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Created November 27, 2010 00:47
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Many many time ago, when FFTW isn't yet wroted...
#ifndef DcomplexCPP
#define DcomplexCPP
template <class T>
class dcomplex
T re, im;
dcomplex (const T& re_arg=0, const T& imag_arg=0)
re = re_arg;
im = imag_arg;
dcomplex<T>& operator= (const T&);
dcomplex<T>& operator+= (const T&);
dcomplex<T>& operator-= (const T&);
dcomplex<T>& operator*= (const T&);
dcomplex<T>& operator/= (const T&);
dcomplex<T>& operator= (const dcomplex<T>&);
dcomplex<T>& operator+= (const dcomplex<T>&);
dcomplex<T>& operator-= (const dcomplex<T>&);
dcomplex<T>& operator*= (const dcomplex<T>&);
dcomplex<T>& operator/= (const dcomplex<T>&);
// Temporarily turn off the warnings under the Borland compiler that
// say 'Functions containing ... cannot be inlined'
//#if defined(__BORLANDC__)
//#pragma option -w-inl
//! @todo Check this
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T>& dcomplex<T>::operator= (const T& rhs)
re = rhs; im = 0.0;
return *this;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T>& dcomplex<T>::operator+= (const T& rhs)
re += rhs;
return *this;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T>& dcomplex<T>::operator-= (const T& rhs)
re -= rhs;
return *this;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T>& dcomplex<T>::operator*= (const T& rhs)
im *= rhs;
re *= rhs;
return *this;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T>& dcomplex<T>::operator/= (const T& rhs)
re /= rhs;
im /= rhs;
return *this;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T>& dcomplex<T>::operator= (const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
re =;
im =;
return *this;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T>& dcomplex<T>::operator+= (const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
re +=;
im +=;
return *this;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T>& dcomplex<T>::operator-= (const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
re -=;
im -=;
return *this;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T>& dcomplex<T>::operator*= (const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
T tmp = re* - im*;
im = im* + re*;
re = tmp;
return *this;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T>& dcomplex<T>::operator/= (const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
T norm =* +*;
T tmp = (re* + im*;
im = (im* - re*;
re = tmp;
return *this;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> operator+ (const dcomplex<T>& lhs, const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
dcomplex<T> tmp = lhs;
return tmp += rhs;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> operator+ (const dcomplex<T>& lhs, const T& rhs)
return dcomplex<T>(,;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> operator+ (const T& lhs, const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
return dcomplex<T>(,;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> operator- (const dcomplex<T>& lhs, const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
dcomplex<T> tmp = lhs;
return tmp -= rhs;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> operator- (const dcomplex<T>& lhs, const T& rhs)
return dcomplex<T>(,;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> operator- (const T& lhs, const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
return dcomplex<T>(,;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> operator* (const dcomplex<T>& lhs, const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
dcomplex<T> tmp = lhs;
return tmp *= rhs;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> operator* (const dcomplex<T>& lhs, const T& rhs)
return dcomplex<T>(rhs*, rhs*;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> operator* (const T& lhs, const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
return dcomplex<T>(lhs*, lhs*;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> operator/ (const dcomplex<T>& lhs, const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
dcomplex<T> tmp = lhs;
return tmp /= rhs;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> operator/ (const dcomplex<T>& lhs, const T& rhs)
return dcomplex<T>(,;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> operator/ (const T& lhs, const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
register T denom =* +*;
return dcomplex<T>(lhs*,(-lhs*;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> operator+ (const dcomplex<T>& lhs)
return lhs;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> operator- (const dcomplex<T>& lhs)
return dcomplex<T>(,;
template <class T>
inline bool operator== (const dcomplex<T>& lhs, const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
return == && ==;
template <class T>
inline bool operator== (const T& lhs, const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
return lhs == && == 0;
template <class T>
inline bool operator== (const dcomplex<T>& lhs, const T& rhs)
