This gist is deprecated; some of the keys may still be used, but the fingerprints are no longer mirrored to two or more locations for verification.
9761 51DE E472 01CE 4A85 9F70 5408 3AE1 04EA 7AD3
SHA256:WXT3uj3R220njCiLghSmKLfjteuNa86w2S1uGlwAmuE sam@macrocarpa
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05 C1 28 E5 A7 5E 19 30 ED 8C B0 EA 20 CE B0 C9 0A E5 8F E6 41 7E DB 74 FE DB AE B1 C0 81 4B 77 06
cd0e8da6 411e5d32 06f65ba0 9eb3d7e5 47c1b2fc cfffa36e e2171933 db4c1672
- CN:
- Signature Algo: PKCS #1 SHA-256 With RSA Encryption
SHA256 (Tweet)
These is a list of my public keys. Any keys should be present in both this list, and on my blog at While this does not prove that I am who I claim to be, it does show that I have access to both my server (where the blog is hosted) and my GitHub account. Any changes here will be reflected on the blog about page, and visa-versa.