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Created June 15, 2017 12:20
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#!/usr/bin/env python
APM DataFlash log file reader
Copyright Andrew Tridgell 2011
Released under GNU GPL version 3 or later
Partly based on SDLog2Parser by Anton Babushkin
from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
import struct
from . import mavutil
long # Python 2 has long
except NameError:
long = int # But Python 3 does not
"b": ("b", None, int),
"B": ("B", None, int),
"h": ("h", None, int),
"H": ("H", None, int),
"i": ("i", None, int),
"I": ("I", None, int),
"f": ("f", None, float),
"n": ("4s", None, str),
"N": ("16s", None, str),
"Z": ("64s", None, str),
"c": ("h", 0.01, float),
"C": ("H", 0.01, float),
"e": ("i", 0.01, float),
"E": ("I", 0.01, float),
"L": ("i", 1.0e-7, float),
"d": ("d", None, float),
"M": ("b", None, int),
"q": ("q", None, long), # Backward compat
"Q": ("Q", None, long), # Backward compat
class DFFormat(object):
def __init__(self, type, name, flen, format, columns):
self.type = type = name
self.len = flen
self.format = format
self.columns = columns.decode().rstrip('\x00').split(',')
except Exception as e:
self.columns = columns.rstrip('\x00').split(',')
if self.columns == ['']:
self.columns = []
msg_struct = "<"
msg_mults = []
msg_types = []
for c in format:
if c == 0:
(s, mul, type) = FORMAT_TO_STRUCT[c]
msg_struct += s
except KeyError as e:
print("DFFormat: Unsupported format char: '%s' in message %s" % (c, name))
raise Exception("Unsupported format char: '%s' in message %s" % (c, name))
self.msg_struct = msg_struct
self.msg_types = msg_types
self.msg_mults = msg_mults
self.colhash = {}
for i in range(len(self.columns)):
self.colhash[self.columns[i]] = i
def __str__(self):
return "DFFormat(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (self.type,, self.format, self.columns)
def null_term(_str):
'''null terminate a string'''
_str = _str.decode()
except Exception as e:
return _str.rstrip('\x00')
class DFMessage(object):
def __init__(self, fmt, elements, apply_multiplier):
self.fmt = fmt
self._elements = elements
self._apply_multiplier = apply_multiplier
self._fieldnames = fmt.columns
def to_dict(self):
d = {'mavpackettype':}
for field in self._fieldnames:
d[field] = self.__getattr__(field)
return d
def __getattr__(self, field):
'''override field getter'''
i = self.fmt.colhash[field]
except Exception:
raise AttributeError(field)
v = self._elements[i]
if self.fmt.format[i] != 'M' or self._apply_multiplier:
v = self.fmt.msg_types[i](v)
if self.fmt.msg_types[i] == str:
v = null_term(v)
if self.fmt.msg_mults[i] is not None and self._apply_multiplier:
v *= self.fmt.msg_mults[i]
return v
def get_type(self):
def __str__(self):
ret = "%s {" %
col_count = 0
for c in self.fmt.columns:
ret += "%s : %s, " % (c, self.__getattr__(c))
col_count += 1
if col_count != 0:
ret = ret[:-2]
return ret + '}'
def get_msgbuf(self):
'''create a binary message buffer for a message'''
values = []
for i in range(len(self.fmt.columns)):
if i >= len(self.fmt.msg_mults):
mul = self.fmt.msg_mults[i]
name = self.fmt.columns[i]
if name == 'Mode' and 'ModeNum' in self.fmt.columns:
name = 'ModeNum'
v = self.__getattr__(name)
if mul is not None:
v /= mul
return struct.pack("BBB", 0xA3, 0x95, self.fmt.type) + struct.pack(self.fmt.msg_struct, *values)
def get_fieldnames(self):
return self._fieldnames
class DFReaderClock(object):
'''base class for all the different ways we count time in logs'''
def __init__(self):
self.timestamp = 0
def _gpsTimeToTime(self, week, msec):
'''convert GPS week and TOW to a time in seconds since 1970'''
epoch = 86400*(10*365 + (1980-1969)/4 + 1 + 6 - 2)
return epoch + 86400*7*week + msec*0.001 - 15
def set_timebase(self, base):
self.timebase = base
def message_arrived(self, m):
def rewind_event(self):
class DFReaderClock_usec(DFReaderClock):
'''DFReaderClock_usec - use microsecond timestamps from messages'''
def __init__(self):
def find_time_base(self, gps, first_us_stamp):
'''work out time basis for the log - even newer style'''
t = self._gpsTimeToTime(gps.GWk, gps.GMS)
self.set_timebase(t - gps.TimeUS*0.000001)
# this ensures FMT messages get appropriate timestamp:
self.timestamp = self.timebase + first_us_stamp*0.000001
def type_has_good_TimeMS(self, type):
'''The TimeMS in some messages is not from *our* clock!'''