return == rhs && == 0;
template <class T>
inline bool operator!= (const dcomplex<T>& lhs, const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
return != || !=;
template <class T>
inline bool operator!= (const T& lhs, const dcomplex<T>& rhs)
return lhs != || != 0;
template <class T>
inline bool operator!= (const dcomplex<T>& lhs, const T& rhs)
return != rhs || != 0;
template <class T>
inline T real (const dcomplex<T>& a)
template <class T>
inline T imag (const dcomplex<T>& a)
template <class T>
inline T norm (const dcomplex<T>& a)
return* +*;
template <class T>
inline T abs (const dcomplex<T>& a)
return sqrt(norm(a));
template <class T>
inline T arg (const dcomplex<T>& a)
return a == dcomplex<T>(0,0) ? T(0) : atan2(,;
template <class T>
dcomplex<T> conj (const dcomplex<T>& a)
return dcomplex<T>(,;
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> polar (const T& r, const T& theta)
return dcomplex<T>(r*cos(theta), r*sin(theta));
// transcendentals
// dcomplex<T> cosine of dcomplex<T> number a
// cos (a) = cos u * cosh v - i * sin u * sinh v
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> cos (const dcomplex<T>& a)
return dcomplex<T>(cos(*cosH(, -sin(*sinH(;
// dcomplex<T> hyperbolic cosine of dcomplex<T> number a
// cosh (a) = cosh u * cosv + i * sinh u * sin v
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> cosh (const dcomplex<T>& a)
return dcomplex<T>(cosH(*cos(, sinH(*sin(;
// dcomplex<T> exponential of dcomplex<T> number a
// exp (a) = exp(u) * (cos v + i * sin v)
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> exp (const dcomplex<T>& a)
register T e = exp(;
return dcomplex<T>(e*cos(, e*sin(;
// dcomplex<T> natural log of dcomplex<T> number a
// log(a) = log(r) + i * theta
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> log (const dcomplex<T>& a)
return dcomplex<T>(log(abs(a)), arg(a));
// For all the power functions:
// 0**0 == 1
// 0**x == 0 for x != 0
// dcomplex<T> number a raised to an integer power n
// a**n = r**n * (cos(n theta) + i sin (n theta))
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> pow (const dcomplex<T>& a, int n)
if( a == dcomplex<T>(0, 0) )
if( n == 0 )
return dcomplex<T>(1, 0);
return dcomplex<T>(0, 0);
if( == 0 )
if( < 0 )
return pow(a, dcomplex<T>(n, 0));
return dcomplex<T>(pow(, n), 0);
register T r = pow(T(abs(a)), T(n));
register T th = T(n) * arg(a);
return dcomplex<T>(r*cos(th), r*sin(th));
// dcomplex<T> number a raised to a real power s
// a**s = exp(s * log(a))
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> pow (const dcomplex<T>& a, T s)
if( a == dcomplex<T>(0,0) )
if( s == T(0) )
return dcomplex<T>(1, 0);
return dcomplex<T>(0, 0);
if( == 0 )
if( < 0 )
return pow(a, dcomplex<T>(s,0));
return dcomplex<T>(pow(,s), 0);
return exp(s*log(a));
// real number s raised to a dcomplex<T> power a
// s**a = exp(a * log (s))
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> pow (T s, const dcomplex<T>& a)
if( s == T(0) )
if( a == dcomplex<T>(0, 0) )
return dcomplex<T>(1, 0);
return dcomplex<T>(0, 0);
if( s < 0 )
return pow(dcomplex<T>(s,0), a);
if( == 0 )
return dcomplex<T>(pow(s,, 0);
return dcomplex<T>(exp(a*(T)log(s)));
// dcomplex<T> number a1 raised to a dcomplex<T> power a2
// a1**a2 = rho * (cos(phi) + i sin(phi))
// rho = r1 **u2 * exp (-v2* theta1)
// phi = v2 * log(r1) + u2 * theta1
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> pow (const dcomplex<T>& a1, const dcomplex<T>& a2)
if( a1 == dcomplex<T>(0, 0) )
if( a2 == dcomplex<T>(0, 0) )
return dcomplex<T>(1, 0);
return dcomplex<T>(0, 0);
T r1 = abs(a1);
T u2 = real(a2);
T v2 = imag(a2);
T th1 = arg(a1);
T rho = pow(r1, u2)*exp(-v2*th1);
T phi = v2*log(r1) + u2*th1;
return dcomplex<T>(rho*cos(phi), rho*sin(phi));
// dcomplex<T> sine of dcomplex<T> number a
// sin (a) = sin u * cosh v + i * cos u * sinh v
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> sin (const dcomplex<T>& a)
return dcomplex<T>(sin(*cosH(, cos(*sinH(;
// dcomplex<T> hyperbolic sine of dcomplex<T> number a
// sinh (a) = sinh u cos v + i cosh u sin v
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> sinh (const dcomplex<T>& a)
return dcomplex<T>(sinH(*cos(, cosH(*sin(;
// dcomplex<T> square root of dcomplex<T> number a
// sqrt(a) = sqrt(r) * ( cos (theta/2) + i sin (theta/2) )
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> sqrt (const dcomplex<T>& a)
register T r = sqrt(abs(a));
register T th = arg(a)/2.;
return dcomplex<T>(r*cos(th), r*sin(th));
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> tan (const dcomplex<T>& a)
return sin(a)/cos(a);
template <class T>
inline dcomplex<T> tanh (const dcomplex<T>& a)
return sinh(a)/cosh(a);
#ifndef FftCPP
#define FftCPP
#include "dcomplex.cpp"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
! 1D Fast Fourier Transform.
! Replaces XOK by its discrete Fourier transform,
! if IC is input as 1 or replaces XOK by its inverse discrete
! Fourier transform, if IC is input as -1. XOK is a complex array
! of length N. N must be an integer power of 2. This is checked for.
