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Created December 22, 2020 04:45
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### Get Tn5 bias track for regions
bias_bigwig <- "~/Desktop/mm10_bias_chr19.Scores.bigwig"
atac_regions <- "~/polo_iPSC/ATACseq/processed_data/atac_peaks/atac_all_peaks_union.bed"
atac_bam <- "~/Desktop/atac_iPSC_combined_replicates_chr19.bam"
ctcf <- read.table("~/R_packages/RunATAC/inst/exdata/ctcf.pwm") %>% as.matrix()
#' Read BED formatted file to GRanges object
#' @param bed_file Path Path to BED formatted file.
#' @return A GRanges object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' import_bed("myBedFile.bed")
#' }
#' @note Only imports the first 3 columns of a bed file.
#' @export
read_bed <- function(bed_file){
dat <- data.table::fread(bed_file, sep = "\t", header = FALSE)
gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = dat$V1,
ranges = IRanges(start = dat$V2,
end = dat$V3))
#' Read BAM file Tn5 insertion positions into GRanges object
#' @param bam_file Path to a BAM formatted file.
#' @param yieldSize The number of records from the BAM file to read in each chunk. See ?BamFile.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to ScanBamParam.
#' @return A GRanges object of Tn5 insertion positions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tn <- import_atac_pos("test_100k.bam")
#' }
#' @export
read_atac_bam_tn <- function(bam_file, yieldSize=1e6, ...){
# Allow the setting of parameters for Bam file scan such as Which regions
param <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(...)
message("Processing BAM file. This this may take a while for large files...")
message("If you have lots of RAM, increase yieldSize to speed things up.")
# Loop for reading the BAM file in chunks
bf <- Rsamtools::BamFile(file = bam_file, yieldSize = yieldSize)
gr <- NULL
repeat {
chunk <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(bf, param = param)
if (length(chunk) == 0L)
chunk_gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(chunk)
if (is.null(gr)) {
gr <- chunk_gr
} else {
gr <- c(gr, chunk_gr)
gr <- GRangesList(gr) %>% unlist()
message("Offsetting alignments to Tn5 integration site.")
# Offset the reads to correspond to tn5 insertion site
pos <- gr[strand(gr) == "+"] %>%
GenomicRanges::shift(shift=4) %>%
GenomicRanges::resize(width = 2, fix = "start")
neg <- gr[strand(gr) == "-"] %>%
GenomicRanges::shift(shift = -5) %>%
GenomicRanges::resize(width = 2, fix = "start")
# Return the pos and neg strands together
gr <- c(pos, neg)
#' Get the positions of the PWM in ATAC-seq peaks.
#' @param gr A GRanges object. Usually ranges of ATAC-seq peaks.
#' @param pwm A positional weight matrix of class Matirx.
#' @param genome A BSgenome object.
#' @param min.score Minimum alignment score for pwm. Default = "85%".
#' @return A GRanges object with positions of PWM match in peaks.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import IRanges
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10)
#' ctcf <- read.table("/data/ctcf.pwm") %>% as.matrix()
#' peaks <- read_bed("/data/atac_peaks.bed")
#' mpos <- motif_gr(peaks, ctcf, Mmusculus)
#' }
motif_gr <- function(gr, pwm, genome=Mmusculus, min.score="85%"){
if(class(gr) != "GRanges"){
stop("Object gr is not of class GRanges.")
if(class(pwm) != "matrix"){
stop("Object pwm is not of class matrix.")
if(class(genome) != "BSgenome"){
stop("Object genome is not of class BSgenome.")
if(class(min.score) != "character"){
stop("Object genome is not of class character.")