if type.startswith('ACC'):
return False;
if type.startswith('GYR'):
return False;
return True
def should_use_msec_field0(self, m):
if not self.type_has_good_TimeMS(m.get_type()):
return False
if 'TimeMS' != m._fieldnames[0]:
return False
if self.timebase + m.TimeMS*0.001 < self.timestamp:
return False
return True;
def set_message_timestamp(self, m):
if 'TimeUS' == m._fieldnames[0]:
# only format messages don't have a TimeUS in them...
m._timestamp = self.timebase + m.TimeUS*0.000001
elif self.should_use_msec_field0(m):
# ... in theory. I expect there to be some logs which are not
# "pure":
m._timestamp = self.timebase + m.TimeMS*0.001
m._timestamp = self.timestamp
self.timestamp = m._timestamp
class DFReaderClock_msec(DFReaderClock):
'''DFReaderClock_msec - a format where many messages have TimeMS in their formats, and GPS messages have a "T" field giving msecs '''
def find_time_base(self, gps, first_ms_stamp):
'''work out time basis for the log - new style'''
t = self._gpsTimeToTime(gps.Week, gps.TimeMS)
self.set_timebase(t - gps.T*0.001)
self.timestamp = self.timebase + first_ms_stamp*0.001
def set_message_timestamp(self, m):
if 'TimeMS' == m._fieldnames[0]:
m._timestamp = self.timebase + m.TimeMS*0.001
elif m.get_type() in ['GPS','GPS2']:
m._timestamp = self.timebase + m.T*0.001
m._timestamp = self.timestamp
self.timestamp = m._timestamp
class DFReaderClock_px4(DFReaderClock):
'''DFReaderClock_px4 - a format where a starting time is explicitly given in a message'''
def __init__(self):
self.px4_timebase = 0
def find_time_base(self, gps):
'''work out time basis for the log - PX4 native'''
t = gps.GPSTime * 1.0e-6
self.timebase = t - self.px4_timebase
def set_px4_timebase(self, time_msg):
self.px4_timebase = time_msg.StartTime * 1.0e-6
def set_message_timestamp(self, m):
m._timestamp = self.timebase + self.px4_timebase
def message_arrived(self, m):
type = m.get_type()
if type == 'TIME' and 'StartTime' in m._fieldnames:
class DFReaderClock_gps_interpolated(DFReaderClock):
'''DFReaderClock_gps_interpolated - for when the only real references in a message are GPS timestamps '''
def __init__(self):
self.msg_rate = {}
self.counts = {}
self.counts_since_gps = {}
def rewind_event(self):
'''reset counters on rewind'''
self.counts = {}
self.counts_since_gps = {}
def message_arrived(self, m):
type = m.get_type()
if not type in self.counts:
self.counts[type] = 1
self.counts[type] += 1
# this preserves existing behaviour - but should we be doing this
# if type == 'GPS'?
if not type in self.counts_since_gps:
self.counts_since_gps[type] = 1
self.counts_since_gps[type] += 1
if type == 'GPS' or type == 'GPS2':
def gps_message_arrived(self, m):
'''adjust time base from GPS message'''
# msec-style GPS message?
gps_week = getattr(m, 'Week', None)
gps_timems = getattr(m, 'TimeMS', None)
if gps_week is None:
# usec-style GPS message?
gps_week = getattr(m, 'GWk', None)
gps_timems = getattr(m, 'GMS', None)
if gps_week is None:
if getattr(m, 'GPSTime', None) is not None:
