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Created April 19, 2015 11:36
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PRTG check AWS users without MFA
# Grab the current working directory of the script for the purposes of loading the DLL
$scriptWorkingDirectory = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
# Ensure you use the .NET 4.5 DLL not the .NET 3.5 DLL from the AWS .NET SDK
$AWSAPIFiles = @(
foreach($apiFile in $AWSAPIFiles){
# Try loading the DLL
Write-Verbose "Loading $apiFile";
$fileStream = ([System.IO.FileInfo] (Get-Item $apiFile)).OpenRead();
Write-Error $_.exception.message;
Exit 1;
# Read the contents of the DLL
$assemblyBytes = New-Object byte[] $fileStream.Length
$fileStream.Read($assemblyBytes, 0, $fileStream.Length) | out-null;
$var= $fileStream.Close()
# Load the library
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load($assemblyBytes) | out-null;
# Set the AWS Access Key and Secret Key for authentication using the .NET SDK
[System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager]::AppSettings["AWSAccessKey"] = $accessKey
[System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager]::AppSettings["AWSSecretKey"] = $secretKey
# Connect to the AWS API
Write-Verbose "Connecting to AWS API";
$client= New-Object -TypeName Amazon.IdentityManagement.AmazonIdentityManagementServiceClient;
# Fetch the list of users that have passwords but not MFA
Write-Verbose "Fetch users that have passwords, but no MFA";
$mfadevices = @()
$usersWithoutMFA = $client.listUsers().ListUsersResult.Users | ?{
# Ensure the user has a password (if they only have a secret key, they don't need MFA)
$client.GetLoginProfile($_.username) | Out-Null;
return $false;
# Return false if they don't have MFA (otherwise we don't care about them as they're doing the right thing!)
return !$client.ListMFADevices($_.username).MFADevices;
# Output to PRTG
Write-Verbose "Output in a PRTG friendly format (XML)";
Write-Host "
<channel>Number of users without MFA devices registered</channel>
<value>$(($usersWithoutMFA | Measure-Object).count)</value>
<Text>$(($usersWithoutMFA | select -expandProperty "Username") -join "; ")</Text>
# Return success exit code
exit 0;
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