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Created March 21, 2021 10:47
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Creates a Pytorch dataset to load the Pascal VOC & MS COCO datasets
class YOLODataset(Dataset):
def __init__(
S=[13, 26, 52],
self.annotations = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
self.img_dir = img_dir
self.label_dir = label_dir
self.image_size = image_size
self.transform = transform
self.S = S
self.anchors = torch.tensor(anchors[0] + anchors[1] + anchors[2]) # for all 3 scales
self.num_anchors = self.anchors.shape[0]
self.num_anchors_per_scale = self.num_anchors // 3
self.C = C
self.ignore_iou_thresh = 0.5
def __len__(self):
return len(self.annotations)
def __getitem__(self, index):
label_path = os.path.join(self.label_dir, self.annotations.iloc[index, 1])
bboxes = np.roll(np.loadtxt(fname=label_path, delimiter=" ", ndmin=2), 4, axis=1).tolist()
img_path = os.path.join(self.img_dir, self.annotations.iloc[index, 0])
image = np.array("RGB"))
# apply augmentations with albumentations
if self.transform:
augmentations = self.transform(image=image, bboxes=bboxes)
image = augmentations["image"]
bboxes = augmentations["bboxes"]
# Building the targets below:
# Below assumes 3 scale predictions (as paper) and same num of anchors per scale
targets = [torch.zeros((self.num_anchors // 3, S, S, 6)) for S in self.S]
for box in bboxes:
iou_anchors = iou(torch.tensor(box[2:4]), self.anchors)
anchor_indices = iou_anchors.argsort(descending=True, dim=0)
x, y, width, height, class_label = box
has_anchor = [False] * 3 # each scale should have one anchor
for anchor_idx in anchor_indices:
scale_idx = anchor_idx // self.num_anchors_per_scale
anchor_on_scale = anchor_idx % self.num_anchors_per_scale
S = self.S[scale_idx]
i, j = int(S * y), int(S * x) # which cell
anchor_taken = targets[scale_idx][anchor_on_scale, i, j, 0]
if not anchor_taken and not has_anchor[scale_idx]:
targets[scale_idx][anchor_on_scale, i, j, 0] = 1
x_cell, y_cell = S * x - j, S * y - i # both between [0,1]
width_cell, height_cell = (
width * S,
height * S,
) # can be greater than 1 since it's relative to cell
box_coordinates = torch.tensor(
[x_cell, y_cell, width_cell, height_cell]
targets[scale_idx][anchor_on_scale, i, j, 1:5] = box_coordinates
targets[scale_idx][anchor_on_scale, i, j, 5] = int(class_label)
has_anchor[scale_idx] = True
elif not anchor_taken and iou_anchors[anchor_idx] > self.ignore_iou_thresh:
targets[scale_idx][anchor_on_scale, i, j, 0] = -1 # ignore prediction
return image, tuple(targets)
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