# PX4-style timestamp; we've only been called
# because we were speculatively created in case no
# better clock was found.
t = self._gpsTimeToTime(gps_week, gps_timems)
deltat = t - self.timebase
if deltat <= 0:
for type in self.counts_since_gps:
rate = self.counts_since_gps[type] / deltat
if rate > self.msg_rate.get(type, 0):
self.msg_rate[type] = rate
self.msg_rate['IMU'] = 50.0
self.timebase = t
self.counts_since_gps = {}
def set_message_timestamp(self, m):
rate = self.msg_rate.get(, 50.0)
if int(rate) == 0:
rate = 50
count = self.counts_since_gps.get(, 0)
m._timestamp = self.timebase + count/rate
class DFReader(object):
'''parse a generic dataflash file'''
def __init__(self):
# read the whole file into memory for simplicity
self.clock = None
self.timestamp = 0
self.mav_type = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_FIXED_WING
self.verbose = False
self.params = {}
def _rewind(self):
'''reset state on rewind'''
self.messages = { 'MAV' : self }
self.flightmode = "UNKNOWN"
self.percent = 0
if self.clock:
def init_clock_px4(self, px4_msg_time, px4_msg_gps):
self.clock = DFReaderClock_px4()
if not self._zero_time_base:
return True
def init_clock_msec(self):
# it is a new style flash log with full timestamps
self.clock = DFReaderClock_msec()
def init_clock_usec(self):
self.clock = DFReaderClock_usec()
def init_clock_gps_interpolated(self, clock):
self.clock = clock
def init_clock(self):
'''work out time basis for the log'''
# speculatively create a gps clock in case we don't find anything
# better
gps_clock = DFReaderClock_gps_interpolated()
self.clock = gps_clock
px4_msg_time = None
px4_msg_gps = None
gps_interp_msg_gps1 = None
first_us_stamp = None
first_ms_stamp = None
have_good_clock = False
while True:
m = self.recv_msg()
if m is None:
type = m.get_type()
if first_us_stamp is None:
first_us_stamp = getattr(m, "TimeUS", None);
if first_ms_stamp is None and (type != 'GPS' and type != 'GPS2'):
# Older GPS messages use TimeMS for msecs past start
# of gps week
first_ms_stamp = getattr(m, "TimeMS", None);
if type == 'GPS' or type == 'GPS2':
if getattr(m, "TimeUS", 0) != 0 and \
getattr(m, "GWk", 0) != 0: # everything-usec-timestamped
if not self._zero_time_base:
self.clock.find_time_base(m, first_us_stamp)
have_good_clock = True
if getattr(m, "T", 0) != 0 and \
getattr(m, "Week", 0) != 0: # GPS is msec-timestamped
if first_ms_stamp is None:
first_ms_stamp = m.T
if not self._zero_time_base:
self.clock.find_time_base(m, first_ms_stamp)
have_good_clock = True
if getattr(m, "GPSTime", 0) != 0: # px4-style-only
px4_msg_gps = m
if getattr(m, "Week", 0) != 0:
if gps_interp_msg_gps1 is not None and \
(gps_interp_msg_gps1.TimeMS != m.TimeMS or \
gps_interp_msg_gps1.Week != m.Week):
# we've received two distinct, non-zero GPS
# packets without finding a decent clock to
# use; fall back to interpolation. Q: should
# we wait a few more messages befoe doing
# this?
have_good_clock = True
gps_interp_msg_gps1 = m
elif type == 'TIME':
'''only px4-style logs use TIME'''
if getattr(m, "StartTime", None) != None:
px4_msg_time = m;
if px4_msg_time is not None and px4_msg_gps is not None:
self.init_clock_px4(px4_msg_time, px4_msg_gps)
have_good_clock = True
# print("clock is " + str(self.clock))
if not have_good_clock:
# we failed to find any GPS messages to set a time
# base for usec and msec clocks. Also, not a
# PX4-style log
if first_us_stamp is not None:
elif first_ms_stamp is not None:
def _set_time(self, m):
'''set time for a message'''
# really just left here for profiling
m._timestamp = self.timestamp
if len(m._fieldnames) > 0 and self.clock is not None:
def recv_msg(self):
return self._parse_next()
def _add_msg(self, m):
'''add a new message'''
type = m.get_type()
self.messages[type] = m
if self.clock:
if type == 'MSG':
if m.Message.find("Rover") != -1:
self.mav_type = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_GROUND_ROVER
elif m.Message.find("Plane") != -1:
self.mav_type = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_FIXED_WING
elif m.Message.find("Copter") != -1:
self.mav_type = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR
elif m.Message.startswith("Antenna"):
self.mav_type = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_ANTENNA_TRACKER
if type == 'MODE':
if isinstance(m.Mode, str):
self.flightmode = m.Mode.upper()
elif 'ModeNum' in m._fieldnames:
mapping = mavutil.mode_mapping_bynumber(self.mav_type)
if mapping is not None and m.ModeNum in mapping:
self.flightmode = mapping[m.ModeNum]
self.flightmode = mavutil.mode_string_acm(m.Mode)
if type == 'STAT' and 'MainState' in m._fieldnames:
self.flightmode = mavutil.mode_string_px4(m.MainState)
if type == 'PARM' and getattr(m, 'Name', None) is not None:
self.params[m.Name] = m.Value
def recv_match(self, condition=None, type=None, blocking=False):
'''recv the next message that matches the given condition
type can be a string or a list of strings'''
if type is not None and not isinstance(type, list):
type = [type]
while True:
