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Last active October 28, 2015 06:31
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React Flux Concepts

What is Flux?

  • Flux is a architectural pattern with a uni-directional data flow and centralized dispatcher.
  • It was started by Facaebook
  • Flux deals with actions and data changes

Alternatives to Flux

  • Alt
  • Reflux
  • Flummox
  • Marty
  • Fluxxor
  • Delorean
  • Redux
  • NuclearJS
  • Fluxible

The Problem


Two-way Binding vs Uni-Directional Flow


3 Parts of Flux


The Big Picture



  • Action encapsulates specific events happening in the application (Eg: Save User, Delete Item)
  • Triggered by User Interaction or Server
  • Passes to dispatcher as helper methods
  • Every action payload has Type and Data



  • All data flows through Dispatcher as centralized hub - Singleton (we have only one dispatcher)
  • Holds list of callbacks
  • Broadcasts payload to registered callbacks
  • Sends actions to stores


* Keep things organized
* Provide high livel view of what the app actually does


  • Store is a centralized place where application state and logic is stored. They don't have direct setter methods, they update via callbacks registered with dispatcher.
  • App data store. They hold Application State, logic and data retrival methods
  • Not a model. It Contains model
  • One or many stores in the app
  • Registers Callbacks with the Dispatchers
  • Uses Node's EventEmitter

Structure of the Store

Every store has these common traits (interfaces):

  1. Extend EventEmitter
  2. addChangeListener and removeChangeListener
  3. emitChange


Controller View

  • Controller View is nothing but Top Level Component that helps composing child components
  • They Interacts with Stores, When an Store emits a update, the Controller View should pass the state to children as props
  • Holds data in state
  • Its recommended not to nest Controller View (Must be kept at top level)

Flux Chat


Flux API - 5 Functions

  • register(function callback) - Runs store when actions happen
  • unRegister(string id) - Un register store from the specific action
  • waitFor(array ids) - Update Store Order
  • dispatch(object Payload) - Action notifies dispatcher to update the store
  • isDispatching() - Boolean which is true when dispatcher is busy dispatching something

So Flux is Pub-Sub Model ?

Not Quite

Differs in two ways:

  • Every Payload is dispatched to all registered callbacks
  • Callbacks can wait for other callbacks
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