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Last active February 12, 2023 20:43
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An example of typing a proxy object to get/set properties in bitESC's components
import {
type ComponentType,
type IWorld,
type ISchema,
} from "bitecs";
// Schema
const Scalar = { v: Types.ui32 };
const Vector2 = { x: Types.ui32, y: Types.ui32 };
// Components
const Position = defineComponent(Vector2);
const Speed = defineComponent(Scalar);
// Queries
export const queryAll = defineQuery([]);
// Helpers
type SchemaProxy<S extends ISchema, V = number> = { [SK in keyof S]: V };
type GetSchema<T> = T extends ComponentType<infer U> ? U : never;
type ComponentMapProxy<C extends ComponentType<any>> = {
[CK in keyof C]: SchemaProxy<GetSchema<C[CK]>>;
function createEntity<
W extends IWorld,
C extends Record<string, ComponentType<any>>
world: W,
components: C
): { eid: ReturnType<typeof addEntity> } & ComponentMapProxy<C> {
const eid = addEntity(world);
const entity = { eid };
for (const [name, component] of Object.entries(components)) {
addComponent(world, component, eid);
entity[name] = {};
for (const property in component)
if (!property.match(/^Symbol/))
proxy[name] = {
get [property]() {
return component[property][eid];
set [property](v: number) {
component[property][eid] = v;
return entity as any;
// Main
export const world = createWorld();
export const position = createEntity(world, { Position });
export const speed = createEntity(world, { Speed });
export const positionAndSpeed = createEntity(world, { Position, Speed });
position.Position.x = 1;
position.Position.y = 1;
speed.Speed.v = 10;
positionAndSpeed.Position.x = 1;
positionAndSpeed.Position.y = 1;
positionAndSpeed.Speed.v = 2;
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