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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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  • Save Samuel-Retter/d71a3cd3c1887b034ed4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Samuel-Retter/d71a3cd3c1887b034ed4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Plays the game Othello against the user (quite competitively). The game was made with three classes: Board, OthelloGame, and Player.
* Created by Meir on 1/21/2015.
public class Board {
OthelloGame.CellState[][] data = new OthelloGame.CellState[SIZE][SIZE];
public static final int SIZE = OthelloGame.BOARD_SIZE;
public Board() {
for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++) {
data[x][y] = OthelloGame.CellState.EMPTY;
data[SIZE/2][SIZE/2 - 1] = OthelloGame.CellState.BLACK;
data[SIZE/2 - 1][SIZE/2] = OthelloGame.CellState.BLACK;
data[SIZE/2 - 1][SIZE/2 - 1] = OthelloGame.CellState.WHITE;
data[SIZE/2][SIZE/2] = OthelloGame.CellState.WHITE;
public OthelloGame.CellState pieceAt(int[] loc) {
return data[loc[0]][loc[1]];
public void updateCell(int[] loc, OthelloGame.CellState newValue) {
data[loc[0]][loc[1]] = newValue;
public boolean containsEmptyIn(int[] cell) {
return pieceAt(cell) == OthelloGame.CellState.EMPTY;
public boolean containsComputerIn(int[] cell, OthelloGame.CellState computer) {
return pieceAt(cell) == computer;
public boolean allContain(int[][] arr, OthelloGame.CellState piece) {
* returns whether or not all locations on the board specified by *arr* contain *piece*
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (pieceAt(arr[i]) != piece) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean containsHumanIn(int[] cell, OthelloGame.CellState human) {
return pieceAt(cell) == human;
public int count(OthelloGame.CellState piece) {
int ret = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++) {
int[] loc = {x,y};
if (pieceAt(loc) == piece) {
return ret;
public void adjust(int[] loc) {
* adjusts the board by assuming that the piece at loc was just placed
for (int[] direction : OthelloGame.DIRECTIONS) {
int dx = direction[0];
int dy = direction[1];
int[][] toBeFlipped = new int[SIZE*SIZE][2];
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE*SIZE; i++) {
toBeFlipped[i] = null;
int arrCounter = 0; // faster ArrayList
boolean keepGoing = true;
int[] focus = loc.clone();
while (OthelloGame.isInBoard(focus) && keepGoing && OthelloGame.jumpIsSafe(focus, direction)) {
focus[0] += dx;
focus[1] += dy;
if (OthelloGame.isInBoard(focus)) {
if (this.pieceAt(focus) != OthelloGame.enemy(this.pieceAt(loc))) {
keepGoing = false;
if (keepGoing) {
toBeFlipped[arrCounter] = focus.clone();
arrCounter ++;
toBeFlipped = OthelloGame.stripTrailingNulls(toBeFlipped);
if (OthelloGame.isInBoard(focus)) {
if (pieceAt(focus) == pieceAt(loc)) {
for (int[] cell : toBeFlipped) {
/*newBoard.*/updateCell(cell, OthelloGame.enemy(pieceAt(cell)));
// =;
public boolean isLegal(int[] move, OthelloGame.CellState piece) {
* returns whether is it legal for *piece* to be place in location *move*
if (pieceAt(move) != OthelloGame.CellState.EMPTY) {
return false; // cell is already occupied
for (int[] direction : OthelloGame.DIRECTIONS) {
int dx = direction[0];
int dy = direction[1];
int[] focus = move.clone();
focus[0] += dx;
focus[1] += dy;
if (OthelloGame.isInBoard(focus)) {
if ([focus[0]][focus[1]] == OthelloGame.enemy(piece)) {
while (OthelloGame.jumpIsSafe(focus, direction) && pieceAt(focus) == OthelloGame.enemy(piece)) {
focus[0] += dx;
focus[1] += dy;
if (pieceAt(focus) == piece) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean hasLegalMove(OthelloGame.CellState color) {
for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++) {
int[] loc = {x,y};
if (isLegal(loc, color)) {
return true;
return false;
