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Last active December 18, 2015 13:19
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Save SamuelMarks/5789380 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python script to help me keep track of how much of the university material I have gotten through up until exams
import win32com.client # If I can be bothered, will switch to using an Open Source cross-platform API
from glob import glob
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader
from os import getcwd
from datetime import datetime
def pdf_page_count(filename):
curr = open(filename, "rb")
page_count = PdfFileReader(curr).getNumPages()
return page_count
def presentation_slide_count(filename):
Presentation = PowerPoint.Presentations.Open(getcwd() + '\\' + filename)
slide_count = len(Presentation.Slides)
return slide_count
def document_page_count(filename):
Doc = Word.Documents.Open(getcwd() + '\\' + filename)
page_count = Doc.ActiveWindow.Panes(1).Pages.Count
return page_count
if __name__ == '__main__':
powerpoints = glob('*/*/*.pptx') + glob('*/*/*.ppt')
documents = glob('*/*/*.docx') + glob('*/*/*.doc')
pdf = glob('*/*/*.pdf')
PowerPoint = win32com.client.Dispatch("PowerPoint.Application")
#Word = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application")
total_pdf_pages = sum([pdf_page_count(pdf) for pdf in pdf])
total_powerpoint_slides = sum([presentation_slide_count(presentation)
for presentation in powerpoints])
#document_page_count = sum([document_page_count(document)
# for document in documents])
#print 'document_page_count = {0}'.format(document_page_count)
print 'total_pdf_pages = {0}'.format(total_pdf_pages)
print 'total_powerpoint_slides = {0}'.format(total_powerpoint_slides)
total_slide_count = total_pdf_pages + total_powerpoint_slides
done = 449.0
exams_start = datetime(year=2013, month=6, day=20, hour=13, minute=20)
while exams_start >
done = float(raw_input('\nHow many slides are you through now? [last_count={0}]: '.format(done)))
time_left = exams_start -
print '{0}% through'.format(done / total_slide_count * 100)
print 'Need to do {per_day} for the next {days_left} days and {hours_left} hours'.format(
per_day=(total_slide_count - done) / time_left.days,
hours_left=time_left.total_seconds() / (60 * 60) % 24)
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