSpeed; dy <= kWristNodeSpeed; ++dy) {
final Node node = next.getNeighbor(dx, dy);
if (node.expandSearch(next)) {
// if a node is invalid here, it means that it is touching
// a valid node, so it will be the beginning of our escape path.
else if (node.expandEscape(next)) {
private int getIndex(int armDeg, int wristDeg) {
armDeg = normalize(armDeg) / kBinning;
wristDeg = normalize(wristDeg) / kBinning;
return armDeg * (kDegreeRange / kBinning) + wristDeg;
private Node getRawNode(int armDeg, int wristDeg) {
return mNodeMap[getIndex(armDeg, wristDeg)];
public Node getNode(double armDeg, double wristDeg) {
return getRawNode(
(int) Math.round(armDeg - mArmDegOffset + kBinning / 2.0),
(int) Math.round(wristDeg - mWristDegOffset + kBinning / 2.0));
public static void main(String... args) {
Constraint constraints = (a, w) -> a >= 0.0;
constraints = constraints.add((a, w) -> (Math.abs(a + 90) < 30) && (w > 150 || (30 > w)));
ArmBFSField field = new ArmBFSField(210.23, 289.43, constraints);
Node node = field.getNode(330, 250).next();
while (!node.isSetpoint()) {
System.out.println(node.getArmDeg() + "," + node.getWristDeg());
node =;
* arm,wrist
* > -31.769999999999982,-112.57
* > -31.769999999999982,-132.57
* > -33.76999999999998,-154.57
* > -43.76999999999998,-174.57
* > -53.76999999999998,165.43
* > -65.76999999999998,149.43
* > -85.76999999999998,149.43
* > -105.77000000000001,149.43
* > -123.77000000000001,157.43
* > -133.77,177.43
* > -143.77,-162.57
* > -149.77,-142.57
* > -149.77,-122.57
* > -149.77,-102.57
* > -149.77,-82.57
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