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Last active May 6, 2021 10:22
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  • Save Sander-Kastelein/53460dc67352decd6c1b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Sander-Kastelein/53460dc67352decd6c1b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
just a little hack to make it work for me
/*! angular-sails-bind - v1.0.5 - 2014-05-20
* Copyright (c) 2014 Diego Pamio; Licensed MIT */
/*global angular:false */
/*global io:false */
* Angular service to handle SailsJs resources.
* @author Diego Pamio - Github: diegopamio
* @return {object} Object of methods
function parseRecursive(object){
if(typeof object === 'string'){
object = JSON.parse(object);
}else if(typeof object === 'object'){
for(k in object){
object[k] = parseRecursive(object[k]);
return object;
var app = angular.module("ngSailsBind", []);
app.factory('$sailsBind', [
'$q', "$rootScope", "$timeout", "$log",
function ($q, $rootScope, $timeout, $log) {
'use strict';
* This function basically does three things:
* 1. Creates an array inside $scope and fills it with a socket get call to backend pointed by the
* resourceName endpoint.
* 2. Setup the socket's incoming messages (created, updated and destroyed) to update the model.
* 3. Setup watchers to the model to persist the changes via socket to the backend.
* @param resourceName {string} is the name of the resource in the backend to bind, can have prefix route.
* @param $scope {object} is the scope where to attach the bounded model.
* @param subset {json} is the query parameters where you can filter and sort your initial model fill.
* check!documentation/reference/Blueprints/FindRecords.html to see
* what you can send.
var bind = function (resourceName, $scope, subset) {
var prefix = resourceName.split('/');
if(prefix.length>1) {
resourceName = prefix.splice(prefix.length - 1, 1);
prefix = prefix.join('/') + '/';
prefix = '';
var defer_bind = new $q.defer();
//1. Get the initial data into the newly created model.
var requestEnded = _get("/" + prefix + resourceName, subset);
requestEnded.then(function (data) {
if ( ! Array.isArray(data) ) {
$scope[resourceName + "s"] = data;
addCollectionWatchersToSubitemsOf(data, $scope, resourceName, prefix);
//2. Hook the socket events to update the model.
function onMessage(message) {
var elements = $scope[resourceName + "s"],
actions = {
created: function () {
$scope[resourceName + "s"].push(;
return true;
updated: function () {
var updatedElement = elements.find(
function (element) {
return ==;
if (updatedElement) { = parseRecursive(;
return true;
return false;
destroyed: function () {
var deletedElement = elements.find(
function (element) {
return ==;
if (deletedElement) {
elements.splice(elements.indexOf(deletedElement), 1);
return true;
return false;
if (actions[message.verb]) {
if (actions[message.verb]())
$timeout(function(){ $scope.$apply(); });
} else {
$log.log("Unknown action »"+message.verb+"«");
io.socket.on(resourceName, onMessage);
$scope.$on(resourceName, function (event, message) {
if ($scope.$id!=message.scope)
//3. Watch the model for changes and send them to the backend using socket.
function init() {
$scope.$watchCollection(resourceName + "s", function (newValues, oldValues) {
var addedElements, removedElements;
newValues = newValues || [];
oldValues = oldValues || [];
addedElements = diff(newValues, oldValues);
removedElements = diff(oldValues, newValues);
removedElements.forEach(function (item) {
_get("/" + prefix + resourceName + "?id=" + ).then(function (itemIsOnBackend) {
if (itemIsOnBackend && !itemIsOnBackend.error) {
$rootScope.$broadcast(resourceName, { id:, verb: 'destroyed', scope: $scope.$id });
io.socket.delete("/" + prefix + resourceName + '/destroy/' +;
addedElements.forEach(function (item) {
if (! { //if is a brand new item w/o id from the database
io.socket.put("/" + prefix + resourceName + '/create/', item, function (data) {
_get("/" + prefix + resourceName + "/" + ).then(function (newData) {
angular.extend(item, newData);
$rootScope.$broadcast(resourceName, { id:, verb: 'created', scope: $scope.$id, data: angular.copy(item) });
// Add Watchers to each added element
addCollectionWatchersToSubitemsOf(addedElements, $scope, resourceName,prefix);
return defer_bind.promise;
* Adds watchers to each item in the model to perform the "post" when something there changes.
* @param model is the model to watch
* @param scope is the scope where the model belongs to
* @param resourceName is the "singular" version of the model as used by sailsjs
var addCollectionWatchersToSubitemsOf = function (model, scope, resourceName, prefix) {
model.forEach(function (item) {
resourceName + 's' + '[' + scope[resourceName + "s"].indexOf(item) + ']',
function (newValue, oldValue) {
if (oldValue && newValue) {
if (!angular.equals(oldValue, newValue) && // is in the database and is not new == && //not a shift
oldValue.updatedAt === newValue.updatedAt) { //is not an update FROM backend
$rootScope.$broadcast(resourceName, { id:, verb: 'updated', scope: scope.$id, data: angular.extend(angular.copy(newValue),{ updatedAt: (new Date()).toISOString() }) });"/" + prefix + resourceName + '/update/' +,
* Internal "get" function inherited. it does the standard request, but it also returns a promise instead
* of calling the callback.
* @param url url of the request.
* @param additional extra info (usually a query restriction)
* @returns {Deferred.promise|*}
* @private
var _get = function (url, additional) {
var defer = new $q.defer();
additional = additional || {};
io.socket.get(url, additional, function (res) {
return defer.promise;
return {
bind: bind
if (!Array.prototype.find) {
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'find', {
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: function(predicate) {
if (this == null) {
throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.find called on null or undefined');
if (typeof predicate !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function');
var list = Object(this);
var length = list.length >>> 0;
var thisArg = arguments[1];
var value;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i in list) {
value = list[i];
if (, value, i, list)) {
return value;
return undefined;
if(!Array.isArray) {
Array.isArray = function(arg) {
return === '[object Array]';
function diff(arr1, arr2) {
return arr1.filter(function (i) {
return arr2.indexOf(i) < 0;
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