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Last active April 9, 2022 09:35
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"""Huffman Puffman.
Visualize the Tree on
import heapq
from collections import Counter
def encode_message(message):
Convert the String to a Fixed 8 bit binary
ord(character) -> Unicode -> 08b binary
return ("".join(f"{ord(i):08b}" for i in message))
def decode_message(binary):
Convert 8 bit binary stream to string
int(08 Binary, 2) -> chr(Unicode) -> String
binary_stream = [binary[bit:bit+8] for bit in range(0, len(binary), 8)]
return str(''.join([chr(int(byte, 2)) for byte in binary_stream]))
Since high frequency characters are more important
A perfect implementation candidate is a priority queue
class HuffmanCode(object):
Generate Huffman Code
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message
self.characters = [char for char in message]
self.symbols = Counter(self.characters)
char_count = Counter(self.characters)
mapping = dict.fromkeys(char_count.keys(),'')
hq = []
for key, value in char_count.items():
heapq.heappush(hq, (value, key))
while len(hq) > 1:
freq_left, character_left = heapq.heappop(hq)
freq_right, character_right = heapq.heappop(hq)
for left in character_left:
mapping[left] = '0' + mapping[left]
for right in character_right:
mapping[right] = '1' + mapping[right]
freq_sum =freq_left + freq_right
character_sum = f'{character_left}{character_right}'
heapq.heappush(hq, (freq_sum, character_sum))
self.mapping = mapping
def binary_map(self):
return self.mapping
def encode(self):
encoded_binary = ''
binary_map = self.mapping
for symbol in self.characters:
return encoded_binary
def decode(self, bits):
_mapping = {v: k for k, v in self.mapping.items()}
decoded_string = ''
index = 0
while index < 20:
part = bits[:index]
if part in _mapping:
bits = bits[index:]
index = 0
return decoded_string
all_star = """
Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead
Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
So much to do, so much to see
So what's wrong with taking the back streets?
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow
Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play
Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold
It's a cool place and they say it gets colder
You're bundled up now, wait 'til you get older
But the meteor men beg to differ
Judging by the hole in the satellite picture
The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
The water's getting warm so you might as well swim
My world's on fire, how about yours?
That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored
Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play
Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid
All that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold
Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play
Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show, on get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars
Somebody once asked could I spare some change for gas?
I need to get myself away from this place
I said, "Yup" what a concept
I could use a little fuel myself
And we could all use a little change
Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
So much to do, so much to see
So what's wrong with taking the back streets?
You'll never know if you don't go (go!)
You'll never shine if you don't glow
Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play
Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold
ones_and_zeros = encode_message(all_star)
print("Normal Binary Coding needs",len(ones_and_zeros), "bits")
decoded_message = decode_message(ones_and_zeros)
print("Can be decoded:",decoded_message == all_star)
hc = HuffmanCode(all_star)
ones_and_zeros_huffman = hc.encode()
print("Huffman Coding needs",len(ones_and_zeros_huffman), "bits")
decoded_message_huffman = hc.decode(ones_and_zeros_huffman)
print("Can be decoded:",decoded_message_huffman == all_star)
reduction = (len(ones_and_zeros_huffman)/len(ones_and_zeros)) * 100
print("Encoded bits reduced",reduction, "percent")
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