# Get the nucleotide sequences
sequences <- BSgenome::getSeq(x = genome, names=gr)
# Function to find motif in one sequence
find_motif_start <- function(x)
motif_starts <- Biostrings::matchPWM(pwm = pwm, subject = sequences[[x]],
min.score = min.score) %>% start()
starts <- start(gr[x]) + motif_starts
if (length(starts) == 0){
out <- NULL
} else {
ends <- starts + ncol(pwm)
out <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(gr[x]),
ranges = IRanges(start = starts,
end = ends))
# Apply the function across all sequences
motif_ranges <- lapply(X = 1:length(sequences), FUN = find_motif_start)
# Remove the NULLs from where no motif was detected
is.NullOb <- function(x) is.null(motif_ranges[x]) | all(sapply(motif_ranges[x], is.null))
no_keep <- lapply(1:length(motif_ranges), is.NullOb) %>% unlist()
# Convert to Granges object
motif_ranges <- motif_ranges[!no_keep] %>% unlist() %>% GRangesList() %>% unlist()
# Decrease the width to motif centre
motif_ranges <- resize(motif_ranges, width = 2, fix = 'center')
# Return GRanges object
atac_peaks <- read_bed(atac_regions)
atac_peaks <- atac_peaks[seqnames(atac_peaks) == "chr19"]
motif_pos_gr <- motif_gr(gr = atac_peaks, pwm = ctcf)
tn_signal_gr <- rtracklayer::import("~/Desktop/nucleoatac_iPSC.ins.bigwig",
format="BigWig", which=motif_pos_gr)
averagePerBin <- function(x, binsize, mcolnames=NULL)
if (!is(x, "GenomicRanges"))
stop("'x' must be a GenomicRanges object")
if (any(
stop("'seqlengths(x)' contains NAs")
bins <- IRangesList(lapply(seqlengths(x),
IRanges(breakInChunks(seqlen, binsize))))
ans <- as(bins, "GRanges")
seqinfo(ans) <- seqinfo(x)
if (is.null(mcolnames))
averageMCol <- function(colname)
cvg <- coverage(x, weight=colname)
views_list <- RleViewsList(
Views(cvg[[seqname]], bins[[seqname]])))
unlist(viewMeans(views_list), use.names=FALSE)
mcols(ans) <- DataFrame(lapply(mcols(x)[mcolnames], averageMCol))
bias_correct_atac_motif <- function(tn_signal_gr, motif_pos_gr, bias_bigwig, range=100){
# Resize to range of signal collection
motif_pos_gr <- GenomicRanges::resize(motif_pos_gr, width = range*2,
fix = 'center')
# Compute bias signal -----------------------------------------------------
# Get the bias signal for regions
bias <- rtracklayer::import(con = bias_bigwig, format = "Bigwig",
get_bias_scores <- function(x){
# Subset to one region
motif_pos <- motif_pos_gr[x]
# Get the bias calculation for range
bias_sub <- bias[IRanges::overlapsAny(query = bias,
subject = motif_pos)]
# Calculate the relative distance to the motif centre for insertions
bias_dist <- (start(motif_pos) + range) - start(bias_sub)
# Get bias scores for relative position
df <- data.frame(rel_pos=bias_dist, bias_score=bias_sub$score)
message("Calculating Tn5 insertion bias scores...")
bias_scores <- lapply(1:length(motif_pos_gr), get_bias_scores)
df <- join_all(bias_scores, by = 'rel_pos', type = 'left')
# Compute Tn5 signal -----------------------------------------------------
get_insertion_scores <- function(x){
# Subset to one region
motif_pos <- motif_pos_gr[x]
# Get the bias calculation for range
tn_score <- tn_signal_gr[IRanges::overlapsAny(query = tn_signal_gr,
subject = motif_pos)]
test <- averagePerBin(tn_score, binsize = 1, mcolnames = "score")
# Calculate the relative distance to the motif centre for insertions
tn_dist <- (start(motif_pos) + range) - start(tn_score)
# Get bias scores for relative position
df <- data.frame(rel_pos=bias_dist, bias_score=bias_sub$score)
# Subset the Tn5 signal
tn_signal_gr <- tn_signal_gr[IRanges::overlapsAny(query = tn_signal_gr,
subject = motif_pos_gr)]
#For each motif region, get the distances of nearby Tn5 insertions
get_tn_dist <- function(x){
# Subset to one region
motif_pos <- motif_pos_gr[x]
# Get the tn5 hits for range
tn_sub <- tn_signal_gr[IRanges::overlapsAny(query = tn_signal_gr,
subject = motif_pos)]
test <- coverage(tn_sub)
# Calculate the relative distance to the motif centre for insertions
tn_dist <- (start(motif_pos) + range) - start(tn_sub)
# Check if no Tn5 insertion events at position
if(length(tn_dist) < 1){
tn_dist <- NA
# Apply the function over all motif positions
dists <- lapply(1:length(motif_pos_gr), get_tn_dist)
dists <- dists[!] %>% unlist()
# Calculate the histogram
hist_dists <- table(dists) %>% data.frame()
colnames(hist_dists) <- c("rel_pos", "insertions")
# Merge insertion frequency with bias
results <-, hist_dists,
by = "rel_pos", all = TRUE)
results$rel_pos <- as.character(results$rel_pos) %>% as.numeric()
results$bias_mean <- as.character(results$bias_mean) %>% as.numeric()
results$insertions <- as.character(results$insertions) %>% as.numeric()
# sort the results
results <- results[order(results$rel_pos, decreasing = FALSE), ]
# scale the insertions from 0-1
range01 <- function(x, ...){(x - min(x, ...)) / (max(x, ...) - min(x, ...))}
results$insertions_scaled <- range01(result$insertions, na.rm = TRUE)
# Return results
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