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Last active July 25, 2017 07:48
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Experienced common CSS IE8 Bugs and Fix.
1. For inline-block for ie8 to work, <!DOCTYPE html> has to be declared, as well as <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">for correct rendering mode. Has to be first loading element in head.
2. inline-block may cause width problem. Use max-width: 100% or inherit to fix.
3. Try use *display: inline; *zoom:1; or float: left/right(works same as zoom), because ie8 treat inline-block as block element in cerntain condition. This supports ie6+
4. inline-block may stack or overlap on each other even they are in same line, to fix it use margin-right: 1px if possible, otherwise, use #3 tip above
5. Align to bottom: Inline or inline-block elements can be aligned to the bottom of block level elements if the line-height of the parent/block element is greater than that of the inline element.*
6. Using 'vertical-align: baseline' would stack inline-block element instead of align them.
Float and img width
.float > img, If img has max-width: 100% in IE8, it will be 0 width. image won't be seen.
If image has default width and height set up from server, then image maybe seen but could be bigger than its container size.
More details:
Backgournd-image: url(img.jpg); Don't need quote, but sometime if IE8 have two css properties in same line, then seperated the property
in a new selectors(new selectors can be same)
max-width/height in IE8
max-xx: auto will not override any specific value for IE8. You have to give a value(px or 100%) to override modern browser's max-width/height.
Stair case
li>a {display:block; float: left;} will make stair like render, the parent div(in this case <li>) needs to be float or inline.
Small height not recognized
IE refuse to render smaller height than set font size. add font-size: 0 or overflow:hidden;
Overflow and Relatively Positioned
Parent div has no position but overflow:hidden, and child div has position:relative, ie doesn't trancate child elem. Fix: add Po:r to parent div.
Table and Table-cell
1. Table or Table-cell's width may not be recognized by ie8, use table-layout: fixed.
2. Use width instead of max-width for images inside ie8 because ie8 take default image size. Or use table-layout: fixed;
3. Element inside table-cell maybe not able to absolute positioned in IE8.
4. Line-height maybe not correct in table or table cell for all IE version.
5. Table is not 100% even width: 100% is set. Add margin: 0 to table it will be 100% for ie8;
6. Thumb of rule: always add 100% along with display: table;
CSS bugs from W3C
1. Transform and Fixed position: If parent has 'transform', then any child has position: fixed
will not stay as fixed element but 'absolute' element.
Fixed top header and anchor scroll:
padding-top: 100px; margin-bottom: -100px; will create an empty gap. (search for "fixed top header and anchor scroll")
#Hash tag anchor link position is not correct when there is fixed positioned header. Solution:
Psuedo font size class bug for IE9-11
:before or :after class isn't being overriden by property defined at bottom.
Using 'rem' for unit may work, but if the element's display property is 'table', it won't work. The element has to be a block level.
Psuedo text-decoration bug for IE 9-11
Same situation as above example but for text-decoration: underline property. It has to be set and reset the same property in order for :psuedo:hover or :hover:psuedo to work.
IE 10 11 Edge bug
IE doesn't recongnize position: initial; Must use 'static' instead
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