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Last active July 20, 2021 18:27
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Understanding React a bit more

"state dispatch function" accepts current state value as first parameter so use that

setCount(count + 1) --> Wrong way

Problem of using above approach

setCount(count => count + 1) --> Correct way

useState accepts function as intial value (useState Lazy initialization)

So if you are a heavy task to get intial value for useState then using function that returns heavy task output to that useState. For Example, Let's say your inital value to useState is


we know that getting value from localStorage and parsing is a heavy task.

const [userData, setUserData] = useState(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userData'))) --> Inefficient Way

So what happens here is that when our component re-renders by other reasons then useState is gonna do the same getting item from localStorage and parsing which is ineffificent

  cosnt [userData, setUserData] = useState(() => JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userData'))) --> Efficient Way

So by providing function that does the heavy lifting. React will only call the function when it needs the initial value (which is when the component is initially rendered) and after that it does not call the function to set inital value on every re-renders.

Accessing DOM using useRef hook

As we know react doesnot allow us to directly interact with DOM, although we might use something like


but later it is converted to

React.createElement('h1',{children: 'Title'}).

So inorder to access DOM we need to wait for react to finish

React.render(<App />,document.getElementById('div'))

and then after first render we can access DOM using useRef hook

const inputRef = useRef()

React.useEffect(() => {
  const inputNode = inputRef.current
  // do something with inputNode

<input ref={inputRef} />

Stop using isLoading booleans

Using a status enum (or even better: a state machine) will help your app stay bug free.

status: 'started'
status: 'pending'
status: 'idle'
status: 'resolved'
status: 'rejected'

Use ErrorBoundary component

You never know what error might occur so rather than writing your own error catcher we can wrap component with ErrorBoudnary component to prevent from distrupting the whole site on error.

Simple Error boundary implementation

Also we have an opensource npm package called *react-error-boundary

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