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Created December 9, 2017 00:56
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[size=25px][b]A brief history of the Swiss Guard[/b][/size]
Due to the long tradition of Swiss mercenaries I would like to present you a brief history of the Swiss Guard. This is just a small overview about the most important moments in the history of the Papal guard.
[b]1506 - Founding[/b]
For more than 500 years, the Swiss Guard has been serving the popes and guarding the Vatican. It all began in 1506, when the first Swiss arrived at the request of Pope Julius II. The choice of the Pope to recruit Swiss mercenaries did not come without reason. The Confederate soldiers were considered to be invincible because of their courage, their noble disposition and their proverbial loyalty.
[b]1527 - Sacco di Roma[/b]
On the morning of May 6, 1527, Captain-General Bourbon ordered the attack from his headquarters, the Monastery of Sant'Onofrio on the Gianicolo. At the Porta del Torrione he was mortally wounded when he started to storm the city wall. After a brief hesitation the Spanish mercenaries broke through the Porta del Torrione. The Swiss Guard, which had been gather at the Obelisk, and the few Roman troops offered desperate resistance. The commander Kaspar Roist was wounded and later stabbed in the quarter by the Spaniards in a barbaric way in front of his wife. 147 of the 189 guardsmen died heroically. The remaining 42 Swiss guards accompanied Pope Clement VII to his sanctuary, the Castel Sant'Angelo. The rescue of Pope Clement VII and his people enabled a secret escape, the so-called "Passetto". Spaniards flocked to the city over Ponte Sistoin, spreading terror and violence for eight days, robbing and murdering. They even broke the graves of the popes, including that of Julius II, to plunder them. The papal garrison was replaced by four companies of German and Spanish soldiers. The Swiss Guard was abolished and its service taken over by 200 mercenaries. The Pope succeeded in allowing the surviving Swiss to enter the new guard, but only twelve of them made use of this offer. The others did not want to have anything to do with the hated mercenaries.
The Swiss Guard was restored in 1548 by Paul III, due to the negotiation of a peace agreement.
[b]1870 - End of the Papal State[/b]
The outbreak of the war between France and Prussia in July 1870 marked the end of the temporal power of the Church.
Thus ended a centuries-long epoch in which the secular power of the Church had required an army led by the Pope. From now on, the Swiss Guard had "only" the task of protecting the life of the Pope and to ensure the safety of the Vatican and the summer residence of the Pope in Castel Gandolfo.
[b]1929 - Latern Treaty[/b]
The Lateran Treaty between the Italian State and the Holy See on February 11, 1929, fell under the command of the Guards Commander Hirschbühl. In it, the Holy See was granted the exclusive and absolute right to govern itself politically and legally. Subsequently, on 15 February, the Swiss General Council confirmed Parliament's opinion: "The papal guard can not be considered a foreign, armed entity under Article 94 of the Military Criminal Law; Since this troop is a simple watch police, anyone, as before, can enter their service without the consent of the entire Federal Council. "
The creation of the new state, the Vatican City, required the creation of regular checkpoints at Arco delle Campane and Porta Sant'Anna on its borders. The Portone Borgia, however, was closed. Pope Pius V had a church built in 1568 especially for the Guard, and now it was again at their disposal. For centuries, the Church of San Pellegrino, linked to the history of the Swiss at the Holy Chair, was made available to the Vigilanza of the Vatican.
[center][b][color=#4f5]Back to the present[/color][/b]
[i]To honor Switzerlands tradition we formed an own group of mercenaries. We are a multinational organisation and do not know boarders for members and missions.
If you are interested in our organization please take a look at the questionnaire.
We are the [b]SWISS MERCENARIES![/b][/center][/i]
[center][b][color=#4f5]Our principles[/color][/b]
[b]Honesty[/b] - We will never tell anyone about your plans or betray you once hired
[b]Affordability[/b] - One of the most affordable mercenaries groups
[b]Quality[/b] - What we promise will be delivered
[i]"Si vis pacem, para bellum." [/i] [/center]
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*Consider that we only accept applications from players with level 60 or more
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