m = self.recv_msg()
if m is None:
return None
if type is not None and not m.get_type() in type:
if not mavutil.evaluate_condition(condition, self.messages):
return m
def check_condition(self, condition):
'''check if a condition is true'''
return mavutil.evaluate_condition(condition, self.messages)
def param(self, name, default=None):
'''convenient function for returning an arbitrary MAVLink
parameter with a default'''
if not name in self.params:
return default
return self.params[name]
class DFReader_binary(DFReader):
'''parse a binary dataflash file'''
def __init__(self, filename, zero_time_base=False):
# read the whole file into memory for simplicity
f = open(filename, mode='rb') =
self.data_len = len(
self.HEAD1 = 0xA3
self.HEAD2 = 0x95
self.formats = {
0x80 : DFFormat(0x80, 'FMT', 89, 'BBnNZ', "Type,Length,Name,Format,Columns")
self._zero_time_base = zero_time_base
def _rewind(self):
'''rewind to start of log'''
self.offset = 0
self.remaining = self.data_len
def _parse_next(self):
'''read one message, returning it as an object'''
if self.data_len - self.offset < 3:
return None
hdr =[self.offset:self.offset+3]
skip_bytes = 0
skip_type = None
# skip over bad messages
while (hdr[0] != self.HEAD1 or hdr[1] != self.HEAD2 or hdr[2] not in self.formats):
if skip_type is None:
skip_type = (hdr[0], hdr[1], hdr[2])
skip_start = self.offset
skip_bytes += 1
self.offset += 1
if self.data_len - self.offset < 3:
return None
hdr =[self.offset:self.offset+3]
msg_type = hdr[2]
if skip_bytes != 0:
if self.remaining < 528:
return None
print("Skipped %u bad bytes in log at offset %u, type=%s" % (skip_bytes, skip_start, skip_type))
self.remaining -= skip_bytes
self.offset += 3
self.remaining -= 3
if not msg_type in self.formats:
if self.verbose:
print("unknown message type %02x" % msg_type)
raise Exception("Unknown message type %02x" % msg_type)
fmt = self.formats[msg_type]
if self.remaining < fmt.len-3:
# out of data - can often happen half way through a message
if self.verbose:
print("out of data")
return None
body =[self.offset:self.offset+(fmt.len-3)]
elements = None
elements = list(struct.unpack(fmt.msg_struct, body))
except Exception:
if self.remaining < 528:
# we can have garbage at the end of an APM2 log
return None
# we should also cope with other corruption; logs
# transfered via DataFlash_MAVLink may have blocks of 0s
# in them, for example
print("Failed to parse %s/%s with len %u (remaining %u)" % (, fmt.msg_struct, len(body), self.remaining))
if elements is None:
return self._parse_next()
name = null_term(
if name == 'FMT':
# add to formats
# name, len, format, headings
self.formats[elements[0]] = DFFormat(elements[0],
null_term(elements[2]), elements[1],
null_term(elements[3]), null_term(elements[4]))
except Exception:
return self._parse_next()
self.offset += fmt.len-3
self.remaining -= fmt.len-3
m = DFMessage(fmt, elements, True)
self.percent = 100.0 * (self.offset / float(self.data_len))
return m
def DFReader_is_text_log(filename):
'''return True if a file appears to be a valid text log'''
f = open(filename)
ret = ('FMT, ') != -1)
return ret
class DFReader_text(DFReader):
'''parse a text dataflash file'''
def __init__(self, filename, zero_time_base=False):
# read the whole file into memory for simplicity
f = open(filename, mode='r')
self.lines = f.readlines()
self.formats = {
'FMT' : DFFormat(0x80, 'FMT', 89, 'BBnNZ', "Type,Length,Name,Format,Columns")
self._zero_time_base = zero_time_base
def _rewind(self):
'''rewind to start of log'''
self.line = 0
# find the first valid line
while self.line < len(self.lines):
if self.lines[self.line].startswith("FMT, "):
self.line += 1
def _parse_next(self):
'''read one message, returning it as an object'''
this_line = self.line
while self.line < len(self.lines):
s = self.lines[self.line].rstrip()
elements = s.split(", ")
this_line = self.line
# move to next line
self.line += 1
if len(elements) >= 2:
# this_line is good
if this_line >= len(self.lines):
return None
# cope with empty structures
if len(elements) == 5 and elements[-1] == ',':
elements[-1] = ''
self.percent = 100.0 * (this_line / float(len(self.lines)))
msg_type = elements[0]
if not msg_type in self.formats:
return self._parse_next()
fmt = self.formats[msg_type]
if len(elements) < len(fmt.format)+1:
# not enough columns
return self._parse_next()
elements = elements[1:]
name ='\0')
if name == 'FMT':
# add to formats
# name, len, format, headings
self.formats[elements[2]] = DFFormat(int(elements[0]), elements[2], int(elements[1]), elements[3], elements[4])
m = DFMessage(fmt, elements, False)
except ValueError:
return self._parse_next()
return m
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
use_profiler = False
if use_profiler:
from line_profiler import LineProfiler
profiler = LineProfiler()
filename = sys.argv[1]
if filename.endswith('.log'):
log = DFReader_text(filename)
log = DFReader_binary(filename)
while True:
m = log.recv_msg()
if m is None:
if use_profiler:
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