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Created September 8, 2010 23:37
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select b.Id as BadgeId, b.Name as BadgeName, u.UserId, p.Id as PostId, pv.CreationDate
into #upvotes
from Badges b
join Users2Badges u on u.BadgeId = b.Id
join Posts p on p.OwnerUserId = u.UserId and p.CommunityOwnedDate is null and p.DeletionDate is null
join Posts2Votes pv on pv.DeletionDate is null and pv.PostId = p.Id and pv.VoteTypeId = 2
join PostTags pt on pt.Tag = b.Name and p.ParentId = pt.PostId
where Class = 3 and TagBased = 1
WITH Enumerated AS (
SELECT BadgeName, UserId, CreationDate, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY BadgeName, UserId ORDER BY CreationDate asc) AS RN
FROM #upvotes
update u
set [Date] = data.CreationDate
from Users2Badges u
join Badges b on b.Id = u.BadgeId
(select * from Enumerated where RN = 100) as data
on data.UserId = u.UserId and b.Class = 3 and b.TagBased = 1 and b.Name = data.BadgeName
WITH Enumerated AS (
SELECT BadgeName, UserId, CreationDate, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY BadgeName, UserId ORDER BY CreationDate asc) AS RN
FROM #upvotes
update u
set [Date] = data.CreationDate
from Users2Badges u
join Badges b on b.Id = u.BadgeId
(select * from Enumerated where RN = 400) as data
on data.UserId = u.UserId and b.Class = 2 and b.TagBased = 1 and b.Name = data.BadgeName
WITH Enumerated AS (
SELECT BadgeName, UserId, CreationDate, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY BadgeName, UserId ORDER BY CreationDate asc) AS RN
FROM #upvotes
update u
set [Date] = data.CreationDate
from Users2Badges u
join Badges b on b.Id = u.BadgeId
(select * from Enumerated where RN = 1000) as data
on data.UserId = u.UserId and b.Class = 1 and b.TagBased = 1 and b.Name = data.BadgeName
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