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Last active May 21, 2016 20:02
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A quick PowerShell way to get the lats and longs of all stations in the Greater London area (and a bit more besides)
$hashResult = @{}
$TubeStationsRAW =@()
$page = 0
$page += 1;
Write-Verbose "Looking at page $page"
$result = $(invoke-webrequest ",overground,national-rail?page=$page").content | ConvertFrom-Json
$TubeStationsRAW += $result
$TubeStationsMainEntrances = $TubeStationsRAW | ?{$_.stopType -eq "NaptanMetroStation"} | select @{l="stationName";e={$_.commonname}}, lat, @{l="lng";e={$_.lon}}, @{l="type";e={"tube"}}, @{l="zone";e={($_.additionalProperties | ?{$_.key -eq "zone"}).value -split '\+' -split '/'}}
$topLeft = @{
lat = '52.1374073'
lng = '-1.0101077';
$bottomRight = @{
lat = '51.1173673'
lng = '0.9008571'
$uri = "$($$($topLeft.lng)&bottom-right-lat=$($$($bottomRight.lng)"
write-verbose $uri
$TrainStationsRaw = $(Invoke-WebRequest $uri).content | ConvertFrom-Json
$TrainStations = $TrainStationsRaw.result | Select stationName, @{l="lat";e={$_.latlong.coordinates[1]}}, @{l="lng";e={$_.latlong.coordinates[0]}}, @{l="type";e={"train"}}
# Combine the results into one big array
$result = $TubeStationsMainEntrances + $TrainStations
# Create a results hash table with the station name as the key (this will deduplicate records with the same station name)
$result | %{
$hashResult.($_.stationname) = @{
lat = $
lng = $_.lng
type = $_.type
zone = $
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