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Created December 22, 2020 04:46
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  • Save SamBuckberry/e215b822c5f4694333b4eb723f06dc17 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SamBuckberry/e215b822c5f4694333b4eb723f06dc17 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Get the PWM data from the database and reformat
opts <- list()
opts[["all_versions"]] <- TRUE
opts[["collection"]] <- "CORE"
opts[["matrixtype"]] <- "PFM"
opts[["tax_group"]] <- "vertebrates"
# pwm_data <- getMatrixSet(JASPAR2014, opts)
# pwm_matrix_list_pfm <- Matrix(pwm_data)
# opts <- list()
# opts[["all_versions"]] <- TRUE
# opts[["collection"]] <- "PBM"
# opts[["matrixtype"]] <- "PFM"
# opts[["tax_group"]] <- "vertebrates"
# pwm_data <- getMatrixSet(JASPAR2014, opts)
# pwm_matrix_list_pbm <- Matrix(pwm_data)
#test <- getMatrixByName(JASPAR2016, name=c("T"))
pfmList <- getMatrixSet(JASPAR2016, opts)
pfmList <- Matrix(pfmList)
olig1 <- pfmList$MA0826.1
# Combine databases
pwm_matrix_list <- c(pwm_matrix_list_pfm, pwm_matrix_list_pbm)
save(all_pwm, file = "~/polo_iPSC/resources/pwm_matrix_list.Rda")
load(file = "~/polo_iPSC/resources/pwm_matrix_list.Rda")
### Set the clusters into 4 groups
c1 <- read_bed("~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/cluster_1.bed")
c2 <- read_bed("~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/cluster_2.bed")
c3 <- read_bed("~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/cluster_3.bed")
c4 <- read_bed("~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/cluster_4.bed")
c5 <- read_bed("~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/cluster_5.bed")
c6 <- read_bed("~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/cluster_6.bed")
c7 <- read_bed("~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/cluster_7.bed")
c8 <- read_bed("~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/cluster_8.bed")
early <- c5 %>% gr_to_bed(out_path = "~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/early.bed")
late <- GRangesList(c3, c7) %>% unlist() %>%
gr_to_bed(out_path = "~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/late.bed")
trans <- GRangesList(c1, c6) %>% unlist() %>%
gr_to_bed(out_path = "~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/trans.bed")
loss <- GRangesList(c2, c4) %>% unlist() %>%
gr_to_bed(out_path = "~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/loss.bed")
stable <- c8 %>% gr_to_bed(out_path = "~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/stable.bed")
# Get mofif PWMs
#os <- pwm_matrix_list$MA0142.1
#klf4 <- pwm_matrix_list$MA0039.2
zfp691 <- pwm_matrix_list$PB0098.1
olig1 <- pfmList$MA0826.1
ctcf <- pfmList$MA0139.1
klf4 <- pfmList$MA0039.2
os <- pfmList$MA0142.1
brachyury <- pfmList$MA0009.2
eomes <- pfmList$MA0800.1
meox1 <- pfmList$MA0661.1
nrf1 <- pfmList$MA0506.1
tead4 <- pfmList$MA0809.1
klf5 <- pfmList$MA0599.1
yy1 <- pfmList$MA0095.2
sp1 <- pfmList$MA0079.2
tcf4 <- pfmList$MA0830.1
myc <- pfmList$MA0147.2
ap1 <- pfmList$MA0099.1
nfy <- pfmList$MA0060.1
# Set bed file for footprinting
early_bed <- "~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/early.bed"
late_bed <- "~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/late.bed"
trans_bed <- "~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/trans.bed"
loss_bed <- "~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/loss.bed"
stable_bed <- "~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/stable.bed"
ips_occ <- "/Volumes/Datasets/atac_iPSC_combined_replicates.occ.bigwig"
d9_occ <- "/Volumes/Datasets/atac_d9_combined_replicates.occ.bigwig"
mef_occ <- "/Volumes/Datasets/atac_MEF_combined_replicates.occ.bigwig"
# PLot footprint series function
plot_footprint_series <- function(pwm, bed_file, occ_bigwig, min.score="75%", title=""){
### ATAC-seq data import
ins_fls <- list.files("/Volumes/Datasets/",
pattern = "_combined_replicates.ins.bigwig",
full.names = TRUE)[c(6,2:4,1,5)]
norm_factors <- read.table("~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/mapping_stats.txt")[c(6,2:4,1,5), 6]
atac_bias <- "/Volumes/Datasets/mm10_bias.Scores.bigwig"
# NucleoATAC
nuc_fls <- list.files("/Volumes/Datasets/",
pattern = ".nucleoatac_signal.bigwig",
full.names = TRUE)[c(6,2:4,1,5)]
#occ_bigwig <- "/Volumes/Datasets/atac_iPSC_combined_replicates.occ.bigwig"
