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Last active May 8, 2018 23:11
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  • Save Sam-Martin/d6d1ac7fcd7ac72681def35f7fbe957c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Scrape Rotten Tomatoes
$RadarrURL = ''
$RadarrAPIKey = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
#$MovieName = "I Called Him Morgan"
$qualityProfileId = 1
$rootFolderPath = '/data/Movies/'
$rottenTomatoesLink = ''
function Search-RadarrForFilm{
$SearchResults = (iwr "$RadarrURL/api//movie/lookup?apikey=$RadarrAPIKey&term=$FilmName" -Method GET).content | ConvertFrom-Json
return $SearchResults
function Add-RadarrFilmFromSearchResult{
$params = @{
title = $SearchResult.title
titleSlug = $SearchResult.titleSlug
images = @(,$SearchResult.images[0])
tmdbId = $SearchResult.tmdbId
rootFolderPath = $rootFolderPath
qualityProfileId = $qualityProfileId
} | ConvertTo-Json
try {
$result = iwr "$RadarrURL/api/movie?apikey=$RadarrAPIKey" -Method POST -Body $Params
$result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd() | ConvertFrom-Json;
Write-Host $responseBody.ErrorMessage
return $result
$result = iwr $rottenTomatoesLink
$matches = $result.Content | Select-String '(?smi)<td>\s*?<a href="/m/.*?>\s*(.*?)</a>.*?</td>' -AllMatches
$Movies = $matches.Matches | %{$_.Groups[1].value}
foreach($Movie in $Movies){
Write-Host $Movie
$SearchResult = Search-RadarrForFilm -FilmName $Movie
Add-RadarrFilmFromSearchResult $SearchResult[0]
Write-Host "`tNo matches"
$result = iwr ''
$matches = $result.Content | Select-String '(?smi)<td>\s*?<a href="/m/.*?>\s*(.*?)</a>.*?</td>' -AllMatches
$matches.Matches | %{$_.Groups[1].value}
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