public int[][] legalMoves(OthelloGame.CellState piece) {
* returns array of all legal moves for a piece
int[][] legalsArr = new int[SIZE*SIZE][2]; // there can never actually be 64 legal moves obviously
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE*SIZE; i++) {
legalsArr[i] = null;
int counter = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++) {
int[] move = {x, y};
if (isLegal(move, piece)) {
legalsArr[counter] = move;
counter += 1;
return OthelloGame.stripTrailingNulls(legalsArr);
* Created by Meir on 1/13/2015.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class OthelloGame {
public static enum CellState {
public static final int BOARD_SIZE = 8; // should be even
public static final int[][] DIRECTIONS = {{1,0},{1,1},{0,1},{-1,1},{-1,0},{-1,-1},{0,-1},{1,-1}};
public static final int[][] CORNERS = {{0,0},{0,BOARD_SIZE-1},{BOARD_SIZE-1,BOARD_SIZE-1},{BOARD_SIZE-1,0}};
public static final String ALPH = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
public static final boolean GLOBAL_HINTS = true; // allows for the possibility of hints being included in displayBoard
// for the hints to actually be given, the localHints parameter of displayBoard must be set to *true*
public static final int MAX_DEPTH = 4 ;
public static final int HIGH = 10000000;
public static final int LOW = -10000000; // better than Integer.MAX_VALUE etc. because of overflow issues
public static void displayInstruct() {
System.out.println("Welcome to Othello. You will make your move known by entering a letter, A-H, followed by a number.");
System.out.println("For example, d4.");
System.out.println("A dot means a move is legal for you.");
public static String stringMultiplied(String s, int times) {
String newString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
newString += s;
return newString;
public static boolean areOneDiagAway(int[] p1, int[] p2) {
* returns whether p1 and p2 are diagonally adjacent (e.g. {2,3} and {1,4}
int dx = p2[0] - p1[0];
int dy = p2[1] - p1[1];
return (Math.abs(dx) == 1) && (Math.abs(dy) == 1);
public static void printIntArray(int[] arr) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length-1; i++) {
System.out.print(arr[0]+", ");
public static int randint(int min, int max) {
* returns a random integer between min and max, inclusive like in python
Random random = new Random();
return random.nextInt(max - min + 1) + min;
public static String input(String instructions) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
String ret = scanner.nextLine();
return ret;
public static int intInput(String instructions) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
int ret = scanner.nextInt();
return ret;
public static String letterAtIndex(String string, int index) {
return string.substring(index, index+1);
public static int[][] stripTrailingNulls(int[][] arr) {
* for use to make faster implementation of ArrayList when you know a max size it will become
int trueLength = 0; // length without trailing nulls
while (arr[trueLength] != null) {
int[][] newArr = new int[trueLength][2];
for (int i = 0; i < trueLength; i++) {
newArr[i] = arr[i].clone();
return newArr;
public static boolean isInBoard(int[] cell) {
int x = cell[0];
int y = cell[1];
return (x >= 0) && (x < BOARD_SIZE) && (y >= 0) && (y < BOARD_SIZE);
public static void displayBoard(Board board, CellState computer, CellState human, boolean localHints) {
HashMap<CellState, String> colorToSymbol = new HashMap<CellState, String>();
colorToSymbol.put(CellState.EMPTY, " ");
colorToSymbol.put(CellState.BLACK, "#");
colorToSymbol.put(CellState.WHITE, "O");
String horizontalLine = " +" + stringMultiplied("-----+", BOARD_SIZE);
for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; i++) {
String letter = letterAtIndex(ALPH, i);
System.out.print(" " + letter);
