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Created August 15, 2022 09:34
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Cognito Token Verification
import { promisify } from 'util';
import * as Axios from 'axios';
import * as jsonwebtoken from 'jsonwebtoken';
const jwkToPem = require('jwk-to-pem');
export interface ClaimVerifyRequest {
readonly token: string;
export interface ClaimVerifyResult {
readonly userName: string;
readonly userId: string;
readonly clientId: string;
readonly isValid: boolean;
readonly error?: any;
interface TokenHeader {
kid: string;
alg: string;
interface PublicKey {
alg: string;
e: string;
kid: string;
kty: string;
n: string;
use: string;
interface PublicKeyMeta {
instance: PublicKey;
pem: string;
interface PublicKeys {
keys: PublicKey[];
interface MapOfKidToPublicKey {
[key: string]: PublicKeyMeta;
interface Claim {
token_use: string;
auth_time: number;
iss: string;
exp: number;
client_id: string;
'cognito:username': string;
email: string;
const cognitoPoolId = process.env.COGNITO_POOL_ID || '';
const region = process.env.region;
if (!cognitoPoolId) {
throw new Error('env var required for cognito pool');
const cognitoIssuer = `https://cognito-idp.${region}${cognitoPoolId}`;
let cacheKeys: MapOfKidToPublicKey | undefined;
const getPublicKeys = async (): Promise<MapOfKidToPublicKey> => {
if (!cacheKeys) {
const url = `${cognitoIssuer}/.well-known/jwks.json`;
const publicKeys = await Axios.default.get<PublicKeys>(url);
cacheKeys =, current) => {
const pem = jwkToPem(current);
agg[current.kid] = { instance: current, pem };
return agg;
}, {} as MapOfKidToPublicKey);
return cacheKeys;
} else {
return cacheKeys;
const verifyPromised = promisify(jsonwebtoken.verify.bind(jsonwebtoken));
export const verifyToken = async (
request: ClaimVerifyRequest
): Promise<ClaimVerifyResult> => {
let result: ClaimVerifyResult;
try {
const token = request.token;
const tokenSections = (token || '').split('.');
if (tokenSections.length < 2) {
throw new Error('requested token is invalid');
const headerJSON = Buffer.from(tokenSections[0], 'base64').toString('utf8');
const header = JSON.parse(headerJSON) as TokenHeader;
const keys = await getPublicKeys();
console.log('got public keys');
const key = keys[header.kid];
if (key === undefined) {
throw new Error('claim made for unknown kid');
const claim = (await verifyPromised(token, key.pem)) as Claim;
console.log('claim', claim);
const currentSeconds = Math.floor(new Date().valueOf() / 1000);
if (currentSeconds > claim.exp || currentSeconds < claim.auth_time) {
throw new Error('claim is expired or invalid');
if (claim.iss !== cognitoIssuer) {
throw new Error('claim issuer is invalid');
console.log(`claim confirmed for ${}`);
result = {
userId: claim['cognito:username'],
clientId: claim.client_id,
isValid: true,
} catch (error) {
result = { userName: '', userId: '', clientId: '', error, isValid: false };
return result;
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