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Last active July 11, 2021 16:00
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  • Save SandeepAggarwal/4826f9e674341ed88df327ad401fdf09 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import PlaygroundSupport
class Node {
var data: Int
var next: Node?
init(data: Int) { = data
init(treeNode: TreeNode) { =
class LinkedList: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
var result = ""
var current: Node? = head
while let node = current {
result.append("\( -> ")
current = current?.next
return result
var head: Node?
init(head: Node) {
self.head = head
init(treeNode: TreeNode) {
self.head = Node(treeNode: treeNode)
func append(node: Node) {
guard let head = head else {
self.head = node
var current: Node? = head
while (current?.next != nil) {
current = current?.next
current?.next = node
class TreeNode {
var data: Int
var left: TreeNode?
var right: TreeNode?
init(data: Int) { = data
class Tree {
var root: TreeNode
init(root: TreeNode) {
self.root = root
func printLinkedListsUsingBFS() {
for list in linkedListsUsingBFS() {
func printLinkedListsUsingDFS() {
for list in linkedListsUsingDFS() {
func linkedListsUsingBFS() -> [LinkedList] {
var lists = [LinkedList]()
var parents = [root]
var children = [TreeNode]()
var level = 0
while !parents.isEmpty {
children = []
for parent in parents {
if let left = parent.left {
if let right = parent.right {
link(treeNode: parent, to: &lists, at: level)
parents = children
level += 1
return lists
func linkedListsUsingDFS() -> [LinkedList] {
var lists = [LinkedList]()
linkUsingDFS(nodes: [root], to: &lists, at: 0)
return lists
func linkUsingDFS(nodes: [TreeNode], to lists: inout [LinkedList], at level: Int) {
for node in nodes {
link(treeNode: node, to: &lists, at: level)
var children = [TreeNode]()
if let left = node.left {
if let right = node.right {
linkUsingDFS(nodes: children, to: &lists, at: level+1)
func link(treeNode: TreeNode, to lists: inout [LinkedList], at level: Int) {
let list: LinkedList
if lists.count > level {
list = lists[level]
list.append(node: Node(treeNode: treeNode))
} else {
list = LinkedList(treeNode: treeNode)
let node1 = TreeNode(data: 1)
let node2 = TreeNode(data: 2)
let node3 = TreeNode(data: 3)
let node4 = TreeNode(data: 4)
let node5 = TreeNode(data: 5)
let node6 = TreeNode(data: 6)
let node7 = TreeNode(data: 7)
let node8 = TreeNode(data: 8)
let node9 = TreeNode(data: 9)
let node10 = TreeNode(data: 10)
let node11 = TreeNode(data: 11)
node1.left = node2
node1.right = node3
node2.left = node4
node2.right = node5
node3.left = node6
node3.right = node7
node4.left = node8
node4.right = node9
node5.left = node10
node5.right = node11
let tree = Tree(root: node1)
print("List of depths using BFS: ")
print("\nList of depths using DFS: ")
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