for (int y = 0; y < BOARD_SIZE; y++) {
String line = (y+1) + " | ";
for (int x = 0; x < BOARD_SIZE; x ++) {
int[] loc = {x,y};
if (board.isLegal(loc, human) && GLOBAL_HINTS && localHints) {
line += '.' + " | ";
} else {
line += colorToSymbol.get([x][y]) + " | ";
System.out.println("computer(" + colorToSymbol.get(computer) + "): " + board.count(computer));
System.out.println("human (" + colorToSymbol.get(human) + "): " + board.count(human));
public static Board copy(Board board) {
Board newBoard = new Board();
CellState[][] newData = new CellState[BOARD_SIZE][BOARD_SIZE];
for (int x = 0; x < BOARD_SIZE; x++) {
newData[x] =[x].clone();
} = newData;
return newBoard;
public static CellState enemy(CellState piece) {
if (piece == CellState.BLACK) {
return CellState.WHITE;
} else if (piece == CellState.WHITE) {
return CellState.BLACK;
return null;
public static boolean jumpIsSafe(int[] startCell, int[] direction) {
int x = startCell[0];
int y = startCell[1];
int dx = direction[0];
int dy = direction[1];
int[] destination = {x + dx, y + dy};
return isInBoard(destination);
public static int[] letterNumberToNumberNumber(String letterNumber) {
* e.g. converts "d3" or "D3" to {3, 2}
int[] numberNumber = {ALPH.indexOf(letterNumber.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()), Integer.parseInt(letterNumber.substring(1,2))-1};
return numberNumber;
public static String numberNumberToLetterNumber(int[] numberNumber) {
* e.g. converts {3,2} to "D3"
int let = numberNumber[0]; // number that will become a letter
int num = numberNumber[1]; // number that will become a number
return ALPH.substring(let, let+1) + (num + 1);
public static int[][] cellsThrough(int[] startCell, int[] endCell) {
* 1. assumes startCell and endCell are either in the same row or column
* 2. returns an int[][] of all cells between them, including sC and eC themselves
if (!(startCell[0] == endCell[0] || startCell[1] == endCell[1])) {
return null;
if (startCell == endCell) {
int[][] ret = {startCell.clone()};
return ret;
int dx = endCell[0] - startCell[0];
int dy = endCell[1] - startCell[1];
int length = 0; // initialize length
int[] direction = {0,0}; // initialize direction
if (dx == 0) {
length = dy + 1;
direction[1] = dy/Math.abs(dy);
} else if (dy == 0) {
length = dx + 1;
direction[0] = dx/Math.abs(dx);
int[][] ret = new int[length][2];
int counter = 0;
int[] focus = startCell.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ret[counter] = focus.clone();
focus[0] += direction[0];
focus[1] += direction[1];
return ret;
public static Board boardAdjusted(Board board, int[] loc) {
* like board.adjust(), but functional
Board newBoard = copy(board);
for (int[] direction : DIRECTIONS) {
int dx = direction[0];
int dy = direction[1];
int[][] toBeFlipped = new int[BOARD_SIZE*BOARD_SIZE][2];
for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE*BOARD_SIZE; i++) {
toBeFlipped[i] = null;
int arrCounter = 0; // faster ArrayList
boolean keepGoing = true;
int[] focus = loc.clone();
while (isInBoard(focus) && keepGoing && jumpIsSafe(focus, direction)) {
focus[0] += dx;
focus[1] += dy;
if (isInBoard(focus)) {
if (board.pieceAt(focus) != enemy(board.pieceAt(loc))) {
keepGoing = false;
if (keepGoing) {
toBeFlipped[arrCounter] = focus.clone();
toBeFlipped = stripTrailingNulls(toBeFlipped);
if (isInBoard(focus)) {
if (board.pieceAt(focus) == board.pieceAt(loc)) {
for (int[] cell : toBeFlipped) {
newBoard.updateCell(cell, enemy(newBoard.pieceAt(cell)));
return copy(newBoard);
public static int evaluate(Board board, int pieceWeight,
int mobilityWeight, int cornerWeight,
int permWeight, int nearCornerWeight) {
* positive favors black; negative favors white.
* as of now, permWeight is not used; if the implicit preference for stable discs
* created by mobility maximizing proves insufficient, I might include it.
