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Created May 19, 2023 18:36
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Convert text to WKT (shapely) polygons using arbitrary local font
Convert text in any installed font to the WKT format.
Requires inkscape.
Does not currently work for characters with disjoint top-level islands (eg "=",
double quotes, capital Xi, etc.)
import json
import subprocess
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
import shapely
from shapely import affinity
from svgpath2mpl import parse_path
import svgwrite
class GeoTree:
"Generic tree node for geometry objects"
tree_id = 0
def __init__(self, geometry, children=None): = GeoTree.tree_id
GeoTree.tree_id += 1
self.geometry = geometry
self.children = []
if children is not None:
for child in children:
def __repr__(self):
return str("<Tree"+str(">")
def add_child(self, node):
assert isinstance(node, GeoTree)
def tree_contains(tree1, tree2):
'''Test tree objects for containment'''
if tree1 and tree2:
return shapely.contains(tree1.geometry, tree2.geometry)
return False
def recursive_order(current, new, order_fn=tree_contains):
'''Add a new GeoTree object to the hierarchy based on the current root
This function is recursive, so be careful!
Returns the new root.
## Check if current contains new, new contains current, or there
## is no intersection
if order_fn(current, new):
# print(f"{current} contains {new}")
## New is contained within current
## It must either be a direct child, or go further down the
## line
## Iterate over children and recurse
for child in current.children:
result = recursive_order(child, new)
## If any of the children contain the new, the returned
## value will be the child
if result == child:
## In this case, everything is taken care of below
## so we can just return the current root
return current
## If instead we receive the new, it means that it has
## displaced the child
elif result == new:
## We need to remove this child as a child of the
## current so it can be only a child of the new
## It has already been assigned as a child of the new
## in the recursive function
## We can't exit here because more children may belong
## to the new
## We've iterated through all the children
## All that's left is to add new as a child of current
## It will retain any children that weren't added to new
## Those might be all of them if new has no intersections with
## any of the existing children
## The root remains the same
return current
elif order_fn(new, current):
# print(f"{new} contains {current}")
## Current is contained within new
## New is the new root
return new
# print(f"No intersection between {new} and {current}")
## There is no intersection between current and new
return None
def recursive_collapse(tree_root, collapse_fn=shapely.difference):
'''Collapse a GeoTree
Recursively starts at the leaves, and works its way up to the root
Returns shapely geometry, NOT GeoTree objects!
# print(f"Collapsing at {tree_root}")
## Get the current geometry (may be updated by operations with
## children)
current_geo = tree_root.geometry
## If there are children, we apply the function recursively
for child in tree_root.children:
# print(f"Checking child {child}")
current_geo = collapse_fn(current_geo,
## Return the geometry including all child operations
return current_geo
## Corrective transformation constants
## NB I have no idea if these are the same for all fonts?
Y_BASELINE = -3.75
def text2wkt(font_family,
## Container for storing output WKT strings
wkt_dict = {}
for char in input_chars:
## Write chars to svg
## Set up temp svg file
dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(filename="_temp.svg")
## Write characters to svg
gen_elem = dwg.g(style=f"font-size:10;font-family:{font_family}")
gen_elem.add(dwg.text(char, insert=(0,10)))
## Save temp svg
## TODO this can be done with pipes without writing to a temp file!
## Convert svg text elements to path
####################################["inkscape", "_temp.svg", "-T", "-l",
"--export-filename", "_temp.svg"])
## Convert svg path to shapely geometry
## Load svg file and parse path elements
tree = etree.parse("_temp.svg")
root = tree.getroot()
path_elems = root.findall('.//{}path')
## Convert to mpl paths
paths = [parse_path(elem.attrib['d']) for elem in path_elems]
## Convert to mpl polygons
polys = [path.to_polygons() for path in paths]
## Extract the first item (sole element in the file)
char_polys = polys[0]
## Convert to shapely polygons
char_geos = [shapely.geometry.Polygon(poly) for poly in char_polys]
## Assign hierarchy to geometry based on containment
## Most (all?) character glyphs have well-defined holes and not-holes.
## Using containment as an ordering function, one can build a
## hierarchy, and then collapse it using subtraction/difference
## operations.
## We can't do it in general without such a construction, as it is not
## guaranteed that poly elements will intersect (eg the inner holes in
## B, 8, etc.)
## TODO Currently this does not support non-intersecting top-level
## polygons, such as =, ", %, or non-intersecting accents.
## Convert shapely geometries to GeoTree objects
geos_tree = [GeoTree(geo) for geo in char_geos]
## Build hierarchy
tree_base = None
## We want to pull from the list because we may need to reorder in case
## non-intersecting pairs are evaluated
while geos_tree:
## Get the first item (we want to append at the end if it doesn't
## work)
new_geo = geos_tree.pop(0)
## If there is no existing base, assign it and go to next
if not tree_base:
tree_base = new_geo
# print(f"{tree_base} assigned as base")
## Compare to the base
new_base = recursive_order(tree_base, new_geo)
## If it is not None, we're valid and we can keep going
if new_base:
tree_base = new_base
## If it's None, we have non-intersecting polygons so we bump them
## right back to the end of the list, and re-try with the same base
## Collapse hierarchy by intersecting contained geometries
final_geo = recursive_collapse(tree_base)
## Corrective transformations
## Translate baseline
shifted = affinity.translate(final_geo, yoff=Y_BASELINE)
## Flip on y axis and shrink to unit size accounting for baseline
scaled = affinity.scale(shifted, xfact=SHRINK_FACT,
yfact=-SHRINK_FACT, origin=(0,0))
## Export
wkt_dict[char] = scaled.wkt
## Return all WKT strings
return wkt_dict
if __name__ == "__main__":
## Generate WKT strings
wkts = text2wkt(font_family="Mindfuct NBP",
# input_chars="1234",
## Dump to file
with open("out.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_file:
json.dump(wkts, out_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
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guyanf commented Apr 24, 2024

It is an error when the char is a split structure.
eg: 二 (Chinese font)

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It is an error when the char is a split structure. eg: 二 (Chinese font)

That's correct unfortunately, but it should be fixable by allowing multiple "base" nodes for the shape hierarchy and then doing a union of all those at the end. I can try add it at some point.

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