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Created November 16, 2016 12:42
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ArmA 3 Mass Vehicle Spawn
Spawn Vehicle Script
Vehicle(s): Classname | Single Array | Multi Dimentional Array
Total: Int
Row: Int
Return: None
["A3L_Towtruck",50,10]call sam_fnc_MassSpawn; | Spawn 5 rows of 10 tow trucks facing north totaling to 50 trucks
sam_fnc_MassSpawn = {
private ["_vehicles","_total","_row","_gap","_vehwidth","_startingCord","_vehtospawn","_classname","_pos"];
_vehicles = _this select 0;
_total = _this select 1;
_row = _this select 2;
_gap = 5;
_vehwidth = 5;
_startingCord = [];
_vehtospawn = [];
i = 0;
t = 0;
vs = 0;
//Check if anything to do
if (_total == 0)exitWith{hint "Atleast give me something to do :<"};
if (_row == 0)exitWith{systemChat "How am i meant to spawn nothing in a row?";};
//Vehicle to spawn
if (isArray _vehicles)then {
if (isArray(_vehicles select 0))then{
//Multi Dia Array
_a = _vehicles select _x;
if (!count _a == 1) then {_vehtospawn pushback (_a select 0)};
if (count _a == 2) then {
while {ap < (_a select 1)} do {
_vehtospawn pushback (_a select 0);
ap = ap + 1;
} forEach _vehicles;
//Single Array
_vehtospawn = _vehicles;
//Single Classname
_vehtospawn pushBack _vehicles;
//Even in row
if (_row % 2 == 0) then {
_offsetCount = _row/2;
_offsetCord = (_gap + (_vehwidth/2)) * _offsetCount;
_startingCord = [(getPos player select 0) - _offsetCord, (getPos player select 1) - 5, getPos player select 2];
//Odd in row
if !(_row % 2 == 0) then {
_offsetCount = (_row - 1)/2;
_offsetCord = (_gap + (_vehwidth/2)) * _offsetCount;
_startingCord = [(getPos player select 0) - _offsetCord, (getPos player select 1) - 5, getPos player select 2];
//Spawn Loop
while {t < _total} do {
if (i < _row)then {
//Current Row
_classname = "";
_pos = [0,0,0];
if (i == 0)then {_pos = _startingCord;}else{_pos = [(_pos select 0) + _gap + (_vehwidth / 2), _pos select 1, _pos select 2];};
//Get classname to spawn
if (count _vehtospawn == 1)then {_classname = _vehtospawn select 0};
if (count _vehtospawn != 1)then {if (isNil _vehtospawn select vs) then {vs = 0;};_classname = _vehtospawn select vs};
_veh = createVehicle [_classname, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
//Increase Increments
t = t + 1;
i = i + 1;
vs = vs + 1;
//New Row
_startingCord = [_startingCord select 0, (_startingCord select 1) - 10, _startingCord select 2];
i = 0;
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