CellState winner = winner(board);
if (winner == CellState.BLACK) {
return 1000000000;
if (winner == CellState.WHITE) {
return -1000000000;
int ret = 0;
// number of pieces for each side
ret += board.count(CellState.BLACK) * pieceWeight;
ret -= board.count(CellState.WHITE) * pieceWeight;
// each side's mobility
ret += board.legalMoves(CellState.BLACK).length * mobilityWeight;
ret -= board.legalMoves(CellState.WHITE).length * mobilityWeight;
// number of corners occupied by each side
int blacksInCorners = 0;
int whitesInCorners = 0;
for (int[] corner : CORNERS) {
CellState pieceAtCorner = board.pieceAt(corner);
if (pieceAtCorner == CellState.BLACK) {
} else if (pieceAtCorner == CellState.WHITE) {
ret += blacksInCorners * cornerWeight;
ret -= whitesInCorners * cornerWeight;
// cells next to corners occupied by each side (not desirable)
int blacksNearCorners = 0;
int whitesNearCorners = 0;
HashMap<int[], int[][]> cornerToNears = new HashMap<>(); // maps a corner to an int[][] of its three neighbors
int[][] neighbors0 = {{0, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}};
int[][] neighbors1 = {{0, BOARD_SIZE-2}, {1, BOARD_SIZE-2}, {1, BOARD_SIZE-1}};
int[][] neighbors2 = {{BOARD_SIZE-1, BOARD_SIZE-2}, {BOARD_SIZE-2, BOARD_SIZE-2}, {BOARD_SIZE-2, BOARD_SIZE-1}};
int[][] neighbors3 = {{BOARD_SIZE-1, 1}, {BOARD_SIZE-2, 0}, {BOARD_SIZE-2, 1}};
cornerToNears.put(CORNERS[0], neighbors0);
cornerToNears.put(CORNERS[1], neighbors1);
cornerToNears.put(CORNERS[2], neighbors2);
cornerToNears.put(CORNERS[3], neighbors3);
for (int[] corner : CORNERS) {
if (board.pieceAt(corner) == CellState.EMPTY) {
int[][] nears = cornerToNears.get(corner);
for (int[] near : nears) {
// first make sure the piece at *near* isn't backed up all the way to the other corner (in which case it is a perm)
if (board.pieceAt(near) != CellState.EMPTY) {
int[][] backers = new int[BOARD_SIZE - 2][2];
int[] directionFromCornerToNear = {near[0] - corner[0], near[1] - corner[1]};
for (int i = 0; i < backers.length; i++) {
int x = near[0] + directionFromCornerToNear[0] * (i+1);
int y = near[1] + directionFromCornerToNear[1] * (i+1);
int[] backer = {x, y};
backers[i] = backer;
if (board.pieceAt(near) == CellState.BLACK && (areOneDiagAway(corner, near) || !board.allContain(backers, CellState.BLACK))) {
} else if (board.pieceAt(near) == CellState.WHITE && (areOneDiagAway(corner, near) || !board.allContain(backers, CellState.BLACK))) {
ret -= blacksNearCorners * nearCornerWeight; // negative for black, positive for white
ret += whitesNearCorners * nearCornerWeight; // because occupying nears is not good
// now calculate the number of "perms" (permanents) for each color
// these are pieces that cannot be flipped for the rest of the game
return ret;
public static CellState winner(Board board) {
int blacksCount = board.count(CellState.BLACK);
int whitesCount = board.count(CellState.WHITE);
if ((board.count(CellState.EMPTY) == 0) ||
(!board.hasLegalMove(CellState.BLACK) &&
!board.hasLegalMove(CellState.WHITE))) {
if (blacksCount == whitesCount) {
return CellState.EMPTY; // returning EMPTY means the game is over and has resulted in a tie
} else if (blacksCount > whitesCount) {
return CellState.BLACK;
} else if (whitesCount > blacksCount) {
return CellState.WHITE;
return null; // returning null means the game is not over
public static int alphaBeta(Player player, CellState currentColor, Board board, int alpha, int beta, int depth) {
* player is only to give the weights
* color is determined by currentColor
* this allows colors to be swapped without knowing information about the other player
if (winner(board) == CellState.BLACK) {
return HIGH;
if (winner(board) == CellState.WHITE) {
return LOW;
if (winner(board) == CellState.EMPTY) {
return 0;
if (!board.hasLegalMove(currentColor)) { // other player must have a move or the game would be over, so no infinite loops
return alphaBeta(player, enemy(currentColor), board, alpha, beta, depth);
int[][] legalMoves = board.legalMoves(currentColor);
