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Created December 2, 2012 18:09
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Save SanAndreaP/4190223 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@echo off
color 0f
echo =====================================================================
echo SanAndreasPs JAR packager for Minecraft Forge modifications
echo =====================================================================
set /p mcppath=<mcp.txt
set /p modfolder="Enter mod foldername: "
set /p jarfilename="Enter jar filename: "
echo -----------------------------------------------------
echo Recompiling Minecraft
echo -----------------------------------------------------
cd %mcppath%
color 0a
runtime\bin\python\python_mcp runtime\ %*
echo -----------------------------------------------------
echo Reobfuscating Minecraft
echo -----------------------------------------------------
color 0b
runtime\bin\python\python_mcp runtime\ %*
color 0f
echo -----------------------------------------------------
echo Packing jar
echo -----------------------------------------------------
cd /d %0\..
del /F /S /Q ".\jarfile\*"
del /F /S /Q ".\obfFiles\*"
rmdir /S /Q ".\obfFiles\*"
cd ".\obfFiles"
xcopy O:\Dropbox\SAP_MyMods_II\Source\common\SanAndreasP\mods\%modfolder%\* .\SanAndreasP\mods\%modfolder%\ /s /e /c /i /y
xcopy O:\Dropbox\SAP_MyMods_II\Source\src\SanAndreasP\mods\%modfolder%\* .\SanAndreasP\mods\%modfolder%\ /s /e /c /i /y
del /F /S /Q ".\*.java"
xcopy %mcppath%\reobf\minecraft\SanAndreasP\mods\%modfolder%\* .\SanAndreasP\mods\%modfolder%\ /s /e /c /i /y
cd "..\stuff"
jar cvfM "..\jarfile\%jarfilename%.jar" "main.class"
jar uvfM "..\jarfile\%jarfilename%.jar" "DO NOT UNZIP THIS"
cd "..\obfFiles"
jar uvfM "..\jarfile\%jarfilename%.jar" *
cd "..\modfiles"
jar uvfm "..\jarfile\%jarfilename%.jar" "..\stuff\manifest.txt" *
cd ..
echo ---------------------------
set /p confirm=" Continue? (Y/N) "
echo ---------------------------
IF %confirm%==Y GOTO Programm
IF %confirm%==y GOTO Programm
IF %confirm%==Yes GOTO Programm
IF %confirm%==yes GOTO Programm
IF %confirm%==YES GOTO Programm
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