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Last active February 12, 2024 16:11
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OpenAlias v2 Initial Ideas

Ideas for OpenAlias v2

OpenAlias v1 Format

oa1:[asset_ticker] recipient_address=[address]; recipient_name=[text_description];

OA1 Key-Value Pairs

  • prefix (required)
  • recipient_address (required)
  • recipient_name
  • tx_description
  • tx_amount
  • tx_payment_id
  • address_signature
  • checksum
  • "defining additional pairs is up to you"; "If you have a use-case where you feel certain key-value pairs may provide widespread use and benefit, please reach out to us and we can include it in the standard if appropriate."

Limitations of OA1

  • Since it was created in 2014/2015 before Ethereum and before it was common to have tokens on multiple blockchains, OAv1 does not sensibly allow for passing the network for a given asset. ETH on Ethereum mainnet might be eth, but ETH on Polygon might have to be eth_poly or similar. This is inelegant.
  • Arguably, the length of several key-value pairs are longer than they need to be.
  • There is no priority. Suppose someone wants to be paid in USDT, and they prefer to receive it on Ethereum, then failing that, on Polygon.
  • OAv1 does not attempt to indicate the address type, which might be very useful for certain Bitcoin applications.

Advantages of OA1

  • DNS TXT records with DNSSEC remains one of the simplest and most robust ways to handle these alias lookups.
  • OAv1 includes a version number, which means we can upgrade to a new OAv2 without breaking existing v1 records.
  • OAv1 works for arbitrary assets, not just BTC or ETH.
  • OAv1 is supported by major wallets Electrum, Cake Wallet, the official Monero wallets, Feather Wallet and more.

Avoiding Conflicting Standards

OAv1 and OAv2 do not need to be compatible with every other alias standard, but we should avoid conflicting with them where possible. Some notable ones are:

Proposed OA2 Format

oa2 [asset_ticker]:[asset_network] [priority] address=[address_type]:[address];

OA2 Key-Value Pairs

  • address (required)
  • name
  • description
  • amount
  • payment_id
  • address_signature
  • checksum
  • image
  • nostr_username

asset_ticker and asset_network

One of asset_ticker or asset_network is required. Both are recommended, even for networks that do not support additional tokens.

This is a major improvement in OA. Instead of simply specifying usdt as the prefix, recordholders can specify the exact network that they wish to receive USDT on, eg: usdt:eth.


Priority is an optional integer. The lowest number is most preferred. If the priority is not provided, then the record will have a lower priority than other TXT matching records with a priority.

Priority is first conducted among exact matches of asset_ticker, and then asset_network only if there is no match for the asset_ticker.

oa2 usdt:poly 20 address=:[address]

oa2 usdt:eth 30 address=:[address]

oa2 :eth 10 address=:[address]

oa2 :poly address=:[address]

For the four records above:

  • If the sender can only provide USDT on Ethereum, then the second usdt:eth record will be used.
  • If the sender is providing USDT (on any network), then the first usdt:poly record will be used.
  • If the sender is providing USDC on Ethereum, then the third :eth record will be used.
  • If the sender is providing DAI on Polygon, then the fourth :poly record will be used.

Question: should we allow re-use of the same integer multiple times to signal to the sender an indifference between receive types?


This is an optional (but recommended) identifier for the address type. Example address types might be p2tr, p2wpkh, p2sh, p2pkh, bip352 (silent payments address), bip47 (PayNym).


This is an optional link to an image file on the same domain as the TXT record. For example:


Wallet developers MUST prohibit image lookups on another domain.


This is an optional reference to the recipient's Nostr username.

Question: should we use the npub? The NIP-05? This should be better named after this decision.

OA2 Lists

For OA1, there was an expressed interest in maintaining an official list of prefixes, but this never materialized.

For OA2, OpenAlias should publish standardized lists of asset_ticker (for major assets only), asset_network, and address_type.

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