if (depth == 0) {
return evaluate(board, player.pieceWeight,
player.mobilityWeight, player.cornerWeight,
player.permWeight, player.nearCornerWeight);
if (currentColor == CellState.BLACK) {
int ret = LOW;
for (int[] legalMove : legalMoves) {
Board tempBoard = copy(board);
tempBoard.updateCell(legalMove, currentColor);
ret = Integer.max(ret, alphaBeta(player, enemy(currentColor), boardAdjusted(tempBoard, legalMove), alpha, beta, depth - 1));
alpha = Integer.max(alpha, ret);
if (beta <= alpha) {
return ret;
} else { // if currentColor == CellState.White
int ret = HIGH;
for (int[] legalMove : legalMoves) {
Board tempBoard = copy(board);
tempBoard.updateCell(legalMove, currentColor);
ret = Integer.min(ret, alphaBeta(player, enemy(currentColor), boardAdjusted(tempBoard, legalMove), alpha, beta, depth - 1));
beta = Integer.min(beta, ret);
if (beta <= alpha) {
return ret;
public static int[] getMove(Player player, Board board) {
int[][] legalMoves = board.legalMoves(player.color);
int[] bestMove = null;
int bestValue = 0; // initialize
if (player.color == CellState.BLACK) {
bestValue = LOW;
for (int[] legalMove : legalMoves) {
Board tempBoard = copy(board);
tempBoard.updateCell(legalMove, player.color);
tempBoard = boardAdjusted(tempBoard, legalMove);
int value = alphaBeta(player, enemy(player.color), tempBoard, LOW, HIGH, MAX_DEPTH);
if (value >= bestValue) {
bestValue = value;
bestMove = legalMove;
} else if (player.color == CellState.WHITE) {
bestValue = HIGH;
for (int[] legalMove : legalMoves) {
Board tempBoard = copy(board);
tempBoard.updateCell(legalMove, player.color);
tempBoard = boardAdjusted(tempBoard, legalMove);
int value = alphaBeta(player, enemy(player.color), tempBoard, LOW, HIGH, MAX_DEPTH);
if (value <= bestValue) {
bestValue = value;
bestMove = legalMove;
return bestMove;
public static String getHumanMove(Board board, CellState humanColor) {
String ret = input("Enter a move: ");
if (ret.length() != 2) {
System.out.println("Move must be a letter followed by a number.");
return getHumanMove(board, humanColor);
if (!ALPH.toLowerCase().substring(0,BOARD_SIZE).contains(letterAtIndex(ret, 0).toLowerCase())) {
System.out.println("First character must be a letter (A - " + letterAtIndex(ALPH, BOARD_SIZE - 1) + ").");
return getHumanMove(board, humanColor);
if (!"123456789".substring(0,BOARD_SIZE).contains(letterAtIndex(ret, 1))) {
System.out.println("Second character must be a number (1 - " + letterAtIndex("123456789", BOARD_SIZE - 1) + ").");
return getHumanMove(board, humanColor);
if (!board.isLegal(letterNumberToNumberNumber(ret), humanColor)) {
System.out.println("That is not a legal move.");
return getHumanMove(board, humanColor);
return ret;
public static void congratWinner(CellState theWinner, CellState computer, CellState human) {
if (theWinner == human) {
System.out.println("You win!");
} else if (theWinner == computer) {
System.out.println("You lose.");
} else {
System.out.println("Tie game.");
public static int[] getRandomMove(Board board, CellState color) {
int[][] legals = board.legalMoves(color);
Random ran = new Random();
int r = ran.nextInt(legals.length);
return legals[r].clone();
public static void startComputerVsHumanGame(Player computer) {
Board board = new Board();
CellState turn = CellState.BLACK;
int binaryHumanGoFirst = 0;
while (binaryHumanGoFirst != 1 && binaryHumanGoFirst != 2) {
binaryHumanGoFirst = intInput("Enter 1 to go first, 2 to go second. ");
CellState humanColor;
if (binaryHumanGoFirst == 1) {
computer.color = CellState.WHITE;
humanColor = CellState.BLACK;
} else {
computer.color = CellState.BLACK;
humanColor = CellState.WHITE;
displayBoard(board, computer.color, humanColor, humanColor == CellState.BLACK);
while (winner(board) == null) {
if (turn == humanColor) {
if (board.legalMoves(humanColor).length == 0) {
input("You have no moves. Press Enter.");
} else {
int[] humanMove = letterNumberToNumberNumber(getHumanMove(board, humanColor));
board.updateCell(humanMove, humanColor);
