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San3ko / appeal_ban.txt
Created September 26, 2015 17:47
ets ban appeal
Playing this awesome from first realese i had never banned/kicked/complained. I have reporting so much time, but NO ONE was banned or kicked.
Today (26/09/2015) i have banned for parking on non-collision location with my friends. We spoke guy for give space to as and had immediately(!) banned (not kiced) for 2 days.
I can explain situation: we came to gas station, to make save-on-road. On gas station, on the middle was a guy. We spoke him to give space to park (we can't block entire gas station, right?). He PARKED, so we parked next to him (close or not) to save our games. So, we not blocking "...user's travels path...", just because it parked.
Most offensive in this situation - admin immidialty ban us, but when we report users in-game NO ONE was blocked.
After 3 bans guys just left parking. I have one question: why he don't say, if he want leave (then we can move to give him space to leave gas station)?
If he have friendship with admin, i'ts cool, but NOT fair.
I'm not asking to remove ban. I ask t
San3ko / gist:7178760
Created October 27, 2013 07:20
Код для menu.lst в grub4dos
title Reset Windows Password
map --mem (hd0,0)/iso/tools/RWPL.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)
San3ko / gist:6884962
Created October 8, 2013 13:48
use /C<NUM> key
Процедура КнопкаВыполнитьНажатие(Кнопка)
Перем ПЗ;
Путь_файла = "C:\Users\Ivan\Documents\GitHub\PShell\changer\src\changer.exe";
Полный_путь = Путь_файла + " -pid " + ПЗ;
San3ko / gist:6883500
Created October 8, 2013 11:49
получение pid в 1с
Функция ПолучитьPID()
Перем oLocator, oService, oShell, oApp, oChildProcess;
Перем чPID;
чPID = -1;
oLocator = СоздатьОбъект("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator");
oService = oLocator.ConnectServer(".", "root\CIMV2");
// Запускаем дочерний rundll32.exe
program PR1;
uses crt;
const n=5; m=5;
type mas= Array[1..n,1..m] of integer;
stroka= array[1..100] of string;
Procedure menu;
program PR1;
uses crt;
const n=5; m=5;
type mas= Array[1..n,1..m] of integer;
stroka= array[1..100] of string;
Procedure menu;
San3ko / gist:6478626
Last active December 22, 2015 13:19
dir 320 tftp script
@echo off
echo ==================================================================
echo This batch file will upload dd-wrt firmware in the current directory to
echo during the router's bootup.
echo * Set your ethernet card's settings to:
echo IP: echo Mask: echo Gateway:
echo * Unplug the router's power cable.
echo Press Ctrl+C to abort or any other key to continue... pause > nul
[root@FoxShare ~]# df -h
Файловая система Разм Исп Дост Исп% смонтирована на
1,8T 1,4T 287G 84% /
/dev/sda1 99M 20M 75M 21% /boot
tmpfs 1,9G 0 1,9G 0% /dev/shm
[root@FoxShare ~]# df -h
Файловая система Разм Исп Дост Исп% смонтирована на
1,8T 1,4T 290G 84% /
Владислав Зайко (21:06:48 10/01/2013):
Здравствуйте, я насчет бана, извините что "Загадил вашу стену." Просто новый, молодой отряд, нужны способы пиар, я использовал вашу группу.
Иван Тюрин (21:07:53 10/01/2013):
зачем цитируете то что я не писал?
у нас в правилах группы ясно прописан момент рекламы отрядов
Иван Тюрин (21:08:04 10/01/2013):
San3ko / pr2.pas
Last active December 10, 2015 04:38
исправленная версия второй лабы
program PR1;
uses crt;
const n=5; m=5;
type mas= Array[1..n,1..m] of integer;
stroka= array[1..100] of string;
Procedure menu;