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  • Save Samirbous/292076c5ed8c7a3f82fb08692bb6cf4c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Samirbous/292076c5ed8c7a3f82fb08692bb6cf4c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// hunting on scheduled task via
| where host.os.type == "windows" and event.category == "registry" and event.action == "modification" and
registry.path like """HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Schedule\\TaskCache\\Tasks\\*Actions*"""
| eval scheduled_task_action = replace(TO_LOWER(FROM_BASE64(, """\u0000""", "")
| eval scheduled_task_action = replace(scheduled_task_action, """(\u0003\fauthorfff|\u0003\fauthorff\u000e)""", "")
| where scheduled_task_action rlike """.*(users\\public\\|\\appdata\\roaming|programdata|powershell|rundll32|regsvr32|mshta.exe|cscript.exe|wscript.exe|cmd.exe|forfiles|msiexec).*""" and not scheduled_task_action like "localsystem*"
| keep scheduled_task_action, registry.path,
| stats count_agents = count_distinct( by scheduled_task_action | where count_agents == 1
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