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Created June 24, 2014 20:35
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  • Save SaneMethod/58295a47f58cc6275800 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SaneMethod/58295a47f58cc6275800 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Websockets for Backbone+Marionette
* Copyright (c) Christopher Keefer. All Rights Reserved.
* Overrides the default transport for Backbone syncing to use websockets via Includes marionette
* convenience code, specifically for sending socket-related events along the global event aggregator.
(function(app, Backbone, Marionette, $, _, io){
var urlError = function(){
throw new Error('A "url" property or function must be specified.');
eventEmit = io.EventEmitter.prototype.emit,
ajaxSync = Backbone.sync;
* Preserve the standard, jquery ajax based persistance method as ajaxSync.
Backbone.ajaxSync = function(method, model, options){
return, method, model, options);
* Replace the standard sync function with our new, websocket/ based solution.
Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options){
var opts = _.extend({}, options),
defer = $.Deferred(),
promise = defer.promise(),
opts.url = (opts.url) ? _.result(opts, 'url') : (model.url) ? _.result(model, 'url') : void 0;
// If no url property has been specified, throw an error, as per the standard Backbone sync
if (!opts.url) urlError();
namespace =, opts.url);
// Determine what data we're sending, and ensure id is present if we're performing a PATCH call
if (! && model) = opts.attrs || model.toJSON(options) || {};
if (( === null || === void 0) && opts.patch === true && model){ =;
// Determine which websocket to use - set in options, on model, or on global app
socket = opts.socket || model.socket || app.socket;
// Trigger the app event aggregator for interested listeners to know we're about to request data via websocket
app.vent.trigger('backbone:request', namespace);
// Add a listener for our namespaced method, and resolve or reject our deferred based on the response
socket.once(namespace+method, function(res){
var success = (res && res.success);
// Trigger the app event aggregator to indicate we've received a return from the server, and success
app.vent.trigger('backbone:receive', namespace, success);
if (success)
if (_.isFunction(options.success)) options.success(res);
if (_.isFunction(options.error)) options.error(res);
// Emit our namespaced method and the model+opts data
// Trigger the request event on the model, as per backbone spec
model.trigger('request', model, promise, opts);
// Return the promise for us to use as per usual (hanging .done blocks off, add to a .when, etc.)
return promise;
* Break url apart to create namespace - every '/' save any pre/post-fixing the url will become a ':' indicating
* namespace - so a collection that maps to /api/posts will now have its events on the namespace
* api:posts: (ie. api:posts:create, api:posts:delete, etc.), and a model that maps to /api/posts/21
* will have events on api:posts:21: (ie. api:posts:21:update, api:posts:21:patch, etc.)
* @param {string=} url
Backbone.Model.prototype.namespace = function(url){
url = url || this.url();
return _.trim(url, '/').replace('/', ':') + ":";
* Override EventEmitter.emit and SocketNamespace reference for to add a catch all case for the
* wildcard ('*') character. Now, socket.on('*') will catch any event, with the name of the caught event
* passed to the handler as the first argument.
io.EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(name){
var args =, 1);
eventEmit.apply(this, ['*', name].concat(args));
eventEmit.apply(this, [name].concat(args));
io.SocketNamespace.prototype.$emit = io.EventEmitter.prototype.emit;
* Create a socket io instance that will echo all events into the application event aggregator, so that
* collections, models, etc. can listen on app.vent for their events.
* @param {string=} url
* @constructor
Marionette.Application.prototype.SocketIO = function(url){
var socket = io.connect(url, {
* On any event from the server, trigger it on the app event aggregator. The first
* argument will always be the name of the event.
socket.on('*', function(){
var args =, 0);
app.vent.trigger(args[0], args.slice(1));
* On error, trigger the socket:error event on the global event aggregator for
* interested listeners.
socket.on('error', function(err){
app.vent.trigger('socket:error', err);
return socket;
})(app /* replace with your global app object */, Backbone, Backbone.Marionette, jQuery, _, io);
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