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Created May 13, 2024 19:19
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  • Save Sama-004/6b265867587673a8e5673e21a858101f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# uncomment the flavour you want below:
# "~/.config/alacritty/catppuccin-frappe.toml"
# "~/.config/alacritty/catppuccin-macchiato.toml"
# "~/.config/alacritty/catppuccin-mocha.toml"
# Configuration for Alacritty, the GPU enhanced terminal emulator.
# Import additional configuration files
# Imports are loaded in order, skipping all missing files, with the importing
# file being loaded last. If a field is already present in a previous import, it
# will be replaced.
TERM = "xterm-256color"
# All imports must either be absolute paths starting with `/`, or paths relative
# to the user's home directory starting with `~/`.
# - /path/to/alacritty.yml
# - { key: Key3, mods: Alt, chars: "#" }
# - { key: V, mods: Control, action: Paste }
action = "Paste"
key = "V"
mods = "Control"
#chars = "#"
#key = "Key3"
#mods = "Alt"
padding = { x = 5, y = 5 }
class = { instance = "Alacritty" }
#general = "Alacritty"
#opacity = 0.7
# Startup Mode (changes require restart)
#startup_mode: Windowed
# Allow terminal applications to change Alacritty's window title.
#dynamic_title: true
normal = { family = "JetBrains Mono", style = "Regular" }
#family = "sans"
#style = "Regular"
# Other font configurations and color settings are omitted for brevity.
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