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Created May 14, 2017 22:26
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# import the necessary packages
import numpy as np
import imutils
import cv2
class Stitcher:
def __init__(self):
# determine if we are using OpenCV v3.X
self.isv3 = imutils.is_cv3()
def stitch(self, images, ratio=0.75, reprojThresh=4.0,
# unpack the images, then detect keypoints and extract
# local invariant descriptors from them
(imageB, imageA) = images
(kpsA, featuresA) = self.detectAndDescribe(imageA)
(kpsB, featuresB) = self.detectAndDescribe(imageB)
# match features between the two images
M = self.matchKeypoints(kpsA, kpsB,
featuresA, featuresB, ratio, reprojThresh)
# if the match is None, then there aren't enough matched
# keypoints to create a panorama
if M is None:
return None
# otherwise, apply a perspective warp to stitch the images
# together
(matches, H, status) = M
a = np.array([[0, 0], [imageA.shape[1], 0], [0, imageA.shape[0]],[imageA.shape[1], imageA.shape[0]]], dtype='float32')
a = np.array([a])
dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(a, H)
print a
print dst
dff = max(abs(imageA.shape[1] - dst[0][1][0]), abs(imageA.shape[1] - dst[0][3][0]))
dff = dff - (imageB.shape[1] - imageA.shape[1])
while imageA.shape[1] + imageB.shape[1] - int(dff) < imageB.shape[1]:
dff = dff / 2
print dff
result = cv2.warpPerspective(imageA, H,
(imageA.shape[1] + imageB.shape[1] - int(dff), imageA.shape[0]))
result[0:imageB.shape[0], 0:imageB.shape[1]] = imageB
# check to see if the keypoint matches should be visualized
if showMatches:
vis = self.drawMatches(imageA, imageB, kpsA, kpsB, matches,
# return a tuple of the stitched image and the
# visualization
return (result, vis)
# return the stitched image
return result
def detectAndDescribe(self, image):
# convert the image to grayscale
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# check to see if we are using OpenCV 3.X
if self.isv3:
# detect and extract features from the image
descriptor = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()
(kps, features) = descriptor.detectAndCompute(image, None)
# otherwise, we are using OpenCV 2.4.X
# detect keypoints in the image
detector = cv2.FeatureDetector_create("SIFT")
kps = detector.detect(gray)
# extract features from the image
extractor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create("SIFT")
(kps, features) = extractor.compute(gray, kps)
# convert the keypoints from KeyPoint objects to NumPy
# arrays
kps = np.float32([ for kp in kps])
# return a tuple of keypoints and features
return (kps, features)
def matchKeypoints(self, kpsA, kpsB, featuresA, featuresB,
ratio, reprojThresh):
# compute the raw matches and initialize the list of actual
# matches
matcher = cv2.DescriptorMatcher_create("BruteForce")
rawMatches = matcher.knnMatch(featuresA, featuresB, 2)
matches = []
# loop over the raw matches
for m in rawMatches:
# ensure the distance is within a certain ratio of each
# other (i.e. Lowe's ratio test)
if len(m) == 2 and m[0].distance < m[1].distance * ratio:
matches.append((m[0].trainIdx, m[0].queryIdx))
# computing a homography requires at least 4 matches
if len(matches) > 4:
# construct the two sets of points
ptsA = np.float32([kpsA[i] for (_, i) in matches])
ptsB = np.float32([kpsB[i] for (i, _) in matches])
# compute the homography between the two sets of points
(H, status) = cv2.findHomography(ptsA, ptsB, cv2.RANSAC,
# return the matches along with the homograpy matrix
# and status of each matched point
return (matches, H, status)
# otherwise, no homograpy could be computed
return None
def drawMatches(self, imageA, imageB, kpsA, kpsB, matches, status):
# initialize the output visualization image
(hA, wA) = imageA.shape[:2]
(hB, wB) = imageB.shape[:2]
vis = np.zeros((max(hA, hB), wA + wB, 3), dtype="uint8")
vis[0:hA, 0:wA] = imageA
vis[0:hB, wA:] = imageB
# loop over the matches
for ((trainIdx, queryIdx), s) in zip(matches, status):
# only process the match if the keypoint was successfully
# matched
if s == 1:
# draw the match
ptA = (int(kpsA[queryIdx][0]), int(kpsA[queryIdx][1]))
ptB = (int(kpsB[trainIdx][0]) + wA, int(kpsB[trainIdx][1]))
cv2.line(vis, ptA, ptB, (0, 255, 0), 1)
# return the visualization
return vis
# python --first images/bryce_left_01.png --second images/bryce_right_01.png
# import the necessary packages
from pyimagesearch.panorama import Stitcher
import argparse
import imutils
import cv2
# construct the argument parse and parse the arguments
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("-l", "--list", nargs='+', required=True,
help="path to the first image")
args = vars(ap.parse_args())
# load the two images and resize them to have a width of 400 pixels
# (for faster processing)
img_urls = args["list"]
images = [cv2.imread(img_url) for img_url in args["list"]]
for idx,img in enumerate(images):
images[idx] = imutils.resize(img, width=400)
# stitch the images together to create a panorama
cur_img = images[0]
imgs_to_process = images[1:]
imgs_len = len(imgs_to_process)
for i in range(imgs_len):
print "stitching"
stitcher = Stitcher()
(result, vis) = stitcher.stitch((cur_img, imgs_to_process[i]), showMatches=True)
cur_img = imutils.resize(result, width=400)
result = cur_img
# show the images
cv2.imshow("Keypoint Matches", vis)
cv2.imshow("Result", result)
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@zabull1 just run with -l argument passing list of image urls

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