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Last active May 16, 2022 09:26
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[sam@compy686 ~]$ cat
# I normally set these options (with x being only sometimes)
# In this example,none of them are useful for catching your error
#set -euxo pipefail
badfunction() {
for i in $(find /error); do
echo $i
goodfunction() {
local path=$1
result=( $(find "${path}" $@) )
if [[ ${exit_code} != 0 ]]; then
# This will exit immediately after the stderr output from find is
# displayed. The stderr from the find command is not captured above
exit ${exit_code}
for i in ${result[@]}; do
echo ${i}
echo "this failure isnt caught:"
echo "this works as intended:"
goodfunction /tmp -maxdepth 1 -type f
echo "this failure is caught:"
goodfunction /error
echo "this never runs"
[sam@compy686 ~]$ ./
this failure isnt caught:
find: ‘/error’: No such file or directory
this works as intended:
this failure is caught:
find: ‘/error’: No such file or directory
[sam@compy686 ~]$
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