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Forked from ralphbean/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Script to scrape images from a flickr account.
Author: Ralph Bean <>
import ConfigParser
import urllib
import requests
# Get config secrets from a file
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()['flickr.ini', '/etc/flickr.ini'])
flickr_api_key = config.get('general', 'flickr_api_key')
# API urls
flickr_url = ''
def flickr_request(**kwargs):
response = requests.get(flickr_url, params=dict(
return response.json()
def get_flickr_page(nsid, page=1):
return flickr_request(
content_type=1, # photos only
def get_photos_for_person(nsid):
pages = get_flickr_page(nsid)['photos']['pages']
seen = {}
# Step backwards through the pictures
for page in range(pages, 1, -1):
d = get_flickr_page(nsid, page=page)
for photo in d['photos']['photo']:
yield photo
def main():
nsid = raw_input("NSID of the flickr user you want to scrape: ")
# First get all photos
photos = get_photos_for_person(nsid)
# Then, with photo objects, get the images
# Each of these photo objects looks something like this
# {u'farm': 8,
# u'id': u'13606821584',
# u'isfamily': 0,
# u'isfriend': 0,
# u'ispublic': 1,
# u'owner': u'65490292@N04',
# u'secret': u'c5bfa5eb3e',
# u'server': u'7171',
# u'title': u''}
output = 'flickr/'
prefix = "http://farm{farm}{server}/"
suffix = "{id}_{secret}_b.jpg"
template = prefix + suffix
for i, photo in enumerate(photos):
url = template.format(**photo)
index = "%0.6i" % i
local = output + index + "-" + suffix.format(**photo)
print "* saving", url
urllib.urlretrieve(url, local)
print " as", local
if __name__ == '__main__':
flickr_api_key = put-your-api-key-here
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