displayBoard(board, computer.color, humanColor, false);
System.out.println("Your piece has been placed. Press Enter again to flip over pieces.");
} else if (turn == computer.color) {
if (board.legalMoves(computer.color).length == 0) {
System.out.println("I have no moves. Press Enter.");
} else {
System.out.println("Computer is thinking...");
int[] computerMove = getMove(computer, board);
System.out.println("I will place my piece in square " + numberNumberToLetterNumber(computerMove));
board.updateCell(computerMove, computer.color);
displayBoard(board, computer.color, humanColor, false);
System.out.println("Computer's piece has been placed " + "in " + numberNumberToLetterNumber(computerMove)+". Press Enter to flip over pieces.");
turn = enemy(turn);
displayBoard(board, computer.color, humanColor, turn == humanColor);
CellState theWinner = winner(board);
congratWinner(theWinner, computer.color, humanColor);
public static void startComputerVsComputerGame(Player computer1, Player computer2, int binaryComputer1GoFirst) {
* computer2 is human for printing purposes
* binaryComputer1GoFirst should be 0 or 1
Board board = new Board();
CellState turn = CellState.BLACK;
if (binaryComputer1GoFirst != 0) {
computer1.color = CellState.BLACK;
computer2.color = CellState.WHITE;
} else {
computer2.color = CellState.BLACK;
computer1.color = CellState.WHITE;
displayBoard(board, computer1.color, computer2.color, false);
while (winner(board) == null) {
if (turn == computer2.color) {
if (board.legalMoves(computer2.color).length == 0) {
System.out.println("computer2 has no moves.");
} else {
int[] computer2Move = getMove(computer2, board);//getRandomMove(board, computer2.color); // to test a computer against a random mover
System.out.println("computer2 will place its piece in square " + numberNumberToLetterNumber(computer2Move));
board.updateCell(computer2Move, computer2.color);
displayBoard(board, computer1.color, computer2.color, false);
board = boardAdjusted(board, computer2Move);
} else if (turn == computer1.color) {
if (board.legalMoves(computer1.color).length == 0) {
System.out.println("computer1 has no moves.");
} else {
int[] computer1Move = getMove(computer1, board);
System.out.println("computer1 will place its piece in square " + numberNumberToLetterNumber(computer1Move));
board.updateCell(computer1Move, computer1.color);
displayBoard(board, computer1.color, computer2.color, false);
board = boardAdjusted(board, computer1Move);
displayBoard(board, computer1.color, computer2.color, false);
turn = enemy(turn);
CellState theWinner = winner(board);
congratWinner(theWinner, computer1.color, computer2.color);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// one can experiment with different stats, which offer different AI strategies
Player computer1 = new Player(CellState.EMPTY, 5,100,10000,0,30); // tested and tried
Player computer2 = new Player(CellState.EMPTY, 1,400,8000,0,700);
Player computer3 = new Player(CellState.EMPTY, 1,100,1000,0,10);
Player computer4 = new Player(CellState.EMPTY, -3,365,9463,0,700);
Player computer5 = new Player(CellState.EMPTY, 1,100,1000,0,1);
Player computer6 = new Player(CellState.EMPTY, 1,2,3,0,1);
Player computer7 = new Player(CellState.EMPTY, 5,100,10000,0,30);
Player computer8 = new Player(CellState.EMPTY, 1,1,1,0,1);
Player computer9 = new Player(CellState.EMPTY, -1,100,1000,0,0);
//startComputerVsComputerGame(computer1, computer9, 0);
* Created by Meir on 1/30/2015.
public class Player {
OthelloGame.CellState color;
int pieceWeight;
int mobilityWeight;
int cornerWeight;
int permWeight;
int nearCornerWeight;
public Player(OthelloGame.CellState myColor, int myPieceWeight,
int myMobilityWeight, int myCornerWeight,
int myPermWeight, int myNearCornerWeight) {
color = myColor;
pieceWeight = myPieceWeight;
mobilityWeight = myMobilityWeight;
cornerWeight = myCornerWeight;
permWeight = myPermWeight;
nearCornerWeight = myNearCornerWeight;
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