### Get regions with PWM match
regions <- read_bed(bed_file)
regions_pwm <- motif_gr(regions, pwm = pwm, min.score = min.score)
# Split by nucleosome occupancy class
occ <- range_summary(bigwig = occ_bigwig,
gr = regions_pwm, range = 20,
log = FALSE, aggregate = FALSE)
occ_means <- rowMeans(occ)
set_occ_class <- function(x){
dat <- NULL
if (x < 0.1) {
dat <- "A"
} else if (x >= 0.1 & x < 0.3) {
dat <- "B"
} else if (x >= 0.3 & x < 0.5) {
dat <- "C"
} else if (x > 0.5) {
dat <- "D"
occ_class <- lapply(occ_means, set_occ_class) %>% unlist()
## Calc ins / bias
calc_ins_over_bias <- function(x, bias, occ_bigwig, gr, range=150){
# Get the bigwig file and lib size
bigwig <- ins_fls[x]
lib_size <- norm_factors[x] / 1e6
# Extract ATAC signal
ins <- range_summary(bigwig = bigwig, gr = gr, range = range,
log = FALSE, aggregate = FALSE)
# Count normalise
ins <- ins / lib_size
# Get signal bias
bias_scores <- range_summary(bigwig = bias, gr = gr, range = range,
log = TRUE, aggregate = FALSE)
## INSERTION / BIAS calc on individual positions
# Normalise
ins_over_bias <- ins / bias_scores
ins_over_bias$class <- occ_class
dat_melt <- melt(ins_over_bias)
dat_mean <- dat_melt %>%
group_by(variable, class) %>%
# ######## AGGREGATE insertions / bias
# # Average for each class for ins and bias seperately calculation
# ins$class <- occ_class
# dat_melt <- melt(ins)
# dat_mean <- dat_melt %>%
# group_by(variable, class) %>%
# summarise(yy=mean(value))
# bias_scores$class <- occ_class
# bias_melt <- melt(bias_scores)
# bias_mean <- bias_melt %>%
# group_by(variable, class) %>%
# summarise(yy=mean(value))
# all(dat_mean$class == bias_mean$class)
# all(dat_mean$variable == bias_mean$variable)
# dat_mean$yy <- dat_mean$yy / bias_mean$yy
# Mean calculation for each postion
#agg <- colMeans(ins_over_bias)
# Reformat
#df <- data.frame(x=-range:range, y=agg)
# Get the sample ID
id <- basename(bigwig) %>% str_split(pattern = "_") %>% unlist()
#df$id <- id[2]
dat_mean$id <- id[2]
dat_mean$variable <- as.character(dat_mean$variable) %>% as.numeric()
footprints <- lapply(1:length(ins_fls), calc_ins_over_bias,
bias=atac_bias, gr=regions_pwm,
footprints <-, footprints)
footprints$id <- factor(footprints$id, levels=c("MEF", "d3", "d6", "d9", "d12", "iPSC"))
# Set the title with group sizes
sz <- table(occ_class)
sz <- str_c(names(sz), "=", sz) %>%
paste(sep="", collapse=", ")
main <- str_c(title, sz, sep = " ")
gg <- ggplot(footprints, aes(x = variable, y = yy, fill = 'blue')) +
#stat_smooth(span = 10) +
#geom_area(aes(fill = 'blue', stat = "bin")) +
geom_line(size=0.2) +
facet_grid(id~class) +
xlab("Distance from motif") +
ylab("Normalised insertions / insertion bias") +
ggtitle(main) +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.background = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
strip.background = element_rect(size = 0),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(),
axis.text = element_text(size=8))
# Early footprints --------------------------------------------------------
pdf("~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/plots/footprinting/early_cluster_footprint_series.pdf", width = 5, height = 5)
plot_footprint_series(pwm = os, bed_file = early_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "Oct4-Sox2")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = klf4, bed_file = early_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "Klf4")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = ctcf, bed_file = early_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "CTCF")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = tead4, bed_file = early_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "TEAD4")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = tcf4, bed_file = early_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "Tcf4")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = os, bed_file = stable_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "Oct4-Sox2")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = klf4, bed_file = stable_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "Klf4")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = ctcf, bed_file = stable_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "CTCF")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = sp1, bed_file = stable_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "SP1")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = yy1, bed_file = late_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "Yy1")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = nfy, bed_file = late_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "80%", title = "Nfy")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = os, bed_file = trans_bed, occ_bigwig = d9_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "Oct4-Sox2")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = klf4, bed_file = trans_bed, occ_bigwig = d9_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "Klf4")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = olig1, bed_file = trans_bed, occ_bigwig = d9_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "Olig1")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = ctcf, bed_file = trans_bed, occ_bigwig = d9_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "CTCF")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = brachyury, bed_file = trans_bed, occ_bigwig = d9_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "T (Brachyury)")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = eomes, bed_file = trans_bed, occ_bigwig = d9_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "Eomes")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = nrf1, bed_file = trans_bed, occ_bigwig = d9_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "Nrf1")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = tead4, bed_file = trans_bed, occ_bigwig = d9_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "Tead4")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = klf5, bed_file = trans_bed, occ_bigwig = d9_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "Klf5")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = myc, bed_file = trans_bed, occ_bigwig = d9_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "c-Myc")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = ap1, bed_file = trans_bed, occ_bigwig = d9_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "AP-1")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = olig1, bed_file = early_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "Olig1")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = ctcf, bed_file = early_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "CTCF")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = brachyury, bed_file = early_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "T (Brachyury)")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = eomes, bed_file = early_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "Eomes")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = nrf1, bed_file = early_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "Nrf1")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = tead4, bed_file = early_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "Tead4")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = klf5, bed_file = early_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "Klf5")
# Late footprints ---------------------------------------------------------
plot_footprint_series(pwm = os, bed_file = late_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "Oct4-Sox2")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = klf4, bed_file = late_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "Klf4")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = olig1, bed_file = late_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "Olig1")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = ctcf, bed_file = late_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "CTCF")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = brachyury, bed_file = late_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "T (Brachyury)")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = eomes, bed_file = late_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "Eomes")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = nrf1, bed_file = late_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "75%", title = "Nrf1")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = tead4, bed_file = late_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "Tead4")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = klf5, bed_file = late_bed, occ_bigwig = ips_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "Klf5")
