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Last active September 30, 2015 06:27
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count the number of reads in a BAM file that overlap genomic features defined in GTF file
#biocLite(c("rtracklayer", "Rsamtools", "GenomicRanges"))
#' SummarizeOverlapsByGene
#' For counting the number of reads overlapping with feawtures in a TranscriptsDb
#' @param bamFileDir Character string of directory where bam files and indexes are located. Bam files must have and index (.bai) file.
#' @param gtfFile Path to a gtf file output from cufflinks/cuffmerge
#' @param overlapMode Mode of counting reads. Must be "Union", "IntersectionStrict" or "IntersectionNotEmpty"
#' @param ignoreStrand Is strand orientation information to be retained? Logical.
#' @param sinlgeEnd Is the sequence data single-end? Logical. Default=FALSE
#' @param fragments logical value indicating if singletons, reads with unmapped pairs and other \
#' fragments should be included in counting. When fragments=FALSE readGAlignmentPairs is used to \
#' read in the data, when fragments=TRUE readGAlignmentsList is used.readGAlignmentPairs keeps only\
#' the read pairs mated by the algorithm while readGAlignmentsList keeps the pairs as well as all singletons,\
#' reads with unmapped pairs and other fragments. When fragments=TRUE counts will generally be higher\
#' because all records are included in the counting, not just the primary alignment pairs.\
#' See ?readGAlignmentsListFromBam for the algorithm details.
#' @return featureCounts A data frame with number of read counts for each gene
summarizeOverlapsByGene <- function(bamFiles, gtfFile, overlapMode="IntersectionNotEmpty",
# Import the gtf data and define the feature unit as gene
gtf0 <- import(con=as.vector(gtfFile), asRangedData=FALSE)
features <- split(x=gtf0, mcols(gtf0)$gene_id)
message("GTF file imported")
# Get a list of bam files from the bam directory
fls <- bamFiles
message("Summarizing Gene overlaps")
#Sumarise overlaps by gene
countData <- summarizeOverlaps(features=features, reads=fls,
ignore.strand=TRUE, mode=overlapMode)
#Used in testing ouptput
# Get gene read counts into data frame
countDataFrame <- data.frame(assays(countData)$counts)
sampleNames <- lapply(fls, basename)
colnames(countDataFrame) <- sampleNames
row.names(countDataFrame) <- row.names(countData)
featureCounts <- countDataFrame
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