! In: complex xok(n) - complex field or its spectrum
! integer n - array dimension - integer power of two
! integer ic - direct (ic=+1) or inverse (ic=-1) transform
! Out: xok(n) - complex field or its spectrum
! n - unchanged
! ic - unchanged
! Calls to external FUNCTIONS and SUBROUTINES:
template <class ddouble>
int FFT1D(dcomplex <ddouble> *xok, int n, int ic);
! 2D FFT. Replaces AM by its 2D discrete Fourier transform,
! if IC is input as 1 or replaces AM by its inverse discrete
! Fourier transform, if IC is input as -1. AM is a complex array
! (N*N2). Both N and N2 must be an integer power of 2.
! NOTE Internal static complex array XOK is used for temporal
! storage of data. Parameter JJ defines the number of ellements of
! static array. Both N and M in this case must be less or equal to JJ.
! In: complex AM(N,M) - complex field or its spectrum
! integer N - number of rows - integer power of two <= JJ
! integer M - number of columns - power of two <= JJ
! integer IC - direct (IC=+1) or inverse (IC=-1) transform
! Out:AM(N,M) - complex field or its spectrum
! N - unchanged
! IC - unchanged
! Calls to external FUNCTIONS and SUBROUTINES:
! CALL fort1(XOK,N,IC)
template <class ddouble>
int FFT2D(dcomplex <ddouble> **AM,int N,int M,int IC);
#include "fft.h"
! 1D Fast Fourier Transform.
! Replaces XOK by its discrete Fourier transform,
! if IC is input as 1 or replaces XOK by its inverse discrete
! Fourier transform, if IC is input as -1. XOK is a complex array
! of length N. N must be an integer power of 2. This is checked for.
! In: complex xok(n) - complex field or its spectrum
! integer n - array dimension - integer power of two
! integer ic - direct (ic=+1) or inverse (ic=-1) transform
! Out: xok(n) - complex field or its spectrum
! n - unchanged
! ic - unchanged
! Calls to external FUNCTIONS and SUBROUTINES:
template <class ddouble>
int FFT1D(dcomplex <ddouble> *xok, int n, int ic)
ddouble pi = 3.14159265358979;
dcomplex <ddouble> u, w, t;
ddouble si, co, pi1;
int mm, m, i, nv2, nm1, le, le1, j, k, ip, l;
//! calculate degree
mm = n;
m = 1;
for( i = 1; i <= n; i++ )
mm = mm / 2;
if( mm < 2 ) break;
m = m + 1;
//! must be integer of 2
if( (int)pow(2, m) != n ) return(-1);
nv2 = n/2;
nm1 = n - 1;
j = 1;
for( i = 1; i <= nm1; i++ )
if( i < j )
t = xok[j-1];
xok[j-1] = xok[i-1];
xok[i-1] = t;
k = nv2;
gt6: if( k < j )
j = j - k;
k = k/2;
goto gt6;
j = j + k;
for( l = 1; l <= m; l++ )
{ = 1.0; = 0.0;
le = pow(2.0, l);
le1 = le/2.0;
pi1 = pi/(ddouble)(le1);
si = -ic*sin(pi1);
co = cos(pi1); = co; = si;
for( j = 1;j<=le1;j++)
for( i = j; i <= n; i += le )
ip = i + le1;
t = xok[ip-1]*u;
xok[ip-1] = xok[i-1]-t;
xok[i-1] = xok[i-1]+t;
u = u*w;
// Delenie na n
if( ic > 0)
for( i = 1; i <= n; i++ )
xok[i-1].re = xok[i-1].re/(ddouble)n;
xok[i-1].im = xok[i-1].im/(ddouble)n;
return 0;
! 2D FFT. Replaces AM by its 2D discrete Fourier transform,
! if IC is input as 1 or replaces AM by its inverse discrete
! Fourier transform, if IC is input as -1. AM is a complex array
! (N*N2). Both N and N2 must be an integer power of 2.
! NOTE Internal static complex array XOK is used for temporal
! storage of data. Parameter JJ defines the number of ellements of
! static array. Both N and M in this case must be less or equal to JJ.
! In: complex AM(N,M) - complex field or its spectrum
! integer N - number of rows - integer power of two <= JJ
! integer M - number of columns - power of two <= JJ
! integer IC - direct (IC=+1) or inverse (IC=-1) transform
! Out:AM(N,M) - complex field or its spectrum
! N - unchanged
! IC - unchanged
! Calls to external FUNCTIONS and SUBROUTINES:
! CALL fort1(XOK,N,IC)
template <class ddouble>
int FFT2D(dcomplex <ddouble> **AM,int N,int M,int IC)
int L, K;
dcomplex <ddouble> *XOK;
if( ( XOK = (dcomplex <ddouble> *)malloc(M*sizeof(dcomplex <ddouble>)) ) == NULL ) return 1;
for( L = 1; L <= M; L++ )
FFT1D( AM[L-1], N, IC);
for( K = 1; K <= N; K++ )
for( L = 1; L <= N2; L++ )
XOK[L-1] = AM[L-1][K-1];
for( L = 1; L <= M; L++ )
AM[L-1][K-1] = XOK[L-1];
return 0;
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