# Transient footprints ----------------------------------------------------
# Loss footprints
plot_footprint_series(pwm = meox1, bed_file = loss_bed, occ_bigwig = mef_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "Meox1")
plot_footprint_series(pwm = ap1, bed_file = loss_bed, occ_bigwig = mef_occ,
min.score = "85%", title = "AP1")
# Plot footprint heatmaps -------------------------------------------------
calc_position_average <- function(bigwig_list, gr, name_list, pwm, range=500,
# Set the
gr <- motif_gr(gr = gr, pwm = pwm, min.score = min.score)
range_average <- function(x){
df <- range_summary(bigwig = bigwig_list[x], gr = gr, range = range,
log = FALSE, aggregate = FALSE) %>% melt()
df$variable <- as.character(df$variable)
df <- df %>% dplyr::group_by(variable) %>% dplyr::summarise(yy=mean(value))
df$variable <- as.character(df$variable) %>% as.numeric()
df$id <- name_list[x]
dat <- lapply(1:length(bigwig_list), range_average)
dat <-, dat)
## Heatmap footprints
name_list <- c("MEF", "d3", "d6", "d9", "d12", "iPSC")
heatmap_footprints <- function(bigwig_list, gr, name_list, pwm, title="", range=500,
min.score="75%", heat_cols=topo.colors(100)){
df <- calc_position_average(bigwig_list = bigwig_list, gr = gr,
name_list = name_list, pwm = pwm, range = range,
min.score = min.score)
df$id <- factor(df$id, levels=c("MEF", "d3", "d6", "d9", "d12", "iPSC"))
colnames(df) <- c("variable", "Density", "id")
gg <- ggplot(df, aes(x = variable, y = 1, fill = Density)) +
facet_grid(id~.) +
geom_line() +
geom_raster(interpolate=TRUE) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = heat_cols) +
ylab("") +
xlab("Distance to motif") +
ggtitle(title) +
theme_bw() +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size=8),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
#panel.border = element_blank(),
strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 0),
strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white",
color = "white"))
heatmap_normalised_insertions <- function(bigwig_list, gr, name_list, pwm,
title="", range=range, min.score="75%"){
calc_normalised_average <- function(bigwig_list, gr, name_list, pwm,
range=500, min.score="75%"){
# Set the
gr <- motif_gr(gr = gr, pwm = pwm, min.score = min.score)
range_average <- function(x){
df <- range_summary(bigwig = bigwig_list[x], gr = gr, range = range,
log = FALSE, aggregate = FALSE) %>% melt()
df <- df %>% group_by(variable) %>% summarise(yy=mean(value))
df$variable <- as.character(df$variable) %>% as.numeric()
df$id <- name_list[x]
# Normalise insertion count by library size
norm_factors <- read.table("ATACseq/mapping_stats.txt")[c(6,2:4,1,5), 6]
lib_size <- norm_factors[x] / 1e6
df$yy <- df$yy / lib_size
dat <- lapply(1:length(bigwig_list), range_average)
dat <-, dat)
df <- calc_normalised_average(bigwig_list = bigwig_list, gr = gr,
name_list = name_list, pwm = pwm, range = range,
min.score = min.score)
df$id <- factor(df$id, levels=c("MEF", "d3", "d6", "d9", "d12", "iPSC"))
colnames(df) <- c("variable", "Density", "id")
gg <- ggplot(df, aes(x = variable, y = 1, fill = Density)) +
facet_grid(id~.) +
#geom_line() +
geom_raster(interpolate=TRUE) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = heat_cols) +
ylab("") +
xlab("Distance to motif") +
ggtitle(title) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size=8),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
panel.spacing = unit(0, "lines"),
strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 0),
strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white",
color = "white"))
calc_meth_average <- function(bigwig_list, gr, name_list, pwm, range=500,
# Set the
gr <- motif_gr(gr = gr, pwm = pwm, min.score = min.score)
range_average <- function(x){
df <- range_summary_meth(bigwig = bigwig_list[x], gr = gr,
range = range, log = FALSE,
aggregate = FALSE) %>% melt()
## Mean with NA's removed
df <- df %>% group_by(variable) %>%
summarise(yy=mean(value, na.rm = TRUE))
df$variable <- as.character(df$variable) %>% as.numeric()
df$id <- name_list[x]
dat <- lapply(1:length(bigwig_list), range_average)
dat <-, dat)
heatmap_footprints_methylation <- function(bigwig_list, gr, name_list, pwm, title="", range=500,
