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Created November 4, 2015 18:21
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(defsfn actor-loop
"The function that represents our Actors, which are responsible for handling source events. Takes a list of records
which implement the Statistic protocol, and loops over receive until all of the records indicate they are finished."
[id recs]
(register! id @self)
(add-child! supervisor-actor id :transient 1 5 :sec 2000 @self)
(loop [records recs]
(if-let [event (receive [m] :else m :after actor-event-receive-timeout nil)]
(if-let [updated-records (actor-body records event)]
(recur updated-records)
(store-actor records))))
(defsfn find-records-for-context
"Retrieve a list of context-specific records for a particular source event."
(let [records (filter #(= context (:context %)) m/stats)]
(defsfn create-actor
"Creates a fresh actor for a source event."
[id context]
(println "Creating a new actor id=" id " context=" context)
(let [actor (spawn actor-loop id (find-records-for-context context))]
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