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Last active February 25, 2023 14:43
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Makefile for creating a lambda layer using venv (Unix)
mkdir -p ./workspace/venv/layer
mkdir -p ./workspace/output/layer
createVirtualEnv: clearenv prepdirs
python3 -m venv ./workspace/venv
createlayer: createVirtualEnv
./workspace/venv/bin/pip3 install -t ./workspace/venv/layer/python3 boto3
./workspace/venv/bin/pip3 install -t ./workspace/venv/layer/python3 aws-xray-sdk
ziplayer: creatlayer
zip -r9 ./workspace/output/layer/ ./workspace/venv/layer/python3

Using the Lambda Layer Makefile

  1. Navigate to the location of the Makefile
  2. Invoke the ziplayer function
    • make ziplayer
  3. Use the generated .zip file as desired
    • The packages are zipped up to workspace/output/layer/
  4. Optional - delete the workspace directory and everything in it
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