min.score="75%", heat_cols=topo.colors(100)){
df <- calc_meth_average(bigwig_list = bigwig_list, gr = gr,
name_list = name_list, pwm = pwm, range = range,
min.score = min.score)
df$id <- factor(df$id, levels=c("MEF", "d3", "d6", "d9", "d12", "iPSC"))
colnames(df) <- c("variable", "Density", "id")
gg <- ggplot(df, aes(x = variable, y = 1, fill = Density)) +
facet_grid(id~.) +
#geom_line() +
geom_raster(interpolate=TRUE) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = heat_cols) +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
ylab("") +
xlab("Distance to motif") +
ggtitle(title) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size=8),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
#panel.border = element_blank(),
strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 0),
strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white",
color = "white"))
early <- bed_to_gr("~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/early.bed")
trans <- bed_to_gr("~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/trans.bed")
late <- bed_to_gr("~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/late.bed")
loss <- bed_to_gr("~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/loss.bed")
stable <- bed_to_gr("~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_cluster_peaks/c_means_peaks/stable.bed")
# ChIP-seq
oct_fls <- list.files(path = "/Volumes/Datasets", pattern = "",
full.names = TRUE)[c(10,2,4,6,1,9)]
sox_fls <- list.files(path = "/Volumes/Datasets", pattern = "",
full.names = TRUE)[c(10,3,5,6,1,9)]
# ATAC-seq
nuc_fls <- list.files("/Volumes/Datasets/",
pattern = ".nucleoatac_signal.bigwig",
full.names = TRUE)[c(6,2:4,1,5)]
occ_fls <- list.files("/Volumes/Datasets/",
pattern = "_combined_replicates.occ.bigwig",
full.names = TRUE)[c(6,2:4,1,5)]
ins_fls <- list.files("/Volumes/Datasets/",
pattern = "_combined_replicates.ins.bigwig",
full.names = TRUE)[c(6,2:4,1,5)]
# Methylation files
mc_fls <- list.files("/Volumes/Datasets/", pattern = "mmiPS", full.names = TRUE)
# Generate the plots
heatmap_footprints(bigwig_list = occ_fls, gr = early, range = 750,
title = "Early Oct4-Sox2 Nucleosome occupancy",
name_list = name_list, pwm = os)
heatmap_footprints(bigwig_list = nuc_fls, gr = early, range = 750,
title = "C1 Oct4-Sox2 NucleoATAC signal",
name_list = name_list, pwm = os_pwm)
reds <- colorRampPalette(colors = c('white', 'orange', 'red'))
blues <- colorRampPalette(colors = c('white', 'green', 'blue'))
cool_warm <- colorRampPalette(c('blue4', 'green4', 'yellow1'))
black_red <- colorRampPalette(c('black', 'orange', 'red'))
pdf(file = "~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/plots/footprinting/OS_early_cluster_oct_sox_atac_heatmap.pdf",
height = 2.5, width = 3)
heatmap_normalised_insertions(bigwig_list = ins_fls, gr = early, range = 500,
title = "Early Oct4-Sox2 Tn5 insertions",
name_list = name_list, pwm = os)
heatmap_footprints(bigwig_list = oct_fls, gr = early, name_list = name_list, range = 1000,
heat_cols = reds(25), pwm = os, title = "Early Oct4 ChIP-seq")
heatmap_footprints(bigwig_list = sox_fls, gr = early, name_list = name_list, range = 1000,
heat_cols = reds(25), pwm = os, title = "Early Sox2 ChIP-seq")
heatmap_footprints_methylation(bigwig_list = mc_fls, gr = early, name_list = name_list, range = 4000,
heat_cols = black_red(25), pwm = os, title = "Early DNA methylation")
heatmap_footprints_methylation(bigwig_list = mc_fls, gr = early, name_list = name_list, range = 2000,
heat_cols = reds(25), pwm = os, title = "C1 DNA methylation")
pdf(file = "~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/plots/footprinting/OS_early_cluster_insertions_heatmap.pdf",
height = 2, width = 3)
heatmap_normalised_insertions(bigwig_list = ins_fls, gr = early, range = 500,
title = "Early Oct4-Sox2 Tn5 insertions",
name_list = name_list, pwm = os)
heatmap_normalised_insertions(bigwig_list = ins_fls, gr = stable, range = 500,
title = "Stable Oct4-Sox2 Tn5 insertions",
name_list = name_list, pwm = os)
heatmap_normalised_insertions(bigwig_list = ins_fls, gr = stable, range = 800,
title = "Stable CTCF Tn5 insertions",
name_list = name_list, pwm = ctcf)
heatmap_normalised_insertions(bigwig_list = ins_fls, gr = early, range = 500,
title = "C1 Klf4 Tn5 insertions",
name_list = name_list, pwm = klf4)
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